#sanders sides winged au
monkeythefander · 12 days
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Here’s some Prinxiety art I made based on a reference photo I found on Pinterest. In this au, Virgil is a human and Roman is the god of love (all kinds of love, not just romantic) and flowers.
I’m attaching the reference photo I found on Pinterest below.
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th3w00ds · 3 months
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(This is my first time drawing a front facing dragon so please go easy on me) He’s named Aster in this AU, after the purple flower! He’s a RainWing NightWing hybrid, RainWing dominant, and doesn’t have any NightWing abilities. Although he does have RainWing venom! I loved coloring him and making the original sketch, symmetry tool my beloved ❤️
What do you guys think of him? Wanna see more WoF AU Sides??
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stillebesat · 7 months
"He just wanted to fly" for the WIP ask game? thanks for the tag! ^.^
You're welcome!! ^^;;
"He just wanted to fly" is a Soulmate AU with Janus/Roman/Virgil where when you meet your soulmate you grow wings.
This was a fic I started back in 2020 and I ended up struggling with how exactly I wanted the story to go (where to start it) and had no idea where I would end it sooo it just kinda fizzled out. Though I look at it from time to time wondering if I could get the concept to a 'finished' point. ^^;;
Snippet from the wip:
Janus just wanted to fly.
For as long as he could remember, that had been his dream. 
Since he’d seen his first feather. Seen his first wing. Seen the first person flying in the sky overhead as he hid out in the tallest tree he could find in his backyard so that he wouldn’t be punished for crying over the cut on his finger still dripping blood.
He just wanted to fly.
To feel that constant comforting weight on his back. Feel those extra limbs curling around him like a huge fluffy blanket, hiding him from the world or taking him up and up out of range of all the hurt and hatred and lies he had to face every day.
He’d cried the day he found out he couldn’t get wings until he met his soulmate. 
That they couldn’t appear until you and the name that appeared on your wrist on your fifteenth birthday shared---well. Janus had never gotten what that shared ‘thing’ was. Everyone was just expected to know. 
He strongly suspected it was a kiss. Because he never saw his parents kiss and they didn’t have wings. But perhaps it was some other sort of touch. Like holding hands. Or stroking the other person’s cheek, or booping their nose. He’d seen plenty of winged people doing those things along with kissing.
Janus let out a slow breath, the only action that he would allow himself to take to express his--his--nerves as he took his spot on the set of a half destroyed city street, his bare fingers twitching with the urge to brush the scars that marred the names on his wrist and moved up his arm to his face.
Yes names. 
Because he had to be the broken one. The cursed one who got two names instead of one on his fifteenth birthday to make his journey to obtaining wings to fly just that much harder. 
It was like the universe had heard the cry of his heart out for flight and promptly said “NO.”
Why else would he have a family that treated him worse than a dog because he’d been born with the ‘devil’s eyes’ where one iris was a bright malevolent yellow while the other was a cold icy blue.
Why else would the universe allow his higher than a kite poor excuses for parents to beat him every time they decided whatever he was doing was the wrong thing to do. 
Why else would the universe allow his so called parents to snap one night a week before his fifteenth birthday and stab and slice him forty-six times before the neighbor broke down the door and saved his life. 
Why else would the universe then decide to have his soulmate’s names appear on that same LEFT WRIST that was so cut up and scarred that doctors had worried he’d never be able to use it again instead of in the traditional spot on the right wrist?
It was simple. 
He was never meant to fly.
He would never get his long dreamt for wings.
No. All he’d been left with on his fifteenth birthday, had been the faint lettering of the two people he could have connected with. The soft lilac of R-il. The pale rose of O-an. 
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
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todays doodle sesh gives us harpy virgil by @sanders-creatures-au ! who’s entire page im going to binge tonight because i am very invested :DD
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i-lov-them-beans · 2 months
Patton backed up, only to feel the wall behind him hit his back. He looked around at the monsters closing in on him, thining of what to do. He clenched his fists, and wings of fire burst from his back. He lept up and in a flash flew above above the monsters, and away
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justablah56 · 2 years
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@warcats-cat had a very neato thing soooo..... here this is!
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doodle-png · 2 years
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Some wing au doodles from a while ago :)
(click for better quality and full drawing)
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smilegirl64 · 9 months
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I'll hold the moon within my hands...
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sasiaucompetition · 3 months
Fics Submitted to the Event
Okay, so apparently links count as characters, and you can only have so many characters per block of text. That is why the end of the list looks like that.
This is the list of all AUs entered, with links. Originally I was going to do links separate, but then I realized it would be easier to do it this way.
The AUs I know that are Mature and up have been marked, but please contact me if there are others on the list that haven't been!
The Other Side of the Mirror - @/Frejennix and @/Lalijinx (ao3)
Chessboxing AU - @/arealsword (ao3)
What you need - @/Anxiousgaypanicking (18+) (tumblr)
Happily Ever After Universe - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Never Met You - @/Nad98 (ao3)
Archduke of Demonic Cultivation - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat (ao3)
One Coffee, Morally Gray - @/Duckduck_Scribblerswan (Caellie_E_and_Vaye_R) (ao3)
A Dragon's Treasure - @/TypicallyUntipical (ao3)
Fairies in the Forest - @/Ended_Flames (ao3)
Ghost Janus AU - @/SoDoRoses (FairyChess) (ao3)
Logan Accidentally Steals Two (2) Children - @/the-panmixxia (ao3)
The Stowaway's Heart - @/thesympatheticvillain (ao3)
They Share A Kitchen - @/BuddyBuddyPalBuddy (ao3)
100 Seconds to Midnight - @/never_the_rose (ao3)
Touch Transcends Language - @/IfFoundPleaseReturnToJanus (18+) (ao3)
Flores Facets - @/Whiskey_With_Patron (ao3)
Life's A Drag - @/infawrit10 (ao3)
Crown Princes And Butterfly Wings - @/Ended_Flames (ao3)
Where the Lovestruck Bleeds - @/Fangirltothefullest (ao3)
Banding With You - @/glacierruler (tumblr)
Through Hades and Back - @/glacierruler (tumblr)
Deja Vu / Hero Worship AU - @/Greenninjagal (ao3)
Eucatastrophe - @/arealsword (ao3)
Side by Side in the Mindscape - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Beside Me - Dee - Thrall - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Plea for my New Self - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To change - @/Queen_Whovian (ao3)
How the Angels got their Wings - @/SunRey1116 (ao3)
don't paint wonderful lies on me (that wash away) - @/codevassie (ao3)
How to Fuck with Humanity 101 - @/Jungle321jungle (ao3)
What You Can Stand - @/ManyFandomsOneLog (ao3)
All of These Stars (Will Guide Us Home) - @/lucernis (ao3)
Virgil’s Guide to Avoid Accidentally Falling In Love With Your Boss’ Boss - @/Jungle321jungle (ao3)
Hidden In Shadows - @/Kaysigns (ao3)
Labeled - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3)
Dreaming While I Wake - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Painful Death - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Lost & Found AU - @/rollthewhatever (tumblr)
Monsterous Roomates - @/Willowanderer (ao3)
Between Light and Darkness - ORPHANED (ao3)
Pumpkin Spice - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Pick A Side (i love you and everything is beautiful) - @/arealsword (ao3)
Is there anything left of Patton - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3)
if you're going my way, i'll go with you - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
one chance to change your fate - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
A Moment with Potential - @/Midniteblue (ao3)
KNEE DEEP - @/plumcat (ao3)
House of Tarot Cards - @/FlowerMeat (ao3)
The Long Road Home - @/warcatscat (ao3)
Punks, Poets, Parents - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Flightless Bird - @/AvoSunflowerTea (ao3)
A lesson in practicality - @/ResidentAnchor (ao3)
Endless Sides (Sandman AU) - @/sometimes-love-is-enough (tumblr)
The Ghost and the Reaper - @/thatonelesbianfander (tumblr)
A Bug in the System - @/AwLawdItComin (ao3)
Syzygy - @/arealsword (ao3)
lavender for luck - @/lovelylogans (ao3)
The Starlight Universe - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
59. Pieces Verse - @/SoDoRoses (FairyChess) (ao3)
60. (Un)Wanted - @/TheAsexualofSpades (ao3)
61. Black Hole Sun - @/coconutcluster (ao3)
62. Vanished - @/red_imeanblue (ao3)
63. Space and Everything In It - @/Greenninjagal (ao3)
64. You Can't Go Back - @/delimeful (ao3)
65. Ghost AU - @/tsghostau (tumblr)
66. Live Without You - @/stormsofstarlight (ao3)
67. Janus Sanders and the Cassandra Fallacy - @/arealsword (ao3)
68. Short Sides AU - @/nachosforfree (tumblr)
69. Plant Parents Dukeceit - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat (ao3)
70. For the Record/The Sanders Archive - @/VillainVogue (ao3)
71. The Other Side(s) - @/VillainVogue (ao3)
72. genius loci - @/oldkamelle (tumblr)
73. unsympathetic patton au - @/aidensm8 (tumblr)
74. cat virgil - @/its-the-cat-queen (tumblr)
75. murder mystery - @/thecrowslullaby (tumblr)
76. guilty tears - @/not-exactly-laborious (tumblr)
77. ride the cyclone - @/purplecrayonismine (tumblr)
78. Pingverse - @/SoDoRoses (ao3)
79. Spirit Complex AU - @/casart (tumblr)
80. A Series of Silly Questions - @/SoDoRoses (ao3)
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aftgficrec · 7 months
ah I'm so excited you're open!!! thank you for the ridiculous amount of work you all do 🙏ok, this might be too specific but any fics with an alternate take on Andrew and Neil's post-trk reunion? Andrew gets out of easthaven early, Neil leaves the Nest later, AU's, etc.? i think it's a really interesting point in their dynamic, and I'm a sucker for sober Andrew realizing someone was watching his back for once
Feeling a bit like a Bernie Sanders’ meme – ‘I am once again asking myself why I spent so much time on an ask,’ 😅 but it's because this is such an iconic and beloved scene for our fandom. For a super fun ‘live’ first-time reader reaction to this high drama, check out ‘The King’s Men, Chapter 1 – Hello Foxhole, My Old Friend’ by @nickireadstfc here. -A
also see
Andrew's POV of throwing keys off roof here
‘Come and Save Me From It’ here (completed)
‘Learning To Feel (When You've Forgotten How)’ and the fandom meta posts here
‘pipedream’ here
‘reaching for the heights’ here
‘Lost boy’ and ‘[Un]broken’ here
‘I Know You From A Nightmare,’ ‘The Marks We Make,’ and ‘Draw Me Out, Mark Me In’ here
‘Marked’ and ‘Soulmates who can feel each other’s pain’ here
‘Of Stars and Stories’ here
‘What’s normal now?’ here
long previous recs with reunion mention
‘No More Fucks To Give’ here (updated)
‘The Sphynx and the Hare’ here (completed)
‘corvus, vulpes, lupus’ here
‘never fallen (from quite this high)’ here
‘Not a Pipe Dream’ here
‘everything and nothing begins with you’ here
Andrew gets sober, Neil stays at Evermore
‘Oh Raven,’ ‘Jailbird,’ and ‘Take to the Wing’ here
‘Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die)’ here 
 ‘Comeback’ here
you may also like
Christmas at Evermore here plus song rec ‘Far From Home (The Raven)’ here
Proust here plus ‘if you really love nothing’ here
Neil’s a hallucination here
Andreil meet in Easthaven here
‘just a slow body’ here
‘Will you be there when I come back?’ here
‘Here With You’ here (complete)
‘i'm here right now (just be here right now with me)’ here 
‘We're All Stories In The End’ here
‘Spirits In My Head’ here 
‘Fold me in your palms’ here
‘The Raven Prince’ here
‘Thanks, Matty’ here
‘Lullaby’ here
Random Rec - Andrew Minyard playlists round up here
Just a Pipe Dream by loveroulettes [Rated T, 2781 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Summer 2021, Locked]
Andrew thought coming off drugs will get rid of all side-effects, so why is Neil still here? AKA the scene where Neil picks up the cigarette from the ground and smokes it, but from Andrew’s POV
tw: implied/referenced abuse
reckless/i like it by Willow_bird [Rated M, 27259 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape Exchange 2022]
One thing didn’t seem to have changed since getting off the drugs. One thing almost seemed to have gotten worse. ”The next time someone comes for you, stand down and let me deal with it. Do you understand?” “If it means losing you, then no.” --- 5 times Andrew realized this something he had for Neil was, well, treacherous + 1 time he admitted (at least to himself) that he liked it
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: kidnapping, tw: choking, tw: implied/referenced torture
In the rain by Lyndis [Rated G, 1147 Words, Complete, 2021]
Part 2 of Quick and Dirty, parts 3 and 15 here
Andrew is off his drugs for the first time in years. No one knows he is back from Easthaven and he just wants to see Neil.
Time Machine by Marquee [Rated G, 137 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 4 of Aftg Poetry
Andrew wanting to kiss Neil on the roof, but he isn’t sure he should. But like a poem?? Yeah.
Tumblr Prompts by lipsstainedbloodred [Not Rated, Collection, 2018] 
Chapter 13: Page 12: What if Neil didn’t go with the monsters to pick up Andrew from Easthaven (Andreil) [T, 2434 Words] 
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced sexual assault
his solace by orphan_account [Rated M, 2292 Words, Complete, 2016]
Andrew’s first thought of Neil Josten was ‘fake’. He was a boy who was clearly lying, clearly pretending to be something he wasn’t; or at least, something he didn’t want to be. Andrew’s next thought of Neil Josten was ‘dangerous’. He was too attractive for Andrew to ignore, whilst single-handedly being the biggest flight risk he’d ever met. Neil looked for exits everywhere he went, and Andrew hated him for it.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence
Silent Words by Jeni182 [Rated M, Collection, Complete, 2018]
Chapter 2: Colors [T] Andrew hates color. It’s part of the reason why he’s always in black. It’s just easier. The color doesn’t make his eyes hurt. He doesn’t have to think about shit matching. It deters people, a lot of times.
When You Were Young by SpookyMiscreant [Rated T, 1831 Words, Complete, 2017]
It starts when the monsters pick up Andrew from Easthaven. Andrew sits on the roof of Fox Tower and contemplates Neil Josten now that he's sober. Set to the background music of When You Were Young by The Killers.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied referenced child abuse and neglect
this hole you put in me (wasn't deep enough) by gaygoyle [Rated T, 3368 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil blames himself for not doing more for Andrew while he's at Easthaven. So, Neil returns the one thing he knows even with his ban- Exy.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Shades of Sunset by darkbluebox [Rated T, 1885 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew is five years old, and he thinks orange is the most beautiful colour in the world. Twenty years in the life of Andrew Minyard.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa
Tell Me How You Hate Me by Killingmeslowly_24 [Rated T, 30532 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2023]
Next to Kevin sat a man who was roughly Neil-shaped, but that was where the similarities ended. Because Neil was brown hair, wide eyes, and a skittish demeanor. Neil was hidden smiles and questions and questions, so many goddamn questions, and- No. This wasn’t Neil. This man was a collage of bandages and bruises, hair bathed in flame. This man was a slack jaw and blue eyes, blue like ice, like an ocean, like drowning, too much like freedom for Andrew’s comfort. ... Or, The King's Men from Andrew's POV
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: violence, tw: dissociation, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: depression, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks
Bury it deep down, keep it under your skin by All_for_the_andreil [Rated T, 2123 Words, Complete, 2023]
He only wants to jump off the roof half the time. He supposes that’s progress too. The other half he’s only thinking about it in theory. How many bones would he break? Would he die on impact, like his mother did, or would it take some time? Would he feel the pain, or would it be just pure shock? Would he laugh as he fell? -or- Andrew's life told in snippets
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: canonical character death
Promptober 2023 by djinthehouse [Rated T, Collection, Updated Oct 2023]
Chapter 2: Falling into his reverse based on the song, The drug in me is you, by Falling in reverse
tw: referenced drug overdose, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: psychological abuse, tw: gun violence, tw: murder
Chapter 4: Weak for the Boy This is based of the song, Weak by AJR it is kind of the opposite of Falling into his Reverse. 
tw: referenced nonconsensual drug use, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: blood, tw: psychological abuse
drop the game by Joana789 [Rated T, 1647 Words, Complete, 2017]
Then, the pills are gone. The buzzing in his veins is gone. The too-bright colors of the world are gone, everything back to its overwhelming dullness again. Neil Josten is, startlingly, still there.
tw: implied/referenced torture
but i’ll know, i’ll know by neilpipedreamjosten10 [Rated T, 2709 Words, Incomplete, Updated Nov 2023]
After Andrew comes back from Easthaven, Neil is missing, and Andrew is the only one who remembers who he is. But Neil never left Edgar Allen. *** This takes place during TKM, a what-if? fic where Andrew returns and finds that Neil was like a figment of his imagination, but now he has to save the runaway.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: referenced overdose, tw: referenced suicide, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: torture
Lost (I Don’t Want To Be) by Demiwitchwoodwalker [Rated T, 4564 Words, Complete, 2022]
Part 1 of Someone(s) To Stay 
Kevin didn't respond, couldn't, and he suspected Riko knew that as his next words oozed with some sort of satisfaction. "I thought I'd give you a bit of a heads up, as a… let's say Christmas present. Your precious Nathaniel's getting inked. It's a shame Jean already got three, it would've suited the little Wesninski."
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: panic attacks
NB: kandrew/developing kandreil
*tw: may include references to Andrew’s canon trauma and suicidal thoughts
Andrew's time at Easthaven meta by series author @korakos [Tumblr, 2015]
Neil didn’t make Andrew want to live. He gave Andrew a reason to give into that want. meta by @haletostilinski [Tumblr, 2016]
The Extraordinary Strength of Andrew Minyard meta by @imaginedmelody [Tumblr, 2016]
the drugs went away and neil was still the same meta by @miniyrds [Tumblr 2016]
after they pick Andrew up at Easthaven meta by @evil-diabolical-oops [Tumblr, 2016]
andrew hates neil meta by @kickfoxing [Tumblr, 2017]
can you imagine Andrew coming back from reliving weeks of abuse… meta by @boris-pavlikcvsky [Tumblr 2017]
Midnight Thoughts about Andreil meta by @saltierthanbottomofapretzelbag [Tumblr, 2018]
Was "If it means losing you, then no" the final nail in the coffin? meta by @blogaboutyafavbirdboys [Tumblr, 2019]
meta about andrew and caring and wanting things by @sinistercacophony [Tumblr, 2020]
thoughts/feelings/deeper meaning of the (rooftop keys/cigarette) scene? meta by @bloody-wonder [Tumblr, 2020]
andrew thinking that neil was just a side-effect of the drugs meta by @twirlingflurry, @buriedinbaltimore [Tumblr 2021]
how utterly, heartbreakingly sad it is that Andrew calls Neil a pipe dream meta by @fortheloveofexy [Tumblr, 2022]
“You were supposed to be a side-effect of the drugs” meta by @sepulchralblues [Tumblr, 2023]
he cannot be real, he has to be a hallucination meta by @neveranniething [Tumblr, 2023]
neil just gives andrew his bands and knives meta by @grooviestguru [Tumblr, 2023]
you may also like
in the dream I don't tell anyone (you put your head in my lap) by Fortheloveofexy [Rated T, 1850 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
The real Neil would never allow this, would not let himself be this vulnerable. The real Neil can barely stand to be around him. Andrew knows this. But Dream Neil? Dream Neil is a different story.
Will you be there when I come back? by Shamman [Not Rated, 299 Words, Complete, 2017]
Andrew is trapped in Easthaven with an eidetic memory and tries to focus his thoughts on the confusing image of Neil Josten's face. -Because however terrible it may look, Andrew's current circumstances are much less pleasant. Furthermore Bee has been making him sing and play the guitar in a very therapeutic attempt to make him express some sort of actual emotion over the past year.
tw: violent imagery
You Gave Me A Key And Called It Home by glintchi [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2019]
Chapter 19: Yes, I Admit It, You Were Right [460 Words] Renee was waiting for him in the basement, fingers already taped, hair pulled back into a tuft of a rainbow ponytail.
Foxhole Tidbits by SpangleBangle [Collection Rated T/M, Updated  2018] 
Chapter 14: My Friend, O My Friend [M, 953 Words]  Prompt for Renee's reaction after Drake/Easthaven and Andrew's return.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: canonical character death
Did You Miss Me? by Deathandcommas [Rated G, 555 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
Aaron and Andrew have a late night chat after Andrew gets back from Easthaven.
tfw spoons by StrawBerryRains [Rated G, 216 Words, Complete, 2021]
Nicky offers Andrew ice cream when they arrive home from Easthaven.
A Taste of Your Own Medicine by caffeine_withdrawl [Rated M, 66454 Words, Incomplete, Updated March 2023]
Set after the infamous Thanksgiving, but then diverges from canon. Andrew and Bee decide it’s time for Andrew to come off the drugs, but works some magic so that he is allowed to do it in Columbia. Neil is tasked with helping him through it. They decide to do it the same way Andrew helped Aaron sober up, by locking him in a bathroom. Andrew doesn't react well, and switches between rage and panic. Andrew wonders if Neil is real or if he made him up because of the drugs.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: body horror, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: flashbacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: drug addiction, tw: withdrawal, tw: vomit, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: ptsd, tw: emotional abuse, tw: hallucinations
making it harder to breathe by Azure_Allumiia [Rated T, 1643 Words, Complete, 2021]
Christmas Break with the Foxes, featuring Andrew at Easthaven and Neil in Evermore. Foxes celebrate New Years in NYC with the ball drop.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: medical abuse, tw: torture, tw: blood
Dead Birds by Noah98 [Rated G, 1601 Words, Complete, 2021, Locked]
Neil just got back from Evermore and Andrew has returned from Easthaven. Riko calls. He wants a rematch and oh boy does he get it.
tw: violence, tw: blood/gore
NB: just a sampling of art for this scene
“Feel Again” original song by @whatbutandreil [Tumblr, 2020]
Picking up Andrew from Easthaven part 1, part 2 comic by @coldcigarettes
andreil keys off the roof scene: animation by @hahanken | comic by @rainbowd00dles | comic by @lunapiq | art by @esklinray
I hate you comic by @thematicallycoherent
I’m not a hallucination art by @clumsyartish
Stick around long enough to figure it out for yourself. edit by @m1nyards
You are a pipe dream art by @viennemort
“you spend all this time watching our backs” edit by @matthcwboyd
not a hallucination a pipe dream art by @kryptidfox
“you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs.” art by @planetmontressor
"Go inside and leave me alone." art by @dimsunstuff
“No, you’re a pipe dream.” art by @starkingdraws
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asherashedwings · 10 days
(Idc if I've had this blog for like a year, I'm making this now)
(It may just take me a bit to get to them-)
Hi! My name's Ash, but I more commonly go by Wingz. I'm a self-taught artist with a passion for creating and admiring character designs. This is my main blog where I post art relating to my interests. Nothing but pure brain rot and self-indulgence here!
Name: (As stated before) Ash/Wingz
Age: 16
Sexuality: Fictoromantic asexual
Pronouns: They/he/it etc. Basically anything BUT she/her. I really don't care much
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CURRENT FANDOM(S): Newgrounds (mainly Pico's School) & Regretevator
Main fandoms: Pico's School, Friday Night Funkin', FNaF, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, TMNT, Cult of the Lamb, Warrior Cats, Sanders Sides
Other interests: Plants vs. Zombies, Monster Hunter, Little Nightmares, Generation Loss, Wings of Fire, Pokemon, Undertale/Deltarune, spiders, character design, robots, clowns
General tags:
#Ashedwings post: Any post made by me #Ashedwings art: Any art posted by me #Ashedwings design: Designs I've made, fandom or otherwise #Ashedwings ramble: My long posts that contain a lot of me talking or rambling #Ashedwings fic: Fics I've made and posted here #Ashedwings reply: Any responses I've made to asks #Ashedwings request: All the requests I've made
Fandom tags:
#Ruins Rebuilt AU: Art for my FNaF SB AU. Subsequent character tags are:
#Wingz!Music Men
#Wingz!HH Rewrite: Posts relating to my Hazbin Hotel rewrite/AU
#Wingz!NG AU: Posts relating to my Newgrounds AU (Mainly Pico's School and FNF related, but other Newgrounds series may also be relevant at some point)
#Darkness Gates: Posts relating to my OC story known as Darkness Gates
Basic DNI; No homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, pedophiles, ablists, fatphobes, racists, etc. Other than that, as long as ur not a dick, we should be fine.
Tone tags are appreciated, but not mandatory.
DMs are fine, just don't expect me to respond immediately
Simping for my designs is fine. Just don't get too wild. I am a minor.
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Redoing my blog intro post
Hi, I'm Logan/Faker. I use any pronouns except she/her, though I prefer it/he. If you want the specific labels just ask me. I am of Irish and American heritage. Spam liking/reblogging is always okay, just don't repost my art without credit.
Fandoms: Sanders Sides, Sonic, Owl House, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Steven Universe (only sort of though), Wings of Fire, Warriors, Billie Bust Up, Starkid
DNI: Terfs, MAPs, Dream/Wilbur stans (if you're a mcyt fan I don't mind you being here, as long as you don't support Dream or Wilbur) anti-furs, zoos, racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes
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I'm a minor. I don't mind adults interacting with my page, but if you're going to be weird, please leave.
I'm currently in a relationship. Sarcastic flirting is fine, but don't take it super seriously. I also am known to prank people or tease them, so if I say or do something that hurts you in any way, please let me know. It's all sarcastic, but I don't want to cause any real problems.
I'm an atheist. I will respect all religions, but please do not push your religion onto me.
I'm a multishipper. While it's likely you'll see mainly Sonadow on this page, for example, you'll also see Sonally, Sonamy, Sonknux, etc. Don't be confused if you see something you didn't think I shipped.
OTHER BLOGS: This is my main, but it consists mostly of Sonic. My TSS blog is @muppetable, my WC/WOF sideblog is @coyotix, and my Sonic AUs are all on @faker-aus. Some of my other blogs include @coyotix-studios, @fakers-sonic-headcanons, and @fakers-au-shitposts.
FRIENDS: @aerie-stotle, @trailertrashtobias @jupitercl0uds, @chao-tea08 @nolongeronlyhereforthewhispangle, @sleepymushrxxm, @pacifistcowboy, @oddogoblino, @nico-the-overlord, @nodulemodule. I know there are several others, but I can't tag everyone and some of them don't know this blog exists.
TAGS I USE: faker.txt (textpost), faker.png (image post), faker's askbox (questions), faker and friends (threads or collabs w friends), motherfuckin ari (something ari said specifically)
Discord: thefakehedgehogaroundhere_17580
Youtube: Coyotix
Tiktok: idonthavethevocabulary (I only really use this for edits and shitposts, Im not active much)
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stillebesat · 1 year
Everywhere he looked, the only parental figures he could see were the ones who had feathered wings. 
Logan tensed, wings shaking as he leaned forward.  It couldn’t be. “Remy.” He whispered hoarsely, eyes raking the field again, searching for any sign of scale or skin among the adults on the field. 
There were none. 
“REMY.” He repeated, the roar of the crowd growing muted in his ears as he elbowed his friend to get his attention. 
“Geez Gurl, What? They’re about to take off!”
“Where are the other parents?” He hissed, grabbing his arm. 
Remy blinked, frowning down at the field. “They’re dow--” “No. Look.” Logan pointed, his finger shaking. “Those people all have feathers, Remy. Where are the ones like us? With the scales? The skin?” He couldn’t see anyone over the age of fifteen with bat wings, dragon wings, or even the more rare insect wings on the field.
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grandtimetravelchaos · 5 months
Adding to my sanders sides office au!
Roman has his own desk but mostly just chills in Logan's office
He also accompanies Logan to all the big important meetings and networking events
Virgil still finds ways to dress emo in the office
Patton's mum's own a cute bakery so sometimes when they host office events they can book that venue for free
Virgil hates working at the office because of corporate culture and constantly wants to fight the man
Logan always makes sure all his employees leave the minute the clock hits five. He refuses to contribute to an unhealthy work life balance.
Logan inherited the company from his dad
Patton has two young kids who he sometimes brings to work if he can't find a baby sitter
No one minds at all, they all try their best to keep them happy and entertained which is fairly easy. A few Disney songs, colouring books and vending machine snacks do the trick
The older one (5) follows Logan around like a baby duck, always trying to see what he's doing and nodding very seriously when Logan explains. Their also very intent on convincing him he should give them a sip of his coffee
Patton's mortified by his kid disrupting Logan's work and apologises profusely but Logan's very endeared by his tiny apprentice
"Do you like frogs Mr Jam" (Logan's last name is crofter and being five and unable to rember the name they call him mr jam cause crofters is jam) "I do like frogs their very interesting" "me to! I wish I were a frog cause they get to live in ponds with lily pads and dragon flies. And if I were a frog I wouldn't let any princesses kiss me" they shake their head with absolute conviction. "Cause then I couldn't be a frog anymore and that'd be very silly" "very silly indeed" Logan agrees unable to hide the smile growing on his face
There's a tiny "desk" (a small coffee table with a pencil case full of glitter pens and a note book) beside Logan's desk for them to sit at
The younger kid has an inexplicable affinity for Remy. Remy does not like kids but this three year old has inhuman amounts of sass and doesn't understand the concept of privacy yet so is great at sharing gossip. They also have a great no fucks to give attitude so Remy genuinely enjoys talking to this kid
"My friend said fairys were stupid so I pushed her and put on another four sets of fairy wings" "yasss queen,that bitch deserved it"
Roman thinks patton's kids are the most adorable things to ever walk the earth but he has zero clue how to interact with children
Sometimes when he stressed Logan smokes but Patton absolutely refuses to kiss him when he does
Logan and Patton only go on dates outta town because janus is just waiting to catch them on a romantic outing
Roman has passed out at work exactly nine times for various reasons (exhaustion, hunger, sickness, shock)
Logan's actshally kinda clumsy and bad with time management hence him needing Roman so bad. But he's really good at his job
Some of the investors hate Logan for being a nepo baby despite him being good at his job. They formally extend the hatred to Roman as well
Both are very protective of the others reputation. Logan once broke an investor's nose after he called Roman a useless boy toy
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justabigoldnerd · 3 days
Find The Word Game
Thank you so much @the-golden-comet for the tag!! These are fun!!!
My Words: morning, sky, sun, and planet
Your Words: funny, disappear, weapon, adventure
Morning: (from a second unnamed Library AU)
It's plain black, this time. Solo hadn't been happy about it, but there was a meeting that morning and Sanders had been very clear about the dress code. Then the meeting had stretched on for much longer than it should have, so he found himself with no time to go and change into a nicer suit. He checks his hair in the rear view mirror of his rental car and fixes his tie, then opens the door. The parking lot was much fuller than usual, so he couldn't park in his usual spot closer to the door. Another roadblock. With his luck so far today, Illya wouldn't even be working.
Sky: (from an unnamed Winged Spies fic about feather gifting)
The sun hangs low in the sky when they finally reach their apartment in London. They are jet lagged and sore; each sporting abrasions in multiple places and missing a few feathers. Dried blood still stains Illya's knuckles and crusts beneath Gaby's nails. All Illya wants to do is curl up with her and try to sleep, but they both need to shower. So he drops his keys on the door table and abandons their luggage in front of it, suggesting they shower together to be done with it.
Sun: (from "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)")
Robins trilled sweetly outside, welcoming the rising spring sun with unbridled mirth. Golden light dripped into the room, rousing Illya slowly from sleep. He rolled onto his back and pressed his palms against his burning eyes, puffy from tears he hadn't known had fallen the day before. Illya pushed himself up with a groan and a sharp hiss of pain from a stitch in his ribs– likely from Solo landing on top of him.
Planet: (Look. I searched every single WIP I have and could not find a SINGLE instance of this word so I'm gonna just promote "To Find Someone To Talk To, Who Likes The Way I Am" lmao)
Grief like liquid nitrogen filled Solo's veins and seized his heart. Back home. A conversation that happened in early October clawed its way to the front of his memory. ‘I need to keep my heart out of this,’ he'd told Gaby. And yet here he was, lounging in bed with that supposed-to-be-hook-up, nearing their three month anniversary. Illya had met all his friends, and got along swimmingly with them all (Frankie had, of course, tried to convince Solo to start a harem with them). He'd met his mother, who loved him like he was already her son-in-law. When Solo looked out into his future, he could no longer imagine a life without a tiny German brunette and a massive blond Russian by his side. He loved Illya. And, beyond all belief, Illya loved him back. The love of his life was going to be on the other side of the planet in less than a month, and Solo had no idea if they'd ever be able to see each other in person again.
No pressure tagging @pippinoftheshire @huggiebird @yallwildinrn @times-up-alone-tonight @too-young-to-fall-in-love
@heytheredeann @cha-melodius @nicijones @thattripleabattery and anyone else who wants to join!!
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esmereldapearl · 7 days
The Hamilton AU:
- Janus found Virgil randomly and adopted him
- Logan was kinda a lawyer
- Remus worked overseas/wasn’t pictured much but it was mentioned he might’ve been serving in the military or somethin’
- Patton and Roman were friends
- Roman was married to someone else, a woman, who would help hide him and she had a daughter from a pervious relationship so he stepped into the dad role for her
- Logan was more of the “you did WHAT?” kind of guy and I forget who did what but they needed a lawyer and Patton found him and he was just like ..*sigh* why… (could’ve sworn it was Roman or Virgil)
- Janus took care of Virgil and was his dad and was protective
- I listed to Satisfied a lot and it became Roman’s song (basically)
- -100/10 I’m afraid of judgement although it was interesting
(This one was created in like late 2020 so judge my past self, not my current self please, I know it’s awful already)
- Basically, everything that has happened in Sanders Sides did actually happen here
- There was this door at the very edge of the imagination (imagination is like this cool garden)
- When you go through it there’s this new world with like Dragons and waterfalls and mountains
-In the AU, there’s a person who is part dragon and has wings but is human and she hides from everyone cuz she’s scared
- Then it turns out that her own brother who’s not part dragon is totally against her and betrays her and the entire world there so she has to finally talk to someone
-She gets Roman and he relays it and everyone’s like “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US SOONER????” towards her (there’s a lot of what the hell moments in my AUs)
- 8/10 love this one because of how pretty the other world was
This one was created summer of 2021 and 90% created while I was swinging and spacing out
Mystery/Secret/Split AU;
- This one I still sometimes incorporate into current ones!
-Basically, at one point, the light sides and dark sides were friends and all lived in the same area- no need for travel they were all there
- Janus and Patton were both the leaders of them
- Then they started arguing and it all broke into two- Janus being the leader of the Darksides and Patton the light sides
- They were all young when it happened but Remus and Roman remembered playing together and sharing a room as kids
- That area was abandoned
- Then, Roman and Virgil are messing around (present) and find this secret door and open it by stealing Patton’s keys
- Annnnnddd it shuts behind them and they’re stuck but they’re intrigued by what’s there so they look around
- There was a bookshelf, Logan’s, and it was all dusty and cobwebbed
- They keep looking and find Roman and Remus’s old room and remember EVERYTHING
- They get VERY angry
- Meanwhile, everyone’s like “uhh where’d they go??” And Patton realizes that his keys aren’t in his nightstand anymore and Janus scolds him
- Everyone’s trying to lie to Thomas as to why Roman and Virgil aren’t there (a lot of the lies coming from Remus) and he starts to get suspicious
- Roman eventually realizes that the imaginations connect and Patton comes out and realizes what happened
- 10/10 still use it and still like it
Was created also in 2021 but more like fall of 2021 after I had a dream and went HUH THATS COOL I CAN CHANGE SOME PARTS (dream was weird, Roman and Virgil were getting hit by these two kids with like water balloons and then they chased the kids and then Roman threw one back at the kids and they went inside and NOBODY was there and they were freaked out)
I really hope that these don’t like upset anybody- I’ve been timid to share them for that reason, especially the Hamilton one, so I already know there’s some “…” parts but I don’t make AUs like those anymore anyway- but I think I’ll start posting more recent fanfics that I hope to make in order to get better at writing
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