#mercer and faelon
daedrabait · 1 year
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it’s them... 
this drawing took me four months to finally finish ooooo anyway. Faelon and Mercer <3
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debaited · 1 year
I'm excited and terrified to write the climactic installments of the Mercer & Faelon series (aka when they go get the Eyes of the Falmer) even though I'm nowhere near that right now and don't know how long it'll take me to get there; I haven't even begun to write Snow Veil yet.
I have diabolical plans though. Lots of people will die. And Brynjolf will be traumatized even worse than he gets in canon.
It's gonna be fun.
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daedrabait · 1 year
Its WIP Wednesday again
I have a snippet from my newest fanfic in progress for my Faelon and Mercer Frey series.
You can read the series here (nsfw so beware)
But anyway - this takes place after Faelon does the Honningbrew Meadery job. For context, Faelon is my Dragonborn who has joined sides with Mercer Frey & is in a (strange) relationship with him. Here's a little peek at their scheming.
Snippet is SFW with lukewarm tension.
"We have business to attend to. I don't want to hear any of your trifles," Mercer snapped, motioning to his desk. He had lots of things on it. A statue of the Grey Fox stood on the edge of the desk, seemingly overlooking the valuables spread about. There were maps and papers there, and Faelon made out the deed amongst it all.
"What do you want me to do with this? It's the same evasive signature from before," the Bosmer growled, annoyed. What the hell was Mercer playing at?
"Only one person would seek to sabotage me. Karliah," the Guildmaster spat the name like it was a curse. Faelon thought to himself that Mercer underestimated the amount of people who disliked him. Even so, he was curious.
"Who is Karliah? I sense a story here," Faelon asked as propped himself against the wooden post of a nearby wall.
The look the Guildmaster threw at him was nothing short of venomous. His lined face was screwed up even more than usual, his eyes dark. "Karliah was part of the Nightingale Trinity. She was one of the best thieves I ever knew. Her and Gallus were close," he said with no small amount of contempt.
"When I killed Gallus, she fled from the scene. This made it remarkably easy for me to frame his death upon her. The little bitch has been plotting against me ever since - she's even had the nerve to send assassins after me on several occasions. And now she dares to muddle into the business of my guild. The guild that I earned from cutting away my own ends while she ran away to grieve a man who had everything handed to him quite easily, including the little wretch herself."
Oh, what bitterness! It was thrilling. Was that a hint of jealousy in his voice?
"Oh yeah? So, what, you were the little outcast of the trinity?" Faelon couldn't keep the grin off his face.
Mercer snarled at him, his grey-blue eyes flashing as he shoved the Bosmer's chest. Oh, he'd definitely hit a nerve. That was interesting.
"Gallus was the perfect leader. The perfect example of a prodigy: giving to the poor, being honest with the guild, using his silver tongue to get everything he ever wanted," Mercer spat, his hands still flush against Faelon's chest. His eyes were a maelstrom of emotions. "He couldn't have let me have one thing. Not even..." His jaw clenched as he wrenched his hands away from the Bosmer's chest. Faelon raised an eyebrow at him, and then it clicked.
That was interesting.
"You were jealous," the Dragonborn purred, "You have a thing for this 'Karliah,' don't you?" He didn't attempt stop the chuckles that slipped out of him.
Mercer scowled and drew an ebony dagger, holding it up to Faelon's throat. The elf hummed and bared it willingly, a shower of tingles spreading through him. The Guildmaster growled, "I'm tired of you thinking everything is a joke. We could see how hard you'll laugh while choking on your own blood."
"I won't laugh at your pain again, dear Mercer - on my honor," Faelon hummed as he gripped the blade of the dagger. It was sharp as it bit into his skin. "But this sweet Karliah of yours is a threat to us, yes? How do you plan for us to handle her?"
Mercer's eyes had fallen onto Faelon's lips. The Bosmer smirked. Whatever feelings he had for Karliah in the past or present, the Guildmaster was his. He had Mercer wrapped around his finger.
"We'll have to kill her," the Breton said with a sense of finality. Faelon loved the sound of his voice when he was being serious. It was pitched low and confident. It sent thrills through him.
"Perfect," the Dragonborn hummed, "We're finally getting to the fun part of this grueling bit of business, don't you think?"
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debaited · 1 year
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runs away giggling
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debaited · 1 year
HELLO MY BELOVED! i'm so glad you made another ask game omg <3 For Mercer and Faelon: 16 & 22
Hiiii <33 thank you sm for all the asks hehehe, might take me a minute to respond to all of them but I will do it gladly
Faelon & Mercer
16. What are their love languages?
This one made me think. Uhhh. Shit. They're such strange creatures honestly. I would say quality time, because they're basically joined at the hip after Snow Veil. They're too stupid to talk about feelings, they're bad at accepting physical touch that isn't weird kinky sex, they do kinda do services for each other but it's more utilitarian to get what they want done instead of out of love or whatever, but they stay really close to each other all the time. Faelon does like giving gifts so maybe some of that too.
22. Who is more likely to win in a physical fight against each other? (theoretical)
Faelon. It would be a hell of a fight because Mercer is an asshole and fights dirty, but if Fae truly wanted to win it, he definitely could.
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daedrabait · 1 year
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What if we kissed... and we were at Labyrinthian... and the frost trolls howled in rage beneath us... while it was snowing
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debaited · 1 year
Faelon is actually a big alchemy nerd. Get him started and he'll talk about it for hours and teach you lots of shit. He knows a lot and is a surprisingly good and patient teacher.
Funnily enough I imagine he teaches Mercer how to do alchemy while Mercer helps him learn how to set traps and evade them better. They're a dream team when they get along with eachother (rare) (at least at first)
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debaited · 1 year
Thinking about Faelon and Mercer...
The way that Mercer never asks Fae questions about all the scars on his body, just appreciates them quietly or outright ignores them. The scars are just there to Mercer. He doesn't ask questions. He has his own scars he doesn't talk about
How his lack of concern or prying is really comforting to Faelon
How Faelon doesn't have to sugarcoat or pretend to be a better person than he really is around Mercer (for better or worse) and even if Mercer scorns him, he knows that he agrees because they're mostly the same
The way Faelon can just exist around him and freely express his darker desires without being bombarded by the need to fake morality or to broach the harder subject of feelings or his past
Is this healthy? Nah. But it's how they've bonded
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debaited · 1 year
Hopefully I'm not asking any repeats! For Mercer X Faelon:
15. Do they bicker with each other?
16. What are their love languages?
20. Who admitted feelings first?
27. What's their favorite thing to do together?
Thank you for the ask! I love talking about these weird little bastards <3
Mercer & Faelon
15. Do they bicker with each other?
YES. Constantly. They're annoying (affectionate)
16. What are their love languages?
Answered here <3
20. Who admitted feelings first?
Faelon, begrudgingly. But Mercer definitely caught feelings first. He just is too much of an asshole to admit that.
27.  What's their favorite thing to do together?
Nefarious things. Crimes. Killing and stealing from people. They're terrible.
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debaited · 1 year
for the couple ask game: 6, 8, 9! (for anyone you like)
Thank you sm for the ask!
Soooo this'll be pretty long.
6. How did they meet?
Theo & Griffin - in an inn in Falkreath. Theo was looking for someone to train him and to allow him to travel with them, and Griffin happened to be the first person to accept and allow him to tag along <3
Faelon & Mercer - they met when Faelon was accepted as a full member of the Thieves Guild.
Veris & Balimund - Veris approached him to browse his weaponry and ended up taking the job to retrieve fire salts for him.
8. If they do get married, do they do it in the traditional Skyrim way? (Ex: Amulet of Mara, temple in Riften)
Mercer & Faelon - their eventual marriage is very untraditional, as in the aftermath of their combined shenanigans they're banned from Riften so they can't attend the Temple. Faelon does however wear the amulet and proposes to Mercer, who at first thinks it's a joke and gets pissed but realizes it isn't and accepts, cracking his unemotional facade. With the help of Faelon's sister and her own husband, they find a priest who's willing to marry them out in the wilderness <3
Veris & Balimund - their marriage is more traditional but moves much more slowly. Veris wears the amulet for quite a while and attends the temple to heal his soul and appeal to Mara, becoming her Champion before eventually proposing. Him and Balimund get married in the temple once everything feels just right for both of them.
9. How different are they?
Theo & Griffin - Very different. Griffin is much more guarded and knowledgable about the world after all the hardships he faces, and Theo is (or was) more sheltered, and more anxious but also excited about learning new things. Theo is much more open than Griffin is, but Griffin is also much more patient and understanding.
Faelon & Mercer - they're on the same level on ambition and morality, but personality wise? Faelon is much less serious, more impulsive, and more charming while Mercer is very much more serious, uptight, and grouchy. Mercer is terrible at talking to people (as you can see in canon), while Faelon can charm people into giving him their whole coin purse with a few well-spoken words.
Veris & Balimund - Balimund is much kinder and more understanding, but he also has more experience with different types of people than Veris does. Veris is more cynical and has a huge capability for cruelness considering his background but is slowly starting to get better.
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debaited · 1 year
Been slowly adding on to a little drabble of Mercer actually cooking for Faelon (cause he's had enough of seeing him eat raw meat)
I love them and their small moments of domesticity, almost makes them seem normal
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daedrabait · 1 year
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why are these two terrible men actually so cute
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debaited · 1 year
Faelon is two inches shorter than Mercer but will never admit that.
In his brain they're the same height.
They aren't.
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daedrabait · 1 year
glutton for punishment
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daedrabait · 11 months
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these screenshots were so cute
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daedrabait · 1 year
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happy pride from the most normal tes couple <3
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