roxwritings · 18 days
About the SAO story
I was thinking about it, and I just wanted to do a few things, since I trust you guys with information.
So I started writing this a long long time ago, even before it was "The Songstress". It was back before I know what I know about SAO now. I had a different character and everything, it was no where near as good.
However, this version Im nervous about as well. "The Songstress" version was a bit cheerier, had a few lighter elements to it, but I felt like it didn't fit within the greater world of Sword Art Online. There were some choices within it that I didn't make obvious. Like my genderbending of Kirito, and having less of a harem feel for more of a proper polyamorus relationship between Yashima and the girls.
But that raises a question.
I don't know how many would answer this, but I just wanted to ask, as I really enjoy writing this, but after that weird ass comment I got today, I don't know how I feel about uploading this story.
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roxwritings · 18 days
Sonata of the Hollows - Prologue
This is the prologue to my Sword Art Online story, staring Yashima Sakurako. I've decided to revamp all my writing, as I wasn't happy with any of it. So enjoy this revamped story. And the prologue to its first arc.
The chamber resonated with the echoes of exhaustion, each labored breath mingling with the groans of fatigue as the colossal boss finally crumbled before us. My knees buckled under the weight of the battle, the clatter of my fallen spear echoing through the chamber. One by one, we sank to the ground, seeking solace in each other's presence, drawing upon whatever reserves of strength remained.
Surveying those around me, I couldn't help but feel the strain of the battle weighing heavily upon us all. A groan escaped my lips as I struggled to rise, my health bar pulsating dangerously in the red zone, a stark contrast to its usual reassuring blue hue. Casting a glance at my companions, relief washed over me as I noted Kirito, Asuna, Agil, and Klein still standing strong. Yet, amidst the exhaustion, a subtle anomaly caught my attention – our raid leader, Heathcliff, remained untouched, his health bar a steady beacon of blue amidst a sea of red.
Sensing Kirito's keen observation mirroring my own, I swiftly remedied my health with a restorative crystal before joining her side. "Something doesn't feel right," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, the weight of suspicion heavy in the air. Kirito's gaze pierced through Heathcliff; her determination palpable as she nodded in agreement.
"Give the signal, and I'll confront him," I offered quietly, ensuring only Kirito and Asuna caught my words. Kirito's response was a solemn nod, her hair cascading over her eyes as she fixed a glare upon Heathcliff that could cut through steel.
"Yashi, on three, we make our move," she instructed, her voice a mere whisper yet carrying the weight of our collective resolve. Caught off guard by her decision, I could only nod in silent agreement, steeling myself for the confrontation that lay ahead. I tightened my grip on the hilt of my spear, rising once more to face the challenge ahead, with Kirito mirroring my stance beside me.
The tension in the air was palpable, a silent anticipation hanging heavy as the gaze of every onlooker seemed to converge upon us. I watched as Kirito's fingers curled around the familiar handles of her swords, the metallic rasp of steel against leather signaling their slow ascent from their resting place at her back. With a determined resolve, I hoisted my spear from the ground, its weight a comforting reassurance in the face of impending confrontation.
"3, 2, 1," Kirito's voice cut through the stillness, a signal that unleashed a synchronized assault upon Heathcliff. Our weapons clashed against his form, yet the expected impact was met with an unsettling resistance. Sparks flew as our blades met, ensnared by an ominous purple hexagon that engulfed their tips - an unmistakable sign of an 'Immortal Object'. It was a revelation akin to the warnings scattered throughout towns and quests, a barrier rendering its bearer impervious to harm, even reminiscent of the immortality bestowed upon certain NPCs. A low growl of frustration escaped my lips as I instinctively took a step back, while Kirito remained steadfast, her determination unyielding.
"It appears you've uncovered my little secret," Heathcliff's voice echoed through the chamber after a prolonged silence, his admission shattering the tension like a blade slicing through silk. My gaze remained fixed upon him as he turned to face Kirito, then shifted to me, surprise flickering across his features.
"I'm not surprised that The Black Swordswoman has discerned the truth, but you…" His eyes swept over me, a mixture of curiosity and scrutiny dancing within their depths, as I braced myself, spear at the ready, anticipating his next move. But what followed was beyond any expectation – Heathcliff accessed his menu, a GM's menu. A chill ran down my spine, realizing that our confrontation had veered far from the expected course.
"Kayaba," the name slipped from my lips involuntarily, my voice betraying a mix of apprehension and defiance. His gaze flickered from his screen to meet mine, a faint smirk playing on his lips.
"Impressive, Yashi," he remarked, his tone dripping with a chilling combination of admiration and menace, sending shivers down my spine. As he appraised me, a knot of fear and anger tightened in the pit of my stomach. Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off sharply, my words trembling with a mixture of fear and frustration.
"Shut up!" I interjected, the desperation evident in my voice. He seemed to acknowledge my outburst with a simple nod, his attention shifting to Kirito with a heavy sigh.
"Sooner or later, the truth had to come out. Yes, I am Akihiko Kayaba, the architect of this virtual realm," his proclamation reverberated through the room, eliciting gasps of disbelief and cries of anger from the assembled players. As my gaze swept over to Asuna, I could see the betrayal etched upon her face, her voice choked with tears as she demanded an explanation.
"Why, Commander? Why would you subject us to this?" her voice trembled with emotion, her eyes pleading for answers. Kayaba merely silenced her with a raised hand, his expression unreadable.
"Because, my dear Asuna, it was all part of the grand reveal," he replied with an unsettling calmness, his lips curling into a smirk. "The Black Swordswoman versus The Ruby King - a clash of legends, a spectacle for the ages," he added, his tone almost gleeful. I stared at him in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the mind behind such callous manipulation, my grip tightening on my spear in a silent display of defiance.
"People have died because of your twisted game, countless innocent lives lost," I spat out, my voice trembling with rage. "What makes you think we could ever forgive such atrocities?" But before I could confront him further, a fellow soldier took matters into his own hands, charging recklessly towards Kayaba with a cry of fury.
"You despicable bastard!" his voice echoed off the cold walls of the boss room, but his assault was swiftly met with consequences beyond his anticipation. With a sudden flash of light, he collapsed to the ground, his body convulsing as a peculiar yellow spark emanated from his armor. Panic rippled through the room as others began to succumb to the same mysterious paralysis, leaving Asuna frozen in shock. Kirito, her concern evident, rushed to her side as the realization of the dire situation sank in.
"Mass paralysis..." I muttered under my breath, my mind racing to grasp the severity of the situation. Kirito's growl of frustration mirrored my own inner turmoil. Before I could fully process the implications, a sudden rush of wind brushed against my back, signaling Kayaba's swift attempt to strike me with his shield and push me back. Instinctively, I evaded the attack with a quick backstep, my muscles tensed for the impending confrontation.
"I apologize for the aggression, but I required space," Kayaba's voice cut through the tension, his smirk fading into a solemn expression. With a decisive gesture, he accessed his menu once more, navigating through its interface until a series of messages materialized before us, each bearing the weight of a unique challenge. They were dual requests of a special nature – pitting Kirito and me against none other than Kayaba himself.
My gaze shifted to Kirito, who tenderly laid Asuna down before meeting my eyes. A silent exchange of understanding passed between us as I turned my attention to the ominous request displayed before us. It was a duel to the death, a gamble with the fate of everyone in the room hanging in the balance. If we failed, the burden of their progress would fall upon their shoulders alone. 
"I can handle this, Kirito... they need you," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, conveying a mixture of determination and selflessness. Her expression betrayed a hint of surprise at my assertion. "I'm just another member of the assault team; you can carry on without me," I continued, my resolve unwavering. As our gazes locked, I could sense her reluctance to accept my offer. She had her reasons for wanting me by her side, reasons I couldn't quite fathom. Yet, in this moment, I understood why she insisted on fighting alongside me – our shared desire to confront Kayaba, to seek justice for the lives he had callously taken from us.
Nodding in silent agreement, I reached out and pressed the accept button, my hand trembling slightly with the weight of our decision. Kirito mirrored my actions, her resolve shining brightly in her eyes.
"This is for the fate of this world," Kayaba's voice reverberated through the chamber, his words heavy with significance. Locking eyes with us, he issued his ultimatum, the gravity of the situation hanging in the air like a palpable weight. "Should you emerge victorious, I will bring an end to this game. But should you fail, it shall persist, and I will no longer offer my assistance," he declared, his tone carrying a chilling finality. With deliberate slowness, he drew his sword, the metallic rasp echoing in the silence of the room. "However, you two will not be here to witness its conclusion," he added, his words laced with an unmistakable intent – an intent to kill, an intent to emerge victorious at any cost.
"I don't intend to lose," Kirito's words pierced through the tension, a beacon of determination amidst the looming threat. Her unwavering resolve provided me with a small but comforting sense of reassurance. "I intend to end this world once and for all," she added, her gaze briefly meeting mine before settling on our adversary. I couldn't help but exhale heavily, a mixture of resignation and acceptance.
"If it comes to me dying, I'll be more than happy as long as I skewer you on my spear," I interjected, my voice tinged with a fierce determination that mirrored Kirito's resolve. Kayaba's confusion was evident as he glanced between us, a flicker of intrigue dancing in his eyes before he settled into a resigned acceptance of the inevitable.
"You intrigue me, Yashi," he remarked, a hint of regret coloring his tone. "I would have loved to have you in the Knights of Blood... but this is what it comes to," he concluded, his words carrying a weight of finality that left no room for negotiation. Without further ado, Kirito and I readied our weapons as the countdown timer floating above us inexorably ticked down to its conclusion.
As if we shared a singular mind, our voices synchronized in a chilling declaration of intent. "I intend to kill you, Kayaba," we proclaimed in unison, our words dripping with malice, anger, and a simmering rage that bubbled just beneath the surface. The room fell into a hushed silence, save for the rhythmic countdown, each passing second amplifying the adrenaline coursing through my veins.
With a final glance exchanged between Kirito and me, a silent acknowledgment of our shared resolve, Kayaba disabled his game master privileges, rendering himself fully mortal. The tension in the air reached its zenith as the countdown dwindled to its last moments. Three seconds left, then two, and I held my breath in anticipation. With the final second ticking away, a loud beep echoed through the chamber, signaling the commencement of our battle.
I felt the ground vanish beneath my feet as I charged forward alongside Kirito, our synchronized movements a testament to our shared determination. With a swift swing of her swords, she unleashed a flurry of strikes from above, while I aimed the tip of my spear at Kayaba's feet, poised to strike with lethal precision. Yet, Kayaba proved to be just as fast and agile as we were.
In a lightning-quick motion, his shield intercepted my spear, sending it crashing into the ground with a resounding thud. With the momentum gained, he slammed his shield into Kirito's stomach, propelling her backward. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, slashing at his exposed thigh with all my might, landing a significant blow that caused him to stumble, his health visibly diminishing. However, my victory was short-lived as his sword retaliated, narrowly missing me but managing to knock my health into the yellow zone. I gritted my teeth, feeling the strain of the battle weighing heavily upon me.
"Kirito, switch!" I cried out in frustration, my voice tinged with anger as I managed to trap Kayaba's shield against the ground with a decisive downward strike. Kirito nodded in understanding, swiftly maneuvering her blades around the side of his shield for a follow-up attack. But just as her blades were about to make contact, the world seemed to freeze around us, an eerie sensation of electricity coursing through our veins.
Kayaba began to glitch slightly, his sword arm flickering with strange orange hues just as it was poised to strike me. Suddenly, his shield lurched in Kirito's direction, intercepting her blades with a forceful clash that sent all of us staggering backward. I struggled to regain my footing, only to find myself flat on my back, while Kirito landed gracefully nearby, her resolve undiminished as she leapt to her feet and charged at Kayaba once more.
With a swift motion, she soared above him, aiming her blade directly between his eyes, but before her strike could land, the same strange orange glitch targeted Kayaba again. In a flash, he vanished, leaving behind a bewildered gasp echoing through the chamber as I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding with a mixture of relief and confusion. Kirito landed on the other side where Kayaba would have been, her eyes scanning the empty space with a mixture of disbelief and determination.
"Is it... over?" Kirito's voice pierced through the lingering tension, her words echoing the silent question that hung heavy in the air. I cast a slow, sweeping glance around the room, observing the gradual return of movement to our comrades as the paralysis lifted. With a gentle hand, I helped Asuna to her feet, my gaze returning to Kirito's.
"I think... I think it is," I replied softly, my voice laced with a mixture of relief and a subtle undercurrent of sadness. Though the latter emotion was well-masked by the jubilant cheers that erupted from our fellow players. I wiped some sweat from my brow, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips as a sense of accomplishment washed over me.
As minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, a disquieting realization settled upon us like a heavy fog. There was no triumphant announcement heralding the game's clearance, no joyous exodus of players being logged out to return to the real world. Instead, we remained trapped within the confines of the boss room, the sense of uncertainty casting a dark shadow over our hard-won victory.
Panic rippled through the crowd like a wildfire, igniting curses and screams of frustration as despair threatened to engulf us all. The once jubilant atmosphere turned sour, the air thick with fear and uncertainty.
I felt the tendrils of panic coiling around my chest, threatening to squeeze the breath from my lungs. Dizziness washed over me, and I stumbled, feeling like I was about to collapse under the weight of it all. It was then that Asuna's comforting embrace enveloped me, her arms wrapping around me in a gesture of solace and support.
In her embrace, I found a fleeting moment of respite from the chaos around us. I leaned into her, drawing strength from her presence as she held me close, offering a silent reassurance that we would weather this storm together.
"What is happening..." Asuna's voice cut through the confusion, her tone a mix of bewilderment and frustration. She looked up at Kirito, panic evident in her eyes as she helped me stay on my feet. Kirito's expression mirrored the uncertainty that gripped the rest of us.
"Something's... wrong," I murmured, gradually regaining my composure as I caught my breath. Kirito nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the spot where Kayaba had stood moments before.
With a commanding presence, Kirito addressed the room, her voice cutting through the chaos and instilling a sense of calm. All eyes turned to her, seeking guidance and reassurance in the face of uncertainty. She spoke with conviction, though her worry was palpable.
"Whatever happened isn't our concern. Whether the promise was broken or not," she declared, her words a rallying cry in the face of adversity. "We have to keep going, not only for those on the outside, but for ourselves. We're fighting to free ourselves from this prison!"
A chorus of agreement erupted from the room, voices raised in solidarity with Kirito's resolve. But amid the cheers, I couldn't shake the nagging doubt gnawing at the back of my mind. Not everyone had a life to return to, or at least not one they wanted to go back to.
"Yeah..." I cheered weakly, masking the sadness that threatened to overwhelm me. It wasn't that I didn't want to end this death game; I wanted to help everyone return home safely. It's just... I didn't know where home was anymore.
"Hey, Yashi, are you okay?" Asuna's voice broke through my thoughts, her concern evident as she surveyed me. I forced a smile, attempting to push aside the turmoil churning within me.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Asuna," I assured her, my voice tinged with weariness. "Just tired." With a chuckle, I used my spear for support as I made my way towards the door leading to the 76th floor. As I approached the door, my heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The sight of the orange glow enveloping my spear stopped me in my tracks, sending a wave of confusion coursing through me. I took a step back, but the glow remained, stubborn and unyielding. With a sense of urgency, I pushed open the door, Asuna and Kirito right behind me. Their presence was a reassuring anchor amidst the uncertainty that surrounded us as we ascended the stairs and emerged onto the grassy plains of floor 76.
"Um... guys..." Klein's voice broke the silence, drawing our attention. It was the first time he had spoken since the battle, his usually talkative demeanor replaced by a solemn gravity. With his menu open, we gathered around him, our hearts sinking as we beheld the shocking revelation displayed before us. His skills were gone, reset back to their early game parameters. Panic gripped me as I instinctively stepped away from the group, my mind racing with fear and confusion.
I hurriedly checked my own menu, relief flooding through me as I found that my skill trees remained intact. However, their levels had been reset, my trees reverting to their initial values from when I first started the game. A sense of unease settled over the group as each of us began to inspect our menus, the realization sinking in that our hard-earned progress had been undone.
"Wait, my items!" Asuna's voice rang out, her tone tinged with dismay as she discovered the corruption that had befallen her possessions. Kirito's expression mirrored her concern as she delved into her menus, undoubtedly searching for Yui's Heart, a cherished memento of their time together in the virtual world. Yui, the AI who had become like a daughter to them, had bestowed upon me the title of "Papa," much to the amusement and embarrassment of Kirito and Asuna. I never quite understood why Yui decided to call me "Papa" and why she considered me her guardian. Closing my menu after discarding the corrupted gear, I glanced up, my gaze drawn to the tear-shaped stone that held a special significance. From its depths emerged a small child, no older than nine, clad in a soft, pale white dress. Her eyes, a striking obsidian black, held a depth of wisdom beyond her years, while her hair matched their hue perfectly. Floating in the air for a fleeting moment, she then descended into Kirito's waiting arms, her smile lighting up her face.
"Mama Auna, Mama Kito!" Yui exclaimed, embracing Kirito tightly before Asuna rushed over, enveloping her in a warm hug. I watched the reunion unfold with a gentle smile, a sense of warmth blooming in my chest at the sight of their bond. However, my attention was soon captured by Yui as she broke away from Kirito and Asuna, her gaze fixing on me.
"Papa Yashi!" she called out my name with a clear and melodic tone. Unable to suppress a laugh, I couldn't help but revel in the jealous glances exchanged between Asuna and Kirito, their cheeks tinted with a blush. Kneeling, I welcomed Yui into my arms as she ran towards me, her excitement palpable.
"Hi, Yui!" I greeted her with a warm smile, wrapping her in a gentle embrace. "Sorry you had to sleep for so long... I'll make it up to you," I whispered softly, my heart swelling with affection for the young girl who had become like family to us in this virtual world. To my surprise, she puffed her cheeks out in response.
"Papa, it's fine, you needed to..." Her words trailed off, her gaze shifting slightly above my head. Suddenly, her tone shifted, her concern evident as she voiced a question that hung heavily in the air. "Papa, why is your level so low?" The question landed like a weight in the midst of our group, drawing curious glances from those around us. Setting Yui down, I attempted to brush off her inquiry.
"It's nothing, Yui. I think this glitch is messing with stuff," I offered in explanation, hoping to quell any further speculation. Sighing, I knelt once more, gently taking Yui's hand in mine.
"Yui, you can't tell anyone about my level," I whispered urgently, the gravity of my words not lost on her. "I can't risk anyone besides Kirito and Asuna knowing... maybe a select few others. But no one else can know," I emphasized, silently pleading for her understanding. Yui nodded solemnly, her eyes lighting up with renewed determination. I looked up, seeing Kirito and Asuna tilting their heads slightly, wondering what I meant by that. 
"Okay, Papa!" she replied with a bright smile, darting back to Kirito and Asuna. I followed suit, joining them as they deliberated on our next course of action. However, our conversation was abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice - Silica's.
"Yashi!" she exclaimed, launching herself into a hug. I caught her reflexively, holding her for a moment before setting her down as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Kirito's concern was evident as she inquired about Silica's presence. Watching their interaction, I couldn't help but smile.
"We really shouldn't wait, guys," I interjected, my gaze sweeping over the sprawling plains teeming with creatures. "The town shouldn't be far," I added, taking the lead as we made our way forward. As we approached the town's gate, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Activating the Teleport Gate, I watched as the stone pedestal emitted a soft blue glow, gradually intensifying until the letters etched into the stone began to illuminate. A name materialized amidst the swirling glyphs - Arc Sophia. 
"I'm going to go back home," I muttered, exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders. Standing at the center of the Teleport Gate, I raised my hand and spoke the words, "Teleport, Selmburg." I waited with bated breath, eyes closed in anticipation. But when I opened them again, I found Kirito and Asuna holding Yui's hands, their gazes fixed on me. Silica, with Pina perched on her head, joined them in their scrutiny.
"Teleport, Selmburg!" I called out once more, frustration seeping into my voice as the teleportation failed yet again. I stepped back from the Teleport Gate, a sense of disbelief creeping over me. "Don't tell me this thing is busted," I snapped, venting my frustration with a sharp kick to the floor. Yui approached the Teleport Gate, her expression shifting to a pout as she examined it, a hint of concern in her gaze.
"It seems that due to whatever bug is causing these glitches," she began, her voice tinged with surprise as she continued her inspection. "You cannot teleport to the lower floors!" Her words hung in the air, a sobering realization settling over us. I let out another sigh, my gaze returning to the malfunctioning Teleport Gate.
"So we are trapped up here until we beat the next boss?" I voiced the question softly, the weight of our predicament pressing down on me.
All Yui could do was give a single nod.
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roxwritings · 4 months
This list is the list for characters that are from their original media that I like to write or have had extensive practice writing. All characters alphabetical* by the way.
*Marvel and Sword Art Online are the only excuses, just due to how many characters I can write in SAO and how similar names are in Marvel
? = I don't have 100% confidence in them
-RWBY: Amber, An Ren, Arslan Atlan, Blake Belladonna, Cardin Winchester, Cinder Fall, Coco Adel, Emerald Sustrai, Fiona Thyme, Fox Alistair, Grimm, Gwen Darcy, Harriet Bree, Ilia Amitola, Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, May Zedong, Mercury Black, Neopolitain/Trivia Vanille, Neon Katt, Neptune Vasilias, Nora Valkyrie, Penny Poledina, Pyrrha Nikos, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Roman Torchwick, Ruby Rose, Salem, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Sienna Khan, Summer Rose, Sun Wukong, Taiyang Xiao Long, Terra Cotta-Arc, Velvet Scarlatina, Weiss Schnee, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee, Winter Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Yatsuhashi Daichi
-DC: Batgirl, Batwoman, Beast Boy, Black Canary, Bumblebee, Cassandra Cain, Catwoman, Cyborg, Damian Wayne, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Jessica Cruz, Katana, Lois Lane, Nightwing, Poison Ivy, Raven, Red Hood, Robin, Starfire, Supergirl, Tim Drake, Zatanna
-Overwatch: Ashe, DVa, Echo, Emily, Genji, Kiriko, Mei, Pharah, Sombra, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya(?)
-Resident Evil: Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Jill Valentine, Leon S Kennedy, Rebecca Chambers, Rosemary Winters, Sherry Birkin
-Silent Hill: Heather/Cheryl Mason
-Marvel*: Aero(?), Amiko(?), Araña, Black Cat, Danika Hart, Gwen Stacy, Mayday Parker, Silk, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Anya Corazon, Spinneret, 2099, Peni Parker, Venom (Symbiote, not the attached being)
-Zootopia: Judy Hopps
-Soulsborne: Doll, Emma The Doctor/Gentle Blade, Fire-Keeper (DS3), Karla the Witch, Lady Maria, Maiden in Black, Melina, Melania, Ranni, Sellen, Shanalotte (Emerald Herald),
-League of Legends: Ahri, Akali, Ashe, Caitlyn, Elise, Evelynn, Irelia, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Kayla, Kindred (Lamb), Leona, Lux, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Neeko, Nidalee, Quinn, Samira, Senna, Seraphine, Shyvana, Sona, Vayne, Vi, Xayah, Zeri, Zara
-Valorant: Fade, Jett, Killjoy, Neon, Reyna, Sage, Skye, Viper
-Sword Art Online: Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito, Yuuki Asuna | Asuna, Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth, Hosaka Carina Tomo | Argo, Alice Zuberg | Alice Synthesis Thirty, Ayano Keiko | Silica, Sachi, Hoshiyama Midoriko | Zeliska, Takamine Momiji | Kureha, Kirigaya Suguha | Leafa, Strea-MHCP002 , Yui-MHCP001, Asada Shino | Sinon, Afasys | ArFa-Sys, Premiere, Nanairo Arshavin | Seven, Karatachi Nijika | Rain, Shigemura Yuuna | Yuna, Takemiya Kotone | Philia, Quinella | Administrator, Honda Koharu
-Genshin Impact: Amber, Barbara, Beidou, Collei, Eula, Fischl, Ganyu, Jean, Keqing(?), Kujou Sara(?), Kuki Shinobu(?), Lisa, Mona(?), Noelle, Raiden, Sucrose, Xiangling, Yae Miko, Yelan(?), Yoimiya(?)
-Guilty Gear Strive: Elphelt Valentine, Ramlethal Valentine, Giovanna, Baiken, Millia Rage, Bridget, I-No
-Rainbow Six Siege: Ash, Alibi, Azami, Buck, Caveria, Doc, Dokkaebi, Echo, Ela, Finka, Frost, Gridlock, Hibana, Iana, IQ, Lesion, Lion, Mute, Nøkk, Sledge, Solis, Thatcher, Thermite, Thorne, Valkyrie, Vigil, Ying, Zofia
-Tekken 8: Alisa, Asuka, Azucena, Jun, Lili, Nina, Reina, Xiaoyu, Zafina
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roxwritings · 4 months
-The Rules of the Den-
This is @theweirdrox blog for writing, receiving asks, and possibly other media if I'm feeling spicy. However this is to showcase my writing, not the RP that I do on the other.
This account is proship/comship and very much anti-kink shaming/sex positive. Any form of bigotry will not be accepted.
Fluff and other SFW content will have characters under 18 years old.
Asks will be open 4 out of 7 days within the week. I am currently looking at Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
Tag: roxwrites.den
If you like it, you like it. If you don't please move along, ignore or block this blog. Just do not try and be a hater.
Characters can die, but you need to explain why. No deaths for no reason. I think that is an extremely stupid thing in writing, killing a character off for no reason.
Please send one ask at a time. I am human, I have other things I like to do. I also have responsibilities. Please understand that when you send your ask.
This Rox will retain the right to deny any request any given time if it breaks any of my established rules.
Sending an ask against limits or rules will be answered with a notice to reread the rules and to not repeat. Any repeated offenders will have their asks ignored and deleted. Any trolls will have their asks deleted without hesitation.
Hetero, gay, lesbian, and trans requests accepted! All sexualities and gender identities are welcomed! I will admit, I might have trouble writing it, but this is all to improve.
I am doing this to improve as well. Yes this is for fun, yes I like to write funny, fluffy, and serious stuff. But I also want to improve my writing. It's not always the best. So please bear with me.
This is not an RP blog. That would be the other one. Please refer to that blog for RP.
Please don't reblog if you plan on trying to troll, use me as a reason to complain, critique by insulting me, or anything that is considered trolling behavior, jerk behavior, or anything between those two. You will be blocked.
I am all fine with criticism, as long as it's constructive. As long as you are providing helpful and constructive feedback. It helps me improve.
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roxwritings · 9 days
Chapter 1 2 and 3 released
So I've been busy, and I forgot to inform y'all, But Chapters 1 2 and 3 of Sonata of the Hollows has been released on Ao3! Please enjoy
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roxwritings · 16 days
Poll Finished, What Won
So the poll has concluded, and not counting my own vote, there was a three way tie! However, I realized that I should keep uploading the story. I feel proud and this time it's true pride, and I plan on updating this story on the regular. So Im gonna upload it on Ao3, but Ill inform you all here
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roxwritings · 18 days
Hello all! All ye friends and family who have come here once again! Asks are reopen, but there is one catch. Smut isn't allowed.
I will not answer anything smut.
However, I also will not answer asks on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
The weekly schedule is Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday.
And one more thing, this is more of a request rather than a rule. Please don't just send me rwby stuff. and please, utilize the original characters as well. I think you all will like them! Also want to clarify something. Just because I will only answer on 4 days of the week, doesn't mean the asks won't be open throughout the entire week.
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roxwritings · 18 days
Small Rant
Normally I could give a shit less when it comes down to what people call me or say about my work. If you don't like it, thats fine, Im not making it for you.
But today, I check my email, and I get a comment on AO3. This comment to be specific. "wtf is that 😑, good sao stories ara already rares not need of more shit" - Guest
Now, my normal response would be to ignore it, and keep writing. But I feel like this is the exact same person who a while back, while I wrote my initial drafts for my SAO story, commented that Im wasting my time because SAO sucks.
So Im bringing this up here, because I have no where else to bring it up.
If you're going to fucking comment something, do 2 things before you comment. 1. Proof read your comment, I don't fucking understand gibberish, and it sounds like you're too busy gargling on dick when you write shit like the comment above. 2. When critiquing a story, don't just write "Story bad, better ones exist". Give me a reason. I write to improve, not to be called bad. So please, give good feedback. Or else you just look like an idiot.
Thank you.
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roxwritings · 23 days
Announcements, Updates, and a Rebrand
Hello all,
For those that follow, it has been quite a while, however for those of you who are new to my blog, it's nice to meet you.
I have a few things I want to bring up, and I will split this post into 3 things. Part 1 - Announcements
I have a few announcements. First things first, I am going to be graduating college soon! I officially graduate college on August 2nd, but I have my graduation walk in July, so the time is approaching quite fast. But that also means college is going to be a rush for me as I enter my last 3 months worth of classes.
Secondly, I plan on moving to Japan in October! Even though I am an esports shoutcaster, a content creator, a business major focusing on the world of video games and the marketing of esports, and a writer. Im going to teach English! Im spending 4 weeks in Japan to get a certificate and gain the ability to teach it. So there will definitely be a massive blackout period around that time.
Finally, I plan on rebranding this blog, which will be covered in the third section of this post.
Part 2 - Updates
So this section is most likely the shortest of the three. This is simple and straight forward. I plan on updating my stories, as well as the look of this blog (Once I figure out HTML or how to change it.) So the stories that are getting an update are. The Songstress. And three more will be added.
Part 3 - Rebrand
So this relates to both the previous two parts. This will still be Rox Writings. But It will be named different. I will also clear some older posts. I plan on using this for more serious writings, as well as non NSFW asks. I don't like doing NSFW asks anymore, mostly because it seems that was all people came for. So no more smut.
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roxwritings · 4 months
Asks are now open
Information will be in the links below this break
Archive of my Own! - Aka my Ao3 Link
Current Stories being worked on
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roxwritings · 4 months
-Original Characters-
These characters are my own making, but are placed in several universes (most are static to those worlds, some are flex however.) These are not in alphabetical order. But organized by universe they are in.
-RWBY: Noelle Bryant, Alanna Bryant, Fiye Faune, Wisteria Greene, Aeroa Mai, Peyton Kennedy, Kyerian Marie, Vienna Reese, Xavier Bryant, Berlin "Bishop" Kortez, Lacey Aramantha, Maryis Blacksteel, Joseph "Puck" Miller, Naya Kidman, Tina Madsen, Boe Kujo, Delilah Fernrow, Grayce Carlile, Wilson Addleberry, Denella Flamewright, Mika Honeydew, Dazz Sno, Navara Jae, Tara Dodger, Tyra Carmon, Isabella Honeydew, Pearl Mauve
-STALKER: Petyr Anderiesky, Orion Marikhet, Arianna Makarov, Piper Eda
-Marvel: Harper Burke, Alex Martin
-Sword Art Online: Yashima Sakurako
-Fantasy (DND Style Stuff): Aria Aehren, Raye Vellard, Etsui Hitsu, Hunrea, Axin Faedrith, Haren Ardin, Amri Hescalt/Ardin, Vanna Phoebe Ardin, Keti Ardin, Selya Ardin, Allison Pendra, Eliza Hawthorne Harkwillow, Cellina, Rose Yeri, Eryn Vildre
-Mechs: Korean Thers, Layne Holland
-Modern: Bonnie Scaram, Orion Shirakawa, Sasori Kura, Isena Hope
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