#s3 was so good at establishing shots where people were the subject
briefcasejuice · 2 years
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charlie cox as matt murdock in marvel's daredevil 3.13
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Analyzing the 5 plays in this drama club poster .From the bts pics of stranger things 4.
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So... some of ya’ll know I'm going through the st s4 films given to us by the official st twitter + the films reffed in the show itself or mentioned by the Duffers in interviews .
So I decided to look at the plays mentioned here. Because even if we don't see the monologues in the show directly - the Duffers wouldn't name drop anything unless it inspired them in some way. Similar to films name dropped in the show. Tw : for some dark themes .
This is just a quick little analysis I decided to do since we probably won't get any new st content today (3/22). Nothing too deep. Just mentioning things that caught my interest especially cause these plays have a lot of narrative connections to the st s4 movies I've been watching.
Invitation to a march (Authur laurents)
Reminds me of the stancy/jancy love triangle. "A young woman is having second thoughts about doing the right thing and marrying a respectable , rich, kind, young man with good prospects.By way of a prewedding diversion, this woman becomes interested in the passionate but poor and entirely unsuitable son of a local landlord.Basically, the plot concerns the efforts of Norma Brown to choose between a conventional fiance who "puts her to sleep" but is wealthy (like what her own mother did) or go for this new-poor guy. The play is principally interested in how this youthful love triangle affects the three mothers involved (whether the kids like it or not)
12th night (Shakespeare)
 - viola (el) wrongly assumes a family member (hopper) is dead. She dresses up as a man named 'cesario'. A girl named Olivia falls for 'cesario' (violet dressed as a man). "Finally, when 'Cesario' and Sebastian (violet's twin brother: assumed to have drowned - Will) appear in the presence of Olivia there is more wonder and confusion at their physical similarity. Taking Sebastian for 'Cesario', Olivia asks him to marry her, and they are secretly married in a church. Cough if Olivia is 'straight' cause she fell for Viola (as a doppleganger dressed like her twin brother).Mike being into el who multiple characters in s1 said looked like a boy and specifically like Will is...suspish and a hint he's not straight lol. just like Olivia they're both into guys . plus, this play just has a butt load of love triangles (ugh i hated that aspect). There was also romantically coded letters (which was in the s4 films) . One character is also thrown into an insane asylum and framed as 'insane'.'Pretending that Malvolio is insane, they lock him up in a dark chamber. Feste visits him to mock his insanity'. We all know the psych hospital will be narratively important- talked about it more here.
The seagull (Anton Chekhov-russian)
similar to how I believed s4 will show m*#even already broken up since the months between s3-4 : act 3 (s3) ends with Nina begging for one last chance to be with Trigorin before he leaves/moves away. They kiss and make plans to meet again in Moscow.And in act 4 there's a timeskip where it shows they've been broken up for a long time between acts- and its established they never actually loved eachother. Do i even have to spell out why this parallels the m*#even ending in s3? There is also a play within the play (this is common in a lot of the st films- they have plays- or a story within a story- which illustrate certain themes or emotions of the characters within said film : blackswan, children of paradise, highschool musical, Rushmore, book of Henry, welcome to marwen, never ending story, romancing the stone, wet hot American summer, etc).The play is Konstantin's latest attempt at creating a dense symbolist work. There is also alot of love triangles in the seagull. TW!: for se#ual ab*se/su*cidal thoughts/ inc*st (here and in other play segments). The seagull motif reminds me a lot of Jonathan's rabbit story.Konstantin romantically into Nina shows up to give her a gull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified . Trigorin sees the gull that Konstantin has shot and muses to Nina on how he could use it as a subject for a short story: "The plot for the short story: a young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a gull, and she's happy and free, like a gull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this gull."  This immediately reminded me of jon's rabbit story and some of the movies on the s4 list . Like in forrest gump- Jenny (who is poor) was se*ually ab*sed as a very young girl by her father. As a child she runs away into a field-away from her alcoholic father yelling at her -there she prays that she can "be a bird so I can fly far far away" .
Jenny as an adult struggles with this unresolved trauma- being with ab*sive partners, doing dr*gs, and having su*cidal thoughts . She as an adult when contemplating su*icide, jokes 'you think i can fly like a bird ?' while looking down at a bridge.God-i'm worried about jonathan (Jenny was also a musician sort of like jon). In another s4 movie example ' mystic river ' :(in the 80s) a preteen baseball playing boy is r*ped by men in the woods. He later says he wishes he could become an undead monster to not feel the pain of that experience - cause quote " if I'm not human anymore maybe the pain will stop" (Will) . slightly off topic but he also has another personality, imagines a alternate word that dissappears when he turns his head. And as a less direct animal parallel to the play - the boy from the film also imagined his perpetrators as monsters and wolves to cope.In 'getout' the photographer character sees a dead deer in the woods and it represents a parent/his own childhood tra*ma relating to his past. similarly in 'prince of tides' the 2 siblings as kids were ra*ed by men. The older brother remembered it and the younger sibling developed DID (so didn't remember but she would draw wolves- as the perpetrators/villains in her picture stories she created . In the film they also had an ab*sive dad and were very poor. She also tried k*ling herself multiple times-but started to get better after remembering the source of her pain and trauma.  There is also the theme of multiple attempted su*cides in the play- and the play ends with yet another attempt- and the audience is left unaware of the artist's fate at the end of the play.
The tempest (Shakespeare)
Prospereo - (the perceived antagonist) is a wizard with monstrous looks, storm powers , and ability to create monster-dogs
He wants revenge on a man who tried ra*ing his family member & revenge on his other family member who wronged him years ago. I mean... pretty much my did theory.But in the end.Prospero decides to show his enemies the mercy that they did not show him twelve years earlier. He tells Ariel to bring the men to him, he will restore their sanity and then renounce magic forever.Prospero breaks the spell that the men are under .
Diary of a scoundrel (Alexander Ostrovsky-Russian)
-  I suppose this could loosely relate to Jonathan? Glumov, is a young man from an impoverished family lacking status seeking entrance into society's pampered class. A 19th-century Russian scoundrel must scheme his way out of his meager life in a small apartment -whatever it takes.He has a quick mind and some talent for seeing through the hypocrisies of people around him ( Jonathan does make a lot of social critiques about society). That gives him some advantages. A tale of one man's mission to finagle his way into upper-class society and find a cushy job. Set in 1874, this social comedy follows Glumov, a Russian youth who begins his ambitious ascent to social esteem. He progresses by wit, guile and rhetoric. Pitting one stupid person against another, he soon gains his ends. To reach these goals, Glumov will lie, flatter, and cater to the vanities of the wealthy. Unable to contain his disgust with his victims, Glumov decides to relieve his unvoiced satirical comments by recording his schemes in a diary. But he is tripped up by his uncle's wife, to whom he has made passionate love on his way to success. At the end of the play, his diary is stolen and his duplicity exposed, but he can nevertheless suceeds. The author is much more critical about the high society itself than about the main character, so the play keeps attracting generations of directors by opening possibilities for political criticism while also avoiding naming names of the current rulers.The play's aim was to overthrow bourgeois tradition and establish a class-conscious art called eccentricism giving a deliberately comic portrayal of reality.
I suppose I notice some possible commonalities-  besides s3 critiquing the wealthy/capitalism in comedic ways . jonathan since s1 has worried about his family's finances / had some resentment toward the rich . In some of the s4 movies ‘orphan’ & ‘ girl interrupted’ someone reads their diary out loud to get at them (in girl interrupted the winona character’s diary even had critiques of her new friends).  Alot of movies also have someone (usually a teen/young adult) making a documentary about their life -which could narratively replace said diary? A few movies have a poor guy adjusting to snobby rich social circles (or being poor and then getting money)- titanic, kingsmen, karate kid, the craft , godfather,  wardogs,into the spiderverse,flashdance, and many others . And movies like wardogs has a poor-young-character do shady things to finacially support his family . There’s also that whole uncle’s wife thing- which makes me uncomfortable for obvious reasons (but I’m just thinking of Lonnie’s creepy gf who was into him). A few movies had the guy’s step mom innappropriately hit on him- orange county & you got mail. And him trying to avoid her advances. Or...not to mention ... it may be a problematic coincidence /trope. But in enter the void -the guy who needs to finacially support his sibling/ does dr*gs -hooks up with his dr*g dealing friend’s married mom (who would give him money).  Or in gilbert grape- the poor teen-who has to finacially support his siblings/single mom-has his endgame relationship be a girl his own age. But before that he h*oked up with a married woman -who would give him money. Don’s plum -young film guy-propositioned by older female film director (for dream job). Not even mentioning the other films that have the guy hooking up with toxic older women (like ‘the graduate’). Or analyze this-where the therapist accuses him of having an Oedipus complex (not touching that one... but the guy in ‘enter the void’ a 100% had one). It’s possible those movies were just- inspo for s3?  A coincidence? Or s3 was foreshadowing for this in s4- but unlike s3 it will accurately be played as wrong  and a sign of Jonathan recreating past tra*ma caused by Lonnie (cough like the photos) /being desperate for money. And not played ‘comedically’ like how it mostly was in s3. But shown as self destructive  (for Jon) and immoral on the Woman’s end. Like... Billy and Jon are character foils. Both are older siblings into rock music, with ab*sive dads who shoved them into walls. Both lose it (and beat steve to a pulp when Steve accidentally triggers their daddy issues). In s3 it’s established womanizer Billy has mommy issues, than he tries ho*king up with someone his mom’s age, and the characters ref ‘back to the future ‘ and Steve incorrectly says it’s about “alex p keaton trying to bang his mom.” This could illustrate his subconscious issues with parental figures/adults cause of Lonnie’s  possible past se*ual ab*se . One film the friend even says to the guy “you don’t have friends!” guy b: i have friends! him:  no you have acquaintances! ADMIT IT! YOU’RE AFRAID OF MEN!I mean-Jonathan liked Nancy- but he initially hooked up with her cause he wanted to prove he didn’t have ‘trust issues’ from his dad. Also it’s prob a bit of a reach (and maybe a coincidence)- but the fact Murray in the same breath compares Steve (Nancy’s then bf) and Lonnie  ... uh... if you think too long about it ... it’s very sinister .  Especially because in s3: muray tells Joyce  that despite her wanting to be with a nice guy, she’s curious about “the brute” Hopper despite him reminding her of a past “bad relationship”(aka Lonnie). Like- yeah connect some dots.  Quite a few films (other than forrest gump) also have the character who (as a kid) was  r*ped by their dad/parent-  begin to do dr*gs/be pr*miscuous as adults since they never learned to properly cope with their trauma (’girl with the dragon tattoo’,  ‘black swan’, and ‘magnolia’). Unfortunately the whole relative doing such things to kid-relatives is in at least 30+ movies. 
Personally, i would be MUCH happier if Jon had a age appropriate romance- and had not a single creepy adult near him. A few movies actually imply Lonnie gets yet another ‘new model’  replacing his gf in her 20s with a new gf- who is ‘barely l*gal” and just turned 18. so there’s that possibility as well- that she’s jonathan’s age.I just want Jonathan-happy &safe. GOD. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
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laufire · 3 years
Supernatural s5
I finished it a little while ago, but I haven’t had the time to make an involved post about it -or watch that much of s6 yet; I’m trying to be Resposible and the time I have has been spent in advancing fics a little bit or answering short asks lol.
-I have really enjoyed this season for the most part, but there’s something I need to get of my chest LOL: all through it, the song “Too Many Dicks (On The Dance Floor)” played in my head xDD. Like, listen, I knew what I was signing up for with this show!! I didn’t expect NOT to find it offensive or regressive on multiple occasions!! But I guess s3-4 must have spoiled me lmao. I’m not saying those seasons are the height of feminism, but if you removed its most important female characters, ESPECIALLY Ruby, the plot of the season would fall apart. That’s not something you can say for s5 and preventing the Apocalypse, just sayin’.
It wouldn’t’ve been that hard to expand Meg’s, Anna’s or the Harvelle’s part (they had good material to go there -Meg as the faithful possibly opening her eyes, Anna as the betrayed and the juror jury and executioner, the Harvelles as normal hunters fighting something way too big for them-, but barely any time and like I said, no incidence in the actual plot of the season). Hell, I’m biased but bringing back Ruby would’ve at least taken care of the problem lol. Or if the show had indulged me and kept Bellamy Young as Lucifer, at least. But everyone with a real say in the plot is a dude, or at least wearing one as a vessel (angel’s conception of gender is clearly different from humans, but in terms of ~~representation the results are the same lbr).
-My constant frustrations with Supernatural’s bigotry-related stuff lol, like I said, I really enjoyed the season (that combination is one of the most frustrating things about the show lmao). Especially Castiel’s plot. The guy has reached Potential Hall of Faves status and that’s hum. A Problem xD
But seriously, he was breaking my heart in all the best ways. His search for God (the Absent Father that the show specifically compared to John añsldkfjasf. This show ISTG!!), his disappointment and sense of betrayal at being let down (he called God Himself “son of a bitch”!!!). I was especially fascinated by his Endverse version -that AU will have its own section lol-, although it resulted in making me reaaaally nervous whenever he was close to an addictive substance :). Like yes, those scenes were lowkey humourous and adorable (like when he drinks shots with the Harvelles and Ellen is fascinated and Jo delighted -... lowkey shipping this too btw. Lowkey shipping Castiel with lots of people-, or his combo with Sam when he got drunk), but also, you know, WORRYING xD
Some of my favourite scenes of his were, predictably, his interactions with Meg or Lucifer in 5x10. The Megstiel scene was SUPER HOT (both their voices are very unf-y lol), I can’t wait to edit it. And having Lucifer call Castiel “a peculiar thing” sure was something xD (although lbr, this Lucifer isn’t keeping with his rebel angel reputation, Castiel is carrying that all by himself smh).
Another scene I couldn’t get out of my head if I wanted to is when he uhhhh... completely LOSES IT and starts beating the crap out of Dean when he was ready to give it up to Michael. “I gave everything for you, and this is what you give me?!?” ooooooof. It was hard to watch, and fascinating and intense. I shamelessly loved it lmfao.
Though my favourite moment of his is one that can only be appreciated when you know certain things about s6. It’s the scene where, unlike everyone else, he shows appreciation for Sam’s plan of sacrificing himself to get rid of Lucifer. Because yes, at this point it’s the only thing that can save the world. But Castiel isn’t saying, “Sam’s life is a small price to pay in comparison”, because he will go into s6 and snatch Sam out of the cage immediately. s5 established Sam got out, so with that in mind, he didn’t bring it up because he didn’t want to create false hope in case he failed, but he backed the plan with the intention of saving Sam anyway. I love that. I love him.
-The entire season was Missing Ruby Hours for me lmfao. Like I said, some of the problems in the season wrt female characters would’ve been at the very least lessened if she’d gotten to be here wrecking havoc. But generally I just miss her and What Could Have Been with her here. I enjoyed some of the crumbs (Sam using the witchcraft skillz he learned from her! Sam immediately knowing Meg isn’t Ruby, unlike Dean! Her knife! The ARCHANGEL GABRIEL referencing her as “the demon Sam chose over his brother”!! The callbacks with Crowley or Brady!!), but I would’ve wanted her here, dammit xD.
-Aaaaand we’re finally getting to Sam, who is without a doubt the star of the season, if you ask me. His plan at the end, to let Lucifer possess him in the hopes he can fight back for just long enough to overpower him and throw them both into the cage, with no hopes for himself? This is the kind of Big Damn Hero stunt I’m a sucker for, I won’t lie. And I love that the show felt the need to confirm he was still alive at the end of the season hehe.
He really Went Through It this season and he held on lmfao. On top of everything (the apocalypse, the guilt of being its final trigger, the addiction recovery, etc.), he also had to deal with Dean’s usual bullshit, which is no small feat xDD. Like, sure, from an audience stand-point all those things are interesting (some fave/the fuck moments are when Dean is obviously peeved that Bobby still supports Sam because he wanted Bobby in HIS corner, or when he has the nerve to say he wants to say yes to Michael because he doesn’t trust SAM not to say yes to Lucifer lmfaoooo), BUT IT’S STILL A FEAT XD
One note: for all the talk about bi!Dean, bi!Sam is so SEEN this season xDD. AFAIC he totally hooked up with that bartender Paul (RIP Paul. At least in your last moments you enjoyed Sam, who’s clearly an energetic, attentive lover 😔). And Crowley refers to Brady as Sam’s demon ex-boyfriend and nobody bats and eye lmfao (that story is so angsty... the parallels to Ruby, how he ingratiated himself with Sam by pretending to have fallen off the wagon... ouch).
-I have mixed feelings on Crowley. On his own, I fell absolutely in love with the guy on his first appearance. A demon that DOUBTS Lucifer and doesn’t kiss his ass?? That wants to get rid of him and do his own thing?? And clearly enjoys ~earthly pleasures to the fullest (his complains about how the other demons ate his tailor had me rolling laksjdfa)? The way he turned the tables on Brady? OFC I love him. OTOH boy, does it annoy me knowing that fandom GLADLY embraced him when they condemned characters like Bela or Ruby for similar things. It’s not his fault so I still like him (he’s like Gabriel in that sense), but it’s annoying!
It also annoys me how Dean Must Be Right All The Time syndrome interacts with him lol. This season Dean decides they can trust Crowley (despite Crowley killing two humans in front of him and getting him beat up by Brady lol), so they can. Next season he decides they can’t, so Castiel will be WrongTM because Dean Says So. Ugggggh xD
-To be fair, however, this season has my fave Dean so far LOL. In the love/hate scale, this one has been almost solely in camp love, barring some of those moments of irksome hypocrisy that he’s so prone to xD.
But there was something about how this season’s plot chipped away at him, you know? For all the traits he has that drive me up the wall or unsettle me, I appreciate a lot of his personality because it makes him a unique and interesting character driving the narrative -his irreverence, his ability to think on the fly and get out of shitty situations, his disbelief. Seeing all of those things under siege this season made me hurt for him in a way I hadn’t anticipated LOL. By the time he was ready to give in to Michael (and I love that what made him step away from that choice was Sam showing a trust in him he patently didn’t deserve lbr), sometimes I felt terribly for the guy.
I also wonder if this season kind of marked like... the beginning of the end for him, narrative-wise? Making him Michael’s vessel (his angel condom) is the kind of thing that turns him from subject into object, and that can doom characters ime. The fact that he ~resigns himself to Sam’s death when his identity as a character came with being His Brother’s Keeper is another slight.
-I continue having mixed feelings about Destiel too LMAO. I’ve decided I’m just going to try to enjoy the good and interesting parts while I can, while trying not to think of future developments that’ll likely sour the ship for me lol.
Because in truth, yeah, I enjoy their interactions a lot here! The Endverse was particularly enjoyable for me (back to that in a moment), but the entire season had a lot of gems. That moment in the finale, when Dean is wounded on his knees after Sam sacrifices himself, and Castiel resurrects and heals him with a touch? And Dean is staring in awe and asks him if he’s become God?? Like wtf am I supposed to do with that. WHO SAYS THAT. XDD
-The Endverse. Omgggggggg. The Endverse. I doubt I can say anything about it that hasn’t been said a thousand times, but seriously. I loooove it, all of it. My favourite was endverse!Castiel, ofc. The way he was in No Man’s Land, not an angel and not quite a human, his ways of trying to cope with that, how burned he was... I uncomfortably related to some of it too lmfao, but let’s not get into that xD.
Seeing both Deans interact was gr10 too. They really couldn’t stand each other lmfao (do you understand me now Dean?? They actually reminded me of two OCs in an original WIP of mine that are in a similar situation -in this case it’s the future version purposefully traveling to the past though-, which made me even fonder of the AU). And the Destiel? *chef’s kiss*. The bitterness, like when Castiel laughs when present!Dean berates endverse!Dean about the tortures and then purposefully says “I like past you” to hurt him asñldkfjasf. Or those looks when Dean returns to the past and tells Castiel to “never change” d’aw.
I loved Lucifer!Sam in this episode too (and personally, I think in the finale Lucifer -and Michael- should’ve changed his outfit too. Sam’s clothes just don’t get to The Devil’s levels, but that white suit was perfect). He was terrifying xD.
BTW: I’ve decided that, since we never see endverse!Castiel die, well. He didn’t xD. I could see Lucifer keeping him alive and captive out of a sense of nostalgia, as Castiel is the only other thing close to a fellow angel left. Might even decide to return his powers with time, or to ~entice him with such an offer lol. And ofc I headcanon Sam is still inside, occasionally trying to fight. Cue in all the Castiel/Lucifer and Castiel/Sam fic ideas too (I have waaaaay too many of those for this mini-verse. It’s very inspiring).
-I’m still on the fence at Lucifer’s motivations but I can’t question how the family issues fit so, so well into this ‘verse. “Family is hell” is the show’s thesis, after all xD. IMO the angels in general don’t feel like a family, they’re a military body/cult lol, but the Archangels are another matter. I guess is the whole “only four angels have seen God-slash-Dad” thing, the rest were... well, the help, apparently.
But Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel do feel like brothers when they interact (I’m guessing here Gabriel is the Adam: discarded by the other two like nothing :)))). Raphael too, but since he doesn’t interact with them... does he get to later? Or is he the odd one out? Did the others avoid him because he kept quoting Nietzsche at dinner?? LOL.
-There are no words to explain how terribly I feel for Adam. JFC that poor KID. Who was kind and helpful and intuitive, and only wanted his mother back and to help stop the end of the world. And that Sam and Dean will leave rotting in Hell for a millennia :))). It’s kiiiiiiiiind of hard to do for your show’s “heroes” when they do shit like that lmfao. It’d be different if they never tried to make him feel he’s family, but Sam tried to convince him with the bs “because we’re blood” and they did a half-baked attempt at saving him from Zacharias, and then... yeah. At least he had Michael in the cage, but still.
-I was already spoiled of this, but the reveal that cupids made John and Mary fall in love is so chilling (good on Dean for punching that cupid asshole, btw). It puts what Mary says about John in flashbacks, about how much she loves him and how perfect he is, in such a terrifying light. And I’m under the impression that the show didn’t bother to deal with this properly when they resurrected Mary and just... I hate that tbh. It’s a narrative choice that should have a huuuge impact, dammit.
-I kind of loved how bitter and angry Bobby was about (temporarily, thanks to Crowley, his new demon bf -watch out Rufus) ending up in a wheelchair. That there were no platitudes or false sentimentality and it just... was.
-The Harvelles’ had a good send off. I can respect Kripke for wanting his faves to go on his terms lol. Having Jo refuse Dean’s offer of a fuck on their possible last night on Earth with “I rather spent it with a little thing I have self-respect”? Not because she doesn’t have feelings for him, but because she thinks she deserves better from him? I love it. This guy knows his pettiness xD
-The fact that this fandom seems to have ignored Gabriel x Kali is one of the reasons I’m never going to vibe with it, sns. Immortal exes? Check. She tricked him and killed him... but then it turns out HE tricked and he’s alive? Check. BUT THEN HE STILL GOES BACK AND SAVES HER, DYING BY HIS BROTHER’S HAND?? CHECK CHECK CHECK. Ugh, why can’t they come back to me. I know, I know, Kali is a WoC and those are only allowed one (1) appearance before they’re killed off, apparently. So it might be a good thing that she doesn’t return xD. But gosh, they were gr10.
-Death the Horseman’s intro cleared my skin. I love him. I love how utterly terrifying he is and how chilling his and Dean’s scene was. And I yearn to find a picture of the guy a little younger and with a goatee, because he’s the most perfect Discworld’s Vetinari fancast I’ve ever found xDD
-I’ve seen tons of commentary over the years, and especially lately for obvious reasons, about how this season finale would’ve been a much better ending for the show. I’m not there yet, and it does sound like the finale was a mess and this one’s was a very well constructed episode (and, ofc, the Final Love Interest was NOT blurry!!). But even if by the end I come to loathe the finale, there’s one reason I already know won’t let me agree on the s5 ending being perfect: God xDD
The episode makes Chuck come across as a ~benevolent figure and no, fuck that, do NOT want, take it away from me!! Give me God as the Big Bad Wolf, the last evil to conquer any day. It’s like Dumbledore all over again: I enjoy the character a lot more if I feel canon and I are on the same page wrt his shadiness xDD
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amillioninprizes · 4 years
Some thoughts on Veronica Mars, fan service, and noir
I’ve been on winter break and at home with a nasty combo cold-ear infection-stomach virus the past couple of weeks, and as so often happens when I don’t have much going on, my thoughts have turned to ruminating over the steaming pile of excrement that was season 4 of Veronica Mars. Why yes, almost six months and one cancellation notice later and I’m still complaining about it--as I told someone on Twitter, it was so stupid that it’s going to take years to unpack.
This particular rant is brought to you by a common refrain seen in both professional critics’ and S4 supporters’ reviews of S4: the movie was schlocky fan service, while S4 is TRUE NOIR. I’m here to argue that neither of those things are true, and that in the grand scheme of things trying to definitively call Veronica Mars noir or not isn’t the best qualitative judgement of the series.
A note on “fanservice”
Something that’s been very strange to me in the critical discussion around S4 is that the fan-funded movie has been retconned as a fanservicey failure. This is weird because it did get a positive Rotten Tomatoes score, actually turned a profit despite the unorthodox distribution model, and was overall well-received by fans except for maybe the 5 Piz lovers out there (he absolutely did not deserve better you guys; he works at This American Life and lives in Brooklyn, he’ll be fine).
A lot of the things pointed to in the movie as fan service actually weren’t. In every interview about the movie and S4, RT and KB always talk about how they started with the image of Veronica punching Madison at the high school reunion and worked from there. The problem is that almost no one had been asking for that. If they had bothered to read any online discourse about the show (and we know RT definitely does), they would know that fans are actually somewhat sympathetic to Madison--after all, she was the intended recipient of the drugged drink Veronica received at Shelly Pomeroy’s party, plus growing up in a family that she wasn’t meant to be a member of must have negatively impacted her. When the preview scene of Veronica encountering Madison at the reunion welcome table was released, Veronica didn’t come off sympathetically. In a similar vein, as much as I liked Corny as a side character in the original series, I didn’t need him to come back for that random scene at the reunion. Nor was anyone asking for an out-of-nowhere James Franco cameo (which given what we know about him now is super gross in hindsight).
So why was the movie well-received by fans? Veronica was in character after an unevenly written and performed S3, and she was back in Neptune, doing what (and who; Ay-yo!) she was meant to do. So while the mystery was subpar (and what Rob Thomas mystery isn’t?), the character side of the story made sense and was satisfying. I wouldn’t call that fan service so much as good writing. Plus, what is even the point of wasting time, money, and effort on making a tv show or movie if it’s going to actively alienate the audience?
S4: more trauma porn than true noir
Admittedly, I’m not exactly the world’s foremost scholar on film noir (in my opinion, the height of cinema is teen romcoms c. 1995-2005), but I do feel I have enough pop cultural knowledge to have a working understanding of what film noir is, and as internet folk would say, S4 ain’t it chief. Sure, S4 was bleak subject matter wise, but that does not automatically equal noir. HappilyShanghaied, who does have a film studies background, wrote a pretty excellent post about why that is shortly after S4 dropped that I could not improve upon, so I will just leave it here. 
In addition to this analysis, I would also point out that S4 was lacking in a unique visual style common to noir films, especially compared to the original television series and the movie. The original series made use of green, blue, and yellow filters to fulfill a high school version of the noir aesthetic (quick shoutout to Cheshirecatstrut’s color theory posts for more on what we thought this meant before it turned out that Rob Thomas did not actually intend to imbue meaning into any of this), while the movie adopted a more mature muted blue-grey palette. S4, however, was more or less shot like a conventional drama and was brightly lit, perhaps signifying Rob Thomas’s apparent plans to turn the show into a conventional procedural.
The movie: more than fan service 
If anything, the movie was more noir than S4. Take Gia’s storyline for instance. While Veronica was off obtaining elite degrees, Gia spent 9 years in a virtual cage being forced into a sexual relationship without her total consent (because that’s the only storyline women can have on this show), and then set herself up to be murdered at the very moment she could potentially break free. That’s pretty fucking grim.
Then there is the whole police corruption storyline, which is a hallmark of noir fiction. The glimpses we get of the Neptune sheriff’s department point to a larger conspiracy at play than just crooked cops; Sachs lost his life trying to expose it and Keith was gravely injured. This was the story I was excited for future installments of Veronica Mars to address, especially given its relevance to today’s politics. Unfortunately, this thread was entirely dropped in S4, where the police department (because, as Rob Thomas revealed in interviews but not onscreen, Neptune has incorporated) is merely overwhelmed by the scope of the bombing case rather than outright corrupt. (Side note but Marcia Langdon was also a more complex and morally grey character when introduced in the second book than she was on screen in S4. Another wasted opportunity).
Noir is also marked by a sense of inevitability or doom as a result of greater forces at play. An example of this in the movie is Weevil’s storyline. After building a life and family for himself, he ultimately ends up rejoining the PCHer gang he left as a teenager due to a misunderstanding based on his race and appearance and the assumptions authority figures make about him because of those things. No matter what he does, he is still limited by an unjust and racist society. Contrast this with the final explosion in S4; it’s not inevitable, just based on Veronica’s incompetence. Rob Thomas claims that he tried to create a sense of doom to LoVe’s relationship between the OOC Leo storyline and the last minute barriers before the wedding, but those aspects just served to make the story unnecessarily convoluted.
What is noir anyway? Was Veronica Mars ever noir? Does it matter?
But this is all assuming there is a set template for noir anyway. This New Yorker essay points out that trying to definitively establish a set of rules for noir is difficult and that the classic noir films were more a product of midcentury artistic and political movements than a defined genre. The noir filmmakers working at the time would not have described their work as such. The kicker of this essay is the final sentence: “But the film noir is historically determined by particular circumstances; that’s why latter-day attempts at film noir, or so-called neo-noirs, almost all feel like exercises in nostalgia.” I found this particularly amusing because as Rob Thomas infamously proclaimed in his S4 era interviews, he wanted to completely dispense with nostalgia going forward. Rob Thomas and S4 supporters have said that Logan needed to die because noir protagonists can’t have stable relationships; but, if there isn’t a defined set of rules other than “an element of crime”, then was it strictly necessary? Hell, writing a hardboiled detective who does have a stable relationship and maybe even a family could have been an interesting subversion of genre expectations. Unfortunately, Rob Thomas isn’t that imaginative.
There’s also the issue that noir and hardboiled detective fiction aren’t interchangeable genres. This article lays out that idea that they aren’t the same because noir is ultimately about doomed losers; in contrast, detective fiction, while dark, contains a moral center and has an ending where a sense of justice is achieved. An interview with author Megan Abbott makes a similar argument; she states that in hardboiled detective fiction, “At the end, everything is a mess, people have died, but the hero has done the right thing or close to it, and order has, to a certain extent, been restored.” Based on the descriptions laid out here, I would argue that in its original format Veronica Mars far better fit the detective fiction model; while she wasn’t always right, she was never a loser, and she solved the mystery. S1-3 all had relatively hopeful, if not totally happy, endings, but you never see anyone complaining that they weren’t noir enough; if anything, they were more emotionally complex than the ending of S4, where Logan’s death is essentially meaningless. One could make the argument that S4 did push Veronica towards a more noir characterization by the definition of these articles by making her more incompetent and meaner than she was in previous installments, but that is a fundamental change in character, which is not coherent writing.
And that is ultimately why S4 was so poorly received by longtime fans and why there will be no more installments of Veronica Mars anytime soon (at least on Hulu). Even if S4 had been noir (or at least shot like one), the serious issues with plotting, characterization, and lack of adherence to prior canon that this season exhibited would still exist. Defending the poor writing choices made in S4 with “it’s noir!” does not mask them or automatically heighten the quality of the product. Perhaps ironically, in ineptly trying to be noir in S4, Rob Thomas likely prematurely ended Veronica Mars by failing his creation and fans with lazy storytelling.
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cavehags · 4 years
1) do you think liam is supposed to be as unlikable as he is in s1? they definitely try to push for sympathy in later seasons but i couldn't really figure out if he's insufferable to be ~relatable~ or if he's just designed to make me hate him. 2) rate lauren's love interests from terrible to even more terrible. 3) which plotline(s) would you most like to scrap if given a chance to rework the show?
All great questions! Thanks!
1) This question has mystified me since the show first aired. Despite Liam’s completely unsympathetic behavior, we get numerous key shots from his POV early in season 1. For instance, when he is trying to have sex with Karma in the car during Homecoming in 1x01, and Karma decides she’s no longer into it and leaves, we cut to Liam checking his breath. This is meant to humanize him. It’s odd, because moments ago he said he’s wanted to have sex with a lesbian for as long as he can remember--a transparently rape-culture-y statement that is never fully interrogated. It’s supposed to be a somewhat relatable joke when we see that Liam thought his breath was to blame and not the creepiness of the sentiment he just expressed. The best I can say is that this was the gay male writers’ best attempt to craft a believable teenage boy, and they simply could not conceive of one who was not creepily misogynistic from the start. Though Liam’s worldview should horrify any women watching, I guess we’re supposed to believe that the writers did not understand just how damaging his behavior really is, and downplayed it accordingly. 
Interestingly, Liam is told off for his actions a few times throughout the show, but never for his fetishization of Karma. For instance, in 2x02, Liam throws a bit of a temper tantrum when he learns that Shane knew Amy and Karma were faking and never spoke up. Shane scolds Liam for this overreaction and points out that he’s being myopic and can’t really understand what it’s like for a gay kid who’s just coming out. This is fair game: like every other character on the show, Liam should be learning from his mistakes. So if the writers really wanted to create a sympathetic character arc for a young man like this, they really needed to have someone--probably Lauren, as a girl removed from the situation--explain to him how violent and degrading it is that he’s so hung up on the fantasy of “converting” a woman to desiring him. But they never do, so I guess they just never meant for him to be that bad.  
2) God, this is so hard because Liam’s love interests are all so bad. Tommy is an idiot and ignorant about intersex people, but at least he’s Erick Lopez and he’s cute. Liam is a piece of shit, but at least while dating Lauren he’s subjected to the kind of bullying he fully deserves. Theo/Anthony is a cop, and specifically a narc, and worst of all he’s a 20-year-old dating a high school sophomore. So I’m gonna have to go (best to worst) Tommy-->Liam-->Theo/Anthony. Wish I could include Amy in this love interest ranking but the show wasn’t galaxy brain enough :( 
3) Oh this is really fun and I wrote a horrifying amount omfg.
First things first, we have to go through the show with a fine-toothed comb and clean up the nastiness toward bi people. Shane makes a lot of biphobic comments that we can just throw away. And Karma’s mom, who currently we learn is bisexual at the end of season two, instead can describe herself as bisexual in season one in a cringey moment when she’s trying to bond with Karma. In a touch of realism, everyone assumes Amy and Karma are “queer” rather than “lesbians” (gotta update this with the times) which explains no one sees any issue with Karma, a queer girl, having a thing for Liam, a guy. I don’t see a way to rehabilitate Liam this way, though, so Liam still fetishizes Karma as a “lesbian,” even though she never uses that word and intentionally keeps it vague.
The character of Reagan is thrown out. Instead, Amy’s first girlfriend is more like that girl Jasmine, whom she met on the dating app Syzzr in season one. Jasmine is a girl from another high school in Austin who also just got over a crush on a best friend. She’s charismatic and mature and does a lot of the initiating in the relationship with Amy, prodding her to assert herself with her mom and embrace feminism more in “Zen and the Art of Pageantry” (we’ll keep that storyline mostly unchanged). Notably absent from her arc is a nastiness toward bi girls. Instead, she’s generous and goal-oriented. She helps Amy establish an identity outside of Karma, but bristles at times when Amy regresses. However, it’s crucial that she’s not jealous of Amy’s bond with Karma; she just wants Amy to be older and wiser than she really is. This highlights the flaw in their relationship: that Amy is still struggling with her self-identity (not her sexual identity!!) and feels like she is always letting her girlfriend down. Amy is the one who decides to break up and she does it because she doesn’t want to feel like a disappointment. They stay in touch, though, and Jasmine/Reagan remains a mentor for Amy throughout the show. 
For instance, when Amy finds herself unattracted to Felix (more on him later), Amy goes to Jasmine/Reagan about it, as well as Shane. She can’t figure out why she sometimes feels drawn toward guys even though she knows she doesn’t really like them. Shane thinks Amy is probably bi or pan. Jasmine/Reagan introduces some split attraction model that gives Amy an instant headache. Amy doesn’t think either of those are right. It’s actually a conversation with Lauren and Farrah that helps clarify things for her. Through chatting with her mom and Lauren, Amy is reminded that girls are pretty much trained from birth that their job is to impress and appeal to boys. She realizes there’s a good chance she’s been acting on inertia (this is the way the show simplifies comp het). She settles it once and for all when she goes out and meets a group of other lesbians -- maybe a support group or like an organized social club meetup kind of thing. In the company of these cool and inspiring other women, she realizes that she feels really comfortable with the label “lesbian” after all. Maybe MTV even lets her say the word dyke :) 
The episode where the kids have to label themselves, however, is thrown firmly in the trash. 
Also in the trash: Amy and Liam sleeping together. Garbage. I think they get angry-drunk together instead and talk about Karma and maybe the tension for season 2a is that they did something more external to hurt her that night, like out her as straight to her parents. 
Theo/Anthony is not a cop and there is no mystery surrounding his character. Instead, he’s like a pick-up artist type and plays intentional mind games like negging that Lauren sees through after a while. She dumps him and Shane and Amy help her get revenge on him. At that point, he is fully gone and does not come back. 
Duke is also a respectable age. Not much else to do there. 
And then the Karmy of it all! We need to see more signs from Karma’s perspective starting in season 2b (after the arrest) that Karma has a real crush on Amy that she’s ignoring. The character of Felix helps with this. He and Amy still go to prom together but Amy concludes that it doesn’t feel right and nothing more happens between them. However, on prom night, Karma finds herself feeling more than just empathy for Felix’s situation - she feels jealous of someone on that date. With Amy’s reluctant blessing, Karma asks Felix out and they start to date, but she finds herself annoyed by his quirks and has no interest in having sex with him. Felix winds up asking Amy what the deal is with Karma and sex. In the meantime, Karma catches herself having the occasional dream about Amy. Amy, who is with Sabrina at this point (I haven’t decided yet if I want to rewrite the Sabrina stuff since I haven’t rewatched s3 yet so let’s go with no for now), is mostly happy to see Karma and Felix together... but when she hears that Karma isn’t sleeping with him, she can’t help but feel hope that whatever motivated Karma to kiss her in the pool that night in 2b might be the reason she doesn’t want to commit to Felix. Karma doesn’t want to admit her confusion to Amy or Shane so has no one to talk to about her feelings except Liam, and miracle of miracles, he is the one who actually nudges her to consider that maybe she’s had a thing for Amy for a while now. She denies that that could be possible, but she’s just not happy with Felix, and at the end of season 3, she tearfully breaks up with him. When Amy comes over to comfort her, we see Amy through Karma’s eyes in a new way. Karma finally has her moment of clarity. End s3. 
In season 4, Karma sort of awkwardly tries to court Amy without being obvious about what she’s doing, which has the odd impact of making Amy feel hurt -- is Karma trying to bait her into having feelings again? This results in a fight, and during the fight Karma admits the truth -- that she’s having feelings for Amy and didn’t know how to express them without potentially hurting Amy because of their past. Amy is taken aback, and she’s still with Sabrina, so she does the old “I have to go” routine. But then she talks to either Lauren or Shane or both about what just happened and they prompt her to do a romantic about-face. She races back to Karma and they have a really cinematic first real kiss. The rest of the season that follows is the two of them as girlfriends, trying to navigate being their real selves and also their romantic selves at the same time. They do a lot of cliche romantic things and annoy the crap out of all their friends. They’re also really really happy. In the series finale, Amy and Karma and Lauren and Shane and Shane’s boyfriend all go to Pride or Queer Liberation March or whatever they call it in Austin. Also Liam leaves town for military school :)
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falling-red-petals · 5 years
What I think happened to Wally (if he isn't actually dead)
(This is going to be messy because I'm tired and will have no time to edit)
So I keep seeing a lot of people saying that Wally is in the Speed Force. This is highly unlikely unless Greg changed his mind between seasons, as he said the Speed Force doesn't exist on Earth 16. While it's entirely possible that he meant that the Speed Force doesn't exist yet, I highly doubt that that's the case.
I also doubt that Wally is actually dead.
It's pretty clear that in S3 that Darkseid and the New Gods of Apokolips are going to play a big role. Likely culminating in the last 4th of the season, as is common in this show. We already have Darkseid, Granny Goodness, and Glorious Godfrey as confirmed characters.
There is one other New God that I suspect will appear.
The Black Racer, the embodiment of death.
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Yes, one of the DC universe's embodiments of death is a man on skis with twin sythes. Just role with it. Comics are strange and wonderful.
In the New 52 continuity there was a plotline called "Darkseid Wars." Without getting too into the plot several Leaguers ended up becoming gods for brief periods of time, with Barry Allen becoming the new Black Racer.
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(BTW I think Black Racer-Barry looks sick af)
Of course, status quo is god, so they all return to being mortal by the end. The major reason this storyline is notable aside from the connection with the New Gods is that this was the major storyline proceeding DC Rebirth, and the return of Wally West.
Interestingly, the Speed Force also has it's own grim reaper in the form of the "Black Flash." original name, I know
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Now I'm going to change subjects here for a bit. In "Nightmare Monkeys" Gar experiences hallucinations due to the VR headset that Granny Goodness made, primarily relating to past traumas he went through. In one of his hallucinations he sees Wally, and several heroes who have died. (Aside from Wally, Jason Todd is likely the only one that Gar had enough time to get to know on a personal level).
Fairly abruptly, all the heroes die (presumably in the order they died in canon) with Wally saying "(S)he's dead, Tork" grimly each time. Then Wally turns to Gar and asks, "Who's next?"
The scene that plays next is bizarre. The screen in front of Wally and Gar begins playing the moment where Wally "ceases." Wally becomes glum at this, and notes that it's him that dies next and he sits down. He doesn't get shot. The screen then shows Artemis' reaction to it. Gar gets distracted by the monkey. An amused Wally notes that Gar is "tired of the show already," and then changes to channel to "Doom Patrol Go!"
There's two reasons why this is so absolutely bizarre.
One, Gar should have NO MEMORIES of this event. Yes, he knows of Wally’s apparent death, but he wasn't there when it happened. Not during Wally’s final words, which only Bart and Barry would have heard, nor when Barry told the team (and most importantly, Artemis) what had happened. Gar would have only learned of this after the fact.
Two, Wally never gets shot down by the clam-alien-soldiers. He just sits there and "changes the channel" to transition the audience into Gar's next hallucination. So we see three characters who are established to have died previously get killed once more, and the one who was stated to "cease" being left alive.
"Wow! We're losing everyone! A good thing they were already dead." (Um, I'm sorry? WHAT???)
So let's look at all this together. In the comics there's many embodiments of death, including the Black Flash and the Black Racer. In the comics Barry briefly replaced the Black Flash and ended up temporarily merged with Black Racer. The latter storyline being a direct lead up to Wally's long awaited return to Prime Earth.
Wally appears in Gar's hallucination alongside three other heroes who died, but is the only one to speak, is the one to declare them dead after they're killed, and is the only one to not visibly die despite implying he was suppose to be next.
The hallucination is brought on by the VR goggles that Granny Goodness, A New God, has made. The Black Racer is also a New God. Presumably, other New Gods would have access to the goggles mind controlling elements. So, theoretically, if Black Racer was once a certain someone, he could use the goggles to reach out to the minds of his old loved ones, which would also have the side effect of revealing the true nature of the goggles. Therefore making them a known threat to the team.
Side Note: Even after Wally’s part of the hallucination ended, he still wasn't entirely gone. His voice continued on through the monkey. The same monkey that claims to be a God of sorts. Granted, it could have been (and likely was) The Red manifesting in a form that Gar "would be more comfortable with," but perhaps it was both of them. Or, as a third option, Wally was the one initially making contact, but then The Red hijacked it.
Tl,dr: Wally has become Earth-16's Black Racer and was trying to use the goggles to reach out to Gar, a person who's been surrounded by death since a young age, to both inform the younger hero that he's still out there, and let the Team know that Granny Goodness is a threat.
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rallamajoop · 6 years
An update on that charity auction thing (or, how I spent several months constructing elaborate headcanons about undercover agent air hostesses instead of just writing the damn fic)
Point the first: I still have not written the auction-winner's fic which I owe from way back in January. Her request called for case fic starring one of UNCLE's recurring female cast, such as Sarah Johnson or Heather McNabb, which was all well and good.
The sensible thing for me to do at this point would probably have been to churn out something starring Sarah, who is My Favourite and the much better developed of the two (I've had half-an-idea for something along those lines for ages). Heather (who, for all her established qualifications, mostly seems to be stuck being the girl back at the office who answers the phone) gives you far less to work with character-wise -- so little that the question of how to make a case-fic starring her work at all struck me as a real conundrum.
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Unfortunately, I never can resist a good conundrum, and that's the long and short of how I found myself mentally committed to filling out that auction fic the hard way.
I could ramble on about the process here,* but the bottom line is that I've had the thing basically plotted out since around, oh, May or June or so, minus a few key details that remain sticking points (like a rather infuriating innocent-shaped-hole in the story). It was there that it dawned on me that one of the little details I really ought to have pinned down about Heather herself -- at least in my head, whether or not it came up in the story -- was the dangling question of just who her roommate was.
Some context: among the few things we do learn about Heather in her very first appearance is this bit of dialogue from Napoleon:
Napoleon: Oh, no, Heather's been with us almost a year. She used to be a stewardess. She rooms with--
But Waverly cuts him off there, so we never hear who she rooms with -- let alone why Napoleon might thing it worth mentioning to his superior.
 Knowing Napoleon, the obvious answer is that Heather rooms with some other attractive young woman he has dated, or would like to date -- perhaps another beautiful UNCLE girl (or stewardess). All the same, I spent some time casting for alternate possibilities before my brain inevitably went, "Well, duh, it's Wanda Townsend from S3 -- the other stewardess-cum-UNCLE-staffer, who very nearly became Heather herself? Who else would it be?"
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This would call for a little context from what has become my specialty subject in the land of fandom trivia, the women of UNCLE. See, back before May Heatherly was cast as Heather McNabb, the role very nearly went to an actress called Sharyn Hillyer, who had a small role in the UNCLE pilot as the stewardess on the plane with Napoleon in the final scene (pic on the left below). I'm halfway-convinced that line I just quoted about how Heather used to be a stewardess could very well be an artifact leftover from when Hillyer was in the lead for the role, by way of explaining to the audience why a woman we'd last seen playing a stewardess was suddenly working for UNCLE as of episode 2 (it's certainly more interesting than to assume the writers were simply going "how can we make this sexy woman even MORE sexy to our straight-male-target-audience?" -- which it might still be, but I digress).
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Hillyer's story on UNCLE doesn't end there, however, because she was eventually cast as a recurring UNCLE girl (the affore-mentioned Wanda Townsend) starting with The Indian Affairs Affair at the end of S2. But by Indian Affairs, Hillyer was actually making her third appearance in the show -- just 4 episodes previously, she'd appeared as another stewardess in The Project Deephole Affair (pic on the right above).
There's nothing remarkable about the same actress getting called back for multiple different roles in a show like UNCLE, of course, but the neat thing about Hillyer's parts is that you can so easily headcanon them them all into the same character. Her stewardess character from the pilot certainly seems to know Napoleon -- perhaps even who he works for -- and though it's subtler in Project Deephole, I always did like the idea she might just have been an UNCLE plant there too, helping keep an eye on the episode's hapless innocent. Heck, if UNCLE (read: probably Napoleon) canonically recruited one stewardess into their regular staff with Heather, why shouldn't there be more?
Now, I reiterate, to this point I have already dedicated north of 4K words to the subject of these characters and their place in UNCLE, from every obvious angle (and a number of less obvious). But so habituated had I become to thinking of the various Wandas as underdeveloped punchlines, and of the 60's stewardess as a one-dimensional male fantasy, that I am ashamed to admit it was only now that it hit me: recruiting stewardesses as UNCLE staff isn't just a convenient backstory for a couple of bit-parts, it's an act of genius!
Not seeing it? Let me explain!
To start with, the stewardess is the perfect courier. She might travel anywhere in the world as part of her daily routine, carrying items on and off the plane without half the fuss facing the average traveler. If there's a person of interest among the passengers, the stewardess is the one person on the plane who can walk by his seat a dozen times in an hour without looking the least bit suspicious, who can "helpfully" take an interest in whatever he's doing. Many in the job speak multiple languages, and what better job to give you familiarity with locations across the country, if not the world? Finally, after all that time in customer service, she'll have ample practice at sizing people up at a glance, quickly remembering names and faces, and maintaining a cheery smile no matter how much stress she's under (which may well include real life-or-death situations, given that air safety in the 60s was not what it is today). All invaluable skills for the budding spy!**
And if UNCLE aren't forward-thinking enough to have put all that together long ago, you can bet your liver Napoleon would be the one to rectify it. What better way to pass some microfilm to a courier than to conceal it in a bunch of roses, to be presented to his latest stewardess-girlfriend over dinner (during which he'll ask if she's ever been to Paris -- oh, you're scheduled to fly out this week? You must try this little shop -- let me write down the address -- ask for Jean-Louis, drop my name if you need to -- you won't regret it, I promise).
Heather may well have been one of his first recruits. This is all ancient history by the time we meet her, of course, as she's long since transferred to UNCLE New York full time (where, if her first bio is to be believed, she's since been promoted to head of Communications). Maybe she even personally recommended Wanda to Napoleon as another recruit. Wanda herself started out in nursing before moving to aviation (which was actually the normal career path for stewardesses back in the 30's, and far from unheard of even in the 50's and 60's -- neatly explaining how Wanda is qualified to give Napoleon all those shots in My Friend the Gorilla). Wanda was obviously spent at least a good couple of years working as one of UNCLE's stewardess-air-couriers, given she's in the same job from the pilot right up until late S2,  But by this point, Heather had long-since disappeared from the office (probably transferred to some other UNCLE office elsewhere in the world), and the New York office was short-staffed, so this would be when Napoleon talks Wanda into transferring to the office full time.
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This is also where it all starts to go wrong. Napoleon, inveterate flirt that he is, leaves Wanda with the impression that he wasn't just offering her a transfer, he was also asking her to go steady -- and when it comes right down to it, both of them were a little at fault for that bit of miscommunication. Gentleman that he is, Napoleon did his best not to let her down when he realised the mistake (see: dates mentioned in Monks of St Thomas and Pop Art). But truthfully he just wasn’t that into Wanda, and got far too much use out of charm in the field (see: Do It Yourself Dreadful) to stay faithful very long. (Sharyn Hillyer herself once suggested that the particular joy Wanda takes out of sticking Napoleon with all those needles in Gorilla was a subtle little bit of revenge for all that cheating, and I don't think I can add much to that.) But by the end of the season, she's come to terms with the reality of the situation. (Maybe she has a rebound office-fling with Paul Westcott, guaranteeing maximum shadenfreude when Napoleon inevitably found out about her new beau).
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No-one else at UNCLE has any great sympathy for Napoleon through all this. It may not have been entirely his own fault, but he absolutely brings it on himself.
(FWIW, feel free to adopt any part of all that needlessly-elaborate headcanon for your own fic use if you like it. I mean, I’d like to hear about it if you do, but c'mon -- now that I've put the idea in your head, there's just no way Napoleon isn't recruiting stewardesses to UNCLE's cause, is there?)
All well and good, but jumping back several topics, it is now still over 6 months since I promised that fic, and excited as I am by all this backstory, I am no closer to having anything to show for it. What the hell, thought I, even if there isn't a proper fic in all this, surely I can at least get a short prelude ficlet about how Heather was originally recruited to UNCLE out of it. I'll still have the case-fic to write, but I should be able to bang it out quickly as a quick apology to my requester for making her wait so long.
Naturally, this was my cue to... start furiously researching the world of the 60's stewardess, buy two different books, track down a library copy of a third, watch a few documentaries and generally get myself so excited over the research aspect that the fic still hasn't been written.
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Over air hostesses. No, I know. I was not expecting this either.
But easy as it is to write them off as an outdated male fantasy, the world of the 60′s stewardess turned out to be a mess of fascinating contradictions -- not to mention a truly enlightening (and frequently horrifying) window into the world of Cold War gender politics. In an era when aviation was still something new, exciting and prohibitively expensive to the masses, it's hard to overstate how much it meant to some of these women just to have the opportunity to fly. So many applied for every opening that the airlines could pick and choose. Many if not most had college educations, spoke two or even more languages -- a small handful even had pilots licenses, but the airlines wouldn't hire female pilots, so they took the next best thing.
Yet for all their qualifications, no-one could hope to be hired if she didn't meet the airline's exacting beauty standards, and girls could be fired for no more than putting on a few pounds or turning up in the wrong underwear. They were 'acceptable' to mores of the day only because they played a suitably servile role, usually for no more than a year or two before leaving the job to get married (wedded stewardesses were, of course, forbidden) -- but a minority still made the work into a lifelong career, used their salaries to buy homes and independence, and their image in the fight for feminist causes. And for all that the airlines had originally hired women in the belief they'd be that much less likely to unionise and make trouble, there seems to have almost never been a time before these women had begun fighting for their rights. My reading list includes two different personal accounts from former stewardesses, both of whom worked 5 years for the same airline, barely a decade apart, and their experiences could hardly be more diametrically opposed. It's fascinating.
...and 2K more words of meta later, I still have not written my fic.
It's coming, I promise. It’s just not exactly written just yet. >.>
(Quite possibly there is yet another post’s worth of shameless history-geek-out over the world of the airline stewardess coming too, but that shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point.)
* Did I mention I also spent some of those months finishing a PhD and starting a new full-time job again for the first time in years? I don’t mention this to boast, it’s just, well, that sort of thing does get a bit distracting. Ahem.
** Lest you imagine I’ve come up with anything remotely original here, I’d point out that while researching the topic, I also discovered that idea of stewardesses as spies was a major plot point in the short-lived 2011 series Pan Am. It wasn’t a particularly great show -- I barely made it two episodes in -- but it did spark enough online discussion that I have seen former flight attendants (and various other commentators) both dismiss it as ridiculous, and suggest there was no way it didn’t happen -- especially once regular commercial Russian flights began. So take that as you will.
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 years
Agnes, The Pharmacist, and Keenler baby. 
Agnes is the only person who makes sense to me, so that’s my guess as to who The Pharmacist is for. This post is likely to end up all over the place, so bear with me as I try to cover everything.
As you know, I’ve firmly stood behind the Keenler baby theory since it was first presented to me. Not so much with how people saw it back in S3, but stood behind the very concept of it, and felt it fit perfectly in line with the second memory wipe Liz went through with Dr. Krilov. 
Why I’m knocking Red off my list. 
Aside from Liz telling Cooper that Red used him, used his decency? 
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Twice this season, they’ve had Liz complain about Red’s agenda. 
In 6x1 - 
Liz: I thought we were past this. Red: What’s that? Liz: Alternate agendas. You giving us cases without telling us why. Using us to catch the people you can’t.
In 6x3 -
Dembe: I need to speak with him privately for Raymond. It cannot be recorded. Liz: He always has his own agenda. What is it this time?
This is half the reason I’m knocking Red off my list. The other half has to do with Red as a person, and how things are worded in The Pharmacist’s episode. As you also know, when JB mentioned two females in Ressler’s life, that took my mind straight to the Keenler baby theory because Ressler is in love with Liz. Here’s where I bring in Ressler’s comments. 
6x1 -
Ressler: So we’re still doing his bidding. Cooper: I’m sorry, Agent Ressler? Ressler: Reddington. He shot an unarmed man in FBI custody just so that Keen couldn’t identify that skeleton that he’s been lugging around like his life depended on it.
Ressler: The ID on the dead guy turned up as fake, but we sent the prints to Interpol and we got a hit. Red: Tell me. Ressler: Not until you tell us why you gave us this case, because it obviously wasn’t so we could arrest Dr. Koehler and expose his clients. Red: Hans Koehler was a friend of mine. I suspected he was being held against his will. I wanted to save his life. Sadly, I failed.
Ressler has his own stake in it because they’re gonna find out Agnes is his daughter. This takes me to his dialogue regarding The Pharmacist. 
The Pharmacist is a priority. 
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6x3 -
Ressler: He’s in federal prison about to start the legal fight of his life. I don’t know why this guy’s a priority, but I guarantee we’re not getting the “whole story.”  (Whole stories and whole truths)
This was furthered through Dembe’s dialogue. 
Dembe: He’s very concerned. He made a significant investment into your research. If you are unable to deliver on schedule - Stark: No, no. Tell Mr. Reddington I’m making progress. My situation here won’t interfere. Dembe: I certainly hope not. Mr Reddington is counting on you.
“on schedule” means there’s a timeframe. Take this to The Corsican.
Moreau: Everything is on schedule. McMahon: I haven’t heard from you in nearly a month. Not a single word. Moreau: I told you, I couldn’t do your job without making a few changes. Those changes have been made. McMahon: Target will only be in town for a day. He knows about the coup attempt. If he tells anyone - Moreau: I told you, it’s on schedule.
The target is only in town for a day, but everything is “on schedule.” Take it again to Dr. Adrian Shaw because the mere mention of CRISPR reminds us of Alexander Kirk’s arc and his need for a genetic stem cell donation. And again, to Red’s “agenda.”
Shaw: It might help if I knew what you needed the patient for. Red: My “agenda” has no bearing on your task. You know what you’re looking for. I need it now. Shaw: I’ve treated hundreds of patients over the years. This is going to take some time. Red: I’m out of time, Doctor, which means you’re out of time. Find the patient.
They were running on a time sensitive schedule, Red all-knowing that Kirk was running tests and would soon find out that Liz wasn’t his daughter. 
They’re setting up for Agnes' storyline. 
With consideration to this research requiring it be delivered on schedule, I’m removing everyone but Agnes from my suspect List. I’m also exluding Liz, as I originally suspected Red was planning to restore her memory, but even that isn’t a time sensitive issue. I have few reasons why I choose Agnes. Let me start with the soundtrack they played in this scene.
Where Ya Gonna Go by Gregory Alan Isakov
Jump the gun Run, run, run Where you gonna go Like that With the holes in you With the holes in you
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“I'll let you build your home with me till the clocks run down”
Liz assumed Red was her father because she sees a man before her. 
Liz: I don’t know. With Reddington, I don’t assume anything. 
JB spoke of assumption when they asked of Red’s whisper to Kirk. 
JB: We’ve already established that Red had an affair with Katarina, and I think one “can only assume” she told him many intimate details about her actual husband, Alexander Kirk.
Red assumed Tom was the father of Agnes. 
Red: I assume Tom is the father. 
When asked about that, this was JB’s response. 
JB: Is it safe to assume that this is Tom Keen’s baby?I don’t think it’s safe to assume that. I think it’s good to anticipate that. She and Tom did have an evening together on a boat last season. The timing of that evening may add up to the exact math of where we are today. Tom is the likely suspect, yes.
Notice that he said “an evening together” and how many times I've mentioned that an entire evening went missing in Karakurt’s episode. Insert second memory wipe by Dr. Krilov. What they’ve done, is they’ve had Liz spend a night with Ressler between Dr. Kimberly’s lab and the memorial in 2x21, then had Liz get her memory wiped by Tom in 2x22 - where he implanted an entire night of sex on the boat. That was their purpose for the dark lighting. He had to sell that an entire night passed on the boat instead of with Ressler. And because both episodes ran back-to-back, it worked out well for the flow of things. But if you pay attention to Tom’s voicemail message in Dr. Kimberly’s lab, then the jump from the car to the memorial, you SEE it. Liz and Tom did NOT spend an evening together. 
The soundtrack fits well. Liz and her two shotgun weddings (3x17 & 5x7) because she thinks Tom is the father of Agnes. Liz putting Red in prison all-believing he’s just some random man who took over her father’s identity - when Red is *really* her mother. And Red thinking he’s walking with that immunity deal in place when he just got busted with a gun. All jumping the gun.
Deliver on schedule.
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Dembe: He’s very concerned.
You know what always concerns Red? The safety of Liz and Agnes. Even more while he’s in prison (out of reach) and his Pharmacist just got himself arrested.
Red: The only subject that interests me, Elizabeth, is your safety - a safety that has been guaranteed thus far because Alexander Kirk believed you to be his daughter. He now knows you’re not.
I’m suspecting a similar playout like that of Alexander Kirk’s stem cell need in S4, only it’ll be Scottie and Agnes. I’m not sure what the exact scenario will be, but I have two in mind. Either the person on the ventilator at Scottie’s house in 3x22, or more to what I’m leaning toward - Agnes’ 4th birthday. We had both Liz and Christopher kidnapped at the age of four. Though Liz’s can be explained with Katarina not allowing Red to see her, we never learned the reason behind Tom’s. I lean heavily toward this scenario on the fact that Agnes is nearing four-years-old. Fixed to her birthday, something that speaks to a timeframe: “on shedule.” Red starting off the season discussing his 60th birthday, and they’ve yet to talk about Agnes turning four. They gave Liz a due date of April 2016, though Agnes was supposedly born premature. If their current timeline in-story is January 2020, and Agnes were born in February, then she turns four in a month. If born in March, in two months. On Liz’s due date, three months. 
McMahon: I haven’t heard from you in nearly a month. Panabaker: We’d be in turtle mode for a month of Sundays.
What is fated. What arrow - at what angle - and what angel. Taken back to Keenler’s Capricorn Killer scene. Susie Baker was four-years-old as well, and she took off wearing her shoes. Something they continuosly focus on. 
They’re gonna find out Agnes isn’t Scottie’s granddaughter. 
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severalbakuras · 7 years
im not prepared
(apologies to mobile users for the long post)
episode 5:
intro is a pink screen. it’s established pink is a mourning colour. hrmmm.
oh its an eyeball SHIRO
that’s not a good looking room to be in
that HAIR
hallucinating already, this is Not Good.
so he’s like totally alone in that room that is just bad practice right there. supervisor’s gonna get fucked if they get caught.
and. another shiro. one who’s kept clean-shaven. oh ok i know where this is going i think.
operation kuron is so unsubtle that i think we’re in for several layers of bait-n-switch until it turns out shiro never actually existed. schrodinger’s Shiro. shirodinger. 
he escaped waaaaaay too easily - yeah. called it.
‘stage 3′ so stage one is ??? and stage two is this guy.
ok so shiro obvs remembers some things but i find it interesting that we’ve had no internal thoughts beyond memories of the tube/surgery. like he’s not thought about voltron or the paladins or allura and coran like he has no idea if they survived or not. nothing at all by the five minute mark.
yeah you keep an eye on that boy. im sure absolutely nothing will happen to this guy.
self-cauterization holy shit.
“what killed you?” is the first spoken line of dialogue from shiro i think. everything else is just vague confusion noises and/or battle grunts iirc. we haven’t even had an internal line of thought yet (which i know don’t rly happen in this series like everyone tends to speak aloud but still he’s ALL alone). i think that’s significant, somehow.
how the fuck has he not frozen to death in that skinny suit.
“subject Y0XT39″ i will eat a raw garlic clove if this turns out to be the real shiro.
wow that’s rly bad for blood circulation like way to make him lose his hands jackasses.
so these two are space cannibals. neat.
if you’re trying to convince people of who you are why would you just say your first name? he WANTS these guys to know who he is, there’s no point being cagey. say your surname shiro go ahead.
knowledge of who the paladins are rly is being kept tight under wraps. so long as nobody ever thinks to check out any planet where galra were known to have integrated into local alien communities to the point of children.
i :) wonder :) who :) might :) do :) that :)
(i wonder how earth’s doing. everyone has family down there who misses them (besides keith since he’s living in a shack in the desert and nobody from the MILITARY-ish training academy told his dad to come pick him up apparently))
lotor i swear to fuck don’t you dare pull a dreamworks smirk DONT DO YOU DARE
so galra channels are hackable
that big guy’s totally having a SUPPRESSING FIIIIIRE moment
i rly like this winter backdrop i love being able to see the brushstrokes on the snow (like digital ones but they count).
he’s starving but he doesn’t take a single bite of the food onscreen can’t tell if suspicious or #mood bc i don’t like people watching me eat either lol
so operation kuron isn’t something widely known then or Hold up those robo-soldiers have no reaction whatsoever to a unit falling down until the hangar doors close.
ok those two guys in the cave HAVE to be in on it or shiro would’ve died on that planet. why keep the ship above a Death Planet for him to be permitted to escape to unless they had someone down on the Death Planet who could send him back to the right ship to deliver to voltron without him knowing he was being played?
like this is ALL phase 3.
‘stop spying on me’
‘do your fucking job’
i think this is the first time i’ve seen lotor angry like haggar gets under his skin so easily i hope they talk again soon. ‘I AM THE LEADER’ his VOICE damn.
ok so like i already know lotor is half-galran and he’s probably half-altean too like in the original series with the hair and all. but i don’t think haggar is his mother even though she’s also altean. he’s hyper-focused on not being like his father in that scene but he also seems the type that he’d leave a snarky comment about his mother too if she were. and she doesn’t ever refer to him as her son, only zarkon’s. she’d surely say ‘our’ son, unless she officially disowned him as part of his banishment and hates his guts but then surely he’d have at least SOME reaction to seeing her unless he was, like, literally banished at birth and doesn’t know who she is and that he’s half-altean. bc if he knew he was he’d connect the dots between ‘only altean on the ship’ and his dad v quickly.
like i do know the story behind exactly how original lotor (aka sincline) is half altean and it’s Unpleasant and makes zarkon a fucking monster and i doubt this series would even imply that that was the case here but if it did and our lotor knew this was the truth behind his parentage that could explain his lack of reaction to haggar AND his deeply intrinsic rejection of his father.
oh come ON the ship is stocked with oxygen!!!!!! why would a ship that’s intended for a robot pilot need oxygen!!!!!!!!
seven days, when he’s already in a bad way re blood loss/injury (like a healing serious wound burns calories and fluid by the truckload) and didn’t have much water to go on beforehand. if i didn’t think something was up before man.
finally, almost 20 minutes in, we finally see him think of his teammates. took long enough.
black lion notices. hrm.
episode six:
nice shooting lancFCUKING KILL THEM ALLURA
HUG YOUR SON SHIRO actually no you’re not shiro stay the fuck away from him
‘weird headache’ since this isn’t a dramatic romance show, he’s not got Invisible Anime Disease #5 so there’s absolutely a tracker in his brain.
A HUNK MOMENT THAT ISN’T ABOUT FOOD I’M CRY (like it intersects with pidge but i don’t mind it’s nice that he gets to show his own brains in what feels like forever)
shiro automatically stepping back in ‘this is what we do mode’ is SHRHCHCH. NO. even if he WASN’T a clone he’s still recovering and is missing out on potentially months of their relationships changing and being redefined. he can’t just step back in like that.
ok so like???? if there’d been more scenes like this early on??? i’d probably be totally into klance?? like keith doesn’t really grasp the depths of the issue with lance judging by how the shot holds on lance leaving and his facial expressions and all but keith tries and lance tries and there’s no cheap joke thrown in there’s no rejecting that there was any emotional connection. it’s not solved the problem lance has by any means but it’s lance opening up to keith about his vulnerabilities and worries and it’s keith doing his best to help him both as a leader and a friend and the narrative doesn’t turn either of them into a joke for it. THAT IS MY SHIT RIGHT THERE.
like i’m obvs lowkey into enemies-friends-lovers (bc otherwise i wouldn’t consider keitor or any of my other ships which i won’t name bc i’ve made it this far without comparing anything to warcraft so i won’t start now) but i guess i much prefer the friends-lovers stage. (especially when only one half of the pair considers the other as ‘enemy’ in the first place).
‘just whack it’ is a universal law that will last forever
fucking fake ass shiro he doesn’t even acknowledge keith stepping up to make a plan as leader like he always fucking wanted him to do he just sails on into his own plan without so much as a ‘sorry’. fuck you fake shiro. firo.
and keith just stands there like a lemon like this is ok ahrhfhg. firo i swear to god if you drag keith back down into the place he was on the gas planet before lance intervened i’m gonna be so mad.
interesting that we don’t get a reaction shot of lance when keith offers to stay behind instead of taking back red. considering how that was literally what the last scene between him and keith was about is all.
so clones are genetically identical so the black lion picking up on firo’s ~spark of life~ fading or whatever to rescue him isn’t odd. but the black lion knows your soul and it’s not happy.
(could be an issue when the real shiro returns tho but eh that’s a problem for futuretron)
so perhaps lotor squad isn’t in on operation kuron?
i wonder what’s being whispered during the mind control scenes.
that ship looks like a space fox... or maybe a star fox.
in two minds about this part like right now firo IS right but they DO need to actually try and confront lotor at some point. it’s ALWAYS going to be a bad time bc lotor has figured out how to use plot armor to protect himself so sometimes you just need to attack that face down trap card and face the consequences or you’ll be stuck forever yknow?
OH IT’S HER. FROM THE SHIP. COOL i was wondering if that’d come up again.
oops he’s ambidextrous.
also i think ezor might be a little crueler than she lets on, she’s got some v. vicious expressions going on in this grapple.
honestly those are both equally high priority targets, either one WILL fuck things up in the future no matter if they follow firo or keith.
now lotor how do you know they were about to attack, unless you perhaps had a direct link into the lions communication lines, which have been kinda previously established as being impossible to hack?
(so that’s one point in them also knowing about project kuron)
hooooly shit lotor’s maaaad
get your hand off him firo.
“i’m sorry i had to step in back there” step in. STEP IN. LIKE YOU WEREN’T IN CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE MISSION START TO FINISH. he sets up ‘you were the leader and you weren’t good enough’ almost on purpose..
the former isn’t true because keith still stepped down and firo commanded all their movements from the ship and the latter isn’t true because no plan survives contact with the enemy keith basically had it as under control as shiro always did. considering the circumstances he did damn well AND he scored a ‘fuck you’ point against lotor by using lotor’s own new ship to wreck the teledove.
“i thought i had it under control” ;A;
damn that’s cold haggar.
episode seven:
i’m. um. huh. those certainly were memories i’ll need to pause on later.
this dramatic scene is being ruined by all the cute little triforces floating around.
my civil war theory is officially dead now i guess. goodbye, civil war theory. it was nice to have you as a handy aversion of the whole ‘X race is like this while Y race is like this’ trope that always shows up in sci fi and fantasy and sci-fantasy~
this music is giving me jack sparrow IN SPACE vibes.
oooh the dust particle effect in the light shafts in the air is pretty and a good attention to detail.
now see like why wasn’t his spirit projection thing back in season 1 more like this??? he has a character he’s got personality he’s just like his daughter i’d actually MISS this guy if that spirit projection thing had been like his true self and not a bland whatever he was he’s so forgettable i can’t even remember what he was like.
so like galra culture has a class/caste system and is kinda militaristic. explains a lot in the future i guess.
“WHAT IS THAT” is that the same cat narti has? and oh god no he’s a dork.
oh so he married honerva? oh no. OH NO SHE BETTER NOT BE HAGGAR. DON’T DO THIS.
“it was a customary gesture” tf is that all about.
“by willow!” is that the first canon mention of a deity? cool.
so the red paladin was technically the first paladin.
this thing is eldritch as fuck.
“Am I a leg?!” god i am so sad that you’re going to die horribly i love you.
now it’s REALLY eldritch.
god she really is haggar.
so alteans definitely age then (which proves empress allura was definitely dead a long LONG time before alt-eans went all mind-controlly).
honergar’s giving me major ‘that bloodbender who’s name i’ve forgotten’ vibes.
he loves her so much im gonna cry.
so the lions cannot pick up on deceit then. they accept the will of their paladin over the safety of voltron as a whole and the other lions. they cast no moral judgement.
so there could easily be an evil voltron somewhere.
so those weird purple cloud creatures from another dimension are puppeteering the corpse of the first black paladin, taking his basic desire for power and extending it into a galaxy spanning genocidal crusade because???
their home dimension must be a fucking hell dimension if things like that are trying to escape.
that guard made it seem like they sorta knew and accepted why their planet was destroyed so i guess zarkon returning from death was such a massive cultural shock that they all fell into line. bc otherwise i find it hard to believe that every single galra would join the battle (like yeah the blades exist but they’re a tiny movement) and not question what the fuck happened to his eyes or voice or how he came back from the fucking dead or why they’re meant to suddenly hate everyone.
ok so why do most of the galra have similar glowing eyes iirc? surely the vast majority should have the normal eyes that old zarkon and lotor have but they don’t. unless like successful generals are permitted to ‘live’ forever by taking the creatures into their bodies but then like they have far too much personality for that. the loktar ogar guy for example. what gives.
that’s kind of a leap at lotor’s motives but an understandable one, they don’t know how much lotor detests being like his father so i doubt he’d do the same damn thing his father was trying to do.
he’s baaaaack and he’s got no new tricks, zombieman zarkon’s still just as thick as the last time~
lotor’s gonna be so mad. and also this doesn’t actually explain why haggar lets zarkon run roughshod all over her much better plans prior to this because she doesn’t remember being his husband until this episode.
and also also imo this means haggar definitely can’t be lotor’s mother bc when we’re seeing things coran can’t possibly know like honerva on her death bed we’re probably seeing haggar’s vision of events and he doesn’t appear to be a factor in either of their lives but she remembers their wedding perfectly.
(unless he’s a zombaby but he can’t be because his eyes don’t glow).
season four when.
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amisbro · 7 years
HEAVENS’ role in UtaPri
First off hello friends and how are we today?  Happy 4th to my friends in the States and have a safe one and to everyone else I hope you have a very lovely day So this post is a bit of an odd one because we are going to talk about HEAVENS.  Now that in and of itself ISN’T “odd” because if you follow me on Youtube or Twitter you know pretty much that is one my big subjects I yap about when trying to play “Detective” to figuring out their backstories before we get the canon material. What is going to follow is me discussing their “role” or position in the UtaPri universe and how we should look at it going forward especially with their inclusion in Dolce Vita READY? GO!!!
So first off start this piece we have to discuss this HEAVENS started as an Antagonistic trio that was formed by Raging back in Season 2 (Maji Love 2000%).  Back then they were the intended roadblock for STARISH to prevent them from winning the UtaPri award and it would be decided in what could only be determined as a “Winner take all” because the loser would have to disband if they lost the competition.  Back then it made sense for STARISH to win especially once you see the OVA where QN would eventually confront their Juniors about challenging them.  This comes to fruition as when we get to to “Revolutions” its the QN that would (originally) be chosen by Shining to represent his company.  STARISH congratulated them but eventually decided they wanted to see if there was any way they could get a shot at being the group to rep Shining in what was called the “Triple S”. This brings us to an interesting point:  What would HEAVENS’ role be IF they came back? Well... We know that in S2 they WERE Antags as a trio but the big question that started to form in my mind was “Are HEAVENS even Antagonists?” and this question would mull around for quite some time.  To be honest its one I legitimately wrestle with because there is A LOT to say otherwise anymore and now when you hear “Rival/Antagonist” it doesn’t make sense (or at least to me) but that is what we are going to explore here See when you look at S3 you have a setup which really muddy the waters and the roles of what group plays what role in the story STARISH is the main group so people can look at them as the Protags...that’s fine!  They have been there since the beginning so no one can look at them at this point and NOT see them like that HOWEVER One thing I thought about is would “Protagonists” try to basically c---block another group or would they be happy for them?  Okay you could argue that for this story to make sense they HAD to because it was their “one chance” (the reason this is in quotes is coming up) to get the spot SO...what happens? Shining decided to put their will to the test and makes them do a “Cross-Unit” project (and even to this day I debate if its a “Proper C-U”) and if they did well enough they MIGHT get an opportunity to compete for it. What happens?  Well we know what happened Originally Shining was  going to be stubborn and refuse them even after their new group song was delivered to him.  They got the spot because QN came in and went “HOLD UP!” and basically MADE Shining put them in!  NOW...this is an interesting thing to see because what QN does SEEMS like a very “Heroic/Protagonist” thing to do BUT what happens after STARISH gets put in....eh we know at this point QN says that if they won they were going to take Haruka from STARISH which...this made no sense BECAUSE Haruka WORKS for the Agency that QN and STARISH work at!  How in the hell does this work from a story perspective? Okay but here’s a better question:  Who the hell is the “Protagonist” in this setup? Okay the obvious answer is STARISH because now they have to defend Haruka again AS WELL AS win the Triple S!  The good news here is, at this point, from a story perspective you could have worked with QN winning and then STARISH picking up the pieces because...even though this op would be gone it might endear them to more people because now they are clawing and fighting their way back to the top and EVERYONE can root for them (and that might be the case now...never discussed that before to be honest). HOLD UP! At the Triple S HEAVENS returns after disappearing from their defeat at the UtaPri awards presenting a new roadblock but now they not only were the roadblock for STARISH but also QN...THIS WAS INTERESTING! When Season 3 ends on the cliffhanger no one knew how the contest would end so knowing who would be the winner (and also knowing Haruka’s fate) would have to wait over a year till S4 Alright before we talk about Season 4 (and a drastic change for HEAVENS) we need to discuss something between Seasons 2 and 3 In Season 2 when Eiichi made the declaration that “After HEAVENS won Haruka would become the composer” you could (justly) be mad at HEAVENS for this because of the idea that, should HEAVENS win, STARISH is disbanded and Haruka is going to Raging’s Agency...fine! I wondered why then when S3 happend (and maybe this happened and I didn’t see it) why there wasn’t as much anger when Reiji basically made the same declaration?  Again maybe it did happen and I didn’t see it but it was weird because with the role that QN SEEMED to be playing only for it to switch at the end was jarring as all hell and made me wonder what we were supposed to think.  Like QN didn’t really do anything “wrong” save make that declaration and this was the same boat HEAVENS was in at the end of S2...confusing to say the least! NOW WE GET TO SEASON 4 So this season in some weird way was going to feature all three units:  STARIS, QN and HEAVENS in what would be HEAVENS’ first full season so we could see what they got! This season muddied the waters a little bit (at least to me) because if HEAVENS’ role is to be “Antags” then shouldn’t ALL of the characters tried to be “Holier than thou/My s**t don’t stink” kind of characters?  Logically that is what you would do but then...it didn’t really manifest itself that way but it DID become a very odd story First off there’s this Raging was the one that introduced the project Since S2 Shining has been the character that we associated with the introduction of the project (UtaPri Awards/Triple S Entry) so this switch made things interesting.  We wouldn’t KNOW what role that he was going to play OR how Shining was going to be used and that left A LOT of uncertainty and it was interesting too because, thinking back to the end of S3 Shining and Raging were standing back to back on top of Shining Tower! THEN THERE IS THIS! The best I can tell (and someone can tell me otherwise) the entire project would be done at Raging’s place.  Now this was interesting ESPECIALLY in the “bookend” episodes which belonged to Tokiya and Otoya!  Its interesting because keep this in mind, for the most part, HEAVENS members tried it seemed to get along with their partner (the two big exceptions I admit were Yams and Shion...at first) and in Tokiya’s case when he saw what “Daddy Dearest” was doing with Otoya...ehhh he wasn’t down for that (and frankly neither was I). The Otoya episode was an interesting bookend for two reasons: 1.  They saved the leaders for last 2.  It showed that “Daddy Dearest” not only had intent on picking off those two anchors BUT we now know he is one of the biggest abusive a--holes on the planet and practically destroyed Eiichi mentally when he was younger and there is a lot of baggage that man has to unpack before anyone can really get close to him! Okay there was one more reason It mirrored Cecil/Shion which is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODE in the the project! Oh and there is this Did Shion’s breakdown remind you of anything?  Think back to when Haruka had hers back in the third episode of Series 1...Shion’s episode with his breakdown happened in the THIRD episode of the Project! What I thought was interesting was, as we went through the project, it seemed clear that the writers wanted to change the role that they had been given.  Remember we established back in S2 that they “appeared” to be the Antags but something Raging said struck me when he pretty much told HEAVENS they were disposable to him and that struck me! Here’s why: Shining has had a set role since about S1:  He was the roadblock that STARISH would face in some way to be able to get what they wanted! S1:  Told STARISH they weren’t going to have Nanami as their composer and they weren’t down with that S2:  Threatened to take their spot from them if Cecil didn’t make it back from Angapolis in time (which he does) S3:  Refuses to give them the spot in the audition UNTIL QN comes in and forces him to! What we had NEVER seen until Season 4 was what HEAVENS went through with Raging and starting with Episode 3 (Mighty Aura) what we found out was that Raging was very cunning and manipulative jackass!  Notice I said RAGING and not HEAVENS?  I wonder if they ever knew about any of his “dealings” with idols from other Agencies? When Raging basically tells them he could throw them away it makes sense why Rage was so willing to put them up for disbandment (then as a trio) in Season 2 but Shining was ALSO willing to put up STARISH!  Was that confidence or did he really not want them together?  Remember in S1 (and I almost forgot this) he tried to prevent Nanami from giving the (then 6 boys) a group song with Ringo in tow...I have argued that part of Ringo’s role during Season 1 and 2 has been as Shining’s lackey and I don’t know that that could be argued against.  Maybe it could but if we look at how things are in that office you almost always see Ringo with Shining but rarely Ryuya...I wonder why What’s interesting about the way that things played out in Episode 9 was that I think they wanted to show you that HEAVENS was pretty much mindfucked by Rage a lot and its why they were the way they were.  The part that kind of messed everything up was the EiiOto confrontation later because then people forget the “Why Eii acted the way he did” and more the “Broken Otoya”. This brings me back to HEAVENS though When HEAVENS STARTED in UtaPri they were villains BUT its the WHY that we discovered that now makes me ask the question: When we get to the movie and Dolce Vita...what is HEAVENS’ role? Well this question becomes an interesting one because as we know in the “joint concert” we saw the HEAVENS members on the Triple S stage with STARISH and QN (and I called them “whipped puppies”...debating if I still stand by that) and they were there WITHOUT RAGING BUT The question becomes in my mind this Do the STARISH CHARACTERS see HEAVENS as Rivals or is this game strictly a dangerous chess match between Shining and Raging because, say what you want, but the reality is that moving forward do you think HEAVENS wants to do Raging’s bidding after the hell he put them through? NO! The thing is though that Shining wouldn’t pull the trigger to take them in after KNOWING the BS they were going through (cos you know STARISH had to tell him right?  They didn’t just go to bust in on Raging’s place without his blessing right? So here come the question that we, the UtaPri family, have to answer between now and whenever the movie comes out: What is HEAVENS’ role? Honestly...the way I see it is that they aren’t going to be third wheels much longer.  I think Broc is going to make that attempt to make sure that you care about them and they will do a better job than Season 4 or even 6th stage because I don’t care how much lipstick you put on those pigs...they’re still pigs! I can’t ever call HEAVENS really “Rivals” (and yes reading that on Mamo’s blog made me CRINGE HARD) but what I can call them are two things now Part of the UtaPri family and most importantly MY FAMILY and I am very protective of them as we all know...maybe overprotective but after this past season its easy to see why! I’ll talk to you again real soon cos I got a special fic coming up as I get ready to make my return to the UtaPriverse! See you soon friends!
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