#rp meme thingy
javaaddiction · 11 months
I was complimented once on my storytelling and now I'm crying send help
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painmiau · 1 year
silly little doodles that I liked
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I'll probably redraw them, perchance
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+bonus Roblox rp family photo
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Hello Krys~ Sending hugs!! 💕💕 I remember reading one of your old posts about how Ryou Bakura was your muse. I absolutely love the cutie (and wish they gave him a bigger role in the original plot), so I was wondering: Would you ever write a fic centered around Ryou? 👀✨
*returns the hugs* Thank you, Alby!
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Ryou was indeed was one of my muses in my baby fandom days, from fic writings to RPs (Yuugi a bit too, but not nearly as much as I did Ryou back then), he's been with me for a good few years. (Even named my very first car after him because I got it on his birthday, September 2nd).
That being said, looking at my ao3 and my dreamwidth account (since that's where I put my stuff before tumblr came along), I haven't really written for Ryou since about 2014-ish? 2016 being about the last time I did anything ygo related when Arc V was airing and Dark Side of Dimensions came out, then moved onto other fandoms (Hello, my new loves Haikyuu and various mobile otomes when I got my first smartphone).
So, best I'll say is that it's unlikely, but not impossible. For a different fandom, I did a fic re-write for a fic I did in 2005 in 2010, like a draw this again challenge, but writing instead of drawing. And fictober is coming up in a few months, so that's also a possibility for a drabble. Ryou might come back for a visit, you never know!
Thanks again for the question!
Writer's Would You Ever...
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jockclairs · 2 years
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                     ❝    wornskirt             ,       you’re      [   𝐓𝐎𝐎   ]      ᵏⁱⁿᵈ.        ❞
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case-of-traxits · 5 months
sephiroth and/or reno for the character ask thingy if you're still accepting! you can do either or both it's up to you <3
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Aaaah, Sephiroth. I see Sephiroth as more or less demisexual with surprisingly (to him) possessive romantic leanings when his emotions are engaged.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male. I'm so boring with gender headcanons. XD
A ship I have with said character: All right, surprising no one, I adore Sephiroth/Tseng. Like, I just think they're so good for each other before, you know, Nibelheim. I think Sephiroth needs someone patient with him, someone willing to let him go at his own pace when it comes to figuring things out, and Tseng is very happy to let him do so.
That said, I also really like Sephiroth/Genesis. I tried my best to get some written for Sephesis Week, but I just couldn't get the dynamic I wanted on the page. I'll have to try again.
A BROTP I have with said character: Angeal and Genesis and Glenn and Lucia and Matt. I just. I want Sephiroth to have all of the friends, tbh. T_T
A NOTP I have with said character: I used to ship Aerith/Sephiroth really hard when I was young (I feel like in part because it side-stepped me out of the Aerith/Cloud/Tifa thing), but honestly, I don't know that I could ship them together anymore. It would be... It would have to be a very weird relationship, and most of what I see just tries to push it into very simple boxes.
A random headcanon: Sephiroth is quietly brilliant with all things science-related, and when Gast was still around, he was occasionally allowed to follow Reeve around the Science department as he did work on reactor designs. This lasted until Gast vanished and Hojo took over, when Sephiroth was around eight.
A year later, Reeve took the reactors from Science and started putting together what would eventually be Urban Development, and the next time he and Sephiroth saw one another, Sephiroth was a SOLDIER and Reeve was a director.
General Opinion over said character: I love Sephiroth. I have a particular soft spot for sane!Sephiroth, mostly because that's the time period I prefer to write in.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character: Midnight, by Jorge Mendez.
Reno of the Turks
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Sexuality Headcanon: Aromantic, and definitely on the asexual spectrum. He is perfectly happy to have sex with someone-- no repulsion or anything; he just doesn't feel sexual attraction to any individual.
That said, he'd climb Rude like a tree, if Rude will let him. In no small part because he is 100% aware that Rude experiences romantic and sexual attraction, and Reno wants their partnership to be unbreakable on Rude's end.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male, but he's far less attached to the 'male' part of his identity than most of my characters.
A ship I have with said character: I... don't know that I have any happy ships with Reno, but I have plenty of absolutely heartbreaking ones.
Reno/Rude - A classic for a reason, but I suspect Rude leans a little more straight than most of my others, so it's always temporary to some degree.
Tseng/Reno - Ah, Tseng/Reno. A favorite and the bane of my existence, all at once. Basically, my default Reno and Tseng are in a D/s relationship where Tseng has carte blanche to tell Reno... anything. Because of that, I write it where Tseng would never let himself press into a sexual relationship with Reno, just because he knows that Reno cannot tell him no emotionally. For more information on this, I recommend my "Reno and Loyalty" meta that I just cross-posted from my old RP blog!
Reno/Elena/Rude - So this starts out as Reno wanting to tie Elena into the group a little more during the OG. (Curious what that looks like? I've written it here.) And when it's become a regular thing and they have a rhythm and everything, Reno... slowly pulls back. It's after AC and everything, and it's really gradual. And he doesn't pull back from them because he dislikes them or anything, he just... He knows what long term relationships are supposed to look like, and they don't usually include "someone like him," you know?
Reno/Tifa/Rude - This starts out super great, but just like Reno/Elena/Rude, will almost inevitably end with Reno pushing Rude and Tifa together and drifting off from them.
A BROTP I have with said character: Reno and any Turk, frankly.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mm. Most Tseng/Reno stuff, frankly. But not because I don't love it! I just love... specific variants of it.
A random headcanon: Reno has five younger sisters that he's responsible for. They live in the slums when he's first hired on into the Turks, but eventually, Reno gets them moved Above the Plate.
General Opinion over said character: Reno was the first canon FF7 character that I ever RPed, well over 20 years ago now. He's got a special spot in my heart, as I'm sure you can tell, given my icon is basically this icon on everything.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
There ain't no scene in the VIP for me So you can take your class, shake your ass And drown in that martini 'Cause there ain't no scene in the VIP for me It's understood that you're all too good This shit is crazy [...] I wanna get down, down and get dirty Sick of this scene, it doesn't deserve me Uh-oh, there's gotta be somewhere else to go 'Cause I wanna get off, get a bit trashy Wanna get hot, get a bit nasty Uh-oh, baby, let's go
-- VIP, by Ke$ha
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coollyinterferes · 8 months
Consider this an “ask meme” call!!
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(orrr a copy/paste of the previous ones since most of the peeps in them are no longer active. If you Liked any of my previous meme thingie calls and you’re still interested, please give this post a Like!! :’D) I’m pretty sure by this point most –if not all– of you already know I'm an anxious mess with little to no social skills who always has a hard time tagging people in anything (games and/or sending ask memes included), so... In short: By hitting the Like button on this post, you’re giving me permission to tag you in dash tag games (headcanon games/memes/tests/picrews/shindanmaker games/etc). You can remove yourself from the list at any given time if you no longer want to be tagged! No questions will be asked or anything, so don’t worry! Like all other things rp, this is meant for all of us to have fun! ****This is only for rp blogs/people with rp blogs! (doesn’t matter if we haven’t interacted yet)!! Also, please, let me know if your rp blog is a side-blog so i know which one(s) to tag!
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sturdy-and-soundproof · 5 months
// OH I guess I feel like I should say it just kind of in lieu of the last ask meme thingy-
I'm pretty much always down for lighthearted/silly interactions. This includes Magic Anons to a certain extent(I know people can get a bit aggressive with those sometimes... So as with anything I reserve the right to not use an ask)
But like even when it comes down to like- people visiting Shieldon that's completely up for grabs as an RP starter for anyone who wants to take advantage of it. His location is pretty well known (Oreburgh museum in Sinnoh) and I don't find it completely unfeasible that there aren't occasional visits from people who are like "hey wait this is where the Shieldon from that Shieldon blog is" and want to meet him. He's a little celebrity :] (at least in Oreburgh skdjak)
If you want to do something heavier please ask beforehand- I'm not super comfortable being dragged into higher stakes things (especially because Aegis is very young- he doesn't have the life experience to give good advice in every situation. And I don't wanna traumatize him too badly.)
But yeah! I'm pretty much always down to do silly things!
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
hq boys and how they text
A/N: this is a fun little mini collab with @miyaniacs that started out as me commenting: omg xy emoji reminds me of Bo. And then we just kept making hcs so...have those xD
frequently used emojis: 💪🤩🥺👉👈😼🤣😥😲😭🥴😵🤠🤓🦄✨🙉🎉🐓👀😤
always does typos cause he´s wayyy too excited 
and when he does the * he still gets it wrong
will send 10 minute long audios talking about nothing
also will keep every group chat updated about his day, checks in on everyone every 5 minutes
also in way too many group chats but too scared to leave them cause he doesn´t want ppl thinking he´s rude
emojis: 💔💦💯🔥😎😥🥵🤫🥴🤙👅❤☕
texts ppl who are like 5 feet away from him to get him something (poor Osamu)
always gets left on read
then double texts like
r u mad at me?
flirts way too much but in a really direct way
is blocked by so many girls
he loves calling people and will annoy anyone when he´s bored
emojis: 👨‍🦯🦶👂✌🤘🥰😇🤠🙊✈🌜💁‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤦‍♂️🏃‍♂️😣😙
sends too many selfies
it´s like he´s vlogging cause he´s constantly sending pics to the gc 
has a bunch of rps going on and he´s super good at them (actually has good and interesting ocs)
sometimes speaks uwu just to annoy people
randomly quotes anime 
sends videos of himself talking rather than making audios 
makes such cute faces too
sigh, I love this man
this man is on his damn phone too much
yet never texts back
will literally take up to 3 weeks to reply
is on discord a lot and just trolls people
has the do not disturb thingie
only texts 3 ppl (Kita, Osamu, Aran)
has Atsumu blocked
the type of guy to have a drama channel
always on his phone
his gallery is rlly neat
has an album for everything and way too many photos
has an album just for receipts of drama he thought would be more important than it rlly is
ootd pics to the gc
expects all the compliments
gets: u still ugly
short answers
uses punctuation
has all gcs muted
only texts in there to roast Atsumu
leaves ppl on read all the time
except for Komori
sooo many unopened chats
only emojis are: ❤ and :) also 🙄
sassy all the way
only reads messages when they´re important
otherwise he just ignores it
involuntarily is in a gc with Kuroo and Bokuto
has a secret meme chat with Akaashi and Yamaguchi
picks up on too much gossip amd doesn´t even wanna know about it
had Tendou explain his phone to him 
texts Oikawa at least once, showing him a picture of Shiratorizawa being like: this could´ve been you
is blocked now
does this thing where he overuses autocorrect and types the emoji instead of the word
🤠🍆 otherwise he rlly doesn´t use any
Filth stuff under the cut:
accidentally really good at sexting
doesn´t know what he´s doing but it works
keeps complimenting and praising you
has issues taking dick pics cause he can never get the right angle
always begs to have phone sex cause he gets too excited
wants to be on facetime with you all the time
okay but how can someone be so beautiful when they cum? and his moans are feral, will just stare at you all hazed 
talks a lot during everything, just tells you how amazing it feels at all times
thinks he´s good at sexting 
but tries too hard
legit just fuckboy energy
but we all know he´s just a sweet soft boy who wants to know if his dick if pretty cause he´s insecure abt it
texting game isn´t strong
would actually ace it once he had sex since his texting game would just....oof it´s so good
also not as awkward anymore
sexting with him is so much fun
it´s super chill and lighthearted
tells you how good you make him feel
if you ever have phone sex he will moan just for you (usually he doesn´t cause he doesn´t see the point in it)
somehow it feels more intense with you watching him and touching yourself to him
gets his confidence (and dick) up
would be up to try everything with you, just gets so excited abt you overall
he WILL leave during a session to make food or smth 
one time he forgot about you and just went back to gaming
kind of lackluster at times
you really have to initiate the convo
but he makes up for it with nice pics and vids
has a really pretty dick
somehow he takes really good pictures but without any effort
would do it on facetime and let me tell you:
prettiest moans
intense af eyes
never really shows his dick
partly because of bad experiences and cause of insecurities 
makes you feel things by just his words
actually will either smirk like the little bitch he is or have a super cute soft smile on his face
probs has his phone in his one hand and is throwing a volleyball up and down in the other
sooo many adjectives to describe exactly what he´ll do to you
sends a pic of him in only sweats, hand on his cock and tells u to come over
or a random: I need to feel your mouth around me
´why do you want me to send a picture of my hand?´
can get really filthy, taking you by surprise
call him sir and watch him flip the switch
when he´s comfortable enough with you he will tell you all his dirty secrets
phone sex
teases you about being horny and needy
then supresses his own moans 
makes you tell him what you want him to do
maybe he´ll reward you with a picture
never starts anything since he doesn´t wanna seem needy
but every time you sext or have phone sex he´s like super petty at first
being all like: aww you just can´t get enough of me~ what took you so long this time?
straight up dick pics or his abs/veiny arms
would send you pics after/while he works out and turns you on without intending to
accidentally leaves you on read after you call him out for it
kinda internal panic because...we all know this man is awkward asf
so you have to guide him through, tell him what you want him to do and what you wanna do to him
is kinda embarrassed the first few times, but slowly enjoys it more and more
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thattabaxiwizard · 2 months
intro post thingy
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Greetings Wizardblr! my name is Sundew, but you can call me ThatTabaxiWizard! finally got around to making this blog, i'll mostly be memeing, though you'll also get snippets of my life and opinions as well when i feel like it/something significant happens
[ooc stuff will be bolded/ in brackets]
[unless stated otherwise Sundew is always open for asks/rp stuff].
[will update when more info is added]
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reginrokkr · 3 months
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'Tis that rare time in which my inbox is almost empty (with only one meme thingy left to answer without counting the spicyday ones, which shall be done tonight!), so I might peer into the rp meme tag and reblog a few of them to reply to my leisure ♥︎
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valdiis · 4 months
📇 — does your url have a meaning? if so, what is it?
This is a bit of a story, so bear with me. Back when I was playing WoW, somewhere around the middle of Wrath of the Lich King - when the Argent Tournament thingy dropped - I was in a "casual" raiding guild, raiding three times a week for three to four hours a day. The day that Tournament dropped, we stopped Ulduar farming to go to the Argent thing and - blind - dropped in expecting to progress. Unsurprisingly, we didn't.
But oh. Oh, the raid drama. The screaming. The cursing. The blame. I was so sick of it. I needed a break. I'd heard that there were servers people actually role-played on and I had fond memories of chatroom RP from the late 90s. I used to write, you see, but my muse died somewhere along the way and I hadn't written anything in years. So I decided I'd go find one of these RP servers and see what it was like.
I rolled a human female warlock.
On Moon Guard.
It took about twelve seconds for me to realize my mistake. I nuked her and rerolled a human male priest - an old-looking one, at that. I played Father Kostadin off and on for a month or two, when I was bouncing around the Moon Guard wiki and found an interesting looking guild called "Knights of Menethil." They purported to be the only all-death-knight guild in WoW. I liked death knights. They'd just lifted the restrictions on making them, so I could roll one without having an established character already, so...
I rolled a draenei female death knight.
She needed a name and I - planning on only dropping in with her occasionally as a break from the raid drama - didn't think very hard about it. I found a list of gods and goddesses. I selected the name of an Icelandic goddess of death because the cliche of it amused me, and added another vowel to make it "more draenei."
It turns out my muse was dead. And in service to the Lich King.
Not long after I started playing Valdiis, the raid group imploded from the drama. I happily skipped town to Moon Guard full time, writing my grumpy undead space goat. Eventually, I rose through the military-style ranks of the guild until I was the junior officer of the triumvirate that lead the guild. I met my husband through that guild. The third officer would've been officiant at our wedding had he been able to attend.
Until I'd created Valdiis, I went by either Rosoe (an even earlier RP character) or SeraphBriar, a standard internet handle that still haunts me in my etsy login. But after many years of writing her, Valdiis became something of a mascot to me. Although I've long ago left WoW behind (at the end of Legion), she is still my first child. Or at least, my first since becoming an adult.
This tumblr originally had a name relating to the RP character it was created for, but as I evolved away from him, I decided this tumblr needed to be something of a catch-all, removed slightly from strict IC rules. Valdiis - as a character - was retired, but I'd been known as Val(diis) for years by that point, so I changed this tumblr's name to hers.
For the most part, my internet presence is consolidated under that name now. But I'll never let myself live down the fact that it was originally a meme on death.
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losinmortalesperdidos · 10 months
// Like this post and/or IM me if you want to plot something with Tuun. Don't forget to specify your muse. If we already RP with this muse, like this post for a meme or a little starter thingy from him (which I most likely will do on weekends).
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nevergonnasimpyoumikey · 10 months
@merryandrewsworld tagged me to this ask thingy, thank youuu 💖 Challenging everyone who wants to do it!
Were you named after anyone? Nope, my parent just liked how it sounded and didn't think about it much -> I have of the most basic names in my country :D
Do you have kids? No but... we'll see.
Use sarcasm a lot? More deadpan humor than sarcasm but yeah, sometimes, if I know it'll be understood in the situation x)
First thing you notice 'bout people? Hair, I think, if it's something that stands out? I honestly don't pay much attention to how people look – for example, someone I met in a group three or more times a week was like 8 months pregnant before I noticed it, and I only noticed after I heard her friends commenting how big she is now. And she really was. :"D I just have 108362 things in my head all at once, can't pay attention to everything!!
Eye color? Know the ship dynamic meme about the big, beautiful brown eyes and the blue eyes that stare right into your soul? Yeah I'm looking at you
Scary movies or happy ending? I've only seen a handful of scary movies and I don't like them so x)
Special talent? I do a bunch of things adequately or enough to get by but I don't think I have talents that most people wouldn't be able to learn with studying and/or practice. :D I'm not really sure what special talents actually mean. But I guess I've gotten compliments on the speeches I've given this past year, so maybe public speaking?
Your hobbies? Writing fics and poems, reading (mostly audio books in the car at this point), roleplays (larp, dnd, text rp), video and board games, karaoke (not as much as I would like)
Any pets? Two cats <3
Playing any sport? Not that actively anymore but baseball!
How tall...? 160 cm
Favourite subject in school? All languages (I've studied almost 10 languages in different schools at some point but I've forgotten most of them) were my fav but I also liked religion and history (different cultures + ethics), psychology (until we had to learn about brain chemistry and then I quit because I wasn't good at biology lol), art (never was good at it but still fun) and cooking (extra food hell yeah). I absolutely hated math, physics, chemistry and philosophy :D
Dream job: I'm already in the job that I dreamed of since the age of 15 but if I wanted to do something else, I'd try to pursue writing, either fiction or academic research.
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
OC ask meme, 4&8: how did you come up with your OC? (Hope I'm asking/following instructions correctly)
You are, don't worry! Creation-related questions are good too!
OC Ask Meme!
[Picrew used here!]
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4. Ophelia was an MC in a game called Seven Kingdoms: A Princess Problem. It's a stat-raising visual novel where you can raise different attributes in the prologue to build your character's background, then travel to an island where the seven kingdoms are meeting to form alliances and such. This is also where Houki was originally from.
Ophelia's type build was called the Ambitious Widow. Despite her family being of noble blood, they still are quite poor, so she has to social climb a lot to make sure her family stays afloat. In her social climbing escapades, she is briefly married until her husband succumbs to death (either by accident or by... 'accident'). After his death, she has to social climb again to make sure her family thrives, coming across the news of the seven kingdoms gathering and she figures this is her way of finding a way to support her family for good if she can snag a richer noble or even a prince, if she can manage it.
She was my third build in the game, after playing blind with Houki, then as another MC when I understood the game's mechanics. Both Houki and the other MC were very sweet and endearing, but I also wanted to explore a darker route in the game, have a character that wasn't so innocent and kind, even if I eventually did soften her a lil bit for when I moved her into IkeSen.
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8. Takashi is one of my oldest OCs (both in the literal sense as he's over thousands of years old, and in a physical sense since he was created when I was a teenager.) His original iteration was my RP self-insert's dad, because the insert needed parents, thus Takashi's creation.
He was a fallen angel, accused of a crime he didn't commit and is working his way back into being a full-fledged angel. Along the way, he meets his future wife and long-lost half-brother, Haiiro.
He is very sweet, if a bit of an airhead sometimes. He's also a magical wizard that can do old-school FF style magic, mainly focusing in the healing magics, but can do attack stuff too.
Haven't done much with him recently, but I did do a Fictober for him back in 2020, so there's that.
Thanks for the ask!
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ofvaporex · 1 year
For the portrayal meme thingy: You're probably the best Ratchet I've ever seen and I consider myself quite lucky for every little interaction we have. Because apart from just generally being amazing at protraying the character you're down to lean real heavy into the tragedy that is his relationship to Pharma and how hard it all was on Ratchet. I feel that's a part of his history many people who try to rp idw Ratchet just sort of ignore or never get into much.
Please tell me your favorite things about my portrayal/muse?
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That always makes me sad, you know, since there's SO much potential there. We see so little of it, but there's no way their relationship wasn't important to Ratchet if he thought of Pharma while considering the times he'd lost important people after refusing to actually say goodbye! I put a lot of work into him because I love him a lot, and I just really am flattered y'all like my sad old man.
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lamiablanca · 2 years
~eternal starter call~
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Please like this post if it is alright for me to shoot starters, ask memes, and random asks your way, as well as respond to open posts.
I’m a generally pretty anxious person when it comes to interacting with others, so seeing who feels comfortable enough to interact with my muse is really important to me, and calms my nerves about sending asks.
Please don’t reblog. If you’re a side blog and cannot like posts, feel free to just hit that little speech bubble thingy and reply with the url of your RP blog.
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