#screaming into the void to make my brain shut up
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amaraudermind · 1 year
I need to get over my self hatred so I can move into more important things
Such as cosplay.
I need to stop hating myself so I don't feel awful dressing up as characters
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cryptidyork · 9 months
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mementoasts · 2 years
learning to be cringe and free!!! posting whatever pops into my head!!! drawing whatever the hell i want!!!!! idc!!!! i’m gonna start shouting it all out whether u want me to or not!!!!!!!!
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ellethespaceunicorn · 8 months
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest, Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: The Cabin in the Woods
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x Reader
Word Count: 3K
Series Summary: You live in a small town called Claw Creek, surrounded by a deep, dark forest. Since you were a kid, an urban legend of the creature in the woods has been told. If the distant howls at night and mutilated livestock are anything to go by, you fear the stories to be true.
Chapter Summary: You search the woods for the house you were taken to that night. It’s been hours and you’re lost. Your phone has no service, it is getting dark, and your dumbass didn’t tell anyone you were going on an adventure.
Warnings: mutual pining
A/N: A special thank you to @peyton-warren for being my lovely beta and soundboard for this. I really hope y’all enjoy this one. It was a tough one to write, Walter was so feisty!
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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When you arrived at the hospital, you had another nurse and colleague check out your head injury on your next shift. Armed with a clean bill of health and a brain bursting with unanswered questions, you try to go about your day. 
The entirety of your workday was spent having coworkers break you out of a trance. Every few minutes, you’d gaze off into nothingness until those around you noticed and snapped their fingers in front of your face. You kept thinking about the wolf and Walter, trying to piece the two together. 
After work, you change your clothes and put on your hiking boots. Even though the drive from the cabin to Liv’s house was short, that was in a vehicle. On foot, you will need to cover a lot of ground. You decided against driving your car down the road that splits the forest. 
If you parked at the entrance to the forest near the park grounds, you could easily sneak back to your car and bypass the curfew checkpoint at the tree line. Not that you planned on being out until nightfall. 
Parking your car in the gravel-filled lot, you tighten your scarf around your neck and start your journey into the woods. Walking takes you about ten minutes to get to the clearing where you and Olivia enjoyed wine coolers. It didn’t seem like it took you this long to get to the clearing a couple of days ago, but you don’t stay long enough to dwell on it.
Retracing your steps, you walk for another few minutes in search of the tree with the giant roots jutting out from the forest floor. After ten minutes of wandering, you think about giving up because daylight is in short supply. Looking down at your phone, you curse when you see the battery percentage looking back at you. Eleven percent wouldn’t get you far should you need to make an urgent call or use the flashlight since you forgot to bring one.
After another few minutes of traipsing through the forest, you trip over a large root and accidentally find your tree. Following the roots, you find the little alcove that you had planned to hide in during your game with Liv. You notice the setting sun as you turn to sit on the higher roots. 
Taking out your phone, you realize that it had shut off due to low power. Shoving it back in your pocket, you stand up and wipe a hand down your face. You’re pissed off, cold, and now have no way to contact anyone should you need to. Anger boils your blood as you stand in the now-dark forest.
Pacing for a few seconds doesn’t calm you down. You start to hear all the little nocturnal animals coming alive and usually, you would find this peaceful. However, you would give anything to hear a certain howl. But it’s just crickets, frogs, and owls out tonight.
You don’t know what else to do but…
“Fuck. Fuck! Fuuuuuuuuuck!” You scream out into the void, it would seem.
Until you hear a response in the form of a huff behind you. 
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When you turn around, you're only a little surprised to see the same wolf from before walking toward you. You stand still until it stops about a foot from you. You look down and study its paws, large enough to rip your throat out. But the wolf just sits down as a dog would and looks up at you before yawning, showing off its sharp teeth and long dusty-mauve tongue. 
If this were a dog, you would have reached out a hand to pet it. But the sheer size of it was enough to keep your hands to yourself. You didn't have to think about that for long before the wolf was back on all fours walking around you and nudging at your leg as it started to walk away. It doesn't make it far before it turns around to look at you.
"Oh, am I supposed to follow you or something?" You feel silly asking the wolf a question, but only less so when it huffs in response, "Okay. Following a wolf wasn't on the itinerary. But it isn't attacking me so whatever," You finish, mostly to yourself.
Following the wolf, you notice you are going in a completely different direction through the forest. Of course, the last time you were here was an inebriated adventure but you could've sworn you would go right instead of left. Either way, you're putting your faith in a four-legged carnivore so you stop thinking about what should or shouldn't be happening.
A light in the distance can be seen through the trees and once you reach it, you find yourself in front of a medium-sized cabin. There is a light at the little fence encircling the property. The black Ford F-150 that Walter drove is parked to the side in the driveway. You have to admit you didn't expect to see this place look so...normal. It almost looks quaint.
You shuffle on your feet and are suddenly too nervous to propel you forward. Whining at your side reminds you that you aren't alone. You absentmindedly reach your hand out to stroke the wolf's fur. Thick, coarse fur slides through your fingers. Glowing, yellow eyes look into yours and your fear starts to dissipate. The wolf licks at your hand and then takes off around the back of the cabin.
You think about shouting after it or running after it, but instead, you walk up to the fencing. You could swear you hear a door being closed in the back of the cabin, but you can't be sure and you don't want to snoop. Opening the latch to the gate, you walk through the front yard dragging your feet. Your fight or flight response makes an appearance when you hear movement in the house. 
'It's now or never,' you think, raising your hand to knock on the door. 
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Three sharp knocks and you shove your hands in your pockets, waiting for the door to be opened. You jump at the sound of something crashing to the ground and soon the light above the door is turned on. You hold up a hand over your eyes as the harsh fluorescent beams down on you in the dark of night. The door is opened and you take your hand down to see Walter standing there. You’re once again under the spell of him.
He stands tall at about 6’1", and his hair is a disheveled mess but it only adds to the sex appeal. His brows are scrunched together and it doesn’t look like he needs you at his doorstep right now by the scowl across his pretty pink lips. He’s shirtless, sweaty, breathing hard, and smells like a wet dog. The denim shorts he wears are tattered at the ends and his defined calves are on display. His bare feet are a bit dirty as if he’s been running barefoot.
Your eyes shoot back up to his, a faint glow makes his blue eyes look almost golden. He blinks a few times and the glow is gone, aquamarine replaces gold. 
You run through a mental checklist. Wet dog smell, check. Frayed shorts that were probably thrown on in a hurry, check. Golden eyes, check. You feel so stupid thinking about the last item. Walter’s hair color is the same as the wolf that brought you here. 
“Are you going to come in or are you going to just stare at me like I’m a–”
“Werewolf?” You blurt out, cutting off Walter’s sentence.
“Just come in, and I can explain everything,” He opens the door and steps aside to let you in, but you don’t move, “I won’t hurt you, I promise. Please come in?” 
His sincere tone and pleading eyes get the better of you. You sigh, chewing the inside of your cheek. Walking in, you step just inside the living room, giving Walter enough space to close the door behind you. You notice a side table knocked over, a lamp, and small knickknacks on the floor next to it. You turn back to look at him and his face is that of a kicked puppy.
Of course, it is.
“Look, I didn’t–”
“As much as I want to have this conversation right now, I can’t get over how much you smell. I’m gonna need you to take care of that ASAP. Go get clean and I’ll tidy up. And where is the kitchen? I need coffee if I’m gonna have this conversation sober.” You say, taking off your coat and laying on the back of the couch.
Walter walks you to the kitchen and watches as you busy yourself with the coffee maker. You tell him politely to get out of his kitchen and go shower. He opens his mouth to talk but closes it when he sees your eyebrows raise and your hand go to your hip. He simply nods and walks away. You hear him walk up the stairs and soon the faint sound of a shower being turned on before a door is closed.
You fill the coffee maker with grounds and water, setting it then make your way to the living room. Picking up the end table, you turn it right side up and set it on its legs. You bend down to pick up the figurines from the floor. You’re not surprised when they turn out to be two wolves, the larger one made of light wood and the smaller wolf a dark mahogany.
You hear the coffee maker sputtering and go in to check on it. Pulling out two mugs from their spot in the corner cabinet, you fill one and leave one for Walter, not sure if he even wants coffee so late at night. Did werewolves even drink coffee?
So, that’s it. You’re just entertaining the idea that werewolves not only exist but that you’re in a cabin with one. In the back of your mind, your grandfather’s tale of the Claw Creek creature demands attention. You were going over it when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
You bring your mug to your mouth to take a sip when Walter appears in the doorway, just as beautiful as when you saw him for the first time. His wet hair curls around his ears. He’s wearing a tighter-than-necessary heather gray henley, the front of it holding onto his pecs for dear life while the sleeves are pulled up to show off muscular forearms. A pair of jeans hug his meaty legs and boots cover his feet.
“You stare a lot.” His words break you out of your ogling and you finally pull down the mug from your lips.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Wolfie,” you comment, suddenly hyperaware that you may have just said something rude.
Walter’s chuckle surprises you, and you’re put at ease, “Wolfie?” He challenges, walking toward you.
You shrug your shoulders and stand your ground, looking up at him as he stops in front of you. He nods to the coffee maker and you step back to let him make a cup for himself. He takes a sip and hums at the flavor. He turns to ask you about it and you answer before he can open his mouth.
“Cinnamon. Just a few shakes and it takes away the sharp bitterness. Now, if you’re done talking about coffee, can we talk about how you can turn into a wolf?” Your frustration peeks through and Walter nods, leading you back into the living room.
Once you get to the couch, you set down your coffee on the table in front of you and turn to face Walter. He takes the cue and starts to speak.
“So, what do you want to know? Do you want me to go through my entire lifetime? It’s quite long, so far. Or start where I was attacked and bitten by someone I thought was a friend? Should I dispel werewolf myths about uncontrollable shifting during the full moon?” He rambles on, probably trying to confuse you or overwhelm you. 
Luckily, you’re already overwhelmed so his attempt is in vain.
“I have a couple of questions. The first one is: Do you eat people? The second one is: Could you follow my scent to find me?” you offer, pulling your leg up to sit on it while leaning against the back of the couch.
“I don’t eat people. I don’t think Werewolves as a whole, ever eat people. Attack? Sure. But no, I don’t crave human flesh,” he pauses, looking down at his hands, “How’d you know about the scent thing?” He’s suddenly super interested in his fingernails.
“I didn’t know about the scent thing. You just confirmed a hunch, is all,” You reach for your mug, bringing it closer to your lips before taking a sip, “One more question and I’ll release you from the hot seat. Are you safe out here? Like, I mean, with the animal mutilations in the town, they were talking about sending hunters out to look for whatever was doing it.”
“That wasn’t me, just so you know. I’m safe out here. I actually live in town, I just come here to shift and get some time away. No one comes out this way. This used to be an abandoned shack, but I fixed it up over the past years. Got electricity going and made it...wait. You care if I’m safe out here?” he presses, a toothy grin showing off his sharp canines.
“You saved my life, I can’t care about your wellbeing? I’m being nice, don’t push it, Wolfie,” you snap, a little harsher than you meant to. You did feel lied to, but he was being honest with you. You shake your head before insisting, “I’m sorry, I just...this is a lot. And I need you to know that I was really pissed off with you in the beginning, but I know why you didn’t tell me. Safety and all that. Maybe you can drive me back to my car so I can start the drive back home?” You were cut off by an intense yawn that came out of nowhere.
“Speaking of safety, you look like you’re ready to fall over. You’ve had all of about two sips of coffee and that yawn almost unhinged your jaw a bit there. Just, I won’t be able to sleep if I know you’re tired behind the wheel,” he admits, turning concerned eyes on you.
“You know, as a wolf, using puppy dog eyes on me should be considered unfair. And how do I know this is not some elaborate excuse to get me into your bed so you can have your way with me, huh?” you huff, squinting at him as his eyes glimmer in the low light of the room.
“Do you want me to have my way with you?” he leans back, head over his shoulder, and crosses his arms over his broad chest.
Your hand flies out to slap his bicep. You figure that was easier than giving him the answer that was on the tip of your tongue.
He rolls his eyes and gets up from the couch, pointing to your coffee cup in your hand and motioning for you to give it to him. He takes both of your unfinished cups to the kitchen and when he comes back, he heads for the stairs. “You coming, pup?”
“Pup? Is that because I called you Wolfie?” You stand up from the couch, tilting your head at him before walking to follow him up the steps.
“I don’t know, give me time and I’ll think of something better.” He winks at you and smiles when you duck your head.
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Once Walter shows you to his bedroom, you don’t hide your urge to look over everything in the room while he leans against the open door. You almost get upset when you see that his bedspread isn’t a large picture of a wolf’s face. Somehow you thought it would just fit in with his vibe. But the midnight blue damask comforter that covers the bed is actually way more fitting.
“Wait, where are you gonna sleep if I sleep in here?” You question as you sit on the bed and take off your boots.
“I figured I would sleep on the couch. I don’t need much sleep anyway. Unless that was an invitation…?” he smirks and is surprised when you look to be thinking it over.
“Can you stay in here ‘til I fall asleep? I don’t want to be alone.” you confess, looking everywhere but who you were talking to. You can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, but you also know you won’t sleep in a bed that’s not yours all by your lonesome.
“Are you alright? I mean, of course, you’re not. What am I saying?” he rambles, coming into the room fully and hunching his shoulders so he can seem less intimidating.
Walter walks over to the bed, pulls back the bedspread, and motions for you to crawl under the covers. Once you are comfortable, he turns on a low light on his dresser and turns off the overhead light of the room. Coming back to the bed, he sits at the edge and toes off his boots before you pull him to lie down next to you.
Turning to face him as he lays on his back, you stare at his face as he looks up at the ceiling. You’re interlacing your fingers so that you don’t reach out and trace his jawline when a thought pops into your head.
“When’s the last time you had a woman in your bed?” You breathe, mentally kicking yourself for not thinking longer before you voice your thoughts.
“It’s been a while. Years. I don’t really...mingle much.” He murmurs, eyes never moving from one particular spot.
You refuse to acknowledge the “lone wolf” analogy, instead, you steady yourself before putting a hand on his. “Thank you for saving me, Walter. Goodnight.” Taking your hand back, you close your eyes and let tiredness take its course.
“You’re welcome.” His soft voice is barely above a whisper, but it’s the last thing you hear before you’re fully asleep.
To be continued…
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A/N:  Wow, you mean to tell me I got these two folks in bed together and they’re both dressed still? What?! Don’t hate me!
**Tag List** 
@deandoesthingstome @cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily @titty-teetee @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @milknhonies @peyton-warren @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @cardierreh15 @viking-raider @imaslutforcuddles @ilovetaquitosmmmm @warriormirkwood @calwitch @meanlilbean @samahenoyrhye @openup-yourmind @juliaorpll78 @princessaxoo @toooldforobsessions @carrie80reads @liveoncoffeeandflowersss 
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁 
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itadore-you · 10 months
just for me
pairing: katsuki bakugo x gn!reader w/c: ~ 1k c/w + context: comfort fic. big ass panic attack. if this may trigger you, pls steer clear of this one!
The violet void of the night has claimed you as a victim once again. It has invisible toothpicks for nails that pry open your eyelids for inspection, declaring you blind. 
"Are you scared yet?" It rasps.
You tremble, because you already know what it'll say next.
Nothing. It won't say a word.
Its silence prompts your subconscious to speak for itself, letting the undead scream. Once they're woken, there's no shutting them up. The voices don't come alone. Like a pretty Russian doll, there's always more. Hordes of images; so much that you have seen. They blot across your vision, so viscerally colourful against the dark of night. You're certain that you will die.
All of a sudden, the dark grows hands that hold onto yours - they're smooth, they're warm, and they … aren't to be trusted when you get like this. 
Your first instinct is to slap them away. Nothing is safe in the minefield of your mind.
"It's me," murmurs a low voice from beside you. "I'm right here."
"Kats- Katsuki?" 
You sound broken. It makes him grit his teeth, knowing what's happening to you. It doesn't happen often, but it happens often enough that he knows the signs. He knows how to help, but not how to fix, and it pains him. Quickly he illuminates the room with a light spark from one of his palms, the crackle emphasizing his presence.
"Yes," he continues to slowly reassure you. "Me. Katsuki. I'm right here."
He wishes he could promise it. He wishes that he could fight alongside you. Blow it all up, leaving those nocturnal demons charred and in pieces. He knows, that even by being here right now, it's not going to stop it on its own. He's reached a limit that he can't force himself through. 
He takes in a deep breath as he holds your hands a little tighter, and he continues. 
"Squeeze my hands back."
It takes several moments for you to manage the movement. These "attacks" often leave you fucking paralysed after all. But once you grip Katsuki's hands, you keep squeezing, tighter and tighter. 
He smiles a little at that, knowing that it's somewhat broken the trance. 
"Good. You can keep going." 
He doesn't mind it, no matter how hard it hurts, because he won't let you keep feeling so hurt, all alone. He still remembers seeing your first episode, the uselessness that weighed down his heart as he watched the person he loved whilst he did nothing, he couldn’t do anything. Never again. 
You hold onto him tighter over the next couple of minutes. Slowly he offers his arms, and eventually, you accept his embrace - he knows to not constrict you fully in his arms, but instead help you feel grounded. 
It takes time before the tempo of your breathing matches his, no longer shallow and rapid. Even in the dark, you can now find the fierce red of his eyes meeting yours. He knows to hold your gaze like this, to silently reassure you that you’re going to be OK. 
He whispers a couple of words, asking if you feel like you can stand. He doesn't let go of your hand as he gets you on your feet, motivating you to move with him as he ambles over to the side of your shared bedroom. 
It's nice, not to remain curled up beneath a duvet until you sweat buckets, and you can’t tell the difference between perspiration and tears. 
Katsuki notices the vacant look in your expression as you motionlessly stand next to him. He's got to be careful now, because that break of clarity is not always the ‘calm after the storm’. Sometimes it comes right back, striking fast like a viper. 
The click of your kettle sounds and an impending crescendo ensues as the water boils. The sound is like a pleasant white noise that fills the empty air, static that your brain can't be louder than. You could swear that you kept the kettle in the kitchen, not in here. Katsuki must have brought it, as well as the cup he grabs from seemingly nowhere, and the faint aroma of chamomile starts to arise in the room. 
Another click from the kettle, alerting you both that the water has finished boiling. As Katsuki pours the stream of water into the cup, the smell of chamomile grows stronger. You notice that your lungs seem to expand double the size from before, breathing in the calming scent. 
Bakugo lifts the steaming cup to you, watching as you take deep breaths. He knows you like the smell and taste of the tea. It's something so basic, so seemingly trivial, but it works. 
Out of all your five senses, he's the one that makes the most sense. Bakugo stands before you, untainted and real - more real than what was happening inside of your mind.
He stays with you like that for a while, waiting for the tea to cool down so you can drink it. In the meantime, he talks about a couple of things. He brings up some stupid banter from the conference room yesterday; still finding it stupid, but knowing that you'd find it funny. He mentions, on the side, that he wants to buy some poppy seeds for your garden. It sounds random, but each one of Katsuki's words is chosen with care to distract you from your thoughts.
All the while, he can see a spark start to come back in your eyes. They’re no longer as dull and dead as they were before. 
He's glad.
He’s not going to ask if you feel better.
He already knows.
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hootbon · 5 months
Since I saw someone else talking about their fucked up ideas, I am too lol because I suddenly remebered them. But, pretty much just how my lore making brain decides to look at characters.
Kinger: He’s a king chess piece, obviously. He didn’t have to work for that position, unlike the queen, no chess piece can ever become the king, but a pawn can prove itself and become a queen, in a way. Kinger is now forced to be a lowly magician, because he never had to work for anything on his way up. Cracks from pressure, knowing he didn’t do anything, and now has to make up for it, whist his queen, the one who worked to gain that role, is no longer around
Ragatha: A rag doll, something that is quite literally a toy, old, not many people would chose that sort of doll over the newer kinds. Tossed around, ripped, lost, decapitated— so what? It’s a doll. If the doll breaks, you can just sew her back together again. If she does something wrong, you can watch her unravel in front of your eyes until you decide to stitch her back together again, though no one really cares for fixing her. She can be replaced easily, and so easily broken, used and abused by people endlessly, that’s what she’s made for. If she gets too chatty, you can just take out your thread and needle to shut her up
Pomni: A ballerina, she looks quite beautiful when she dances, she is a living ‘doll’, a puppet. A puppet by the strings, not much she can do, but be there helplessly as the ringmaster tugs them. A puppet, also a doll, are just used by someone else’s hand, she has no control over what they might make her do in the circus, and she never will.
Gangle and Aingle: The two sisters, ‘twins’ even if one of them doesn’t actually exist. A false persona, a forever toxic relationship, in a way. Bound to someone who looks like you, is always around you, but acts nothing like you do, wants to be the opposite of you, in a way. With all that ribbon, Caine could really tie the loose ends of the circus, like the abstraction issue for example…
Zooble: Quite handy with a thread and needle if they do say so themselves. Almost like the druggie of the whole group, they let intrusive thoughts kick in one day and than… they could never have enough. Dysphoric, their body never looked normal anyways in the first place, so it didn’t matter if they took parts of those now gone and tried to use them to fill the void of their own ever ending spiral of lack of self-esteem, right? They never liked the person in the mirror, so they change it every day, it only feels normal to be scavenging the halls after hair raising screams of pain can be heard in the hallway, sewing parts together to make something they enjoyed. A bad habit? Of course not, they never see it that way, they are simply making use of what others never appreciated, and now aren’t around to appreciate
Jax: The fluffy murder set bunny, we all love him. His silly little pranks go from sudden silly string ambushes, to agonizingly terrible ways for any mortal being to die— good thing you can’t! Caine would never let you. He’s just a bunny, a sweet little guy who wants nothing else but to put a smile on your face— well, that’s a lie, all he wants now is to satisfy his needs, and out a smile on his face. What is he thinking? You’ll probably never know, ever since Kaufmo disappeared for a few hours and came back, starting to act differently from normal, Jax acts like it’s the end of the world. Silly Jax, it’s just all fun and games! Kaufmo needed some help, so Caine got our friendly twins to help tie up those loose ends!
…Basically random shit, character design analogies and random ominous comments I thought of on the spot for these guys
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Horrotober Day 18 - Flame(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: I am trying so hard to make my work have like, emotion in it. Idk how I'm doing. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Fire, parental death, death, loss, grief written badly, gasoline, arson, burns, kidnapping, dark themes, yandere themes.
Words: 1278
Summary: Mikey burns down your old home as a testament to you new life with him.
The stark smell of gasoline stirs you awake, your eyes fluttering open to your dim room. Your night light was shining warmly in the corner, still protecting you after all these years. You lift off your blankets, sniffing the air with confusion. Have your parents knocked something over? Did they need help cleaning it? You pass by the night light in your old room as you make your way to your door, turning the slick handle with a grimace. It was wet, slippery with a liquid that was quickly soaking into your hand. You hesitantly bring it to your nose, taking a small whiff.
You yank your hand away from your face, gagging slightly. There was gasoline on your door, and from the puddle you had stepped through that was now soaking into your socks, it was also covering your floors. You quickly open the door, heading through the hallway while your old night light flickers behind you, sealed in a room of memories about to be destroyed. You desperately rack your brain for reasons the house was soaked in the volatile liquid, your heart pounding into your chest. Every step you took soaked your socks and the bottoms of your pajama pants more, the shiny fluid greedily latching onto you as you ran.
For the first time in your adult life, you throw manners to the window and open your parents door without knocking. Seeing them both lie there in their bed brought a small amount of relief to you, and you quickly cross their room to wake them. Shaking them both in turn makes you start to panic more as neither awakes. You turn on the lamp that sits on the bedside table, casting the room into a dim glow. You lean over and try to move their faces, hoping it would stir them. Taking a small breath for courage, you gently lift one's eyelids like you did when you were younger. All that it did was reveal their rolled back eyes, the white of the sclera being the only thing showing.
Only now you realize how stiff they both are, how the blood in their faces seemed to be traveling to their backs. You finally look at their faces fully, seeing the shut eyed screams they were frozen in. Their necks were badly bruised, the imprints of what looked like chains burned into their skin. Your heart sinks and you step back with a sob, crashing to your knees in your parents room. You don’t mind the cold gasoline soaking into, no longer worrying about the fire that could erupt from a single spark and swallow you whole. Loud sobs and screams leave you, wracking your body as your hands pull at your hair in despair. You were aware of what you needed to do, how you needed to grab the phone on their bedside and call the cops.
Your mind urged you to stand, to take control of the situation and mourn once you were safe, but your body refused. Your hands shook, desperately wanting the comforting touch of your parents and wishing for their hold, but you were stuck in the void of grief. Your world was crashing down around you. With the tears burning your face and the dull ache of your knees, you force yourself to get up and move to the phone, fumbling the power button. It flashes weakly at you, the familiar curse of an empty power bank mocking your troubles. You have every urge to shatter the phone in your hand, to throw it to the floor and watch the glass break to the tune of a hungry spider weaving their web.
You slip it into the pocket of your pajamas instead, knowing the priceless memories this phone had stored in its memory. You may have lost your parents tonight, but you would rather set the house aflame yourself than lose what little memories of them you could salvage. You cross the room once more and go to the other side of the bed, trying to keep your eyes off the still bodies of your parents. You couldn’t help but feel their faces were mocking you, the silent screams morphing into laughter that burned your ears and caused more tears to roll down your cheeks.
You curse loudly when you pick up the other phone to find similar results, quickly covering your mouth with your hand. Even now, you felt bad for cursing in front of your parents, and even worse for cursing in front of the dead. With two phones in your pockets and a heavy heart, you trudge back to your room in hopes to pick up your phone and what little money you had under your bed. Now that there was no one to save, you wanted to get out of the house quickly and keep yourself alive. There would be no murder reported if you died with them, and you refuse to let your parents die in vain.
The door to your room looks more like a portal to hell as you near it, your stomach churning with unease. You push the brightly colored wood in more, flicking on the light as you step in. You jump back when you see Mikey, confusion and worry flashing across your face. He was sitting on your bed, with one foot crossed over the knee and your phone in his hands. The light of the screen lit up his face, and whether he didn’t notice you or he was ignoring you, you couldn’t tell.
“Mikey?” You breathe out, stepping further into your room. His face seemed akin to an angel in the moment, your heart bleeding and desperately calling for the comfort his arms would bring. You rush forward, quickly falling against him as you sob, telling him of your parents while he quietly comforts you.
“I’m sorry, sunshine.” He murmurs, his lips pressing themselves to your forehead. You look up at him, more confusion in your eyes before you start to connect the dots. Mikey was here, and his wrappings smelled so strongly of gasoline it could make you hurl. You try to pull back, but he holds you firm, quiet apologies and reassurances falling from his lips as you scream. He lifts you into his arms, dropping your phone on the ground and cracking it under his feet. You thrash against him as he carries you through the door of your home, lighting it ablaze with his mystic powers that once amazed you.
A crackling blue portal sits at the end of your driveway, and Mikey carries you through, the lair on the other side. You continue to scream and fight in his arms, but Mikey never budges nor falters. His small stature was a ruse, his arms and capabilities stronger than you could ever hope to be.
“It was necessary,” He mumbles, his tone apologetic while he leads you towards the bathroom to clean the gasoline from your skin. He takes no notice of your punches or bites, only hissing when you land a hit to his cheek. “I needed you to stay. If you had something to return to, you’d never settle down.”
You don’t bother to ask what he means, or why he did what he did, only caring to get as far away from him as you could. Mikey continues to hold you down, pressing kisses to your face and whispering soft words in your ears like it would fix the damage he had done. Mikey wasn’t too worried about your fighting, knowing you would come around soon. A burned bridge could always be rebuilt, and Mikey wasn’t afraid of splinters.
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annathesillyfriend · 1 year
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...so I might be a bit late with that 😅 I have nothing to say for myself. But hey, better late than never!
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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warmth by sugarcoated-lame
↳ one shot, 18+, the fact that i don't wake up to this man is criminal
eyes wide shut by @topguncortez
↳ one shot, i am not okay :')
he's all that by @withahappyrefrain
↳ one shot, love this fic <3
someone to watch over me by @lewmagoo
↳ one shot, 18+, secret service agent!bob, we love a good au
of admirals and paperweights by lewmagoo
↳ one shot, 18+, wife!reader, this is so hot, i don't know what else to say, my brain is empty
wedding day. by @sebsxphia
↳ one shot, robert floyd is the definition of husband material
best friend and sweet as honey by bradshawsbitch
↳ two shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, this made me a little crazy, not gonna lie
better by @delopsia
↳ one shot, 18+, friends to lovers, beautiful work 💕
headache #2 by waklman
↳ one shot, 18+ bradley is stinkybutt and that's all you need to know
the zipper incident by @tongue-like-a-razor
↳ one shot, 18+, that's a hell of a fic, let me tell you
5 times the bronco was a third wheel by @thesewordsareallihavetogive
↳ one shot, my beloved man with his beloved car
the purrfect storm by @roosterforme
↳ one shot, vet!reader x new cat dad!bradley, word of advise for you all - you see 'roosterforme' on your dash, you drop everything you're doing and go read the absolute masterpiece of a fic you stumbled upon
what's in a name? by @sometimesanalice
↳ one shot, 18+, i can't tell you how many times i've reread that fic
the pregnancy glow by @topgun-imagines
↳ one shot, wife!reader, 🥰🥰 <- this is me after reading this
forever young by @greenorangevioletgrass
↳ one shot, this is a platonic bradley x maverick fic, absolutely wonderful just like any other work written by my beloved Ava
to rest for a while by @familyvideostevie
↳ one shot, oh to go on a road trip and exchange live confessions with bradley bradshaw 🥺
superstar by @maggiedanikka
↳ two shot, 10/10 would read again!
when all is said and done by @sunlightmurdock
↳ one shot, 18+, maverick's daughter!reader, uh this is bloody good fic
same mistakes by @ofstoriesandstardust
↳ series, maverick's daughter!readr, enemies to lovers, such a banger of a story!!
to the moon and back by katsu28
↳ one shot, made my heart 5x bigger 💓
what a look on you by @thewulf
↳ one shot, best friends to lovers, great story 👏
to make a house a home by @beyondthesefourwalls
↳ one shot, i'm gonna be dead before i can actually afford a house but at least i can dream about house hunting with bradley :')
2 a.m. by @thebastardprincenikolai
↳ one shot, 18+, friends with benefits, we love a little bit of a friendly competition ;)
hourglass bysugarcoated-lame
↳ one shot, 18+, this is just so sweet 😫
glue song by @waklman
↳ series, friends to lovers, we love pining jake in this household
delicate by waklman
↳ series, natasha's friend!reader, i want to hold jake in my arms 24/7
touch me by @bradshawsbitch
↳ one shot, 18+, excuse me while i go scream into a void
left at the altar by @tip-top-cloud-surfer
↳ series, 18+, ex!jake, bit of drama, bit of angst, all our favourite stuff
sweet as candy by @halsteadsbradshaw
↳ one shot, all i need in life is jake seresin and candy
talk with my hands, maybe take it real slow by @theharddeck
↳ one shot, 18+, roommate!jake, he is just such a helpful guy 😌
cherry bomb by @flaming-tgmcu
↳ one shot, jake seresin, the man that you are
our shirt by @whoreforseresin
↳ one shot, you need this morning fluff in your life, trust me
take it off slowly by whoreforseresin
↳ one shot, 18+, you need this bloody hot smut in your life, trust me
it's all about you by @bussyslayer333
↳ one shot, i love this format and this fic in general!
oh deer by @wkndwlff
↳ one shot, best friend!jake, can you hear me yell? cause i'm yelling
she blinded me with science by wkndwlff
↳ one shot, the lab workers representation i never knew i needed!
move on by @starlightstories
↳ one shot, if you're looking to get your heart broken, this fic is your guy :')
i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever by @demxters
↳ one shot, perfection 🙌🙌
man, i didn't kiss her and i should have by @folkloreslovechild
↳ one shot, college!au, the love epiphany trope is something so personal to me
i think there's been a glitch by folkloreslovechild
↳ one shot, “TOPGUN isn’t about working hard. It’s about looking good in uniform.” <- facts!!
5 times hangman got older + 1 time he got wiser, too by folkloreslovechild
↳ one shot, childhood friends to lovers, he is an idiot but we love him
the fuck you universe by @roosterbruiserexclusive
↳ series, 18+, kazansky!reader, enemies to loves, A👏MA👏ZING👏
always a bridesmaid by @sugarcoated-lame
↳ one shot, 18+, bradshaw!reader, just simply phenomenal story 🙌
one sunny afternoon by @rhettabbotts
↳ one shot, 18+, fiancee!reader, my brain turns to jelly when i think about this fic
speeding cars by @teacupsandtopgun
↳ one shot, this fic did me so so dirty and that's all i'm saying
water droplets by @siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, 18+, javy's chest is not the only wet thing in this scenario hehe
daylight by siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, 18+, sorry i can't come to the phone rn. why? oh cause i'm dead, this fic killed me
how sweet it is... by @coyotesamachado
↳ one shot, javy machado, love me, feed me, never leave me, i am begging
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time to giddy up, yeah? by @loveshotzz
↳ one shot, 18+, mustache or not, there's nothing i would not do for this man
love on the brain by @vendettaparker
↳ one shot, pregnant!reader, someone make this man a dad asap
glitch by @forevermoreharrington
↳ one shot, 18+, fwb to lovers, THIS 😫
sping breaks loose by forevermoreharrington
↳ one shot, soft boyfriend!steve deserves the world
whispers of "are you sure?" by forevermoreharrington
↳ one shot, 18+, friends to lovers, he have a hattrick on our hands!
bathroom break by @stvharrngton
↳ one shot, 18+, old money!steve, oh man 🥵
dizzy bystvharrngton
↳ one shot, 18+, steve is very rideable 🤤
relax, lay back by @superblysubpar
↳ one shot, 18+, i love this so much, you do not understand
delicate by @bejeweledmunson
↳ one shot, best friends to lovers, sometimes all it takes is a reality check
never could've seen you coming and i've had no love like your love by @supernovafics
↳ two shot, 18+, i love this with everything i have!!!
lemon over ice (part 2) by @upsidedownwithsteve
↳ two shot, 18+, i am unwell in the best way possible
and they were roommates by @sunshinesteviee
↳ one shot, this >>>>> everything else in this world
teach me how to be soft by @lovebugism
↳ one shot, bad at feelings!reader, i just love him, you know?
dial-a-thrill by @bimbobaggins69
↳ one shot, 18+, phone sex operator!eddie, it is exactly as hot as it sounds honestly
penny'verse by @queenimmadolla
↳ series, young dad!eddie, this is just so wholesome!!
dinner buddies by @katsu28
↳ one shot, i want to hold this story in my arms and never let it go
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your back beneath the sun by @laracrofted
↳ one shot, 18+, remember, spf is your best friend!
254 notes · View notes
melodramamatic · 1 month
I know the beginning of any serialized manga is going to be a little rough as the author sort of figures out their story and finds what the audience likes and gets into the rhythm of it. And I know we as the audience are supposed to forgive that. Not everything can be One Piece.
But the My Hero Academia entrance exam has me asking so many questions. In hindsight, it's obvious the author was setting us up for the twist of 'he gets in on rescue points, because being a hero is about more than fighting the villains.' And I love that so fucking much. It's great.
But were those points weighted? Midoriya gets sixty points from his first bone-breaking maneuver and the only person shown to be in imminent danger was Uraraka, who immediately saved his ass from wiping out harder than he could have. He got no other points in that exam. Uraraka got 45 rescue points, presumably at least partially from preventing him from breaking his face. Was the way she rescued him less impressive/skillful/helpful? And I know it's because he's the protagonist. But how are they awarding rescue points? Did he save more than Uraraka and she's the only one who was important enough for screen time? Aoyama saves Midoriya from getting hit early on in the exam, but we don't see his final score.
I hate to give him too much credit, but that actually makes Bakugo's high score of 77 even more impressive. Highest points for a single robot was 3. That's a minimum of 26 robots (25 3pointers, 1 1pointer)!!! Iida had 52 hero points with a minimum of 18 robots, and he's presumably the fastest kid in the exam.
And also, Kirishima got 74 points on a nearly even split 39villain/35rescue. Which is fantastic characterization for him, love that, that had to have been planned. But still, only thirty five points v Midoriya's sixty? Why? Was it because the odds were less hopeless? Because his quirk is more suited for it? We haven't even met Kirishima yet and he's already being given Ideal Hero characterization: someone who protects people and makes sure the bad guys can't hurt anyone else. Which I love for him, given he's only a year out of his I-froze-up-while-being-threatened-for-the-first-time crisis. So much growth. (Can you tell he's my favorite.) And interestingly enough contrasts him with Tetsutetsu who got 49 villain points but only 10 rescue points.
If they give Midoriya 60 rescue points for saving one person, what does that mean for the others who presumably rescued multiple people but weren't scored nearly as highly for it. Was it because the teachers assumed he knew he was going to break his limbs with that attack and made that sacrifice willingly for the sake of another person? Probably it was because the author needed a nice round number to put him in the top ten and didn't think too hard about it.
But I am going to Think Too Hard About It
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snarkfamily · 1 year
Okay I need to get this off my chest even though I think all my followers are bots haha. I will release it to the void so it gets out of my head!
But imagine: in Season 5, they’re battling Vecna and various demo-creatures and Steve is trying to protect his kids, and ends up dying. And a small part of him is relieved, but mostly he’s worried because they need all the manpower they can get, and he knows that Dustin and Robin especially will be devastated.
But then his eyes open, and his body doesn’t hurt, and he can hear birds really clearly, and his eyes focus without squinting, and he thinks “hey, maybe I got into heaven after all?” Except he’s in his bedroom, as it hasn’t been for a long time, and he figures out it’s actually 1981, two months before he starts freshman year. After hours or maybe days of screaming and panic attacks and searing grief, the knowledge that his friends don’t know him and will never know him the way they used to has settled in, and he resolves to make a plan. He still has two years before the shit hits the fan, but El is in the lab and he wants to get her out asap.
The problem is that he’s never been the ideas guy, he’s always been told he’s stupid, and he can’t go to anyone he normally would because they don’t KNOW him anymore, and his kids are only 9! And he briefly wishes that someone else was sent back, someone smarter, but he wouldn’t really wish this anguish on anyone else. And really, if he had parents who were present and cared, like the others, he would probably be committed for the way he was acting, so probably for the better.
He ultimately decides that the best thing to do is deal with the lab right away, so no one gets hurt. He knows Hopper won’t believe him, and what is a small-town cop supposed to do against the lab anyway? But then he remembers Murray Bauman, and thinks “yeah, that guy can take down an evil government organization no problem.” So he’s feeling pretty good about the plan until he realizes that Murray will probably ignore him or shoot him on the off chance he takes him seriously. Then inspiration strikes when he’s doing a grocery run and is gazing longingly across the produce at the Sinclair family. Little Erica appears to be negotiating with her mother about vegetables, and Steve thinks “yes! WWED?!”
So he takes the money his family leaves him, takes a bus to Illinois, and shows up to Murray’s gate. When Murray laughs him off, Steve tells him that there’s a note on his kitchen table outlining where he’s going, and that if he goes missing, Murray is to blame. There’s a silence that Steve chooses to interpret as encouraging, so he keeps going, telling Murray every fact about him that Steve knows: weapons he uses, aliases he has, conspiracies he believes, languages he speaks. Murray finally responds with a baffled “kid… who are you?” And lets Steve in.
Once in the house, Steve’s opening line is “do you think the government could fuck up enough to accidentally cross dimensions?” And Murray is somehow a mix of amused and horrified and confused, but yes, actually, the government COULD fuck up that much. Steve tells him all about the lab, and when Murray believes him, he adds the time travel and the whole history. Murray lets him spend the night and then they go to Hawkins the next day.
Hopper gets involved, and together they gather enough evidence to shut down the lab for good. The adults don’t let Steve do any fighting, even though he complains that he’s been through it all. They argue that even if his brain remembers, his body is a clean slate, and it should stay that way. They want to protect him the best they can. He’s in charge of getting El out, and he manages to convince Hopper to foster her. Over the planning stages, the adults figure out that Steve’s parents neglect him, so they work out a plan where Murray moves into the Hawkins’ trailer park so that he can foster Steve.
As the Upside Down situation gets resolved and it gets closer to school, Steve feels less and less like a 19 year old and more like a 14 year old. His old life feels more like remembering the plot of a movie, and he chafes less under the rules Murray makes for him. By the time school starts, he gets to make friends with Eddie as equals, not with an age imbalance, he just remembers who is important to him. And if he has his bisexual awakening 5 years earlier than the previous timeline, then it’s a good thing his father figure is much more accepting than the Harringtons would have been. To befriend his kids, he puts up babysitting fliers and actually loves babysitting for any kids, not just the Party. He becomes just as inseparable with Robin when she gets to high school the next year, and Nancy and Jonathan are good friends without the added awkwardness of dating. He even gets to know Barb, who it turns out is the perfect match for Robin.
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whiteredrose13 · 7 months
So, I haven't written fanfic in a long time, and it's been even longer since I've posted it. But, oh my god, this fucking AU--
Do you know how long it's been since a piece of media has captivated my ADHD brain into doing more than drawing or just thinking about it really hard?? And then for an offshoot of that media to rot my brain just as badly??
Anyway, all this to say, @somerandomdudelmao I love your AU and I literally cannot stop thinking about it, it's consumed my waking thoughts. Donnie and Leo's reunion has me in a death grip.
(Apologies for any spelling/grammar errors, wrote this on my phone with very little sleep.)
Donnie is going to kill him all over again when this is over.
Mumbling, cursing, Donatello walks the surface of the spiritual lake, stray drops of glowing blue falling up around him. It's been hours. At least, it feels like it's been hours. Donnie knows time dilation is one hell of a drug, that what feels like hours to him may only be minutes–seconds, even–to anyone on the outside. He also knows that he's never had an ounce of patience for pointless tedium in his life, which is really not helping. That does not, however, negate the fact that his feet hurt, and it's fucking cold, and no matter how far he walks there's no sign of Leo–
Stubborn, selfless, reckless, candle-in-the-wind, dum-dum Leonardo!
Of course he'd be the hardest to resurrect! Donatello isn't sure why he had expected otherwise. His twin has always been the most grating individual he's ever met; Leo lived to spite him. It only makes sense that he'd make Donnie jump through hoop after hoop to save him. First his soul being barely more than an ember, weak against even the barest breath and aggravatingly flighty, and now this.
Growling, Donnie hunches slightly, staring ahead into the endless distance.
“Leo!” He screams, the sound echoing far and forever in the void. “Leo, you moron, where the hell are you?!”
Leo doesn't answer. Donnie pretends this doesn't scare him. He leans into the anger, letting the heat of it push him forward, urge him on. He can't be afraid. He's done this before, he's pulled their brothers from death's icy grip, given them a second chance. It's worked perfectly, up til now, and it's going to keep working despite Leonardo's attempts at driving Donnie insane.
Donnie's feet hit the lake harder as he stomps on, and on, and on, eyes darting frantically around for a shadow, a flicker, a sign, something. He calls for Leo until his voice is hoarse. Until his feet are so far past numb he's circled around to feeling them again.
Until Donatello realizes he can feel something under his feet.
He thinks it's the numbness creeping back in again, turning his nerves fuzzy and oversensitive (it wouldn't be the first time). But, no, he realizes, as something pushes up from underneath. Donnie stops dead. So does the thing below.
No. Not a thing.
Sparks flare to life at the back of his brain, familiar yet faint. It's a ghost of that feeling, the connecting thread between him and his other half, that twin sense Leo never shut up about and Donnie always maintained had no scientific evidence to prove. Donatello hasn't felt it since the day he died. Yet, tremulous though it may be, it's here now, bidding him to stop.
The breath vanishes from his lungs as he looks down.
There, amidst the quicksilver finish of the lake, is–
His brother looks up at him. Or rather, looks up through him. Leo doesn't seem to recognize him. He stares, still as stone. Their twin sense fills with static. Donnie feels sick to his stomach. Clenching his hands, Donnie takes a steadying breath. Pressure begins to build behind his eyes. He's there, he's right there, but he still feels so far away. Donnie wonders for a moment if it's really Leo he's seeing down there.
“I miss you, Leo,”he says, though he's not sure why.
Leo copies him, mouth moving but no sound coming out. Curious. When Donnie moves, so does he, a perfect reflection, right down to the tilt of his head. Donatello kneels. So does Leo. He presses his hands against the glassy surface of the lake. So does Leo. He blocks Donnie, no matter how he moves, keeping himself on his side and Donnie on his. Just like all those games they'd play when they were hatchlings. Donnie hated those games then. He hates them even more in this moment, because on top of being annoying, now he's actively preventing Donnie from doing anything to save him.
“You are not making it easier, you know,”Donatello hisses, irritation replacing fascination.
Gritting his teeth, Donnie presses harder against the water, feeling the tension begin to give way under his right hand. The hand, he notes, Leonardo is missing.
There's nothing to block him there.
Reeling back, Donatello's fist hits the surface with enough force to send shards of glassy cerulean flying. It sinks further down, but not enough to get through. Leo's interference again, he knows. After staving off the sweet oblivion of death for so many years, fighting a decade-and-a-half in a losing battle, he's tired. Leo doesn't want to leave. He's supposed to be here, resting. This is home. That's what the twin sense tells him.
“It's not home,”Donnie grunts, punching the ice again. “Home-” Punch. “Is waiting-” Punch. “For you-” Punch. “Right here!”
Blessedly, Donatello's hand breaks through the icy surface. It's fucking freezing. Painful cold jolts up Donnie's arm into his shoulder, the shock nearly shutting down his nerves. He pushes through. He forces his arm deeper in, willing his fingers to move and close around Leonardo's scarf. Donnie's knuckles turn a startlingly light mint with the strength of his grip.
And he pulls.
He drags Leo, his twin, his brother, the other half of his soul, up and up from the depths of the water. The current shifts beneath his feet, waves lashing against his legs as it threatens to pull both him and Leonardo back under. Still, he keeps pulling. Donnie grimaces at the sharp sting of frost. Leo mimics him.
“Come here, you dumbass!”
Leo sneers up at Donnie. Rain pelts his skin, icy droplets pouring up in a deluge strong enough to nearly knock Donatello off his feet.
“You're coming with me and that's not up for discussion!"
The lake wants to take them both. It didn't want to let go of Leo, and now it thinks it can bring Donatello down with him if it tries. What it doesn't know is that the only thing that can stop Donatello is Donatello. He didn't come this far to give up now.
He didn't fight and claw and rage against all known laws of the universe to come back without his brother.
Both hands close around Leo's scarf. Then his shoulders, his sides, until Donnie's arms are under his, gripping tight around his shell. Donatello slams his foot against the lake for leverage, hauling Leo free of the water's frigid embrace.
The water ripples in reply, and suddenly, it lets go. Gravity shifts. Everything tilts, sending the brothers spinning, dizzy, up–down?–into the dark.
Through it all, Donatello keeps hold of Leonardo's hand.
He made the mistake of letting go once. He's not about to make it again.
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peachesvanilla · 1 year
Kisses #1
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pairing: Jongin x reader
genres: pure fluff(this close to crying while writing... been months since I am satisfied with my fluff writing..MONTHS), friends to lovers
inspiration: Jongin and list of kisses I found on pinterest.
Jongin is a ray of sunshine. This sentence falls short before his warmth embrace, beaming grin, shiny eyes and lively aura. Like the sun rarely appearing in winter, gravitating every human to animal, to be under his rays, Jongin grabs everyone’s attention as he struts in the college campus. 
And I, a weakling just like everyone else, finds my steps leading towards him. Trying to snatch a piece of his attention, bask in his presence and have my own epiphany. The worst thing about having him as a friend is staying stuck in that position for a long long time. 
Sometimes in the middle of the night when our phone conversations turn deep, sharing our innermost conflicts and pains I wonder if we weren’t grouped for a project would it be any different? Would he have seen me as a girl instead of his friend who needs help in everything? Would I be in the mainstream rather than a sideline?
“Where are you lost?” Jongin snaps his fingers at my face breaking me out of my thoughts, more like obsession. “Lost in that pretty mind of yours?” His brown eyes shine under the direct stream of sunlight, bringing out the honey shade and oozing out the warmth. Dressed in a hoodie, his hair a mess from constantly pulling up the hoodie cap and removing it, his familiar perfume makes it hard not to fall for him a little harder everyday. 
“Nothing.” I push his hand off my face, slowly reeling my chair little by little away from his. “Thinking about the assignment.”
He nods understandingly, folding his arms across his chest. The movement brings out the firmness of his chest, broadness of it and the many nights I spent wondering how it would be laying on his chest.
“It's a difficult one.” He ponders, zoning off into the high walls of the library. “Maybe our procedure is wrong and we have to tackle it using a different method?” 
“Yeah.” I don’t even remember the question but whatever gets him off me helps. One thing about knowing Jongin for so long is, he won’t let go until I dish out all of my worries that are disturbing my peace. I had to come up with a hundred lies to just cover my one truth. That is, I am slowly falling in love with him. “Maybe.”
He rests his arm on the back of my seat, rolling me towards him. “I don’t feel like studying.” He mumbles, his face a few inches away from mine as he looms over me. “Can we go out?” His eyes run across my face with hope. “Please?”
My cold heart comes alive, beating louder, faster. He is so close, his lips just a breath away. What if I lean in and get a taste of the forbidden lips. Is the pain worth the taste? My heart whispers a yes, while my mind is hyperventilating on how he isn’t interested in me as a lover and just sees me as one of his boys. Having him around is far better than getting shut by a mere kiss.
But the heart screams yes when his eyes dip to my lips for a fraction of a second. Almost as if it never happened. I lean in, pressing my lips onto his soft, full lips. My heart leaps out of my chest, my fingers curl into fists on my lap and my brain is void of any thoughts. His lips are more than what I thought of, softer than a baby skin and bringing the storm and peace at once. 
I move back from his lips, his taste lingering on mine and I pick up the courage to look at his face. His eyes are closed, his breathing uneven, lips shiny from my lip balm and parted. Slowly he opens his eyes, watching me intently. I wait for him to leave with a disappointed look and saying he didn’t expect this from me. His eyes trail to my cheeks, the strand of hair falling on my face and then pauses on my lips for a long time. His arm around my chair drags me closer to him, my knee pressing into his thigh, and another arm hesitantly lying on top of my thigh. 
He sucks in a breath and leans in, kissing me. I gasp, this can’t be happening. Does he.. does he see me as a girl? He presses his lips harder, his eyebrows scrunched in the middle, eyes closed. I arch to his height, sitting straighter in greed to get more of him. His hand holds my neck as he moves his lips in a slow rhythm. He grips my thigh, leaning in, sucking my lower lip and holding me in place holding my neck. The moment prolongs for a minute, I press his hand and he breaks the kiss, letting me breathe. 
He brushes his nose against mine, watching my expression. A slow shy smile spreads across his lips, he rubs his thumb over my heated cheeks. Pecking my lips one more time, he leans back in his chair spreading his arms and throws back his head grinning. “Shit.” 
What should I do now? Talk about it or go about it as if the kiss never happened? But his swollen lips and shine on it tells another story. How can I pretend when—
“Let’s go.” He packs his bag and also mine within seconds, holding out his hand for me. 
I hold his hand, his hand completely engulfing mine. My steps falter, hair on my neck standing. Every single student’s eyes are on us. My heart drops to my stomach, he is Jongin of course everyone’s attention will be on him but the amount of hate, jealousy and smirks we are receiving is overwhelming. 
He grips on my hand, “what do you want to eat?” 
“Anything is good with me.” I reply, wanting to get out of here as soon as I can. 
“Okay.” He swings our intertwined hands and hums through our entire walk and even till reaching the fast food center. And his beaming smile? It never fades, instead it got brighter.
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brunette-crisis · 7 months
I’m going to start writing as a way to release energy. I don’t know how it will do or tags to use, but I hope you enjoy it and it turns you on.
Lately I fantasize about being made of shadow able to drift through solid objects and make myself part of the shadow at will. This is a short story inspired by that.
If you have suggestions for specific kinks/genders/dynamics that you would like represented let me know and I will feature it. The Shadow can fulfill your darkest and filthiest desires and I would love to use my energy to put them to the page for you. I used red to emphasize words as triggers for some kinks but also to help keep you reading (tik tok subway surfer ass generation) (don’t take it personally I literally do the same thing and listen to Reddit stories while I play video games and scroll.)
This is inspired by many of my own kinks for both receiving and taking. I tried to keep both charachters gender neutral and heavily open to interpretation so that you could insert yourself directly in. That being said it may not be perfect. Thank you for your time reading.
The Shadow: Chapter 1
One night as you sleep, you awake feeling uncomfortable in your room. You aren’t really sure what’s going on. It’s your room. The safe place it’s always been. The doors are locked. The windows shut. Your noise machine hums softly. Just a dream you suppose. As you lazily close your eyes sleep starts to overtake you, you take a deep breath.
Just as you exhale arms shoots out from the darkness clamping down over your mouth and throat. You don’t even scream. What’s happening? This CAN’T happen. Not to your Not in this room. It’s safe. It always has been. Nobody can get in. Nothing can hurt you here.
The shadows growl at you to keep your mouth shut if you want to survive, tightening its grip to show its threats carry weight. You don’t know what’s happening or who is threatening you, but in that moment you realize this thing WILL kill you and finish with your corpse if it has to. You are nothing before it. Not a boy. Not a girl. An object. A thing to be used and discarded when it no longer serves.
Just as you begin to run out of air the shadows grips lesson, allowing you to desperately choke for air, only to have your throat and mouth stuffed by darkness and shadow. Your brain tells you it’s a cock, because that’s the only thing that has been forced in your dumb whore mouth before. But it isn’t really.
If you had the bravery to look upon your attacker, you would see no shaft pumping in and out. No balls slapping again your chin with every thrust. Only cold shadow. The absolute darkness of the void dripping, condensing, and congealing with your spit, dripping down your mouth.
You feel it thrust, but the darkness. It’s too much. It’s all encompassing. It forces and retreats from the depths of your throat with a steady and unyielding pace. Your mouth is completely stuffed with shadow, like a child trying to fit marshmallows in their mouth. You always did win at that game.
You don’t know how long it thrusts. Between the gasps of air through your nose, the ethereal tendrils of darkness lick up and down your body, leaving and soft warm trail that lingers briefly before dissolving into your body. If you could see in the absolute darkness. You could see these tendrils did not move randomly, but carefully tattooed strange patterns and designs across your chest, neck, shoulders, rear, and at the entrance of each of your holes.
The shadow lets loose a cry of approval, praising you for your obedience and submission, claiming no human has ever submitted so quickly and so completly to its touch. It taunts you, reveling in your loss of trust in your own space. You hear a beastial roar that somehow fulls only your ears and a wave of darkness fills you. Its warmth fills you just like any wave of seed, yet it extends to your entire body. Its warmth is so surprising you begin to weep. Nothing makes sense anymore and you can help but notice that you want this shadow more. You want its darkness touching every inch of your skin.
The joy of its warmth is replaced with the icy cold of normal. After its warmth pulses your skin returns to a regular temperature, yet is icy cold. With dread you wonder if you might ever feel the warmth again. This darkness has spoiled you. Little do you know just how many ways it has. From the darkness something whispers, “Do not worry my child. I will see you tomorrow. And the next night. And the next. There is no escape now.
I wrote this in bed while I couldn’t sleep, never sure what I wanted to write but just letting my fingers fly over the keyboard. Lots of potential story threads popped in my mind for future chapters.
If I learned anything it’s that I like to provide. I think I have at least decent writing skills and the imagination to create vast complex narratives. This is a creative writing experiment to explore that. I think?
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this takes place in the space au
warnings: swearing, fear
word count: around 4.8k
taglist: @autism-alley , @awkwardgtace , @tripodcat-gt
T-minus 10
“Could I ask you something, big guy?”
“Are there other ways you hold the planet? It can’t always just be in your hands, right? That has to get tiring.”
“…well, sometimes I kinda…cup the planet to my chest. Like when I lay down. …or just…I don’t know…whenever.”
“Dear God, you are touch starved.”
“…touch starved?”
“Mmm...it means you crave physical affection.”
“Touch…,” I can sense the wistfulness in his voice. “I’ve seen the way some humans hold each other…I think it’s called a hug? And just…I don’t know, getting lost in someone’s arms for a while…it seems…really nice. I just…I wish there was some way for me to hug you, Mia, but…well, you know.”
“...maybe there is.”
“…what do you mean?”
Lift off.
There’s a giant that lives up in the cosmos who holds the world to prevent it from freezing over now that the sun’s dead. It's literally something out of a children’s story but the scientists have been working on this long enough to know that somehow, impossibly, it’s still the truth.
Weirder still is that this giant never asked for anything in return.
Until, that is, when a particularly tired intern got the shit scared out of them when the massive cosmic entity known as Jax popped into their head to quietly ask them if it would be okay to send their cranky janitor to space. And once the higher ups got word of it, they knew it was probably for the best not to say no to the giant who literally held the entire planet in his hands and started on it right away.
Of course, they could have said no. Jax knew that. I knew that. They didn’t know that. I guess they were just happy Jax hadn’t started asking for human sacrifices or something.
So that’s how I ended up here.
I’m in a ship and a bulky suit, watching the sky turn darker and darker as I leave the Earth’s atmosphere. The constant shake rattling through the ship is horrible and the jolt of the engine separating from the rocket is even worse. The ship stops shaking soon after but gradually, I can feel the sheer weight of gravity pushing me deeper and deeper into my seat as the vessel tries to escape the Earth’s pull. It’s almost agonizing in its intensity, the sounds and sights and feelings all working together to turn my body and brain effectively to mush but then finally, finally
the engines shut off and I’m left sitting there in the dead silence that follows, still so stunned from the trip that it takes a few moments too long to even bring myself to move.
And that was the easy part.
My legs feel like jello and both my back and neck feel stiff but still I wrestle my way out of the chair to go look out the window.
And the first thing I see is the Earth, an impossible sight of blues and greens and yellows all condensed and mixing together, masses of huge storm clouds passing over continents. The backdrop of stars and darkness make it almost glow.
And then I see something else.
Something that just about makes my heart stop beating.
As the Earth slowly, very slowly, gets farther and farther away, I can see that it’s not suspended in the star filled void of space like it’s supposed to be. Instead,
something so huge I can’t see where it begins or where it ends, something so huge my brain can’t even fully comprehend what I’m looking at,
something rests just below the planet, cupping it, holding it up in the cosmos
something flesh coloured
something warm
I’ve seen this before, when Jax projected himself into my head or…whatever the hell he did to me but seeing it here, now
It’s too much
It’s genuinely too much
And as the Earth gets smaller and the flesh surrounding it remains the same endless expanse, I find it harder and harder to stay calm.
My brain is screaming, screaming at me to get away but I can’t breathe and
instead I choke on my own spit, staring at the view as my breaths get harder and harder to control until I finally manage to turn around, pressing my back to the cool glass and instead focusing on the dull interior of the shuttle as I try to get my breathing back under control. I’m starting to sweat again and the insulation the suit provides isn’t helping. I try to take in every single detail of the room I’m trapped in, the grooves in the seats and the dull walls, the fluorescent lights and the panels and panels of buttons lining the main console, the screens and the sensors and very very distant hum of fans and other machinery quietly working away to keep me alive.
The constant beating in my chest as it finally starts to slow
As my vision stops dancing in front of me
As my head gradually stops swimming
And then I hear it, a call so sudden it causes me to jump.
A being so fucking huge that the world is nothing more than a marble to him. Of course, I’ve seen him so many times before in the sky, his huge face stretching across the horizon thanks to his sheer size, an eye larger than the Earth completely engulfing it when I want to show him something. Even when he holds an arm out so I can see him better, the concept of him holding the planet is still something I can’t even begin to register.
And now I don’t have a barrier to protect me.
It doesn’t take long before I can feel tears streaming down my face as I hug my arms close and then closer.
Quieter now.
I can’t stifle a sob in time and somehow, somehow, I know he hears it.
“…I…I’m sorry, M.” He sounds pained and my heart pangs even as I slowly lower myself to the ground.
My friend.
This cosmic fucking giant is my friend.
I guess on some level I just never fully thought about what I was dealing with.
Jax is a giant, one so goddamn huge that any space program that wants to send something out has to let him know in advance so that his damn fingertips don’t block their flight paths.
He’s not human. He’s never been human but
“…do you want to go home?”
He’s tentatively whispering in my head like we’re equals, asking me questions, asking me what I want to do. There’s genuine distress in his voice. He wanted this more than anything and yet I know he’d give it all up for me. He’s…
A lengthy pause on his end. Then
I take in a few more gulps of air, staring at my now empty chair before I speak again.
“…give me a moment. This is…a little hard for me to deal with right now.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am.”
Some time passes in silence, me eventually starting to run a hand up and down the material of my suit to try and ground myself before Jax hesitantly speaks again.
“…I…actually, there…might be something I can do to help.”
I try to focus on his voice. “…and what’s that, big guy?”
“Just…just give me a moment.”
More silence for a long long time before,
“Look out the window.”
“Trust me. Please.”
There’s something about his tone that cuts the tension. There’s desperation, yes. But now there’s something else too. Something that almost sounds like excitement.
I frown, staring down the empty room before finally breaking. Damn it, now I’m curious. And I did trust him at the end of the day.
I slowly uncurl myself from the floor and move to peek out the window. And I see
Oh my God he’s so far away right now.
I don’t even know how far away he is but I know it must be a lot because I can fucking see him now
All of him
He looks like a regular human floating a short distance away from the glass. I can finally see his fucking clothes properly, some kind of weird flowing orange-purple crop top and a long flowing skirt to go with it. He tentatively waves when my eyes meet his because of course he can see when my fucking germ sized eyes meet his planet sized ones over the how many millions of miles he just marathoned in his quest to make me feel more comfortable.
And goddammit I can’t believe it’s working.
He’s just…he’s so fucking sweet. And God, the face he’s making right now is so cute if he wasn’t the size of a goddamn galaxy, I’d squish his cheeks.
A half smile slowly worms its way onto my face and after a moment, he seems to relax too.
“Are you alright?” I know his mouth doesn’t move when he talks to me like this since he’s projecting his voice directly into my head but it’s still trippy to see, especially like this.
“I…think so.”
He smiles. “So now what? Do you want to just…talk like this for a while before you go back?”
“Dude. I didn’t go through months of space training and being questioned by the feds to just talk to you.”
The man’s smile grows.
After dancing around the subject for a while, I finally bite the bullet and leave the room to go put on a space suit even bulkier than the one I’m currently in. Jax is a constant nervous chatter in my head as I check the suit over and over and I try my best to reassure him even as my own heart rate steadily rises at the mere thought of what’s about to happen.
And once I’m finally done looking the suit over and over desperately for anything I can use to stall for just a second longer, I give up and make my way to the airlock.
There’s a palpable tension in the air now. I know exactly what’s on the other side of those heavy metal doors and it takes a second to even make myself bring a hand up to the panel.
I take a slow breath in
And a slow breath out
and then I press down.
The doors open and it takes only a second for the lack of pressure to kick in before I’m all but shot out into the black void that yawns open in front of me.
It takes some time to get my bearings now that gravity’s moot and for a while, I just try to stop spinning by any means necessary. Means in this case being flapping my arms and legs around until the universe finally stops spinning. At some point I can even hear Jax start to chuckle quietly in my head and it does not help.
But once I’m finally able to place myself, I take some time to take in my surroundings. Because God, they are stunning. The black void of space completely engulfs everything around me. It’s full of stars and what has to be a few unfamiliar planets all hanging in the empty space, dotting the dark backdrop with a massive array of colour and light. It’s…beautiful. Ethereal.
Completely silent.
There’s something quietly unsettling about it all, the way it doesn’t seem to end, the way I’m the only visible living being for miles, the way the silence is so palpable it makes my ears ring. Beautiful, yes but uncaring, lifeless
…what Jax must go through every single day of his life.
I can feel his gaze on my back, one that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand and my latent survival instincts kick into overdrive.
The stare of a giant who holds the world.
And now there’s no magical barrier. No ship. No nothing.
It’s just me.
For a long time, I stare into the cosmos aimlessly until finally, a small whisper starts up in my head, the abruptness of it making me jump.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
I swallow, trying to find my voice. “…yeah, it is.”
There’s a long pause and I try to find something else to say to stop focusing on how hard my heart is beating.
“I…don’t recognize any of these planets. Never-,” I choke on my air for a moment but force myself to continue, “-never saw one with three rings around it like that.”
Jax is silent for a long moment.
“…Mia…you don’t have to-”
“Where are we?”
“I…I don’t recognize any of these planets so…where exactly are we, big guy?”
He’s quiet for a moment longer before “…I travel around, I guess. Your system is…well…it’s not habitable anymore so you guys just travel with me now.”
You guys
The entire population of Earth is just ‘you guys’ to him.
The idea is so inconceivably, horribly absurd to me that I almost burst out laughing, instead choking on my own spit as I forget to breathe for a few moments too long.
That voice in my head again, even quieter than before because, and the realization helps to ground me just a little, he’s hesitant, because he doesn’t want to scare me further or, God forbid, because my reaction actually scared him.
There’s something so undeniably human about the way Jax carries himself. In spite of his ridiculous size and the power he holds over billions of comparatively minuscule lives, he acts like a person. We’re all just ‘you guys’ to him. Equals, friends. Hell, I’m actually his friend. It’s insane. All of this in insane but-
after taking a few sharp inhales and trying to get my breathing back under control, I finally bring myself to start really looking around. Not for the scenery but for my gigantic friend.
And finally, I see him floating in the distance just as before, one of his hands cupped and the other hanging loosely at his side. I know what’s cupped in that hand but try not to think about it, instead focusing on the man himself. He doesn’t say anything but cocks his head slightly at me instead.
I quietly squeeze my hands before I speak again. “…so, how do you want to do this?”
“…you were having trouble breathing, M.”
There’s this deadness in his voice that makes me wince. I ignore him and try again, fighting to keep the shake out of my voice.
“How do you want to do this?”
“…I don’t think this is a good idea.”
We stare at each other for a long moment before I raise a hand and beckon him forward.
“You’re shaking, Mia.” He sounds close to tears, now visibly upset as he hangs in the dead of space.
“I’ll get over it.”
“No, you won’t.”
“Yes, I will.”
He looks like he wants to argue more but instead tries something else.
“I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“That’s great, Jax, but I want to do this.”
He looks away.
“…Jeez dude, do you even want to do this?”
He nods slightly after a long moment.
“…I don’t want to make you panic again. …or you know…throw up.”
Jax actually laughs a bit at that and I frown at him.
“You’re an ass, you know that? Now get over here.”
“…I don’t know…”
“Jax, I swear to God.”
He stares at me.
I stare at him.
After an unbearably long silence I just start swimming towards him and he almost immediately starts back peddling away from me frantically.
“YOU ARE AFRAID OF ME!” I yell as I keep up the pace.
“I’M AFRAID OF WHAT I CAN DO TO YOU!” he practically wails as his legs kick away from me. “IT’S NOT THE SAME!”
I try to swim after him for a bit longer before he becomes little more than a speck in the distance and I stop to catch my breath with a sigh. Unfortunately, with that no longer my main focus, the creeping dread of space starts to get to me again. Beautiful and desolate. Completely silent.
My ears start to ring.
I only have a few small meals that were packed in case anything goes wrong. I’m not sure how much oxygen I have left but I know it’s not enough to live on.
The infinite darkness all around me, closing in.
Closing in.
Closing in.
My voice comes out a strangled cry and the pale dot in the distance immediately freezes. “Mia?” He sounds concerned.
“Don’t go. Please.”
There’s a long period of silence before he speaks again. “Oh! Oh no, I’m sorry, Mia, I didn’t mean it like...you’re not- I wasn’t going to- I’m sorry I just-” He cuts himself off, taking some time to get his thoughts in order before he speaks again. “I’m sorry, I’m coming back. I won’t leave you, I promise.”
With that, the speck in the distance slowly grows until once again I can make out a person. I can feel distant relief seeing another living thing.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers again.
“I…it’s ok, big guy.”
Jax watches me for a long moment before he speaks again. “I’ll do it.”
“I’ll come over to you and we can…touch.”
“Are you sure?”
He nods slightly.
And so slowly Jax starts making his way over and as the figure of him grows and grows, a distant part of my brain starts screaming and after a second, Jax stops again.
“You’re scared again,” he says quietly.
I just use a now trembling hand to wave him over and he shakes his head.
“Mia, are you sure you want to do this? You really don’t have to force yourself. We can always just talk and I really appreciate you trying like this but-”
“Jax?” There’s a shake in my voice that I can’t quite fight down.
“Get over here.”
“…but I-”
I hold my arms out to him and he watches me for a long moment before slowly he starts moving again. His figure grows and grows in the middle distance but I remain frozen in the sky, arms held out in invitation, my heart beating faster and faster and my breaths struggling to catch up.
Jax pauses again. “…are you sure?”
Unable to form words, I just nod and Jax eventually starts moving again. The movement causes me to flinch and Jax stops, cocking his head slightly.
I’m about to beckon him again but
“…you…your hair is green and fluffy. You told me it’s dyed that colour and I think it really suits you.”
He’s whispering again. Continues his approach. It takes me a second to realize what he’s doing but as soon as it clicks, I close my eyes and focus on his words, a small smile starting to grace my lips at the familiarity.
“Your eyes are brown. Kind of a dark brown like…hmm…really dark chocolate.”
That gets a small chuckle out of me and he returns it in kind. There’s a noticeable change in the atmosphere now, like I’m starting to get pulled into a gravitational field. I know what’s causing it but just try to focus on the voice in my head.
“You’re…uh…you…said I was white so…”
I cough to warm up my throat. “…you can just say brown, big guy. It’s fine.”
“Brown then! And you’re…,” he stops to think about it for a second, “…uh…kinda skinny and muscular at the same time? I can’t see your body through the suit but I’ve seen you on Earth and you’re pretty strong, M.”
He hums in acknowledgement. “I…can’t see your clothes right now either, M but your…space suit I think it’s called?”
“Space suit then. It looks…well…um…”
“You can just say it looks like shit. It’s fine.”
Jax snorts at that. “I mean…I’ve seen worse. And…right now, your eyes are closed and you’re shaking badly but I know that you’re trying and well…”
There’s a long pause before with a jolt that makes my heart jump, I can feel something plush below my feet. I don’t open my eyes just yet.
“…there we go,” Jax whispers.
And so I slowly take a seat.
Take a deep, deep breath.
And finally,
open my eyes
And now I’m here.
Sitting on what it takes me way too long to recognize as the pad of a finger so massive it dwarfs the Earth.
I can’t really make out anything besides the massive black void that makes up what must be his pupil, stretching on and on in every direction like the night sky. Every time he blinks, I can hardly understand what’s happening and on some level, I’m distantly horrified as I stare back at him, the frozen death of space warded off only by the heat rising out of the endless stretch of flesh that makes up the pad of his finger. Every single groove of his fingerprint is like a bottomless chasm to me, my legs dangling off of one as I sit partially rooted to the surface below.
He blinks again and the night sky eclipses with it.
I’m literally nothing to this man.
Nothing at all and the fear is almost enough to make me want to gag but
He’s whispering quietly in my head again too, reassurances, using a voice I can comprehend and even as I can feel my eyes start to glaze over in fear, I can’t fight the smile that’s making its way onto my lips at the familiar voice muttering quietly in my head.
Because in spite of literally everything, he doesn’t want to scare me.
I know this man and he knows me.
Impossibly, I’m safe here
I finally force myself to move and use a shaking hand to rub the surface below me and the voice in my head stops in an instant, replaced with a small sigh as the massive eye in front of me closes in contentment.
“Oh,” is all he says after a long period of silence.
“Oh?” I finally make myself ask.
I hear a small sniff in my head and after a moment, he opens his eyes and my view is replaced by a black ocean suspended in the air in front of me.
He sniffs again and in that moment I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and never let go.
Which is…beyond impossible here but still, heart pounding, I hold my arms out to him instead.
He watches me for a long time, a blink sending what must be several oceans of water floating into the atmosphere but I hold my ground until finally the man speaks again.
“…I’m…not sure that’s a good idea, M.”
I just wave my arms at him again and he lets out a watery chuckle.
“I’m too big, Mia.”
“And I’m still waiting, big guy.”
“…I don’t want to hurt you.”
He sounds a little desperate so I finally drop my arms with a sigh. “Fine. In that case just stand still.”
“Trust me.”
He laughs at that. “…alright.”
That out of the way, I make myself stand up and examine the massive eye in front of me for a moment longer before I kick off of Jax’s finger and start swimming through the air.
“…uh, Mia?”
“Shush. I’m trying to prove a point here.”
Jax watches me swim through the air for an impressively long amount of time before he finally speaks again. “…if you’re trying to get somewhere, I could help you out?”
I look around and see that I’m basically exactly where I started.
Jax laughs. “Where are you trying to go?”
“Just…your face I guess.”
There’s silence for a long moment before everything starts moving again, the giant black globe rotating until it changes to grey and then a stark white, finally settling on a massive patch of flesh that must be the skin between Jax’s eyes. He then leans forward until the bridge of his nose lays a short distance away.
“Is that okay?” he asks quietly.
And I feel my heart warm up at that. And with that I can feel my hands start to twitch. Why is he so fucking cute? IT’S NOT FUCKING FAIR. I CAN’T EVEN SQUEEZE HIM LIKE- “I…yeah, actually. Thanks, big guy.”
I hear him hum in acknowledgment and literally want to kill him. He’s an incomprehensibly huge cosmic giant and it’s not fair not fair not fair not-
I start swimming towards him almost frantically and finally, FINALLY
I reach the man’s face and all but throw myself at him, grabbing as much of his skin as I can and rubbing the glass of my helmet against him.
“You…this is more…aggressive than I thought it would be. I…,” he lets out a small laugh, “…is this normal?”
I let out a small squeak and continue squeezing him and he chuckles in response. “You alright there, M?”
“No.” I finally manage.
He sounds a little distressed so I try to clarify. “Jax, I’m fine. I just-,” I squeeze handfuls of flesh for as long as I can manage before letting go and wrapping my arms over as much of him as I physically can, “-GOD, I CAN’T.”
“You can’t?” he sounds more worried now and before I get worked up about that too, I try to calm myself down a little.
“You’re being fucking adorable right now and humans do this thing sometimes where if something is too cute it makes us want to hurt or kill them.”
“…so you’re trying to…kill me?”
“…uh,” I feel my arms tingle and know in my heart that I want to punch him repeatedly and also throw him into the sun, instead settling for hugging him tighter. “…not actually but…yes?”
“…oh? You…don’t feel like you’re trying to kill me though. You just seem a little…,” he cuts himself off to hum a little when I try to nuzzle him again, “…rough.”
“That’s ‘cause I have self-control.”
There’s a long period of silence where I continue trying to awkwardly cuddle Jax to death and he enjoys the physical touch. Eventually though
“…we’re still friends then? You’re not actually trying to kill me?”
“Jax, oh my God, you’re killing me here.”
There’s a long pause and eventually I just frown.
“…We’re still friends. I’m not trying to kill you,” I deadpan and he chuckles.
“That’s a relief.”
He’s humming and crying and I’m trying to tear his skin off his body when something occurs to me.
“…wait, big guy.”
“You said you wanted to hug me too, right?”
“…Mia, the pad of my thumb is bigger than your planet.”
“So? I trust you.”
“You really shouldn’t.”
“Be untrustworthy then. See what happens.”
“…maybe some other time.”
“…what do you mean by that?”
Jax just chuckles and I frown.
“Hug me, man. It’s why I’m here.”
“I don’t want to kill you, Mia.”
“Then you won’t.”
I go back to squishing handfuls of his skin together in the silence that follows and eventually I feel more than see something approaching, the way the atmosphere seems to be physically moving away from some unknown threat. I try to focus on the movement of my hands against his skin instead.
“…Mia,” Jax finally says, “Your heart is-”
“Keep going.”
Jax is quiet for a long long time and I eventually drop the skin with a sigh. “If you want to touch me, Jax, keep going.”
Jax doesn’t immediately respond to this and so I try to soothe him by running a hand up and down the mass of flesh in front of me.
And finally
“Are you sure?”
“I am.”
More silence now.
I’m about to say something more when suddenly something bumps into the back of my helmet and propels me forward slightly, pressing me almost tenderly into the warm skin in front of me. Jax doesn’t say anything and for a long time and so neither do I, wrapping my arms around what I can of him once more as we soak each other in in the silence.
And as I feel the trembles running through what I assume to be Jax’s finger finally start to die down and I settle into him, I raise my head slightly and look to the general direction of where one Jax’s eye might be, trying to find my voice one more
“Hey,” I whisper to him.
“…hey,” he whispers back.
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blues-of-randomness · 6 months
Jotting down my thoughts/favorite moments for Gobb 6 as I watch Th3Badd3st's stream vod
how long can Flynn sleep for and has he always been this lazy??
One thing I will say, the music is so much better
I think Toadster had some abandonment issues he needs to work out
"I was found the by the Queen and Bittergiggle and a few others" Interesting...
"Be careful up there!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP-"
Apparently there's a weird void pig thing now??
Is toadster legitmately just a gas-lighter now or was he just holding out on the fact that HE imprisoned Banbaleena so that she'd be on their side, Also "Incredibly clever, Good at what he does, and he's very handsome." Toadster, honey, You're ego is showing
I saw this whole chair puzzle part when I tried watching it live and I just wanna say I love Ty's performance as Bittergiggle and how he just watches us do the puzzle while having no knowledge of what's going on just like us
I actually really like the Dadaroo voicea nd the fact you can hear the kids calling out "DADA!" at some points
Why is Flynn even smaller now?!
"How do you even talk?! Jellyfish have no brain!" I love this line, I like Flynn but I'm sick of hearing him whine
Did the seriously tease the torn in half Bittergiggle clone just for an anitclimatic agurment??
This did open up a rabbit hole of questions though. So the bittergiggles ARE made up of two halves like we orginally thought and they can talk as two as seen with that Bittergiggle...then why do 3 of the bittergiggles only talk as one? Is one half talking and they other staying silent for some reason?? can they only talk as two if they're split apart?
Bitterggigle coming in clutch to save us and that scream of pain was PERFECT!
am I the one that thinks the delivery on "Hold up, let's stay together.." was adorable. I know he's supposed to be dizzy but they way he says it sounds like he's talking to a small child (in an affectionate way) and it just sounds so cozy
although the minigame with the lights is a lot to pay attention to, it's kinda creative
The naughty one's laughed at Bittergiggles joke that's so wholesome-
Awww kittysaurus is Bittergiggles friend!
so the pipes drained Flynn of his Givanium...ok that makes sense?
"Quit whining, you're not the only one." Look who's talkin Flynn
I feel like these "flashbacks" of Flynn's are just hims dissociating and trying to dream of a normal day out with his friends but it keeps turning into a nightmare
i kinda enjoy the little emotion in Banban's "THE CAPTAIN GOT KIDNAPPED!" and "NABNAB!" it's so satisfying to hear fsr-
also did Nabnab try to chase after the bus and they got hit??
......and then we get obliterated by a bus....
The lollipop collecting was another part I saw while trying to watch it live but the lil guys are so cute, I'll just call them "Mini zolphius twins" until we learn their names
Mr kabob man saying "bird up" sounded so funny-
I....Almost got legitmately upset thinking we killed little beak...but thank god they're ok!
HOW MANY FREAKING CLONES DID BITTERGIGGLE MAKE!? There were 4 perfectly good clones that i *thought* where shown in the release trailer why not use them??
Bittergiggle just went down the sewerslide cause they appreciated his jokes-
I....have more questions than answers....can Dadadoo corrupt people?? or something....
I had really hoped this chapter would be the jumpstart I needed for my rewrite but I'm just more confused...
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