#sauron x maedhros
aldarquen · 8 months
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Silmarillion nonsense inspired by TLOU memes from @ellliemilller
Featuring art from the talented @sauroff
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for @theghostinthemargins - the prompt was maedhros/sauron, with a kiss as a lie (35). sorry i lost your kiss ask somewhere in my drafts! thank you for the ask friend <3
Once, it had been lit with a fire of its own within itself. At times its eyes behind the black mask shone, still, but it was only a bestial glare. The last elf-lords in Middle Earth might have recognised, from slaughters long ago.
That made no true difference. The thing, like its Master, had been born from fire. 
Fire obeyed Sauron still, though it loved him not. In the crucible of Mordor's great chasms, the thing that had been Maedhros was sifted, entrapped, entirely under the power that lived deep into the basalt of the fortress.
Turned, by foul alchemies, into shadow-dust, it felt the wrongness of its own existence very clearly. 
It fought, at first. Anguish and pain, and a smoke-scrap of will - it fought, and sought to escape. No power in the world would lessen itself by aiding it; no hope was there in it, and being hopeless, it could be crushed. 
So it had ever been, with the thing that had been Maedhros. It fell, and in the abyss found no escape, not even the grace of a terrible ending. 
It took some centuries, but in time it even learned how to be a weapon again. Sauron trained him hard, with intent; he had need of a herald, an ambassador, a diplomat, and he seemed to find a sweet mirth in fashioning its slave into that task. 
 It had no face now, only a great maw, a mask with no skull to it; but Sauron had wrought the mask. To Sauron's eyes alone something might be found lacking.
And, even then, after the death of defiance - even then, the thing knew Sauron's suspicion could not be allowed. 
It had been wrought for obedience. Its fire was tamed, fed at Sauron's whim, and suffering at his whim also. Defiance was punishment; the absence of punishment was its only hope. 
It held no hope. Despair was a poor sort of defiance, but it suspected it would suffice. Sauron's power was absolute, and no rescue would come for the wretched thing it was.
It called back the wraiths of corrupted kings back to Sauron's side, and with its skill and cunning it trained the armies of orcs and goblins and Men Sauron commanded - for Sauron's might was great, and growing, and full of a hunger than could not be sated.
In all things it obeyed; and in all that it learned and did there lived no doubt darkness would triumph, and Sauron's might extend from sea to sea and into the West.
Then Sauron knew his dominion and his design were complete; and it grew to trust it, in a foul similitude to the foul fealty that once there was between Melkor and his Lieutenant.
That was just as well. At the end, at the time of victory, it would be there, at Sauron's back, close enough for a blade to pierce - 
“Go unto the false king, Elendil's pretender,” said its master. “Warn him death only he will have, if he does not give that jewel which is mine and mine alone.”
It was all metal and engine, an automaton of stopped thrall-flesh and grease. Its iron legs creaked when it knelt. It ached; it knew only pain, and the memory of pain, and the knowledge that it was right and just for it to hurt.
It kissed the hems of Sauron's robes. Its face was metal plate and false horns, smooth and terrible and fire-lit; nothing moved in it, nothing stirred inside it.
The Mouth of Sauron said, “Your will is mine own only, Master.”
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snigbyy · 6 months
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How did we end up here?
@dr-peppers-husbando and I just think they're fun to think about, y'know?
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
The woodborne witch
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You had been gifted with magic and you have used that to protect your family and people for many years. However, you find yourself lost when you’re unable to confess your feelings to Maedhros, who had stolen your heart, especially when someone in the dark is on its way trying to get you. 
Requested by Anonymous
Warnings; mentions of violence in the past, magical mischief, crushing, pining, feelings left unknown, werewolves and kidnapping. 
The woodborne witch. That’s what they began to call you after many years of protecting your people from Morgoth and his creatures of darkness. It was a strange nickname since people often associated witches with evil, but for you– it was a title. 
You were a human born with magic. It was thought impossible for humans to be born with magic unless you had elven blood in your family, but you didn’t, so you were a strange hazard to humans and elves alike. 
The first time you used magic was when you were just an infant. You were playing with toy cubes, and your touch made them grow branches and cause plants to overgrow in the pots and through the floor. Your parents were shocked when they found their house covered in plants. It took them hours to cut the plants off and replace the flooring. 
They were worried that you were ill, but after testing your strange abilities with several objects. They were worried someone had placed a curse on you and decided to seek help from the elves of Doriath. It was a difficult journey for them as they had to get through the girdle of Melian and convince the elves to lend their ear. The elves almost turned them down till they witnessed your strange abilities. They then allowed your parents to get through and seek an audience with Melian, who was more familiar with the powers of nature. 
The Sindar were curious by their arrival in Menegroth and fascinated when your parents expressed their concerns to Melian and bore witness to your strange magical abilities. 
Melian was surprised because she had never seen or heard of the possibility of a human wielding magic, especially without having any blood relation to another being. But when you held her finger with innocent glee, she knew and felt the magical connection with you. She assured your worried parents that there was nothing wrong with you. You were simply born with a unique bond with magic. 
Your parents were relieved and worried as they knew nothing of magic, so they had no idea how to teach you to control your abilities when you grow up. Melian proposed that she would mentor you when you’re old enough to study. She also suggested you would come live in Menegroth for the time being. 
Your parents hesitated at the thought of sending their only child away, but they accepted the offer as they thought it would be for the best that you learned from people who knew about magic better than anyone. 
Your parents returned to their home village, and their people were glad to see them return and shocked when your parents shared the news about you wielding magic. They first felt anxious at the thought of you having powers because they knew what dark magic could do thanks to the past attacks from orcs. However, they warmed up to it as they saw you grow into a lively child. 
You were mischievous. You often used your abilities to prank people and sometimes steal pastries and treats from the local chef, who would always yell at you after finding traces of overgrown roots. They sometimes complained about your antics to your parents, but since you never went overboard or did any harm, you often got away with it. 
You liked being mischievous, but you often did good with your abilities and helped fix some items and walls made from wood. You even helped grow some herbs for the local healer. Those gestures made the villagers appreciate your abilities, especially when the day finally came when your parents were to send you to the elves. 
You were scared and begged your parents with tears in your eyes not to send you away to a place with weird pointy-eared people. They hugged you and assured you they were friends, and this one friendly lady would teach you how to use your abilities which didn’t convince you until they promised you would see them again and get nice things if you were brave and studied hard to use your powers. 
Wanting to make them proud, you sniffed in your tears, packed your things, and left with a couple of guides after bidding farewell to your parents, who waved and watched with tearful smiles as you left the village. 
It was scary to be outside your village without your parents, but the journey was quick, and you arrived at Menegroth. Your eyes were wide as plates as you looked around, and you felt terrified of everything so strange and seemingly humungous. 
You were brought to Melian, who greeted you with a kind smile. You felt comforted by her presence. She felt oddly familiar, and she explained you had met before when your parents had come to Menegroth to seek aid for you. You grabbed her finger, which allowed you to feel each other’s fea which helped her discover your magical connection, so that might have been why she felt familiar to you. You got comfortable rather quickly– even though her husband almost scared you to tears. You got yourself ready and started learning under her guidance. 
You grew a deep connection with nature and light. You even learned how to conjure fire and lighting, though your link with them wasn’t strong.  You tried to study hard even if some subjects did not interest you. You grew a liking for making different concoctions and finding other uses for herbs and things like salt, which some of the elves found strange.  
Living with the elves was different. They taught you their language and parts of their culture, even though it was hard to understand sometimes. They were patient with you and liked taking you to celebrations and feasts, which sometimes turned into a courtly drama. It wasn’t terrible though. You did make a couple of good friends who were like your odd older siblings. 
You grew used to living with the elves after a couple of years, and you sent letters to your parents from time to time, sharing news and well-being on how you were doing. You had grown into a young adult and become almost a master in sorcery. You had learned almost everything you could from Melian, and she was proud of your growth.
There were some things left to learn, but when you received news that your village had been under several attacks. You were worried about your parent’s safety and spoke with Melian about leaving to help them. She understood your concerns for them, and despite your instruction still pending, she decided to let you go. She gifted you with a wand she herself made from the oldest trees of Doriath and bid you farewell. 
You bid farewell to those you made friends with and made haste to your village. You arrived just in time to assist them with another attack that nearly destroyed them. Your parents were overjoyed to see you again and embraced you with tearful hugs. 
Your people celebrated your return, and they made you tell all about your time in Doriath. It was a joyful reunion. 
You had then remained with your people, protecting them from the attacks while continuing your studies. You kept in contact with Melian through letters and your old friends, who often sent their good wishes and questioned if you would visit them soon. 
It was tiring to stand against the orcs and other creatures of the dark. It was like there was no end to their coming. You asked Melian for a spell that could help protect the village, like the girdle that protected Doriath, and she helped you create a smaller version that was enough to keep them away– and it wouldn’t take too much of your strength. Magic had come easy to you. It was like your second nature that felt natural to wield as a defense. However, it was harder to maintain when challenged by a foe greater than you. Such stress often leaves you devoid of consciousness. 
Your human body was less tolerant of stress caused by magical use, so you had to be careful and watch how much magic you used. 
You have faithfully defended your home from Morgoth’s creatures. But when the attacks became more frequent, and the protective barrier around your home began to fail– you took the matter to your people and convinced them it would be for the best if you moved to another place where it would be safe and less likely to get attacked. 
Many were reluctant but listened to the reason. You all packed your things and started moving, aiming to take refuge in Himring for the time being. You have known its lord, Maedhros, for a long time as you have assisted each other in the past. He was glad to let your people stay for a while and help you find a safer home. 
You appreciated his help. He didn’t treat you like many others when they discovered your magic. You were used to people fearing you initially, but when Maedhros got over his first shock, he treated you like every other person and valued you as an ally, like you weren’t a strange freak of nature like many others thought. It made you treasure his acceptance. 
You have heard about the deeds of his house– you almost found it hard to see him as the ruthless kinslayer everyone made him out to be especially when you started to grow somewhat infatuated with him. 
Maedhros was one of the tall elves you have seen, right next to Elu Thingol. His noticeable scars and cold exterior intimidated people, but you were not bothered by any of that. On the contrary, you found him very attractive. However, the softer nature behind his impenetrable facade was the thing that pulled you to him. 
He wasn’t always scary and kinslayer-like. With time he only got more relaxed around you when you started seeing each other often. Hidden behind that strong-willed front was a gentle ellon, who showed his care through subtle actions. You guessed it must have been that which made you like him more than you should. 
You thought it was just a temporary crush and it would be gone in a month or two, but it persisted, making you frustrated because there was no way you could be with an elf. 
You wielded magic, but you were still a human, and you would eventually die from old age while elves remained bound to Arda. And you have met a couple of his brothers who didn’t seem to think highly of humans, so you didn’t see Maedhros willing to love a human. You also believed he thought of you as nothing more than an ally he could turn to for help. 
You stopped to take a breather, to think about how everything would turn up for you and your people. Maedhros had helped you point out a place that was nicely away from the north, near the sea. The dark lord’s influence did not reach far, so orcs should be less on those parts. It was a days’ journey, but your people would be safe and live more peacefully when you create your new home there. 
The downside, it was far away from Himring. The distance was large, so there wouldn’t be any sense in traveling there and back just to keep up with an alliance. It would be more practical to end it there, so this might be the last time you see Maedhros again. It made you feel rather glum when you thought about it. 
Your mother had tried to encourage you to confess your feelings when she learned about them, but you ignored her words instead of focusing on your work and duty to protect your people from the orcs and creatures of darkness. However, when you thought you should let your feelings be known to Maedhros. You might never have the chance to say them, but this might be a chance to get rid of them because either way– it would have never worked out. 
“(Name),” You heard someone say your name. You turn your head and see the elf approaching you. You collected yourself and prepared to talk to him formally. 
“My lord, is there anything you need?” You asked with a respectful bow from your head. 
“(Name), I told you that you can drop the formalities when we’re alone, and no. I simply wanted to check on you since you seem to be under the weather, so–” Maedhros started. “Are you feeling alright?” He asked. 
You unintentionally let out a loud sigh while relaxing your shoulders. “It’s just— moving. We’re going to have a long journey ahead of us, and I can’t stop thinking about if something goes wrong,” you explained. “I have been having a hard time falling asleep as well. There are just a lot of things to do,” you said. 
Maedhros looked at you softly. “Do not think about it too much. You should rest as much as you can, and you do not need to worry about anything going wrong,” he explained. “Nothing will happen to you and your people as long as you’re in Himring,” he said. 
“I know, but it’s not just that or the current attacks,” you said. You took a deep breath before finally mustering the courage to tell what was really bothering you. 
“Sauron has become active lately. His werewolves had harassed us till we came to Himring,” you explained. “I do not know his sudden motivation to catch me, and I prefer not to find out. The only reasonable explanation is that he was ordered to, even though his attacks had been strangely relentless. I almost fell into his traps a couple of times if it wasn’t for someone looking out for me,” you explained. 
“We are safe from him for now, but I can’t stop worrying if he suddenly decides to attack us on the road,” you said. You held on to your arm, trying to stop yourself from shaking at the thought. It was a habit when you were nervous or anxious. 
“I know how you feel–” Maedhros started, grabbing your hand and gently rubbing it with his thumb, which managed to soothe your nerves. “ And trust me. I know better than anyone what Sauron can do, but I can assure you that he will not try anything beyond the borders of his master’s lands. It would be too risky for him to do anything, especially when this route is on mine and one of my brother’s lands.” He explained. 
“He will not get to you. I promise you that,” he said. 
“I trust your word,” you smiled at him before looking down and seeing how he was still holding your hand. He let go when you noticed, and you almost smiled again, little heat rising to your cheeks. 
You heard your parents suddenly call out for you, telling you it was time to depart. 
“I think this is a goodbye. I do not think we will have a chance to work together in the future,” You said. “It was my honor, knowing you, (Name),” Maedhros said. “Likewise, Maedhros,” You said and then began to walk to your parents. 
You and your people packed your things and began to leave Himring. You saw Maedhros one last time as he stood at the doors, sending you off on your journey. You looked back at him. He looked strangely sad as he watched you walk through the gates to find your new home. 
You walked on the road alongside your mother, holding on to your horse’s reins while your father rode in front, leading everyone through the path. Your mind was occupied with thoughts, leaving you with a blank expression as you stared into the nothingness that stretched in front of you. 
“You know, my dear. You should have told the elf,” your mother started. You turned to look at her, confused. “What do you mean?” You asked. “You know what I mean. You should have told him about your feelings,” she explained. 
“Oh, that? It doesn’t matter anymore, and besides– it would have been awkward having a rejection as our last memory,” you said. Your mother snorted. “I might be getting old, but I can still tell how people feel– no matter how much they try to hide it. He wouldn’t have rejected you. He was looking at you the same way your father once did when he was too shy to come to talk to me,” she chuckled at the memory while your father coughed in embarrassment. You could not help but smile for that brief moment. 
“Even if he did feel the same. It wouldn’t have worked out.  He’s an elf who will live thousands of years, while I will only live up to my ninety.” You explained. 
“Now that you mention that. I have noticed that you haven’t been aging much by the looks of it,” your mother said. “You’re almost thirty years old, yet you are not showing any signs of age. Do you think your magic might have something to do with it?” She asked. 
“I–” you started, thinking about it for a moment. “--don’t think so. I have a lot of years, so let’s not start theorizing that I might stop aging like a normal human,” you said. “Well, it could be a possibility since you already wield magic, so who knows if you turn elf-like and live more than a hundred years,” your mother said. 
“However, you should have told him,” she said. “You might have regretted it less if you told him than kept them hidden forever,” 
“Hmm–perhaps,” you replied, imagining what would have happened had you confessed your feelings to Maedhros.  
The journey was long, and when the night came, you and your people settled down to make a camp for the night. The moon graced the sky with its light, and the stars twinkled. The owls and the grasshoppers filled the night with their songs as you sat brooding about your mother’s words. 
Your father arrived, adding wood to the mellow campfire before sitting down beside you. He glanced at you and saw how deep you were in your mind through your eyes. 
“Is there something wrong, my girl?” Your father asks, breaking you from your reverie and making you look at him. “It’s…nothing,” you replied. 
“Are you sure? You have been quiet ever since we left Himring, and your silence has only grown since you’ve talked about your feelings for that elf with your mother,” he explained. You remained silent, feeling lost for being caught like that. 
You let out a sigh. “I don’t know what to think anymore,” You stated. “Maybe I should have confessed my feelings to Maedhros,” you answered, feeling somewhat gloomy about the lost opportunity. 
“I’m sorry that you feel that way, but– who knows, maybe fate will be strange and give you a chance to see him again,” he said. 
“It could happen since fate gave you to us, and we went on that journey to find the elves in the forests of Doriath just to discover you possess magic.” He said, then laughed. “I can still remember how you cried when you saw the gray-haired elf king and wouldn’t stop till he was out of the room,” he continued laughing. You chuckled, feeling embarrassed at your past self’s actions. 
“Well, lord Thingol still gave me the scares when I lived in Menegroth,” you reminisced. “I think he would definitely be the one to discourage me from sharing my feelings with Maedhros,” you stated. “Who cares what he would have thought? What matters the most is that you do what you feel is right and makes you happy,” your father said, looking at you with a comforting gaze. 
“But if it upsets you that much– I might as well send you back on a horse so you can finally get it over with,” he said, making you snort with a red face at the thought. 
“Thank you, dad. You always knew how to lighten up the mood,” you smiled. “Just doing my duty as your father,” he smiled and then looked behind you before letting out a scoff. 
“Children! Stop running around, and don’t go into the woods!” He called as you saw three children run into the forest. “Seriously! Those children are either deaf or filled with nothing but trouble. And– of course, Charlie just has to be one of them. His parents are going to nag me if he gets into trouble,” your father muttered under his breath, ready to get up. You beat him up. 
“I’ll go get them. They couldn't have gotten too far,” you said, then proceeded to walk toward the woods where you saw Charlie and his friends go. “Alright, be careful,” your father said as he watched you leave. 
Twigs and sticks crunch under your boots as you walk through the forest. You carefully push the branches and bushes out of your way as you try to spot the children. The light from the moon and the camp were enough to illuminate your path, so you didn’t see a need to use your wand to conjure light. 
You follow the footprints on the ground and eventually find the trio standing in the opening, staring at something. 
“Charlie! Jenna! Markus! What are you doing?” You called out to them, but they didn't respond. They kept staring into the dark. You had a strange feeling, so you walked closer to them till you stood right next to them. 
“Kids!” You said and finally caught their attention. “What are you guys doing? You know your parents get worried if you play alone in a place like this,” you questioned. They looked back at you in confusion before finally answering. 
“Sorry, (Name). I don’t think we know how we got here.” Charlie said, making you frown at his answer. “What do you mean you don’t know how you got here?” You asked the confused trio. 
“We were at the camp playing, then we started hearing these strange voices.” Charlie explained. “And now we’re here,” He added. 
You frowned when he mentioned voices. “What did the voices sound like?” You asked, crossing your arms. “Like someone whispering, telling us to come here.” He explained. 
You tried to think of an explanation until you heard something snap behind you. You look back to find nothing, yet you feel like being watched by something, something sinister. It gave you an awfully familiar feeling. 
You backed away, urging the children to follow your example, and they backed away while staring at the darkness with you. “What is it?” Jenna asked with a frightened voice. 
As you carefully observed your surroundings you started hearing noises like something moving in the bushes. It wasn’t just one, but several. 
“Get back to the camp,” you whispered frantically, taking out your wand. You silently muttered a spell, and an orb of light conjured from the tip of your wand– lightening the area around you. Several giant werewolves looked right back at you from the bushes. You noticed some others from your peripheral vision that your naked eyes wouldn’t have been able to spot in the dark. Your heart dropped, and the children gasped as they stared at the werewolves with fear in their eyes. 
“Run!” You said and the children screamed. They turned around and began to run back toward the camp while you whipped your wand around your head, aiming the orb of light at the werewolves. It struck right into one of the werewolf’s faces, causing it to explode into a flash of light. They yelped, staggering and blinded. 
You took the chance to escape and follow the children back to the camp. 
The camp was just behind the corner, but before you had a chance to take another step. You got engulfed by a cloud of darkness. You stood frozen with fear. Your heart began to pound harder against your chest as you tried to find a way out– you then sensed something familiar or rather someone. 
You forgot how to breathe when you saw something move, but before you could do anything to defend yourself. A hand grabbed you by the throat. You stared right into the eyes of someone you had tried to escape. Those golden flaming eyes flickered, and you screamed until everything turned dark. 
Maedhros was writing down on the paper with his quill, silently signing the document before taking another to get signed. The candle on his desk has long burnt. The sun rose in the distance, and the cold wind flowed into his chambers, making him sigh and drop his quill for a short break. 
He rubbed his brows after spending the whole night doing paperwork. It was normal for him to work through the night since elves can last long without rest, but for some reason, he has not been able to focus. His mind keeps coming back to you. 
He hoped you were doing alright and you had reached your new home. He felt anxious when you mentioned Sauron, but he was confident the route was safe, so you should be safe.
However, he couldn't explain the disappointment he felt watching you leave with your people, knowing he might never see you again. It was a new feeling, just like when he realized how much he enjoyed being around you. You were confident and self-reliant, which he found admirable. He reminisced your first meeting the way– you planned, the way you made your people listen to you like a leader while being rather casual and shy in person made him yearn for your company even more. 
He was in love with you. It was that obvious, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you because you both lived in different worlds. You were unique for a human, but you had your duties to your people while he had his. And he possibly couldn't bring you to a mess which was his oath. He didn’t want to hurt you like that, so he said nothing. 
All he could wish for you now is that you live a happy life while he continues opposing Morgoth. 
He hears the door creak and sees his brother peeking in. “Have you worked the whole night?” Maglor questions, walking in without an invitation. “These papers needed to get done. I can handle one night without rest,” Maedhros picks up the quill. “Perhaps that is true, but rest is still important dear brother mine,” Maglor says, crossing his arms and leaning against his desk. 
“You know you should have told her,” Maglor started. “What do you mean?” Maedhros asked, making Maglor chuckle. “You might be able to hide your feelings from anyone but not from me, dear brother.” He explained. “I’ve seen the way you looked at her. If you told her and let her know of your feelings, it might have lessened the heavy feeling you’re feeling now that she’s gone.” He added. Maedhros stood quiet, staring at his brother, who looked back at him. 
The two brothers then hear knocking on the door. “My lord, I bring you urgent news!” The messenger called out behind the door. Maedhros dropped his quill. “Come in.” He stated as the door opened.
“What seems to be the matter?” Maedhros questioned as the messenger stood in front of him and his brother. “My lord –” The messenger bowed his head. “Lady (Name) and her people got attacked on the road last night,” he answered, making Maedhros almost jump from his seat. “By whom?” He asked, almost demanding. “It was apparently the werewolves, and that’s not all– lady (Name) had gone missing,” Maedhros felt his heart drop when he heard that. “Missing?” He questioned, almost in disbelief. 
“She had vanished without a trace. Her people are asking for your help in the search for her.” The messenger explained. 
“Maedhros?” Maglor looked at him after he stood quiet for a moment. 
“Get the horses ready. We’re going to see (Name)’s people,” Maedhros stood up and left his chambers in a hurry. Maglor followed right behind, trying to keep up with him. 
The Horses whined and galloped till Maedhros and Maglor reached your people, who were in disarray and trying to clean up what seemed to be an aftermath of a fight. Maedhros saw some of the men dragging the bodies of the werewolves into piles to be set on fire, he heard children crying while their parents tried to comfort them. 
All the noises and the sight made him anxious as he rode till he found your father trying to comfort your crying mother. She was loudly sobbing as she held something against her chest. 
Maedhros was about to say something till his horse whined, and it caught your parents’ attention. 
“Lord Maedhros!” Your mother almost screamed as she stood up and ran to him, your father following behind. Maedhros jumped down from his horse and almost stumbled back when your mother grabbed his cloak with pleading eyes. “Please help us! We can’t find (Name) anywhere!” Your mother cried as he tried to help her keep steady. 
“Please, could you give me closer details on what happened?” Maedhros asked, and your father stepped in. “They…came out of nowhere. I was talking to (Name) at the bonfire last night until I saw three of my people’s children running into the woods. She decided to get them, but then we heard the children scream, and the werewolves attacked us. We managed to fend them off, but then I heard (Name)’s scream…and she was gone,” He explained, then turned toward your mother. 
“We tried to look through the whole forest, but the only thing we found was her wand, broken and tainted in this strange dark matter.” Your mother handed him your wand, which was snapped into two pieces. Maedhros felt dread settle in when he laid his eyes upon it. 
“Can I see it, please?” He asked, and your father handed your wand to him. He took a closer look and saw dark veins-like things covering the wood, which was an obvious sign of corruption. He had seen it before. It did not take him long to realize who was behind the attack and your sudden disappearance. It was enough to make his heart stop in fear for your safety and well-being. 
He was almost in denial, but he could not ignore the truth no matter how much he wanted to. It made him feel horrible since he was so adamant, he was the one who assured you that you would be safe. He was wrong… you were gone, in the hands of the worst being on the face of Arda. 
“He got her–” He silently uttered under his breath. “Who?” Maglor questioned, and Maedhros turned to look at him. “Sauron…he got her,” Maedhros said his voice cracking in despair.
Taglist: @heilith
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maeofthenoldor · 6 months
Turin and Nienor- A Silmarillion Demonslayer Au
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Summary: Turin and Nienor, much like Tanjiro and Nezuko, hail from a once-powerful lineage that has withered into poverty over generations. Their father mysteriously vanishes, and tragedy strikes when a demon, Melkor/Galrung, slaughters their sister, Lailath, and Mother, Morwen and turns Nienor into a demon while Turin is away. Returning home from selling wood, Turin is met with a gruesome scene, his family gone, and his sister transformed into a demon.
I've recently fallen down a rabbit hole of the kny (demonslayer fandom) and despite how niche it is, I decided to combine my two favorite things; Kny and the Silmarillion.
Turin and Nienor would be the main charachters of the series, since they fit mostly with the charachters Tanjiro and Nezuko being the best brother-sister duo in the series. There designs and outfits would be similar too, except in this case, Turin's blade is fully black. After Hurin dissapeared into the woods, Morwen could no longer provide to her family and they fell into poverty. Turin is sent down into town to sell coal every day, but when he gets back one night, he finds his mother and Lalaith slaughtered by demons, and his sister turned into one. He carries her down the mountain, but is attacked by Nienor, but is able to get her under control and lucid.
However in this au, Giyuu is replaced with Beleg, and like in the original canon, finds the newly turned Nienor and Turin. He uses a bow and arrow made of nichirin to halt a demons attack, and then uses a sword to finish the demon off. Otherwise does not have have a breathing style which stops him from becoming a Hashira. He is rank Kinoe. Beleg notices Nienor and Turin's unique situation and personally helps them, escorting them them to the Demonslayer corps base where they meet the Hashiras and the leader of the corps.
The Hashira
Maedhros: Flame Pillar-oldest son of Feanor and known to be the most powerful of the hashira. His tsugkuo are Elrond and Elros who use mist breathing.
Maglor: Sound Pillar- He shares tsugkuo with Maedhros, his older brother. He sees them as his sons and is extremely protective of them.
Celegorm: Beast Pillar-He hunts demons with his loyal wolf-dog, Huan. He is known to be very brutal when he kills demons.
Curufin: Stone Pillar-Not only is he a hashira, he also is a part-sword smith and creates nichirin swords/weapons for the rest of the hashira.
Caranthir: Wind Pillar-His style is extremely aggressive, channelling his anger for demons into a form that causes demons immense pain.
Aredhel: Flower Pillar-One of the most powerful, she has really good eyes which allows her to use vermillion eye, a type of form in the flower breathing style. Her adopted son Maeglin runs the butterfly mansion while she is away.
Galadriel: Thunder Pillar-She is the most mysterious hashira and hides her full strength to surprise demons. It is said uppermoon 1 is wary of her.
Finrod: Serpent Pillar-created his own breathing style and uses a curvy sword that resembles a snake. He later saves Turin and Noenor from Uppermoon 1 in exchange for his life.
Fingon: Ice Pillar- He a created a breathing style based off of his father, who recently died to a fight with Melkor. he is the closest with Maedhros, and he is known for being reckless.
When Turin and Nienor arrive at the corps, many call for the execution of Nienor because she is a demon. However the leader of the corps stops this from happening. The corps have always been run by the Finweans, who have always strongly opposed Melkor, who placed a curse on there family for centuries. Feanor, the last true leader of the Finweans was targeted by the Demon-king, Melkor himself and turned into a demon, where he was slain by his sons, who many are the Hashiras. His widowed wife was supposed to be in charge but leader was usurped by Fingolfin who is the half-brother of feanor. Despite being a benevolent leader, some of the Hashira, (the sons of feanor) do not believe them as true leaders which causes much tension between the corps.
Amrod and Amras are the only Feanorians that have not become Hashira, but are still a high ranking Kinoe. The reason is so that they will hide there existence from Melkor so they are not targeted, so that if their brothers die, there will be someone to still continue the family line.
Fingolfin stops the Hashira from executing Nienor, foreseeing that she would cause a great change in the war against Melkor. Turin is then sent to train with Beleg under the Hashira. Beleg and Turin quickly become close friends, being similar in age and bonding over there traumatic experiences.
To officially become a Demon-slayer, they have to go through final selection, without his demonic sister protecting him. Turin meets a girl named Findulias, a love breather who uses a nichirin spear to slay demons. They pass the final selection together, and with Beleg they begin to go on missions to slay demons together, where Nienor, who hides in Turins wooden box most of the time, helps fight demons.
Melkor hears of Turin and his sister, who is one of the only demons to ever break his curse and not eat humans. The siblings begin to pose a real threat to the demon king. Enraged he begins to send his most powerful demons after him, including the Twelve Kizuki (upper and lower moons) after them.
The Uppermoons
Sauron- Uppermoon 1-The strongest demon, only second to melkor and his most trusted. He used to be named mairon and was a demonslayer. however he willingly betrayed the corps to becmoe a demon. No one has come close to killing him-except for a female slayer named luthien, but some believe its just a legend.
Gothmog-Uppermoon 2- He is a giant and burly demon, with no distinct human features unlike Sauron. He is mysterious and nobody knows who he was as a demon-but again he has never let his victims live.
Galrung-Uppermoon 3-He is the one that is sent after Turin later in the story, and becomes his greatest foe after it uses its blood demon art (powers) to trick Turin into killing his closest companion Beleg. ever since then Turin has sworn to hunt and kill Galrung for good.
Thurigwethil-Uppermoon 4- The only female in the uppermoons and only eats men and spares women. Despite being a lower rank then Sauron, she is the only demon that was spared by luthien from any hurt, the most powerful demonslayer in history.
Gostir-Uppermoon Five- Another dragon-like uppermoon who was twisted into becoming a demon. The prodigies Elrond and Elros are the ones to kill this upper moon by themselves, proving they have a lot of potential. Sauron especially takes interest in them and realizes that they are from his blood-line of maia.
Draugluin-Uppermoon 6-The newest of the uppermoons and only recently was a lowermoon. However it has eaten quite a few hashira over the centuries and still poses a real threat.
Telvido- Lower moon 1-Is known to take the form of a cat, and has razor sharp claws that can turn a slayer into ribbons. Despite its feline appearance it can talk like a human would, and call itself "the prince of cats"
Berúthiel-Lowermoon 2- She is a beautiful woman, but dont let that fool you-she could easily kill you. Her blood demon art is unknown, which makes her all the more dangerous.
Shelob-Lowermoon 3- A spider like lady descended from an uppermoon that was killed by hashira centuries ago. She is much less powerful then her predecessor, however she is still a lowermoon, and has gleefully gobbled up many innocents.
the rest of the lowermoons are unknown.-
This is very much a self-indulgent au since I know there is not a lot of overlap between these two fandoms. To the people who are interested in this-thank you please feel free to reblog.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 4 months
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For: @yearoftheotpevent prompts
Prompt for January: First kiss
Pairings for January: Tulkas/Maedhros | Sauron/Thuringwethil | Varda/Uinen
Words per ficlet: 100 words each
Themes: Soft | NSFW
Warnings: kissing
A/n: For each month, I will pick a prompt and write a drabble or a ficlet for M/M, M/F, F/F and wherever possible, poly pairings.
Minors DNI | 18+ | You are responsible for the media you consume
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A lord's kiss : A drabble featuring Tulkas and Maedhros
The first of many acts : A drabble featuring Sauron and Thuringwethil
While the stars burned brightly : A drabble featuring Varda and Uinen
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tags: @asianbutnotjapanese @cilil
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meadowlarkx · 1 year
My @officialtolkiensecretsanta gift for @mai-sau! I hope you like it! 💞💞
Reembodied Mairon and returned Maedhros find themselves drawn to each other in Fourth Age Valinor.
Mairon/Maedhros, ~4.2k, M rating for bad decisions sex; mind tags and A/N!
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eunoiaastralwings · 7 months
Hi Eunoia, this is my first time requesting so I'm hoping I'm doing this correctly (I've read through your rules as well), but could I request a mini fic/headcanon about fem!reader reuniting with her lovers Fingon and Maedhros in Valinor after the Ring has been destroyed? (Plot: Reader stayed in Middle Earth after Fingon and Maedhros' deaths to look after Elrond, and only returns to Valinor on the last boat with Elrond, Bilbo, Galadriel, Frodo and Gandalf after Sauron is gone?)
Haven Reached
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featuring maedhros x fingon x fem reader
fandom tolkien-the silmarillion
warnings slight angst
a/n i reply after 1658565 years - I hope this is what you intended hun sorry if it isnt as you hoped to have
You stepped onto the shores with help of the son you had raised.
As you did – many fair elves turned to you, captured by the beauty and elegance you carried effortlessly without fail.
With eyes that spoke wisdom of many passed ages and kindness that could sweep the many ellon or elleth right under their feet – you stepped gracefully into the shores of Valinor from the last boat.
For a moment – your eyes looked back into the seas. . .Arda seemed almost a distant memory now and while you were supposed to return to Valinor many, many years ago to heal your aching heart and crying soul for your beloveds. . .
As a mother – you stayed behind, willing to put your heartaches aside to the twin sons you had gained.
Even though one of your adopted sons, Elros had chosen a different path in life. . .a short mortal life, you still failed to return, staying behind for Elrond.
For deep down – you knew he needed you and would fare well if you departed Arda so soon.
But suddenly your thoughts were grasped away when a voice called your name – mending a part of your heart with the lightness of that gentle voice.
“Melda. . .”
Your heart fluttered – then turning your eyes immediately those nestling browns of one of your lovers made half your soul crying out to him.
“Finno. . .”
Your voice – soft, delicate, and beautiful just as he remembered -like the early spring breeze.
“Y/N. . .”
He didn’t waste a moment longer to swiftly embrace you in his strong arm – caging you to his chest as if you were the air that he longed to have.
“You’re here. . .”
He said almost breathless – as if he was unable to believe his own eyes.
His hand came to rest on the back of your head – cradling your head as he pressed a kiss to your head, lingering there for a few moments longer.
“You’re here. . .”
He repeated – holding you tighter. If you listened carefully, you could hear an emotional tinge in his voice.
“Finno. . .”
You whispered – the tears you had suppressed for so long coming in with full force and Fingon did not hesitate to soothe you.
Soon gently lifting your face and locking your lips firmly in a familiar and almost forgotten kiss – soothing half of your crying soul as he embraced you with his tender affection and love, with touch of his desires he was forced to hold back as you were still standing among the shores.
The kiss was nothing short of what you had imagined with Fingon on your countless nights dreaming of meeting him – it was tender, loving, tearful and blissful.
“Come . . .”
He softly whispered.
“We shall meet Maitimo – otherwise he will think I have whisked you away all by myself, melda. . .”
Your heart fluttered as his loving tease just as you remembered came.
You smiled – cupping his face and stroking his cheeks – the imagines of his death finally leaving as he held you. . .your soul slowly reached that peace you had always dreamed of.
Fingon lips stretched into that charming smile that never ceased to flutter your heart.
The softest of red coated your cheeks and her fingers gently traced that smile you longed to see for many ages now.
Fingon reached forward and kissed your forehead – soon taking your hand to guide you to your Maitimo.
You momentarily looked over your shoulder – your motherly instinct making your eyes search for your son.
Elrond met your eyes and nodded encouraging – silently telling all was well as he embraced your daughter -in-law.
“I always knew you would be a wonderful mother – I am very much proud of you, my love – in everything you have chosen to do, no matter how gravely we missed you. . .”
Fingon softly whispered as his hand protectively held your small hand in his strong large hand.
“Thank you, melda. . .”
You smiled -Fingon’s ears perked up recognizing the change of your accent now.
If anything, it pleasantly surprised him – and he endearingly loved how your accent changed to hold only a tinge of your former Valinor accent now – now vastly an accent of Arda with a tinge of your old accent.
His eyes sparkled getting used to the change – realizing how much he already loved it.
“You sound beautiful. . .”
He said – cupping the side of your face gently for a moment.
Fingon led you towards the gardens of Lord Irmo – your hands were delicately brushing the flowers of the garden, each one unique to the next.
A vast variety of textures and color you couldn’t find in Arda – making you realize just how long you have been away from your birth place.
Maitimo saw Fingon walking towards him from the corner of his eyes – immediately standing tall.
“Where is she? I heard the last of the boats have-”
But Maitimo seemed to have cut himself off seeing your small figure treading up behind his male lover.
A shaky breath left Maitimo’s lips as his eyes locked with your eyes – the part of his soul that had being missing about to be reunited.
But you could see the clear hesitance in your other lover’s eyes.
Fingon turned to you – giving you the soft encouraging nod as you step past him towards your other lover.
Maitimo’s entire body froze – his eyes wide as you approached him.
It pained you to see him so nervous and scared – he gulped now that you were so close, only a foot or two away.
You knew why he was hesitant and scared – for Maitimo did not even spare you a glance or even spoke to you one last night as he fled from Eonwe’s tents with the silmarils.
He knew you broke your heard as he discarded you for the sake of the oath – he had placed the oath above you.
“Russo. . .”
You said softly reaching out to cup his face – he flinched stepped back a little.
Your heart ached at the sight. He must have seen the flash of hurt that crossed your eyes – because then he left out sigh closing his eyes heavily, before he fully crouched before you.
“Y/N. . .meldanya. . .forgive me. . .”
He whispered – a heartbroken whisper.
You sighed reaching out to cup his face and gently stroked his cheek – he instantly closed his eyes leaning into your touch and kissed your fingertips softy.
“Oh. . .Russo. . .”
You called him softly and pressed a kiss to his forehead as he broke into tears in front of his two lovers.
Fingon came forward – laying a comforting hand on Maitimo and an arm around your waist, his thumb caressing you softly.
“We’re here now. . .together”
Finno whispered laying another kiss to the side of your head – as Maitimo finally had the courage to find your lips in a soft kiss realizing you had forgiven him.
“Together. . .forever. . .”
You promised the two of them – now had you had your lovers back you weren’t going to give them up again.
Taglist form
tara's taglist:@mismaeve @fizzyxcustard @wandererindreams @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @bunson-burner @floraroselaughter
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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silmawensgarden · 10 months
Stages of acceptance
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Maedhros x reader
Prompt: Hi! I loved your young Maedhros request/fic and I was wondering if I could request Maedhros x reader and they are reunited in Valinor after the destruction of the Ring and Sauron (e.g. reader had remained in Middle Earth and only left with Elrond once the ring was destroyed)? Thank you!
Requested by anonymous
A/n: I know it's taken long for me to get this one out. Though I tried my best to imagine a good scenario for this one so I hope you enjoy it! → It has some hurt/angst in it but its hurt with comfort. I hope the end is sweet enough to make up for it. ❤
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst/hallucinations/mentions of death
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The time has finally come for you to return to valinor. Three ages have passed and the fourth was about to begin. The reign of the elves has waned into nothing. You are standing at the front of the boat, greeted by the salty air of the sea. This is the last ship to depart from the grey havens. You feel a mixture of joy, anticipation and fear. Your stomach churning uncomfortably from the feelings.
Your arrival in Valinor means that you must face someone you haven't seen since the earliest age. He's bound to be there, watching by the shore like a hawk for a sign of your existence. You don't know if you even want to face him after all these years. His death was like a poorly aimed arrow to the heart; a supposedly fatal blow, but instead turned into a curse you had to live with for the rest of your life. The nightmares made his death seem like it happened yesterday. The hollow look in his eyes as he fell into the flaming inferno remained fresh in your memories. The nightmares have subsided to some degree these days, but occassionaly you would still need the help of Elrond to be grounded into reality. Those days are the worst, in those moments dream and reality fuse together into horrible hallucinations that take days to recover from.
It took some convincing from Elrond to get you aboard the ship. Your hesitance was peculiar to them because you hardly ever divulged any information about your past. From the time you spent fighting in the first two ages of the world to a good while before your impromptu arrival in Imladris. They only know that you are one of the elves who left valinor in the first age. Not exactly an ideal amount of trust you gave them, but at the time it felt like the safest option.
What else could you have done? Tell them you'd been the ever faithful companion to a kinslayer? It would've been a far too harsh pill to swallow for a first meeting. Occasionally your story would fray at the edges, it made you wonder if any of them ever noticed the minor discrepancies between each recollection of the tales you told them.
Now that you thought about it, you haven't been truthful with him either. The one person you felt like running to and from at the same time. Especially now..... the thought of facing him was excruciating. You hadn't bothered to write to him, let alone use osanwe....the spiritual link between your fëar had remained all these years. Yet you refused to participate in the ages long tug-of-war your souls had been playing. Was it better this way?
You felt a firm hand on your shoulder, drawing you out of your spiralling thoughts. "Y/n, what is the matter? You have been completely mentally unavailable during our journey."
It was Elrond. A deep frown etched into his face. You felt a bit guilty about all the silent stewing but you weren't so sure if you should come clean right this instant or not. You were willing to take the bait in the end, after all you'd be spending quite some time together in Valinor. Even more so, Elrond was a trusted friend and companion to you, one you didn't want to lose.
"Elrond....I believe it is time for me to have a lengthy conversation with you. I have not been 100% truthful with you these past years."
You turn around to look at him and see an expression of surprise with thinly veiled concern on his face. Elrond nods and the both of you sit down a little further away from the other elves for privacy. "What is it that you wish to tell me y/n?" He asks.
"I have not told you the full truth of my identity. I believe you are aware of the Fëanorians? Specifically Maedhros...."
After a good hour of talking it had become clear that you had been involved with Maedhros quite closely. In return Elrond had shared with you his own interactions that he and his brother had with the eldest Fëanorians. Fond memories, but also the hardships that came with the turbulent times they had to live through. Elrond was not happy with you keeping the information to yourself all these years, it upset him that you never gave him any insight on your horrible hallucinations. Because now he also knew the reason behind them, had he known sooner he could've helped you earlier and easier.
However despite your silence he was not angry at you. Most of the upset had come from a place of wanting what was best for you, not because he had felt cross about your involvement with Maedhros. In the end you and Elrond remained good friends if not even better friends now that he knew who you were.
It wasn’t long before it was announced that the shores of Aman were in sight. The news made you freeze up. You knew that you would now have to face Maedhros face to face. So you braced yourself for the conversation ahead of you.
The moment you stepped onto dry land your soul felt like it was being squeezed tight by something, a tight grip that told you it wouldn’t let go. Within seconds after you felt this feeling you caught a sliver of fiery red hair in the back of the crowd.
Anxiety pooled into your stomach as you felt yourself being pushed forward by the people behind you. It seemed like every sound around you had become dull, save for your own heartbeat. The fast paced thumping in your ears was the only thing you could hear. You saw Elrond speaking to you for a brief moment, but your mind did not register what he said. You set out towards the last spot you had seen the tiny speck of red hair. Partially hoping for the confrontation.  
When you arrived at the spot there was no-one to greet you. He had apparently already left. The thumping had alleviated some but you were still processing your surroundings as if through a blanket of thick fog. Everything felt slow and dull. Your feet dragged you over towards a pathway that was all too familiar. You followed the road towards a familiar place mindlessly. Your feet stopped short by a riverbank. There he sat on a rock, his copper hair now long and swaying in the wind.
“So you have found it in you to return home, y/n.” He spoke slowly. It was deeper than you remembered and a little bit raspy, as if he had been screaming the night before. You stepped closer to him, now standing right behind him.
“Let me then simply state what is on my mind, why have you never bothered to send me letters y/n? You even refused to use osanwe with me, despite our status…….” He said solemnly. It was clear he was unhappy with your lack of communication.
“Maedhros….. I was so caught up with the destruction of the one ring and finding a way to defeat Sauron that I haven’t paid anything else any thought…..and I was also deeply wounded by your death. I was unable to respond to anything properly since. Including your bids for connection.” You fumbled over your words here and there during your explanation, partially knowing that it was a rather weak excuse that he may not accept. After all he was known to carry on until he could no more.
“Was it worth it?” His words stung like a papercut. You knew by the tone of his voice that it was meant to sound cold and removed, but his true feelings shone through underneath the façade. Saltiness. Maedhros the tall was feeling salty.  You pondered for a moment on what to do, you still loved him dearly and didn’t want to give him up. So you made up your mind.
“Maitimo….I am sorry for my lack of heartfelt response in those times when you reached out to me. I was unable to move past my own issues to reciprocate what you had given me all those years before and I am ashamed of it. I hope that you are perhaps still willing to give this another chance….I would be most grateful, if you’ll have me…” A lone tear slipped from your eye. You felt cross with yourself for your cowardice, maybe even your horrible dreams could’ve been eased if you had leaned into him back then. Unfortunately many things we only realize once we have been pushed onto the end of the road.
Maedhros’ form stiffened up at your confession, slowly turning around to face you. His face was stoic. Forcing yourself to make eye contact with him you saw the slightest flash of a deep heartfelt emotion in his eyes. You were now so close to each other that you could feel his breath on your face. In a moment of madness induced confidence you threw your arms around him into a bone crushing hug, refusing to let go. The lone tear now turned into full fledged waterworks. You felt your body being slowly pulled closer to him, a soft kiss was pressed to your cheek. In that moment your fëar had finally reconnected after two ages of separation.
A relieved smile graced Maedhros’ face as he whispers close to your ear; “Welcome home, melda…”.
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runawaymun · 13 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @zealouswerewolfcollector @melestasflight & @niennawept - thanks guys!!!!
Under the cut for length.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
43 total. 26 on my reg runawaymun account, and 17 spicy works under spicy_runawaymun.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
466,324. Geez.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Tolkien. Mostly focusing on early third age and late second age. I used to write for Stargate and Doctor Who but that was like ten years ago.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
To Partake - 842 kudos - Longfic in progress. Elrond/Celebrimbor set in the second age, based loosely off The Rings of Power but it's really gone off the rails now because I didn't like some choices in the show and am trying to fix them haha. Show knowledge is honestly not needed because I stop following it after like the seventh chapter. Mostly an Elrond character study disguised as porn.
And the Stars Shine the Same - 695 kudos - Longfic, complete. a look at early third age Rivendell as told by two kids from proto-Rohan who get adopted into Elrond's family out of harsh and traumatic circumstances.
Beneath a Boundless Sky - 520 kudos - longfic and in progress. Sequel to above. Much wider scope. Dealing with the politics of proto-Rohan and exploring Fram's rise to power, while also keeping a firm focus on Elrond, his relationship with Maglor, and his relationship with his family. Oh yeah, and there's an eldritch monster in the mix (one that isn't Elrond that is!)
A Gown Spun from Starlight - 400 kudos - Thranduil x Reader insert oneshot. Mostly fluff.
Supine - 358 kudos - exploratory kidnap fam multi shot. Mostly Maedhros-centric.
Tinúvion - 289 kudos - Oneshot. Elrond and Sauron meet and hiss at each other and fight over Gil-Galad for 1972 words. Sauron shits his pants. Transitive property Luthien-Elrond.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes often my spoons are low so I am not always as fast as I like. But I endeavor to respond to everybody!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ohhhhh. Let me think, here. Probably That We Are Still - in which Elrond has a foresight nightmare about Cel's death and they have sex about it, which fixes nothing.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings, because I love happy endings and I've written a good deal of fluff! I think And the Stars Shine the Same has the happiest/most satisfying ending, though. But it's an unfair comparison because it's a longfic. But Never Doubt I Love (Russingon) has a happy/bittersweet ending that's one of my favs. And Equinox (Elrond and Lindir's first meeting) is just pure sugar haha.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I recall, honestly. Hopefully it stays that way. I've gotten one or two slightly homophobic comments but I believe the commenter meant well. It was a weird experience.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I find exploring how characters are sexual really really fascinating. It's like a microcosm of everything -- of their relationships, of their trauma, of their securities and insecurities. It's so interesting and fun! And especially the journeys that characters can take sexually, learning to open up and explore :) it's very rewarding. All of that is over on my spicy account. It's nearly exclusively Celrond but there's a few others in there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written a few, but none on AO3. My favorite was one I wrote a long time ago where SG-1 (Stargate SG-1) got into a tangled up mission with the Eleventh Doctor and River. I also do a lot of daydreaming and play in my free time imagining my OCs from my original works winding up in middle earth. :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had someone offer but if it wound up happening, I wasn't tagged, so I am not sure! But receiving the offer was very nice <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not any of the ones posted to AO3, but @the-commonplace-book and I have collaborated on a lot of work together! I'm always open to collaboration. It's so much fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
CELROND CELROND CELROND. Though Brimbrond is becoming a close contender now!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them, really. I try not to doubt I will finish things and just trust my process. I am a naturally slow writer who's a perfectionist and tends to hop from project to project, which is why I focus myself on one or two longfics at most, and I just let the others percolate in outline form until I finish something. I used to not finish things ever and it drove me crazy, so I try my best to stay focused so that things will always get finished in their due time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Prose. Action and horror. Long character arcs -- especially the unfolding of characters who are recovering from traumatic experiences. I have a pattern haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions of settings and characters (I know what they look like in my head and have to actively remind myself that this image isn't downloaded into someone's brain). Politics and schemes. And IMO I am not good at twisty plots. I tend to write pretty linear progressions with few unexpected surprises.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic.
I like peppering individual words here and there, or perhaps small phrases. Pet names, absolutely. But nothing more than that. IMO adding in language can really help ground a story in the worldbuilding.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Funnily enough, Tolkien. When I was a kid I set out to rewrite the entire books just from Merry and Pippin's perspectives. I did not get very far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I think it's honest to god And the Stars Shine the Same. I am obviously fond of To Partake, but Stars just is in its own special category for me. It came to me at the exact right time in my life when I really needed it. It's a very personal story, and it revived my love of writing and reminded me why I liked doing it.
I am rather late to this and I am not sure who has been tagged and who hasn't, so forgive me if I tag someone who has already done this! But no pressure tags for: @emyn-arnens @jaz-the-bard @lordgrimwing @greyjedijaneite @maglor-my-beloved and whomever else would like to participate!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 8 months
Kinktober 2023
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Ladies and Gents, here is the Masterlist for the Kinktober Challenge, brought to you by @cilil
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Body worship & virginity - Caranthir x Finrod
Roleplay/role reversal/CNC & bondage - Thorin x OC/reader
Intercrural sex & wings - Day 1 - Gothmog x Eönwë
Bath/shower & incubi/succubi - Manwë x Ulmo
Cam & temperature play - Daeron x Maglor
Knotting & frottage - Finrod x Wolf-Sauron (dark)
Dirty talk & lingerie - Angbang
Voyeurism & dub-con/non-con - Gríma
(Pseudo) Incest & torture Fëanor x Fingolfin
Orgy & Predator/prey - Day 4 - Celegorm x Oromë x Aredhel
Size difference & friends/enemies with benefits - Glorestor
Breath play & humiliation/degradation - Maglor x Glorfindel for @maglor-my-beloved
Masturbation & massages - Ori x OC
Authority kink & oral - Russingon (for anon)
Somnophilia & impact play - Day 7 - Nerdanel x Anairë
Fingering & aphrodisiacs - Bagginshield
Blood play & wet dreams/dream sex - Nightmare!Irmo x Curufin
ABO & praise kink - Day 3 - Melkor/Maedhros for anon
Telepathy & sex worker/stripper - Gondolin ot3 (for @jaz-the-bard)
Crossdressing & pegging - Day 2 - Námo x Vairë (for @cilil)
Clothed sex & blindfolds- Finwë/Thingol
Electrostimulation & pet play - Finrod/Celegorm/Curufin for MoonLord
Knife/Sword/Gun play & cock warming - Fíli x OC/reader
Hand kink/gloves & toys - Celebrimbor x Narvi for anon
Daddy/Mommy & edging/OD - Théoden x OC/reader
Hate fucking & Emotional/therapy sex - Day 5 - Manwë x Melkor
Glory Hole & breeding kink/creampie - Maeglin x Gondolin (lol) for anon
Boots/feet & intoxication - Beleg x Mablung
Public & Biting/Marking - Day 6 - Curumo x Aiwendil
Tentacles & nipple play - Silvergifting
Extra: Monsterfucking, claustrophilia, mirror play, hypnosis/mind control, dumbification, oviposition, dacryphilia, voice kink, mistaken identity
ʙᴏɴᴜꜱ: Voyeurism, Virginity, and Sex Pollen - Gothmog x Eönwë, Thuri x Ilmarë, Russingon
I will try to write short ficlets for all of these ("try" being the keyword).
Please give it up for @cilil who has compiled this lovely list -> ✨post!✨
The original graphic is under the "read more" <3
And, as if this was not suicidal enough, I'll integrate the 7 days of @silmsmutweek into the roster (in green).
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aotearoa20 · 6 days
FanFic Rec Moodboard Masterlist
Bookmark Fic Recs art for fics I found in my bookmark lists and I loved
Eldritch Maglor (Maglor & Lindir)
On the ephemeral beauty of mortals (Caranthir & Angrod)
The Kingmaker (Maedhros & Curufin)
And in doing so, you will fail (Maglor & Glaurung)
And she danced on feet of silver (Maedhros & Idril)
lakesong (Maglor & Maedhros)
The One (Maedhros & Eru)
I promise you I'm not broken (I promise you there's more) (Maeglin & Celebrimbor)
All That's Best of Dark and Bright (Elu Thingol/Melian)
in the ranks of death you will find him (Turgon & Finrod )
Heart and Head (Nimloth & Celegorm)
Louder than Words (Celebrimbor & Sauron)
Presentation Practise (Feanor/Nerdanel & Maedhros)
ao3 links and tags are on the linked posts but lmk if you rather they were here to. Definitely check them out, they are all really good!
Avengers x Silm. these ones are all inspired by the same marvel crossover fic by @the-elusive-soleil, again definitely recommend!
Maedhros (Captain America)
Ambarussa (Hawkeye & Black Widow)
Celegorm (Hulk)
Curufin (Iron Man)
Caranthir (Loki)
Maglor (Darcy Lewis)
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yourlocalnetizen · 1 year
What you're favorite Silmarillion pairing says about you.
Thingol/Melian - You think you deserve everything good the world has to offer, news flash! You deserve nothing! But you have a serious lucky streak.
Finwe/Miriel - You love Feanor. (You might even be Finwe yourself!)
Finwe/Indis - You hate Feanor.
Feanor/Nerdanel - You've simped for every handsome, fictional, broken, angsty, sad boy ever.
Finarfin/Earwen - You just wanted good things for Finarfin, and honestly, who wouldn't?
Maedhros/Fingon - You absolutely adore doomed relationships. (There's also a good chance you'd like Heaven's Official Blessing because of the whole "I'll wait for you" thing.)
Celegorm/Orome - You like the functional/disaster dynamic they have. (You probably also ship Cherik from X-Men.)
Celegorm/Aredhel - You watch Game of Thrones (or House of The Dragon). Also you just wanted both of them to be happy.
Aredhel/Eol - You have stockholm syndrome.
Aegnor/Andreth - You live for tragic romance.
Caranthir/Haleth - You either self insert very hard into Caranthir and want an awesome GF or you're just a slut for the goth/jock dynamic.
Beren/Luthien - You're dating someone way out of you're league.
Glorfindel/Ecthelion - You literally have nothing going on in your life that you started shipping two pretty background characters.
Idril/Tuor - You're super vanilla. Sorry, but like why? There are so many better couples. The only thing I can say in you're defence is that Earendil's amazing.
Earendil/Elwing - You absolutely love couples who give a shit about nearly nothing except eachother!
Melkor/Sauron - I don't know what to tell you honestly, but you probably have no idea what love is.
Sauron/Celebrimbor - You have a very controlling partner who exhibits red flags constantly.
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Dancing memories part 2
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(Second part for the dancing memories. Hope you enjoy) 
Here’s a link for: part 1
Context:  You have been living in Lindon for a while with your two foster sons. Everything was peaceful and it was almost time for a festival party, but then a stranger who calls himself the lord of gifts, arrives and insults your family. You decided to have a little chat about his future.
Warnings: tough talks, intimidation, mentions of possible death, angst talk, teen romance, longing, memories. 
It took you a while, but you managed to find a chance to have a little privacy to chat with Annatar. You claimed you wanted to apologize for your early rudeness with the introduction, and he took the bait. 
You chose a private but not secluded place, and you trusted Elrond and Gil-galad to notice if you suddenly disappeared for some reason. It was risky, but after living hundreds of years in this world, you honestly didn’t care if you died or not. 
You looked out for people, then closed the door. You turned your attention toward the fair man in the room. “I’m surprised you suddenly wanted to talk and apologize for our first meeting. Maybe you aren’t so uptight, bystander,” Annatar smiled. You started pouring some drinks without much of an expression, then went for it. 
“You can cut the acting. I knew who you were from the beginning when someone said there was a stranger who called himself the lord of the gifts,” You explained. Annatar looked at you with a cautious expression. “If we’re gonna talk, we might as well use our real names, right, Sauron?” You asked, sharing a drink. “Or should I refer to you as your real name, Mairon the admirable,” You said. 
Annatar’s eyes flared in an instant, and his voice changed. “You seem to know me, “ He began. “But I do not believe we have met before,” He said. 
“Funny, isn’t it?” You asked. “I know a lot about you, but not only what you were in the past. I know what you will be in the future,” You explained. His eyes brightened with interest. “Is that so?” He questioned. “Yeah, like your future names and titles,” You said. “The sorcerer, Zigur, Tar-Mairon, the necromancer, the shadow, the nameless, the ring maker, and - “ You chuckled. “The dark lord of Mordor,” You said. Annatar stared at you. 
“Honestly, I do not see a point in having a ridiculous amount of names, and I thought my ex-lover had a stupid amount of names,” You said. “Who are you?” Annatar asked. 
“I wasn’t lying when I said no one important. My purpose is merely to stand in the background and see what will happen next. I’m technically there but also not there. I record history. Not the most exciting job when I already know what will happen next,” You explained. 
“And what is going to happen next?” Annatar asked. 
“You either leave and try your luck elsewhere or something unpredictable and yet risky to keep yourself hidden,” You explained. 
“I don’t know why you need to dominate the world. I think the war of wrath would have been enough to rearrange my life choices,” You said. “Don’t you know the annoying cycle of good always wins the evil?” You asked. “Do you want to join your master in the void that bad because it will happen in the end?” You questioned. 
“What makes you so certain?” Annatar asked. “Because I have seen it,” You answered. He stood quiet after that. 
“I could tell you what caused your downfall, but usually when people know their fate, they try so hard to change it, only making it worse and not knowing they have already sealed their fate,” You explained. “I could suggest taking back the plans and retiring for your own’s sake, but you’re not going to do that, aren’t you?” You asked rhetorically while putting the drink away. 
“Well, you’re not going to gain any trust here, so you might as well leave and go somewhere else,” You looked away for a moment, then found him standing right in front of you, towering over you. You looked up to him in the eye, showing nothing. You did not show fear because you had already lived beyond the point where you would be scared for your life. 
“I do not know who you are. But now that I look at you. I remember,” Mairon stated, his breath almost touching your face. You almost grimaced with disgust. “You’re Maitimo’s little sweetheart, aren’t you?” He chuckled. “I was curious who was this maiden I saw in his mind and now that you stand before me. I’m rather surprised. You were different from how dear Maitimo saw you,” He said, touching strands of your hair. 
“Time has a  cruel way of changing people,” You said, brushing his hand away. “And a former sweetheart is a bit exaggerated term for it since he’s no longer around,” You added. “Did you know his fate as well?” Mairon asked. “Did you know the oath will destroy him and watch how he died, doing nothing to change his fate?” He added. You remained quiet for a moment. 
“How cruel of you, but I supposed you couldn't do anything about it since something kept you back,” Mairon said. “Did the valars prevent you from taking action to control the future? Or would you suffer a grave punishment for going against the rules?” He questioned. You leaned closer to him. 
“Fun fact - “ You began. “No one told me I couldn't change anything,” You said.  Mairon looked at you for a moment before you suddenly took him into a close hug. His eyes widened, and he did not know where to keep his hands. 
“You will fail. Your armies and precious Bara-dur will crumble to dust. The light shall embrace your land of darkness, and your death will come where you least expect it, and you will do nothing about it because there isn’t anything you could do about it,” You whispered to his ear while you held him close. Mairon felt his heart quicken for a moment, and in a flicker, he saw visions of what seemed to be his tower falling and his fea fading from existence. 
“But alas -” You said, releasing him from your hold. “How you want to live your life is your choice alone, “ You said with a casual smile. “It was not my business nor right to change anything just because I didn’t like how it would end, so that’s why I never interfered with drastic events,” You explained. “It would have been too risky. I can’t simply change to lives of many to save only one,” You added.
“I don’t have any power to defeat you, so I will continue watching from the sidelines and see how the history will turn out, “You then patted his shoulder. “So, good luck with your world domination,” You walked toward the door. You left the room, leaving the maia with his thoughts. 
Two nights had passed, and you quietly stood at the tables with a glass of whatever was available. The hall was bustling with people, chatting and dancing on the dance floor with lovely music played by talented musicians. The atmosphere was joyful. 
It almost reminded you of those days when the celebration was purely out of enjoyment and celebration of something good. Not out of political success, war, and success of something that had little reason to be joyful. 
Elrond walked up to you and stood beside you. 
“I like what you did to the place,” He started, referring to the hall you decorated with the servants and workers. “It feels different but refreshing. Even though you still mixed the flowers. They have balance with colors and their meaning. Maybe life isn’t nonsense to you just yet,” He said. “Nah, it is still nonsense,” You said back. “Be happy I didn’t decide to come up with something dark and sad and make the party a funeral instead,” You explained, making him chuckle a bit. 
“Your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me,” He said. You hummed, smiling for a brief moment. 
“It seems like our friend Annatar decided to leave the city,” Elrond said. “Really? Well, that’s a pity. He’s missing out on a good party and drinks that are somewhat tolerable in taste,” You said, taking a sip from your drink. “I rather have coffee,” You stated, staring at your drink which looked and tasted bland. Elrond smiled, then looked at you. 
“Are you certain whatever you did with Annatar will not affect the future?” He asked. “I hope so,” You said. “I might have made something worse, but usually nothing changes, even when you know the future,” You explained. “Then what made you sure you could interfere this time?” Elrond asked. 
“I was not going to, taken he might have eventually left,” You explained. “But -” You sighed, then glanced at Elrond. “I guess I didn’t like how he looked at you,” You said. “And he called you Peredhel with hidden distaste. I guess that triggered my inner aggressive mother bear,” You added. 
“Oh, (Name),” Elrond said. “You do not need to risk anything for me,” He stated with a gentle smile. 
“Well, you and Gil-galad are the only thing I have left of a family, so if someone decides to be a shithead and look down upon you… I guess I can’t sit put and tolerate it,” You explained, almost struggling with the words. “Damn, I would most likely throw my stupid book into Morgoth’s face if he dared remark you with insults. The hell with the fate,” You said with a tone that made him chuckle. 
“Knowing you, I have no doubts that you would,” Elrond said, then gently touched your shoulder with a smile.  
“You have already done a lot for me and having you around is more than enough,” He said. You hummed, staring into the nothing. “I wish I could have been that to others and done more,” You stated. 
Elrond looked at you with sadness. He stepped closer, bringing his arm around you and gently bringing you in a soft hug. He leaned his head against you while you returned the gesture by leaning back with closed eyes. 
“You have done more than you realized... even to him,” Elrond said gently. “I have never blamed you for it, nor had Elros, “ He added, thinking about his brother. “So, please, don’t blame yourself for what fate had decided,” He said, looking at you. 
You took a deep breath. “I try,” You said almost in a whisper. 
Elrond smiled and brought back his arm. You two stood there for a moment, observing the party. 
“Will our peaceful times end soon?” He asked. “Unfortunately, “ You answered. “So, you might want to start being careful and watch out what our friend decides to do next,” You glanced at him, then at your drink. “But in the meantime. Like Gill-galad once said, we should enjoy it while we can,” You said, bringing up your glass to meet his. He smiled and grabbed a random glass to meet with yours. 
“Cheers,” You two clicked the glasses, then took a drink. 
You then noticed how his eyes latched onto something else over your shoulder.
You took a glance and saw Galadriel’s daughter entering the hall with her mother and father. She was smiling and looking dazzling as ever. Elrond looked away, but his ears went red as he tried to look away to find something else, most likely a reason to avoid confrontation. 
You rolled your eyes at his nervousness. He has been crushing on her for almost a millennia. He will never end up with anyone at this rate.
“Celebrian is here,” You said, making an obvious statement. “I… noticed her presence,” Elrond said, still refusing to look at her. “Wanna go ask her to a dance?” You questioned, making him almost jump with a startle. “Won’t that be a bit too soon? She just arrived with her family,” He said, almost squeaking like a blushing school boy. You shook your head and brought his head down with your arm. 
“Listen, if I wanna stay alive to see your future kids, you might as well get on to it and stop acting like a shy elven teenage boy you are,” You pinched his cheek. “Uhm -” He trailed off, his face red at the thought of children. “I can see you love her, but if you’re just going to stand in the background and do nothing like me, then I will end my life right here out of shame,” You stepped behind him. “It’s for your good. Go for it. Ask her for a dance!” You pushed him forward. 
“But!” Elrond turned to look at you. “You will be fine, go!” You said, then watched as he mustered courage and approached Celebrian. 
You watched the confrontation with anticipation. You couldn't hear what the two were saying, but Celebrian smiled and gave her a hand as Elrond led her to the dance floor. 
Elrond gave you a happy look, and you gave him thumbs up. 
You watched them dance along to the music and enjoy their time together. It brought a smile to your face as you knew their love would grow over time, and one day they will end up with a family. You also felt something familiar watching them together. 
“May I have this dance, my lady,” Someone appeared, holding their hand to you. 
You glanced at the hand before glancing at the mysterious stranger with a smile.
 A handsome red-haired tall ellon stood there with a smile you adored for centuries. His face was free of scars, and his eyes held that lovely carefree, playful, yet kind spirit he possessed all those years ago. 
You smiled, shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t know, Mae. I think there are a lot of more suitable partners to dance with a prince like you,” You said. He chuckled. “But what if I want to dance with you?” He asked. You stared at him for a moment before chuckling and giving him your hand, accepting his offer. 
“Aren’t you sweet with words, do tell me what makes me so special tonight that you want to dance with someone like me than someone important?” You explained. “A close friend of mine isn't someone important? You wound me if you think someone special like you is not someone important,” Maedhros said with a smile. “Especially someone whose ears seem to itch all the time and is quite loud-mouthed when approached from behind,” He chuckled.
 You snorted, rolling your eyes at him.
“You’re never gonna let me live it down when I cursed like a sailor and almost hit you in the face with a thick book?” You asked. “Well, I can’t deny that you have made my life more interesting from that day forth,” He said, kissing the top of your hand.
“Then shall we have an interesting night?” You asked with a smile. “Let’s. I hope you’re willing to stay a little longer. Your company would save me from the boredom this feast brings,” Maedhros said, making you giggle while taking you to the dance floor. 
You held your hand toward the dance floor as his hand vanished, and the memory wandered away. You stood there, watching the elves dance with their partners. They looked happy and had fun. 
When was the last time you managed to have fun like that with the one you loved? 
You took another glass but a beverage this time. 
You looked at the night sky. The stars sparkled with Elbereth’s light and brought many memories, like how you and Maedhros slowly danced one last time before fate became cruel and took him away for good. 
He might return one day at the end of the world, but would fate be kind enough to let you have enough strength to stay in this world for him? You would love to have one more dance with him.
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AN: Received this as a request on main, decided to post it here to be safe. Please heed the warnings!
dark romance prompts
♡ prompt: disobedience & impact play (spicy bingo) | Melkor x Mairon x Maedhros ♡ synopsis: Melkor and Mairon teach their new favourite prisoner a lesson in obedience ♡ warnings: non-consensual oral sex, non-consensual impact play (whip) ♡ short oneshot (~800 words)
Due to this being Maedhros' POV, the two dark lords will be referred to by their alternate names.
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When he had been captured, Maitimo had braced himself to face the horrors of Angband; yet nothing could have ever prepared him for the scene he witnessed now.
And would soon be made to participate in. 
He had found out two things about the dark lord: That he was rather fond of red hair and that his lieutenant – whose chosen fána happened to share that trait – was also his lover. 
Maitimo had been mildly disgusted upon being forced to witness noisy, messy kissing and lewd touching on the throne, as if they were inside a brothel and not a fortress, but it had swiftly escalated to outright horror when Morgoth suggested that he should join them. 
"What do you mean?" Maitimo asked as calmly and slowly as he could. 
"What do you think it could possibly mean?" Sauron snapped and yanked on his chain to force him to come closer. 
It was obvious that his lord's interest in their latest prisoner irritated him, though Maitimo could take no pleasure in it, faced with a wolfish grin on the Enemy's face that sent all primal instincts into overdrive, screaming at him to run.
If only he could. 
"Show him," Morgoth ordered, addressing Sauron. "He can service me after you are done, and if he pleases me we can consider being more lenient with him." 
"As you wish." 
Leaving his lord's side to kneel between his legs, the Maia got to work. Maitimo could only watch with growing trepidation as garments were undone and pushed aside to reveal a swiftly hardening cock. Even as it vanished between dutifully parted lips, the sheer size and girth were obvious to any unlucky spectator – not too surprising, considering that he was looking at a Vala, yet the implications of what had been suggested by the very same creature were all too clear. 
Maitimo would be expected to perform such an act himself; and as if that in itself wasn't revolting already, he also doubted his physical capabilities. He had done such a thing before, admittedly, but it had been with his beloved Findekáno – no, he didn't even want to think about him now. 
They shan't sully the memory. 
"Enough." Morgoth's command brought both him and Sauron back to reality. "It seems our new toy is bored and wants to try it for himself." 
The Maia withdrew, making a show out of his reluctance. 
"I shall make sure he does his best," he said and summoned a fiery whip while rising to his feet and positioning himself behind their prisoner. 
Maitimo trembled in disgust when he was inexorably pulled closer until he too knelt between Morgoth's legs and found himself face to face with a large, hard and glistening wet cock. 
"Go on, Maitimo. Be good for me," the Vala purred.
"And if you are not, there will be dire consequences," Sauron hissed from outside his field of vision. 
His words were accentuated by a well-aimed strike hitting Maitimo's back, eliciting a gasp before he could stop himself, and Morgoth took the opportunity to thrust inside his mouth and force his head down with one hand. 
"Do not play coy with me. I know what you and your cousin did." 
No, no, no. 
How could fate be so cruel? How could he have fallen into the hands of the Enemy to be used like a common whore and have his deepest secret so nonchalantly revealed? 
Maitimo's inaction prompted more whiplashes, yet he was much preoccupied with the struggle of not throwing up all over Morgoth's lap – a tempting prospect not just due to the unwelcome intrusion of his throat, but also a transgression he didn't want to face the consequences for. Struggling, he forced himself to focus on relaxing and breathing through his nose. His jaw was already beginning to hurt from the rough handling he received, and it only got worse when the Vala resumed moving, fucking his throat without any tenderness or affection. 
Again, he refused to think of Findekáno. 
Being used this way absolved Maitimo of the humiliating task of actively pleasuring the Enemy, yet enduring such violation was made harder by the fiery whip biting into his skin time and time again. He was no longer even sure what he was being punished for; maybe Sauron simply felt like he deserved to suffer for taking his place. 
Had anyone asked him, he would have loved to swap. 
Maitimo wanted nothing more than to vomit when hot, viscous liquid at last flooded his mouth and throat, making him gag around the huge cock in his mouth even more. 
Another whiplash. Morgoth held him down until he had done so, then gave a long, self-satisfied sigh. 
"What do you think, precious? Does he deserve our leniency?" 
"He remains defiant and disobedient, as is ingrained within his family. I think he requires more training before he may be granted any sort of mercy..." 
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Thanks for reading!
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thatfeanorian · 5 months
Writing prompt (if you're still taking them!): “It’s okay, I couldn't sleep anyways.” with Russingon! I need more Maedhros/Fingon in my life ❤️
Okay so. Hear me out. I know you sent me this ages ago and I feel horribly guilty and sure it's a little angsty (a lot angsty) but I couldn't let this ask go and I knew I had to write something for it.
Anyways my deepest and most sincere apologies on the (ridiculously) long hold up. Cheers and I hope you enjoy it!
Maedhros X Fingon (Warning for Sauron's general presence in Mae's life)
Maitimo was alone. It was dark again. His vision too blurry with tears and stinging with blood, he could barely make out the bars of his cell, though the sharp clacks of Sauron's boots on the hard stone beneath him echoed deafeningly loud.
"See Maitimo?" Sauron cooed, crouching low and wiping blood from the wound on his forehead, "See how much simpler it is when you just submit to me, pretty one? I can make you so much more comfortable if you would just kneel like this. For me. Always." He smirked, his face swimming into focus, his golden eyes boring into Maitimo's mind, piercing him straight through, strangling him from the inside out and he screamed in pain, thrashing against his restraints against his will before Sauron's presence in his mind tamped down any possibility of movement, voluntary or otherwise.
"This is how you were meant to be," He crooned, cupping Maitimo's face in his hand, long sharp nails digging into his face and drawing yet more blood, "You look so pretty on your knees for me, little king, my slut, my pretty one, my Maitimo--"
"Russo!" Findekáno's voice was loud in his ear and Russandol jerked awake blinking rapidly into the darkness, shaking and ripping his shoulder out of Findekáno's grasp.
"No!" He cried desperately into the darkness, Sauron's phantom still swimming before his eyes, and he felt the bed shift beneath him as Findekáno sat up and hesitantly reached out again, his fingertips just grazing the back of Russandol's forearm.
"Russo? Are you here with me, love?" Russandol let out a shuddering breath, his eyes flickering around the dark room --Findekáno's closet, his shoes layed out in front of it. The fire which had been roaring before he slipped into dreams slowly dying, the warm furs covering the bed, and Findekáno, who was propped up on his elbow, his gaze gentle and understanding.
"Yes," Russandol whispered, guilt flooding his chest as he slumped back down against the pillows and Findekáno took this as his cue to roll over, invading Russandol's side of the bed to wrap him up in his arms, pillowing his head on Russandol's chest, grounding him more than the heavy furs of their bed ever could.
"And where is here?" Findekáno asked softly, not doubting Russandol's assertion but gently prodding none-the-less. Russandol let out a soft sigh, his arms coming up to squeeze his lover against his chest as he replied,
"Dor-Lomion. It's late. We should both be asleep and--" He burried his face in Findekáno's dark braids, "And I'm sorry I woke you up. I don't know why I'm still like this." His voice sounded hollow even to his own ears and Findekáno snuggled a little closer, placing a soft kiss to his collarbone,
"You are perfect," He whispered, a hand coming up to card gently through Russandol's hair, pulling it back from where it had stuck to his face with sweat from his imaginary battle with Sauron. "Sweetheart, you are so strong," Findekáno told him, face gentle but eyes blazing with love and conviction,
"I can't even imagine having gone through what you have and staying so incredibly brave." He traced Russandol's cheek and Russandol felt a tear slip from his eye, reaching up hurriedly to wipe it away with his remaining hand.
"I'm sorry." He whispered again, "I'm sorry I'm so broken and I'm sorry I woke you up." Findekáno looked at him seriously, hand moving back to play with Russandol's hair.
"You," He whispered, "Are not broken. You are whole and you are strong and I am yours as long as you will have me." He paused, smiling, "Besides, it's okay. I was already awake and I treasure every moment with you in my arms." Russandol swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut and burrying his face once again in his lover's hair, taking in a large breath and feeling himself sink a little further into the feather-soft blankets. Findekáno smelled of sandalwood and lavender and just a hint of something earthy and Russandol loved him. And somehow, undeserving as he was, Findekáno loved him back.
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