#seitokai discord
tokidokitokyo · 3 months
February 2024 Seitokai Bookclub | レーエンデ国物語
This month our first book club read of the year kicks off! We are reading レーエンデ国物語 (which is around middle school level, with a lot of fantasy type vocabulary).
Join us in the Seitokai Discord Server and grab the Japanese bookclub role to get started! Message me with any questions you might have!
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Bookclub FAQ (courtesy of @onigiriforears)
What if I've never read a book in Japanese yet? I'm not confident in my skills.
That's fine! Not only do we always have a group vocab sheet that we collectively add to (anonymously), but we have ongoing discussions about whatever book we're reading. That means you're free to ask questions, send screenshots, rant about a character or anything like that. You'll definitely find me asking about certain grammar points or if using a particular set of kanji for a word changes the nuance in a particular sentence.
What's the goal of your bookclub?
We're interested in fostering confidence in reading in your target language without feeling that you have no one to turn to. Our server has people of all levels of fluency, meaning that there's always someone who can answer your question. And if we can't, we have people we can reach out to ask. We won't leave you hanging!
You don't seem to choose books I'm interested in--how can I change that?
We take suggestions and vote as a bookclub for what we'll be reading next. If your book doesn't win the first time you submit it, try, try again!
Where can I get this book?
I got a digital copy on bookwalker.jp but you can also get it on other Japanese book websites, like Kinokuniya or Amazon. Ask in Discord for more information!
We hope to see you there! Seitokai Discord Server
27 notes · View notes
chouhatsumimi · 1 year
Vocabulary from コンビニ人間
Finally finished Conbini Ningen thanks to the Seitokai Book Club! It was a hard book to get through for me thematically, but it’s been on my list to read for years, so I’m very happy to have been able to complete it! I made a list of the words I looked up, copied here below, but it’s over 300 words long so I’m hopefully using a read more (provided tumblr cooperates)!
有線放送 ゆうせんほうそう cable broadcast
鼓膜 こまく eardrum, tympanic membrane / tímpano, membrana timpánica
物色 ぶっしょく looking for a particular person or thing, searching high and low, hunting for, rummaging, scouring (a place) looking for (something), picking out, singling out
納品 のうひん delivery of goods
検品 けんぴん inspection, checking (goods, products)
整然, 井然 せいぜん orderly, regular, systematic, well-organized, well-organised, trim, tidy, accurate / limpio, arreglado, ordenado
微か, 幽か かすか faint, dim, weak, slight, vague, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched, meagre, meager, scanty / débil, discretito
案の定, 案の条, 案の上 あんのじょう just as one thought, as usual, sure enough / justo como uno piensa, como de costumbre
会釈 えしゃく slight bow (as a greeting or sign of gratitude), nod, salutation, consideration, thoughtfulness / saludo, saludar
抜き取る ぬきとる to pull out, to draw out, to disconnect, to steal contents of, to pilfer (from), to pickpocket
不図, 不斗, 不圖 ふと suddenly, casually, accidentally, incidentally, unexpectedly, unintentionally
咄嗟に とっさに at once, right away, promptly, on the spur of the moment / al acto, al instante, al momento
細心 さいしん meticulous, careful, discreet, scrupulous, prudent
颯と, 颯っと さっと quickly (esp. actions), suddenly (esp. wind, rain, etc.) / rápidamente, instantáneamente, repentinamente, de repente, al instante, de sopetón, de golpe
万券 まんけん ten-thousand yen note
収まる, 納まる おさまる to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.), to be contained within, to fall within (e.g. a budget), to settle down (into), to be installed (in one's rightful place), to be returned (to one's original position), to settle into (one's position), to take up (a post), to occupy (a role), to be delivered, to be paid (e.g. taxes), to be settled (dispute, conflict, etc.), to be sorted, to subside (e.g. wind), to calm down, to abate, to be satisfied (e.g. with an answer), to consent, to agree / caber en, alojarse, finalizarse
朧気, 朧げ, 朧ろ気 おぼろげ vague, faint, dim, indistinct, hazy, blurry
郊外 こうがい suburb, residential area on the outskirt of a city, commuter belt / suburbios, afueras
ぐにゃり, くにゃり flabbily, softly, limply, easily (bend), effortlessly, flexibly, mushily
ぎょっと, ギョッと being startled / conmocionarse, impresionarse
がばっと, がばと, がはと, かばと suddenly, all of a sudden, quickly, emphatically, energetically
凝視 ぎょうし stare, gaze, fixation
咎める とがめる to blame, to reproach, to censure, to rebuke, to reprove, to find fault, to take to task, to criticize, to criticise, to question (a suspect), to challenge, to aggravate (an injury), to be aggravated, to get inflamed, to prick (one's conscience) / reprobar, censurar, regañar, reprender
絶句 ぜっく, ぜく being lost for words, becoming speechless, jueju (Chinese quatrain with lines of either five or seven syllables)
懸命 けんめい eager, earnest, strenuous, fervent, assiduous, with utmost effort
取っ組み合い とっくみあい grapple, scuffle
絶叫 ぜっきょう scream, shriek, shout, exclamation
すっ転ぶ, 素っ転ぶ すっころぶ to (dramatically) fall over, to fall flat
惨状 さんじょう disastrous scene, terrible spectacle / imagen deplorable, escena dantesca
しどろもどろ, シドロモドロ confused, disordered, faltered, incoherent, inconsistent
喚き散らす, わめき散らす わめきちらす to rant and rave, to raise hell
悲壮 ひそう tragic but brave, heroic, grim, pathetic / trágico, triste
心細い こころぼそい helpless, forlorn, hopeless, unpromising, lonely, discouraging, disheartening / desvalido, abandonado, desamparado, desesperanzado, poco prometedor, solitario, desalentador, deprimente, descorazonador
困惑 こんわく bewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment, discomfiture, bafflement / desconcierto, perturbación
処世術 しょせいじゅつ worldly wisdom, secret of success in life
徹底 てってい thoroughness, completeness, consistency, thorough enforcement, seeing to it that a policy, etc. is carried out without exception / rigurosidad, integridad
毒にも薬にもならない どくにもくすりにもならない harmless but pointless, neither bad nor good
模型 もけい model, dummy, maquette / modelo (a escala), maniquí, maqueta
模型地図 もけいちず relief map
紛れ込む まぎれこむ to disappear into, to slip into, to be lost in, to be mixed up with
標識 ひょうしき sign, mark, flag / señales, letreros, marcas
水槽 すいそう water tank, cistern, fish tank, aquarium / pecera, cisterna, depósito de agua
がらんどう empty, hollow, bare, vacant, deserted / completamente vacío
仕送り, 為送り しおくり allowance, remittance, sending (someone) an allowance / asignación, mensualidad
ぎこちない, ぎごちない awkward, clumsy, stiff, crude, unrefined, constrained / incómodo
彷徨く うろつく, ウロつく to loiter, to putter, to prowl, to wander aimlessly, to knock around, to hang around, to be confused from not knowing what to do
身なり, 身形 みなり dress, attire, clothing, getup, outfit, personal appearance / presentación, apariencia, vestimenta
口角 こうかく corners of the mouth / comisuras de los labios
印字 いんじ printing, typing, printed character, typed character, character(s) carved onto a seal / copiar, imprimir
夜学 やがく night school, evening school, evening class, night study / curso nocturno, clases nocturnas
所狭しと, ところ狭しと, 所せましと, 所せしと ところせましと, ところせしと crowded, packed, crammed, cramped, filled, overflowing
年配, 年輩 ねんぱい elderly, age, years / edad, generación
我に返る われにかえる to come to one's senses, to calm down / volver en sí, recuperar el sentido
負けじと まけじと indomitably, undauntedly, resolutely, determinedly
反芻, 反すう はんすう rumination, regurgitation, chewing the cud, turning over in one's mind, thinking over something, pondering, musing, rumination (about a subject) / rumiar
電卓 でんたく calculator (electronic), pocket calculator / calculadora
接点, 切点 せってん tangent point, point of contact, contact (electrical, etc.), point of agreement, common ground, interaction
執拗, 執よう しつよう, しつおう persistent, obstinate, tenacious, relentless, insistent, importunate, persevering, stubborn / obstinación, insistencia, inoportuno, persistencia, perseverancia
こぎ着ける, 漕ぎ着ける, 漕ぎつける こぎつける to row (a boat) to (a pier, shore, etc.), to reach (a goal after considerable effort), to arrive at, to (finally) manage to do
値札 ねふだ price tag, price label
蠢く, 動めく, 蠕く うごめく to wriggle, to squirm, to crawl like a worm / agitarse, gusanear, hormiguear, bullir, retorcerse
きびきび brisk, lively, energetic
紺色 こんいろ deep blue, navy blue
カットソー clothes made from jersey cloth, cutsew
ベリーショート, ベリー・ショート hairstyle with hair cut short to typical men's hair length
ぼやく, ボヤく to grumble, to complain / quejarse, refunfuñar
愛嬌, 愛敬, 愛きょう あいきょう, あいぎょう charm, attractiveness, amiability, winsomeness, courtesy, ingratiating behaviour, entertainment, amusement, fun / amor y respeto, encanto, atractivo, cortesía
ぽっちゃり, ポッチャリ to be plump, to be chubby
さばさば relieved, refreshed, frank, candid, easy-going, laid-back
ひょろり tall and thin, long and thin, lanky, spindly, gangly
形成 けいせい formation, molding, making up, taking form, giving form to, repair (e.g. plastic surgery), replacement, -plasty / formación, moldeado
保ち続ける, 保ちつづける たもちつづける to maintain, to continue to have
スタッカート staccato
対照的 たいしょうてき contrastive / contrastivo
相応 そうおう suitable, appropriate, befitting, becoming, adequate, reasonable, proper, conjoining, association, samprayukta / adecuado, conforme a, en proporción a
年相応, 歳相応 としそうおう age-appropriate (esp. of clothing, hairstyles)
他人行儀 たにんぎょうぎ standing on formality, in a reserved manner, treating a friend as a stranger, unduly distant, formal
ぐちゃぐちゃ, グチャグチャ pulpy, soppy, sloppy, untidy, in a disarray, chaotic
無断欠勤 むだんけっきん absence from work without permission
顰める, 蹙める しかめる to pull a wry face, to screw one's face up, to pucker one's face, to scowl, to grimace, to frown / fruncir el ceño, torcer el gesto
ばっくれる, バックレる, バックれる to feign ignorance, to evade one's responsibilities
しらばくれる, しらばっくれる to play dumb, to feign ignorance, to act as innocent
ガタガタ, がたがた rattling, clattering, trembling, shivering, quaking, wobbling, swaying, whining, grumbling, griping, bellyaching, rickety, shaky, wobbly, decrepit, ramshackle, broken down / traqueteo, ruido
ガタガタになる, がたがたになる to break down, to collapse, to fall apart
誰それ, 誰某 だれそれ a certain someone, Mr So-and-so
持ち上がる, 持上がる, 持ち上る, 持上る もちあがる to be lifted, to be raised, to rise, to go up, to happen suddenly, to occur, to come up, to turn up, to be homeroom teacher for the same class multiple years in a row, to move up with one's class
連帯感 れんたいかん feeling of solidarity
安堵 あんど relief, reassurance, recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.), living safely surrounded by walls / alivio, aliviarse, desahogarse
朝礼 ちょうれい morning assembly (at a company, school, etc.), morning gathering / ceremonia diaria de comienzo de labores
唱和, 倡和 しょうわ cheering in chorus, saying in unison
身だしなみ, 身嗜み みだしなみ (personal) appearance, (personal) grooming, essential skill, required knowledge
専念 せんねん absorption, giving undivided attention, devoting oneself (to) / devoción, fervor
同窓会 どうそうかい alumni association, graduates' association, alumni meeting, class reunion / reunión (anual) de graduados de la misma clase
億劫 おっくう, おくこう, おっこう troublesome, bothersome, tiresome, annoying / desgana, apatía, indolencia, flojedad, displicencia, dejadez, fastidio
同い年 おないどし the same age / de la misma edad
連呼 れんこ calling repeatedly (e.g. someone's name), pronouncing successively (usu. repeating a syllable with voicing, as in ''tsuzuku'')
摂取 せっしゅ intake (e.g. of salt), ingestion, absorption (e.g. of new knowledge), adoption (e.g. of foreign culture), assimilation, reception and protection
施す ほどこす to give (time, money, goods), to donate, to do, to perform, to conduct, to apply (processing, makeup, etc.), to add (e.g. ornamentation, annotation), to sow, to seed, to scatter (e.g. fertilizer), to sprinkle, to spread far and wide / donar
身を乗り出す みをのりだす to bend oneself forward (esp. in curiosity or excitement), to hang out (e.g. over a balcony)
妊活 にんかつ trying to conceive, attempting to get pregnant (through various means)
憚る はばかる to hesitate, to have scruples, to be afraid of what others may think, to lord it over, to have great influence / no atreverse a, temer hacer
返答 へんとう reply, answer / respuesta, contestación
めく to show signs of ..., to have the appearance of ...
目配せ, 目くばせ, 眴せ, 眴 めくばせ signalling with the eyes, exchanging looks, winking
不倫 ふりん adultery, immorality, impropriety, (an) affair
取りなす, 取り成す, 執り成す, 取成す, 執成す, 執りなす とりなす to mediate, to intervene, to smooth / interceder, terciar, mediar, intermediar
無頓着 むとんちゃく, むとんじゃく indifferent, unconcerned, paying no attention to, careless
憶測, 臆測 おくそく guess, speculation, supposition
幾何学的 きかがくてき geometrical
無機質 むきしつ inorganic matter, mineral matter, cold, inhuman, robotic
均一 きんいつ, きんいち uniformity, equality / uniformidad
殺到 さっとう rush, flood, deluge / saturación, demanda, abarrotamiento, apretujarse, agolparse, aglomerarse, amontonarse
汗ばむ あせばむ to be sweaty
優に, 裕に ゆうに easily (reach, exceed, etc.), comfortably, amply, fully, well over
針金 はりがね wire / alambre
俯く, うつ向く, 俯向く うつむく to hang one's head, to look down, to cast one's eyes downward / bajar la mirada, bajar la cabeza
こびり付く, こびり着く こびりつく to stick to, to cling to, to adhere to
可もなく不可もなし, 可も無く不可も無し, 可もなく不可も無し かもなくふかもなし neither good nor bad / ni bien ni mal, normal
怯む ひるむ to falter, to flinch (from), to recoil (from), to quail (at)
もぐもぐ, もごもご mumbling, chewing one's words, chewing (food), squirming, wriggling
怪訝 けげん dubious, puzzled, suspicious
窪む, 凹む くぼむ to cave in, to become depressed, to sink
身支度, 身仕度, 身じたく みじたく dress, outfit, getup, to dress oneself, to outfit oneself
仕込む しこむ to train, to teach, to educate, to acquire (information), to learn, to cram, to stock, to stock up on, to prepare (esp. ingredients for brewing), to insert, to build into, to fit
はきはき briskly, smartly, promptly, clearly, lucidly / claro, conciso, decisivo, resuelto
ボソリ, ぼそり, ポソリ, ぽそり whispering, murmuring, subdued
ぱくぱく, パクパク repeatedly opening and closing (one's mouth), gasping, flapping (e.g. shoe sole), gaping open and shut, heartily (eating), devouring, munching, gobbling / abrir y cerrar, abrir y cerrar la boca, boquear, jadear, comer a dos carrillos
拍子 ひょうし (musical) time, tempo, beat, rhythm, the moment, the instance, chance / ritmo, pulso, tiempo
勿体ぶる, 勿体振る もったいぶる to put on airs, to assume importance / creerse por encima de los demás, darse aires, actuar ex-cátedra, ir de listo, ir de enterado, hacerse el importante, mear colonia
的を射る まとをいる to be to the point, to be pertinent
本能 ほんのう instinct / instinto
方向性, 方向姓 ほうこうせい trend, course of action, direction, directionality, directivity, orientation, directional, vectorial, goal, aim
もっちり springy (texture), puffy
ギクリ, ぎくり (with a) start, fright, alarm / sorpresivamente, con sobresalto, inesperadamente
紡ぐ つむぐ to spin, to make yarn, to spin (a tale), to assemble (e.g. words), to put together / hilar
新興 しんこう rising, developing, emergent, burgeoning, new / crecimiento, desarrollo, en vías de desarrollo
掛かりきり, 掛かり切り, 掛り切り かかりきり being devoted, spending all one's time and energy on
根掘り葉掘り, 根ほり葉ほり, 根堀り葉堀り ねほりはほり inquisitively, pryingly, nosily, thoroughly, persistently, through-and-through / de pies a cabeza (investigar), hasta el último detalle
土足で どそくで with shoes on, rudely, thoughtlessly
傲慢, ごう慢, 強慢 ごうまん haughty, arrogant, insolent, proud, overbearing / arrogancia
鬱陶しい うっとうしい, うっとおしい gloomy (e.g. mood), depressing, irritating, troublesome, heavy (weather), cloudy / odioso, insoportable
噤む, 鉗む つぐむ to shut one's mouth, to hold one's tongue, to keep silent
目尻, 目じり, 眼尻 めじり outer canthus, outer corner of the eye
怯える, 脅える, 悸える おびえる to become frightened, to be frightened (of), to be scared (of) / temblar de miedo
草臥れる くたびれる to get tired, to become exhausted, to grow weary, to become worn out, to become battered (from long use), to get tired of (doing), to get fed up with / fatigarse, fastidiarse
甲高い, かん高い, 疳高い, 癇高い かんだかい high-pitched, shrill
遠巻き とおまき surrounding at a distance
中年 ちゅうねん middle-age, middle age, midlife, one's middle years / mediana edad
詰め寄る, 詰めよる, 詰寄る つめよる to draw near, to draw closer, to press (e.g. for an answer), to hound
控え, 扣え ひかえ reserve, spare, backup, note, memorandum, duplicate, copy, stub (of a ticket, etc.), waiting one's turn
払拭, 払しょく ふっしょく, ふっしき wiping out, sweeping away, eradicating, dispelling
小突く こづく to poke, to push
手を抜く てをぬく to cut corners, to be shoddy
がりがり, ガリガリ crunching, chewing or crushing something hard, scraping, scratching, hard and crunchy, very skinny, emaciated, all skin and bones / roer, raspar, rascar, arañar, muy delgado, muy duro
狼狽 ろうばい confusion, dismay, consternation, panic
エンド end / fin
風情 ふぜい, ふうじょう taste, elegance, charm, appearance, air, the likes of ..., lowly people such as ...
好戦 こうせん belligerence
ちらほら here and there, in twos and threes, sporadically, sparsely, now and then, from time to time, occasionally
好戦的 こうせんてき belligerent, warlike
優越感 ゆうえつかん superiority complex, sense of superiority / complejo de superioridad
恍惚 こうこつ ecstasy, rapture, trance, senility / éxtasis, trance
黄ばむ きばむ to turn yellow, to become tinged with yellow, to yellow (with age)
威張り散らす いばりちらす to domineer / tiranizar
底辺, 低辺 ていへん base (e.g. of a triangle), low class, low in social standing, low level, of poor reputation, base (e.g. of support), foundation, basis
威張る, 意張る いばる, えばる to put on airs, to act big, to throw one's weight about, to be overbearing, to be domineering, to be bossy, to be pushy, to be proud, to be haughty, to be arrogant, to swagger, to boast, to brag / enorgullecerse, pavonearse, vanagloriarse
拾う ひろう to pick up, to find, to gather / reunir, juntar, encontrar, coger, recoger
受け売り, 受売り, 請け売り, 請売り うけうり retailing, repeating (someone else's words, opinion, etc.), parroting, echoing, telling at second hand / remedo, idea o teoría que se explica como propia sin serlo
とちる to flub (one's lines), to be flustered, to be confused, to bungle, to mess up, to blunder
底辺層 ていへんそう lower classes, proletariat, underclass
矢鱈 やたら indiscriminately, blindly, at random, recklessly, thoughtlessly, excessively, profusely, indiscriminate, random, excessive / en exceso, a ciegas, al azar, a lo loco, a lo bestia, sin conocimiento, sin talento, pasarse de la raya
投げ荷 なげに jetsam, jettisoned cargo
奴 やっこ servant (esp. a samurai's attendant), chivalrous man (Edo period), cubed tofu (often served cold), kite shaped like an Edo-period footman, Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants, enslavement (of a woman; Edo-period punishment for her own or her husband's crime), he, she, him, her
年増 としま mature woman, middle-aged woman
高飛車, 高びしゃ たかびしゃ high-handed, domineering, on one's high horse
中元 ちゅうげん 15th day of the 7th lunar month, (last day of) Bon lantern festival, mid-year gift, summer gift, Bon Festival gifts
幻想 げんそう fantasy, illusion, vision, dream / ilusiones
渋々, 渋渋 しぶしぶ reluctantly, unwillingly
ぶつぶつ, ブツブツ grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter, pimples, spots, eruption, rash, cutting into small pieces, simmering / quejas, inconformidad
修復, 修覆 しゅうふく, しゅふく restoration, repair, mending / rehabilitar, restaurar, reconstruir, reparación, arreglo
のらりくらり, ぬらりくらり idly, lazily, aimlessly, evasively, elusively, vaguely, non-committally, soft and slippery / perezoso, escurridizo como una anguila
根性 こんじょう willpower, guts, determination, grit, spirit, character, nature, disposition, personality / temperamento, carácter, actitud
清々, 清清, 晴々, 晴晴 せいせい feeling refreshed, feeling relieved
饒舌, 冗舌 じょうぜつ, にょうぜつ talkativeness, garrulity, loquacity
屈める かがめる, こごめる to stoop, to bend (e.g. one's knees) / doblar, encorvar, agachar
肩身が狭い かたみがせまい feeling ashamed, feeling of one's inferiority
耳打ち, 耳うち, 耳打 みみうち whispering into a person's ear
近況 きんきょう recent state, present state, present condition, current status, current circumstances
服飾 ふくしょく clothing and accessories, attire / moda, prendas
既婚者 きこんしゃ married person
苦笑い にがわらい bitter smile, wry smile, forced smile, strained laugh / sonrisa irónica
好感度 こうかんど likability, favorability, popularity
軽快 けいかい light (of movements), nimble, sprightly, springy, light-hearted, cheerful, buoyant, jaunty, casual (e.g. clothing), rhythmical (e.g. melody), taking a turn for the better (of an illness), receding of symptoms, recovery, convalescence / ligero
見合う みあう to exchange glances, to correspond, to counterbalance
背く, 叛く そむく to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to infringe / oponerse, contrariar, rebelarse, traicionar, dar la espalda, desobedecer, ir en contra de, oponerse, traicionar
むっくり, むくり abruptly (rising), slowly (rising), plump, rotund
オドオド, おどおど timidly, nervously, hesitantly, trembling (with fear) / temeroso, miedoso
強気 つよき confident, assured, self-assured, firm, strong, cocksure, bullish (e.g. market) / firme, fuerte
見初める みそめる to fall in love at first sight, to see for the first time, to meet for the first time, to have sexual relations for the first time
群がる, 叢がる, 簇がる むらがる to swarm, to gather / agruparse, juntarse en manada
俯き うつむき lying face down, upside down, prone / cabizbajo
機能不全 きのうふぜん dysfunction (often medical), malfunction, insufficiency
不当 ふとう injustice, impropriety, unreasonableness, undeserved, unfair, invalid / injusto
半ば, 中ば なかば middle, halfway, midway, half (of), one half, half (e.g. done, jokingly), party, in part, partially, mostly, almost, nearly / medio, mitad
強姦 ごうかん rape, sexual assault / violación
比喩, 譬喩, 比ゆ, 比諭, 譬諭 ひゆ, けいゆ simile, metaphor, allegory, parable / símil, metáfora
当たり散らす, 当り散らす あたりちらす to find fault with everybody, to make oneself disagreeable / tomarla con la gente del entorno que no tiene ninguna culpa, hacer pagar a los demás el propio descontento, descargar en otros la frustración propia
嘸かし さぞかし certainly, surely / con toda seguridad, sin duda
白湯, さ湯, 素湯 さゆ, しらゆ, はくとう (plain) hot water, boiled water
白湯文字 しろゆもじ ordinary woman secretly engaged in prostitution (Edo period)
受容 じゅよう reception / recepción
獲物 えもの prey, catch, kill, game, spoils, trophy, loot, plunder / caza, presa, pesca, trofeo, botín
捕る, 獲る とる to take, to catch, to capture / tomar, atrapar (pescado), capturar, capturar, atrapar, aprehender, apresar, pescar, cazar
嫁ぐ とつぐ to marry (of a woman), to become a bride, to marry into (a family), to have sexual intercourse / casarse
構図 こうず composition / composición
貰い手, もらい手 もらいて receiver, recipient
盛り返す もりかえす to rally, to make a comeback
垂れ流す たれながす to discharge (e.g. effluent) / verter (e.g. aguas residuales)
支離滅裂 しりめつれつ incoherent, inconsistent, illogical, disorderly, confused, nonsensical / sin pies ni cabeza, incongruente, deslavazado, incoherente
弾く はじく to flip, to snap, to flick, to repel, to use (an abacus), to calculate, to strum, to pluck the strings (of a guitar, etc.)
云々, 云云 うんぬん and so on, and so forth, et cetera, and such, and the like, comment, criticism / etc
性体験 せいたいけん sexual experience
迫害 はくがい persecution, oppression / persecución
敬遠 けいえん pretending to respect someone while in fact staying distant, keeping at arm's length, giving a wide berth, avoiding (something unpleasant), shying away from, giving the batter an ''intentional walk'' / evasión, fuga, huida
構造 こうぞう structure, construction, makeup, framework, organization, pattern / estructura
迎合 げいごう ingratiation, pandering, catering (to), going along with (someone or something), accommodating oneself (e.g. to public opinion) / pelotilleo, seguimiento de la corriente
真っ向, 真向 まっこう directly opposite, right in front, middle of the forehead, helmet front
獲得 かくとく acquisition, possession / obetención, consecución, ganancia
膠着, こう着 こうちゃく agglutination, adhesion, deadlock, stalemate, standstill
うだうだ, ウダウダ going on and on (about inconsequential things), talking nonsense, idling away the time, dawdling
ポツリポツリ, ぽつりぽつり intermittently, bit by bit, little by little, by ones and twos, in drops (e.g. of rain) / a intervalos, interrumpidamente
滞納, 怠納 たいのう falling behind (with a payment), being in arrears, non-payment, default, delinquency / retraso, adeudo, déficit
凌ぐ しのぐ to endure, to keep out (e.g. rain), to stave off (e.g. starvation), to pull through, to get over, to survive, to surpass, to outdo, to excel, to eclipse, to defy, to slight / soportar, tolerar, sobrellevar
毛嫌い けぎらい antipathy, prejudice / antipatía, perjuicio
我が物顔, 我物顔 わがものがお looking or acting as if one owned the place
恨みつらみ, 恨み辛み, 怨みつらみ, 怨み辛み うらみつらみ pent-up resentment, grudges and hard feelings
身の上話 みのうえばなし life story, personal narrative, story of one's life
浮浪者 ふろうしゃ vagrant, vagabond, tramp / vagabundo
強ち あながち not necessarily, not entirely, not altogether / no necesariamente, no del todo
受けて立つ うけてたつ to accept somebody's challenge, to take up the gauntlet
所在なげ, 所在無げ しょざいなげ idle, bored
佇む, 彳む たたずむ to stand (still) a while, to loiter, to stop / quedarse parado
躊躇 ちゅうちょ hesitation, indecision, vacillation / vacilación, indecisión
躊躇う ためらう to hesitate, to waver / titubear, vacilar, dudar
羽織る はおる to put on (coat, gown, etc.) / ponerse sobre los hombros, echarse por encima de los hombros
窮屈 きゅうくつ narrow, tight, cramped, formal, stiff, strict, ceremonious, rigid, constrained, uncomfortable, tight (e.g. finances) / estrecho, apretado
怖ず怖ず おずおず, オズオズ timidly, nervously, with nervous diffidence, trembling with fear / tímidamente, nerviosamente
もわっと, むわっと thick with smoke, moisture or odor, hard to breathe (air)
そわそわ, ソワソワ restlessly, nervously, uneasily, in a fidget / nervioso, inquieto
し出す, 仕出す しだす to begin to do, to cater, to deliver food
既成事実 きせいじじつ established fact, fait accompli
書き置き, 書置き かきおき note (letter) left behind, will / nota, recado escrito
ほざく, ホザく to say, to spatter, to prate, to prattle, to babble
糾弾, 糺弾 きゅうだん censure, denunciation, (verbal) attack, blaming / culpa
毒づく, 毒突く どくづく to curse (at someone), to call someone names, to speak bitterly
突拍子もない, 突拍子も無い とっぴょうしもない astounding, tremendous, crazy, exorbitant
貧乏人 びんぼうにん poor person, pauper, the poor, the indigent / pobre, necesitado
同棲, 同せい どうせい cohabitation (usu. of a romantically involved couple), living together / convivencia, vivir juntos
性欲処理 せいよくしょり taking care of one's sexual urges, sexual gratification
啜る すする to sip, to slurp / sorber, sollozar
精巣 せいそう testicle
見向きもしない みむきもしない taking no notice, ignoring, not even looking at
不審がる ふしんがる to be suspicious (of something or somebody)
反動 はんどう reaction, recoil, kick, backlash / reacción, culatazo, patada, contragolpe
紐 ひも, ヒモ string, cord, man who is financially dependent on a woman, gigolo, pimp, restrictions, conditions, mantle (shellfish, etc.), small intestine (beef, pork), oviduct meat (chicken) / cuerda (o lazo)
妊娠 にんしん conception, pregnancy / embarazo (gestación materna)
生態 せいたい mode of life, ecology, (animal) territory / modo de vida, ecología, territorio (animal)
面識 めんしき acquaintance / conocido, persona conocida
血相を変える けっそうをかえる to change facial expression or color (due to anger, embarrassment, etc.)
一丸となって いちがんとなって in unison, as one, united / en una masa (montón)
覚束ない, 覚束無い, 覺束ない おぼつかない, かくそくない uncertain, doubtful, unpromising, unreliable, unsteady, insecure, shaky, faltering, unclear, vague, hazy, indistinct
脚立, 脚榻 きゃたつ stepladder, steps
掛け替えのない, 欠けがえのない かけがえのない irreplaceable / cosa irreemplazable, (algo que) el dinero no puede comprar
意地 いじ stubbornness, obstinacy, willpower, pride, disposition, nature, appetite, desire, greed / disposición, espíritu, fuerza de voluntad, obstinación, carácter, firmeza, apetito
蘇る, 甦る, 蘇える, 甦える よみがえる to be resurrected, to be resuscitated, to be rehabilitated, to be revived, to be refreshed, to be restored, to be recalled (e.g. memories), to be brought back / revivir, resucitar
揺蕩う, 猶予う たゆたう to sway to and fro, to drift about, to flutter, to flicker, to be fickle, to be irresolute, to vacillate, to waver
活を入れる, 喝を入れる かつをいれる to apply the art of resuscitation (in judo, etc.), to breathe life into, to stimulate, to encourage someone, to give someone a pep talk / reanimar, resucitar, hacer que alguien desmayado recupere el conocimiento
品評 ひんぴょう estimation, criticism, comment
惣菜, 総菜 そうざい small dish (served as a part of an ordinary household meal), side dish
言わんばかり いわんばかり as if to say, as much as to say, as though / que indica claramente sin necesidad de usar palabras, que deja entrever claramente, que expresa
温和, 穏和 おんわ mild (climate), temperate, clement, pleasant, agreeable, gentle (nature, personality, etc.), mild, quiet, pleasant, moderate (statement, measure, etc.), mild, temperate / placentero agradable
押し切る, 押切る, 押しきる おしきる to overcome (opposition), to push past, to force one's way, to press and cut / romper, oponerse
的確, 適確 てきかく, てっかく precise, accurate, appropriate, exactly the right / preciso, exacto
泣きじゃくる なきじゃくる to sob
縋る すがる to cling to, to hang onto, to rely on, to depend on, to implore, to entreat / agarrarse, depender de, estar a merced de
屹度, 急度 きっと, キッと surely, undoubtedly, almost certainly, most likely (e.g. 90 percent), sternly, severely, having no slack, rigid, stiff, tight, suddenly, abruptly, instantly / seguramente, sin dudas, certeramente, sin falla
逃亡 とうぼう escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing / huir, escapar, fugarse
義母 ぎぼ mother-in-law, foster mother, step mother / suegra, madre adoptiva, madrasta
意地汚ない, 意地汚い, 意地穢い いじきたない gluttonous, greedy / glotón
義妹 ぎまい, いもうと sister-in-law (spouse's younger sister or younger brother's wife), younger stepsister, younger adopted sister, non-blood-related younger sister / cuñada (menor que uno)
義兄 ぎけい, あに brother-in-law (spouse's older brother or older sister's husband), older stepbrother / cuñado
沁み沁み, 染み染み, 沁沁, 泌み泌み しみじみ keenly, deeply, fully, heartily, seriously, earnestly, calmly, quietly, softly, fixedly (e.g. gazing, staring) / a fondo, profundamente, vivamente, con sentimiento
項垂れる, うな垂れる うなだれる to hang one's head / bajar la cabeza, agachar las orejas
大黒柱 だいこくばしら central pillar (of a building), mainstay (e.g. of an economy), backbone (e.g. of a family), provider, main man
静寂, 黙 せいじゃく, しじま silence, stillness, quietness / silencio
引っかく, 引っ掻く, 引掻く ひっかく to scratch, to claw / arañar, rascar, rasguñar
ミシミシ, みしみし creaking, groaning (e.g. under physical stress) / crujir, resquebrajarse, rechinar, con dureza, con severidad, con rigor
繁殖, 蕃殖 はんしょく breeding, multiplication, increase, propagation, reproduction / proliferar, expandirse, propagarse, cundir, reproducción, propagación
憤る いきどおる to be angry, to resent, to be enraged, to be indignant
叩き はたき (feather) duster, dusting / plumero
意気揚々, 意気揚揚 いきようよう triumphant, exultant, in high and proud spirits / triunfante, exultante, estar animoso
寝返りを打つ ねがえりをうつ to turn over (in one's sleep), to toss and turn (in bed), to change sides, to double-cross, to betray
手探り, 手さぐり てさぐり fumbling, groping / (a) tientas, tanteo, exploración
残骸 ざんがい ruins, wreckage, wreck, broken remains, debris
指針 ししん needle (compass, gauge, etc.), hand (clock), indicator, pointer, index, guiding principle, guideline, guide / saeta, aguja señaladora
鬼嫁 おによめ cruel wife, termagant wife, wife from hell
押しかける, 押し掛ける, 押掛ける おしかける to go uninvited, to call on without an invitation, to barge in on, to gatecrash, to throng to, to crowd into, to converge upon, to pile in
意気込む, 意気ごむ, 息込む いきごむ to be enthusiastic about, to be eager, to be keen / ser entusiástico sobre
続出 ぞくしゅつ appearing one after another, cropping up one after another, occurring in succession / sucesión, serie
悍ましい おぞましい disgusting, repulsive
皺くちゃ, 皺苦茶, 皺クチャ しわくちゃ, しわクチャ, シワクチャ crumpled, wrinkled, crinkled, creased
畳み掛ける, 畳みかける たたみかける to press for an answer, to shower questions on someone
歪 いびつ distorted, crooked, irregular, warped, oval, elliptical shape, round, wooden container for cooked rice, oval coin
野垂れ死に, のたれ死に のたれじに dying by the roadside, dying a dog's death
淡泊, 淡白, 澹泊 たんぱく light (color, colour, taste), simple, plain, frank, candid, ingenuous, indifferent / suave, ligero, sencillo, poco cargado
抽象化 ちゅうしょうか abstraction
看破 かんぱ seeing through (e.g. someone's lies), reading (e.g. thoughts), penetrating, detecting
人物像 じんぶつぞう statue, picture, picture revealing character
描写 びょうしゃ depiction, description, portrayal / descripción (retrato)
ぶっきら棒 ぶっきらぼう curt, blunt, brusque
面前 めんぜん (in the) presence (of), in front (of), before (someone) / presencia
内向き うちむき facing inward
呼応 こおう hailing each other, acting in concert, responding (to), sympathizing (with), agreement, concord
伏線 ふくせん foreshadowing, preparation, precautionary measures
会心の一撃 かいしんのいちげき critical hit (esp. in RPGs)
颯爽 さっそう gallant, dashing, jaunty / Con gallardía, con aplomo
希有, 稀有 けう, きゆう rare, uncommon
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seitokaisnihongo · 10 months
How to gain access to the Seitokai Discord server
Hi, friends! It's @onigiriforears (aka shay) here! I'm going to teach you how to gain access to our entire server. Step by step.
Step 1: The first message and channel that you'll see when you enter the server is in the #welcome channel. It'll look something like this:
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Step 2: Please follow the directions and head over to the #rules channel. This channel is going to make sure that you understand the rules and guidelines of the server. It's imperative that you read it because even though this is a server focused on learning and free resource sharing, we're a community server that's trying to make sure that we don't violate Discord's guidelines. READ THEM IN ENTIRETY. If you're confused, feel free to message me on Discord (I'm the "shay" that's mentioned/pinged in your welcome message. I know you're in the server--I allow the server's notifications to push through my DND settings.) You could also message me or send me an ask @onigiriforears, but discord will get you a faster response.
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Step 3: From there, please go to the #verify-yourself channel. In this channel, you'll be confirming that you didn't lie about actually reading the #rules. We (me, mods, and admin) can tell if you're lying based off of what #roles you have (or don't have). Why do we have it set up this way? We're trying to discourage trolls and bots from entering the server. Because, unfortunately, we have been raided and trolled more than once. Some specific moments would be when someone broke through our (at the time) low-key "pick a role" option and stole our roster list. They used it to find mutual servers that they shared with members and then harassed them in the mutual servers after being banned in ours. (That included stealing ppl's stuff in the dank meme bot and whatnot.) A second time would be when someone broke through our mandatory #roles and spammed channels and told everyone that people who can't get to N1 in a year are dumb <not a good look. He was promptly banned lmao.
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Step 4: Head over to the #roles channel. IT'S SO IMPORTANT. This is where you'll have to choose the one role that's mandatory--every other role within that channel is optional besides the JLPT level roles. Why? Since we're a community server focused on resource sharing and engagement, we also make sure we pay attention to our server demographics. If we have a slew of N5 or beginning members, we make sure that we have a lot of N5-targeted events and resources available. For a while, we had no N2 and N1 members, so we were able to hold off on posting kanji for the levels for a bit while we focused on something else. Now, we have a good mixture.
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Step 5: ENJOY THE SERVER! If you've properly followed steps 1-4, you'll have gained access to the entire server. If not, please message me or you might find yourself in server purgatory where we ping you to get your attention until you either ask for help or you follow through lmao--aka the #temp channel. It's a private channel that only admin and other purgatory-dwellers can see. Once you get your appropriate roles, the channel disappears for you.
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If you're thinking, this is a pain of a way to get in: it was a pain for me to set it up like this, too. Trial and error over almost 2 years of being a server. I can say that after setting it up this way, we haven't had anymore trolls or bots enter.
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onigiriforears · 1 year
Apr 2023 Seitokai Bookclub | かがみの孤城
Hi!! The Seitokai Bookclub will be reading かがみの孤城 (Kagami no Kojou), also known as Lonely Castle in the Mirror in English. A movie adaptation was recently released in December (I haven't seen it yet), so we're all jazzed up! It doesn't matter which version you get! We have the schedule with both pages, sentences, and numbers written out. I have a full-furigana version (that also has pictures included), some people have the two-book set, some people have the original single copy. Everyone is welcome!
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Get some more info below:
What if I've never read a book in Japanese yet? I'm not confident in my skills. That's fine! Not only do we ALWAYS have a group vocab sheet that we collectively (and anonymously) add to, but we have ongoing discussions about whatever book we're reading. That means you're free to ask questions, send screenshots, rant about a character or anything like that. You'll definitely find me asking about certain grammar points or if using a particular set of kanji for a word changes the nuance in a particular sentence.
What's the goal of your bookclub? Well, we're interested in fostering confidence in reading in your target language without feeling that you have no one to turn to. Our server has people of all levels of fluency, meaning that there's always someone who can answer your question. And if we can't, we have people we can reach out to ask. We won't leave you hanging!
You don't seem to choose books I'm interested in--how can I change that? Well, we take suggestions and vote as a bookclub for what we'll be reading next. If your book doesn't win the first time you submit it, try try again! A lot of our books have been suggested more than once before finally winning. Don't be discouraged!
I can't afford a copy of the book. Message me. Or send a message in the bookclub channel of the server saying that you need a copy. Someone will help. We're aware that Japanese learning resources are not available or readily accessible in multiple areas around the world.
Hope to see you there! Server | Studygram | Server Instagram
You might see some familiar names from tumblr in the server 😉🤗 We don't bite and you can watch in live time as we scream in agony over book characters, obscure kanji, and plot holes in any given book that we're reading.
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nihongoseito · 2 years
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i recently posed this question to the seitokai discord and @onigiriforears came up with a lot of resources, so i thought i’d share what i learned! example sentences are adapted from jisho. 行くよ!
大体(だいたい) = roughly, approximately
this word is used in situations where you have to approximate or estimate something. it’s kind of similar to 約(やく) in that way.
大体正しいです。 = that’s mostly right.
大体わかる。 = i get the gist.
大体息子と同じ年齢です。 = he’s about the same age as my son.
大体準備ができた。 = everything is more or less ready.
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たいてい = usually, generally
on the other hand, たいてい is used to express habits or things that you know generally occur. it doesn’t have the same nuance of estimation, but rather an acknowledgement that the same thing doesn’t happen all the time.
たいてい歩いて学校へ行きます。 = i usually walk to school.
たいてい8時に朝ご飯を食べます。 = i usually eat breakfast at 8.
たいていの女の子はやさしい。 = most girls are kind.
たいてい秋には初霜が出ます。 = first frost usually comes in the fall.
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so, while both express situations in which your knowledge of something isn’t complete, 大体 is used in situations where you have to estimate something or divide it into parts, while たいてい is used in situations where you don’t know what happens 100% of the time or where there is some degree of variability. anyway, i hope that makes sense. また今度ね! :D
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letsstudieren · 8 months
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I was going to make a post three weeks ago to keep track of my bookclubs. Better late than never, right?
From the minimmersion discord:
La passe-miroir: Les fiancés de l'hiver (yes, I read it last year. This time I'm doing audiobook 0w0)
Rubinrot (reading + audio)
Elatsoe (normal reading. I'm suffering having to stop each week! Yes, I could ignore the schedule but...)
From the seitokai's nihongo discord:
The easy life in Kamusari (Forest) - more than half-way through and it's growing on me
One day we'll go back to かがみの孤城
E-mail editions:
Daily Dracula + Re:Dracula (yes, again)
Arsène Lupin (done! It's great! go read it if you haven't)
If anyone wants a link to one of the discords, let me know!
If you want to know about any of the books in specific, I can write a little something. Ideally I will either way once I finish them but, you know.
What are you guys reading? Anything fun?
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ghastmaskzombie · 3 years
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see this? this is bro’s old discord avatar. i thought this was edward elric for two godsdamn years because i had seen like four pictures of him, knew bro liked the show, and knew the chibi was strong with that one. it’s actually a girl from seitokai yakuindomo, because bro’s very fond of a clip where she speaks terrible engrish and then shouts ‘motherfucker!’
also, it’s very likely he hasn’t watched it since he was fourteen, but i haven’t asked.
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elli-psis · 5 years
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irregularscans · 6 years
Are there any other good detective mangas that people don't know about ?
This actually sparked a good deal of discussion in our Discord server. The manga listed below have some good cases, but are mostly incomplete. Some might not count as manga which “people don’t know about”, but they’re good all the same. List thanks to Gundam and GT.
Akumu nu Elevator (oneshot/complete)Seitokai Tantei Kirika (incomplete)Usotoki Rhetoric (incomplete/ongoing)- RecommendedTsukimizuki Rikai no Tantei Satsujin (incomplete)Gosick (complete) + anime- RecommendedKamisama no Memo-chou (incomplete) + animeThe Memorandum of Kyoko Okitegami (incomplete)- RecommendedDetective Xeno (incomplete)- RecommendedPsychometrer Eiji (incomplete/ongoing)- RecommendedPsychometrer (incomplete/ongoing)Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (incomplete)- RecommendedZenran Otoku to Shiba Inu Otoku (incomplete)Karakurizoshi Ayatsuri Sakon (incomplete) + anime- RecommendedMystery Minzoku Gakusha Yakumo Itsuki (incomplete)Shinjuku DxD (complete, open-ended finale)Sherlock Hound (complete, open-ended finale)Remote (complete)Oshigerinanshi - Rouchou Tanten no Yotogibanashi (incomplete)Hyakki Tsurezurebukuro (incomplete)Kako and the False Detective (incomplete/ongoing) - RecommendedMajin Tantei Nougami Neuro (complete) - Recommended
If you’re still here, make sure to check out the ongoing Mattaku Saikin no Tantei to Kitara, which is an outrageous parody of detective manga.
Happy reading!
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aphonicdreams · 4 years
hii!! do you if anyone is up for trading 3 doujin cds (seitokai~ ryakudatsu no hibi, oukatan~ junpaku no hibi and kankinkon~ ryoujoku no hibi) for そこは狂った夢の淵 sorry i really just want that cd bc of makino hideki ksks
I’m afraid not, since I’m not really part of a bigger drama CD community or anything ;w; I can throw this out here but I’m afraid this isn’t a very efficient way to make contact with anyone.
I’ve seen some people around (translators included) that have discord channels set up though, so you could try there!
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tokidokitokyo · 2 months
March 2024 Seitokai Bookclub | 花野井くんと恋の病
Our second book club read of the year is underway - 花野井くんと恋の病 - this manga is about an N3 level.
Join us in the Seitokai Discord Server and grab the Japanese bookclub role to get started! Message me with any questions you might have!
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Bookclub FAQ (courtesy of @onigiriforears)
What if I’ve never read a book in Japanese yet? I’m not confident in my skills.
That’s fine! We have ongoing discussions about the book we’re reading. That means you’re free to ask questions, send screenshots, rant about a character or anything like that. You’ll definitely find me asking about certain grammar points or if using a particular set of kanji for a word changes the nuance in a particular sentence. There is also a READING PACK with Vocabulary for this volume available on @onigiriforears shop (for a reasonable price) if you'd like a little cheat sheet.
What’s the goal of your bookclub?
We’re interested in fostering confidence in reading in your target language without feeling that you have no one to turn to. Our server has people of all levels of fluency, meaning that there’s always someone who can answer your question. And if we can’t, we have people we can reach out to ask. We won’t leave you hanging!
You don’t seem to choose books I’m interested in–how can I change that?
We take suggestions and vote as a book club for what we’ll be reading next. Submit a book or manga you would like to read (but please nothing X-rated). If your book doesn’t win the first time you submit it, try, try again!
Where can I get this book?
You can get this manga wherever you normally buy your manga. Ask in Discord for more information!
We hope to see you there! Seitokai Discord Server
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tokidokitokyo · 7 months
Can you tell us more about the Japanese server you are talking about?
Hi! I'm referring to the Seitokai Discord server!
Here is a pinned post on the Seitokai Tumblr to help you sign up!
This server is for Japanese language learners or those interested in talking about the Japanese language or Japan, and I hang out there in my free time. There are lots of resources for learning, and just a good community where we talk about our language journey (and other random things ofc). There are also book clubs in Japanese and English, study buddies (accountabilibuddies), and recommendations from the server members.
Let me know if you have any difficulties and I will try to help you get in!
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tokidokitokyo · 12 days
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onigiriforears · 2 years
夜カフェ <1> Vocab ⑥
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Back with another vocab list from Ch. 3 of 夜カフェ <1>. As always, this is not the entirety of the Ch. 3 vocab list, but if you'd like to see more, feel free to head over to the server to get the link to our shared vocab list.
This chapter was shorter than the last chapter, so only one post for this one. It also had a bit of a lighter mood in comparison...I'm feeling a bit happy for Hanabi, though she is frustrating in her own ways.
• 切り開く (きりひらく) - to carve out (a new career, future, etc.); to open up (a new field)
• 翌朝 (よくあさ) - next morning
• ねぼけまなこ - sleepy eyes; drowsy look
• 覗く (のぞく) - to sneak a look at; to take a quick glance at
• 映る (うつる) - to be reflected
• 面する (めんする) - to face on; to look out onto
• 香ばしい (こうばしい) - aromatic, fragrant, pleasant-smelling, appetizing
• 漂う (ただよう) - to waft, to hang in the air, to float
• 中庭 (なかにわ) - courtyard
• 大小 (だいしょう) - large and small (sizes); various sizes
• 飾る (かざる) - to display; to exhibit; to put on show; to arrange
• 仮病を使う (けびょうをつかう) - to feign illness
• あっさり - easily; readily; quickly; flatly (refuse)​
• おりこうさん - well-behaved (esp. children and pets); obedient; good
• 被る (かぶる) - to overlap
• 示す (しめす) - to indicate, to show; to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)
• 雰囲気 (ふんいき) -ambience; mood
• ていねいに - carefully; thoroughly; conscientiously (painstakingly)
• いかにも - indeed; really; truly; just (like)
• なんでも楽しんでやらなきゃもったいない (なんでもたのしんでやらなきゃもったいない) -if you don't enjoy doing it, it's a waste
• シブシブ - reluctantly; unwillingly
• 用がある (ようがある) - to have (urgent) business, to have something one needs to say to someone
• 切り出す (きりだす) - to begin to talk; to break the ice; to broach
• 置く (おく) - to take in boarders; to provide lodging in one's house
• 思いっきり (おもいっきり) - to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; with all one's strength; to the best of one's ability; to the utmost; with determination; hard; heavily
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tokidokitokyo · 10 days
Japanese Book Clubs
I belong to a Discord server for those studying Japanese, called Seitokai. I have unofficially assumed the role of moderator for the two book clubs going there: one is a Japanese language book club and one is an English language book club but we usually read translations of Japanese books (although that's not a hard and fast rule).
Join us in the Seitokai Discord Server and grab the Japanese bookclub role to get started!
We are coming up towards the end of the month, and I wanted to put out an announcement so if you wanted to join for May you could.
青のフラッグ - April's Japanese book club book
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The book club accepts nominations for novels, light novels, and manga each month, and those who are planning to join vote on it. This month a manga won, but suggestions are still being accepted for May.
The Devil's Flute Murders - April's English book club book
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This month a murder mystery won, but there are usually a variety of books nominated. Suggestions for May are still being accepted!
So, if you'd like to join us, feel free! Looking forward to seeing you there!
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onigiriforears · 10 months
Pitch, Please Pt. 1 [new series alert]
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This was launched on the Seitokai IG (seitokaisnihongo). Keep reading this post to get information that is written on the graphics (and the IG caption).
This is a new series that I've been working on for a bit! It'll be discussing pitch accent, dialects, listening comprehension, and anything else that may fall within that category.
If there's a particular dialect that you'd like for us to cover in this series, feel free to stick it in the reblogs, my inbox, my asks, on the Seitokai instagram, or the Seitokai discord server!
Without further ado, here is what the posts say above!
Pitch, Please! Let's talk about pitch accent.
What is it?
Pitch accent, known as 高低アクセント(kōtei akusento) in Japanese, refers to when a language uses pitch to distinguish between homonyms rather than stress/volume. For example: あめ, meaning rain (high pitch to low) vs あめ, meaning candy (low pitch to high pitch).
Pitch accent can vary by region and dialect. The previous example was based on standard/Tokyo dialect. However, the pitch accent is swapped with the Kansai dialect. あめ, meaning rain goes from low pitch to high and あめ, meaning candy goes from high pitch to low.
There are four (4) pitch accent patterns: 平板 (へいばん), 頭高 (あたまだか), 中高 (なかだか), and 尾高 (おだか). These will be discussed in further detail in a later post within this series.
How to work on it?
Listen to native speakers (podcasts, news channels, videos, etc.)
Converse with native speakers (if possible)
Mimic the correct pronunciation
Be willing to ask for help and accept correction
Online Japanese Accent Dictionary & Prosody Tutor Suzuki-kun
NHK Japanese Language Pronunciation and Accent Dictionary
Renshuu.org, Kanshudo.com, Forvo.com
Dogen's Japanese Phonetics Video Series
MIA add-on for Anki
MacOS dictionary
If you're looking for fellow learners, there are over 500 of us in the Seitokai discord server (shameless plug) and we'd love to have you!
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