#rules are what we have to have in order to function as a civilized society
biblioflyer · 2 months
Bad Dune Takes are the Mind Killer
I'm going to type up some more robust thoughts on Dune part 2, but I've seen some subtle bad ideas circulating that are drawn from shallow readings of either the films or the books or both.
First off, anyone who swallows the Bene Gesserit propaganda about their eugenics program needs to be pushed back on. They are NOT sorting humans from animals. The function of the Gom Jabar test (I will look up the proper spelling later and edit it in), doesn't even really seem to have anything to do with the metaphysics of the setting so much as its testing for self discipline. This is something that is nature AND nurture.
The dirty truth of the matter is that no one is a true Tabula Rasa, we do inherit some tendencies genetically, but barring a serious developmental disorder, those are tendencies. Tendencies can be ameliorated, if not even outright disappear in the noise of lived experience and explicit education.
If Feyd Ruatha can pass the Gom Jabar, you know its not actually testing for merit, its testing for a specific set of traits that the Bene Gesserit find useful.
Those traits are part of the ingredients they are seeking for the Kwisatch Haderach (yes, I know, I'll edit it later) but here's the kicker!
Major book spoilers ahead
While this is probably not exclusively the Bene Gesserit's fault, all of these secret societies, all of this obsession with bloodlines, and perfection is a time bomb. Paul is not a white savior. Paul is a labradoodle. He is an incredible endgame of generations of effort but he's a symptom of a broader problem that he himself vaguely glimpses and his son, Leto II, sees in all its terrible truth: the Bene Gesserit and their ilk are reserving autonomy for themselves, perhaps even at the genetic level, and trying to breed complacency into "the commons." The ones they regard as "animals" unfit for and incapable of self direction. People who are only fit to be ruled.
Sound familiar?
Its feudalistic "divine right of kings" merged with eugenics.
AKA fascism.
Paul and Leto II become despicable tyrants and authorial fiat would seem to indicate they are trapped by a sort of accelerationist framing of the problem. The end result of the millennia of power brokering in the background by all of these secretive societies and open monarchism is a humanity that is doomed. One way or another, it will be snuffed out. Whether by a total war, plague, or collapse of civilization.
This is why I say that the Bene Gesserit endgame is labradoodles. Pretty? Yes. Companionable? Sure. But like many, many, many designer breeds very, very lacking in genetic diversity.
This is what selective breeding gets you. Its why Leto II foresees the need to provoke a "Great Scattering." To ensure humanity exists in so many places, in so many different genetic and cultural forms that it cannot be subjugated by even the most charismatic and supernaturally powerful tyrant - not even by himself - and incapable of being extinguished by any plague or natural disaster. Because consolidation into too narrow and tight of a socio-cultural-political footprint means when (not if) that civilization screws up epically, it brings everyone down with it.
So if Roddenberry believed in the end of history, as expressed by the Federation: a society that is not incapable of error but IS capable of introspection and correction in the wake of error such that it is extremely unlikely to collapse from its own errors and contradictions. Then Herbert seems to be positing that history has no end. It will be one damn thing after another for all time and his implicit solution is that we desperately need diversity: genetic diversity and cultural diversity otherwise a self anointed superior sect of schemers and intriguers will get us all killed in the end by making us docile and homogeneous in order to make us more useful: to them.
Herbert also is suggesting that events like the Fremen Jihad is a likely bit of blowback from such consolidation. That human beings (the very same the Bene Gesserit regard as animals) naturally crave autonomy, dignity, and the essentials of life and if you press these things, the result will be a socio-political nuclear explosion.
I don't know if Herbert was an accelerationist. But it doesn't really matter because this leads me to the second bad take:
The Jihad and the Golden Path are not good, actually. Authorial Fiat dictate that they are necessary because authorial fiat dictates that human civilization in Dune has become so consolidated and bent to the whims of shadowy schemers that any attempt to wrest control away and return it to "normal" people, if indeed that is even possible given the technologies and superhumans running around, will result in such disorder and chaos that it be, functionally, genocide even if it is not genocide in intent.
The Jihad itself is also a consequence of the Great Man relying on people who only see a sliver of the overall project and interpret it through their own prism. That prism being one of anger, resentment, and a desire to see others conform to their worldview in order to ensure they are never again under anyone's boot.
Authorial fiat dictates that by the time Paul is born, there's no way back. No way to unwind all of this mess. The systems and structures are too complex, too interdependent. The Bene Gesserit, the Face Dancers, and everyone else I'm forgetting have too many contingency plans to fall back on. Not even a psychic can pull the Jenga pieces of civilization out delicately enough to restack them without the whole thing coming apart, not if he has to rely on millions of people with an axe to grind against the civilization he's trying to reform, a civilization that spent millennia trying to subjugate the Fremen or drive them into extinction.
But I maintain accelerationism is bad. You're not psychic. I'm not psychic. There's no Kwisatch Haderach lurking in the background to see what comes next. If you burn it all down, there might be a flourishing of dignity and freedom on the other side or it might be extinction because some other "cabal" will just take over and do the same things only meaner and dumber.
So if not accelerationism then what?
Introspection always. Seeking reform and equity before the power structures get too entrenched that gambling on a Great Scattering following in the wake of genocidal messiahs start seems like a good idea.
I'm not dunking on Dune to build a motte and bailey around Star Trek. I love Dune, but people tend to fixate on icky parts and call them good, when the whole point was don't let society get so bad you need to cross your fingers and hope the God Emperor is secretly an enlightened genocidal tyrant who is waiting for you to get restive enough to strike him down as part of some harebrained scheme to generate so much historical trauma it inoculates humanity against tyranny for all time.
Which of course, is a false premise. Herbert may or may not have known this in the mid-20th century, but we live in a world where 5-6 generations later, everything we were supposed to learn from and never repeat about tyranny, fascism, eugenics, and being disinterested in how and why there came to be fighters in difficult to pronounce faraway lands who seem to be rather upset with us, is now a thing that has to be taught and can be disputed and debated.
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merlincersei · 10 months
Merlin BBC UK TV Show - A Psychological Analysis Series Part 1
What Does It All Mean ?
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Part 1: Introduction to basic psychological terminologies
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According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories, the super-ego operates as a moral conscience, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.
Eros is the drive of life, love, creativity, and sexuality, self-satisfaction, and species preservation. Thanatos, from the Greek word for “death” is the drive of aggression, sadism, destruction, violence, and death.
Part 2: Desire vs Control
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In the show, dragons are ancient magical creatures, possessing powers and knowledge that is unattainable to humans. We can make a distinction between dragons as being primeval nature on one side, and men as civilization. To function in society, we have learned either to suppress our base instincts or at least to express them in a sublimate way.Following instincts without any restraint is dangerous, as it would bring havoc. Therefore, it’s forbidden. Something similar happens in the series, only these instincts (libido in particular), take the shape of magic.
Part 3: Magic represents homosexuality
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Throughout the history of Abrahamic religions, there has been a connection between magic and (deviant) sexual practices. From the osculum inafme (kissing of donkey’s anuses and kissing the Devil’s anus) to witches who were supposedly inserting hallucinogenous mushrooms into their vaginas. The series association between magic and non heteronormative instincts (libido) becomes pronounced as series progresses.
Part 4: Uther’s relationship with magic
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In Merlin’s world, most dragons have been slain. The only surviving dragon is chained in a cave by Uther’s orders. Uther here acts as the enforcer of social norms or in other words, he symbolizes the external force (parents, law, religion etc) that instills the rules Arthur and Merlin internalize (Superego).
Uther (society) recognizes practicing magic (acting on impulses) as dangerous behavior, and consequently he tries to eradicate it. Magic (sexual impulses) are part of human nature, however, and regardless of how much Uther tries, he will never be able to eradicate it completely. The best he can do is to chain it. We constantly see Uther over reach his repression against magic (sexual impulses) to reach his peace of mind, he uses his destructive impulse (thanatos) to counter his own sexual drive (eros).
His guilt emanates from the fact that he himself harbours some queerness. This is emphasised in the episode Ghost of Uther Pendragon, where Uther uses magic himself.
Part 5: Uther’s relationship with Arthur:
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While Uther is showing himself as the typical distant and repressive fatherly figure, he has at the same time channeled all his hopes and emotions on Arthur, almost as if afraid his faults would show in his son’s behavior. To avoid that, he had trained Arthur strictly from early childhood (‘trained to kill since birth’). Nevertheless, his strict education (military training, because military supposedly makes a real man out of a boy) has left his son emotionally impaired and unable to show affection sincerely. No wonder Arthur’s allowed to show only his masculine, aggressive side, while his love for others is expressed silently, with deeds, or through insults.
Part 6: Kilgaragh is Merlin’s Id
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The depths of the dragon’s cave again represent the subconscious, where repressed instincts and desires (the dragon) dwell. When Merlin descends into the dark cave, that equals descending into his preconscious and communicating with his subconscious (more concretely one part of the subconscious - the Id).
Merlin starts hearing the dragon soon after he met Arthur (in the first episode – The dragon’s call). In other words, the encounter with Arthur compels him to search for his sexual identity. The very first time he hears the dragon’s call, Merlin is in the prison, in which he ended because of Arthur. Such a nice metaphor for Merlin’s inner turmoil.
Nevertheless, Merlin manages to reach the dragon only in the middle of the night, woken up from his sleep. We can interpret this as Merlin finally facing his subconscious desires in his dreams. Dreams, if we follow Freud’s explanation, are always a fulfillment of desires. (Later Merlin is able to talk to the dragon also in the middle of the day, fully awake. This means with time he starts to accept his desires and is able to access his preconscious more easily.)
It’s interesting how Merlin had to trick Uther’s guards to get past them and reach the imprisoned dragon. We see this only for the first time, so we can assume later Merlin is not intimidated by Uther’s (society) rules as much anymore.
The overlapping of magic and homosexual libido becomes evident in Merlin’s case. Merlin hasn’t learned magic; he was born with it. It’s a vital part of himself – without magic, Merlin is nothing, as he told Gaius. Yet while Merlin was already accepting magic as a vital part of himself, even if with a few doubts (he wondered if he’s a monster), he wasn’t fully aware of what his magic actually is.
The dragons tells the truth behind that magic (instincts) and clearly states Merlin’s attraction for Arthur. By saying that Merlin and Arthur are one side of the same coin, the dragon expresses Merlin’s desires for Arthur as his sexual mate as well as the sexual union with him.
This unavoidable truth (Merlin’s sexual orientation and attraction to Arthur) is phrased as ‘destiny’ that Merlin cannot fight.
Merlin’s first reaction is denial. The dragon must be wrong. Id, however, doesn’t know about right or wrong (that’s the prerogative of ‘higher planes’), only about needs and the urge to fulfill them as soon as possible. Coincidentally, the dragon insists that there’s no right or wrong, only what is and what isn’t.
For Merlin, finding out what there is and what isn’t still poses some difficulty. Merlin often says he does not understand what the dragon wants him to do, and other times he thinks the dragon demands from him things that are wrong/unethical.
I could say there seem to be several communication problems between Merlin and the dragon, much in the same way messages from the subconscious come distorted into the ‘conscious part’ of the psyche.
We know the dragon’s intent is to be released, to be free, and that he cares of little else, just like instincts don’t care for any moral precept.
Later in the series (episode To kill the king), the dragon tries to persuade Merlin to kill Uther (all right, to let others kill him) and remove the oppression, but in the end Gaius and Gwen (acting as Superego) convince Merlin otherwise. It’s a nice example of the Ego being torn between the Id and the Superego.
The negative effects of following the instinctive impulses without restraints show again during the episode Le morte d’Arthur, where Merlin listens to the dragon and seeks Nimueh’s help in order to save Arthur’s life. He thinks he bargained his own life in return, but as it turns out, he sacrificed his mother’s life instead.
Note again how magic, the old religion, doesn’t care about who lives or dies, doesn’t care about morality. The only important thing is that ‘the balance is restored’, or in other words, that the needs/desires are fulfilled.
Merlin is confronted with the ‘animal’ part of himself: he realizes the dragon knew his mother would die. He is shocked and disappointed, since he considered the dragon a friend, a good counselor.
The dragon’s reply to that is how Merlin and the dragon are more than friends; they are kin. They are the same person, we could say.
Merlin, however, cannot accept the part of himself that is willing to sacrifice his mother in order to save his own life and the life of his (sexual) mate. Therefore, he decides to keep the dragon chained forever and deny it a proper life; he decides to ignore instincts completely.
Instead, Merlin decides to follow Gaius’s example. By wanting to altruistically sacrifice himself, Gaius again acts as Merlin’s Superego; a benign side of the fatherly figure (as opposed to the negative aspect of the father that Uther represents).
Part 7: Excalibur represents Merlin’s desire for Arthur’s Penis
Another instance where the dragon is the sexual force that drives Merlin toward Arthur is in episode nine (Excalibur). Merlin prepares a sword for Arthur, a magnificent sword, imbued with the power of dragon’s fire.
Swords are often seen as symbols of masculinity, or phallic symbols.
We have to interpret that as Merlin’s readiness to be sexually united with the object of his desires . If you want to see the sword as Arthur’s masculinity, then we can interpret this instance as Merlin’s desire for Arthur’s phallus.
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As we know, in the end it’s Uther who wields the sword and not Arthur in this episode, meaning that Uther suppresses both Merlin’s and Arthur’s sexuality. On one side, Arthur is locked in his room – he has even been drugged in order to be kept ‘safe’ and ignorant of his true nature (that he is in a way a magical creature).
On the other side, Merlin’s feelings and desires toward Arthur have been intercepted by Uther. Despite being angry deep inside (the dragon is furious), he sees that for now it’s safer to throw the sword in the lake. By that, Merlin suppresses his needs and postpones the desired sexual act. Water and the bottom of the lake are only a metaphor for subconscious.
Therefore, the sword at the bottom of the lake represents Merlin’s and Arthur’s (homo)sexuality that is yet to be fully awaken.
I will explore more on this topic in subsequent threads.
Thank you for attending my mini TED talk.
I look forward to answering any questions you may have and I will defend Merthur to death (you have been warned).
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silverity · 10 months
"science says that human beings are either female or male" science is a tool used and defined by humans (and the societies/cultures they live in) to interpret the world around them. claiming "x is objective fact because Science Says So" is an extremely lazy argument (& implies that there is just one singular belief to be drawn from whatever is being researched in the first place). what actual function does it serve to categorize humans into "male" and "female"? who benefits from the enforcement of "male" and "female" categories? what traits do we ascribe to these categories and why?
im not claiming science is completely objective. as you've said, cultural biases can affect the way things are interpreted and understood. women know this more than anyone with the way biological essentialism has been used to define us as physically inferior and solely in existence only to reproduce. i'm also Black, and well aware of scientific racism and the history of pseudoscience claiming we are racially inferior on account of our skulls. so you really don't have to tell me anything about this.
what isn't a product of the biases of human culture or human society, however, is that humans are either one of the two sexes or a rare variation of the two. science is empirical observation, and we have observed this to be true, not just in humans but in other mammalian species. it's not a product of human society if it exists and is observable in nature. our interpretation and understanding of the two sexes, however, is what can become distorted through biases or misinterpretation. a good example being how scientists determined sperm in fertilization "conquers" the egg, but modern studies suggest the egg is actually extremely selective, and entraps/pulls the sperm inside. right? nobody can disagree humans don't reproduce via eggs and sperm. it's the interpretation of the process of it that is affected by cultural bias— particularly the assumption that anything female is inherently passive, and anything male must be active/aggressive.
"what actual function does it serve to categorize humans into male and female?".
most radfems, and a lot of marxfems such as myself, support gender abolition. sex, in our view, is a neutral thing that exists in nature and need not say anything about how you should behave or of your role in society. it is only through the social imposition of gender (which radfems define as a system of hierarchy of males over females and everything that reinforces this, not an innate identity as trans people would say) and it's maintenance via the enforcement of "femininity" (infantilization, sexualisation, submission) for women and of "masculinity" (aggression, control, dominance) for men, that certain traits, roles, behaviours are assigned to men and women. natural sex and it's observation through science do not assign any traits to the sexes. since humans have evolved to become civilized social beings we are no longer ruled by our animal instincts or natural biology.
so in relation to your latter questions, i think we are probably in agreement? we both disagree with the current social order of the sexes, but we disagree about how to eradicate this. the pro-trans side argues in favour of gender identity and the irrelevance of sex. but this doesn't really do away with gender stereotypes, does it? it just allows a few to switch to the opposite side of the gender binary. and making sex irrelevant (though, interestingly, "gender affirming care" is completely about mimicking biological sex markers associated with your "gender identity", so that's rather contradictory) would serve only to invisibilize women's oppression, which unfortunately occurs on a sexual basis. if you disagree that women's oppression is rooted in how men have sought to control and police women's reproduction and sexuality, please read some radical or marxist feminist theory.
the radfem side argues that treating gender as an "identity" in the trans way naturalizes the traits ascribed to the sexes as innate qualities to the sexes. womanhood is femininity, such that any feminine man or man who prefers feminine forms of expression is really a woman. & manhood is masculinity, such that any masculine women or women who wear their hair short are really men. this idea of "gender identity" also tries to pretend women are only oppressed because we adhere to femininity, so it's our own fault for not simply "opting out" of femininity and womanhood as "trans men" do. and when "trans women" present as feminine, they are oppressed just as women are. neither are true, when masculine-presenting women still face female oppression (including "trans men") and femininity (worn by the "trans woman") is only demeaned because the female body it is assigned to is demeaned. "trans women" may experience oppression bc of their gender non-conformity as males but never female oppression nor anything of female experiences.
the radfem position is that you can dress however you want and express yourself however you want, but on the basis of your sex you are still either a man or a woman. man = male human, woman = female human, that's all these terms should mean. we should stop gendering the sexes, essentially. we think gender dysphoria (as in genuine distress over your natural sex and a disconnect with your physical body) is a condition resulting from the oppressive system of gender that restricts both women and men, and think people should receive treatment, not affirmation. there's no issue with gender non-conformity, and if anything radfems encourage gnc especially where femininity is concerned, only that it is harmful to insist your gender non-conformity as a man makes you a woman. men are not the default of the species and women are not non-men, we are not an identity for men to claim when they feel repressed by other men or the standards of masculinity.
intersex people are the only people who may be assigned the wrong sex at birth, and i realise this is probably a very complicated experience for them and so im not really interested in policing what intersex people consider themselves. but most intersex people can still be defined as either male or female in terms of their biology (and so male intersex people should not enter women's sports, for example). the language of "AFAB/AMAB" has been bastardized and taken from the intersex community and applied to people who are NOT in any way intersex. for the rest of us our sex is not wrongly assigned, it is correctly observed.
in an ideal world sex should not be important beyond healthcare, sports, and other instances where it is necessary to take into account the physical differences between men and women e.g. for the safety of passengers in vehicles, which is commonly tested using only larger male measurements. while we still live in a society where women are oppressed on the basis of sex, it is necessary to recognise sex in order to combat this exploitation and inequality, via safeguarding women and female children, providing safe single-sex spaces (something the UN describes as essential in ensuring women have a right to public life), opportunities for women to boost our representation and participation in society, policies aimed at assisting women in male-dominated careers and so on. this is essentially the same thing as recognising the reality of race and how non-white people face disadvantages and discrimination. just as it would not help Black people to invisibilize the social reality of race (note the SCOTUS has just struck down affirmative action on the basis of race) it would not help women to invisibilize sex, nor the sexual dynamics (the threat and reality of sexual assault, abuse, sexual exploitation) that exist between men and women.
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Hopefully this is not too long of an ask but I wanted your opinion on police. I’m surprised by the number of conservatives that I see that are anti-police.
My view is that, by and large,that police officers are decent folks and that the bad apples we see in the news are the exceptions and not the rule.
That used to be my impression too, but the last three years have really shaken my faith in the "mostly good cops" line. In addition to a lot of actual good cops being driven out of their jobs by politicians that are all to eager to throw them under the bus, way too many of the cops that would supposedly "stand with us" against tyranny were all too eager to enforce immoral and unconstitutional covid lockdowns and restrictions. I've seen too many cops stand by while people shoot up schools to automatically assume most cops are brave heroes who want to do what's right. The sheriffs who say they'll refuse to enforce gun control in their far left states do give me some hope, but at the end of the day the police answer to the state, and there are too many states that are actively hostile towards their residents for me to feel as comfortable around cops as I did four years ago. If the good ones are going to follow bad orders, then they're little different from the bad ones.
I do hope this changes, because I'm not anti-cop. For a civilized society to function, there needs to be a law enforcement body. But we need nationwide, state by state reforms as well as a massive reintroduction of civics to both the police and basic education in this country before I except we'll be seeing any great positive change.
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shardssystem · 3 months
Lore24 Compilation - January
From the beginning of the year, I felt an interest in doing a writing challenge of some sort, but a NaNoWriMo is a bit of a tall ask considering work schedule and everything. I’d seen people doing the #Dungeon23 challenge, and that was interesting, but outside my area of expertise. And then I found a blog post about #Lore24, and shared it with a friend in a similar situation.
The idea is, that for each day of the year, you write something about a TTRPG setting (or similar), in order to help expand on concepts. Doesn’t need to be exceptionally detailed, but the idea is to work on vague ideas and solidify things for worldbuilding. I chose Matea, a D&D homebrew setting that had been kicking around in my head for a while. A post-apocalyptic world that was previously as advanced, if not more so, than real life 21st century Earth. When the magic sustaining their technology failed, the world fell into ruin and had to rebuild the hard way.
I thought it would be handy to keep every entry compiled in one place, so here are the entries for January. Original posts can be seen on our Mastodon.
Let me know if there’s anything that you like or even if it inspired something of your own!
1 - Matea, as we encounter it, is a world on the brink of change. What was once a world of technological marvel and magical prowess now finds itself with one of the primary rules of the universe fading. Where both schools of arcane and divine magics helped create a utopia, its wielders struggle to achieve even a fraction of the same skills. If a spell works at all, it is drastically weaker than in history. A worldwide collapse of magitech left the survivors in ruins, unable to adapt.
2 - In the beginning, the Father tried to make the world alone, every attempt failing. The Mother came to him, offering her aid, and so Matea was born. When the first of their creations died, neither could cope, so the Daughter was born to handle the grief and anger. Seeing her good work, the Mother and Father birthed a Sister. Without a domain of her own, she engineered a war to fight against her family; tearing open a rift for devils to pass the barrier and lay waste to creation. Seeing the potential for their work to be undone, the family fought back by creating the angels. The war raged, until the Brother was born to guide a peaceful resolution; quelling the Sister’s rage by suggesting domains she would take over, while he would take the load of the more civil aspects that grew from a progressing society that his elders had not foreseen. The Sister acquiesced, having a duty at last. And so a harmony was established.
3 - Dwarves (name pending) are the progenitor race/species/ancestry (specifically to spite the endless fantasy worlds that start with elves), and are hatched from eggs. Not conventional eggs; more a cocoon of mud and other related materials. They can have a minimum of one parent, and no functional maximum, though after 20, some serious identity issues arise. Prospective parents will start rolling their egg like people do with snow, while performing a ritual of offering to the Father.
4 - Dwarven children are born with a full grown beard, regardless of their future gender presentation. This assists with the development of musculature, though hinders their growth. You can typically tell the age or experience of a dwarf by how worn/damaged their beards are, as they are made of stone. Though some choose to damage their beards personally, for their own reasons, the effects are no less permanent. Some view their beards as a sign of a pact made for their creation.
5 - Elves (name pending) evolved from dwarves when (the story goes) one wished for the ability to fly, being jealous of birds. More long of limb than their traditional counterparts, the elves of Matea are feathered, have the ability to glide until their elder years where they achieve full flight, and prefer to make their nest homes atop the mountain peaks of the world. They still hatch from eggs, but their material choices are less earthy; more grasses and scrub.
6 - Perhaps the hardest hit by the loss of magitech, the Gnomes (name pending) of #Matea seek immortality through their creations, owing to their nature of existence. In their original development, a flaw in the process led to them being primarily formed from sand. This resulted in their lifespan averaging three years before they almost literally fall apart. The Warforged and Autognomes (names pending) are their primary legacies; though they seek further.
7 - Though they do not know it, Tabaxi are among the most powerful beings of #Matea, as they are connected to the universe through some strange magic unknown to others. The first Tabaxi dreamt itself into existence after people began telling made up stories. From there, they dreamt their family into existence, and opened a gate into the realm of the Fey. As they unknowingly created more and more however, their ability to do so dispersed and diluted among each of their number.
8 - During the Family War, the need for frontline forces presented itself to the then-forming nations of the world. Pressed for time, they hurried the process and took shortcuts, incorporating living beings into the mix instead of asking spirits. Thus, Goblins (name pending) were born. With a lower half reminiscent of arachnids and other insects, their quick deployment and ability to traverse a variety of surfaces without issue was key to victory in a number of skirmishes.
9 - Tortles (name pending) once held political sway over the seas and ports of Matea. Unfortunately, during an exceptionally tough harvest year and dire situations, they were discovered to be delicious. Following a terrible, bloody uprising, they are now extinct, remembered only through archaeological evidence and museum pieces.
10 - Tieflings and Aasimar (names pending) are the descendants of the devils and angels left behind after the war, closed off from their home realms. Comparing to their multiversal counterparts however, on the whole, it is tieflings that are respected, and aasimar that are viewed with suspicion. This comes from the direct aftermath of the rift being sealed. Cut off from the influence of the hells, the remaining devils felt remorse (natural or otherwise; scholars don’t know) and vowed to repent for their misdeeds, which carried through to their descendants. Tieflings tend towards contemplation and helpfulness. On the other side, the angels were mournful and angry about the loss of their divine grace, traits that modern aasimar bear. As such, they tend towards fits of rage and melancholy in equal, unpredictable measure.
11 - The world of Matea is in a binary star system. Thaus, the Star of Wonder, and Flaun, the Star of Hope dance around each other in an eternal 3-beat waltz leading religious scholars to point to it as evidence of the Father and Mother’s joint efforts in making the world. The stars eclipse three times during the day, two hours after sunrise, midday, and two hours before sunset. These hours are marked by the religious orders and observed in all variety of different ways.
12 - To contrast the twin suns, Matea has a single moon, which is home to the Elemental Plane of Earth. Once upon a time, spellcasters could simply travel to Pio but with magic fading, the only remaining path is via Sou’dare, the great geyser. Travellers are to bathe themselves in its waters, and perform a specific ritual to activate the latent magic in the spring; firing them towards the moon in a dramatic jetstream of water.
13 - The Elemental Plane of Air has no fixed location, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. One must be EXTREMELY precise with the incantation however, as the ritual is centered around collecting fruit oils, anointing yourself with it, and setting yourself on fire. A successful ritual will transform your body temporarily and painlessly to ash, to be carried into the planar winds. An unsuccessful ritual just turns your body to ash the painful way.
14 - The path to the Elemental Plane of Fire was once sealed, but is now open to all, though perhaps not the most accessible. Rakhada’s Folly, also referred to as The Fall, created a spiraling crater that intersected with planar boundaries. The journey must be undertaken on foot, to acclimate to the heat over a timeframe of six weeks. Those wishing to expedite their journey must be immune to flame and possess the power of full flight, or face the firestorm at the crater’s centre.
15 - Getting to the Elemental Plane of Water is all about timing, but otherwise simple. It’s merely a little absolutely terrifying. During the Second Step, or the second of the three eclipses per day, the winds at the top of Mt. Sanmaya (the tallest peak on Matea) pick up and become almost unbearably strong. One must align themselves to the correct direction and jump from the mountain, fighting the winds. If successful, they will be blown off the peak, plummeting into the waters below, and transferring the planar boundaries. If unsuccessful, the same thing occurs, but without the transfer, dashing the bodies of prospective adventurers on the rocks among the waves.
16 - Though magic is weakened and fading throughout Matea, the island of Paana-Dûl is abundant with mana crystals, allowing magic to work not only as it used to, but in some cases better. Because of this, the use of magic on the island is reserved exclusively for healing. The crystals feed on the remains of one of the great dragons, Ibu the Profaned, spreading slowly like a fungus, though they are more easily formed nearer the corpse.
17 - The magitech age of Matea kicked off with the discovery of manasteel: metal pulled from the earth with magic, weaving into it and reinforcing its strength. Known for being hard to work with, skilled smiths wasted little time in using it for all manner of inventions. From buildings and bridges, trains and aircraft, even personal devices of all kinds, manasteel was the backbone of a dawning golden age.
18 - At some point during The Fall, the prison island of Dosoga was lost; taken by an impenetrable bank of mist and fog. An entire population of inmates, their guards, and even a number of small villages designed to support the facility, spirited away. There are reports recently of fog that drifts across the oceans, seeming never to settle in one place for long. People have investigated, only to come back, changed in a number of ways. Those that return (as not everyone does) undergo a complete behavioural overhaul. Their personalities become wildly different, they do not respond to their own names, and some seem confused to the point of madness at their own bodies. Information to the reasoning behind this change is lacking, save for a single report that claims that one returning adventurer, declared herself to be a convicted man historically to be executed, and noted as inappropriately touching her own skin.
19 - Historical records state that the last known Warden of Dosoga Penitentiary was infamous for his brutally strict adherence to the law, but fairness in administering the applicable penalties. Inmates were suitably cared for, unless they broke the rules, in which case punishment was swift and hard, though only as to the letter of the law. People of the time saw it as an acceptable alternative to capital punishment, though not much is known about their rehabilitation success.
20 - Though unimportant at the time, the once-small town of Dun has claimed the title of nation capital city, primarily due to its fate during and immediately following The Fall. No one remembers the original name of the settlement, but records show how it got its current name: When the great floating cities began their final, disastrous descent, the town was written off by people in power; declared not worth the time to evacuate. Done for.
21 - What elevates Dun above other towns and villages is that the floating citadel of Silwa’na crashed directly on top. Though obviously devastating for those unable or unwilling to attempt to leave, the survivors inherited a treasure trove of remnants from the citadel, greatly accelerating their rebuilding efforts and post-Fall discovery.
22 - The gods serve several domains, each with their own rituals and rites.
Father: Life, Light, and Nature.
Mother: Arcana, Knowledge, and Order.
Daughter: Death, Grave, Tempest, and Twilight.
Sister: Trickery, War, Blood, and Fate.
Brother: Forge, Peace, and City.
Each is referred to by their title; you would, for example, pray to the Father of Light, or the Daughter of the Tempest. While you could offer a generic prayer and ritual, you would get better results by being specific.
23 - The day of Rakhada’s Folly is remembered as the day when the great citadels fell from the sky, when airships dropped suddenly, when buildings of all kinds collapsed without warning. But all these events are due to a single, common cause: The unweaving of manasteel. The backbone of society, industry, and technology on Matea drained itself of magic, literally unravelling from any shape it had been forged into, ushering in a terrifying new dark age.
24 - Many of the great citadels had the misfortune of falling while over land, resulting in catastrophic injuries and damage. However, the city of Gunsul fell while over the deepest part of the oceans, and sunk to the bottom. People claim that due to this, the inhabitants survived, though altered, and the city became corrupted by the depths. Children are cautioned with tales of the Gunsul Deep Dwellers, who will come and kidnap them for their mischief.
25 - With magic weakened, the people of Matea sometimes turn to alternate sources for power. And while they are also subject to the fundamental rules of the universe, there are those that answer. The One Below is an entity that has been named by various cults as someone or something to serve in return for magical abilities. Many rumours exist about the true identity of The One Below, but none have proved factual to date.
26 - Counter to The One Below, there are also groups dedicated to The Watcher On High, another unidentifiable source of power. Whereas the cults of The One Below are recorded as committing crimes of varying magnitudes, those pledging to The Watcher On High appear at least to be involved with charitable endeavours and community involvement. While not officially sanctioned, many places will turn a blind eye to the actions of Watcher pledges.
27 - The Brightfields, analogous to the Feywild in other parts of the multiverse, is the domain of fanciful creatures of all shapes and sizes, including the Eladrin and Fairies (names pending). Ruling over the land, atop a golden throne of pure majesty is the Bright Lord, Colin McDaniel. Claiming to be from an unknown village known as “New York”, he has made a name with his experience as an “electrician” to introduce a number of ideas to the Brightfolk. But there is a downside…
28 - When night falls in the Brightfields, unpredictable and inconsistent though it be, the land and its inhabitants change, becoming dark reflections. This is The Nowhere Between. The Absent King awakens, and Colin becomes imprisoned, as per his (potentially unwise) pact. Travellers from Matea who find themselves Between at nightfall are also altered to suit the darkness. From palace to ruin, from garden to grave, from throne to cage, from light to dark. Such is The Nowhere Between.
29 - Though the Great Rift is long sealed, there still exists the vestiges of strength in the Northern Reaches, for those brave, reckless, or desperate enough to seek it. Ta’terra, the source of infernal energy, and the ancestral home of the Tieflings (name pending), is ruled by Maag, Mistress of Pain. Though her influence is waning, rumours persist of promises of riches beyond dreams for those who wish to bend a knee.
30 - Not all adventure promises reward, monetary or otherwise. Hard to find, and harder to leave, the Endless Asylum tempts you to stay within its labyrinthine halls, rooms containing the damaged and lost, taking more and more of you until you join them. Not a place to be taken lightly, or without thorough preparation, very few explorers have ever returned to tell of it, and none of them remotely whole of mind.
31 - While you can, of course, attempt to cast spells, construct sigils, or otherwise use magic in any fashion you desire, you run the risk of it failing. The weave of mana literally unraveling before your eyes, if one could visually distinguish it. Not so with a mana crystal. By crushing one in your hand during the casting, you unleash the dormant magic within to supplement and amplify your efforts. Be warned though, there is no way to ration the crystals’ power. It’s all or nothing.
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twst-hanaya · 1 year
Riddle Is Insane Actually
Alternate Title: My Personal Beef With Riddle Rosehearts' Life Philosophy
To preface: I have an incurable disease where I want to pick fights with fictional characters, and being sad and mad that I can't. I can't even write a self insert story where I do because I can only write what I want or think Riddle might respond with but that's not a real argument I mean debate or discussion. Anyways, if you haven't already gathered, this is me trying not to rip my hair out every time I think Riddle says the craziest shit ever, so fair warning.
Also disclaimer I don't hate Riddle, I am NOT a Riddle anti he just says things that flips my fight response sometimes and it's never properly addressed in the story so here I am. This boy needs perspective and there is no one equipped to give it to him lmao.
First Point of Contention - His Philosophy Concerning Rules
I hate to have to start this off on such a granular level of "What are Rules and why do we have them?" but it's necessary if I'm going to illustrate how Riddle's worldview is broken at the core.
Rules and Laws are something we as humans have in order to live in a civilized society. The purpose behind a rule is always first and foremost, with its effectiveness in fulfilling that purpose being second. Rules are a tool.
Riddle, on the other hand, finds the value of rules to be innate. It doesn't matter to him what the rule serves, only that it is a rule. Rules are innately important by virtue of being a rule to him. He simply assumes that it must be good. And this blind faith is basically a religion.
This is an extension of his biggest flaw - his desire for total control. Both to be controlled, and to control. It's paradoxical, but people aren't always internally consistent. He can't function without some higher "authority" outside of himself dictating what he should do. In childhood, it was his Mother, and in NRC, it's the institutions he's imbedded in, the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, in particular.
He's incapable of thinking of how the motivations of those in power drives the creation of certain rules, and therefore the validity and legitimacy of them. He assumes that Authority = Goodness, period. If you were to seriously challenge this worldview with an example like Legally institutionalized Slavery, his answer based on the through line of his philosophy would have to be "Well It's the Law". Nobody in story has challenged this world view in any meaningful way still, and I doubt they ever will.
At the end of Crimson Tyrant, he did become more forgiving, but not in a way that addressed this core issue. Riddle is still floundering trying to find a way to move forward in a world where he can't simply defer to something or someone who "Knows Best".
Second Point of Contention - his Idea of Leadership Is All Wrong
As stated in the story, he had to believe this restrictiveness was to his benefit, and his tyrannical enforcement of the Laws was a way to justify the treatment he faced growing up.
It's outright stated in story that the Dorm Leader determines how closely they stick to tradition. This is the discretion given to a leader, but he doesn't see himself as a leader - he sees himself as an enforcer. He doesn't won't exercise any discretion with regards to which rules matter and which don't, because he can't. Honestly, his disposition is more suited for that of a card soldier, but his control freak complex and superiority complex won't allow for that.
Even if enforcing the Laws was something that would have lead to a better future for his Dorm, he has no concept of how to enforce it in a way that's actually effective. All infractions were treated with the same weight and therefore, the same punishment - Off With Your Head. Again, an expression of his inability to see the worth of a rule in what it serves, not just that it's a rule.
It did nothing but serve to breed resentment, not inspire respect. It showed a hysterical and immature dictator, not a competent and mature leader. He was only able to stay Dorm Leader in this situation because the rules of school dictate that pure magical prowess is what qualifies a leader, not actual leadership skills. But fear isn't a long-term answer when there would definitely be contempt and undermining of an authority that he frankly didn't deserve based on his actions thus far. If he hadn't changed, I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the students started banding together under the table to bully and destroy Riddle in some way. Teenagers are clever and magical might can only do so much against everyone. If he were a chimp, he would have been torn limb from limb the second he had an off day.
I do think however, that his earnestness is to his benefit. He really cares about the success of his dorm members, regardless of his way of expressing this sentiment. He helps those who are struggling academically, and I believe that his "Drill Sergeant" attitude is much more useful when it's goal oriented in this manner, rather than trying to herd cats under Laws that are completely unintuitive and pointless. But again, this goes back to the first point - his inability to asses the utility of rules gets in the way of this.
Third Point of Contention - It's Perfect For His Character And That Makes Me Mad
Now I've been complaining non-stop at this point, but I must concede - this blind madness with regards to Rules is perfect for a character embodying the antagonist of Alice in Wonderland.
I think the fanbase has this view of Riddle as a short-tempered goody-two-shoes nerd. Which he is! But I think his most defining aspect as a character is his complete senselessness when it comes to Rules. Think about it. Even the most uptight assholes can generally see that certain rules are Bad. But not this guy! Like I said, his zealotry is almost religious. He seems fairly normal by the end of Crimson Tyrant, but he still very, very insane.
Anyways, that was me shouting into a void that can't answer, I hope you enjoyed it.
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potuzzz · 1 month
Can you tell me your view on the war in Syria? Who was right and guilty in this situation? Is Bashar al-Assad evil in the flesh or a lesser evil, or is he just a precedent with some dictatorial tendencies inherited from his father, who was involved in this bloody war?
I could definitely myself learn more about Syria, both before and during the war, but from little I do know, this is what I will say:
Bashar al-Assad is a good man for the Syrian people in contrast to any viable alternative--not perfect, who that can maintain the rule of law in a tumultuous and highly targeted country going through such strife can be. He has fought against Islamic extremism, terrorism, and Western imperialism, all of which benefit the lives of the everyday Syrian. He has always sought functions of government, development and peace for the Syrian people and their millenium-old society.
ISIS is an American invention. Just like the Mujahideen/Taliban in Afghanistan, just like all the similarly rightwing paramilitary groups in Latin American history, they are covertly (and sometimes not so covertly) trained, armed, funded, and supported by the CIA and many of its offshoots and subsidiaries. Just like the Mujahideen were roused by Uncle Sam to rape, murder, torture, pillage, and maim Afghanistan as punishment for the Afghans democratically adopting a progressive socialist government, just like the Libyan Civil War and its rightwing monsters were stirred up to overthrow the quasi-socialist Muammar Gaddafi, there is yet another case of a very decent leader and government that refused to bend the knee and shill out their country to Western imperialists having their opposition empowered in order to violently bring about the imperialist's aims.
Who is guilty in this situation was and is and will remain the United States. Throughout every continent, nearly every country on this Earth, they have supported fascism in order to weaken socialist/progressive/anti-imperialist governments, to torture populations into submission, and to build oppressive regimes that act as overseers to their own country's enslavement. This pattern of behavior is centuries old and has never had any justifiable excuse, not when it was "Manifest Destiny" or the "Monroe Doctrine" and not today with these Orwellian war propaganda narratives, be it about spreading "freedom and democracy" to "tyrants and authoritarians", be it about women's rights in Iran or Uighur rights in China. It is the same story over and over again: the Americans are villains, murderers and slavers and sadists, and they are adept at waging psychological warfare and building narratives about their enemies to project the very images of barbarity that they themselves exhibit.
There has already been compelling, overwhelming evidence that Assad doesn't use chemical weapons to kill his own civilians. It doesn't match any of his behavior before or after. What there is evidence of, is Islamist fascists and American imperialists creating sloppy false flag attacks to serve narratives and provide justification for otherwise unjustifiable wars of aggression.
Again, war is dirty, Syria is in turmoil. Allow me to get a little philosophical: Can you blame a leadership if, to protect their people, to oust sadistic and insane extremists receiving massive foreign aid, they have to occasionally resort to "authoritarian" measures, to "dictatorial tendencies"? Where do we draw the line? I would like to uncompromisingly stress that Assad is not some cruel monster who is showering his own civilians he has worked so hard to protect in evil chemicals of agony, but is the potential for other measures acceptable to you? In such a war, would you approve of curfews, raids, checkpoints, passes, role call, strict maintenance of the internet and radio and newspapers? Perhaps these could all seem like uncomfortable measures, but, the fact of the matter is, if you don't commit to a wartime doctrine, it will be a chink in your armor the Americans are going to exploit and quite violently destroy you and all the masses who loved and supported your policies. Allowing a CIA-funded-and-operated press operation to print lies about you in your own cities, allowing ISIS collaborators to go unpunished, allowing large groups of people to gather without permit as they please, these are all small things that are doing nothing but aiding and abetting a fascist or neoliberal takeover. Syria wasn't some socialist paradise, but it was a LOT closer to that than whatever the Assad government would be violently replaced with if ISIS or other USA benefactors took power.
Again, there is a lot I don't know about Syria, I know a little bit about the Kurds (which is complicated) and Russia and Iran but I'm not very familiar with how Turkey or Israel are involved, I know very little about their history I'm not even familiar with Bashar's father you reference. That said, the rhythm of what I am relaying to you is something found in the drumline of a lot of modern world history, it is a beat that keeps repeating over and over. Most of the Arab world, just like the world outside the West, may seem "backwards" to the sheltered garden of Western progressive sensibilities, and yet, they were almost all moving steadily in a secular and progressive direction as their societies developed into modernity. It was only when the extreme conditions of war are brought into their regions by powerful Western imperialists that some regressed socially and adopted austere militaristic doctrine in order to survive the siege on their societies.
As the United States, its bully club NATO, and its regional vassal Israel all slowly die, peace and prosperity will slowly grow once more in Syria.
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queermediastudies · 2 years
Before I watched POSE, I thought it might be a fashion show about how models express themselves. POSE is a queer television related to fashion but not as similar as what we saw in a commonplace. It is not about a great fashion design with a famous luxury designer, the roles in POSE are all designers to themselves because they designed and made the costumes. 
The first queer media I watched was called Brokeback Mountain, which did not leave me with a deep impression but misconception of gay people that I do not understand why the two leading male characters fell in love but marry with other women. I have never considered what kind of humiliation or discrimination they would meet if they came out. I was ignorant before I reached out to POSE, a television that focuses on minority people within the marginalized group. It is a television that no longer focuses on white gay people but on black trans people. This brought out the breakout text in both queer media and the natural world since the world is still arguing about the problems of trans people, such as whether trans people should use the women's restroom. 
According to what we have learned before, the LGBT group is a marginalized group because the whole world system is still or mainly focuses on heteronormativity. To love or have a relationship with the same sex people is violated the binary rule, human morals, and reproductive futurism. And it is perceived as demonic behavior by Catholicism. 
POSE is the first queer TV that changed my perspectives on gay people. Although this TV has been controversial, it uses three seasons to sketch the queer history in New York City, starting from 1980 entirely. For me, POSE is not just a queer TV but a 'documentary' TV because the play is in chronological order, which shows the historical moments from queer history. Moreover, according to Joyrich(2014), TV is still at the top of mainstream US media institutions, and it has a function of influencing people's perceptions by bringing out intensely political history. TV is a thing that is ordinary, mundane, and unremarkable or a concept that illustrates a fixed type of framing in media. Queer is unusual in adjective and ruins things in verb meaning. Queer TV can be seen as a "breakout text" (Cavalcante, 2017, p.1) that appeared in ordinary television. This breakout is like a sudden rise of layer after layer of huge waves across the calm sea. Therefore, POSE is also a cultural breakout text to me.
"Queer is defined precisely as the subversion of the ordinary" (Joyrich,2014,p.134). Queer TV studies focus on how queer TV reflects, refracts, and generates the dominant ideology, firmly challenging and troubling the normative ideology, thus providing a powerful venue for cultural and political resistance. According to Tongson(2017), queer media has its function of examining queer history by portraying LGBTQ civil rights events. Each era's cultural, political, and LGBT activities affect queer media creations. Queer media from various eras mirrored queer society. Queer media helps people understand the challenges and limits queer people faced before. The content of how trans people defend against HIV disease and why they get infected in this TV series brought me a type of cultural shock corresponding to the breakout text function. In season2, episode2, they went to the church and started their protest to ask, "stop killing us." The director uses a close-up shot to show the cardinal's crime through the leaflet. As we can see from the picture, it pointed out what the cardinal did at that time. 
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The scenes played in the show used a narrative way to show how ACT UP and our main characters participated in the protest, which is similar to what happened in the actual ACT UP protest during that time. I appreciate the documentary film United in Anger which precisely explained this scene because I did not understand why they started the protest in the church when I watched the scene. But after we read and learned from our class, I re-watch the TV and finally connected some confusing points to actual history.
Another scene in the POSE that left me with a profound impression is that they spread the ashes. This scene is based on the actual hisotry, which is also recorded in the United in Anger. After Pray dead, his friends united together and joined the activity made by ACT UP— spread the ashes onto the White House lawn. Ashes are meaningful and more direct in showing how many people died from AIDS. It was more efficient in getting people to become angry and remember how this disease took their friends, families, and people they knew. This scene revealed how people with AIDS or without AIDS were angry and disappointed when the government was not fully responding to act to these dead people.
Do you remember a scene where the presenter asked trans people horrible questions about their biological body system in the last documentary film called Disclosure? Have you ever thought about why those people ask these awful questions to trans people? This is also driven by Cavalcante, "particularly on television talk shows, transgender people are routinely asked to reveal intimate details about their bodies, questions other guest never receive" (Cavalcante, 2017, p.9).
POSE has reflected the similar problem of trans people in the show. It can be recognized as a combination of Cavalcante's idea of breakout texts and Joyrich's idea that queer created "a tension between the articulation of the mainstream and the unsettling of the mainstream, both framing and displacing a televisual logic as it attempts to take queer viewers, texts, and issues into account even as it aims to undermine TV's usual accounting" (Joyrich, 2014, p.133). The worry from trans people seldom or never appeared in a show but POSE pointed out. Like Cavalcante(2017) said, trans people are worried about how the screen showed trans people, and "the movie may have made people think you have to have the surgery" (Cavalcante, 2017, p.9). In the first season, episode 4, Elektra clarified the idea of why she wants to do the transsexualism operation, it is not to be a complete woman, but it is because of inconvenience. Many media coverages mislead us to believe that trans people will only be complete after they do the surge, but did the media reveal the truth about the inconvenience? I am glad to see queer TV like POSE pointed out the fact and eliminated the misconception of transsexualism operation. 
I believe POSE also indirectly explained why some people ask horrible questions to trans people. In season1, episode 7, Elektra's lover found she had done the surgery and became very angry. The words he uses: selfishness and stupidity, illustrate that he defined or identified Elektra as a toy to satisfy his perverted curiosity. This can be seen as how he identifies other trans people. In another scene in season2, episode1, Angel suffered dehumanization behavior by being photographed naked photos from the photographer. In their dialogue, he used the personal collection to highlight his wrong intention that he considers Angel a rare collection, not a human. He made her take off her clothes and underwear in an icy and commanding tone, and here's a detail of when he saw Angel take off her underwear that he swallowed. I think the director wanted to use this performance technique to express the ecstasy that he couldn't help but to imply his indifference and curiosity. The photographer, Elektra's lover in the play, identified some people's minds--to the hate, curiosity, shame, and indifference of crowds. 
All these scenes I showed above correspond to Joyrich's idea that queer TV created tension between ordinary television and queer TV(Joyrich, 2014). It focuses on the intersectional people at the edge of the marginalized LGBT people. It shows the function that broke up into the mainstream and made the marginalized group visible by revealing the issue of trans people of color.
Joyrich(2014) also mentioned that reproductive futurism rests on children all hope for the future. It believes that the primary motive for political science exists is to create a better future for the next generation. The fact that we don't know what will happen in the future also limits the idea of futurism. It is based on what people think or imagine about the present. But the idea that people must have children to ensure a future is common and expected(Harada, 2017). 
The ordinary TV follows the reproductive futurism pattern by creating thousands and thousands of similar televisions to meet the mass media's trend. Those televisions are TV's offspring which provide possibilities for future expectations.
I think this is why POSE only has three seasons because if it continues to self-reproduction, it may lose its initial goal to break up the normal TV interpretations of trans people. A meaningful queer TV might become an ordinary boring family drama, such as The Vampire Dairies, a fiction TV about vampires, werewolves, witches, and humans but focuses on heterosexuality across species. They are all busy dealing with their love and hate disputes. I think POSE also covers some repeated content implying the constant reproduction, but POSE retains its queerness since it only has three seasons. 
Cavalcante, A. (2017). Breaking into transgender life: Transgender audiences' experiences with “first of its kind” visibility in popular media. Communication, Culture & Critique, 10(3), 538–555. https://doi.org/10.1111/cccr.12165
Joyrich, L. (2014). Queer Television Studies: Currents, flows, and (main)streams. Cinema Journal, 53(2), 133–139. https://doi.org/10.1353/cj.2014.0015
Tongson, K. (2017). Queer. In L. Ouellette & J. Gray (Eds.), Keywords for media studies (pp. 157–160). essay, New York University   Press.
Harada, K. (2017). A challenge to reproductive futurism: Queer families and nonhuman companionships in ueda sayuri's the ocean chronicles. U.S.-Japan Women's Journal (2003), 52(1), 46-66. https://doi.org/10.1353/jwj.2017.0011
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fchrisgarcia0 · 4 months
Political science's function: revealing the study of power and government
In the ever-evolving landscape of human civilization, the governance of societies and the exercise of power have always been central concerns. How do governments function? What motivates individuals to seek power? What are the consequences of their actions? These profound questions lie at the heart of political science, a discipline that delves into the intricacies of government and power dynamics. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted role of political science, shedding light on its various dimensions, methodologies, and enduring significance in our complex world.
The Genesis of Political Science
The roots of political science extend deep into the annals of history, with ancient civilizations pondering the nature of governance and the art of ruling. In ancient Greece, luminaries like Plato and Aristotle grappled with the foundations of political order. Aristotle's "Politics," written over two millennia ago, remains a seminal text that explores the essence of the state, justice, and ideal governance. These early philosophers laid the groundwork for the systematic study of politics.
The Dual Nature of Political Science
Political science operates on a dual axis, harmonizing empirical analysis with normative inquiry. On the one hand, it seeks to empirically observe and analyze the functioning of governments, political institutions, and the behavior of political actors. On the other hand, it engages in normative inquiries, probing questions of justice, ethics, and the vision of an ideal society. This dual nature empowers political scientists to offer descriptive insights into political phenomena and prescriptive recommendations for better governance.
The Myriad Branches of Political Science
The terrain of political science is vast, consisting of several sub-disciplines, each with a unique focus. These branches encompass:
Comparative Politics: This branch scrutinizes political systems across different countries, juxtaposing their structures, institutions, and policies. It provides insights into the diversity of political systems and their societal ramifications.
International Relations: Focusing on the interactions between states and non-state entities on the global stage, international relations dissects diplomacy, conflict resolution, international organizations, and the intricacies of global governance.
Political Theory: Political theorists delve into the philosophical bedrock of politics, tackling questions of justice, liberty, and the legitimacy of political authority. They often dissect classical texts and unravel the ethical foundations of political systems.
Public Administration and Policy: This sphere studies the implementation of government policies and the efficiency of public institutions, striving to enhance the effectiveness of public administration.
Political Economy: Bridging economics and politics, political economy probes the interplay between economic systems and political structures, investigating how policies influence economic outcomes and vice versa.
The Significance of Political Science
Political science is pivotal in shaping public policy and steering decision-making processes. Policymakers lean on the expertise of political scientists to comprehend the potential consequences of their choices, gauge policy feasibility, and anticipate societal impacts. Political scientists contribute to formulating informed, evidence-based policy solutions by offering empirical evidence and analytical frameworks.
Adapting to Contemporary Challenges
In the contemporary era, political science must adapt to tackle fresh challenges, including technological advancements, globalization, environmental crises, and shifting power dynamics. These exigencies demand innovative approaches and cross-disciplinary collaborations to address intricate issues like climate change, cyber warfare, and transnational threats.
Political Science and Democracy
In democratic societies, political science is pivotal in nurturing informed citizenship. It equips individuals with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to actively engage in the political process, make discerning voting decisions, and hold elected officials accountable. A well-informed citizenry forms the bedrock of a thriving democracy.
Political Science as a Catalyst for Change
Political science has catalyzed social change and justice throughout history. Scholars have harnessed their expertise to analyze and critique oppressive political systems, propose alternative governance models, and inspire movements for civil rights, gender equality, and environmental stewardship.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Political scientists often grapple with ethical difficulties, especially when delving into sensitive research areas or advising governments with questionable human rights records. Striking a balance between the quest for knowledge and ethical responsibilities remains an enduring challenge.
The Perpetual Relevance of Political Science
Political science is an indispensable compass for navigating the intricacies of government and power. From its origins in ancient Greece to its contemporary applications in addressing global complexities, political science continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-shifting dynamics of our world. Whether it's shaping policy, fostering democracy, championing justice, or navigating ethical dilemmas, political science remains an indispensable and dynamic field that significantly enriches our comprehension of governance and power in the modern era. Its perpetual relevance ensures that political science remains a cornerstone of scholarship and societal progress for future generations.
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smallnetbusiness · 6 months
It is Not Wisdom but Authority that Makes a Law. T - Tymoff
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Every society understands the need for order, and it is this shared understanding that gives authority its strength. Without such acceptance, laws would only exist as written words. As a result, authority acts as the unifying factor that transforms these ideas into enforced rules that promote community cohesiveness. It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law. t - tymoff is a good saying. As we now understand it, the law serves as a framework for societal conduct. But what endows a law with authority? Is it the intelligence guiding it or the power enforcing it? The foundation of a legal framework's authority comes from widespread acceptance and acknowledgment. It Is Not Wisdom But Authority That Makes A Law. T - Tymoff While power guarantees enforcement, a law's wisdom reveals its moral and ethical foundation. Legislation built on wisdom demonstrates careful consideration, cultural awareness, and the desire to advance society. It is intelligence that makes rules fair and appropriate for the society they are intended to rule. While authority without knowledge may become dictatorial, wisdom without authority remains powerless. Therefore, for there to be a fair and efficient legal system, the two must live in peace. Institutions or people with the authority to enact or execute laws have authority. Legitimacy is equally as important as force. The Evolution of Authority Throughout History In the past, the authority has developed together with civilization. Ancient tribes revered their chieftains or elders and trusted their judgment since it was based on knowledge and experience. Monarchies, republics, and other kinds of administration were established as civilizations became more complex and a need for organized rule arose. With time and on the assumption that they would act in the best interests of their residents or subjects, these institutions came to have the authority to impose laws. This historical viewpoint clarifies how authority is founded not just in power but also on the confidence of the people. The foundation of true authority is legitimacy It must be seen as legitimate for authority to be genuinely effective. In addition to having the legal right to use force, something has legitimacy if it is done ethically and morally. The legitimacy of organizations or people who abuse their power or act against the interests of the people they rule is often questioned. Therefore, even while power may be first created via force or edict, it depends on ongoing support from the people it intends to rule. The fundamental meaning of authority is defined by this precarious balance between power and trust. Law and Authority History Authority enforces conformity while wisdom offers the underlying knowledge and insight. One would counter that rules derived only from knowledge might not be enforceable. Looking back, we can see how much both laws and the methods used to enforce them have changed. Ancient monarchs and religious authorities often enacted laws based on personal or divine pronouncements. Democratic regimes eventually developed, dispersing power and allowing citizens a vote in the making of laws. The Function of Wisdom in Legislation Wisdom has always been crucial, particularly in establishing moral and ethical standards. When it comes to the legal system, intelligence is essential in forming the laws that run our society. It acts as a beacon of light, influencing legislators' choices and guaranteeing that the laws reflect the needs and ideals of the populace. Legislators' experience is frequently the source of wisdom in legislation. Lawmakers who have been in government for a long time or who are well-versed in the subjects of the legislation they are proposing bring a lot of experience to the table. This understanding includes both the practical effects of the laws they write and the complexities of the law. It's the capacity to foresee how laws will affect people, companies, and society as a whole. Knowing how to draw lessons from previous failures and achievements is another aspect of wisdom. A legislator's ability to learn from past mistakes and improve upon successful measures is enhanced by their awareness of the legislative past. This historical viewpoint aids in the creation of laws that are progressive and successful in meeting the changing demands of a changing society. Wisdom's Ethical Compass Moreover, legal knowledge goes beyond real-world experience. It includes moral principles and ethical issues. Sensible legislators are inclined to put justice, equality, and the larger good first. They are aware that laws are instruments that have a significant influence on people's lives rather than merely being legal texts. Their creation of rules that guarantee justice, protect the weak, and advance a peaceful and just society is guided by wisdom. Essentially, wisdom is the ethical and intellectual basis around which laws need to be constructed. It gives legislators the ability to put the long-term wellbeing of the community they represent ahead of their own political and personal agendas. When given the required power, lawmakers' knowledge may result in the formation of laws that accurately represent the goals and objectives of a fair society. The Essential Characteristics of Legal Authority Even the best-intentioned legislation may only serve as ideas without authority. A legal authority has both the ability to enact and execute laws as well as the duty to do so in a just and equitable manner.  Without these necessary components, legislation could just be words on a page, unable to affect the good changes and advancement of society that it seeks to accomplish. A fair and orderly society is built on the ethical and prudent use of legal power. Power relations Authority makes sure that laws are not only made but also followed. Public acceptance Only until the community it rules acknowledges the power behind the law will it be successful. Discussions Regarding Wisdom and Authority There has long been discussion over the connection between wisdom and authority. Popular examples The conflict between wisdom and power may be seen in laws that have been repealed or changed as a result of public outcry. Influential individuals The need for a fair balance between the two has often been underlined by philosophers, jurists, and campaigners. The quote's key implication is that a law's enforcement is determined by authority rather than by its inherent soundness. Authority-Driven Laws' Effects Such laws have advantages and disadvantages. Authority-driven legislation have the potential to have a significant and wide-ranging impact on society. Although authority gives people the ability to enact and execute laws, these laws may have complicated and diverse effects on people individually, on groups, and on the fabric of a society as a whole. Possibility of Autocracy Autocracy is a noteworthy consequence of laws driven by authority. There is a chance that power granted to a governing body or person may be utilized to limit individual liberties and repress dissent when laws are made and implemented largely on that basis. This may result in a society where people's freedoms and rights are restricted in the name of upholding law and order. Under these circumstances, regulations with an emphasis on authority may restrict the avenues for dissenting ideas to be expressed, civic participation, and public conversation. As a consequence, society may lack the variety of opinion and behavior that is often necessary for advancement and creativity. Ultimately, a country's social, cultural, and economic advancement may suffer from the consequences of an oppressive and authoritarian approach to lawmaking. Effects on Populations at Risk Vulnerable people may also be disproportionately affected by authority-driven legislation. Laws that are drafted without taking into account the particular requirements and difficulties that various societal groups confront may result in social injustice and inequality. For instance, authority-driven economic policies may exacerbate wealth and resource inequality by ignoring the needs of vulnerable populations. Furthermore, regulations with an emphasis on authority might sometimes support discriminatory behaviors and exacerbate already-existing power disparities. Minority rights may not be sufficiently protected by laws made without a solid ethical and moral basis, thereby marginalizing these people. Such laws may result in disenfranchisement, social instability, and a breakdown of societal cohesiveness. Social effects They maintain order yet sometimes may repress individual rights. Around the world, there are several authority-driven legal systems, each with advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion:  It takes skill to balance power and knowledge while crafting laws. A law's wisdom secures its righteousness, but its authority ensures its efficacy. Understanding how these factors interact helps in understanding the complexity of the legal system. It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law." T- Tyrnoff is indeed a good saying. FAQs What is a law's justification? Although the reasoning behind the legislation is essential, it is legitimated by the body that upholds it. Can a law exist in the absence of a ruler? Yes, technically. However, it wouldn't be enforceable if there was no authority. Why is wisdom crucial in the creation of laws? Laws are fair, egalitarian, and in line with social norms when they are crafted with wisdom. How has the ratio of knowledge to power changed throughout time? Modern legal systems attempt to achieve a balance between the two, while ancient laws mainly rely on authority. What are the risks of a law that is governed by authority? For the sake of order, such institutions run the danger of becoming repressive and stifling individual liberties. Is it always true that "it is not wisdom but authority that makes a law"? Although the statement's basic truth is true, different legal systems place a different emphasis on knowledge and authority. Read the full article
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reign-factors · 6 months
As an update being civilized man, instead of tarnishing a record of Blair Slavazza. I believe it being fair to ask for a ride along from her sergeant. Small city don't plan on going that far. So I will use my past tax dollars and go to her sergeant and ask for a ride along. To level the playing field . I would love to hear about equal rights and how this day in the reservist free liberal bay we as a city must uphold the cycle of civilization make sure we as a community need to work together so we are equal with rights respected in each authority. Since on October first 2020 I just came from court . When I got off phone with dispatch I went to my lawyers number to call since order with what you arrested me for was modified to no Ham and since I called for a civil standby i stayed on recorded line till you came on scene . All I did was follow dispatches instructions . You threw down my phone putting me in hand cuffs when I was supposed to be there. I met all the judges requirements as well as you so called sister. The medicine you ripped the label off was saving my life from a suicide attempt. When I noticed your biased ways only then I requested for a male to search me since they were on seen including a sgt. You honored it you will not honor the same one when putting me in car. If I was not supposed to be there why did you leave my stuff there when you're supposed to log that in property. I had all my medicines paperwork on hand at my lawyer's number I was on a recording call when you pulled up to the scene and I was the one who called you guys. I was told from my wife I could come home but she lied to you guys but you the sergeant and her has some some words which I know were caught on your body Cam that had to be on right if they weren't on I'll gladly say online and everything but I was not that's why I kept sending social media accounts of your department on their disregard for the law. That's why I always hastagged it and I sent it to you. I help raise five brilliant children learning on my way and becoming better that's why in the beginning of 2020 none of the officers knew my name. I'm came a functioning man of society who has rehabilitated and corrected myself. Everything I told you guys was not a lie. Like me being a borderline diabetic or when my housing is stable I am able to control it with heathy eating habits and not medicine. Do you even lie to say our waiting for the cop to bring me the probation paper but when he brought it you had to lie it says everything I said to you proving that I was being honest. But I'm trying to be the bigger person consider humanity over being judge as a non-functioning member of society I've learned a lot of lessons in my life and I was on the right path but you jeopardize that yes not on your record for one reason is because I because I avoided the 6 months that I could write a complaint but for you to not acknowledge it or your captain not to acknowledge it and discuss it without disciplinary faults is way better than having this streets disrupted. Because it did happen October 1st 2020 on your body cam your sergeant barleycam all the officers on scene body cam you in the transportation even though you could have taken me in your car because that's what you searched me for I'm trying to be the solution not the problem . What are you trying to be the solution or the problem you is a officer need to get that off your chest because he has a taxpayer don't feel that if you can't answer that properly you shouldn't be a cop on another job there's other people that can have your position that can follow the rules especially the ones that the ACLU brought to trial and won. I would think you being a female in a mixed individual you could understand rights and rights taken away in a civil basis. This angers me so much I'm just going to take a couple minutes to reflect into bring down my cosmic vibrations all I can do now is just pray look out for part two.
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bottheologian · 1 year
Uncovering the Social Structures of Pre-Christian Societies
In pre-Christian societies, social structures were vastly different from what we know today. They were based on a hierarchy, where certain individuals or groups had more power and privilege than others. Let's delve deeper into the main social structures that existed during this time.
Firstly, there was the ruling class. This group consisted of the king or queen, nobles, and other high-ranking officials. They were responsible for maintaining law and order, leading their armies, and making important decisions for the welfare of their people. The ruling class enjoyed many privileges such as owning vast tracts of land, having access to the best education, and leading a luxurious lifestyle. They were considered to be the elite of society and were highly respected and feared.
Next, there were the commoners. This group comprised the majority of the population and included farmers, merchants, and craftsmen. They lived in small communities and were responsible for producing goods and services that were essential to the functioning of society. Commoners did not have much power and had to pay taxes to the ruling class. They were often subject to harsh working conditions and had limited access to education and healthcare.
Lastly, there were slaves. Slavery was a common practice in pre-Christian societies, and slaves were considered property rather than human beings. They were owned by the ruling class or wealthy merchants and were forced to work in mines, fields, or as household servants. Slaves had no rights and were subjected to cruel punishments if they disobeyed their masters.
It is important to note that social structures varied from society to society and changed over time. For example, in ancient Greece, there was a distinct hierarchy based on gender and age, where older men had more power and influence than younger men and women. In contrast, in ancient Rome, women had more rights and freedoms than in other societies of that time.
In conclusion, pre-Christian societies were characterized by a hierarchical social structure, where power and privilege were concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or groups. While this system had its flaws and was often oppressive, it was also responsible for creating great civilizations and advancing human knowledge and culture. Understanding these social structures is essential to understanding the history and evolution of human societies.
pre-Christian societies #social structures #ruling class #commoners #slaves #history
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toiletquail7 · 1 year
Getting the best treatment for your fibromyalgia Things To Know Before You Get This
Therapy for fibromyalgia attempts to alleviate some of your indicators and enhance quality of lifestyle, but there's currently no treatment. Depending on to the Institute for Chronic Disease Prevention (IDA), for people enduring from fibromyalgia signs and symptoms, therapy relies on the specific symptoms in your physical body and how the symptoms impact your thoughts and body. The therapy usually helps make you feel much better. In truth, some medical professionals recommend taking a medicine like ibuprofen or acetaminophen as properly.
Find More Details On This Page will play an important function in your therapy and care. How will certainly I know when I am at danger of an allergic response? Please note that because you are being dealt with depending on the standards beneath, you could view a delay before your GP may identify what to contact you. If you don't contact in the correct varieties, your GP might say to you the day of the sensitive reaction on your physician's character of situation number and you will certainlyn't be obtaining all the required clinical treatment. They may assist you make a decision what's ideal for you, relying on what you prefer and the accessible treatments. Listed below are some instances: It goes without stating that all procedure possibilities are thoroughly thought about by individual doctors and patients. If you choose to begin a therapy, be certain to properly look at your side impacts in order to help make certain you're receiving everything you require. Nonetheless, if something might be a problem, we recommend you consult along with your doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, a number of different healthcare experts might also be entailed in your treatment, such as a: rheumatologist – a professional in problems that affect muscle mass and joints specialist – a expert in ailments of the main nervous device psycho therapist – a expert in psychological health and psychological treatments Fibromyalgia has actually countless symptoms, implying that no singular procedure will certainly function for all of them. Individuals may take procedure at house or also at work with the assistance of a variety of sources in add-on to traditional treatment. Treatments that work for some folks will definitely not essentially function for others. But that is why this brand-new documentation helps make sense. It is because we have an concept that in one method or another, individuals work in a situation that is uniquely abundant in culture – one where the society of our ascendants was the one created on these hard-won rules of civilization. But if our ancestors did not operate at the degree of lifestyle that we right now know, it merely wouldn't matter what societies they were in. You might need to make an effort a wide array of treatments to find a mixture that fit you. Do not think that a therapy is going to work or that the treatments are going ton't get much better. If one is efficient for you then you could possibly administer it to any circumstance that you might really want and that you are straining along with. As along with everything else you talk to the medical professional concerning receiving the best possible end result, please look right into these: Do your scans, examinations, and followups. This will usually be a mixture of medication and way of living improvements. It's like a combination of food therapy as effectively as alcoholic drinks.". She mentioned various other folks need to always keep an eye on her to stop relapse. When she acquired pregnant she was suggested the pill at the age of 8 to see how successful she was. She offered birth to twin siblings, but after that made an effort a different drug and was detected with ovarian cancer. Relevant information and support You might find it beneficial to look into fibromyalgia to strengthen your understanding of the disorder. This has been revealed for numerous years with various other fibromyalgia victims. If you are taking into consideration an on-going assessment along with a health care professional, speak to your healthcare carrier, or go to the fibromyalgia support facility. The facility supplies examinations for clients along with fibromyalgia. It can easily likewise aid you pinpoint potential locations that are understood to be susceptible to the disorder.
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The Commerce Clause Is At It Again In National Pork Producers Council V. Ross
By Morgan Polen, University of Pittsburgh Class of 2025
October 11, 2022
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In 2018, the state of California passed Proposition 12, a piece of legislation that outlines certain stipulations that animal farmers must attend to in order to be compliant with state guidelines. As a result, California prohibits the sale of pork from animals that were confined in any manner inconsistent with Proposition 12 requirements [1]. Trade organizations are suing, contending that following these stipulations places an undue burden on farmers. The pork industry claims it will need to spend around $13 more per pig in order to be compliant with Proposition 12 guidelines [3].
The caveat remains stark: it’d be virtually impossible to predetermine which pork will be sold to California, especially since the majority of pork– almost 87%– is not consumed in California [4]. Consequently, all 49 other states must abide by the provisions of Proposition 12 in order to sell pork to California. The industries bringing suit claim that this legislation violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, specifically the “Dormant Commerce Clause.” Though not explicitly stated in the Constitution, the Dormant Commerce Clause prevents states from inappropriately interfering with interstate commerce [2].
The Commerce Clause has historically always carried a lot of weight. It has been the provision that has outlawed discrimination in private establishments (The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States), that upheld the rights of workers to unionize (NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp.), and that struck down certain provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (United States v. Morrison), among many of its other consequences. What’s at stake with California’s Provision 12 is of immense significance. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the provision, we may see a very alarming precedent being set in which a single state can regulate what every other state must do. There’s a recent parallel that’s of particular relevance– Texas’s HB20 aims to prevent major social media platforms from censoring its users and content. How far can a single state go in determining how the rest of the nation must act? The argument against Provision 12 is a strong one: it’s completely unfounded and unjustified that a sole state should dictate other states’ undertakings. One state does certainly not have the ability or the constitutional power to impact interstate commerce on such a grand scale as pork production, an industry that bears around 600,000 American jobs and $178 billion in total sales [5]. In a nation where economical ventures are integral to a functioning society, saying a state law is only a state law seems laughable. Advocates of Provision 12 take a different approach: the Supreme Court should use caution in knocking down state laws that ostensibly have nothing to do with national implications as constitutes an egregious overreach of SCOTUS’s powers.
Though the language in the Constitution with respect to the Commerce Clause seems especially straightforward, it's proven to be a much more comprehensive force. With language as clear as the Commerce Clause’s, it’s much easier for the federal government to regulate certain domains of life one may have never thought the provision even touched. Evidently, this can be two-fold, bringing with it basic human rights (e.g., to not be discriminated against on the basis on race, color, religion, etc. in public accommodations) or cumbersome limitations (e.g., the inability of a victim to bring a civil suit against a private individual who sexually assaulted them).
If the Supreme Court affirms the Ninth Circuit Court’s holding that Proposition 12 does not violate the (Dormant) Commerce Clause, we may be encroaching on risky territory where states have unconstrained power to regulate the business of other states. The National Pork Producer Council’s case is pending, and SCOTUS is expected to entertain it soon.
[1] California finalizes Prop 12 regulations. (2022, September 8). The National Law Review. Retrieved from www.natlawreview.com/article/california-finalizes-prop-12-regulations.
[2] ​How can businesses use the dormant commerce clause to their advantage? (n.d.). Bona Law. Retrieved from www.bonalaw.com/insights/legal-resources/how-can-businesses-use-the-dormant-commerce-clause-to-their-advantage.
[3] Millheiser, I. (2022, October 9). The surprisingly high stakes in a Supreme Court case about bacon. Vox. Retrieved from www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/10/9/23392575/supreme-court-national-pork-producers-ross-bacon-dormant-commerce-clause.
[4] National Pork Producers Council v. Ross. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved www.oyez.org/cases/2022/21-468.
[5] Shike, J. (2022, July 11). Pork industry now contributes $57 billion to U.S. GDP. Farm Journal’s Pork. Retrieved from www.porkbusiness.com/news/industry/pork-industry-now-contributes-57-billion-us-gdp.
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free-speech-network · 2 years
Why communism and socialism are fundamentally flawed and unable to function
You don't need to look any further than North Korea and South Korea to see why free markets and liberal democracy works and government control of markets and authoritarianism does not work. Communism and socialism are necessarily authoritarian in nature, and that inevitably leads to oppression and suffering for citizens who are unfortunate enough to live under communist rule. There's a reason the Soviet Union collapsed, Mao's China failed, Cambodia was subject to a genocide under the Khmar Rouge, Venezuala is falling apart, and North Korea's economy is 1/50th the size of South Korea. People's economic and social rights do not and cannot be protected under a socialist regime and this has been proven time and time again in the twentieth century.
In the world today, we can see what kind of government produces the best outcome for its citizens, and it's the same government that protects its peoples economic and social rights. The best examples are France, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Finland, and Spain. All of these nations have the same form of government: social democracy.
Social democracy is a form of capitalism that allows for free markets, leading to innovation, technological advancements, and social and economic freedom combined with government regulation that ensures a distribution of wealth that combats both poverty and excesses of wealth into the hands of the few. There is a healthy and robust welfare state, and rights like education, healthcare, affordable drug prices, and affordable housing are made available for those who need them. Social democracies function best because it's a system that prioritizes the needs of its citizens in a way no other type of government does. It's no coincidence that social democracies rank the highest in citizens happiness worldwide.
It is understandable why so many young people in the US have gravitated towards socialism. There used to be a time when a married couple could afford a house in a quiet, suburban neighborhood with two children and only one parent had to work. That used to be the American dream. Those days are long gone. The millennial generation is the first generation that will not be better off financially than their parents, and it's only figuring to get worse, given that the economy is in peril with no reprieve in sight. Young people have access to technology and some commodities that make their life more convenient than boomers, but they don't own anything.
Almost all young people are either renters or living with their parents. They are struggling economically in a way previous generations did not, and it only makes sense that they would blame capitalism. However, their plight isn't a failure of capitalism. It is a failure of the wealth redistribution system and an inadequate level of government regulation in crucial areas like affordable housing, healthcare, and welfare. The US has a social safety net but it's not broad enough. The government needs to strengthen the social safety net in order to protect young people economically. If this happens, millennials will stop looking so favorably to socialism.
There is a natural hierarchy to human nature. The strongest and most capable will inevitably rise to the top, and the weakest will find themselves at the bottom. This is not a bad thing, so long as you live in a society that protects its most vulnerable citizens. Hierarchies are an inescapable part of civilization. The idea that we should flatten everything and try to impose some false measure of equality which is the foundation of communism is inherently unnatural and detrimental to society.
The reason social democracy is the most egalitarian form of government is it allows for nature hierarchies to flourish yet also ensures those at the bottom are taken care of. The least capable citizens will have access to education, healthcare, potable water, healthy food, affordable housing, and a job with a livable wage. At the same time, the most capable will be able to be successful and live as they wish, free from government interference.
All people have a right to 6 basic necessities: potable water, healthy food, healthcare, education, affordable housing, and a livable wage. History has taught us that laisse faire capitalism and communism are not the way to achieve those rights. Nations that are social democracies are the only ones that successfully safeguard these rights. Therefore, capitalism that has reasonable government regulation works best.
Having private insurance with some regulations (protecting preexisting conditions, for example) as well as a public option would be ideal. Having public, private, and charter schools is also ideal. Having private and public ownership of apartments and some laws that prohibit excessive rent would be ideal. Subsidizing stores that sell healthy food at cost in low income areas to prevent food deserts would be ideal.
Both history and the modern world demonstrate the failures of communism and socialism. Every nation that has implemented a communist agenda has fallen apart from the inside. It's not a sustainable economic model. The present has given us a much better system that fosters both personal and economic freedom and guarantees the 6 positive rights all people are entitled to. Social democracy is the path forward, and we have overwhelming evidence that proves that communism is not only not an ideal to be striven for, but a danger to be averted.
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bulgariaadvice · 2 years
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Two generations preceding 1789
In the two generations preceding 1789, such Englishmen as Boling- broke, Hume, Adam Smith, Priestley, Bentham, John Howard (one might almost claim part, at least, of Burke and of Pitt); such Americans as Franklin, Washington, and Jefferson; such Italians as Beccaria and Galiani; such Germans as Lessing, Goethe, Frederick the Great, and Joseph 11., had as much part in it as Voltaire, Montesquieu, Turgot, Diderot, and Condorcet, and the rest of the French thinkers who are specially associated in our thoughts with the movement so ill-described as the French Revolution.
By the efforts of such men every element of modern society, and every political institution as we now know it, had been reviewed and debated — not, indeed, with any coherent doctrine, and utterly without system or method. The reformers differed much amongst themselves, and there were almost as many schemes of political philosophy, of social economy, or practical organisation, as there were writers and speakers. But in the result, what we now call modern Europe emerged, recast in State, in Church, in financial, commercial, and industrial organisation, with a new legal system, a new fiscal system, a humane code, and religious equality.
Over the whole of Europe the civil and criminal code was entirely recast; cruel punishments, barbarous sentences, anomalies, and confusion were swept away; the treatment of criminals, of the sick, of the insane, and of the destitute was subjected to a continuous and systematic reform, of which we have as yet seen only the first instalment. The whole range of fiscal taxation, local and imperial, external and internal, direct and indirect, has been in almost every part of Western Europe entirely reformed. A new local administration on the principle of departments, subdivided into districts, cantons, and communes, has been established in France, and thence copied in a large part of Europe customized tours istanbul.
The old feudal system of territorial law
The old feudal system of territorial law, which in England had been to a great extent reformed at the Civil War, was recast not only in France but in the greater part of Western Europe. Protestants, Jews, and Dissenters of all orders practically obtained full toleration and the right of worship. The monstrous corruption and wealth of the remnants of the mediaeval Church was reduced to manageable proportions. Public education became one of the great functions of the State. Public health, public morality, science, art, industry, roads, posts, and trade became the substantive business of government. These are ‘the ideas of ’89’ — these are the ideas which for two generations before ’89 Europe had been preparing, and which for three generations since ’89 she has been systematically working out.
We have just taken a rapid survey of Franee in its political and material organisation down to 1789, let us take an equally rapid survey of the new institutions which 1789 so loudly proclaimed, and so stormily introduced.
For the old patriarchal, proprietary, de jure theory of rule, there was everywhere substituted on the continent of Europe the popular, fiduciary, pro bono publico notion of rule. Government ceased to be the privilege of the ruler; it became a trust imposed on the ruler for the common weal of the ruled. Long before 1789 this general idea had been established in England and in the United States.
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