#sapphic mt
a-through-l · 11 months
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so. I started reading the liar game.
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 9 months
Something something tumblr lesbians obviously making out a lot of nb lesbians/sapphics/dykes out to be woman-lite in their attempts to separate themselves from men and then getting mad at lesboys/mandykes/Tbutches/bigegder/genderfluid/etc. people for not matching exactly the definition they have for thenselves.
I also can't help but notice how many of the latter are disabled, fat, jewish, or poc.
Maybe I'm seeing nothing but I'm kinda doubting it
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deusvervewrites · 5 months
More Ryukyu headcanons:
After the Sky Egg Incident, Ryuko and Rumi became pretty close friends. Miruko could sometimes be seen sleeping on her couch/in a spare room.
She regularly meets up with other heroines around the same age as her, to drink and share funny patrol stories.
She frequently commiserated with Yu over "very destructive transformation Quirk, but need to fight in cities to get any real attention".
Ryuko is not allowed to get drunk. Ever.
Has she dated anyone? Rarely. Is she the most disaster sapphic Hero in Japan? Yes.
She gets way too into her employee's love lives.
She always takes it the hardest when she fails a mission. And frequently needs sense to be literally beaten into her.
She hoards interns. They are hers, and anyone who tries poaching them will be left on top of Mt Fuji.
These are also very fun
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jennyandvastraflint · 6 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep16!
"Mortal Beloved" well that plus the picture of Gabrielle and Xena looking at each other is just super gay. Lesbianism all round
"help me" Oh. Absolutely not. Byeee
Yup, I too would run off screaming
Xena wanna help a womannn
Awww, Xena keeping Gabrielle safe
Marcus? Should I know who this is...
"the man I loved" bullshit.
Yes Gabrielle, look with a bit more sapphic yearning please
"You're not dead?"
"And now I got tourists" Funky guy love him
Woop, everyone beating up everyone...
What is Xena wearing btw
Ffs, they have no rules? That just sounds like chaosss
"How are you able to travel" OHOHOHHH
He is silly
Who is this ugly dick...
"smell the living" wdym SMELL you creep
Dude is super awkward
A tower... 😂
Looks like Krillitine Doctor Who CGI. Love it
Ew. Put on your shirt.
Hades is so... *shrugs*
My guy... You're going in circles
Hades is so... Meh XD
Hades looks like he's having a midlife crisis
Hah, she's gonna beat his ASS
"NOOOOO!!!" damn you're SUPER SUPER gay
That's an "avenging my gf" scream
Footprints reminds me of the Mt Doom scene in LOTR ROK
"Gabrielle, are you alright?" SHE SAYS SOFTLY
"The next thing I saw was you. Which is a very pleasant sight." leeeesbian
"You're dead O_o"
"I'm not planning to close my eyes all night" PFFT
No it's okay, let him die again
Gonna ignore that random straightness
"Help us. Please." in a lame voice
Ffs is he gonna try and murder the bride
What's his problem tho
Xena pretending to be a different woman again? 😂
I want Gabrielle to tuck me in lovingly
Oh I hate that...
Xena's in the bed tho isn't she
Stabby stabby staaab
Marcus, no
Xena has a wife
"You dead this time?" "No."
*shows crown* "All aboarddd"
Omg pls the CGI it kinda looks like early Barbie movies. More disturbing. Think that stupid elephant...
Hades is such a SHITTTT XD
Awww, Xena
And now Marcus can frolic in the Elysian fields
Gabrielle waiting for her gf
Yup, your bestie is in the fields now. And you got your wife.
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your-local-enigma · 10 hours
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i think it'd be neat if she was trans
stephen king ass explanation below (aka just copium mania)
i think pearl's very feminine yet rebellious nature, especially in the sense of her fashion (the whole 'princess' theme) is what got me hooked into seeing her as a trans woman.
i see as that pearl learned about the concept of being queer at a very young age, and came out so as a result. i think this because she's dressing very femininely at the youth-folk singing contest in s2 sunken scroll #1. sure everyone here knows the story, pearl fucked up the contest reception with her voice, yadda yadda yadda
but, i think pearl's attendance at the contest gives more material to work with here. speaking from experience, if you've just come out and immediately receive positive feedback, especially at a young age, you'll feel super gay and/or trans and really wanna get in touch w/ that side. pearl has a natural talent for singing despite her destructive voice, and her high might have caused her to forget that whilst performing, leading to her accidentally destroying the reception. we don't really know if pearl and her family knew abt her verbal abilities before the contest, but i'd say yes for simplicity's sake.
while this theory has been widely debunked and proven to be untrue, i actually hc that the electro-magnetic waves produced by pearl's voice combined with the speakers stunted her height, and that's the reason why she's so short.
in the news dialogue of s2, it seems that pearl has a very close and supportive family who likely would support her coming out in anyway they can. but, i would assume that there are a few nasty relatives that keep in touch w/ the houzikis bc they're literal millionaires.
in rich/powerful families, there is a trend of placing a lot of pressure on the eldest son and bascially wanting him to be the most attractive person there is. pearl's an only child as far as i know, and her coming out has already soured her reputation among her distant family, but now that she's permanently a good 'ol 4'11, she really would have received a lot of flack for it.
falling into a depression cuz of her relatives and her public reputation after the contest, which heavily misgendered and ridiculed her for dressing femininely, pearl basically says, "fuck y'all imma go find my own path", turns full heavy metal as seen in that one pic from OE, and practices her singing on mt. nantai, hoping to find solace alone.
then she meets marina.
and you know they meet form a pop group do news get famous save the world get engaged go on tour get stuck in the matrix save the world twice get married adopt a baby ai over the span of seven years yk how it goes sapphic ass shit
but i want to emphasize marina in my hc, because she plays an extermely important role in helping pearl come to terms with herself.
if those two didn't meet, oth wouldn't exist for one, and pearl would have less opportunities to express herself how she wants like we discussed before. but pearl would also stay the same as she was. lonely, distant, and afraid to face her problems and internalized hatred head-on. like pearl said in that one interview, the best gift she's ever received is the "chance to meet marina".
marina canonically is an extremely caring gal, with her often worrying for the safety of her peers/teammates and especially pearl. i could imagine that in the early stages of oth, pearl would have eventually opened up to marina due to her gentle and nature and come out to her as trans.
side note: as an extra theory, marina is very well-versed in terms of queerness, with her canonically showing dang fruity signs of being gay and acht being her friend and sharing their likely conflicting feelings of being enby. the two shared and vented with e/o before marina got transferred.
with this, marina easily accepted pearl for who she was and allowed her to vent all her feelings abt her identity, public rep, and family.
pearl mentions having a few fans during her heavy metal era, but with her and marina blowing up as oth, pearl's reputation gets repaired and she starts warming up in general. she publicly comes out as trans, and later as sapphic/lesbian along with marina. both closet resignments get pretty well-received, and pearl resolves her lifelong conflict with her gender with her octoling partner.
thanks for coming to my trout talk. happy pride asshats.
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
Anon, who’s ur friend coz I gotta talk to her. Jojo is as ratchet as they come and shall never be compared to ethereal beings like Lexa. Like the amount of delulu that kid has right now. And she’s inventing “gay pop”? Bitch i could clock you. Tegan and Sara? Joan Jett? King Princess?? Lady Gaga????? Janelle Monáe and Kehlani?!?
Baby even more recent artists than that! Jojo was barely potty trained when girls like girls by HK came out and sent a million tiny little sapphics into a pop frenzy. Like,,, it was bold of her to say that shit. I mean of course there's been plenty of artists before her but like? She grew up in an era with queer pop creators in the mainstream. I'm honestly tempted to believe it's actually just a brilliant marketing scheme on her part because if she induces even disdainful attention by saying this buck ass wild nonsense, it's still attention and thus will lead to sales and streams. In which case, give the devil her due, but I can't tell if it is that or if she really is just that stupid/naive/sheltered. I mean everything she says sounds like if you gave a homeschooled kid their first mt dew 🥴 so it's hard to tell
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*Jumpscares you with cat picture*
you’ve been awarded a high honor. Have cat, her name is Kitty (very creative name, ik)
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anyways could I get another Lgballt? One with the lesbian flag and gay flag beside it? Also antlers with sapphic on the side of the gay flag and achillean on the side of lesbian, a glass with genderfluid flag inside of it (hehe), a panagender pin, and any/all pronouns pin (for Vixen, aka me)
(Here’s panagender flag because there’s two versions)
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Also maybe add a red demon tail, like yk the ones with the triangle tip?
For vixen x
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If you would like an lgballt look at mt pin post
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Okay because it's almost Rainbow Product Logo Month I have a question for my fellow sapphics: which of your waifus wouldn't shave if they were real?
Like every Power figure I see has her with bare legs and arms and it spiritually drains me. Especially the stupid bunny outfit. Like girl...no bush? No prickly hairs in between the fishnet holes? She would not fucking shave that 👀
Integra has a bush and it's ridiculously soft. If you're allowed to be graced with its presence it legit looks like her pussy is covered with platinum gold since it's the same color as her silky hair
Mt. Lady prefers to not shave since she's in a skintight costume and the prickliness drives her nuts, and it actually helps her not sweat too bad after a day of work. She also has a secret fantasy about growing giant-sized, having her tiny Darling ride her entire clit, and see them collapse onto her bush from exhaustion like it's a fluffy bed lol
Not only does Jolyne Cujoh have a trimmed bush but just for fun she decided to dye the upper parts near her stomach green one time to match her hairstyle
fem!Gyro somehow finds a way to shave the phrase "GO!GO!ZEPPELI" to match her grills because fuck it
And the only way your Skyrim waifu has a bald pussy is if she's an Argonian, ok bye
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undescribed1mage · 11 months
Fandom: Newsies — All Media Types, Newsies!: The Musical
Category: F/F
Rating & Archive Warning(s): Teen & Up, None
Relationship(s): Jack Kelly/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer
Character(s): Jack Kelly, Katherine Plumber Pulitzer
Additional Tag(s): During Canon, Song: Something To Believe In (Newsies), Songfic, Sorta, Bisexual Jack Kelly, Lesbian Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, not really important 2 the story but it's important 2 me that you know that, Canon Rewrite, First Kiss, Arguments, Period-Typical Homophobia, Canon Era, Mild Angst, Ambiguous / Open Ending, sorta, Mt First Work In This Fandom, ignore the 11k+ wip that I'm working on that isn't important rn, Genderbending, Female Jack Kelly
Every reasonable bone in Jack’s body is screaming at her to leave. Screaming that she can always crash at Elizabeth’s Home For Girls, she doesn't have to sleep in her penthouse. Screaming that nothing Katherine has to say is worth her time, no matter how hard a certain part of her — her heart, maybe — wants to hear her out. Screaming that —
Jack has never been a reasonable person.
Or —
A rewrite of Something To Believe In and the scene before it.
(Written partially as an early birthday gift for my lovely friend, @bird-likes-to-fandom, who started the thread of Sapphic Jatherine thoughts that inspired this fic.)
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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I got a notification that the festival of lights was happening. It's technically in Mt. Komorebi but I wanted to check it out again, so I had Cam go with Piper. Piper changed into a festival Yukata, and she and Cam made a wish together before Cam dipped and kissed her. "You know what I wished for?" Cam asked, her eyes dark and serious, as they pulled apart. "What?" Piper asked. "That although I know we'll go through life shit together, I wish we'll be as happy and content together as we can, and that we're together forever." Cam said, blushing a bit as Piper’s amber eyes widened. "That's my wish too, Cam." Piper said, looking into Cam’s eyes. "I want you to be the person that I wake up next to every morning and tell all my good news and snuggle with as we watch tv in our home and just be yours and have you be mine." Piper said, blushing too and feeling extremely sappy as Cam's brown eyes sparkled, and she pulled her in for another kiss.
Edit: I finished reading another amazing sapphic romance book, Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan and it's put me in such a feel good/sappy/lovey dovey mood, hence my cheesy as heck post. 🥰 I don't want to spoil anything but it's genuinely a sweet and good (and spicy 😄) story between the main characters Lizzie and Cara and goes into things like toxic families and such too.
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bunnyai · 11 months
Oh my Goddddd. I do remember the He/Him Lesbian Millennial discourse. And how all people who had the headcanon felt "baited" that the feminine man wasn't their "pretty cute sapphic uwu uwu <33 woman" like these weirdos fucking wanted. Nothing implied he was a woman to begin with and people just fucking assumed he'd be a girl because at the time we didn't have any super feminine/pretty male characters like we do now. And now people gotta second guess themselves instead of jumping to conclusions instead of assuming everyone with long eyelashes and hair is a girl. lol.
i mean??
yeah, ur right in that the fandom has an awful problem with assuming characters that look feminine are officially girls, but i was specifically referring to the whole. fuckin thing where the cr fandom ran that one askblog off of tumblr
i mean not to say she didn't deserve it, she was a bitch to put it lightly.
but everyone was just like "yes!! he/him lesbian mt!!" and there were people being assholes along the lines of "uhm ACKUALLY-" which!! mmm.
i fall under the lines of "use they/them until we know the official pronouns or lack thereof" personally, and that's all i'll say i value my life <3
but let it be SAID i do not care what devsis says, milky way is a it/it's user and moon rabbit is they/them to me
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kanouseis · 1 year
OH MT GOD WAIT ABD ALSO. 1 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 FORR ONE PIECE TOO 😜😜🫶
1 – character you relate most to
uhhhhhh ace. i will not elaborate. see 5
3 – fav ship
dont have any tbqh
5 – fav character and why
you cannot make me choose here okay live with it. one is ace (i wrote a 6k essay about him do i even have to explain. i have a weak spot for found family and ace is just, well, yknow. gestures at everything) second is law (childhood nostalgia lmao also classic case of lesbian cohet crush. love this dude w his polar-coded crew all the heart symbolisms and the found family Okay)
6 – image associated with the fandom
a whole bunch of theorists and ppl with weird opinions (sorrynotsorry). im not very involved there tho so
9 – fav fic
n/a i havent read any
10 – song for a ship
n/a see 3
11 – song for a character
moonshot by n.flying; ace
thursday's child has far to go by txt; law
no explanation just vibes
12 – fav hc
dont really have any im not a hc person but female characters as sapphic <33 espicially lesbian nami is dear to me if anything
13 – what would you do in this universe
knowing me id be a law-abiding citizen but maybe id secretly join the revolution because im cool like that
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beneath-thestyx · 2 years
o que significa hella sapphic?
"hella" de "hell", bastante e coisa do tipo
sapphic pq significa q é mulher q gosta de mulher (mas não é só pra lésbica)
enfim, em resumo, eu gosto mt de mulher
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unlikelylovers · 6 years
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oakensteads · 2 years
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kaori nishidake |📍senbamachi aspiration: extreme sports enthusiast traits: loner, adventurous, observant
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bxttenbound · 2 years
fuck hazbin hotel lesbians
give me threnody *Sapphics
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