#season 3 zuko
spacecasehobbit · 2 years
I think, perhaps, what I actually dislike about Zuko's S3 fieldtrip episodes is that he doesn't get nearly enough credit for what he does in them. Zuko has spent three years struggling with shame, anger, and feelings of inadequacy over his bending. Yet in the three field trips, he becomes for the GAang the person he had needed during those three years. He surpasses his Uncle in a way, and he is able to give the GAang the help he had not been able to give himself back then.
1. Aang has been struggling with fire, because he tried to do something he wasn't ready for, tried to jump ahead in his lessons without fully recognizing the possible consequences of his actions. Because he lacked sufficient self control for the lessons he'd argued his way into with someone older and doubtful of his skills, an innocent person got burned for his recklessness. After getting an innocent person burned, Aang becomes afraid of fire and struggles with how to move forward from his own actions.
In S3, Zuko struggles with his fire, too, and then learns the true meaning of fire alongside Aang. Nevertheless, he is still also able to guide Aang, to provide knowledge and insight that expand upon the lesson from the dragons, and to teach Aang how to master the fire that he now better understands and is no longer afraid of.
2. Sokka has recently experienced a terrible military defeat. He blames himself for his people's capture and possible deaths, and he becomes impulsive and reckless due to his feelings of shame and his loss of confidence in his leadership skills. He even emotionally manipulates Zuko, claiming that he lost his honor to ensure that Zuko won't tell the others about his dangerous, impulsive, reckless plan to heroically accomplish an impossible task that will impress his father and thus give himself back the confidence he has lost in himself.
So Zuko helps him plan and execute this impossible, ridiculous task. Because of Zuko's help, not only does Sokka succeed at freeing his father, he also finds and frees Suki - getting Zuko found out and temporarily captured in the process. Finally, Zuko helps Sokka escape the prison they'd walked themselves into, even though Zuko had been discovered and captured, and Sokka even gets the chance to save Zuko's life after having gotten Zuko captured with his impulsive actions in the first place.
3. Lastly, there is Katara. Katara, who is angry and hurting and lost. Katara, who feels alone and like no one appreciates or understands her anger, like no one is taking her fear and frustrations seriously. Katara, who still struggled with the loss of her mom to powerful forces she couldn't fight when she was a child, and who pushed her fear and pain outwards as anger whenever her compassion was returned with unexpected pain. Katara, who felt betrayed by someone she had trusted (someone who the people around her have come to trust and believe in by TSR episode), and who as a consequence had lost the ability to trust in herself.
And Zuko validates her anger, gives her the chance to face the man who had caused her life's greatest tragedy, and validates her too when she finally chooses to value life and compassion again over her need for revenge.
Anyways, Zuko is an amazing character and his redemption arc is genuinely so well done.
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icangiveitback · 10 months
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moon & sun
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homeforclones · 3 months
Right before Omega and Crosshair reunite with the Bad Batch:
Crosshair: Listen kid, when we get there, things have got to change. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I've got a reputation to maintain. No more coddling. They CANNOT know that I like you. Omega: Omega: Omega: I'm telling them everything
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 2 months
the bad batch fans after every episode:
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
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now may be a good time to post these designs I did for a comic thing I never finished (I called Gus with a beanie though!) + drawings from todayyyy
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
I have been awake all night and I think, since we got to follow Zuko from S1 even though he didn’t join the Gaang until the bitter end, we should’ve gotten the same for Toph. In between season 1 and early season 2 plots, we’d occasionally cut to this earth kingdom noble family for seemingly no reason.
Ok they are rich and they have the daughter. Alright she’s blind that’s interesting. The Beifongs will comment about canon events and their daughter is quiet and perfect in the background. Then one episode we see her earthbend something small, intriguing. Also intriguing she only looks helpless and lost when other people are around. We get more solo perspectives of her, she’s a bit more coarse away from her parents. Her earthbending continues to be used secretly, impressive but not monumental. We suspect she’ll be similar to Katara, an eager, untrained bender who learns as she teaches Aang. We wait with anticipation for this vulnerable girl to see the world and own her power.
And then they drop The Blind Bandit episode and every episode that follows are unchanged and oh. Oh. Now we are really meeting Toph.
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styx-x · 1 year
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A rant about Aang and Byrke
Hello my loves!
Here I'm with a new blog entry.
This time we will talk about Kataang, Aang and Byrke.
Since I'm writing a FanFic where Aang is paired with an OC, I thought I could tell you why I prefer Aang with OCs instead of Katara.
Just to be clear.
I like Aang.
I love Katara and would for this girl sell my liver.
But them together as a pair...please no!
Kataang is one of my NOTPs.
In my Let's Talk about Zutara post I pretty much said why I can't stand this pairing.
One is the age and maturity gap.
What does a 14-year-old want with a 12-year-old? It's just creepy, no matter the gender and it would have been better if they got together at like 22 and 20.
Even if I think Zutara is superior, I could grimly accept Kataang.
Second Aang and Katara are the worst version of their self together.
I haven't read the comics, but what I saw on Tumblr and on Legend of Korra was enough to make me angry.
Katara was reduce to Aang price, girlfriend, housewife and mother of his children.
The warrior girl we all loved, who never turned her back on people who needed her, became in the name of love (and Byrke) a shadow of herself.
Our real Katara would smack this wishy-washy version of herself to kingdom come!
Then we have Aang. The boy clearly turns into a Nice GuyTM when it's about Katara.
He kissed her TWICE, TWICE, without her consent and never said sorry for this.
He thinks he deserves her love because he is the Avatar (the hero) and that's how it be.
Till Season 2 Aang wasn't that worse about Katara, a lot of plotpoints pointed out that Aang obsession, I'm not calling it love, on Katara was not good.
He replaced the love for his people with Katara.
Erm, that's not healthy at all.
What Aang expierendec was traumatic, he is the sole suriver of a genocide, but he can't shove all his love for his people to Katara.
How can only one person hold this standards?
It's impossible.
Katara is a bandaid on a ripped arm.
A bandaid isn't going to fix Aang trauma.
He needed to really face it and accept it and let Katara go.
Guru Pathik told him he to let Katara go, but I don't think it was meant to say, don't love that girl anymore.
No, it was more like: you clearly are obsessed with her and think if she loves you all your hurt will go away, but this isn't the case!
Aang could still love Katara, he just needed to stop to put her on a pestal!
Then we know what happens, he let's her go, seems to get the Avatar State, but turn it down because Katara is in danger and he must save her.
Alright, we all would run to our loved one if they are in danger, but Aang, you are the Avatar.
The Avatar is the peacekeeper of this world.
Sadly he can't put his own desires forward, he has do to what was for the world right!
In the Crystal Catabombs he realizes this.
So he let's go of Katara to get the Avatar State and then gets shot down by Azula.
Then when the first episode of season 3 rolls around, you get the feeling that Aang learnend his lesson.
Because he was selfish, he lost his greatest eapan.
He needed to be better.
Only...after the first episode season 3 was really...bad.
I can't say it better.
If you compare it to the other two seasons...season 3 has mayor problems.
A lot of plotpoints get forgotten, Aang didn't learn from his mistakes, he acts entitled for Katara love and he gets his Avatar State back thanks to Deus-Ex-Machine Rock and even finds a way to handle Ozai thanks to Deus-Ex-Machine Lion Turtle.
How, HOW, did the creators look at this and want a golly what an awesome final?
It was not!
It was rushend and not earnend!
Because Aang is a selfinsert from Bryek.
They statet once in an interview that Kataang was reflection how they had a crush on their babysitter, who of course didn't wanted them and would go out with the "bad boy".
The bad boy here in question is Zuko, which is hilarious since Zuko is the most awkward dork.
So they wanted to create a story were the young hero gets the hot older girl.
No normal 14-year-old girl would date a 12-year-old and if she did call the police on her ass!
Avatar was only amazing because of writers like Aaron Ehasz, who turned Toph, who was supposed to be a boy and a love rival for Aang, into this badass girl who didn't let her disabilty stop her to become the greatest earthbender and inventer of metalbening in the world.
They truned Iroh into thee loveable and wise uncle and not like Byrke wanted into a spy for Ozai.
Also Azula was supposed to be a boy too, but she became the female villain we all loved and wish we would see in other media's too!
A lot of writer wanted also Zutara to happen and not Kataang.
If I remember right season 3 was so rushed and lacking because the movie-who-shall-not-be-named was in production and Bryke wanted the series to end before it.
A lot of concept were thrown out the window for it.
The writers wanted to make even a season 4, where Aang would even find other airbenders, but noooooooooooooooo we can't give Aang the healing he deserves, we must live out a fantasy trough this boy.
Looking at you Bryke.
Anyways we got, what we got and I'm so not happy about it.
Zutara should be canon and Aang should have found a girl who loved really, who was his equal and who didn't needed to be a broodmare for the air nomads, becasue there where still air nomads around.
Here we get back to my preference to ship Aang with OCs. Since I'm a big fan of the theoretical season four we would have gotten, it's only naturel to imagine own characters, since no canon characters exist for it.
I would have loved to see Aang with a descendant of Air Nomads. She learning from him, he learning from her, cute!
But let's be real if Aang is writing good he could work with a lot of characters.
Even canon ones like On Ji. I found her really cute with him.
The only thing I want for Aang partner is that the girl doesn't get reduced to a broodmare.
So the airbenders have always to come back/stop from hiding.
Yeah, I think you all guessed how much I hate Bryke.
Fricking pricks!
Also, people who make fun of their own fans because they ship a pairing themselves not like are the worst!
That shows have much respect they have for their fans.
They just wanted to live out their fantasy and be done.
Again, fricking pricks!
So for now, that's from me, I needed to get it out of my chest.
Till next time my loves!
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emkini · 2 years
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And finally, best boy
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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sokkabaddiebender2021 · 2 months
Another Zuko and Aang parallel that I don’t hear enough people talking about is the season 2 finale. Both of them are at a crossroads of destiny, both of them are choosing between what they believe to be “their destiny” or what they’re “supposed to do” and choosing the people they love, Iroh and Katara. The people who connect them to the parts of themselves that they want to be rather than who the world is telling them to be. They both chose their “destiny,” and leave the person they love behind. But I think what’s more important is that at the end of it all, they find their way back to that person and themselves simultaneously. They do this by choosing what they want, by choosing love. Zuko abandons the life he always wanted in the fire nation and finds forgiveness in his uncle, and Aang holds on tight to the values of his people who were taken from him, and finds peace and love with Katara. And they both seal this with tears in their eyes, and a tight embrace.
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sufferingsokkatash · 3 months
Natla Season 3 Zukka Specific Marketing Team (because we all know you mfs exist) : we need Boiling Rock to hit hard with that same s1 zukka promo energy
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katy-89 · 14 days
Zuko was an antagonist, yeah....but I still can't believe that he sent an assassin to kill Aang. That shit was too much, wtf the writers were thinking....
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rulersreachf4n · 2 years
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Ok but in all seriousness, I hope we got some Hunter and Vee bonding time
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hawkyon-days · 9 months
And now repeat after me: Dying heroically is not the same as redeeming oneself.
Billy didn't want to kill all those people when he was possessed and broke free of the mindflayer's control in his last moments to protect El and her friends.
But he never did anything to make up for his past actions. He never had to own up for being abusive and racist.
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wonderlandsakura · 5 months
Niche Things I Think People should Write/Read More: Part 2
I ran out of tags, anyway Part 1 here. If part 1 and/or 2 gets like,, 100 notes, I'll add recs if they exist (someone asked so I did it anyway hehe)
- Fics where Izuku is such an amazing analyst (and the UA staff know it) that they just. Let him teach the class (or anything where they aizawa know he's more skilled and just leave him to teach so they aizawa can nap)
I would prefer it if he's a literal child that just gets the position, but sadly I haven't found that
The UA Analyst Kid of RogueVector's Announcer AU series on AO3 is the closest I think
I do have fic recs of him being an analyst and/or teacher at UA tho, but I'm too tired to find them
- Zuko is given A Child and Will Die For Them (he is so mother coded)
There's Bound To Be A Ghost At The Back Of Your Closet by anactualforrealadult is what I was thinking of when I wrote this, but it doesn't fit perfectly (btw it's zukka)
- Danielle Phantom and Dark Danny are Standard Danny's kids, I need this please I must be FED
Like a few of my reblogs, but I'll see if I can find them
- Monkey D. Wyvern, if you know you know
I'll add this soon, but you can find art for it on Tumblr too :))
- The Reluctant Kings friendship (Danny & Din Djarin)
The Phantom Mandalorian series on AO3 has Danny essentially adopted by Din, but it would be nice if there were fics where they're just friends who are unknowingly OP
- Mandalorian S3 dinluke fix-its /hj
I haven't been able to stomach actually reading these yet, but they do exist
- Gottlieb/Geiszler + Jayvik Xovers where they get to Science!
forming new limestone by wobbeegong on AO3, actually a favorite fic of mine, I was sad when I couldn't find anything like it after I read it but that might have changed
- Jinx being Silco's daughter even after time travel (Jinx the Sapphire of Zaun)
And I know this body's not mine (Wish I could crawl out) by Hopelessjoy14 is where I got this from, it's incomplete but good so far
- Co-parenting Koushirou and Mihawk; like not together but these 2 sword obsessed men are co-parenting Zoro
Doesn't exist yet, and I don't recommend looking if you don't want to get bombarded by bad misogynistic parent Koushirou fics :/, anyway I'm working on it
- the Shimotsuki-Dracule siblings, where in a Kuina lives! (but is severely injured/paralyzed) AU, Zoro gets to be hounded by not only little sister Perona, but also Big Sis Kuina (bonus if modern au)
Same as what I wrote for co-parenting Koushirou & Mihawk, I actually have a fic outlined (it's not modern au tho, but could be), but I'll probably never finish writing it. If I post it on Tumblr I'll link it tho
- Zosan gets accidentally married at WCI AUs cause why not, it's absolutely hilarious
Sadly doesn't exist somehow?? I'll have to check if that's still the case
You can see me screaming about the idea here tho
- I somehow didn't mention Agatha/Gil/Tarvek last time? But yeah, from Girl Genius, I want them to get married and rule Europia, is that too much to ask?
Sprocket for Your Thoughts by zombiecheerios on AO3 is a good fic about them getting together, if incomplete (also you kinda need to have caught up on the comic)
The Most Stable of Polygons by 1_NoName_among_many is like a shorter version of it tho
Then there's the Sparkgate series that originally introduced me to the concept of them ruling together (I've not finished even the first fic tho)
- Zoro being Soba Mask aka Stealth Black aka Sanji's overprotective guard dog/tiger (I read a really good fic okay??)
Fic is Stealth Black Unmasked by HaveMyWeedCookies on AO3
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