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ilovebooksnanimals · 7 years
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#foxnews smh these mf r tripping saying #GQ should have called #colinkaepernick #cowardoftheyear tf these mf call him a #coward 4 using his #1stamendment right 2 #peacefulprotest but didn't say shit when #whitesupremacist etc had there #protest noooooooo they compared #whitesupremacist to #blacklivesmatter but yet #whitesupremacist #neonazis #skinhead #altright #whitenationalist #kkk etc history is disgusting Calling #colinkaepernick #protest #unpatriotic they said this sht Apparently, GQ seems to think that disrespecting our military and spitting on our flag is a symbol of heroism and manliness Hmmmm let's see #takeaknee is bad but #roseannebarr did some dumb sht when she sang the song #madonna did some dumb shit also n that fucker #dylannroof burn the flag N that fucker now in the #whitehouse #trump defending #putin n #russiahack is not #unpatriotic that fucker who disrespects #johnmccain for being captured n making fun of what happened 2 him Foh he was question our #intelligenceagencies that work 4 him the regular ppl can question #governmentagencies but he is supposed 2 be #45 the #commanderandchief if he don't wanna do his job work 4 this country then he needs 2 #resign n #foxnews should tell #trump he is being #unpatriotic n a #coward #congrats2colinkaepernick on his #GQ cover but he needs his job back https://www.google.com/amp/www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/11/13/gq-shouldve-named-colin-kapernick-its-coward-year.amp.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_59907720e4b090964297b9d3/amp http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/11/opinions/trump-absolves-putin-in-asia-zelizer/index.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/blogs/right-turn/wp/2017/11/13/trumps-credulity-about-russia-elicits-a-blowback/ http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/11/politics/john-mccain-donald-trump-russia/index.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/06/21/politics/trump-russia-hacking-statements/index.html http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/03/politics/trump-putin-russia-timeline/
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maewestside · 7 years
YOUR DATA, THEIR GREED: Cyber Boxing in America... by heidi siegmund cuda, aka @maewestside
As the volunteer activists of the #freepress #truthsquad pass the baton of knowledge 24/7 on our twitter threads, making reading hep again, one of our favorite Austrians with great compassion for America @euphoriceuler weighed in with this reminder today: if it’s free, you’re the product.
In other words, our data’s been auctioned by billionaire misanthropes with t’axes to grind aiming for an #roi of global domination, and quite frankly, those billions in free publicity that corporate controlled media gave the #meinshitshow (cuz rating$) have the fossilized globaldom set still winning right now.
As the #altwrong neodoosh trumpery paid for by billionaire creepers to run interference on truth continues, I do want to make one thing clear:
Our country’s immediate future comes down to the character of two men:
Robert Mueller III vs the Real Fake President (RFP).
So as altwrong info$lime efforts ramp up to discredit Mueller, the former director of the F.B.I. now appointed to investigate the Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and as those same efforts attempt to legitimize the RFP, I created this timeline so Americans can judge for themselves that thing that Eleanor Roosevelt taught us is so critical to a man’s true value: character.
1944 Robert Mueller III, born in Manhattan to Alice Truesdale and Robert Swan Mueller, a DuPont exec who was class president at Princeton before serving in the Navy during World War II.
1946 Real Fake President (RFP) born in Queens to Mary Anne MacLeod and Fred Trump, a real estate developer sued for housing discrimination, investigated for profiteering and an illegal bailout of his son’s casino; and the subject of eviscerating song lyrics by Woody Guthrie, a former Brooklyn tenant. 
1966 Mueller graduates from Princeton, marries his teenage sweetheart Ann Cabell Standish, and would go on to earn a Master’s in International Relations from NYU (he resumes his education post-Vietnam at UVA).
1968 Mueller enlists in the Marine Corps to serve in the Vietnam War, where despite receiving a gunshot wound, returns to duty to lead his platoon. He receives a dozen medals of valor, including a Purple Heart.
1968 RFP graduates from University of Pennsylvania and goes to work in the family business. He avoids military service during Vietnam War with five deferrals, one for bone spurs in his heel.
1973 -1993 Earning a law degree from UVA, Mueller embarks on a career where he excels to become a top white collar crime litigator in both public and private sectors, specializing in international money laundering and public corruption; serving in the United States Attorneys office and the United States Justice Department, where he oversaw the prosecution of Manuel Noriega and the Gambino Crime Family boss John Gotti.
1972-1992 RFP marries Czech model Ivana Zelnickova; opens a tower in his name in 1983, publishes books, board games; in 1987, he’s turned down by Australia to build Sydney’s first casino due to alleged mob connections; and by 1990, is $900 million in debt; in 1992, three casinos go bankrupt and he and Ivana divorce.
1995-1999 Mueller returns to public service as senior litigator in the homicide section of the District of Columbia and in 1998 is named the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California.
1995-1999 RFP goes public with more casinos and hotels, buys the Miss Universe Organization and in 1999, forms a model management company and divorces second wife; in 1997, tells Howard Stern he was a “brave soldier” for avoiding STDs in the late ‘90s, a period he describes as his “personal Vietnam.”
2001-2013 Mueller becomes the sixth Director of the FBI, serving under both President Bush and President Obama, who asked him to stay on another two years past his ten-year term making him the longest serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover.
2004-2015 RFP becomes a Reality TV Star; opens a “university” (shut down amid lawsuits of it being a scam, prompting the first multimillion dollar settlement of his real fake presidency); marries the Slovene in 2005; becomes a spokesman for a multilevel marketing company accused by multiple states and countries for operating as an illegal pyramid scheme.
2016 Mueller wins the 2016 Thayer Award for Public Service from the United States Military Academy.
2016 RFP accepts the Republican nomination for President and is elected after a campaign rife with misogyny, bigotry and catchphrases that 62 million Americans thought were funny, despite losing the popular vote by about 3 million votes; investigative reporters work 24/7 proving RFP involved with an international crime syndicate that enabled cybertreason but depending on where you get your news, you might not have heard about it. Or you might not care.
2017 Mueller appointed Special Counsel for Russian Interference in the United States Elections of 2016, leading the investigation into Russian meddling in the election and ties to the RFP campaign; he’s joined by a team of the nation’s top experts in fraud, cyber crime, white collar crimes, public corruption and money laundering.
2017 RFP has weak turnout for the inaugural carny (cuz bots are fake), which was overshadowed by the Women’s March, and he struggles to keep press secretaries, cabinet members and advisors as #meinshitshow ratings wobble in the coveted 18 to 49 demo. Despite efforts to distract with fear mongering and fake patriotism, people are seeing the truth.
So there you have it. A tale of Two Americans. One is a man with a long history of integrity; the other a cunning carny, who in a previous era would have been charged with treason the first time he invited a foreign enemy to hack one of America’s leaders, a women he cheated out of the presidency.
No amount of infoslime thrown at Robert Mueller will distract from the fact that America is still capable of seeing the truth once the ratings dip, and truth becomes the only thing left to sell.
Author Heidi Siegmund Cuda is an Emmy award-winning investigative producer,   columnist and filmmaker, who was recently awarded a film grant from the Orcas Island Film Festival. http://www.orcasfilmfest.com/rigged
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kornkidd · 7 years
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#Repost @polibeats_ with @repostapp ・・・ Keeping it real! 💯 - #easter #travelban #conanobrien #unconstitutional #diversionarytactics #NotMyPresident #DumpTrump #russiagate #trumprussia #treason #traitor #collusion #impeach #putinspuppet #impeachtrump #putinspuppet #russiahack #lockhimup #dumptrump #muslimban #resistance #resist #jesuswasmiddleeastern
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sweetemilybowl · 7 years
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#Repost @snowflake_nation with @repostapp ・・・ Not kiss his butt constantly, defend him & shower him with praise the way Trump does like a pathetic little sycophant & stooge. Nauseating, not to mention treasonous. #installedpresident #putinspuppet #collusion #putinslapdog #russiaspuppet #russiagate #putinsbitch #trumprussia #trumputin #obamaforever #obamaismypotus #trump #maga #impeachtrump #trumpisatraitor #antitrump #trumpisnotmypresident #russiahack #kremlinklan #FLYNNGATE #saveamerica #takebackamerica #fucktrump #fuckputin #missingobama #trumpisajoke #trumpisacoward #takebackthewhitehouse #wewillnotbesilent (at City of New Bedford)
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endyedesonnews · 7 years
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Kaspersky denies espionage for Russia. #edesoncrimenews #kasperskylab #kaspersky20 #kaspersky #kasperskymotorsport #softwarecompany #softwareengineer #russiahack #hacks #denial #softwaredeveloper
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article25now · 6 years
Putin’s DNA
I know when I listen to our “so called” President discuss his America First policy, I cringe when I hear these words come out of his mouth. The next sentences usually sounds something like this, “We as a sovereign nation, will follow our national interests, and we expect all other nations to act the same way.” He looks so smug and full of himself, like an elementary school boy after he gets a correct answer from being the only one that raised his hand.  
The point I want to make from any International Relations course taken by a college student, Trump's America First message would seem to be idiotic and irrelevant for our nation. I dusted off my old text books for this subject where I discovered (what I had remembered) in the very first sentence, where it states -all nations follow their own self-interests. I assume he spews this drivel for his base of angry people (the reason why I stopped watching CSPAN in the morning). However, our country must look rather small now to the rest of the world, as “Professor” Trump, lectures them on how to deal with their own national interests. I can only assume from this policy speech many if not most foreign diplomats at the United Nations must look at Ambassador Haley with much contempt
Let's stay with that theme of political education. Another course I really liked was Comparative Politics. The subject lets you compare and contrast any nation's current political system. It lets you plot possible future outcomes based  on trends in a nation's political history. I once compared Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well Poland to Russia. My major discoveries from both groups, Egypt, would have trouble with democracy. Even after the Arab Spring, because of a number of factors. The first being long term authoritarian military rule usually led by one dictator, think back to King Tut or any other pharaoh whose name you can remember off the top of your head. The Arab nation only had about 60 years of a democratic type of constitutional government with between 6 or 7 new constitutions. The army also currently chokes off the economy where they are responsible for most of the infrastructure construction, that affects the economy for average workers.
I also discovered the other two nations, that up until 1980, Russia always meddled in Polish affairs. The time span was something like five centuries, where the major theme  Russian distrust of a free and open Poland. The rulers of Russia wanted to keep a check on these type of nations on its borders. The main reason was the fear of the spread of democracy to the every day Russian. They succeeded for many hundreds of years through the formations of spy systems for intelligence gathering abroad and at home.
What I realized now from Putin's many forays into Western democracy, that we potentially as a nation may lack the drive to conquer and divide our enemies like the Russians.
Please, read the history of the Russian Intelligence Service. You now may see inside the DNA of Putin, what drives him to create chaos around the globe.
It all starts here with the first known intelligence gathering service back in 1565 by Ivan the Terrible. The Oprichnina as it was called had 6,000 horse guards dressed in all-black cavalry clothes, with the “Broom and the Dog” coat of arms emblem. The intention of the symbol was for these defenders to sniff out and sweep up any opposition to the ruler.
These intelligence services all performed low brow duties of intelligence such as open letters, peep through key holes, assassinate threats to the nation and intercept couriers. These early organizations were formed in 1697, by Peter the Great, who created the  Probrazhensky Office. 1731, Queen Anne, establishes the Chancellary for Secret Investigations, and Peter III, the Secret Bureau.
Alexander II establishes a secret police force called the Okhrana. They are ruthless in the defense of the Tsar as they act above the law. The organization arrests opposition with no warrants, conducts massive surveillance campaigns and performs random executions. The special group also kill revolutionaries, set up spy networks and eliminate any dissidents in other nations.
In 1917 Lenin's communist revolution overthrows the government of Tsar Nicholas II. Almost immediately forms the anti-royalist counter intelligence group, the All Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Revolution and Sabotage and becomes known as the Cheka.
The “God Father” of modern day Russian spy craft was Felix Dzerzhinsky, the architect of Cheka. The agency's focus was organized terror, “as it's needed in times of revolution” or so the legend goes. The philosophy still applies 70 years after the man's death. His philosophy was“We terrorize the enemies of the Soviet Government in order to stop crime at its inception.”
1924, after Lenin's death, Stalin takes over as leader of the nation. His Secret Police murdered an estimated 50 million citizens.
1930 sees the NKVD and later the Administration of Special Tasks. The main focus was to co-opt foreign agents and give support to socialist sympathizers in foreign lands, as well to eliminate any dissenters at home.
In the 1930s successes were the development of British and American spies in universities. One of the most famous being the Cambridge Five Spy Ring, and a number of high level British Secret Service MI6 members.
The early 1940s, sees Lavrenti Beria, expand the NKVD, to “spin off” another organization the NKGB. The responsibilities of this unit were to take care of internal security, conmduct espionage and guerrilla activities during WWII.
After Stalin's death, Beria tried to make himself as Stalin's replacement, but the politburo arrested, prosecuted and executed him in 1953,all in one year.
Nikita Khrushchev, becomes the leader after Stalin. On March 13, 1954. He establishes the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB). The organization becomes Russia's main state security/intelligence agency to wage war against the West and at home.
Ivan Serov was the first KGB Director, as his first task was to wipe out any Beria supporters.
1958, Aleksandr Shelepin, (known as Shelli) becomes the KGB Chairman. He attempts to destabilize the West, and run anti-colonial terrorism programs in hot spots around the globe, such as the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
The longest serving KGB Chairman for 15 years (1967-82) was Yuri Andropov. His leadership during the Golden Years, saw improvements to technology that enhances the organization's effectiveness around the world and at home. He steps down to head the Politburo.  
The last chairman of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, led a failed coup to over throw Gorbachev in 1991.
The Soviet Union dissolves on December 25, 1991, but the KGB legacy survives.
After the collapse of the state, the KGB becomes the FSK or Federalnaya Sluzhba Kontrrazvedki or Federal Counterintelligence Service. It was designed to be like Britain's MI5.
In 1995 the FSK becomes the FSB, the “B” stands for Bezopasnost, or the Federal Security Service.
Putin, now as leader of Russia can direct the dark arts of espionage and reap its rewards.
After you read about the head start Russia has on us, in regards to national historical pride for counter intelligence, do we really want to give the current co-opted American President any additional funds for a border security force, forget the wall right now. He requests an extra 15 billion dollars over 10 years. If, you average the workforce at total compensation of $100,000 a year, that equals 15,000 border agents. After you read Putin's nation's history in counter intelligence and how Trump admires Russia as well its leader, we all need to contact our elected officials to push back on his border security personnel needs.
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frenchrivierago · 7 years
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Gotta love Russia's sense of humor :) have a great week! #russia #hillaryclinton #moscow #humor #russiahack #trump
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derfoto · 7 years
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#Repost @polibeats_ with @repostapp ・・・ Ain't that the truth! #marktwain #notmypresident #trumpcorruption #traitor #treason #traitortrump #russiagate #putinspuppet #russiahack #impeachtrump #impeach #affordablecareact #drumpf #scrotus #impeachdonaldtrump #marktwainquote #lockhimup
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bigvizzyadot2lg · 7 years
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#repost @snowflakenation Repost from @sledgehammer2017 #wewillnotbesilent #powertothepeople #resistandpersist #corruption #authoritarianism #censorship #democracy #1984 #draconian #notonourwatch #impeachtrump #russiahack #notmypresident #nofascistusa #scrotus #lockhimup  #notmypresident #fascisttrump #fascism #resist #resistance #strongertogether #dumptrump #racism #bigots #twitler #nevertrump #impeach #nevertrump #fakepresident #dictatorship #dictators
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ogkloer · 7 years
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ilovebooksnanimals · 7 years
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Everytime #trump has said no ties to #russia no meetings with #russia no #russiahack n no #colluction the total opposite is found time n time again 😂😂😂😂😂 damn how many of them was trying 2 get #hilaryemails #trump asked #russia The head of the campaign hired 4 #trump #papadopoulos #donaldtrumpjr more than once n there ties n lies 2 to da max But yet they still want to #investigate #hilaryemails n #uraniumone deal not because there was anything that wasn't #investigated before but cuz #teamofminions n #agjeffsessions need the #distraction lml #investigate her again n again it's not gonna stop #MuellerInvestigation n even if #mueller is fired another #fbi #investigation will happen https://www.google.com/amp/www.nydailynews.com/amp/newswires/news/national/trump-jr-messaged-wikileaks-2016-campaign-article-1.3630569 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/545738/ https://www.google.com/amp/www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/11/07/trump-and-russia-investigation-what-to-know.amp.html https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868 https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000005253202/trump-team-has-frequently-and-falsely-claimed-no-contact-with-russia.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/us/politics/trump-russia-email-clinton.amp.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/10/25/politics/cambridge-analytica-julian-assange-wikileaks-clinton-emails/index.html
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maewestside · 7 years
VICHY MSM: Or When a Writer Has to Do Math… by heidi siegmund cuda, aka @maewestside
Because the things that Americans need as they sift through the debacle of Scamalot… clarity, truth… cannot easily be found in Vichy MSM, an unshackled gal like I must help clarify the narrative. When you’ve worked in corporate telly and print, you know the racket. Sometimes you’ll get some truth, and often you get the mandate from the billionare$ who sign the checks. Ergo, there’s no checks and balances on truth in reporting, so it’s difficult to find it anywhere consistently. Truth in corporate controlled media is like the rose that grows from the concrete. Cherish it.
Even the most noblest of things you see on TV are sponsored by greedcreeper$ who are cyberbombing the world with info-lie$ adjusted to ensure a winning portfolio. 
But as the rotating doors of Scamalot’s very own Stoolie$ reminds we truthseekers that THIS IS NOT NORMAL, I figgered, just as I gave you a character timeline of “Silent Bob” Mueller vs the Mob Carny, aka the “Diarrhea Tweeta,” I felt it was important for someone from #freepress to step up and count the “Fade Outs” lulz, those fired or who resigned from working with the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Our Country and Certainly the Most Déclassé: the Real Fake President aka #Bot45, a full-on mental ca$e. 
So here goes, a writer who ain’t a mathemagician attempts the arithmetic of a Real Fake President who can’t control his staff lulz:
THE FADE OUTS, in order of their last appearance:
Tom Price, House and Human Services lulz… quit in di$grace
Sebastian Gorka, WH Counterterrorism Advisor lulz… re$igned
Andrew Hemming, Rapid Response Director lulz, who was tasked with peddling positive news stories to both media and #Bot45 #sad… resigned
Carl Icahn, Special Advisor… recu$ed hisself
Steve Bannon, WH Chief Strategi$t lulz… depend$ who you a$k or read, but hi$ removal put him outsky on his own tripsky, still funded by #mercercreeper and the queens of “glittering steel” lulz and getting lots of facetime on #vichymsm as loose gravel everywhere
Anthony Scarymucci, WH Communications Director… fired #burpfarthurl
Reince Priebus, WH Chief of $taffz lulz… fired lulz
Michael Short, Asst. Press Secretary… resigned
Sean $picer, WH Press Secretary… resigned lulz #burpfart
Michael Dubke, WH Communiations Director… resigned
James Comey, Director of the FBI… fired not lulz… very serious shit
Angella Reid, WH Chief Usher… “dismissed” not lulz… #trulysad
KT McFarland, Deputy National Security Advisor… reassigned lulz
Katie Walsh, Deputy Chief of Staff… dismissed? repurposed? after health care fail
Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York… fired not lulz 
Craig Deare, National Security Council Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs… fired not lulz… (an example of the vainglorious #mental45 inability to not be fawned over relentlessly i.e., “kiss the ring, bitch”)
Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor lulz not lulz… #treasonweasel
Sally Yates, #shero, United States Deputy Attorney General… fired resulting in a promotion into the hearts of the American public
Patrick Kennedy, Under Secretary of State for MGMT… quit #word
Now gentle reader, this is only a fraction of reality: the night I arrived in Washington, DC, to partake in the Women’s March, I was hosted by a gent who had resigned his position in our government that evening and shook the hand of the gentleman who had hired him, President Barack Obama, on the way out the door.
My host, like many, had no intention to ever work under a Real False President, a man of such staggering inelegance whose staggering track record of failure and mobponzi-ne$$ was downplayed so profoundly by Vichy MSM which was profiting so tremendously off his rise… but I digress (stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before; and it’s not too late to sign my #cybertreason @moveon petition https://twitter.com/foxycuda/status/854824622901960704).
As we await the next resignation, firing, scandal or whatevs to oust SessionsCreeper, PruitCreeper, ConwayCreeper, the Golden Doo$h and of course the Diarrhea Tweeta hisself, we also want to remind everyone that we prolly won’t remember the names of those who bailed on #Bot45 early, but the stench of collaborator$ will last long after impeachment.
Gee, I’m guessing a few of my millionaire pals are wishing they’d listened to their only real friend in the media when I cautioned them a year ago to not take the call, the filthy lucre or the facetime.
Kliegeye is a permanent condition when the spotlight becomes an interrogation light.
Emmy award-winning investigative reporter Heidi Siegmund Cuda’s latest film, “Rigged: A Tail of Corruption,” makes it big screen debut at the Orcas Island Film Festival, which takes place the weekend of Oct. 6-9. Cuda is one of three directors who won a grant to make a short film on the San Juan Islands. You can view her film, “RIGGED,” here: http://www.orcasfilmfest.com/rigged/
Cuda believes the world is being misrepresented by vichy media, which is inflaming hate for profit, when most of this world is beautiful and people love each other and this uptick in misery we are seeing is a for-profit stew that’s now metastasizing. 
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Democrats still blaming Putin for loosing 2016 US presidential election.🥱😴🙄🤥💩🦃🦃🦃
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candorville · 5 years
#Mueller testifies before #Congress that #Russia is attacking our elections (a cartoon)
#Mueller testifies before #Congress that #Russia is attacking our elections (a cartoon)
Aside from confirming the ten instances of Trump’s obstruction of justice, Robert Mueller testifies before Congress that Russia is continuing its attack on America’s elections.
If you like these cartoons you could support them directly by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/darrinbell
———Subscribe to see time-lapse animations of these cartoons being created, at my YouTube channel ———Follow on T…
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cynthiayildirim · 6 years
“The indictment charges that the Russian efforts began in 2014, when three of the Russian conspirators visited 10 states, gathering intelligence about U.S. politics. Officials say that as the operation progressed, the suspects also engaged in extensive online conversations with Americans who became unwitting tools of the Russian efforts. The indictment does not accuse the Russian government of involvement in the scheme, nor does it claim that it succeeded in swaying any votes.” - The Washington Post
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