debaited 7 months
Hello! I know you aren't in the Skyrim mindset right now but I wanted to let you know that following your posts about your characters and reading your work on AO3 has been a big inspiration for me in my own writing. When I've been in a slump I read your work and it eases the writer's block! Thank you for your passion and your amazing stories (:
Thank you so so much, this honestly made me extremely happy 馃槶
It means so much to me that my work could be a source of inspiration for someone else, and that someone could appreciate it so much that they read over it more than once. Thank you so very much for this, anon. It really made my entire week, if I'm being honest. Its things like this that make me want to keep writing despite how difficult it can be sometimes. So, thank you again <33
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debaited 7 months
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been a while since I posted anything here but I found this saved to my phone and well it speaks for itself
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debaited 11 months
Sometimes I forget I can just make my ocs poly
Thinking about making Atlas kiss several people... hmmmm
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debaited 11 months
OC Tag Game
Tagged by @nowandthane ty my friend <3 I loved this game. it's fun to think about and categorize my Skyrim guys.
tagging @lyradrawings @hezenvengeance @argisthebulwark @thana-topsy @juniperberries-canisroot and anyone else who would like to take part. No pressure <3
Favorite OC: Oh man. It really depends on who I'm writing or fixating on. I guess I would say my two most favorites are Griffin and Faelon. Griffin is super complex and his feelings and emotions go very deep. He has several inner struggles to battle at a time, and writing his interactions and reactions to things are fun. Faelon helps to get a darker perspective on things; his mind works so differently from that of my other characters, and he lets me explore grey morality more.
Newest OC: Honestly, Faelon is my newest. I integrated Veris in not long ago, but he existed as an oc from a different fandom before this so he wouldn't technically be new.
Oldest OC: Atlas. I'm still working on rewriting him, but I used him back when I was still playing console Skyrim. He was the first Skyrim oc of mine that I ever gave much thought to.
Meanest OC: Faelon. He's pretty terrible sometimes (affectionate)
Softest OC: Theo. That's my baby. He's very sensitive and has a terrible case of RSD (I may have projected)
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Technically Faelon again. He can be charming and persuasive but that's mostly cause he learns from and mirrors the way people act so that he can manipulate them. But when he's in a genuine position of talking to someone without ulterior motives, he's at a loss and is usually pretty elusive.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC: If we're going in terms of book smarts and not practicality I'd have to say Griffin. My man never really got any education and he lived off of learning everything firsthand. He knows a lot on the surface from experience. He knows how most things work, but not the "why" or inner workings of them. He's also not the best at reading or writing, but his vocabulary is decent from listening to other people talk.
Smartest OC: Theo. He's a scholar. He's smarter than me. But he's also humble about it (not at all because I don't know all the things he's supposed to know or anything)
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Theo or Atlas. They're easier to get along with and not as intense; I'd def slip up around the others.
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debaited 11 months
[Covered in blood] Sorry, I got lost in the sauce
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debaited 11 months
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Faelon waking up from enthrallment
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debaited 11 months
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Guildmaster's pet <3
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debaited 11 months
I wrote some little sequences from Faelon's backstory of when he was in the process of being enthralled and I've been sitting here wondering if I should post it to ao3 or on this blog instead. I decided I'll post it here for now and maybe there later.
TW for mentions of torture (not actively happening but mentioned as having happened), enslavement, and memory loss due to psychological and physical trauma.
My name is Faelon. I am a mercenary and I have a fifteen year old sister named Baela who is waiting for me at Nightgate Inn. I have been missing for about a year now. My captor is a cruel one who masquerades as a savior and uses mind magic on me to try to bend my will to hers, but my conscience is stronger than she anticipated.
I need to escape, but she keeps me bound with unbreakable chains.
I need to go home.
Faelon repeated the montage in his head over and over.
He had already started to forget a few things. He knew someone had betrayed him. A blue Khajiit who shot an arrow into his head - but what was his name? What did he look like besides those descriptors? Spite brought bile into his throat. It was his fault. He was supposed to be earning enough money to get his sister safe from that blasted inn. He needed to escape.
- one year later -
The days started to melt into weeks, then months, and maybe years. Faelon did not know.
He did not know how he stayed alive through the agony and the terrible numbness that came after. He lost hours of lucidity every day.
After each punishing minute, he urged his mind to catch. To spark a singular memory.
My name is Faelon. I am a mercenary and I have a little sister who is waiting for me at Nightgate Inn.
Before, he had his sister's age and name to add to that montage. But he had lost that some time ago. The electricity had taken it.
Faelon did not remember what his sister looked like. He did not remember her name. Her name had left when the heat had melted the skin from the soles of his feet. Her face had gone after the hours of illusion magic wiped his mind of any familiar faces besides that of his master. His mother. His savior.
No - not his master. Not his mother. Not his savior. A captor. A monster. A torturer. She was peeling him apart slowly. She told him that he was her most stubborn yet - but he would not relent. She could torture him all she wished. He would not let her take everything.
He had to do it. For his sister. What color were her eyes? Were they green, or was that just the color of his captor's eyes? He did not know. The familiar warmth of tears wet his cheeks. The torture hurt, but the physical pain wasn't nearly as bad as the mental. The therapy was working. He would become a mindless slave soon. His sister would be left to her devices, all alone.
He didn't remember how he got here. Flashes of blue fur, the sting of an arrow - that was all his tired, scarred brain could glean. But the memories of his torturer were vivid, blown up to full resolution in his mind. Restoration magic, waking in the arms of an Imperial woman with golden hair and emeralds for eyes. She nursed his wounds and as she did so, she bled her poisonous magic into him. But he wasn't as easy as her past slaves had been. He was more resistant - he would take more than simple illusion magic to break. She had began resorting to extensive physical torture after wiping his mind with illusion magic had not worked.
Grateful. That's what he was supposed to be. That's what she repeated to him. Word by word, hour by hour, when she harmed him. Sometimes his brain almost slipped, and he almost believed it. That was what frightened him most.
He was so tired. He hoped she would heal him soon, even if it was just to do some dirty work for her. He would do it just for a chance to feel well again. Everything hurt. How much longer could he fight?
-four years later-
(Wizard's pov)
Calloused, scarred fingers worked diligently to carve the wooden staff. Thinking wasn't necessary, only the work. He was given extensive instructions on how to replicate the weapon for his master.
There she sat beside him, her emerald eyes gazing upon him. Her handiwork. Scarred though he was, he was a beautiful work of art - his red hair was getting longer. She took the liberty of braiding it for him so it wouldn't get in the way of his work. Her Fae. He had taken a long time to break, but every gruelling second of it was worth it. The Bosmer was perfect beyond measure.
His yellow-green eyes, their lovely blackened sclera, raised to meet hers. There was no more contempt, no more hate in them. No more desperation, no more pain. There was nothing beyond utmost devotion. It was beautiful to see. He knew nothing anymore - not of the sister he had cried for before his ascension, not even of his own name. He didn't need to. He was hers, and she would take care of him.
He had periods of lucidity sometimes but there were much easier to beat out of him. He was so pretty when he bled, anyway. She relished hurting him and then nursing him back when he begged for mercy. She could heal the scars the pain left behind, but that would be a waste. He was even more beautiful when he was marked by her.
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debaited 11 months
You ready for a hard 'tag your oc' challenge?
Tag an oc who doesn't have childhood trauma. At all. Who's family is still alive.
I'll wait.
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debaited 11 months
Queer-coded villain is OUT, villain-coded Queer is IN
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debaited 11 months
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starting a collection
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debaited 1 year
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buncha elven (tes) lads for pride <3
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debaited 1 year
Faelon before enthrallment was a sweet, honest person and loving brother. If Inigo hadn't shot him with an arrow and if he hadn't been abducted and had his mind broken by a wizard, he would have stayed that way and never became the cruel, bitter, terrible man he is now. He would have earned enough money from mercenary jobs to have moved with his sister to Riften for more opportunities. He would have joined the Thieves Guild for extra cash, and probably would have ended up falling in love with sweet Brynjolf and foiling Mercer's plans.
But because he's been shaped by what happened to him and the loss of his past life and memories, he's power hungry and wants to rip everything from everyone just as it's been ripped from him. And since his and Mercer's views and intentions align here, they inevitably became tied together.
Dont mind me, I'm just over here being normal...
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debaited 1 year
You know how Mercer and all of the inner circle wear black thieves armor? Faelon gets a set after they get uh... "torn" under particular circumstances. Since he's technically up there in rank, Mercer tells Tonilia to give him sets of the armor that the rest of the circle wears. Favoritism showing through? Maybe.
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debaited 1 year
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happy pride from the most normal tes couple <3
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debaited 1 year
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Faelon blue shading experiment to beat back the art block <3
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debaited 1 year
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Super specific Faeloncore post
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