equinesandeducation · 8 months
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My day – a photo dump ✨💪🏻
Spent the day working on my analyses for my thesis, fueled by coffee, avo toast, and kitty cuddles 🥰 after work went to the gym with the boyfriend and we had noodles for dinner
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I hate when Rstudio does exactly what you tell it to do, and not what you actually wanted it to do
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thiefnessman · 1 year
i have been learning a lot about code lately
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aaronofithaca05 · 1 month
I'm trying, TRYING TO STAY AWake!!! But I'm so sleepy eepy! @iroissleepdeprived thanks for the spell but now i need to stay awake!
All of my classmates and I are mostly hoping this ends soon!!!
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t00thpasteface · 8 months
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thanks ggplot but i can do this myself
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92kronus · 4 months
Random D&D Character Generator on R
I have been doing a lot of work on R for my research and decided to give it a go and write the script for a random D&D character generator.
It is a very simplified version and there is definitely room for improvement and expansion, but I wanted to share it with everyone for those who want to tinker with it:
#Install Packages#
install.packages("randomNames") library("randomNames")
#Function to generate a random character sheet#
generate_random_character <- function() {
# Sample races, classes, and backgrounds# races <- c( "Dwarf", "Elf", "Halfling", "Human", "Dragonborn", "Gnome", "Half-Elf", "Half-Orc", "Tiefling", "Aasimar", "Firbolg", "Genasi", "Goliath", "Hobgoblin", "Kenku", "Kobold", "Lizardfolk", "Tabaxi", "Triton", "Bugbear", "Goblin", "Hobgoblin", "Orc", "Fairy", "Satyr", "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "Aarakocra", "Aasimar", "Changeling", "Kalashtar", "Shifter", "Warforged", "Centaur", "Loxodon", "Minotaur", "Simic Hybrid", "Vedalken", "Gith (Githyanki, Githzerai)" ) classes <- c( "Barbarian", "Bard", "Cleric", "Druid", "Fighter", "Monk", "Paladin", "Ranger", "Rogue", "Sorcerer", "Warlock", "Wizard", "Artificer", "Blood Hunter" ) subclass_Barbarian <- c( "Path of the Berserker", "Path of the Totem Warrior", "Path of the Ancestral Guardian", "Path of the Storm Herald", "Path of the Zealot" ) subclass_Bard <- c( "College of Lore", "College of Valor", "College of Glamour", "College of Swords", "College of Whispers", "College of Eloquence" ) subclass_Cleric <- c( "Knowledge Domain", "Life Domain", "Light Domain", "Nature Domain", "Tempest Domain", "Trickery Domain", "War Domain", "Forge Domain", "Grave Domain", "Order Domain", "Peace Domain", "Twilight Domain" ) subclass_Druid <- c( "Circle of the Land", "Circle of the Moon", "Circle of Dreams", "Circle of the Shepherd", "Circle of Twilight" ) subclass_Fighter <- c( "Champion", "Battle Master", "Eldritch Knight", "Arcane Archer", "Cavalier", "Samurai" ) subclass_Monk <- c( "Way of the Open Hand", "Way of Shadow", "Way of the Four Elements", "Way of the Drunken Master", "Way of the Kensei", "Way of the Sun Soul" ) subclass_Paladin <- c( "Oath of Devotion", "Oath of the Ancients", "Oath of Vengeance", "Oath of the Crown", "Oath of Conquest", "Oath of Redemption", "Oath of the Watchers" ) subclass_Ranger <- c( "Hunter", "Beast Master", "Gloom Stalker", "Horizon Walker", "Monster Slayer" ) subclass_Rogue <- c( "Thief", "Assassin", "Arcane Trickster", "Mastermind", "Swashbuckler", "Inquisitive", "Scout" ) subclass_Sorcerer <- c( "Draconic Bloodline", "Wild Magic", "Divine Soul", "Shadow Magic", "Storm Sorcery", "Aberrant Mind" ) subclass_Warlock <- c( "The Archfey", "The Fiend", "The Great Old One", "The Undying", "The Celestial", "The Hexblade", "The Raven Queen" ) subclass_Wizard <- c( "School of Abjuration", "School of Conjuration", "School of Divination", "School of Enchantment", "School of Evocation", "School of Illusion", "School of Necromancy", "School of Transmutation", "War Magic", "Bladesinging" ) subclass_Artificer <- c( "Alchemist", "Artillerist", "Battle Smith", "Armorer" ) subclass_BloodHunter <- c( "Order of the Ghostslayer", "Order of the Lycan", "Order of the Profane Soul" ) backgrounds <- c( "Acolyte", "Charlatan", "Criminal", "Entertainer", "Folk Hero", "Guild Artisan", "Hermit", "Noble", "Outlander", "Sage", "Sailor", "Soldier", "Urchin", "City Watch", "Clan Crafter", "Cloistered Scholar", "Courtier", "Far Traveler", "Inheritor", "Knight", "Knight of the Order", "Mercenary Veteran", "Urban Bounty Hunter", "Uthgardt Tribe Member", "Waterdhavian Noble", "Haunted One", "Anthropologist", "Archaeologist", "Azorius Functionary", "Boros Legionnaire", "Dimir Operative", "Izzet Engineer", "Rakdos Cultist", "Selesnya Initiate", "Simic Scientist", "Criminal (Spy)", "Gladiator", "Knight (Free Agent)" ) gender <- c("Male", "Female")
# Randomly select a race, class, subclass, gender, name and background# race <- sample(races, 1) character_class <- sample(classes, 1) # Select subclass based on the character class subclass <- character_class switch(character_class, "Barbarian" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Barbarian, 1), "Bard" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Bard, 1), "Cleric" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Cleric, 1), "Druid" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Druid,1), "Fighter" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Fighter,1), "Monk" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Monk, 1), "Paladin" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Paladin, 1), "Ranger" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Ranger,1), "Rogue" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Rogue,1), "Sorcerer" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Sorcerer,1), "Warlock" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Warlock,1), "Wizard" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Wizard,1), "Blood Hunter" = subclass <- sample(subclass_BloodHunter,1) ) background <- sample(backgrounds, 1) gender <- sample(gender, 1) name <- gender switch(gender, "Male" = name <- randomNames(gender = 0,ethnicity = 5,name.order = "first.last", name.sep = " "), "Female" = name <- randomNames(gender = 1,ethnicity = 5,name.order = "first.last", name.sep = " ") ) # Generate random ability scores# ability_scores <- sample(6:18, 6, replace = TRUE)
# Create a character sheet data frame# character_sheet <- data.frame( Name = name, Race = race, Class = character_class, Subclass = subclass, Background = background, Gender = gender, Strength = ability_scores[1], Dexterity = ability_scores[2], Constitution = ability_scores[3], Intelligence = ability_scores[4], Wisdom = ability_scores[5], Charisma = ability_scores[6] )
return(character_sheet) }
#Generate a random character sheet#
random_character_sheet <- generate_random_character()
#Print the character sheet#
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vivalabunbun · 5 months
Viva, ur in something like IT? :0?
Data science and IT!
So yeah my assignments are… 🗿🗿 at the moment
It’s the finals season and I must prepare for the trenches once more.
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hi everyone i went way too deep and used some code i had saved from a text mining course last year and ran some models to break down the emotional arcs of htn and ntn and now i have graphs and everything and i'm trying to write up an analysis but it is going to be so long. i may just post it on reddit and share the link. but now i wanna make a survey to test the model against reader opinions to see how accurate it is and if i do all that this may end up literally more time intensive than my final project for that class lmao
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crimsonicarus · 2 months
Now I know what the problem with my code was, it was me. I'm the problem of my code
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bibuddie · 9 days
guys pray for me my code is actually about to end my life
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Working hard on my statistics, Stella is my moral support ❤️
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"Normal is just a setting on the washer!" I cry while looking at my data that do not meet the assumptions of normalcy for the statistical test I want to run.
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greenteacology · 11 months
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did I spend 20 min making this instead of actually working on my thesis? yes
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monopeptide · 8 months
will anyone get mad at me if I say that I like R better than python
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that-gay-computer · 5 months
data analysis. (eyelid twitch)
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literaryhistories · 2 years
me writing any paper after figuring out basic ggplot functions
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