silverity · 15 hours
It’s really funny to me how sex, out of all the social categories, is the least ambiguous yet is treated like it is the most by TRAs. Have you ever seen a TRA explain why transracial is wrong but transgender is ok? They always yap about how gender is a social construct… as if race isn’t? They’re like well racial differences are real and it can be determined with genetics. Like. So close! That is eugenics ❤️
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silverity · 16 hours
i want female only sports, including chess. i also want female only book clubs and female only karaoke nights and female only whatever women want to enjoy without the threat of men breathing down their necks. it's not about physical or mental superiority and more about me just wanting one place where i don't have to deal with sexists and chauvinists, especially when im doing something i love.
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silverity · 16 hours
i think the reason (aside from misogyny) gender dysphoric men react so violently to radfems is we cannot be so easily dismissed. our objections to gender ideology are not rooted in conservatism or religious doctrine, though of course they do try to smear us as such. the problem for them is that gender abolitionist radical feminism is a competing perspective within leftism with the potential to unseat the dominant ideology. conservatism and religion won't sway the TRAs strongly committed to anti-capitalist social justice politics, but coherent radical analysis of patriarchal oppression & its sex-based gender hierarchy might. we can see for ourselves that it is gradually swaying leftist women (myself being one example).
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silverity · 2 days
Males love to talk about men and women being "biologically hard-wired" for certain behaviors until you bring up the fact that they seem to be biologically predisposed towards violence and sexual depravity.
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silverity · 3 days
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Saturn and its rings in visible/ultraviolet
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silverity · 3 days
i can't fucking stand usamericans and their obsession with individual choice. oh my god the neoliberal brainrot is real.
i can't physically stand any type of analysis or critique about social issues coming from usamericans because they'll legit be like "the sexualization of women is a big problem and we shouldn't pressure young women into presenting themselves sexually for the benefit of men. HOWEVER if a woman CHOOSES out of her FREE WILL to use her sex appeal and be sexy BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO, it is completely fine!! slay 💅" there is no way you are this dumb. you have never thought about anything ever. you don't understand how society and human behavior work.
actually, basically nothing that you choose is completely out of free will. free will doesn't really exist in the sense that we are a social species and we are constantly influenced by our environment and our past experiences. your choices are inherently tied to your environment. there is no such thing as a completely individual choice.
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silverity · 3 days
when men try to talk about the physiology of the female body they make it abundantly clear that they think the vagina is just a hole. the vagina is it’s own complex ecosystem but men never bothered to actually learn the intricacies of female physiology because they think their bodies are the default
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silverity · 3 days
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When you engage in discourse denial of the treatment of trans people in Hitler's Germany and lose George Takei.
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silverity · 4 days
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silverity · 5 days
Old Misogyny: “She was asking for it”
New Misogyny: “We need to critically examine the notion that all women are victims under a monolithic patriarchy and stop assuming that women need to be protected from sex and that they can’t make their own choices and be empowered by [prostitution/porn/surrogacy/statutory rape/bdsm], women who consider themselves victims need to take accountability for the choices they had.”
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silverity · 5 days
I was hesitant to write this post, but I want to talk about why so many women and teenage girls are getting double mastectomies.
The justification a lot of trans people use for elective double mastectomies is that "top surgery" helps people feel comfortable in their bodies. Traditionally, this surgery was restricted to transmen. In the recent decade, however, nonbinary identified and even non-trans identified women have been getting mastectomies. I remember clear as day when my coworker (who identified as a "cis" woman) told me that at 18 she was planning on saving for top surgery. I myself got my breasts removed when I identified as nonbinary, having been on testosterone for 2 years.
It's important to remember that no person is born wanting surgery. Society creates conditions that are hostile to women, GNC, and gay people, and this hostility encourages a dissociated state. The body is removed from the mind - instead of the body being an intrinsic part of your personhood, a mechanism through which we experience the world, it instead becomes ornamental. This is perfectly represented by all forms of non-reconstructive cosmetic surgery, which risk people's health for entirely aesthetic reasons.
So, why do teen girls want to remove their breasts? For those of who experienced unwanted sexual advances from a young age, the answer is intuitive. Breasts are inherently sexualized. They are not seen as a vital organ that contributes to bodily function and health, but as a decoration, the only purpose of which is to attract men and feed babies. In this way, a woman's breasts do not even belong to her. When men openly gawk at a woman without a bra, when relatives grope at her as a pubescent girl, when we are exposed to an endless stream of hyper-sexualized images of women with their cleavage out, a message is sent loud and clear: existing in a female body is unsafe.
I want to make it very clear that an elective mastectomy and the practices of breast ironing are very different, but there are commonalities in the attitudes behind both. Breast ironing is done to pubescent girls in order to "prevent" her being sexually assaulted or harassed by men, sometimes including male relatives. When I hear stories of girls in the West starving themselves and binding to hide their chests, I can't help but see similarities. When I was binding and restricting calories as a 15 year old, I would have said I was doing it so that I could pass as a man. But I would have been lying to you. I was lying to myself. I didn't hate my breasts because I was "born in the wrong body." I hated my breasts because they were used to justify my sexualization. From my perspective they put me in danger.
We often hear that women's rights in the West have been secured, but you need only look at the war on women's bodies to see that that is a fantasy. When young girls constantly receive the messaging that your curves and boobs WILL attract men and that you will be objectified for it, many will try to opt out.
Take Liv Hewson, for example.
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She says herself that her anorexia was a manifestation of "gender dysphoria," but the question remains - where did this dysphoria come from? Why would anorexia develop as an outlet for it? What makes more sense: a young woman was born hating her body and her breasts because she has a gendered, non-female soul, or that same woman hates her body because she has been conditioned as such by a patriarchal society, the same society that encourages extreme self harm and body modification through a multi-billion dollar cosmetic industry?
Gender dysphoria in young women needs to be demystified. It's not special, it's not unique. It is NOT evidence that she needs invasive surgery or steroids to feel comfortable in her body. It is evidence that she is in pain. In order to address the rising rate of transition in young women, we must first acknowledge the conditions that nurture this form of self-hatred.
Transition IS a feminist issue. It is just as relevant in Western feminism as tackling the beauty industry, female sexualization, and violence perpetrated against women through porn. All of these issues are deeply interconnected. When we approach dysphoric women with compassion and encourage them to perceive their bodies as a part of themselves that deserves to remain intact and whole, rather than as their enemy, we take a necessary step towards female liberation.
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silverity · 5 days
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silverity · 5 days
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Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims, Edward Said.
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silverity · 6 days
"It sickens me that it is the spectacle that has finally moved the people of the world to listen to Palestinians about our struggle. Somehow, we needed to have our guts on display, disemboweled on the ground, before our humanity can be proven by vivisection." -Sonia Sulaiman
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silverity · 6 days
When I say there are things that Israel will never ever take away from Palestinians I also mean the way the fight for Palestine is ingrained into every aspect of our lives, down to even the names we give our children who come decades and decades after our initial Nakba.
For example, Bisan is a very popular girls name in Palestine and it is the name of a Palestinian city that was depopulated by Israel in 1948. Girls with names like Bisan, Yafa and Jenin may not have seen these cities yet, but they carry them within them regardless.
Also, many Palestinians can identify with how our aunts and uncles have symbolic names such as A'ed or A'eda which mean returnee. These names were not chosen arbitrarily by our grandparents who were forced to raise their families in refugee camps. Similarly, there are names like Thaer (revolutionary), Bassel (courageous) and Nidhal (revolutionary struggle) that are very common to this day.
We are literally walking around carrying notions of Palestine and our struggle with us and planting the seeds of resistance within our children, we must be so frustrating!
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silverity · 6 days
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silverity · 6 days
A woman went viral for being turned down for a next interview for a role, she asks the recruiter what she did wrong, the recruiter tells her they were “concerned about her lack of effort in her appearance.”
She explains she wore a freshly ironed blazer with a collared top. Her nails were painted a professional beige. She got a blowout for her hair, so a professional style. She had on subdued gold earrings.
The only thing she wasn’t wearing was makeup; she states she really doesn’t wear makeup, and only had chapstick on, as her skin is sensitive. Her lawyer mother has already explained she has no legal case against the company for any type of gender-based discrimination.
Just in case anyone wants to ask why feminists still refer to the “pink tax” or rail against more and more elaborate makeup trends being pushed on girls and women.
Women being punished socially for not wearing makeup is still a feminist issue.
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