#say hello to The Void!!!!!
yeehawbvby · 7 months
Penny Pokemon is quaking in her boots somewhere
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whump-in-the-closet · 4 months
“They dragged you through the filth until you forgot what kindness was.”
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caregivingchrysalises · 2 months
you’re allowed to be upset love bug, being small doesn’t mean your feelings stop petal. you may even feel your feelings more while you’re in headspace~ and you know what little one? that’s perfectly valid! there’s no right way to regress sweetheart, you are allowed to be upset and frustrated when small, feeling your feelings doesn’t make you any less of a regressor darling, your feelings are always important and deserve to be seen and respected. as your prinx, and your baba, i promise to provide the space and care you require no matter how big or small your feelings are. we’ll weather this together my dear, you have my word.
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
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kirbytober 2023 21 + 26 : fav characters + ship [ prev || next ]
putting this at the top because it's extremely important but i received a message implying that some folks headcanon these two as drastically different ages. you may headcanon whatever you like of course, but in my work i firmly think that they're both full adults who are at least 25+. this is abundantly clear in my work. i'm not interested in headcanoning any of them as literal children and i would never touch that shit. dni if you think that sort of ship would actually be okay. don't be a freak. thanks.
very typical to take your favs and then also shove them together but isn't that the point. anyway i have literally never seen anybody else ship them (if you're out there... hello... 😭) despite them both being very main characters and i don't know why?? they could be so cute i think...
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they are both industrious adventurers, prolific hard-workers (team task doers), and a little cheekily competitive!
i think that bandee is no stranger to a wide variety of close and intense relationships; he's beloved by many and loves them all equally but distinctly in turn. magolor on the other hand has been sooo isolated and lonely for such a long-ass time, he barely knows how to be friends let alone really care for someone. bandee is smart enough to be suitably wary but kind enough to give him a chance despite that, which i think would knock him off his non-existent feet instantly. in reply, magolor could give him something unique by loving and prioritising him utterly singularly, in a way bandee wouldn't even have realised he was missing
in awtdy (pictured in the sketch page; if you see a tattered looking magolor in my art it's probably this au) in particular they are both thrown into the angst soup together and come out insanely trauma bonded at the hip. their friendship/relationship is central to the plotline; together they're working on a solution to the timeline anomaly, while also hiding that they even really know each other the whole time
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iersei · 1 year
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say hello to the little green comet <3
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highlifeboat · 4 months
Hey, Dad, since we on topic of Mascot Horror media, what's your opinions on some of those?
In general? I think mascot horror is great, and as much as I think people are kinda getting over it, I still find it enjoyable. In terms of specific ones... (I'm gonna list a lot so be ready to read a ramble.
Shipwrecked 64 is amazing from what I've seen. It's pretty... dark a gruesome, but the story is very compelling and I've been watching GTLive play through it and it's been really fun. First mascot horror to scare me in a hot minute.
Güby is a more recent one. Not a game, but like one of those mock-kids shows that features a cartoony/puppet protagonist. Gets to the spooks pretty quick but I love Güby's design and I'd say it's pretty unique. It's on YouTube if you wanna check it out.
BeeVeeKee's "Not Your Normal Kids Show" is also a good non-game mascot horror. They're mainly on TikTok but the series is on YouTube in a playlist and I recommend it.
Poppy Playtime is getting more interesting as time goes. The Cat Nap short was really cool and I'm still excited for the new chapter.
Garten of Banban is... something. I'll be real I have no clue what's happening in these games, I mainly use gameplay of them for background noise, but apparently they have been getting better so cudos to the developers of that game.
Hello Neighbour fucking sucks. It started out good and then it was like watching a train crash.
Speaking of trains, Choo Choo Charles is hilarious and amazing and I love him and I love Pickles. Like. SO much. She's best girl.
Amanda the Adventurer is amazing and I need to consume so much more content of that game. Also Wooly might be evil, but he's just a Little Guy so its okay. Him and Amanda are great I love them.
Slender is a classic Mascot Horror before FNAF. Maybe not scary by today's standards, but goddamn that scared the shit out of me at 7 years old.
Mr. TomatoS and Mrs. LemonS are interesting ones, weirdly full of lore complete with extra files and talking to each other and such.
DUCK SEAONS! Duck Season was a FANTASTIC game! A games based of Duck Hunt where the Dog tries to kill you and also might be your dad? FUCKING. BEAUTIFUL!
Anyway that's my opinions on some mascot horror games.
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koppaiterocker · 5 months
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Oh you guys have no idea how much angst this single comment spawned in my head... If I was a fic blog it would be SO over
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sequencefairy · 2 years
Okay, so I had a thought on twitter earlier tonight while chatting with some friends, so this is me putting it here, too, in order to keep myself accountable. 
For the month of November, I am going to commit to writing (at least) one comment a day on a fic I am reading. I read fic most days, so this will not be a difficult challenge for me. 
I am not holding myself to any standards for the comments, I’m just going to make the effort to comment on at least thirty fics. Join me?
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cheolbooluvr · 6 days
hello? 🫣
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frnkiebby · 2 months
sorting my frimages??
much better use of my time.
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jenovacomplete · 6 months
had to book a doctor's appointment for wednesday over an issue that gives me panic attacks just thinking about (but can't put it off anymore) and it is taking all of my self control to not just down a bottle of vodka before going so i don't have to remember any of it
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sass-squat · 1 year
For the tree poll I had to go with Legend. He already runs full speed into trees with his Pegasus Boots for items or to talk with the tree or just as a convenient way to stop. I don’t see why having wings would change this habit.
Do they have hollow bones in your Wing Au? Do they have to be more careful not to hurt them selves?
And I think Four has Pegasus Boots but I can’t remember if he also rams trees with his face.
"I can't remember if he also rams trees with his face" actually made my day oh my god it just gave me the greatest mental visual thank you I'll have to draw that now!😂
I actually hadn't answered my own poll about the trees but your justification for why it would be Legend FULLY convinced me so it's canon now sorry I don't make the rules (I actually do). But I can already hear him in the distance squawking and cursing Hylia and the others for laughing cause he finally has people who can and will laugh at him for all of his bad habits.😂 I know that Four does have Pegasus Boots and I'm prettyyyyy sure he also rams trees with his face but for some reason I feel like he does it with more dignity than Legend if that makes any sense?
As for your question about them having hollow bones, I will give the very vague answer of yes, they do have hollow bones so they can like...fly, but at the same time they also probably won't break anything running into trees. They are heroes afterall! They're built different! Most of them at least. Some Links are definitely more...fragile than others. :))))
So yes, while all the Links do have wings and share certain bird characteristics they are also mostly human so I believe that they really only need to be careful about any injuries to their wings. Turns out hauling around a broken wing and/or a wing with severed muscles can be very difficult and dangerous when you're on the road fighting monsters 24/7.
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doodlboy · 7 months
figured out the common theme in characters I relate to
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codecicle · 2 years
Ghost files. That's it. Thats the post. Go watch ghost files I'm holding you at gun point support the ghoul boys or I will find you and hurt you. This is a threat. Go support them because I am so incredibly normal about these guys <- currently crying from joy.
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Imagine wanting a guy's (cat's) attention so badly you hunt him down to personally take his final life before his time
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charliespringverse · 9 months
lightly bullying my 3 yr old goddaughter on the phone because she's apparently forgotten how to say hello to me if she can't see my face
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