#rose tyler fanfiction
bi-bard · 4 months
Reckless - Tenth Doctor Imagine [Doctor Who]
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Title: Reckless
Pairing: Tenth Doctor X Reader | Rose Tyler X Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 6,274 words
Warning(s): canon-typical violence
Summary: [Christmas Special (2005)] The Doctor's regeneration has left him unconscious for the unforeseeable future. Now, with an invasion on the horizon, (Y/n) is pushed onto the frontlines on their own for the first time.
Author's Note: I did a poll to decide what episode I should write about next and this episode won. I hope I've made you guys proud. If you have a doctor/series/episode you want to see in the future, just let me know.
Y'all. I need you to trust me here. I know what I'm doing.
It was as if there was no pause between the burst of regeneration energy and the Doctor's attempt to fly the TARDIS.
As if nothing had happened at all.
But it was clear that something had. Something fundamentally had changed about him. Some wires were still waiting to be properly connected. I could see it. It was in how he was stumbling and frantically glancing between things on the console. He wasn't ready. Not yet.
"Doctor, move," I said, stepping toward the console.
"I- I'm just trying to land," he replied, still scrambling.
"I know, but you are fresh off of a regeneration, this is-" my sentence was cut off by the TARDIS jerking to the side harshly. "Doctor, get away from the console, now!"
He stopped as soon as I raised my voice at him.
I moved around him, flipping a few switches to try to undo some of the chaos he had caused. I wasn't doing a great job, but I had most of it under control. There was one more crash before the machine finally stopped moving.
I ran over to Rose, who had fallen during the earlier chaos. "You alright?"
"What... What's happened to him," she asked quietly. "What's this regeneration thing?"
I watched the Doctor go stumbling out through the doors. "I... I'll explain in a bit. As soon as I know that he's not going to do something stupid."
I ran outside, making it through the door just as the Doctor fainted. I glanced between Jackie and Mickey. They both stared at me in shock. I knelt down, checking that he was alright.
"What happened," I looked up to see Rose in the doorway. "Is he alright?"
"Should be," I replied.
"He just keeled over," Mickey added. "Who is he? Where's the Doctor?"
"That's him," Rose explained. "That's the Doctor."
"What do you mean, that's the Doctor?" Jackie said.
"I'll explain in a bit, but can we first get him inside, please," I pleaded.
It took a bit of work, but we managed to get the Doctor upstairs and into bed. I don't know how they did it, but they managed to get him into a pair of pajamas while I was searching around the apartment for something that could help.
"I... I don't wanna know," I muttered when I walked into the room and saw him. "Do you have anything I can use?"
"Like what," Rose asked.
"Stuff to check vitals. Anything will be better than nothing."
Jackie let out a gasp. "I've got something. Be back in a tick!"
I barely had a chance to blink before she went running out of the room. I sat down next to the Doctor, letting out a small sigh as I looked at him.
"Are you going to explain what's going on now?" Rose muttered, leaning on the doorframe.
"He regenerated," I said. "It's a normal process for Time Lords. The body senses that it's near death and finds a way to fix itself. Losing consciousness like this isn't entirely normal. It happens sometimes. Usually, it means the whole process wasn't complete during the initial regeneration. His cells are still burning and regrowing. They're settling."
"But he'll be alright?" she replied.
"I hope so," I mumbled.
Jackie ran back in a few moments later, rambling about some neighbor of hers. She handed me a stethoscope. I placed the ends in my ears before pressing the flat piece to his torso, moving to check both hearts.
"I still think we should take him to a hospital," Jackie noted.
"We can't," Rose argued before I could. "They'd lock him up. Dissect him. One bottle of his blood could change the course of the human race."
"You would trust human doctors with no experience of this situation while I am here and the only being alive that shares his anatomical makeup," I asked.
"I didn't-"
I shushed her, going back to listening to the Doctor's hearts. "Good. Both working fine. We'll just have to wait."
"Both?" Jackie replied.
"They've got two hearts," Rose explained. "Each."
I nodded.
"Anything else you lot have two of?"
"Ew," I murmured. "Come on. We need to let him rest. Finish the process."
Rose sighed, pausing a moment. "Could make tea?"
I chuckled. "Is that just a natural human response? Making tea when things are going wrong?"
"Mostly just the English," Jackie shrugged.
I nodded. "I see..."
I followed the two of them out of the room. As soon as they made it to the kitchen, Jackie seemed to be berating Rose with questions when she should have been asking me. Rose didn't know anything about this. She was already dealing with so many emotions. It wasn't fair.
"Stop it," I said firmly. "If you have questions, ask me. Don't torment her."
Jackie huffed. "I just want some answers."
"Rose isn't gonna have them," I replied. I looked at Rose, who looked back at me with tears in her eyes. "Hey..."
"I thought I knew him," she muttered. "I thought me and him were..."
The way her voice trailed off broke my hearts. I took a breath before speaking, "He may have changed, but his memories didn't. Who he cares for, what he believes in... they're built on more than his physical form. Those kinds of things are built on experiences. His favorite food might change, but not something as deep as his thoughts and feelings about you or me or anyone. He'll most likely still see you in the same way he did."
I was caught off guard by her hugging me tightly. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her, closing my eyes as she hid her face in my shoulder. There was a long silence as we sat in that hug.
She leaned back, wiping her eyes. She looked at her mother. "The big question is... where'd you get a pair of men's pajamas from?"
"Howard's been staying over," Jackie replied, turning back to the counter.
"What, Howard from the market?"
I chuckled a bit as I turned around. I had never known a race to spend as much time gossiping as humanity. In some strange way, I admired it.
I glanced at the TV in the main room. "Is that Harriet Jones?"
Rose followed me out of the kitchen when she heard me speak up. "Why is she on the telly?"
"She's Prime Minister now," Jackie explained. "I'm 18 quid a week better off."
"Britain's Golden Age," I said quietly. "This is it."
"That's what they've been calling it," Jackie shrugged. "I keep on saying my Rose has met her."
"Did more than that," Rose replied. "Stopped World War III with her."
I furrowed my eyebrows as the report carried on. "Space probe... humans... always reaching for more."
"I thought you'd be a fan of exploration."
"As long as it doesn't draw in any unwanted attention."
Rose and Mickey left later that evening. Something about Christmas shopping.
I split my time between checking on the Doctor and awkwardly trying to help Jackie while she rambled on the phone to a friend.
It all felt... slow. Time was something that I was used to being able to somewhat ignore. It wasn't an important factor to me. I could bend it to be as fast or slow as I wanted, but now... all I could do was wait. Sit and wait.
It was infuriating.
It was a little while later that Rose and Mickey barged in, yelling at Jackie to get off the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows at them.
"What's going on," I asked.
"It's not safe. Someone- something is after the Doctor," Rose explained quickly. "We've got to get out. Where can we go?"
"My mate Stan. He'll put us up," Mickey suggested.
"That's only two streets away" Rose replied. "What about Mo? Where's she living now?"
"I don't know, Peak District," Jackie answered.
"We'll go to cousin Mo's then," Rose replied.
"It's Christmas Eve, we're not going anywhere!" Jackie exclaimed. "What are you babbling on about?"
"Where'd you get that tree," Rose asked. "That's a new tree. Where'd you get it?"
"I thought it was you," Jackie said.
"You accepted a new tree when you didn't know who sent it?" I chimed in. She paused for a moment. "Get the Doctor to the TARDIS and we can go anywhere in time and space. Escaping to a different planet will be better than a different... district or whatever."
The lights started turning on. And then, the branches started spinning.
"Go, now!" I shoved them all out of the main room.
Rose sprinted into the Doctor's room. I followed her, shoving Mickey and Jackie in with me. The two of them shoved a dresser in front of the door while I started rummaging through the pocket of his leather jacket.
I let out a relieved breath when I found the sonic screwdriver.
It was perfect timing.
The robotic tree had broken through the door. The others had quickly backed away from the door.
I picked up my arm and pressed the button on the screwdriver. I shielded my face as the tree blew up.
"You guys alright," I said, scrambling to the other three.
They all nodded, each clearly still in shock about the entire event. I made it to the Doctor, checking his pulse to make sure that he wasn't somehow hurt during the whole event. He seemed fine... and then I saw a puff of regeneration energy escape from him.
"No," I muttered to myself. "No, no, no!"
"What is it," Rose asked.
I ran outside, stopping at the railing when I saw a collection of Santa-looking robots standing on the ground below us. Rose was right behind me, along with the other two.
"What are they?" she whispered to me.
I shushed her quietly before lifting my hand, pointing the sonic screwdriver at them. They seemed to recognize the situation they were in. They moved closer to each other and teleported away. Presumably back to their ship.
"They've just gone," Mickey said. "What kind of rubbish were they?"
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I mean, no offense, but they're not much cop if a sonic screwdriver scares them off."
"They're pilot fish," I replied. "They're being controlled by something else... someone else. Like the tree. Toy soldiers, robots."
"And that gold dust we saw?" Rose pushed.
"Regeneration energy," I explained. "I... I didn't think he was releasing it and now that I didn't see it, I don't know how long or how much he's expelled. Time Lords are powerful and there are creatures who know that."
"They can find him?"
"Pilot fish were what attacked you earlier, weren't they?"
She nodded.
"That's why. They found out where the energy was and knew that they needed to destroy his 'guardians' to get to him. Either use him or kill him or... just experiment on him. We walked away from something that we weren't meant to survive. There are a few species with a few questions."
"What do we do?"
"Nothing. You lot go inside. Protect yourselves. Watch telly, have tea, do whatever it is humans do in a crisis that they can't fix."
"What about you," Rose asked, going to grab my arm.
"I'm going to the TARDIS," I explained. "If there are pilot fish here, then there's something coming. Something strong. I need to figure out what it is."
"You're just gonna go running off?"
"If I need to, yeah."
"I'm not gonna let you do that!"
"It's not your choice!"
"And why is that?"
"Because I am not going to be the one to get you killed!"
She froze.
"Go inside. Take care of the Doctor. Let me handle this."
I turned and walked away before she could say anything else.
I made it to the TARDIS. I scrambled around the console. I found faint traces of the regeneration energy. Along with it was the signal from the new space probe that had been sent up earlier that night. I furrowed my eyebrows. That couldn't be right.
I watched the signal's trajectory. It had been lost at some point. It was around the same place that the regeneration energy seemed to disperse.
"Who is up there..."
I flicked a switch, tuning into the news about the space probe. I saw the head of the mission scrambling, trying to explain away the loss of contact.
"You are terrible at de-escalating," I muttered.
It was then that the signal was interrupted. Through the static came an image of four creatures. I leaned in a little bit closer. The creature suddenly growled at the screen and then the image was gone.
"Well... shit," I murmured, frantically reaching for a few more buttons.
It was a matter of minutes before Rose stormed through the door. "Did you see that?"
"Yes," I answered. "How's the Doctor?"
"Pale, sick."
"Oh...," I mumbled. "It's okay. He'll be okay."
Rose looked down for a moment. "What... What was that thing?"
"I'm not sure," I replied. "I didn't get a clear enough image. But... I know something. I was tracking the trace of regeneration energy that the Doctor has been emitting and it is going to the same place as the probe's signal is coming from."
"So... mars?"
"No," I shook my head. "The probe never made it that far. It's 5,000 miles above it. It's a spaceship. The probe is onboard and they're tracking the energy, coming this way. That puts the entire planet at risk."
"Can't we go stop them before they get here?"
"No. If they're looking for a Time Lord, then handing them a piece of Time Lord technology would be reckless at best."
"But if they get to the Doctor-"
"I won't let that happen!"
"Are you sure? Because you don't seem to be doing much to stop them!"
"Rose, they will kill you. They will kill me. They will kill the Doctor. We don't know what they want, so I'd like to not hand them one of the most sophisticated pieces of space and time travel equipment to ever exist!"
She huffed and turned around, going to storm out.
I closed my eyes and dug the heels of my palms against them.
I was just trying to protect her... protect everyone. I just... I didn't know how to do that on my own. I had become so accustomed to having someone to bounce my ideas off of. I was lost. Stuck. I didn't know what to do yet.
I had spent ages continuing to try to get some kind of answer when the screen turned to static again.
Those four aliens were there again. One of them started speaking again, but the TARDIS wasn't translating.
"Hey, hey," I said quietly. "I know that I'm not him, but I'm still Gallifreyan. I can still fly you. You can still work with me."
The video replayed. This time, the voices were translated. "People, you belong to us. To the Sycorax. We own you. We now possess your land, your minerals, your precious stones. You will surrender or they will die. Sycorax strong, Sycorax mighty, Sycorax rock!"
"'They'," I repeated the word to myself. "Who are you talking about?"
I tried to search for any sign of who they could be talking about.
It was hours before another message came through. One of the Sycorax stuck their hand out. A blue light emitted from it. The image disappeared after that.
"Nice to know that humanity wasn't slow to do something stupid," I muttered to myself. It was a harsh assumption, but it was a valid one.
I ran outside only to be met with a crowd of people walking by me. I furrowed my eyebrows as the blue light shined around their heads. I saw Rose up on the landing outside her door. We shared the same look with each other.
I followed her and Mickey to the roof of the building.
There was an entire fraction of the population standing on the edge. Each seemingly ready to jump. I stepped back, running my hands over my face.
"What is it? What's going on?" Rose said, grabbing my arm.
"I... I don't know," I mumbled. "It... I have an idea but... it can't be. I want to believe that the top minds in your country are not stupid enough to do something that would allow it."
"What is it?"
"Mickey, can you still get access to the military's files?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, of course, I can."
"I need you to get any information you can on that probe. Now. I can't work on it on my own."
"He left us," Rose muttered. "This is the time when we need him the most and he left us. He left... He left me."
"Rose, look at me," I grabbed her hands. "I have known the Doctor maybe as long as you have. I know one thing though... he is never going to abandon you. I promise."
"How do you know that?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
Mickey chimed in before the conversation could continue, "Come on!"
We ran back down the stairs to the ground level. As soon as we had made it outside, I turned to Mickey, "Go get your computer and then come straight back here. We'll work in the TARDIS. Rose, you're gonna go up and watch the Doctor. If something happens, then you call-"
My instructions were cut off by a loud boom. Any glass nearby had broken, shattering all over the ground near us. I covered my head and squatted down to cover myself, yelling for the others to get down as well.
"What the hell-"
"A spaceship just entered your atmosphere," I said as I scrambled to stand up. "Sonic wave."
"What do we do," Rose asked.
I looked up as the spaceship flew overhead. It stopped just above us. "Get the Doctor to the TARDIS. Now. It's the safest place for him now. I'm sorry that we didn't do it sooner, but we need to move."
I watched as the trio scrambled to get the Doctor and Jackie's supplies into the TARDIS. She ran out to get the rest of the food, even though I yelled at her not to go.
"What now?" Rose said.
"I... I'm not sure," I replied. "I'm... I'm not usually the only one coming up with ideas at this point."
"But you're clever. I've seen you; you are clever. You... You were said you were trained for wartime."
"A war. I was trained for a war on one planet with different conditions and tools and-"
"And they never taught you to adapt? To do... I don't know... peace talks and things?"
I paused for a moment. "Do you trust me?"
"With my life."
I leaned forward and flicked a switch.
"What was that?"
"I let out a signal. There's no way the TARDIS would be able to land on the ship, but I could get them to teleport the TARDIS onto the ship."
"You're gonna talk to them."
I nodded. "I'm gonna try... see if that theory of mine was correct."
I took a deep breath, going to walk toward the doors. I rolled my shoulders back and tilted my chin up a bit. I pulled the door open, letting out a sigh of relief when I found myself on the spaceship.
Harriet Jones was standing there with her assistant.
"Harriet Jones," I said, a grin forming. "You are a sight for sore eyes."
"I could say the same to you," she muttered, hugging me. "Is the Doctor with you?"
"Not exactly," I replied as I stepped back. "But if you trust me, I can handle this."
I stepped ahead of the group, facing the Sycorax leader as bravely as I could.
"You. You have the clever box," the presumed leader spoke up.
Harriet's assistant tried to translate for me, but I stopped him. "I can understand him."
"How," Rose asked.
"TARDIS has a stronger psychic connection with the Doctor but I am still the same species as him. I may not be able to expand its reach like he seemingly can, but I don't need him to be able to use the translation."
"Silence!" the Sycorax shouted.
"Alright," I muttered.
"You speak for this planet!"
"You will understand my wishes."
"Surrender, correct?" I replied. "Basic signs of obedience in your eyes. Harriet, what did he ask for? Some of the population?"
"Half," she answered.
"Half to be used for their own benefit," I turned back to the Sycorax. "Half to be used as slaves in exchange for letting a third live."
"Correct," the Sycorax said.
"Why Earth?"
There was a silence.
"There are millions of planets that are far more advanced. That," I pointed at the TARDIS, "isn't human technology. There are other planets more beneficial to you, if you're looking for resources. And many are ready for the taking. These people are barely scratching the surface of space exploration and you're exploiting it. There's a whole planet renowned for being quick to surrender, why not go there?"
"We want the Earth," the leader said.
"But why," I pushed. "Why can't you just leave these people alone?"
He didn't respond.
"And then there's the third of the population," I continued, going to step around him. "I have a theory of course, but... oooooh, great."
I ran up the steps.
"Look at that! A big red button! Control matrix. Tell me, if I look under here, will I find a little bowl of blood?"
"Step away from that!"
"Alright," I held my hands up before leaning down, going to open the center console.
"That was English," Rose said.
"Well, yes, Rose, I speak English," I replied, still looking at the control matrix. I dipped my finger into the small bowl. "A+!"
"No, the Sycorax spoke English. I understood him," Rose explained.
I stood up, turning to look at her. "What?"
"He... He told you to step away from the controls, right? I understood him!"
"That means the TARDIS is translating for you again," I took a few steps closer.
The TARDIS doors behind them creaked open, revealing the Doctor in his pajamas and a robe.
"Took your sweet time, didn't you?" I crossed my arms.
"Could say the same to you," he shrugged as he stepped out.
The Sycorax tried to attack him, but it didn't work out well. Instead, the Doctor grabbed the weapons that the creature had and simply tossed them away. Being fresh off regeneration energy either made him stronger or dumber, I wasn't certain which one yet.
"Now, give me a moment. I am busy," he said to the leader before turning to the group of four that was now behind him. "Mickey! Hello!"
That was the happiest he had ever been to see Mickey.
"And Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it's like This is Your Life."
"Harriet Jones, Prime Minister," I corrected.
"I see," he grinned. "Tea! That's all I needed. A good cup of tea."
I almost chuckled at the idea.
If there was one thing about the Doctor that didn't change at all, it was his ability to talk. He ranted and rambled and jumped between different tones of voice. He talked about little he knew about himself now. He was a clean slate with nothing known yet.
I had regenerated before, but I had never thought about the process before. Truly, I never had the time. I was kind of thrown from one thing to the other. Getting confused after regenerating never made it onto my schedule.
"Doctor," I called from the steps.
"Yeah?" he turned to me. "Oh, I interrupted you. Go on. Bet you were doing brilliantly."
"Oh, you didn't interrupt at all," I shook my head. "It's just that, well, if I were to find a big red button, then I would know better than to press it. However, a Time Lord fresh off a regeneration may not be so rational... considering he's figuring himself out and everything."
"You're right," he replied. "Does the very rational one happen to know what the button does?"
"It's operating a blood control system."
"No!" he exclaimed excitedly, running over to me. "I haven't seen blood control in years."
"I've only read about it. Similar to hypnosis, yeah?"
"Exactly," he nodded. "When'd you work that out?"
"It was a running theory when I saw everyone on the roof. If they could control any chunk of the population, then why would they not make it half alive for a half enslaved? Why only a third?"
"Oh, you are so clever."
"I know," I shrugged. "So... what do you think?"
"Well, here's the danger with a freshly regenerated Time Lord," the Doctor looked at the Sycorax. "I truly don't know who I am. So... if I see a great big threatening button which should never, ever, ever be pressed, then I just wanna do this."
The Doctor slammed his hand down on the button.
I heard the others yelling at him.
"You killed them!" Harriet's assistant said.
I turned to the leader of the Sycorax. "Are they dead?"
"We allow them to live," he grumbled.
"Oh, please," I rolled my eyes. "He couldn't kill them. He had no choice. When I said blood control was like hypnosis, I was being honest. You can't hypnotize someone into doing something that they'd never do such as kill themselves. Humans operate on an evolutionary basis that forces them to protect their genes, so the fight-or-flight system kicks in."
"Everyone's okay," Rose asked.
"Everyone's okay," I nodded.
"Blood control was one form of conquest," the leader spoke up. "I can summon the armada and take this planet by force."
"Which brings me to my question again, why? Can't you just leave them alone?"
"Or what?"
"Or... I'll stop you."
"How do you plan on doing that?"
I looked at one of the soldiers next to me before rushing over and grabbing the sword on his waist.
I stepped back, getting away from the crowd.
I poised the sword out toward the leader. "I challenge you."
"(Y/n)," the Doctor scolded. The Sycorax laughed loudly as he stormed over to me. "This is incredibly stupid. Reckless."
"No, it's not," I replied. "This is what I was trained for. I existed before you met me, Doctor. You need to remember that."
He stepped away from me slowly.
"You're just gonna let (Y/n) do this?" I heard Rose mutter.
"I can't stop them," the Doctor replied.
I looked at the leader of the Sycorax again.
"Am I right that the sanctified rules of combat still apply," I asked.
The leader unsheathed a sword of his own. "You stand as this world's champion?"
"Proudly. Do you accept my challenge?"
The crowd roared around us.
We both took a knee, swords next to us.
"For the planet?" the leader tilted his head slightly as he spoke. He was taunting me.
"For the planet," I confirmed.
We stood up.
I could barely remember who actually took the first swing.
I was beginning to realize that I hadn't been in a fight so similar to what I had originally been training for.
I could just remember the technology, the instructions, the fake wounds. It was as if with every swing, my blood started boiling more and more. I hadn't felt like this in a long time.
I could remember the days when I felt that every day.
Fake Daleks, fake Cybermen, fake monsters, fake gods. I could see them all so vividly. In between the visions were the familiar flipping of pages and frantic searching and reading. The tests and quizzes and practices.
Oh, I was furious. It was making me sloppy.
I ran onto the outside platform of the ship as I found myself getting angrier and angrier.
I needed to be able to focus on one target. I needed to bring myself back to the current moment. To recognize that this was not fake. That this was not every evil being that I had been forced to face, but was one being. One thing that wanted to have more power than he deserved.
I also needed to get out of the crowd as soon as I could. That crowd could turn on me the moment I won. My victory could last a matter of moments before they turned on me entirely.
I learned how much the leader of the Sycorax valued straightforward aggression. He wanted the anger. The yelling and wild thrashing that seemed more calculated than they were.
I had learned long ago how to adapt to someone like that.
This means that despite any scratches and bruises, I was more in control than he thought.
So, when I squatted down and swung my leg so I could knock him off his feet, he was the only one surprised.
I stood above him, only leaning down to throw his sword as far away as I could. I pressed the tip of my blade to his throat. His head was hanging off the platform. I could have turned him into an example for the entire human race and Sycorax alike.
"I win," I said.
"Then, kill me," the leader's words were hoarse.
"I was raised as a weapon," I explained. "I was created to fight. To stop any threat that could have come my way. But mercy... I had to learn that. And it took me so long to perfect."
I pushed a little harder.
"So do not take it for granted when I offer it to you now," I warned. "I will spare your life as long as you listen to this command. Leave this planet and never return. Is that understood?"
"Swear on the blood of your species."
"I swear."
I stepped back, pulling the blade away from the leader's neck.
I turned around to see the Doctor walking over to me already. I let him pull me into a tight hug, making sure to keep the blade away from either of our bodies.
Rose ran out just behind him. I smiled widely as I went to hug her.
"I told you that you could do this," she muttered to me. "I told you that you were clever."
"Thank you," I mumbled back.
She stepped back.
"We should go. Now."
The Doctor smiled for a moment. "Sounds like- (Y/n), look out-"
I turned around. The leader came running at me, shouting as he went to attack me. I slammed my blade through his torso. I pulled the blade up and twisted it slightly.
"I warned you," I murmured to him before shoving him down. I dragged the blade out of him. "I... I tried to warn you."
"Hey," Rose touched my back. "Come on. It's done. It's over."
"No. Not yet."
I stormed into the main hall, staring up at the collection of Sycorax. I slammed the sword into the ground.
"I am this planet's champion, and you will heed my command. You are to leave this planet and never return for the rest of time. And I would advise you to take this battle as a warning. A warning that you will spread among the stars. As you speak of Earth and its people and all that it could offer, ensure that you tell them all that this planet is- and always will be- protected."
The Sycorax's teleport sent us all back to the surface after that.
I watched in silence as the ship began to fly away. I let out a shaky breath as tears pricked the corners of my eyes.
"(Y/n)," I turned to the Doctor.
"I killed someone," I murmured. "Directly, I mean. I... I wasn't just there. It wasn't some misguided attempt to save him. I killed him-"
He shushed me as he pulled me into a hug. "I want you to listen."
I closed my eyes, listening to the rumbling of the above spaceship. The sound of Rose and Mickey cheering cut through. Sharp and deafening in the best way. I heard Jackie's voice join them. Thankful and caring and proud.
"I hear hope... joy. I hear the cheers of the very people you just saved. Now, imagine that sound echoing all over the world. All of them. Safe because of you."
He stepped back, holding my upper arms.
"I'd say that's an alright balance, wouldn't you?"
I felt my lips tugging up as I thought about it. Yeah, maybe-
Any hope I had was shattered with the sound of an explosion. It silenced any cheering. Any joy. It was loud, violent, terrifying.
I looked over at Harriet. She stood there with a sullen expression painted on her face.
"What the hell is wrong with you," I asked. "They were leaving!"
"You said it yourself," she replied. "They go out and tell the rest of the universe about us. What happens when you and the Doctor aren't here? When another race decides that they want Earth?"
"You think that you're so important that it justifies murder-"
"Yours was?"
"I never wanted to do that! I wanted to show mercy! I wanted them to have the chance to make the right choice! Do not use me as an example to justify your monstrous behavior!"
She had no response to that.
"I shouldn't have just said to leave. I should have told them to run. Run as fast as you can because here comes humanity, the true monsters! The species ready to destroy anything different than themselves!"
I was almost screeching by the end of it. I felt the Doctor move his arm in front of me. I must have moved forward without thinking much of it.
I stepped away, turning to the others. Rose hugged me, muttering how sorry she was.
"I should have stopped you," the Doctor said.
"What does that make you, Doctor? Both of you? Another alien threat?"
"Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, 'cause I'm a completely new man," he pushed. I stepped away from Rose, turning back to Harriet. "I could bring down your government with a single word."
"You're the most remarkable man I've ever met, but even you aren't capable of that."
"No, you're right," the Doctor replied. "Not a single word. Just six."
"I don't think so."
"Six words."
"Stop it!"
He stepped around her. He walked to her assistant, muttering something into his ear. He came back to us.
"You go back with these three. I'll meet you there," he explained to me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I can't very well keep walking around in pajamas and a robe."
"Fair," I chuckled. "See you in a bit."
"You too."
I followed Rose, Mickey, and Jackie back to the apartment.
They forced me to go sit down while they got dinner together, only letting me join them when the table was set.
"I could've helped," I said when I sat down.
"Well, we couldn't let the planet's champion make their own meal," Mickey replied. "Now, eat."
I chuckled and shook my head.
The door opened a few moments later. I turned to look at the Doctor. He was wearing a suit now. Dark brown with a light button-up and a tie. He had a long trench coat on now. He grinned at us before coming to sit at the end of the table.
I found myself faced with Rose holding out some roll of something. It was wrapped in green foil with gold and red details. I furrowed my eyebrows at it.
"Grab that end," Rose instructed. "It's a Christmas cracker. This is a very human thing. Like the tea."
I was hesitant but listened to her anyway.
"On three, pull toward you," she continued. "1... 2... 3!"
I tugged the roll toward myself. I flinched a bit as it popped. I found myself with most of the roll in my hand. I moved it, looking inside.
I found a crown made of tissue paper. It was yellow. Bright yellow.
"Put it on!" Rose pushed.
"Okay, okay," I replied. I placed the crown on my head, struggling to get it to stay in place. The Doctor reached over and fixed it for me. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," he muttered.
Rose pointed at the TV. "It's Harriet Jones."
She was rambling, trying to defend staying in office. I looked at the Doctor. He gave me a look that simply said 'don't ask'. I turned back to the screen.
That was until Jackie pushed us all outside.
I almost froze in the door at the sight of what seemed to be snow. It was as I stepped on it that I realized that it wasn't. It was ash. Leftover ash from the spaceship still burning up.
I closed my eyes for a moment before looking around me. I saw people. Couples and kids and whole families running around in it. They were laughing. Cheering. Spinning and celebrating.
There it was again.
That sense of hope.
That very small shred of it that made me feel like I needed to hold onto it as tightly as I could.
"(Y/n)," I turned to the Doctor. He was standing next to Rose, holding hands with her as they both looked at me. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Absolutely."
He grinned before going to open the door.
I let out a small sigh as I followed them both inside.
One shred.
That was all I needed.
Or... all that I was going to have... for now.
If I wanted more, I had to go find it.
And yeah, I was absolutely ready to do that.
Author's Note: I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for reading and accepting this OC. I know I play around with canon and I promise it is only going to become more evident as we go on. I have this OC planned out through Flux, just to give you an idea of how committed I am to this OC and their story. They have been through many of iterations before this one and I am so happy that this is the version that resonated with people. Thank you for your time and care. I promise that it is recognized and appreciated. I'll see you all soon!
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What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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go-to-the-mirror · 7 months
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Relationship(s): Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler
Character(s): Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: Whumptober, Whumptober 2023, Post-Episode: s01e13 The Parting of the Ways, Pre-Episode: s01e14 The Christmas Invasion, POV Rose Tyler, Regeneration (Doctor Who)
Words: 472
Chapters: 1/1
Rose and the new Doctor have a rough journey home, after he regenerates. --- Written for Whumptober 2023 day 1. Prompt used: swooning.
Rose stared at him, the man who had replaced the Doctor – her Doctor. He seemed oblivious to it, stumbling around the TARDIS, looking for levers to pull and buttons to push.
“Where were we going again?” the man – the Doctor – asked.
“Home,” Rose answered, glancing around anxiously as the Doctor blundered around the ship. “London, two thousand and–”
“Right, yeah, I remember,” the Doctor said. “Hold on tight, not feeling my greatest, TARDIS might reflect that.”
Rose put her arm around one of the supports just behind the Doctor and braced herself. Even with the warning, Rose still wasn’t prepared for the turbulence on the flight. At one point, the Doctor almost fainted dead away, and Rose had to leap in and catch him, lest he hit his head on the ground, leaving her stranded with what was essentially an unconscious stranger, in a time machine.
“Oh, thank you, Rose,” the Doctor said, slurring his words like he was already concussed.
“Do–” Rose stopped herself before she could finish the world. It felt wrong to call this man the Doctor outloud. “Are you alright?”
The Doctor nodded his head a few times, then tried to get to his feet, immediately collapsing to the floor, luckily with Rose able to break the fall.
“Are you sure?
“Just need a kip,” the Doctor took in a sharp breath of air through his teeth. “Regeneration takes a lot out of you. All the cells in your–” the Doctor winced as he tried to get his legs underneath him. “–body working together to make you good as new.”
The Doctor let out a groan of pain and leaned heavily on the control panel.
“You alright?” he finally asked, looking up at her. Rose almost felt the urge to look away. Seeing his face, his eyes, his hair, in her Doctor’s clothes was too much.
“Yeah,” she said, shrugging. “Long day, huh.”
The Doctor nodded, then suddenly made a sharp turn.
“Almost home!” he yelled out, as Rose was almost thrown to the side. The Doctor crawled back to the control panel, taking in sharp and ragged breaths as he did so. “Just need to… make a couple more turns.”
Rose ducked, protecting her head, and clung to the support, until the TARDIS finally came to a stop. The Doctor staggered to his feet.
“Before I go to sleep,” the Doctor began, looking intently at a spot just to the left of her, which seemed to be empty air. “I’ve never seen your mum with these eyes. Or Mickey. How about I go introduce myself.”
Without waiting for an answer, the Doctor wobbled towards the door, and walked out to the TARDIS. Rose let out a breath and stepped towards the door, taking one last look around the TARDIS, around her home, before leaving, quite possibly forever.
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phantomstatistician · 9 months
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Fandom: Doctor Who
Character: River Song
Sample Size: 6,435 stories
Source: AO3
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rumple04 · 6 months
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Such a comfort show 🤍
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gracesimp · 1 year
Sonic Duties
tenth doctor x fem!reader
Summary: the doctor teaches his companion how to use his sonic screwdriver.
just some short fluff tbh :') and maybe a little...suggestive? ;)
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If the Doctor wasn't piloting the TARDIS, he was working on her. And if Rose was being honest, she didn't believe that the Doctor had the slightest clue of what he was doing. Sometimes her and y/n even doubted that the ship needed repairing, the Doctor just coming up with that excuse to kill off his boredom when the girls' asked for a relaxed day.
Today was no different. Rose decided she wanted to pop back home for a short visit to see her mum. Y/n tagged along to say a quick 'hi' to Jackie, but a quick greeting involving the eldest Tyler would last at least an hour, so, the Doctor did what he always did. He got to work.
As predicted, an hour had passed before his companion rejoined him. He failed to hear the door opening as he was positioned under the ground railings, on his back with his sonic working away.
"Whatcha doing?" Y/n asked, evidently scaring the man as he jumped, dropping his screwdriver and making it fall on to his head as he groaned. Y/n held a hand to her mouth, trying her best to contain her giggles as the TimeLord hopped out from under the grating, rubbing his head with narrowed eyes.
"Don't do that! I may have two hearts but I'm just as good as dead if one of them stops!" He exclaimed.
Her giggles became louder and she pushed his hand away from his forehead, dragging him down gently by the neck as she placed a gentle kiss to the non existent bump. "You big baby."
"It hurt!" The Doc defended before rolling his eyes as a smile took over his face. He grabbed Y/n's hand, dragging her towards the wires his was fixing. "I'm just sorting out the wiring so that the radar gets more accurate reads. Wanna try?" He asked, holding his sonic out to her.
"Me?" Y/n pointed at herself, an unsure expression taking over.
"No, her behind you." Completely oblivious, Y/n looked around the room, finding it unoccupied baring the two. The Doctor smiled fondly. "Yes, you."
Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" This earned a chuckle as he nodded his head. "Course I'm sure. I trust you. C'mon." He lead her by the hand to under the floor, revealing multicoloured wires exporting short sparks.
"Okay, so, psychic link." He said, pressing the sonic into her hand, allowing their fingers to breeze past each others as a slight shock ran through his veins. "Point and think!"
"Okay!" Y/n smiled, glowing with confidence as her head disappeared under the floor, leaving the man standing tall on the ground, unable to see his companion from the small holes in the grating. A few seconds later her head popped back up, all previous confidence having disappeared. "Doctor.."
"...What do I think?"
His smile falters a little and he rushes to get her back on her feet. "Actually, let's try it on something easier first." Y/n moans but complies, rolling her eyes when the Doctor rambles on about 'one wrong move ripping the fabric of space and time' or something along those lines. He interwines their fingers, pulling her forward towards the console.
"Aha!" Y/n looks up, watching as he fiddles with the monitor, pressing some buttons on the side of it. "Okay! Beginners practice! Just turn the monitor on. Easy Peasy - before you know it, you'll be a pro!"
"Do you reckon?" She smiles widely while the Doctor squeezes her hand.
"Course I do!" He nudges her with his elbow. "Right, just press this button," he steps behind her, her back pressing into his chest as he guides her finger to press on the button, smirking slightly as her breath hitches. "Point," He lifts her arm up, facing the switched off monitor. "And think." he whispers into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Y/n curses internally, very thankful he was teaching her the ways of his screwdriver and not the psychic paper.
The blue light reflects on the blackness of the screen. For a few seconds, nothing happens. Just as she was about to give up, noise starts coming from the monitor. Shortly after it was accompanied by a video of her favourite film.
She jumps up in triumph, joining the doctor in his laughter as he wraps an arm around her, pressing her into him as he shakes her left and right.
"I did it!"
The Doctor offers her a cheeky wink, scrunching his nose proudly as a blood runs and taints her cheeks. "Never doubted you!"
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mygroovymutationn · 9 months
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Uh oh! It's the silly goose parade 💫
Tumblr: @mygroovymutationn
Insta: @mygroovymutation
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weirdmorefics · 2 months
Hi! Can I send in a request for being another timelord who travels with the 9th doctor and Rose Tyler being like a sister figure to Y/N?
A/N- Yes yes yes!!! I have actually had an idea for something like this just hadn't written it yet.
Readers Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 3.9k
Summary- (BASED ON S1 E6) The Doctor and Rose find themselves in a bunker in Utah full of alien artifacts. They are shocked to find some of these artifacts are alive and not here of their own free will. You just so happen to be one of these artifacts.
The Slightly Behind Timelord
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I used to keep track of how many days I'd been chained and experimented on but the days quickly turned into months and the months turned to years. I've long since lost hope of ever returning to Gallifrey. It was in shambles when I was last home, the war was constant. I was a coward and stole my parent's Tardis to escape from having to fight. A stupid coward who didn't check if it was in working condition to only have crashed and ended up imprisoned by a man who I know as Mr. Van Statten. I should have stayed and fought then at least I would have died with dignity.
I have refused to talk since my arrival. I may have betrayed Gallifrey by fleeing but I refuse to make things worse than they already are there. Nevertheless, Mr. Van Statten comes and talks to me every single day asking about about my ship. They have dissected the TARDIS piece by piece. I secretly hope it burns them alive. When Mr. Van Statten inevitably gets nothing out of me he sends in a man an orange suit to torture it out of me. It never works but they do not stop.
Today was different they had a new man with them, he was restrained and they strapped him to the walls like me. I wonder if this was a new torture strategy.
"Look here we got you a friend maybe now you will do some talking," Van Statten says cheerfully.
I look at the man with pity knowing they are going to torture him as well. Van Statten's men unchain me and drag me to the other side of the room. I don't even fight them anymore I don't have the energy to spare.
Van Statten powers up his inhumane X-ray and says, "Smile!"
The man screams in pain as the red beam scans him and Van Statten smiles in glee at the results.
"Two hearts! A binary vascular system! Here I thought you were special," he shouts a glare in my direction and the man chained up widens his eyes.
The man doesn't look at Van Statten but puts his focus on me, "Where are you from?"
"No point in talking to her she hasn't spoken since we tore her from the rubble of her ship. She put up quite the fight when we started dissembling her ship screaming you are killing her. Then not a single word," he sighs in disappointment shaking his head at me. "I would get rid of her now that I have you but I need more information about the ship."
I suck in a breath they kill without care here, I wonder if everyone on this planet is like that. The man chained is certainly not from here maybe he can get me out. However, he is looking at me like I am unreal so perhaps not.
If looks could kill Van Statten would certainly be dead from this man's fiery gaze, "You're not a collector you're a scavenger."
"This technology has been falling to earth for centuries I am simply just making use of it. Oh the advances I've made from alien junk you have no idea, Doctor," he grins but I quickly interrupt.
I gasp, "The Doctor! Has Gallifrey won the war! How are you here?"
Van Satten's grin turns to a full-blown smile, "First you make the Dalek talk now my longest surviving exhibit! You truly are something!"
"there- there is uh... a Dalek here," I whisper afraid to speak their name.
The Doctor looks at me eyes full of guilt and astonishment, he still looks at me as if I am not here.
"Thank you again Doctor so much for getting her to talk keep her talking for me why don't you? Since you all seem so scared of said Dalek, I think I will go back and try to have a word with it. I find fear is the best motivator to get people spending, " Van Statten is practically glowing with joy and I wish I could smack the joy right off.
The Doctor wrestles with his chains trying to break free, "You can't go in there with it! Now that it knows that I am here it will come looking for me! No one on this planet will be safe!"
His screams fill me with fear if I could throw up right now I would but they hardly ever feed me so there is nothing to throw up so I end up hyperventilating. Mr. Van Statten ends up shocking the Doctor and his angry words are replaced with painful screams.
I struggle against my chains screaming at the top of my lungs, "He tells the truth! You don't stand a chance against the Daleks! The war lasted centuries on Gallifrey here you will be lucky to last day!"
Van Statten looks at me in awe, "Wow full sentences maybe you will prove useful after all these years."
Nothing I say to this psychotic man will ever get into that thick skull of his, I would facepalm if my hands weren't shackled to the wall.
Alarms sound and angry red lights flash, my heart sinks, it's to late.
The Doctor's tone shifts from begging to demanding, "Release me if you want to live."
Van Statten quickly makes work of the chains holding the Doctor down and runs for the door.
The Doctor points to me, "Forgetting someone?"
Van Statten waves him off, "We haven't the time!"
"You need all the information you can get on Daleks, let her out now!" he shouts leaving no room for questions and Van Statten quickly does the command.
My legs feel like jelly as we run into the elevator I can't remember the last time I've walked unchained let alone run. I felt so out of place, especially in a ratty hospital gown.
"You have to keep it caged," he shouts to Van Statten's lackeys.
"Doctor it's all my fault," a blonde says apologetically on the screen.
A guard informs us that he has sealed off the exits and the lock as a million combos no way the thing's getting out. I shake my head at his idiocy I just hope this blonde girl is also a timelord, the more the better.
"Daleks are genius they can figure out a billion combinations in ten seconds flat." The Doctor informs.
The Dalek quickly figures out how to exit the moment I see it on the screen I cover my mouth in horror.
"Don't shoot I want it unharmed!" Van Statten shouts.
"Are you that dense! You would rather a whole planet die than lose a collection piece!" I shout at the man who held me captive for years and swing a punch at his face which earns me the pleasant crunch noise from his nose.
two guards pull me away from him as I smile for the first time in ages. The Doctor doesn't seem to notice the commotion shouting for the blonde whose name is apparently Rose to run.
I look back to the screen to see the Dalek destroying the screen connection. I feared the sucker would go right through the screen and appear before me like a Weeping Angel. I stumbled backward but the guards just tugged harder to keep me in place. I groaned in response to the uncomfortable position.
The Doctor's head whipped in the direction of the noise in high alert, "let her go! You are focused on the wrong alien here!"
The guards look to Van Statten for his approval, "She's got one hell of a right hook, I'll give her that... drop her.
The guards took this a little too literally and dropped me directly on my ass, as the others make their way to the computer.
"Oh my god, it's draining the whole power supply," the woman with us gasped.
"It's not just the energy it's the whole internet, it knows everything," The Doctor states.
"Cameras in the vault our down," the woman relays.
"It's going to absorb everything," I sigh
"We have to kill it now!" The Doctor shouts.
We watch soldiers die again and again through the surveillance cameras. It's Gallifrey all over again I can't escape it, but maybe I can help this time instead of running away.
"Tell them to stop shooting!" Van Statten says but I am seriously praying this is a very cruel joke.
"But it's killing them!" The woman shouted back.
"They're dispensable that Dalek is unique. I don't want a single scratch on it!" he shouts to the lifeless soldiers.
I clench my fists, "You are asking me to hurt you! You are putting lives over a killer," I shout getting in his face his guards instantly stand up preparing for me to strike him again which probably wasn't far off thinking.
"He's an idiot we need to focus," The Doctor interrupts and I return my gaze to the map as they discuss alien weapons.
"There has to be a way to keep it alive, maybe we trap it down there-"
The Doctor cuts him off, "Leaving everyone trapped with it? Rose is down there. I won't let that happen, have you got that?"
That seems to shut Van Statten up for once thank god.
"Who is Rose? Is she from Gallifrey? Did you two come here to stop the last Dalek? Does that mean Gallifrey is safe again?" I ramble many questions at once.
"Doesn't talk for years now you don't shut up," he glares at me like this whole situation is somehow my fault.
The Doctor frowns, "Leave her be Statten." He ignores my questions and tells them to arm all the soldiers with alien weapons it's the only way to beat it. Then he directs the soldiers on how to kill a Dalek always aim for the eye the soldiers shut him down.
"I can't help but think everyone on this planet is insanely dense," I sigh.
The doctor smirks, " There are some good humans out there, you wouldn't know being stuck here with these imbeciles."
Van Statten's glare burns into The Doctor I feel the heat of the glare just from the proximity.
"We have visuals again," the woman informs and all of our eyes dart to the computer.
"It wants us to see," The Doctor growled.
We all stare in shock as the Dalek uses the sprinklers to electrocute and kill all the soldiers at once.
"Perhaps we should consider a different strategy like abandoning the place," Van Statten nervously stumbles over his words. I had never seen him like this he always seemed confident when torturing me. If this were any other situation I would be overjoyed to see him like this. I wish I was the one to make him feel like this, not the Dalek.
The woman glares at him, "Except there's no power to the helipad, sir."
"You said we could seal the vault," The Doctor interrupts their glaring showdown.
"There's not enough power!" she shouts.
"There's emergency power we could redirect it to the bulkhead door," The Doctor defends.
"It would take a computer genius to get through the security codes!" The woman says frustrated.
"Good thing you got me," Mr. Van Statten smiles.
"You wanna help?" The Doctor asks shocked.
"No there is no way he wants to help! It is physically impossible he has no empathy. This has to be a trick!" I shout.
"It's not out of empathy, I don't want to die as simple as that. This could have been avoided if you talked in the first place. I would have known what it was capable of years ago." He shouts back at me.
The camera turns back on and the Dalek's voice fills the room, "I shall only speak to the doctor."
"You are gonna get rusty," he responds to the Dalek who still getting soaked by the sprinkler system.
"I don't think now is a great time for jokes Doctor," I whisper.
"I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time-traveler regenerated me," the Dalek speaks.
"What's your next trick," the Doctor rolls his eyes.
"I have been searching for the Daleks," it responds.
"Yeah, I saw downloading the entire internet. What did you see?" He saunters around the table.
"I searched your radio signals and telescopes," it responds.
I anxiously pick at the scabs already forming from when I punched Satten. What will happen if this Dalek happens to find more Daleks? What if he isn't the last one.
The Doctor seems completely unphased, "and find anything?"
"Nothing, Where shall I get my order from now!" It screams loudly.
"Nothing but a solider without any commands," the Doctor teases.
I look at him in shock he can't possibly think it's a good thing to rile up at a Dalek more.
"Then I shall follow my primary order, the Dalek instinct to conquer and destroy," it responds.
"What for! What's the point!" The Doctor shouts his facade slipping. "Don't you see everything is gone, everything you stood for."
"Then what should I do?" The Dalek actually seemed to have an emotion other than hatred. Many emotions. I would have felt bad for it if not for all they have done against Gallifrey.
"Alright, then. If you want orders follow this one. Kill yourself," the doctor responds coldly.
I look up at him with wide eyes this is not the Doctor they spoke of on Gallifrey the mischievous one who was too smart for his own good. This Doctor was cold and harsh with his words.
"The Daleks must live on," the Dalek shouts in a familiar rage that all Daleks have.
"The Daleks have failed! Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct! Rid the universe of your filth! Why don't you just die, " The Doctor shouts back such cruel words that I am worried that the Dalek will retaliate immediately.
"You would make a good Dalek," it responds and I think I have officially heard the worst insult anyone could make toward a Gallifreyian.
I put my hand on the Doctor's arm, " I am so sorry."
The Doctor does not look at me he looks broken but yells to Statten, "Seal the vaults!"
"She's still down there," the woman whispers to the doctor.
He calls Rose on his phone to get updates on her location he cares so much about this Rose she has to be a Time Lady like me. I can't imagine the Doctor having much time to visit other planets after the war.
He relays to her that he can't stop the gate from closing she has to run. He waits as long as he can and apologizes before shutting the vault. He frantically asks if she made it but his face quickly sets into a deep frown.
He quickly pulls off his earpiece, "I killed her."
Van Statten says, "I'm sorry." I have never heard him say sorry before I haven't heard the word sorry in so long it sounds foreign.
"I was supposed to protect! She was only here because of me! And you're sorry? I could have killed that Dalek in its cell but you stopped me."
"It was the prize of my collection!" He defended.
I shook my head hard, "You valued your collection over life you are disgusting."
"Man goes to space to be part of something greater," the Doctor spits.
"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars! That's why I kept her here!" he points to me. "If you think about it, it is all her fault none of this would have happened if she told me how her ship worked."
The Doctor shook his head, "You just wanted to drag the stars underground! Of course, she wouldn't talk you enslaved her and experimented on her! You are about as far from the stars as you can get!" His angry screams turned to sorrowful sighs, "And you took Rose down with you she was nineteen years old."
"She's so young can she not regenerate?" I ask sadly.
"She's human," he sighs.
I can't understand what a timelord is doing traveling with humans I understand now is not the time for questions.
The elevator doors open and the Doctor is quick to yell at the man for leaving his companion behind.
The monitor turns back on the Dalek holding its weapon to the back of the girl, "Open the vault or Rose Tyler dies."
The doctor gasps, "You're alive!"
"Can't get rid of me that easily," she teases.
"I thought you were dead," he shouts.
The Dalek interrupts, "Open the vault!"
"Don't" she begs.
"What use are emotions, if you will not save the woman you love," the Dalek states. Curious what does a Dalek know about love?
"I killed her once, I can't do it again," he states as he presses the button.
This is most certainly not the Doctor who was infamous in Gallifrey how long have I been missing. I hear Van Satten shouting but none of it really matters anymore. The Dalek will kill us and I have been missing so long that no one back home will know the difference. I am not going down without a fight. If my life didn't mean something hopefully my death can.
I adjust my posture to appear taller, "You collect all these dangerous aliens so where are your dangerous alien weapons?"
The woman shouts at me "All the weapons are in the vault!"
"Only the cataloged ones," Van Statten's employee smiles at me. I can't help the blush that appears on my face I can't remember the last time someone smiled at something I said.
The Doctor nods his head at me, "Good idea." He still looks at me like I'm a figment of his imagination and will disappear soon.
We left Van Statten and his assistant upstairs and went to the basement for weapons. The doctor tosses the weapons that are useless but finds a gun which relieves some of my anxiety.
"Stay here! I'll come back for you as soon as I handle the Dalek!" He demands
"You are out of your mind! I've been locked here for years and you're the first timelord I've seen here! If you think I am letting you fight a Dalek alone you're mental!" I shout back it feels strange screaming at anyone after refusing to speak for so long even weirder to scream at a war hero from my own planet.
He takes a deep breath trying to control his rage, "I don't have time for this! I can't have you dying while I am saving Rose!"
I shove him, hold my head high, and walk right by him, "I have more regenerations left than you old man."
He jogs to catch up to me, "No convincing you?"
"God you sound like my parents when I stole their Tardis," I groan as we jog up the stairs.
He smirks, "I stole a Tardis myself once."
"Now that's a story I have to hear," I grin wide.
"Another day," he sighs as we quietly enter the room with the Dalek and Rose.
The Doctor steps in front of me "Rose get out of the way now!"
"No, I won't let you do this," she frowns.
I stare wide-eyed at her she can't be saying this does she know of the war on Galifrey why wouldn't the Doctor have told her.
"That thing killed thousands of people!" He shouts.
"It's not the one pointing a gun at me," she snaps and I kind of want to throttle this girl.
"I've got to do this the Daleks destroyed my home! My people! I've got nothing left!" He shouts.
My head whips to face the Doctor, "What do you mean nothing." My voice shakes no matter how hard I try to remain calm. "We didn't win the war? How are you here then?"
I turn back to the Dalek, "Did they win?"
I stomp towards the Dalek and the doctor pleads with me to wait. Rose looks at me nervously I guess I can still look scary in a hospital gown and no weapon of my own. When she steps out of the way I freeze in my spot I've never seen a Dalek out of its exoskeleton.
"What is it doing?" This has to be a ploy, one they use to seem weaker then snap. Though a Dalek would never do that they need to feel superior or they are nothing.
"It's the sunlight that's all it wants," Rose defends the Dalek as it reaches its hand to the sun I back up. This is not normal behavior.
The Doctors' gaze follows, "But it can't..."
"It couldn't kill me or Van Statten it's changing!" Rose defends yet again. "And what about you Doctor what the hell are you changing into?"
I whip to Rose, "You have no right! You have no idea what these Daleks did to our home!"
"Our?" She questions.
"Why do we survive?" The Dalek asks. "I am the last of the Daleks."
"You're not even that, you absorbed Rose's DNA. You are mutating," the Doctor explains.
"Into what?" it responds.
"Something new," he replies.
I frown I am happy that there are no more Daleks but this is truly a Dalek's worst nightmare.
"I am sorry," The Doctor sighs.
"isn't that better?" Rose asks.
"Not for a Dalek," why am I feeling sorry for the Dalek they destroy everything it's their goal. I can't help but relate to it when we have been stuck in the same prison for years... I thought about burning this whole place down myself.
"So many ideas, so much darkness. Give me orders! Order me to die Rose," the Dalek says pained.
She shakes her head, "No I can't."
"This is not life! This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order me to die. Obey! Obey! Obey!" The dalek screams and I can't help but step a few feet back the words reminding me of hearing the constant battlefield noises out my childhood window on Gallifrey.
"Do it," she says.
"Are you frightned Rose Tyler?"
"So am I, Exterminate." The Dalek floats up and prepares to self destruct as Rose and I run away from it.
I fall to the ground as I watch the Dalek explode all the adrenaline I once had fades out of me. I look up to the Doctor, "What do you mean you have no one?"
His pitiful gaze that he sent me when he first found out I was Timelord made sense now as he responds, There's no more Gallifrey... no more Daleks. The whole planet gone."
I can sob " I should have stayed home. I should have never ran away. If I stayed at least I would have gone with my family." I turn to the doctor but can barely see him through my tears. "Is there really no other Timelords?"
Rose quickly gets onto the floor and rubs my back, "hey you never know! The Doctor thought he was the only Timelord left but here you are! Plus you get to constantly prove the Doctor was wrong not many people get the oppurtunity."
I sniffle, "That's true, and I do love proving people wrong."
"There you go," she soothes. "We will get you a good cup of tea my Mum always says tea cure anything," She helps me to feet.
"You are really good at this comforting thing. Is she always this sweet?" I ask the Doctor.
The Doctor seems to have glossy eyes as well but hides his emotions well, "Yeah, that's why I keep her around."
"Hey!" she shoves him.
"The grief is very heavy right now but I am thankful to be surrounded by such light that could even turn a Dalek's cold heart warm.
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thirdeyeblue · 10 months
Because Ao3 is down, I wanted to share a handful of my fics here - in case you have a smutty hankering for some TenRose or TentooRose. 💖 All are rated E.
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Fics below the cut!
Ten x Rose:
One-shot (11k words)
Tags: Huddling for warmth, first time
For All We're Worth
Chapters: 4 (30k words)
Tags: Couples resort, first time, dirty talk, fluff and smut
Chapters: 3 (22k words)
Tags: Sonic screwdriver [used as a sex toy], first time, excessive dirty talk
Chapters: 27 (200k words)
Tags: Shag-or-die, first time, action/adventure, dirty talk
(This fic is for fellow smut-obsessors who feel rage when fics skip smut. Literally a quarter of this fic is smut, because I include all of it 💀)
The Doctor's Brilliant Idea
Chapters: 3 (23k words)
Tags: Oral fixation, fluff and angst, first time
Ordinary Gifts
One-shot (15k words)
Tags: Sex pollen, first time, bittersweet
Remedial Needs
One-shot (13k words)
Tags: Angst, hurt/comfort, first time, near death experience
Peppermint Tea
Chapters: 2 (20k words)
Tags: Sickfic, first time, dirty talk
Tentoo x Rose:
Potential For Brilliance
One-shot (3k words)
Tags: Wall sex, established relationship, semi-public sex, dirty talk
Washed Up Together
Chapters: 3 (21k words)
Tags: Hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, first time
Up The Wrong Tree
Tags: Established relationship, crack, fluff, smut, trying for baby
(Sequel to Ordinary Gifts)
One-shot (words: 1.7k)
Tags: Established relationship, Halloween, semi-public sex
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madhatter0309 · 2 months
Y’all I’m looking for some Doctor Who Human AU or College AU where the doctors are human, besties, happy and having fun (written or toon, doesn’t matter).
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nindeoronra · 3 months
I'm late to the party on this but I'm watching JE again and I think the Doctor was just being a tad bit dramatic when he said that the Metacrisis Doctor was all anger and revenge.
He's got too much of Donna in him for that to happen.
Also, I've read a lot of fanfic and I'm going to go with the characterization that the excellent writers have done.
But TenToo should point that out to Rose. The Doctor can be a dramatic little shit when he wants.
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louislovesdilfs · 5 months
this is a Doctor who fanfic, it's almost like a big experiment that I'm doing with a lot, LIKE A LOT, of theories or headcanons in it, crucial to this story (not all of them but whatever). I will put every source I use in this fics and if this series continues they will be A LOT. today's source tho it's just one @/whynotjohnlock I took something from them so thank you for the informations. There are some "uncanny valley" references but I tried to explain them as best as I could, let's just say it's full of nerd stuff and it will only get worst :)
pairing: 9th Doctor x reader (will eventually become 10th later on.)
English is not my first language so I apologise for the mistakes.
The street Y/n is walking in makes him nauseous, he saw that street so many times...the buildings, the houses, the people...all the same all the time, it's like living a nightmare: 20 years always in the same place with the same faces and the same dreams, dreams that not even he can believe.
Y/n lights up a cigarette letting the smoke fill his lungs and brain, it's poisonous yet it feels so good, the way his brain gets dizzy everytime the smoke gets in his body it's what he needs, it's the best feeling he can get in that small town somewhere.
He looks at the too familiar place with dead eyes, not even an emotion, maybe disgust for the place, he knows he will die in the same house he grew up in, like all the people in that fucking place, he will die sad and alone like his father before him, and the father of his father; lonliness and bad behaviour run strong in his family, as much as he hates it he is his parents' son, he has the same destructive, hot tempered and maybe pessimistic side of his father but the horrible, pathetic, useless kind heart his mother had..great woman his mother, always there to help the others until one day she helped the wrong person.
The street is looking as he remembers except for a tiny little detail, there's a phone box hidden in an alley, he has seen that alley a million times before but that blue box? it appeared from no where, almost a glitch in the matrix, he thinks; he's such a nerd.
Y/n steps closer carefully looking in case the owner is around, he feels the blue wood on his fingers genlty caressing it with his right hand, it's almost like the blue box can feel it, Y/n can swear he saw it light up for a tiny second. He steps away shaking his head, the door of the box is locked, he does take a picture tho, unusual to see something like that, it brought up feelings Y/n forgot he had.
"and who are you?" A voice behind him makes him flinch for a second, he never heard that voice before, Y/n turn around trying to go back to his stern look rather than the curiosity that made his face soften making him look like a kid.
"Is that yours?" Y/n asks crossing his arms, the man is wearing a big leather jacket and he's almost bald with a really noticeable nose, but overall he looks attractive Y/n has to be honest with himself
"answering a question with a question?" The man smirked in a sort of cheeky way, not arrogant even if it seemed that way
"avoiding to answer the question?" Y/n shot back tilting his head slightly, the man was a bit taller than him, probably much older, his eyes were at least, to the point where his face didn't match them.
"that is mine" the man answered in a calm tone, he looked weird tho, he didn't fit in properly, he was an english guy with a northern accent owner of a blue box in a hidden alley. Y/n looks at him suspiciously, his mind racing trying to think about what could be in that blue box, the most stupid reason comes to his mind but it's too late to stop his own mouth.
"what do you hide there? drugs? It won't take long for someone to notice it, it's a small town people talk." Y/n says looking around the alley but apparently there was nobody except for them, the man looks at Y/n puzzled and then speaks
"will you talk?" he asks waiting for an answer, Y/n raises his eyebrows, he was so weird, yet fascinating.
"no.." Y/n answers unsure looking between the man and that blue box
"great then, see ya" he says entering the blue box, but he leaves the door open, Y/n looks around the box, he hears noises coming from inside, he takes a look not sure what to expect but anything was better than the usual.
The blue box was bigger on the inside, Y/n couldn't believe his eyes, he steps in rapidly scanning the place and taking information, he processes everything as fast as he can but he feels his mind about to explode; the man is going around the console pressing buttons untill he notices the young man and smirks
"do you always come in when you're not invited?" he asks looking at Y/n with the same smug face as before
"do you always leave the door open for strangers?" He answers back quickly, too busy wondering around with his eyes to pay attention to the man
"this is the TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space" he explains crossing his arms and leaning on the console
"I was going to say bigger on the inside but.." Y/n starts to walk around biting his lower lip to think "maybe pocket dimension, this TARDIS is probably on another plane of existence or does it expand this one?" Y/n asks but wasn't waiting for an answer he just keeps thinking stopping sometimes humming a bit and then keeps talking
"if it travels in the fourth dimension, commonly known as time then it has the ability to change its weight and size...even appearance" he kept going mostly talking to himself
"it needs an incredible amount of power...a star maybe, a black hole even if less likely..fascinating tho, this can't be human and neither can you" He turns to the man who had a surprised look rather than a smug one, even a little bit amused by the man wondering around his TARDIS
"almost like uncanny valley just less scary I guess, my brain recognised you as an human being, yet something about you seemed off even if I couldn't recall what was it," Y/n affirms tilting his head to the side, that's what he always does when he's pointing out or suspecting something or at least that's what the man in the leather jacket noticed about him.
"so, what's your name?" he finishes getting closer to the man
"The Doctor" he answer with a tiny smirk crossing his arms in front of Y/n
"Doctor who?" Y/n asks raising his eyebrows, 'The Doctor' chuckles, he heard that question a lot Y/n thinks,
"just The Doctor" He says smiling at Y/n, a wide smile impressed by the younger man knowledge
"apparently you don't need me to explain how the TARDIS works.." he says while Y/n shrugs
"I failed physics 4 times, I know it by heart now" he explains in a low tone as if someone else could hear him and call him a nerd.
"you want to see it in action?" The Doctor says pressing some buttons as Y/n tryes to play it cool and hide the excitement
"is that even a question?" he just says screaming internally, finally something different, he can't believe he is leaving that small town, this can't be real, he might have bumped his head and now he's in coma.
"where are we going?" Y/n asks still focusing on the Doctor's movement, which buttons he presses and when, he can almost feel the levers and buttons under his fingers, he wants to drive the TARDIS, just to know how it feels like.
"anywhere you li-" as The Doctor tries to finish the sentence the TARDIS shakes making both of them fall to the ground, Y/n bumps his head as he groans in pain raising his hand to reach his head.
As the TARDIS stops Y/n stands up still holding his head massaging it and then turns to The Doctor with a stern look
"who gave you the licence, a fucking monkey? no not even a monkey, they would drive it better!" Y/n complains but the other man doesn't listen to him, instead he steps outside with a courious look on his face, Y/n follows him mumbling things under his breath
"we're in London?" he says looking around, Y/n scoffs
"anywhere in time and space and you bring me in London...in 2005!" he whines following the man in the city, Y/n clearly doesn't fit in, with his earrings and general piercings he looks like the lost member of the Tokyo Hotel however he tries to let the weird looks from the people slide for now,
"I didn't bring you here, the TARDIS brought us here for some reason," The Doctor answers
From that moment on things happen, they meet Rose,she's great and Y/n likes her. they fight with mannequins and a disgusting looking thing, Mickey is there too, not as great as Rose but whatever. It's time to go, Y/n knows the Doctor wants to take Rose with him, something is going on, it's clear in their eyes. Mickey is hiding behind a pallet, pathetic, Y/n thinks but doesn't say anything about it.
"a lot of good you were" Rose says looking at the man who's leaning on the TARDIS doorway, Y/n is outside, watching the scene carefully, his bleeding due to scratches on his face he tried to clean them with a tissue but that's what he gets for starting a fight with mannequins.
"Nestene Consciousness? Easy" he says with a smug smirk, Rose and Y/n let out a scoff
"you were useless in there, you'd be dead if it wasn't for me"
at the end of it Rose runs in the TARDIS, The Doctor smiles widely running to the console, even Y/n let's out a little smile looking at Rose, letting her know he's happy she came with them.
"Right then, Rose Tyler, you tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or fowards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be?" The Doctor asks turning to Rose while Y/n quickly turns to him with a annoyed face,
" hey! what about me?" he says, after all he still didn't get a trip, or well he did but in London, 2005...that could've gone a bit better honestly.
"I don't talk to people with a black eye" he says turning to Y/n who mumbles "wait until I get you a black eye"
After the end of the earth, Y/n feels bad, mostly because Rose was so sentimental and sad of watching the earth get burned, he insisted watched, he watched with relief, the place that hurt him many many many years ago is burning down, he's watching it burn down. Rose calls her mom, she feels homesick, she doesn't want to look at it, Y/n tho he is watching every second of it, he's silent, his hands in his pockets, his face still bruised by the first trip, in his eyes the reflection of his world burning but no sign of sadness, to be clear no sign of anything. Rose's homesick, Y/n's home makes him sick.
The Doctor notice it, he sees the difference between his two new companions, he sees the difference in how they perceive things, when they killed Cassandra, Rose knew it was the right thing and maybe was even ok with it, Y/n wasn't, he glanced at The Doctor with rage and disappointment, how could he kill someone so easily? The Doctor tries to put a hand on Y/n shoulder but doesn't, instead Rose talks while watching the asteroids
"The end of the Earth. It's gone. We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go. All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking. It's just" Rose stops not able to continue, The Doctor shifts his gaze from Y/n to Rose smiling as he easily understand her better than he can understand him.
"come with me" he says heading back to the TARDIS with rose following him, Y/n tho stays still amd that's when Rose notices the white knuckles of the man getting white while his fists get tighter,
"Y/n, you're coming?" she asks touching the man's arm lightly almost afraid, his hand relaxes as he looks at her trying to fake a calm expression as his gaze softens
"sure," he nods forcing his lips to curve in a smile.
They're back in London standing in the crowd, kids crying, people yelling and all that, Y/n sighs looking around, he doesn't understand if he's as relieved as Rose at the sight of normality but for now he turns to the other two as the Doctor begins to speak
"You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time." he says opening up, Y/n remembers what they said, the last of his kind, he listens closely not talking or interrupting, he just listens to the man. 
"I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else." he continues after Rose asked a few questions
"you have me, us" she corrects herself looking at Y/n, he looks at her and The Doctor nodding even if he knows it's not how Rose thinks, it's cute how she thinks that enough but it's not, The Doctor is alone, he doesn't have anyone to share his grief with, as much as we try no one could understand his feeling, he's alone, he will always be alone no matter how many companions he has no one will ever fill that void, Y/n knows as he looks in The Doctor's eyes and The Doctor knows too as he look at Y/n almost like he read his thoughts
"You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home?" The Doctor asks the both of them but mostly looking at Rose, she hesitates for a few second but before she can answer Y/n speaks
"I want chips, who's with me?" he says as the other two laugh and nod
"chips it is then" The Doctor says and Rose takes his arm looking up at him
"Right then, before you get me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay." she says chuckling slightly flirting with the man
"no money" he answered and Y/n let's out a light scoff almost like a chuckle
"my treat," he says looking at the two
"see that's a gentleman" Rose jokes nudging The Doctor
"yeah, he almost won me" The Doctor says and Y/n winks at him
the three laugh heading to get chips before going back in the TARDIS for another adventure.
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go-to-the-mirror · 7 months
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Relationship(s): Jackie Tyler & Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor & Jackie Tyler
Character(s): Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler
Additional Tag(s): Whumptober, Whumptober 2023, POV Rose Tyler, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Episode: s01e14 The Christmas Invasion, Transcribed Accents, Sickfic, Time Lord Biology (Doctor Who), Regeneration (Doctor Who)
Words: 582
As the Doctor regenerates, Rose and Jackie try to help him as much as they can. Written for Whumptober 2023, day 2. Prompt used: thermometer.
“‘ow’s ‘e doing?” Rose asked, sitting down next to the Doctor, across from her mum.
“‘e’s a good temperature,” her mum replied. “Was running a fever before.”
“Let me check.”
Rose brushed his hair out the way — her Doctor didn’t have long enough hair to brush away, she tried to not think — and put her hand on his head. He felt like a normal temperature, but hadn’t he told her that Time Lords ran colder than humans?
“Mum, can you look after ‘im? I need to get something from the TARDIS.”
“What d’you think I’ve been doing?” Mum elbowed Rose gently. “Course I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Rose jogged lightly towards the TARDIS and stepped inside. The Doctor wasn’t organised at the best of times, and having narrowly escaped death was not the best of times. She rifled through a few of the immediately available boxes, before finding a thermometer underneath a shelf. She supposed the sonic screwdriver did all the work that other tools used to do for him.
Rose left the TARDIS, trying not to think about if it’d be the last time she set foot there, then she jogged back into her house, and went back to the guest room where the Doctor was.
“‘e still alright?”
“I didn’t kill ‘im in the five minutes you’ve been gone, if that’s what you mean.”
Rose scoffed, then pulled the thermometer out of her pocket.
“Do I just put it in his mouth?” she asked.
“Might want to rinse it, first. Who knows what’s been on it.”
“It was just on the floor, Mum.”
“It’s a time machine , you don’t know what’s been on that floor.”
“Fine, I’ll wash it.”
Rose rinsed it off in the bathroom. It was sort of… dusty, from sitting under a shelf for who knows how long.
“I’ve rinsed it, now do I put it in his mouth or what?”
“Underneath the tongue, I think.”
Rose maneuvered the thermometer and her mum checked the reading.
“It’s thirty-seven, that’s good.”
Rose shook her head. “That’s a fever for Time Lords.”
“It is?”
“Yeah, their average body temperature is lower than ours. Why’d you have ‘im in all these blankets?”
“If I don’t then he’s shiverin’ ‘imself half to death!”
Rose looked at the sleeping form of the Doctor, then turned away.
“I just…” she started, looking down at her hands. “I don’t know how to help ‘im, Mum.”
Rose turned to see her mum looking at her, with that sad expression on her face.
“‘e’s gone through so much ,” Rose continued. “And ‘e’s done so much for me, and I can’t do anythin’ for ‘im. I can’t help ‘im when ‘e’s sick, tryn’ to save ‘im only makes ‘im end up like this. ‘e’s so alone , and ‘e’s been through so much to help me, and I just wanna help.”
Her mum took Rose’s hands in hers, and looked her in the eye.
“Now, I don’t know your Doctor very well, but if ‘e’s as alone as you say ‘e is, then you’re ‘elpin’ ‘im just by bein’ there. Same way you ‘elp me and Mickey.”
Rose sniffed, then nodded. “Thanks, Mum.”
Her mum smiled, then let go of her hands. “Alrigh’, you should get some rest, Rose. Just come back from travellin’, and I’ve got the Doctor handled.”
“Wake me up if anythin’ happens?”
“Course I will. Now go, get some sleep!”
“Alright, Mum!”
As soon as Rose hit the pillow, she was fast asleep.
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phantomstatistician · 10 months
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Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Character: Jack Harkness
Sample Size: 16,606 stories
Source: AO3
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fruchox · 2 months
Please vote, it takes one second and my fic will literally get nowhere otherwise because I can’t pick a favourite child
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quite-right-too · 7 months
Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace) - Chapter One
Summary: After preparing for the arrival of her new housemates, the last thing Rose expected was for one of them to be the man whose flat she had snuck out of the night before.
Thank you to @demdifferentstories-29 for being a seriously amazing beta and helping me, the research proposal writer, get back into writing fanfics. If you haven't checked out her fics yet, please do. They're some of my favorites!
Read here on AO3
That was the first thing Rose Tyler noticed when she woke up. 
The bed she was in was not her own, and she was naked. 
Blearily sitting up, she noticed it wasn’t much of a bed, really — it was a mattress on the floor. 
She really had shagged a guy who slept on a mattress on the floor. 
At least it had a sheet on it, she mused pathetically. As Rose looked around, however, she noticed the cardboard boxes littering the room. All of the walls were bare, save for the blinds over the single window letting in the sliver of soft morning light that was illuminating the room. The hardwood floors and white walls were a stark contrast to what she would have expected from someone with so many bloody boxes. The bareness was disorienting. 
He must have just moved into his flat, then. But it didn’t matter, though. 
She looked over to her right and there was a bloke, seemingly also naked, fast asleep next to her. Brown, messy hair donned his head, his expression peaceful. Rose could barely make out the constellations of freckles on his face. Based on his upper body, he was definitely fit – the light smattering of hair on his chest and sleek musculature easily got her attention. His light snores cut through that awkward silence of waking up in a random man’s bed.
She remembered the strobe lights giving her glimpses of the crowd in the otherwise darkened bar, the bass drowning out all other sounds besides her heartbeat in her ears. Dancing in the crowd. Laughing while she walked up to the bar and procured another cocktail — of which the name of she wasn’t sure. Getting several drinks in and seeing this absolutely gorgeous man. This man who had been looking at her with such confidence and desire. Eyes impossibly dark, looking at her like there was nobody else in the room. Dancing with him as his hands roamed, becoming more comfortable with each other. Drunken kisses turning into fumbling into his flat. 
Which turned into some pretty amazing sex. There was something about him, some kind of pull drawing her closer, though she couldn’t be sure of what. Maybe it was just the alcohol that had coursed through her body the night before.
Quietly standing up, she made her way around the room to silently collect her clothes and put them on one by one. Her pair of knickers, however, were nowhere to be found. She barely was able to keep her balance while trying to get her jeans on. Her mobile was still in her pocket. ‘6 missed calls from Jack’ the phone screen showed. Checking the time, her stomach flipped. 
4:53 AM. It was 4:53 in the morning and she had spent most of the night at this stranger’s flat.
Rose rushed to yank on her trainers, frantically checking for her bag and making sure all her belongings were still in it. After a moment of panic, she quietly and slowly opened the door to his bedroom, wincing as it creaked. The man, however, did not stir from his slumber. As she gently closed the door, save for a crack, she surveyed the layout of his flat. It wasn’t very large, probably about the size of the one she had shared with her mum. More bare walls and nearly a dozen cardboard boxes were in what was supposed to be the living room. The floors were quiet as she carefully walked through the hallway, eventually reaching the front door. It was quieter than the first, allowing a seamless transition from the dark flat to the outside world.
It was 5 AM at this point, the city coming back to life. It didn’t take long for a Lyft to arrive. As she sat in the back of the white sedan, Rose was thankful for the silent driver who had quiet, peaceful music playing. The sun had already begun to rise once they made their way out of the main city. The twenty minute ride felt like an eternity and Rose was thankful when the driver finally pulled up to the front of her house. The lights were still off, indicating there was nobody awake.
Her house was more posh than anywhere Rose had ever lived before. She grew up on the estates and could have never imagined living in a house, especially one where she had a large enough bedroom and her own en suite to feel like an actual adult. There was a garden, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a full kitchen, a properly sized living room, a formal dining room, and even a small library. It was stunning and definitely out of her wildest dreams — there was no way she would be able to afford living in a house like this if she was on her own.
Her flatmate, Jack, had recently inherited it from his grandfather. They had met during a drenching storm, in which he offered to give her a lift back to the flat she had shared with her mate Shareen. After keeping his number, she confided in him regarding her numerous failed attempts to find a new flat after some particularly nasty fights concerning her shared living situation. As one would have it, Jack was also looking for a new place to live and suggested that they share a flat, strictly as friends. It was just as platonic as he said, and their relationship blossomed from there. They were practically family, even having the typical rows you would see in sibling pairs. Once Jack’s grandfather had passed and he had gotten the deed to the house, Jack practically begged for her to live with him in it. She accepted enthusiastically.
However, it was definitely an adjustment. Rose had never lived in a house quite this large before, having two whole stories in it. They had only been there for two months even though it seemed like less after spending most of it decorating, acquiring furniture, and painting the walls to make it seem less like an old man lived there. Her room actually felt comfortable and grown up opposed to her vibrantly pink room at her mum’s. The walls were a soft light grey which gave the impression of a room much larger than it actually was. The soft pink duvet on her bed provided a nice pop of colour to the whole thing while the frame and sheets accentuated it with a simple white. Artwork lined the walls, all holding the same signature in the bottom right corner. Her signature.
Wearily unlocking the door, she let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding since she woke up. She was now home, where she could lay in her own bed alone. Rose still had to get used to manoeuvring in the dark, narrowly avoiding bumping into various pieces of furniture that had recently been rearranged. The walk of shame up the stairs would have been far more embarrassing had Jack been actually awake. But thankfully, she still had about three hours before his alarm was meant to go off.
She quickly made her way up the stairs, her room at the end of the hall feeling more and more enticing. The door closed silently, finally giving Rose the chance to strip her clothes off. Rose admired the skimpy, strapless pink top she had worn. 
‘Was this what made this man approach me?’ she wondered. 
She so desperately wanted to feel the hot water cleansing her skin from the dirty one-off shag she had. Never had Rose been so thankful that Jack gave her the master bedroom — not worrying about anyone needing to use her bathroom was a nice, peaceful feeling. 
As she turned the water on, multiple thoughts began to plague Rose’s mind. 
Did they use a condom? 
Was he clean? 
Was this whole thing a huge mistake? 
The mirror steaming up pulled her out of her spiral. Mentally, she made a note to go get tested as soon as possible.
The scalding water on her skin was much needed. She felt the night washing off, the bath sponge scrubbing away his tender touches and dirty words; the feelings of hot, sweaty sex full of lust. She remembered more and more while she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair — the fire in his eyes, the way his teeth felt on her neck. Her fingers gripping his hair as he— 
Rose’s breath hitched as her full memory of that night flashed through her mind at lightspeed, and she realised that it was the best shag of her life. She stood dumbfounded under the spray for a minute as she desperately tried to recall his name. Not once did they exchange names during the entire night. 
She quickly finished her shower, turning off the water and stepping out with a towel wrapped around her. 
It was a one-off, she reminded herself, albeit a little disappointed at the thought. You’re never going to see him again. 
She threw her pyjamas on and crawled into bed. The fatigue from the night before had begun to set in. Her body felt so heavy and her head throbbed lightly — the result of a mixture of alcohol and exhaustion. She hadn’t even realised she had fallen asleep until the familiar pounding on the door pulled her out of her – quite unrestful – sleep.
“Wake up, Rosie!” Jack called through the door. “I need your help prepping the house for the guests!” 
Oh — that was today.
It was bloody Saturday. Of course it was Saturday — the day Jack’s friends were supposed to be coming to move in. The house was just a little bit too big for the two of them, so Jack had invited some of his old travel friends to come live with them. After a lot of ‘Come on, Rosie, you’ll love them’ and ‘It’ll be nice to have some extra hands around here’, Rose eventually caved and told him that maybe she wouldn’t mind the extra company. Her only worry is that she knew almost nothing about them. She knew their names were James and Donna, they were siblings, and that they live in central London. Well, they lived in central London.
“Well, I thought you would never wake up,” Jack laughed as she sluggishly drifted into the kitchen. The distinct smell of coffee emanated through the room as Rose finally began actually waking up, taking a seat at the table. As he turned his head to look at her, she could see the smirk on his face. “Have too good of a time last night?” God, sometimes she wanted to punch him in his stupid American face. Even when he sat a cuppa down right in front of her with a splash of milk, just how she liked it.
“Maybe I did,” she sighed. “Don’t look at me like that.” He waggled his eyebrows, grinning at her as he chuckled lightly. “You’ve shown up plenty of times after a quick shag in the middle of the night.” Rose picked up the cup, sipping her tea as she eyed him.
Rolling his eyes, Jack grabbed his own coffee mug and sat down at the table with her. “Yeah, but Rose Tyler doesn’t do one night stands.” He was right and she knew it. It was very out of character for her to just have a meaningless fuck and sneak back into the house like she was a teenager. Changing the subject, he continued. “Are you ready to help with the move-in?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Rose groaned. It was going to be a long morning.
She had been counting down the minutes as they felt like hours, exhaustion creeping in. The day felt like it was never going to end. The doorbell rang as Rose finished up with tidying up the bathroom upstairs, not including her own. The door opened and she could faintly hear Jack greeting his friends, encouraging them to come inside. She began making her way down the hallway and to the staircase, all with the intention of warmly welcoming her new housemates.
“I’m so glad this worked out,” Jack laughed. “I’ve missed you guys.” He saw Rose coming down the staircase out of the corner of his eye. “Oh, Rosie! Come here! These are our esteemed guests,” he enunciated, giving a little wink. Her footsteps quickened as she descended. Rose looked up from her hands and wiped them off on her pants as she approached them.
“Hi, I’m Donna.” The ginger woman in front of her turned to Rose, greeting her after giving Jack a quick hug. “Thank you for letting my brother and I stay with you. It’s nice to finally be out of the city for once.” Her smile was warm and she had this aura of kindness around her. Rose was happy that Jack’s friends at least seemed normal.
“I’m Rose. It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
As she turned to greet the man in front of her, she froze. That messy brown hair and constellation of freckles that Rose had tried to trace in the dim light of the morning. His eyes were this deep brown, and the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose framed his face gorgeously. Her stomach flipped as their eyes met. It was like a string had been pulled so taut between them that it would snap at any moment. 
It was him — the bloke whose flat she snuck out of after the best sex of her life. And here he was, standing in front of her, a matching look of shock adorned his features as he had the same realisation. And she didn’t even know his name.
“Hi, uh—” he stammered, stiffly offering her an outstretched hand. “I’m James. James Noble. It’s, er, nice to meet you.” He swallowed thickly, waiting for a response. Rose blinked the flabbergasted look off her face, taking a deep breath and accepting his hand to awkwardly shake it.
“Likewise.” What did she just get herself into?
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quantumshade · 1 year
insane to me that there are people (real human adults) who think there’s a “ninerose fandom” and a “tenrose fandom” and a “tentoorose fandom”. um i just think the doctor and rose love each other in every universe and under every circumstance. rip to everyone else but i’m different
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