#season one nick is my weakness
ilkkawhat · 1 year
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1.12 Fahrenheit 932
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csinickstokes · 2 years
Season one infant Nick Stokes makes everything better 😍💜
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sugolara · 7 months
𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝
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Feat. Shota Aizawa x daughter! reader
A series. Book Two
cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, cross-posted on ao3, wattpad, qoutev, slow updates
˗ˏˋ+ ´ˎ˗ Where a father and daughter look for Eri and try to survive from the flesh eating monsters.
Inspired by, "The Walking Dead A Telltale Game Series"
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" Fresh Blood – Eels " Walk Among the Cobras, Pt. 1 – Dan Sartain " Leave Behind – Sarah Cripps " Hope Prevails – Jesper Kyd " When I Grow Up – First Aid Kit " Fight For Survival – Klergy " Snow – Lisa Hannigan " Aeon Ending – Dew Of Light " To Live A Life – First Aid Kit " Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode " Death Is Not the End – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds " How Low – Jose Gonzales " The Fear – Ben Howard " Carrion Flowers – Chelsea Wolfe " Kettering – The Antlers " Coxcomb Red – Songs: Ohia " Five Years – David Bowie " Hard As Nails – Peter Wolf Crier " Swept Inside – Future Islands " Killing Machine – Tony Crown " Harmonix – Surfer Blood " Stand By Me – Ki:Theory " M.T.M.E. – Alexandra Saviour " Audience No.2 – Autolux " Palace Of Montezuma – Grinderman " In The Water – Anadel " Two Birds – Regina Spektor " Clocks – Coldplay " The Great Gig in the Sky – Pink Floyd " I’ll Be Good – Jaymes Young " To The Bone – Mirel Wagner " I Ain’t The One – Spoon " Take Us Back – Alela Diane " Salty Seas – Devics " In The Pines (Oakland) – Fantastic Negrito " Waiting around to die – The Be Good Tanyas " Red Morning – Devics " Gun In My Hand – Dorothy " Be Good – Waxahatche " Clementine – Elliot Smith " World Undone – Calexico " Blood – Algiers " Especially Me - Low " Release Me - Corrina Repp " No Death - Mirel Wagner
table of contents:
Season 1: Episode 1: A new day Episode 2: I'll understand what you meant in a few long months Episode 3: Afraid Episode 4: Weak Episode 5: Quick and steady Episode 6: To live Episode 7: Just a little longer, my dear
Season 2: Episode 8: New beginnings Episode 9: Company Episode 10: Day something Episode 11: Bad news
to be continued...
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Book one: Welcome To The New World
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topguncortez · 1 year
11. “I’m taking you to the hospital.” If you could ❤️
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In Sickness, In Health | Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x Female!Reader
warnings: exhaustion, dehydration, sickness, passing out, Goose being fucking adorable
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Goose had been silently watching you all week. Going into February was always a busy time for you at the flower shop. One, you had started planting all your hanging baskets, succulents, and rose bushes. Next, Valentines Day was the second busiest time of year as couples came in looking for flowers for their significant other. And spring was usually when prom and wedding season would be in full blast.
You were spending your days down in the basement working under the heat lamp, watering and watching your plants grow. You spent hours working on specific arrangements and baskets that you knew would see good. You also spent hours on the phone, contacting different growers about getting seeds for certain strains of plants. The kitchen table had become covered with magazines, seed packages, and past receipts from the year prior.
"Baby," Goose said, walking into the kitchen. You were barely awake, your eyes straining as you read over a magazine on perfecting the planting of hydrangeas, "Why don't we call it a night on the flower stuff."
"Mm, I can't," You said, rubbing your eyes, "I gotta get these ordered by next week if I want to have them in bloom for May. The old ladies love their red hydrangeas. They say we always have the best ones."
"Well," Goose said, "Can't argue with that," You smiled and he placed a kiss on your cheek, "A couple more minutes, then I'm taking you to bed. I'm gonna go check on Bradley."
"Yes sir!" You said, giving him a mock salute. He shook his head with a laugh, heading upstairs to check on the sleeping three year old. You stretched as another yawn fought its way out of your mouth. You grabbed your coffee mug and frowned seeing that it was empty. You pushed yourself out of your chair and walked towards the coffee pot on the counter, but white spots filled your vision.
"Whoa," You blinked a couple times as you went to reach out for the counter, placing your mug down. You winced as you missed the spot, the mug crashing to the ground and splitting everywhere. You went to crouch down to pick up the glass, but felt your head start to swim, and before you knew it, you crashed to the floor.
--- --- ---
Goose whistled as he walked down the hallway to your son's room. He gently pushed the door open, and noticed that Bradley's reading lamp was still on, and the little boy was playing with his two model planes.
"You," Goose said, pointing at the little boy, "Are supposed to be in bed." Bradley giggled shyly as he set the two planes down next to him.
"I'm not tired, daddy," He smiled and shook his head.
"You and your mother both," Goose muttered and walked into the room, "How about another book?" Bradley nodded and Goose grabbed a book from the pile near Bradley's bed. He sat down next to the little boy and he cuddled into his dad. Goose could never get tired of the way Bradley liked to curl up on his lap or your lap when you would read to him.
Goose was half way through "Goodnight Moon" when he heard the sound of glass breaking. His head snapped towards the bedroom door. He waited a moment, expecting to hear your voice that you were alright, and then he heard another loud thud.
"Stay here," Goose said, gently moving his son off his lap. He pressed a quick kiss to Bradley's forehead before running down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Y/N?" Goose called out as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, and saw you trying to pull yourself into a sitting position, "Holy shit, baby!"
You held your hand up as you leaned against the kitchen cabinets, out of breath, "There's glass." Your voice was weak and Goose looked down at the glass on the floor, and then to your bleeding elbow.
"What happened?" Goose asked, kneeling down next to you and gently touching your face.
"I needed more coffee and I just. . . my vision went black," You said.
"When was the last time you ate?" Goose asked, "You skipped dinner with us," You just shrugged and shook your head, "Okay. . . when was the last time you drank anything beside coffee?" Again, you shook your head, "Baby, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
"No," You pouted, "It's late. I'm fine. Bradley is sleeping-"
"You need hydration," Goose said, "You are going to work yourself sick. If you won't let me take you to the hospital, at least take a couple days off. Let Margery or Jack do some stuff. Please, honey." Goose held your hands in his, almost near tears and you felt your heart break.
You didn't think that you were working yourself too hard, but with you being in your current position, you knew you were probably on the brink of a stress induced attack.
"Okay," You said and Goose kissed your forehead, "I need to clean up the-"
"Your time off starts now, lady," Goose scolded you, "I'm taking you to bed, and then I'll come clean up the glass."
You smiled at your husband, "I like when you get all demanding."
"Sex is part of the time off deal," Goose smirked and winked at you.
You groaned and Goose chuckled, his arms going around your body and easily picking you up from the floor. He took you to your shared bedroom and gently laid you down on the bed. He helped you change out of your work clothes, and slipped one of his old academy t-shirts over your head. He tucked you in and placed a kiss on your lips before he walked back down to pick up the mess in the kitchen.
When Goose returned back to the bedroom, after cleaning everything up, he was met with the sight of not only you, fast asleep, but Bradley curled up with you. He smiled to himself, taking in the moment before climbing in and laying next to his family.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
hii! for the tickletober prompts, how about lee dipper with day 12? like the ler (they can be whoever you see fit!) knows/discovers he is really weak to them so they get him. hope you're doing well!
TickleTober Day 12 - Nibbles/Bites
Thank you! I had a helluva time picking a ler for this, but I think Stan fits best. I need to write for him more anyways. This idea ironically happened less than 10 minutes after I finally chose Stan. My brain is weird like that (TvT). I hope you have a fun spooky season, Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Stan
Summary: Dipper is stressing out over the summer spooky season. Stan decides he needs a visit from a special kind of monster.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Once again, the Gravity Falls Summerween store opened its doors. The odd tradition began again for the year, residents joyful as they picked out candies and decided on costumes. Well, every resident but one.
A certain brown-haired, blue-hatted tween was sitting in the Mystery Shack gift shop, biting at his fingers. Ever since the whole "Summerween Trickster" fiasco, Dipper had been wary of the town's strange holiday. He would never forget the scene of Soos eating that thing…ugh.
Stan was taking inventory, making sure nobody had nicked any of his moderately overpriced merchandise. His eyes eventually drifted over to his worrisome great-nephew. That kid would worry himself into the ground if Stan let him…
"Hey picks-a-lot, those cuticles taste good?" He walked over to the teen, flicking the bill of his hat. The older man didn't mean anything malicious by it. He's just unapologetically mean sometimes. Dipper was used to his Grunkle's antics, brushing the comment off.
Dipper tucked his hands in his jacket, looking down at the register. "Sorry Stan. Just thinking about…stuff." He hadn't realized he'd been biting his fingers again. It was an old habit, one he wasn't keen on picking back up. Yet there it was.
The uneasy expression on his face was barely hidden. Stan didn't really know what to do about the kid's nerves. Normally, he'd sick Mabel on him. The tween was out with Candy and Grenda, so that wasn't an option. What to do, what to do…
"Uh…look kid. You want the rest of your shift off? I've got the shop covered, and you look pretty dead." He gave it to the kid straight. Dipper looked like he was one loud noise away from snapping, his fraying nerves and general high-strung mindset on overdrive. Stan could handle the almost empty gift shop, Tuesdays were always slow.
Dipper nodded, hopping off the creaky cashier stool stool. "Yeah, please. Thanks, Grunkle Stan." He lumbered up the steps to the attic, gently closing the door to his shared room behind him.
What was Stan gonna do with that kid?
The next few days weren't any better. With the rapidly approaching local holiday, Dipper's nerves only grew. Mabel didn't really notice, too enamored by costume ideas and trying to figure out Waddles's measurements.
He didn't really know the absolute cause of his worry. Was it the chance of Mabel getting hurt? The possibility of another garbage candy monster? The fact that he still can't unsee Soos eating his way out of the monster? All are good guesses. He just wished he could pinpoint which one it was.
His antsy demeanor hadn't gone unnoticed by the other Mystery Shack residents. Soos had tried to get him to play some arcade games at the mall, but he just wasn't up for it. Wendy had little to no luck, her attempts to get him to loosen up going nowhere. It was up to Stan…and he had no idea what to do.
He had tried things that worked before, offering him an extra break and listening to his rants about the Journals. Dipper just wasn't up for infodumping at the moment, and he just got lost in thought on his breaks. On the morning of SummerWeen, Stan finally threw in the towel. He did the only thing he had left; asking Mabel what to do.
When he opened the door, Stan was met with Mabel trying to put a superhero suit on Waddles. She was dressed in similar attire, her cape dragging behind her. "Oh, hey Grunkle Stan! You come to see the best heros this side of the Falls kick some butt?"
Stan chuckled, shaking his head. He felt a bit bad for the pig, he doubted those tights were comfortable. Better Waddles than him, though. "Nah, I'll be quick. What should I do to get your brother to loosen up? Kid's been freakin' all week."
Mabel's eyes widened as he said this, her brain quickly piecing together the signs she hadn't noticed. "Crud…he has been anxious." She fidgeted with her hair, giving the pig a moment to nibble on his cape. "I normally talk him down, but if that hasn't worked…maybe make him laugh?"
Stan sighed as she said this. He considered himself a pretty funny guy, but his humor normally made Dipper groan or question his existence. Not the best for making Dipper laugh, though it always gets a chuckle out of himself
His thoughts wandered to the times he had made the kid snicker, landing on a few well-timed zings and one-liners. The last was when he had been messing around with Dipper in the gift shop. He poked his great-nephew's side, and he squealed. He hadn't done anything then, but now? Oh, it's perfect.
"Hey Mabel…your dorky brother is stupid ticklish, right?" She nodded, a smile slowly forming on her face as she figured out her Grunkle's intentions. Waddles nudged her arm, showing off the lovely slobber stain in his cape fabric. "Silly guy, now I gotta redo your cape! Grunkle Stan, do you think you can get Dipper to be less Dipper-ish by 6:30? Our costumes this year are super, heheh"
Stan rolled his eyes, his mischievous mind racing with ideas of how to get Dipper back to normal. Well, as normal as the tween gets. "Yeah, alright. If you hear girlish screaming, cheer me on." He shut the door behind him, leaving his grand-niece to her silliness. That kid never fails to make him smile.
Dipper was in the living room, a costume hung on the chair in front of him. Mabel's costume idea that summer was super heros, with him being the villain. It was actually kinda cool, with the utility belt of fake gadgets he and Mabel had put together. The only problem was him.
He was worried about putting the costume on. First off, it would mean going out and trick-or-treating with Mabel. Nothing's wrong with it, his brain was just telling him it's childish. There's also the fact that he's worried the Trickster might come back. Black licorice was bad enough before, but now he can't look at a stick without getting shivers. They very easily could've died.
Stan was creeping in the doorway, watching the tween's inner dilemma. If he wanted to be mean, he could've scared the crap out of him. But, showing a shocking amount of restraint, he knocked on the doorway. Stan walked over to him, ruffling the boy's hair. "Anybody home up there?"
Dipper, successfully snapped out of his daze, swatted at his Grunkle's hand. "Stan! Knock it off!" The older man chuckled, pulling his hand away and smirking down at the tween. That look…he knew that look. The look that meant Grunkle Stan was up to absolutely no good. "Stan…?"
He barely gave Dipper time to think before he snatched his great-nephew in his arms. It killed Stan's back, but it was worth it to hear the shocked yelp and protests from the kid. "Put me down! Stan- get off! Mabel!"
Stan flopped down in his recliner, holding Dipper in his lap. No help was coming for the boy. Mabel was in on it, as he quickly learned, and nobody else was at the Shack. It was just him, Stan, and the evil look on the older man's face as he wiggled his fingers. Crud.
"You worry too much, kid. You're gonna have more grays than me, and I put up with all'a you!" Those wiggling fingers were getting a bit too close to his stomach for comfort. Dipper squirmed, but with the way Stan held him, he was trapped. "Always thinkin' about these monsters and crazy creature things. You're so stuck in yer head, you didn't even notice the monster right in front of ya…"
He tazed Dipper's side, making him squeak at the unexpected touch. "Stahan, wait, plehehease-" He was so unbelievably screwed. "The TICKLE MONSTER!" Stan finally put his wiggling fingers on the boy's stomach, clawing and digging into the ticklish area.
Dipper squealed, shoving at his Grunkle's hands and writhing in his lap. His negative and anxious thoughts quickly faded to fuzzy, ticklish surprise. He hadn't expected this from Stan of all people. Mabel, absolutely, but Stan? He didn't really know how to react. "STAHAHAN! WHAHAHAT ARE YOUHU DOHOIHING?!"
"What's it feel like I'm doing, ya goofus? I'm tickling the snot outta ya. Now hold still." He spidered his fingers across his belly, making sure to get a few scratches in his belly button. "GEHEHET OFF! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHAN!"
Dipper kicked his legs, wishing the recliner was bigger. He barely had any room on Stan's lap, his legs nearly hanging off the armrest. Stan had him positioned so that his midsection was almost unprotectable, his arms practically pinned to his sides.
The tickling, as unexpected as it was, wasn't awful. He'd never tell the old man, but he was having a bit of fun. It was nice to let loose, to let his worrisome thoughts melt into giggles and squeaks.
The boy's laughter was, in Stan's eyes, adorable. It was nice to see the nervous kid laugh like that. Thinking of the night to come, he imagined the kids' costumes and candy-grab ideas. Candy...an evil idea bloomed in his mind. An evil, ticklish, awful idea. "I'm getting pretty hungry, Dipper. Might just have a quick snack…" He pulled up Dipper's shirt, waiting for the teen to catch on.
And catch on he did.
"Stahahan- Stan don't! Nonononoho!" Dipper's eyes went wide when he figured out Stan's plan. There's no way he could handle those. The tween desperately tried to get away, kicking out and trying to grab his Grunkle's hands.
His Grunkle easily pinned Dipper's hands, smirking down at him. It was almost too easy. Stan lowered his head, nibbling on his great-nephew's poor belly.
Dipper shrieked.
"NAHAHAHA! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHA- STAHAHAP!" He tossed his head back, kicking and thrashing under the ticklish nibbles. Stan's old man stubble wasn't helping. The scratchy texture made it so much worse.
Stan was enjoying himself. Hearing the kid's laughter reminded him of the stupid things he and his brother would do as kids, the fun they'd have. Before it all went south, they'd do this all the time. The best part was that he knew Dipper didn't mind it.
Just to be a jerk, he started making little "nom" noises as he nibbled the boy's stomach. Dipper twisted and shoved at his head, but Stan wouldn't budge. The tween resisted the urge to hit at Stan's head, instead gripping his silver hair. He didn't tug, but just grabbed on, needing something to do with his hands.
The nibbles traveled across his midsection, going from his stomach to his ribs, then back down to his belly button. Dipper was in stitches, the simple action reducing him to a cackling mess. He could barely think, his mind reeling at the assault on his nervous system. It wasn't bad, but it was mean.
Dipper managed to last for another two minutes before reaching his limit. The boy's laughter had taken on a breathy edge, his thrashing slowed with exhaustion. He patted the top of his Grunkle's head, tapping out.
Just like that, the torturous sensations stopped. Stan chuckled, raising his head and rubbing his great-nephew's midsection to try and ease the phantom tickles. Dipper curled into himself as he giggled out the leftover buzz. "Youhuhu…you suhuck…"
That got him a poke to the side. "Watch it, giggles." And Dipper, not having much of a choice, giggled. Stan let him go with a knowing smirk. The tween quickly slid off his lap, rubbing his sides. The clock read 5:30, just in time for him to get ready. "Your sister wants you dressed in an hour. Don't be late."
He left the room, leaving Dipper alone with his costume. Stan knew it wasn't a permanent fix. The boy was always stressing about something. He just hoped that the playful moment eased his worries for the night. Those kids deserve a good night.
The tween looked over at the suit, a small smile still on his face. The negative thoughts from before were gone, replaced with a light and happy feeling. He picked up the dark fabric, sliding the mask on over his red face. Maybe the night wouldn't be so bad after all…
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cornyonmains · 10 months
The absolute tragedy baked into Boston's character is that I think there's some part of him that likes Nick. That has feelings for him. If the translations are right, some of the word choices Boston uses to describe Nick, like lovely, are these little slivers of honesty between the lies. They're also words he never uses to describe Top. The terms he uses are less personal like 'top tier' or 'the best' or 'the hottest'. They're all descriptions oriented around how Top is seen by others. So much of Boston's attraction to him is steeped in the ego of not being able to take rejection, and not a real interpersonal attraction.
I also think another thing at play here, beyond Boston's jealousy of Top's feelings for Mew, is Mew's value in the friend group and in society. Mew's the top student, the bookworm, the virgin. Boston has probably had jealousy festering for years. Ray's in love with Mew. And while Top was initially enchanted by the idea of Mew's virginity, this grew to Top really liking just being with someone who didn't attach any strings to companionship, who wanted an actual connection, but of course Boston still sees it as Top chasing after Mew's virginity. Prizing the lack of the one quality Boston completely defines his value with.
Boston is going to be at the core of every conflict between the characters. He's going to exploit every weakness.
He planted the fear in Mew that Top was playing him, knowing Mew would test Top's resolve. And Top, whom is looking more and more exhausted every episode, who probably hasn't been sleeping well because he quit partying, quit seeking out companionship to prove himself to Mew did have some right to feel yanked along. Not enough to cheat, but Boston's manipulations probably coincided with Top really going through it with his insomnia, as he had stopped sleeping around.
Meanwhile Ray, who clearly likes Sand the most, whom at this point seems to be holding onto a fading crush, but still gives a fuck about his friend, is being spurred into thinking he needs to protect Mew, which is really going to fuck things up with Sand.
Boston is the fucking tumor in this group. They're all trying to grow up and lead normal lives with stable relationships, and Boston's there pitting himself against everyone.
All the characters are flawed, but none of them act with the same level of malevolence as Boston. That foreshadowing with the song Mew and Top were dancing to, it struck me as a sad song, about someone being perceived as the bad guy, but not necessarily being so. It was tinged with an underlying theme about perceptions. And I think that's important here, because when you look at our two gaypex predators, Top and Boston, they go about things quite differently.
It's clear from dialogue Top is very up front with his one night stands. Honest, always, about his intentions. This certainly seems to be the case with Boston. But Boston is a manipulator, he makes false promises, strings people along, says whatever he needs to to get what he wants.
If Top does end up having to be the bad guy, if someone does end up dying this season, I'd say this episode foreshadowed Top being the one to do it, and that that person is likely going to be Boston. Top's made some bad choices, but he's very much falling victim to obsessive stalking behavior. To being preyed upon by Boston. And I think it speaks to the themes that BL has created that people aren't picking this up, because I think the reason they're not picking this up is because he's "the Top". The more traditionally masculine part of the fucked up binary BL creates. They're not used to perceiving these characters as vulnerable to this kind of behavior, because tropes never allow for that in BL.
Anyways, so ends my rant. The moral of the story is I really, really don't like Boston.
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boltupbitches · 6 months
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 5
Natalie rubbed her hands nervously down the front of her skirt, adjusting her top again and checking her hair in the mirror. She wasn’t certain why her fixation with her reflection had her holed up in the bathroom of her lawyer’s office, but here she was.
She had been ill the past two days, nauseous and weak. She chalked it up as nerves since today would be the day she would officially begin her divorce proceedings. It was nerve-wracking. She had a face full of makeup to cover up the dark eyes, but she knew the puffiness of her face was still there, no matter the cold compresses she applied to her face. ‘Probably my cholesterol or blood pressure from stress eating.’ She thought as she gently prodded her right cheek, watching the fullness of her cheek bounce back immediately.
Nick had been on edge as well. He couldn’t take off from practice in the middle of the season and instead settled with checking in on Natalie while at the facility. 
She knew he was worried about her, but she was starting to worry that her baggage was impacting his game.
Nick had come home yesterday evening in a bad mood. He didn’t call like he typically did when getting out of practice and instead came right home, breezing past Natalie to the bathroom and shutting the door loudly behind him.
She wasn’t sure what was up with him but decided that working outside on the patio was the best bet until he cooled off.
About an hour later he made his way outside and squeezed onto the outdoor sofa, pulling her into him and breathing deeply.
After a while, he spilled about how he had gotten into a disagreement with a teammate who was making remarks about him being too distracted for their upcoming game in a few days. It turned into an exchange of words and both men ended up getting sat down in their head coach's office where they were thoroughly chewed out for their conduct.
Natalie remained quiet throughout his tale, not interrupting him and waiting when he paused for him to continue. After he finished, she gently pressed a kiss to the crown of his head and said, “I’m worried about you, Nick.”
He lifted his head off her shoulder lazily and stared at her with confusion, “What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Well,” She started to say, biting her lip and thinking for a moment how to word it. “I just worry that all of my stuff is going to hurt you and your job. You have a contract extension coming up next season. I don’t want to contribute to your distractions.”
Nick sighed and sat up, rubbing his hands over his face and staring blankly ahead at the setting sun in the distance.
Natalie quietly packed away her laptop and folder, promising herself she’d finish up her work tomorrow.  She was still bundled in her sweatshirt as she shivered at the cold sensation from the evening breeze. 
Nick had noticed and pulled her gently into him, wrapping his warm arms around her as he pulled her into his lap. He pressed a kiss to the corner of her draw, moving across her cheek with gentle pecks until he pressed his lips into hers, his lips coaxing entry as his hand snuck into her yoga pants. He pulled back and stared into her hooded eyes with his own. “You’re not a distraction to me. You keep me focused and you give me a purpose outside of my career. Don’t ever think you’re hurting my career. Let me worry about that shit.” He pressed his lips into hers once more.
Natalie pulled back and nodded softly, her body already humming the second he pressed a kiss to her jaw. His fingers dancing along her panty-line wasn’t helping the heat pulling between her legs.
It didn’t take long until they were back inside with Natalie sprawled out naked on the couch, her back arched as Nick pumped his fingers into her cunt, his tongue pressed against her clit as he teased her to completion. 
She didn’t have to wait long until she felt the tell-tale sign of her orgasm approaching, her legs raising and her back tensed as the band snapped.
Nick had wasted no time lapping it all up, making sure to keep eye contact with Natalie as he sucked his fingers clean of her essence.
She eagerly rode him the second he sat down, her legs trembled as she mounted him. She had cried loudly as her legs burned and shook with the force at which she was bouncing on him.
At some point, Nick had picked up that she was tired and slowing down. His hands held her hips firmly as he took over and bounced her on him, a smirk on his face as he heard her incoherent cries of pleasure and pleads for him to go harder.
And that was how their night went, Nick keeping her distracted from her divorce lawyer appointment, and her giving him the physical touch he so desperately craved when not in her presence. They were a mess, but they were a mess for each other.
“Well,” her lawyer, Matthew Stern, sighed loudly. “This is quite the predicament. I am impressed with the amount of work you’ve put in to gather evidence, Ms. Collins.” He stared at the financial transactions in his hands, “You say that he has been funneling this into another fund?”
Natalie nodded. “I believe so.. He has a child on the way with his mistress. I found out through social media, but I have not confronted him directly on the matter yet. I think the money is either for the child or for him to keep hidden if we divorce and he’s taken by the mother of the child for child support.”
“It’s always a possibility, and not the most shocking one, unfortunately. Much more common than you think among divorcing couples.” His face pulled into a frown. “Mr. Bosa mentioned that you had some safety concerns as well.”
“I’m sorry?” Natalie asked in shock, “I..um.. Mr. Bosa?”
“Yes, Nicholas Bosa.” He gave her a knowing look. “I spoke with your boyfriend this morning before you arrived. He mentioned covering the fee for all of this and brought up a few things he thought would be helpful. A nice man, Ms. Collins. I’m glad to know you have someone on your side in this whole ordeal who is supporting you. It won’t be easy if the husband decides to contest and drag this out in court, which seems likely.” Mr. Stern explained in a matter-of-fact tone.
Natalie nodded dumbly, her brain still processing that Nick was somehow now involved, by his own volition, in her divorce efforts. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling in that moment. Anger? Sadness? Hurt? Embarrassment? Frustration? It was a toxic cocktail of feelings that she choked down along with the bile rising in her throat. 
“Excuse me, I think I’m feeling sick,” Natalie said nervously, standing and gripping the arm of the chair she was just sitting on as she swayed forward for a moment, her head suddenly feeling light as the room started to spin slightly. 
“Ms. Collins!” Mr. Stern shot up nervously and made his way around his desk to help steady her. “Let’s sit you down.” He helped her back down and yanked a trash can over to her in case she threw up.
He quickly whipped out his cell phone and called his secretary in immediately. “Stay with her,” He instructed as he stood up, “she looks like she’s going to pass out. I’m calling an ambulance.”
Natalie was sitting there in a daze, a cold sweat breaking out as she leaned forward and heaved into the trash can, her skin clammy and pale as she shook. 
The secretary held her hair back, trying to keep Natalie steady as the woman slumped more into her seat. “Ms. Collins?” She asked nervously. 
Natalie couldn’t bring herself to answer as her eyes closed and darkness consumed her consciousness.
The steady beep was the first thing that Natalie noticed, followed by the all-familiar smell of disinfectant that let her know she was in the hospital.
She squeezed her eyes tightly before opening them, her eyes blinking as she took in the darkened room with just a sliver of light coming in through the doorway. Shifting, she flinched as she felt an uncomfortable tug on her wrist and looked down to see an IV set up in her arm.
She wasn’t dreaming. She really was in a hospital room. “What the fuck?” she called out, unsure of what the hell was going on in that moment.
“Nat?” a deep voice asked drowsily. 
Natalie turned her head to see Nick sprawled out on a pull-out recliner next to her bed, his large frame barely fitting on the furniture as he had a blanket draped over his shoulders. He must have been sleeping. 
Nick blinked a few times before quickly coming to fully and leaning up to turn the light on above them.
Both of them blinked in shock at the sudden brightness. “Fuck, sorry. My bad.” He groaned out, turning the light off again. “I don’t know how to use these switches in here. I’ll buzz for the nurse.” He mused as he reached for the call button and pressed it.
Natalie said nothing as she pressed her head back against the pillow beneath her. “The last thing I remember was seeing my lawyer at 2 pm.. What time is it?”
Nick checked his phone and said, “10:00 pm. You’ve been sleeping this whole time. I got you moved into a private suite until you’re discharged. There was no way in hell I was letting you out there to get sick or something if you had to share a room.” He said as he put his phone away.
Natalie nodded, not wanting to push back against what Nick said just a moment ago. She was just glad that the spinning sensations and nausea were finally over. “How did you find out?” She knew he wasn’t on her emergency contact form.
“Mike Stern called me as soon as the ambulance took you. Gave me the hospital name that he got from the EMT. I was just getting out of the facility when the call came through. I quickly got here. They wouldn’t let me see you at first. Thankfully, Stern’s assistant rode along in the ambulance and had your stuff. I had to use your phone to call your mom to get permission for them to talk to me.”
Natalie groaned. “You spoke with my mom, Nick?”
Her head was starting to hurt and her heart rate went up a bit, making the monitor beep loudly.
Nick leaned over and rubbed his hand down her cheek, “Woah, woah. It’s ok. Your mom was nice about everything… She said she’d talk with you more about everything when she flies in next week.”
Natalie nodded and looked away, blinking back her tears. She was frustrated that more and more people were getting involved in all of this. This was one thing she wanted to handle herself. She wanted to tell her mom at a later date.
Nick noticed her silence and opened his mouth to continue talking when a knock at the door interrupted them. “Come in.” He called, his eyes still glued to Natalie’s sullen frame. He reached up and turned the lights on, wincing at the brightness now alighting the room.
“Mrs. Collins?” the doctor asked as she moved out of the doorway and allowed the nurse in behind him who moved to Natalie’s side and proceeded to take her vitals.
“That’s me.” She said flatly. Her head was killing her and at this moment, she couldn’t find it in her to fake friendliness. 
“I’m Dr. Kenneth and I’m in to speak with you about your condition. I heard you passed out today after experiencing a few days of nausea and weakness. Is that correct?” The doctor moved to her side and sat down on the stool in the corner of the room. 
“Yes. I was at an appointment. I haven’t been feeling well, but I figured it has been due to a stressful situation I’m dealing with in my personal life.”
The doctor’s eyes darted to Nick and back to her, a silent question there, asking for assurance that she was safe. 
“Oh - no, I’m ok. He’s my boyfriend.” She rushed to explain. “I’m going through a divorce currently with my estranged husband… and it’s just been a lot on me.”
Her doctor nodded along. “Have you been experiencing anything different with sleeping, eating, or your menstrual cycle?” Her eyes glinted knowing behind them.
“Um.. not really?” She was unsure, worried where this line of questioning was going. 
Nick had caught on as well and had perked up in his seat, leaning forward with his hands clasped in front of him, waiting to hear more.
“Ms. Collins, my reason for asking is because we noticed something with your blood work. You results came back that you are pregnant.” She spoke softly.
Natalie just stared at her blankly, not understanding what she was saying to her. “I’m sorry. I’m what?” 
“You’re pregnant. How far along, we aren’t certain of course, but it appears to be early on in the pregnancy. Which explains the bouts of nausea, exhaustion, hypersensitivity to sounds and light, and the extra stress.”
She stopped speaking and stared at the couple in front of her.
Natalie was clearly in shock.
Nick? He was staring at Natalie, more specifically her stomach area tucked under the blanket. There were tears in his eyes as he wordlessly reached up and wiped the corner of his eye, catching the stray tear that was streaking down his cheek.
“I’m going to go ahead and leave you two to discuss the results. Other than the pregnancy discovery, Mrs. Collins, all of your other labs came back fine. Please be careful with your stress as it can exasperate symptoms and put additional stress on your system.” 
She stood up and reached out to shake Nick’s hand, gripping his large hand tightly as she offered him a close-lip smile. “Congratulations.” She turned back to Natalie, “Please give us a call if you need anything additional. We are going to keep you tonight just for observation to make sure you’re okay and aren’t experiencing any signs of further fainting spells.”
After the doctor left with the nurse, the room was silent once more, save for the rapid heart rate and breathing of the two in the room.
“What are we going to do?” Natalie asked him, her eyes unsure as she searched Nick’s eyes. “Nick… this isn’t the right time.” Her eyes teared up. “There’s so much going on with my divorce. This isn’t a good time.”
Nick nodded and lowered his eyes, not wanting her to see his disappointment at the reminder of reality. Their situation wasn’t ideal. A 5-month affair with a married woman wasn’t on his bingo card for 2022, but here he was. A soon-to-be-father wasn’t planned either.
Yet he was conflicted. He wanted this more than anything. He wanted to marry Natalie and have children with her. He wanted to come home to a family of his own. He wanted it more than he wanted a Super Bowl ring.
For the first time in his life, his career felt so minuscule to the feelings he felt with Natalie in his arms. With her, it was tunnel vision. He thought of her every morning and every night. Whether together or apart, she was on his mind. The books he read or the tv shows he watched, he thought of sharing them with Natalie.
He didn’t realize that he too was now crying softly, openly as the tears poured down his cheeks. He felt frustrated at the circumstances that surrounded their relationship.
In a perfect world, he would have met Natalie, an unmarried woman. They would both be happy at the unexpected news of a baby. She would have met his mom already and had dinner with his dad and stepmom. She would have met Joey and his grandma.
But right now, right now was reality. And reality wasn’t so warm and inviting to the idea of this fairy tale.
Nick wiped his eyes and looked back up at Natalie, forlorn but with understanding behind the pain in his eyes. “I’ll support you, Natalie, in whatever you decide.” His words hurt to speak aloud.
Natalie was crying with him, gently reaching her hand out as an invitation for him to come closer to her. 
Nick got up and crawled in next to her, carefully tugging her against his chest, careful of her IV as he held her shaking frame. He pressed a kiss against her forehead, closing his eyes and breathing in the faint smell of her shampoo. Her face was pressed into his sternum, the fabric of his shirt damp from her tears.
They were heartbroken and unsure, but they had each other. Whatever Natalie decided, she hoped he had meant it when he said he’d be standing by her. She couldn’t stomach the idea of losing him right now - or ever.
Nick felt her breathing even out as she slipped into a much-needed rest. He continued to lay there with her, not wanting to move her. Instead, he adjusted the blanket over the two of them as he stared down at Natalie’s sleeping form.
He hoped she’d consider keeping the baby.
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glasskey · 9 months
Serena's Playlist
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I’ve got to hand it to Yvonne Strahovski, watching her play the duplicitous and vicious Serena is like receiving a master class in how to be a perfect villain. I loathe and love Serena, I’m absolutely transfixed by her and with that in mind I’m rolling out my all time favorite Serena moments to date, in seasonal order.
Do you understand me?
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Yes Serena. Yes I understand. Strahovski is breathtaking in this display of utter viciousness, going from zero to a hundred in the space of less than 10 seconds. One moment she’s gushing over June as the living embodiment of motherhood and the next her face deteriorates into a picture of utter rage. As a totally reasonable and completely logical punishment for not successfully getting knocked up, our protagonist is indefinitely locked up. Yes, because there’s nothing quite like isolation, depression, lack of vitamin D and fresh air to encourage fertility. Even Nick is stunned at Serena's cruelty when she puts the partition up between them in the car…..too little too late sweetie.
It isn’t yours
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Imbued with the happy spirit of being a new pseudo momma, Serena performs a spectacular mic drop on Fred when she announces their happy homes new addition, followed by an icy “It isn’t yours”. Serena then delivers a blistering speech about how God would never let him father a child because he’s so incredibly weak. Its a verbal kick to the nuts of epic proportions and after Fred’s patronizing and dismissive “go to your room”, it is absolutely delicious to watch her crush him so entirely.
As long as my baby is safe, so is yours.
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If you ever thought redemption might be on the table for Serena, this single sequence will convince you otherwise. Serena taking June to see Hannah, without letting her actually speak to her, is by far the cruelest shit I have ever seen done to a mother. The ensuing verbal bloodbath in the car is a spectacular display of Moss's acting abilities that's not to be missed. Up until this point June had been quite polite and addressed Serena as “Mrs Waterford”, but as the litany of insults June unleashes suggests, that shit was all over now. The whole “as long as my child is safe, so is yours” line that Serena lays on June, is beautifully referenced after June is recaptured in S2 and Serena nearly throttles her. June has effectively denied Serena experiencing the first 3 months of the pregnancy and she’s fucking livid. The veil is down and these two are officially mortal enemies. Let the games begin.
He looks handsome doesn’t he?
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Oh no she didn’t! Here Serena takes her most powerful swing at Nick and June’s relationship to date. Nick’s a bit more heart than head here, he just can’t help himself when he see’s the woman he loves starting to lose it, and unwisely steps up to Serena. As a consequence he unintentionally earns himself a shiny new child bride and later finds his girlfriend broken and bloody in the garden bed. It’s a mistake of colossal proportions on Serena’s part and it’s a perfect example of what happens when she gets just a wee bit too greedy and gloaty for her own good. It’s also a beautiful example of how the Waterfords like to dress their revenge as reward.
You’ve left me with nothing
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This one kind of breaks my heart a little, it’s not often that you get to see a vulnerable Serena, and to witness her being reduced to smoking rubble was almost more than I could bear. Seeing Serena weep with such anguish and helplessness was absolutely revelatory to her characters dimension. Serena assisted the construction of an entire dictatorship just so she could get a bub and even that had failed her. It’s the first time we get a glimpse of an utterly defeated Serena and it’s not pretty, even a rage filled June can’t pull the trigger. It’s right here that you also realize Serena will never truly love Fred ever again….like ever.
You will never be free of me
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I can’t go past the notorious Serena and June “break up scene”, its a rare piece of television, the likes of which we won’t see for many years to come. The entire DC episode is spectacular and this sequence is utterly breathtaking. Serena mistakenly thinks she can hit and run with her little Nick / Sons of Jacob spiel without incurring a scratch, and she honestly believes that all she needs to do is retrieve Nicole and she can wash her hands of June forever. June is incredulous, how could Serena be so naive? Far from being a quick and clean divorce, June intends to make this the single most excruciating experience of Serena's life.
Never touch my daughter again
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This was just straight up stupid of Serena. June had JUST torn her husband apart and here Serena was parading Hannah and Nick in front of her in all her devastating glory, reminding June they were both still well within her talons reach. Unfortunately Serena was given the heave ho by Gilead, and came home to a seething June who attached herself to Serena's car like a hissing rabid bat. Seriously If you can’t bring it, don’t step to our girl. It won’t end well.
Next time I see you I’m gonna fucking kill you myself
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Luke really walked into this one. From the very beginning Luke underestimated exactly how capable an adversary Serena was and here he gets a nice big juicy dose of reality. This honestly was like watching a cat play with its food, Serena doesn’t even break a sweat, stopping just short of calling him a coward and twisting the knife about Nick's involvement with June. Luke’s fucking wounded, his eyes fill with tears, his hands tremble with rage and he chokes out the words “Next time I see you I’m gonna fucking kill you myself”. Serena’s not even remotely scared, she is LOVING it, gloating from the protective throne of a mother who’s a gazillion weeks preggers. I’ve noticed that If Serena wants to hurt June, she makes a bee line for Nick or Hannah, interestingly she never seems to bother much with Luke. Comparatively Luke’s a poor adversary and here she lets him know it, when she crushes him completely without the slightest bit of effort or care. Next time Luke, don’t underestimate Serena, it’s bad for your health.
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disventurecamptakes · 2 months
I honestly feel like Odd Nation Cartoons aren't the best at writing relationships
Nick x Lill (beta) - it ended before it even started. What was the point
Will x Ashley - not enough time with them to say. Cute though
James x Aiden - it feels like we've seen them interacting as a healthy couple for 10 minutes total. We needed at least another couple episodes of Jaiden in dcas to make up for all their arguing and weak season 2 tension
Gabby x Ellie - I wish they had more explicit moments in S1 but that's personal preference HOWEVER ONC are on thin ice with the "Gabby doesn't want to talk to Ellie because she gets competitive" thing. Don't ruin them for us
Riya x Connor - campfire couple yet their storyline basically ended in episode 3 in (imo) an unsatisfying way. I'm actually genuinely confused as to whether they were dating or just close friends who had feelings but never acted on them
HuntAlly - my issue isn't the fact that Hunter is a shitty boyfriend (because bad person ≠ bad writing) but it's the fact no one calls him out. When he talks about Ally it's never about how Ally doesn't feel listened to, he talks about how she has "issues" and no one ever says "actually you're bad" and it's just so uuughh
Greul - honestly I'd rather not say anything about this one
TomJake - even though they broke up ten times in season 1 I can excuse the toxic yaoi as it's semi realistic given who they both are and their drama benefitted them and everyone around them. They ended on a nice note too. And I know people ghost people so season 3 can be considered realistic (Tom's awful for ghosting Miriam btw) but Tom is also like. 30 years old and their storylines aren't doing much besides keeping them in while better characters are eliminated
Alec x Connor - actually really well written but they didn't animate the scenes where they kissed /s
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ilkkawhat · 1 year
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1.12 Fahrenheit 932
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tailsbeth-writes · 2 months
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Saw the open tag from @taste-thewaste on this! This took me down memory lane a bit 🥲
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White & Royal Blue mostly but I'm happy to write Heartstopper and og Skam.
I've written for Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Skam France, Wtfock, Druck, Skam Italia & Shadowhunters in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Digital Love Letters (RWRB)
i try hard to get back inside your arms alive (RWRB) - and particularly insane as I posted this last week! 🥰)
Right Kind of Wrong (Riverdale)
your heart is your masterpiece (RWRB)
a frightening magic I cling to (RWRB)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! They make my day, I screenshot my faves. I also love when someone finds a fic that has lots of chapters & I get a flurry of comments 🤌🏻
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Tricky, I don't usually finish on angst. Echo (Wtfock) follows on from a very horrendous part of the show or Season 5 - Magnus (Skam) never got finished so it's been left in the midst of angst.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them end on a happy note but Love, Henry (RWRB) is probably the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics?
I think there was a little back when I started in Riverdale but I think it more anger on their part for a topic I could have written more sensibly I suppose? I've had critique on fics now but never hate.
Do you write smut?
I've written it one time years ago & it felt weird. I loooove writing foreplay though! But I've not ventured into smut in my current fandoms. That might be something I do though, my bigender Alex fic might go into that if there's sequel.
Craziest crossover:
I've only done one and it was a Riverdale meets Teen Wolf, it was a Christmas special and they had to help reunite Santa with his reindeer. While I haven't watched Riverdale for ages, I'm still really proud of that fic!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thankfully!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I'd love that though 😄
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I'd absolutely love to collab this year, in the RWRB fandom in particular y'all are so talented 🥲
All time favorite ship?
Firstprince (RWRB) probably. Wilmon (Young Royals) is a close second atm, I'd love to write some YR fics soon. I'm still a massive Yousana (Skam) and Davenzi (Druck) shipper too. Oh and Nathan/Annalise/Gabriel (TBSATDH) - can't remember the ship name! That show got cancelled too soon & it was basically like a fix it for the books.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Teen Wolf reader insert fic with a pregnancy story line that I left on a huge cliffhanger but frustrates me but not enough to motivate to finish it. I also have my Skam season 5 - Magnus fic that I'd love to finish one day but I haven't found the plan I made for it originally.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and character voice I think?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting? I'm good at writing scenes but writing a longer storyline in fanfic is something I struggle with.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If you can do it, go for it! I wish I could incorporate more Spanish in my RWRB fics but alas I only got French or German at my school, I only stuck with French. Maybe I'll brush up & add some in for Henry (RWRB) or Nick (Heartstopper).
First fandom you wrote in?
Riverdale, I haven't seen it in years 😅
Favorite fic you've written?
i try hard to get back inside your arms alive is the probably the one I'm proudest of and while it isn't finished yet Her Royal Highness is up there cause it combines so many of my favourite things, I'm getting to explore darker topics in some scenes while also putting Henry in drag - fanfic catnip for me quite frankly!
I'm not sure who has done this already but I'll tag folks I want to see answer this: @heysweetheart-writes @candyspandemonium @firenati0n @onthewaytosomewhere @callumsmitchells & of course, open tag 💛
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Poking at Jaheira and Rasaad dialogue from Baldur's Gate 2 to get their voices more in my head for fic writing... some of my favorite bits from the wiki that I didn't get in Caden's playthrough:
Jaheira: You musn't let yourself get so wounded, Aerie. I won't always be around to bandage you, you know. Aerie: I'm a healer too, Jaheira. Jaheira: And what good are your spells now? You should be more frugal and not cast them all at once. Aerie: Y-yes, ma'am. Jaheira: And don't stutter; it doesn't become you.
Jaheira: I see you are hurt, child. I will carry what extra I can if it will lighten your load. Aerie: I am not weak, Jaheira, and you were as likely to be hurt as I! Jaheira: I have more experience in battle, Aerie. Any wound I received might have killed you comparatively. Aerie: So you say, but I shall not learn avoidance of such by cowering behind you.
Dorn: You have fire. I respect that. But I warn you, druid: Attempt to poison me again and you will not see the next sunrise. Jaheira: What nonsense are you babbling? Dorn: This concoction. You neglected to account for my orc blood. Next time, try something more potent. Jaheira: Do not be ridiculous. I am a druid, not an assassin. Dorn: Then how do you explain this vile brew? Jaheira: It is a mixture of myrtle and willow— Dorn: IT IS POISON. Jaheira: Drink it, Il-Khan. Or next time I will leave your wounds untended.
Jan: You know, Jaheira, in all our travels, your smile has eluded me. Jaheira: Oh, come now. Certainly I reserve my emotions for matters of great import, but... Jan: That is the thing. Perhaps I have moved you on occasion, but any fleeting glimmer of a smile is gone before it properly lights the room. Jaheira: Well, have you a relative that might remedy the situation Jan: Eh, perhaps illustrating the horror of unappreciated storytelling? Well... I had an Uncle Richard that tried to bring nude theater to a festival in Waterdeep...Exposure is usually good for an actor's career, but even so, a cold reception for the play caused the cast to shrink steadily. Blackballed, my uncle tried to recruit from the thieves' guild, but they wouldn't let their nick-ers go."Just bare with me," he would say, but they were afraid of being stripped of their dignity. He gave up the lead to attract new members, and eventually the production's genius was uncovered, even with his part left out. Jaheira: Ah... Jan: Verdict? Jaheira: Not... one of your best. *snicker* Jan: They can't all take the brass ring. Jaheira: Keep trying? Jan: I will if you will, my dear.
Keldorn: So this is home to your mysterious Harpers, is it Jaheira: Less and less mysterious with every day of your scrutiny, Lord Keldorn. Had I my choice, I would rather none but me were here at all. Keldorn: Then I thank the gods you do not have your choice more often. Your opinions run often towards the brash, my dear. Jaheira: I am Harper, Keldorn, I am discreet when I wish. I just find other methods to be... more effective. Now, may I suggest you keep your next thoughts to yourself? Keldorn: Ah... yes... aye, m'lady.
Korgan: That's a fine wooden staff you've there, woman. Tell me, ye crack acorns with it? Or call some rarebit friends to frolic with ye? Jaheira: Nature's servant makes no judgment on the woodlands. Your tone betrays you, Korgan. Korgan: Perhaps ye could summon a horde of squirrels to take the day, or make a lovely leaf stew? Make sure ye and yer twig be of some use, though that use be lost on me. Jaheira: A great many things are lost to you, I would think.
Jaheira: My injuries sting, but I think it is mostly my pride that hurts. But we did well enough in our last battle, did we not? I'll wager we may outlive the season if we are careful. Mazzy: That we might, though this was surely but a small scuffle. Our battles will loom larger as we garner more enemies. Jaheira: You do not seem worried at this prospect. Mazzy: Our virtue will guide the way. We shall not falter.
Minsc: Oh! Squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts! Jaheira: Minsc, could you please maintain a little grace while in nature's presence? Sometimes I simply do not know how you came by your title of ranger. Minsc: Do you wish me dour and sour like most others? No, I say not. The animals run and play without care, and I would too... if such a thing would not squish Boo flat. Jaheira: But your duties are serious things, Minsc. Do you realize that? Minsc: I am very serious! Boo would not let me shirk my duties! I would not want to shirk anything! No, ma'am, no shirking! Jaheira: Admirable, Minsc, but you use that word like you don't know what it means. Minsc: Eh, well... no... but it sounds sharp and painful, and I always reserve such things for freaks that might steal those squirrels' nuts! Jaheira: Good job, Minsc. You keep it up.
Jaheira: Well, little Nalia, it would seem you have grown quite accustomed to the power you now wield. Nalia: Why do you bring this up now, Jaheira? You have that tone in your voice again. Jaheira: "That" tone? I do not understand what you mean. Nalia: Yes, you do. It's that "time for an unnecessary lecture" tone that means you are about to caution me on the use of the power I have earned. Jaheira: I see. And what do you think the outcome of such a conversation would be? Nalia: Well, I believe that I would tell you I have found my true calling, that you should probably butt out, and that I would really prefer you to refrain from calling me "little Nalia." Jaheira: Determined to do good works no matter what the world thinks, is that the gist of it? Nalia: Yes, that would be the gist of it. Jaheira: Then I agree that the lecture would be unnecessary. I need say nothing. Nalia: You... what? Thank you, Jaheira.
Jaheira: I am curious, Neera. What does a wild surge feel like? Neera: It depends. I never know what to expect. The surges are all different from each other. How does it feel when you cast spells? Jaheira: Not the same, I am sure. I may feel wrath if the nature of my spell is violent, or calm if it is for healing. Beneath it all, I feel a oneness with nature that never changes. Neera: Maybe it's not so different after all. Jaheira: Why? You have this sense of oneness when you use magic? Neera: Sort of. My mind becomes part of... something. What, I don't know—I don't think it's nature. The Weave, I guess? Or maybe chaos? But yeah, it's kind of like "oneness," except it seems more like I'm looking at it through a window. When my magic is working properly, anyway. Jaheira: And when it's not? Neera: A wild surge is like that window shattering into a million pieces of glass. Jaheira: That sounds... unsafe. Neera: I don't mind. If you've been indoors a long time, sometimes you like the feel of a cold gust of wind. Jaheira: We are not talking about wind and windows. We are talking about power and your mind. Be careful of that glass.
Neera: Ohmigosh. Oh, Jaheira, I am so, so sorry! Jaheira: What have you to apologize for? Neera: A lot of things, actually, like the time I lit your hair on fire or the time I elbowed you in the stomach trying to get out of your way or— Jaheira: What have you to apologize for NOW? Neera: I just realized—I never said I was sorry about Khalid. Jaheira: Thank you, Neera. I appreciate that. Neera: I liked Khalid; he was nice. He made me soup once, when we were in Bridgefort.Come to think of it, it was REALLY GOOD soup. You wouldn't happen to know the recipe, would you?Er. Never mind. Not the time.
Viconia: Tell me, Harper, who was who with your parentage? Father the darthiir, mother the rivvil? Or father human, mother elven? It's always confusing with crossbred mongrels. Jaheira: Two people in love, swine. A rain not likely to soak your parade of scabbed obscenity anytime soon.
Voghiln: Come on. Just a little peck on the cheek. What's the harm in that? Jaheira: It'll be in my husband's fists if he finds out about it. Voghiln: Vot? Your husband raises his hand to you? This is not acceptable. Jaheira: No, you idiot. He'll raise his hand to you. And then bring it down on you, over and over again, like a hammer from the heavens. Voghiln: Oh, he'd hit ME? Ja, this makes more sense.
Rasaad: Forgive me, Jaheira, but I do not understand. I thought you a champion of goodness. You say you are not? Jaheira: There is no good in nature, nor evil, either. The wolf devours the rabbit. Is this good or evil, do you think? Rasaad: Well... neither, I suppose. Jaheira: You monks sit in libraries, perusing musty tomes about good and evil. I do not make such distinctions. My world - the natural world - simply is. Rasaad: An... interesting perspective. I shall have to think upon it. Jaheira: Perhaps you could find a book to help clear the matter up. Rasaad: An excellent idea. Have you any suggest... oh. You are teasing me now, yes? Jaheira: There may be hope for you yet, Rasaad.
Aerie: The weather is turning. Rasaad: It is a little chilly. Aerie: If we didn't have bad weather, we'd never appreciate it when it was good. You taught me that. Rasaad: I did? Aerie: Without the dark, how does one recognize the light?
Rasaad: I admire your devotion, Cernd. Cernd: My devotion? Rasaad: To nature. Has your faith in the Mother ever been tested? Cernd: Winds may sway the trunk, but this oak's roots are buried deep. Rasaad: What happens when the storm tears the tree from its holdings? What then? Cernd: When it happens—if it happens—another tree will take its place. Life goes on, Rasaad. Forever and always.
Edwin: Your head is very smooth, monk. Tell me, are you naturally bald? Rasaad: No. I shave it each day. Edwin: You shave it yourself, do you? Tell me, how do you do that? Rasaad: Surely you know how to shave. Edwin: Of course I know how to shave my own head, you impudent baboon!Uh, I merely seek to add to my considerable knowledge on the subject. So tell me—how do you shave your head? Rasaad: Having the correct tools helps. Come, I'll show you what I use.
Haer'Dalis: Yours is a story as old as time, but still as enthralling as the first time it was told. Rasaad: I am fairly sure my story is mine and mine alone. How could you have heard of it before? Haer'Dalis: The narrative shares many similarities with great plays and poems from times past. A stalwart soldier of light, his beliefs thrown into question by forces beyond his control, seeking revenge against those forces in an attempt to right that which was wronged. Classic. Rasaad: I see. And how do these other stories end? Haer'Dalis: The endings are many and varied, Rasaad, but all share one element. Rasaad: Which is? Haer'Dalis: Tragedy.
Hexxat: Still suspicious, Rasaad? Don't you think if I wanted your blood, I'd have taken it by now? Rasaad: Perhaps you are just biding your time, waiting for the right moment to strike. Hexxat: Rest easy. I would never partake of a friend of <CHARNAME>—at least, not uninvited. It would be... discourteous. Rasaad: Courtesy is not something I'd expect from a vampire. Hexxat: It is, however, something I'd expect from a Selûnite monk. Expectations are such slippery things, aren't they?
Imoen: What do you think? Rasaad: About what, Imoen? Imoen: My hair, dummy. What do you think? Rasaad: Has it changed? Imoen: YES! Look at it. Does it LOOK the same? Rasaad: I... yes? Imoen: You could at least TRY lying convincingly. Rasaad: You would have me lie to you? Imoen: Forget it. Don't worry about it. Rasaad: Have I done something wrong? Imoen: If you have to ask, then yeah, you probably have.
Mazzy: Take heart, Rasaad! The day is fine and our victories plentiful. Melancholy ill suits you. Rasaad: You mistake contemplation for melancholy. Do not be deceived. I am glad of our success. Mazzy: Your eyes tell a different story. Whatever demons you wrestle with, my friend, know that we stand steadfast behind you. Rasaad: I appreciate that, Mazzy, truly. But there is nothing to worry about.
Rasaad: You are always impeccably dressed, Nalia, yet I rarely see you shop for clothes. Nalia: I've always been good with a needle—one of the few skills Aunt Delcia managed to successfully impart, much to her chagrin. Rasaad: You sew your own garments? Nalia: Do not sound so surprised. Sewing relaxes me. It keeps the hands busy while letting the mind work. It's really not all that hard, once you get the basics down. The rest is just practice. Rasaad: And a little magic, I presume? Nalia: Here and there, Rasaad. Here and there.
Minsc: Friend Rasaad, I have a question, and Boo is being most uncooperative. What is a honeymoon? Rasaad: After two people are joined in marriage, they are provided with mead for a month in order to... ah... grow comfortable with one another. Minsc: So there are no bees? Rasaad: I have never been married, so I would not know. Jaheira: I can assure you, children, there are no bees on a honeymoon. Minsc: I shall take your word for it. Boo's answer involved both bees and birds. It was... confusing.
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dudeyuri · 8 months
ah the feel-good, snoozefest, milquetoast ending i feared and expected.... in both its highest points and its lowest points ONLY FRIENDS was a case against fixed pairings
i skipped forward all of the topmew scenes in this one again, so this episode was probably a cool 30 mins for me. i’m preaching to the choir i know but they were SUCH a glaring weak point in this show. to the point of unwatchability. they did top so dirty, man. you can’t root for a character who’s just so…cardboard. you can’t even love to hate him. did he have a meaningful conversation with anyone other than mew in the entirety of the series? top was underdeveloped, mew was kind of a drag (revenge era notwithstanding). the tension there was just not giving.
a lot of their post-ep2 relationship development was to build up to mew’s devastation, and to wink-nudge at the audience. any topmew tension before the reveal came from us knowing what top and boston did, while an oblivious mew just thought top was checking all his boxes. removed from the context of the secret, they just went on a series of boring dates, lol. and then we were back at square one with top trying to prove himself to mew--this time without the tension of the big secret. naturally it fell so flat. and goddamn did they give these two a whole lot of screentime. who enjoyed this? did force//book fans even enjoy this? (unless any of their scenes in the last two episodes were somehow good because. lol. i did not watch them)
nick going back on his “i love you the way you are, you don’t have to change” in the eleventh hour SUCKED majorly. seeing boston grovel SUCKED even more like REAL BAD. one big happy friend group, right where they started, sucked. and boston being left alone in the end like that was not fun for me
he was rebuffed during the new years kiss. he was allowed no rebuttal after nick insisted that he would be happier alone, when boston had just said he can have feelings for nick and simultaneously want to sleep with others. yeah his communication skills left something to be desired, but you really could make the case that this is because the boundaries he DOES set are constantly crossed by others--so why should he bother even setting them? idk his ending did feel kinda punitive, i agree with a lot of what i’ve seen, but it also felt just unresolved. what was the point of his last fling with nick?
idk they should have let bostonnick be “nasty” (big quote unquote here) together. boston is still endlessly interesting to me i will probably have more today on this. forever my favorite only friend, forever that girl
at least we have sandray. the bi4bi sandray mutual crush on keira knightly was the episode highlight for me because yeahhhh, same (episode highlight, aside from the almost-threesome in the pool. and sand owning his status as DOG. and first kissing force). as @jolselin said. time and again firstkhao really outsold. the only friends tagline: firstkhao outsold. forget everything i said about fixed pairings
and the mix cameo…i should’ve dropped my “here’s how mix in only friends can still win” post yesterday. know i screamed. and boeing, gone as suddenly as he arrived, was a lot of fun. it’s greedy but i would’ve appreciated just an inkling of what his deal was. and i also wish this show leaned into its absurdity a little more. 
okay a harsh review and thumbs down for the last episode. but if there’s a second season or spin-off I will ABSOLUTELY watch. this shit was so hysterical and fun and wild and sexy. this was my best friend’s first BL and we basically spent a full hour every saturday cry-laugh-yelling “what the fuck” at the screen. from the baffling music cues to the ubiquitous bubblegum pink lip tints, and with the exception of topmew, it was such a blast. thank u jojo et al
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genuinerio · 9 months
STILL INTO YOU ↠ 「 The Summer I Turned Pretty 」
Profile of Stephanie Fisher.
NOTE: I decide to change Alexandra’s name to Stephanie after Stevie Nicks who is the famous frontwoman of “Fleetwood Mac,” so Alexandra is her middle name now. Also, beware that if she has a love interest, it will most likely be Steven and I’m thinking of writing Stephanie and Steven’s relationship as a slow-burn romance.
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NICKNAMES: STEPH. (everyone), STEVIE. (conrad), ANNIE, HIPPIE. (jeremiah), PRINCESS, MY LITTLE GIRL. (adam), MISS THING. (laurel), STEF, KRISTEN. (belly and steven), STEPHIE, MY MINI ME, MY HEART. (susannah), GREENPEACE. (cousins beach residents).
HEIGHT: 5’7.
FAMILY: ADAM FISHER. (father, estranged), SUSANNAH FISHER. (mother, deceased), CONRAD FISHER. (older brother), JEREMIAH FISHER. (younger brother), JULIA. (aunt), SKYE. (cousin), UNNAMED. (grandmother), UNNAMED. (great-grandmother).
FRIENDS: SHAYLA WANG. (best friend), NICOLE. (close friend), BELLY CONKLIN. (close friend), TAYLOR. (good friend), STEVEN CONKLIN. (close friend), LAUREL CONKLIN. (friend, like a mother).
LOVE INTERESTS: STEVEN CONKLIN. (close friend, potential eventual love interest), UNNAMED. (ex-boyfriend), UNNAMED. (hookups), UNNAMED. (ex-girlfriend).
1. The name Stephanie is of Greek origin and means, “Crown, Wreath and Garland.” She is named after famous rock musician, Stevie Nicks who is the frontwoman of the rock band, Fleetwood Mac.
2. Like Jeremiah, she is a free spirit and tends to enjoy being the life of the party but is also responsible when needed in serious situations like Conrad. Her mother’s cancer returning has taught her and made her realize that she wants to live her life on her own terms and to explore all the new possibilities that come into her life as life is too short to be unhappy with her life.
3. Both her family and friends say that Stephanie reminds them a lot of Susannah especially considering their strong resemblance in looks and personalities as mother and daughter along with their passionate interest in art.
4. Despite the teasing relationship between both of her brothers, she remains very close with them both. Sometimes, it is believed that she’s closer to Conrad as Stephanie takes the time to understand his perspective more than Jeremiah does. In which she is closer to him as for the reasons explained above.
5. Both Conrad and Jeremiah are very protective of Stevie as they don’t tend to trust the boys around Cousins Beach especially Conrad which tends to annoy her oftentimes more so from Conrad with believing that her brothers treat her as if they’re her babysitters and she has to answer to them.
6. Like her brothers, she has a very close and strong relationship with her mother as she cannot imagine a life without her. Her and her mother have many similarities especially particularly an interest in art to which Susannah had taught her in.
7. The middle Fisher child is often considered the peacemaker when it comes to family fights especially when it comes between her brothers as she believes that there can all be a solution to the issue and that fighting won’t solve anything.
8. She tends to follow her own truths rather than follow the truths of others, this is something that tends to get her into trouble at times but also gave her the image of a rebellious woman.
9. Despite her tough girl facade, her mother’s cancer diagnosis has caused her a fear of commitment as she believes that not everything is meant to last forever.
10. Although, she is supportive of Belly’s relationships with both of her brothers, she hates the fighting that comes along with it especially when she feels pressured in having to choose sides on which brother she supports.
11. Her mother Susannah’s diagnosis in cancer has brought her an interest in learning both medicine and in pursuing a career in nursing.
12. As a child, she had shared a once close relationship with her father, Adam which however ended up strained when Stephanie had learned of her father cheating on her mother especially during her cancer treatment and unfairness to Conrad.
13. Like her older brother, Stephanie was very passionate and into sports as she enjoyed playing soccer and was among the star players of her school’s soccer team in high school.
14. Family friends tend to joke that Stephanie is a mixture of both her brothers combined as they tease that she is a female counterpart of both of them.
15. Like Conrad, she enjoys smoking weed and is a strong believer that weed isn’t as bad as people think it is as she finds it to be a great way to ease her stress and to be a major comfort in all of her family drama.
16. In order to get back at Conrad with him embarrassing her often in being the overprotective older brother with scaring off guys who crush on her, she annoys him back with teasing him about his relationship with Belly.
17. Despite teasing Conrad about Belly, Stephanie feels bad for Jeremiah as she knows that Belly has a crush on Conrad and doesn’t want him to get his heartbroken nor expect too much when he doesn’t have much of a chance.
18. Besides smoking weed, painting and partying, she also enjoys time in playing the bass guitar which she had taught herself at a young age.
19. Rock music is among her top favorite genres of music as Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Joy Division, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are among her favorite bands.
20. She frequently gets told that she’s very alike to Conrad especially, particularly in resemblance and multiple personality traits; also, if he was to ever have a female counterpart, she’d be it which annoys her quite often.
21. Like her brother, she also enjoys surfing which is something that Conrad had taught her in. The two often enjoy spending time together with surfing along with smoking weed.
22. Conrad understandably has expressed an undeniable soft spot for his sister oftentimes to which Stephanie sometimes uses to her advantage which was another thing he taught her and has helped herself immensely.
23. Stephanie is considered to be the girl to run to when in need of gossip around Cousins Beach as she’s very close to numerous people who confide their gossip and secrets to her. However, she remains to keep them a secret.
24. As mentioned, Stephanie oftentimes gets told that she is her mother’s lookalike and mini me as they share similar interests and personality traits. However, since her mother’s death, she’s become heartbroken by the comment simply as it brings her a lot of grief and heartache.
25. Conrad has mentioned when discussing about his sister that among other reasons, he admires her for her kind heart. As he views her as someone who is always willing to help someone and never judge them. Because of their closeness in age, they are also close as siblings and they often talk, she has never criticized him for how he sees things.
26. Stephanie is the ultimate rock and folk music fan as Conrad notes considering she collects vinyl records and can oftentimes be found playing her bass guitar when in times of need and distress as she explained that it brings her back to herself.
27. Residents of Cousins Beach teasingly call her greenpeace because she has a passionate interest in caring for the environment. This along with her personality traits of being free spirited and preaching to spread love and not hate earns her the description of being called a hippie in which sometimes Jeremiah entertains the description which she despises.
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space-helen · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty
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Words: 1046
Pairing: Greg Sanders x Reader
A/N: I changed it to just a kidnap story after talking to the requested about the episode. I basically haven’t seen it in forever and I won’t be able to watch it for a while. I hope this is ok!
Request:  i was wondering if you don’t mind of course, could you make a greg sanders x reader fic where it’s set during the episode Skin in The Game from season 13, but instead of morgan being kidnapped, it’s reader ?  - totomoshi
“She’s what?” Greg's voice was puzzled as he spoke.
“Been abducted. We have a pretty good idea who took her.” Nick spoke as he put his hands out in front of him, ready to catch Greg if he went to dash out of the room.
“How? Is she ok?” The man was panicking now, the realisation setting in. He’d last seen you about three hours ago when the two of you split off to work on different things. 
“I’ll fill you in on the way. Come on, we think we have her location.”
The room had been spinning and dropping in and out of vision for god only knew how long. Defeated you dropped your head to the ground again.
“Tired?” a voice mocked you with a laugh “Shame, I thought we were just getting started.”
Your head rolled slightly on the ground as you heard the person moving around the room again. 
He sighed “The other girls had a lot more fight in them. I suppose this higher dosage is better in a way.”
His words were clear but you couldn’t entirely register what he was saying.
Approaching you, and crouching down, the man moved some hair out of your face and admired you before moving his hands under your armpits to pick you up into a sitting position. 
“Can’t have you lying down on the floor, beautiful. That wouldn’t be fair of me. I have to give you some dignity” standing up he picked you up and half dragged and carried you towards the table in the centre of the room. 
The table had been covered in a white cloth and flowers with a pillow at one end, a beautiful resting place in his eyes. Placing you on top you tried to roll off the table but he was quick to grab you.
“Don’t make me ruin the picture.” he threatened.
His words were clear and you definitely heard them, you stilled knowing the others were probably looking for you and you wanted to get out of this alive. His past victims had all struggled in their final moments, you hoped his intention wasn’t to kill you just yet.
Moving around he re-arranged some of the flowers around you before picking up a comb and styling your hair. Taking a small tiara clip he placed it into your hair.
“My sleeping beauty.” you felt his hand on the side of your face when a loud bang caught your attention.
Head lulling on the pillow you tried to look around for the noise.
“Put your hands up. Put your hands up right now.” Nick shouted with his gun drawn and other officers beside him. Greg following in behind him his eyes met your form straight away.
He waited until the officers had grabbed the suspect and he crossed the room quickly to you. “Y/N. Y/N it’s me Greg.” his hand came to your face before moving to your hair to pull out the tiara.
“Greg?” you confirmed, pushing yourself up the best you could into a sitting position as your head continued to spin.
“I’ve got you.” he wrapped his arms around you and brought you into an embrace. “We’ve got you. You’re safe.” 
You rested your head on his shoulder as he watched the suspect being cuffed and dragged to his feet over yours, before the man was dragged out of the room.
“Is she alright?” Nick asked, slightly out of breath.
“No.” Greg said quietly and shook his head. “She feels weak. Probably drugged like the rest.”
You relaxed your body further into his and Greg felt it. Knowing the drug concoction was taking over your system you felt comforted knowing Greg was right there for you. 
You mustered up all of your strength to speak “higher dosage.” your words were quiet and somewhat slurred.
The man supported you more and bought his hand to your hair, holding you comfortingly  as he rubbed patterns into your back “It’s alright, we’ve got you. Stay awake for me though.” You nodded against him.
The paramedics were soon in the room and taking you from him. You tried to respond the best you could and stayed awake for the most part. Hours later, after processing the scene, questioning the suspect and making the arrest Greg was finally allowed to leave, rushing to the hospital he was quick to find you.
You smiled as he entered your room.
“How’s the patient doing?”
“I have a headache but I’m ok.” you reassured as he perched himself on the seat next to your bed.
“I’m glad I’m really glad.�� 
You shifted on the bed for a second “They said I can leave if I want to. Suggested that I have someone to watch over me though just in case since I might be weaker than usual for a little while.”
“I’m more than happy to.”
“I didn’t even ask you.” you laughed 
“You never have to Y/N. I love you and it’s the least I can do.”
“I love you too, thank you.” you reached over for your glass of water and took a sip “Can you call a Doctor so I can get the ball rolling on leaving?”
He nodded and stood up “Eager to get out of here huh?”
“Wouldn’t you be? I just want to go home and shower.” you joked.
He put his hands up in defence “I get it I get it.” he smiled left to retrieve a doctor.
Eventually, you were home, snuggled up in bed with the man you loved beside you. Arms wrapped around you he brought you in closer to him, you’d been through a lot together and you both knew of the dangers that this job had. He’d do anything to keep you safe and today was a reminder of that.
Placing a kiss on your head he relaxed into the mattress more. “I’m sorry today happened.”
“It’s not your fault.” you whispered “and we’ve been through worse. We’re both safe and healthy right now. That’s all that matters.”
“You always have a positive outlook.” he joked picking up the remote for the TV.
“In this job, you have too.” you hugged the man tighter and snuggled closer to him as he turned off the TV.
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CSI: @perasperaadastrawriting
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watchfuldeer · 2 years
i finally get what jesse armstrong meant about writing tom and greg lmao
'[Explaining why he's not going to tell the interviewer what's actually going on with Tom and Greg] I don't want to spoil people's fun and also the legitimate level of interpretation. I'm not inside Matthew and Nick's brains, and they may be playing something ever so slightly subtly different from the script - I, y'know, the scripts are pretty clear, but that doesn't mean that other stuff can't be going on.' Jesse Armstrong on the HBO Succession podcast for 3.09 All The Bells Say
now i can see the script he wrote in full - obviously, we have tom dropping sporus for the second time while asking greg to come with him, pushing shiv metaphorically down the stairs, at a structural level that's the basic plot, that's the chekhov's gun of the season going OFF
and yet the words themselves are not imbued with the same intensity that matthew and nick give them - they could be played differently, but they aren't. matthew is guided by the obvious parallels to marriage and nero/sporus, and he chooses to interpret that as an actor as sincerely romantic. as my pal @houseocats said, he saw what was missing in tom’s life and looked for it elsewhere - he found it in greg, and nick responded as he saw fit. we see nick in this scene play greg as being, by turn, reluctant, intrigued, coquettish, and finally sincere. it’s not simply the negging bully exerting power over a weak-willed ingenue that it might have been in the hands of other actors, which, honestly, would also be a legitimate interpretation. instead we have this complex partnership which has become a major part of the plot moving forward.
when jesse prevaricates on the nature of the relationship between tom and greg on behalf of the audience level of interpretation, i can understand why he doesn't want to spell it out in his own words, even with the benefit of knowing what he intends, because i think on some level he’s also just excited to see what comes next. and he’s the one literally writing it lol. i just love that positive feedback loop between good actors and good writers... they’re so *clenches fist* 
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