#romm's art
drio-r-xiamar · 16 days
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Yeah, red flags
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mote-historie · 8 months
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Martha Romme, Création Melnotte-Simonin, La Guirlande, 1919.
Created under the artistic direction of Umberto Brunelleschi (1879-1949), La Guirlande is one of the rarest of the Art Deco magazines.
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racc-art · 2 months
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Romm Shindou Fanart
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2013. Marseille à Noël.
Le Fort Saint-Jean. On y voit la Place du Commandeur, la tour et la chapelle romane Saint-Jean.
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
your odyssey and iliad art has been so much fun to see! i followed you for penumbra pod stuff, and i’m super glad i did because your talent is amazing. might not always know who you’re drawing or what you’re on about, but it’s always beautiful to see! you getting into the odyssey aligned with me reading it for class, and makes me wanna go back and actually finish the iliad (i had to quit it in favor of actually completing my course readings for class lol). i love your achilles design tho, i saw it and had to take a few moments to sit down and collect myself
(you might also consider looking into greek tragedies next if that’s at all interesting to you! the book we’re using for class is “the greek plays” edited by romm and lefkowitz. there’s some pretty striking visuals in the plays, and things like the oresteia feature Agamemnon, although the plays were written considerably later than homers works)
anyways, the short of it is thanks for bringing beauty into the world with your art! excited to see what you’ll do with other iliad characters!
And I'm gonna look into it yeah!! I've been told to read a poem about iphegenia, Oresteia And I want to read Antigone, trojan women, little ajax
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onwacollective · 2 years
Womb Healing Masterpost
 Please share far and wide.
With the increase of hormonal imbalance as a result of the collective being fed constant cycles of stress through the media, I’ve felt called to organize info that’s been useful to me on healing the womb and healing hormonal imbalance. While menstruation pain has been normalized, it is not natural to regularly be in pain during your cycle. Consistently painful cycles are the body’s way of communicating that something is wrong and that the womb needs attention.  I’ve provided some tools below to help.
I’ve broken the info up into three categories: energetic, physical, and gut health. I’ve found it to be true that womb related issues are always energetic first. Fixing the physical issue without addressing the emotional/energetic wounding will cause the illness to manifest in the body in another way. The physical category focuses on how to address womb imbalance by making changes to diet and behavior. The gut health category is gut specific healing because many hormones are created in the gut or called into creation by the gut microbiome. If you have hormonal issues it’s likely you have gut health issues as well.
The most important element of healing your womb is discernment. Use your discernment when moving through this information. Some things will be helpful and relevant to you and some will not. Everyone’s body is unique. Honor that on your journey to healing.
**note: some of these resources advise restrictive dieting (example vegan, low/no carb or otherwise) to heal the womb. While using these diets to detox for a little while may be beneficial, I’ve personally found restrictive diets to be more damaging long term. I’ve found the most benefit from prometabolic eating or eating ancestrally.  With any dietary info provided in these resources, use your discernment and prioritize listening to your body’s unique needs.**
Caroline Myss: Why People Don't Heal
The Truth About Uterine Fibroids In Melanin Dominant Women (Black Women) - Dr. Jewel Pookrum
5 Mindset Shifts That Have Completely Transformed My Health Journey
S3E07. HOW TO GIVE YOUR BODY A “SOFTWARE UPDATE” - the art of updating your physical body on emotional breakthroughs for better lymphatic drainage, emotional release, and brain-body connection w/ Julie Tracy
You Look Like Something Blooming: A Memoir of Divination Seeds to Cultivate Your Feminine Garden Temple by India Ame’ye (you can also check out India’s tumblr HERE)
Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit by Queen Afua
Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab
The Goddess Collection aka KrystalTheHealthAdvocate YouTube Channel
DIY Castor Oil Pack Tutorial | How to Castor Oil Pack for Fertility, Fibroids and Liver Health
In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life by Alisa Vitti
Hormone Intelligence by Aviva Romm, MD
S3E02. FROM WELLNESS EXTREMES TO A HEALTHY FOUNDATION - why getting back to basics, saying no to fads and fueling our bodies is the medicine women need with Nina Passero, FDN-P
S3E05. BEYOND BIRTH CONTROL - tracking your menstrual cycle, reproductive empowerment + ways to take control of your fertility and health with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
S2E12. PCOS: WHY ARE SO MANY WOMEN SUFFERING? - a conversation about carbs, body temperature, metabolism, stress and phone addiction with Amanda Montalvo, RD, FDN-P
S2E2. WHY HORMONE IMBALANCE IS ON THE RISE - Dr. Aviva Romm shares tangible solutions for endo and PCOS
What is Yoni Steaming?
Herbal Tea Nourishment - https://thealkalinegoddess.com
@thegoddescollection on insta
@JessicaAshWellness on insta
Gut Health
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Jessie Inchauspe
@GlucoseGoddess on Instagram
@JessicaAshWellness on insta
How to make your own Saurkraut
How (and why) to do an Enema
S2E13. THE LIVER GUT CONNECTION - Dr. Asia Muhammad on why fatty liver is exploding, leaky gut, and the root of most health concerns
Monash University FODMAP diet (for locating food sensitivities)
I’ll add to this list as I continue to find and remember resources that have been supportive. If we let it, womb healing can be a beautiful initiation into feminine power. Be gentle with yourself 💗
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Opening title cards for Spellbound (Alfred Hitchcock, 1945) Cast: Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck, Michael Chekhov, Leo G. Carroll, Rhonda Fleming. John Emery, Norman Lloyd, Bill Goodwin. Screenplay: Ben Hecht, Angus McPhail, based on a novel by Hilary St. George Saunders and John Palmer. Cinematography: George Barnes. Art direction: James Basevi, Salvador Dalí. Music: Miklós Rózsa. Although David O. Selznick held Alfred Hitchcock under contract, Hitchcock made only three films directly under his niggling presence: Rebecca (1940), Spellbound, and The Paradine Case (1947). The best of his work during this period -- Foreign Correspondent (1940), Suspicion (1941), Saboteur (1942), Shadow of a Doubt (1943), Lifeboat (1944), and Notorious (1946) -- was done on loanout to other producers and studios. It was clear from the tensions between director and producer during the work on Rebecca that things would never go smoothly in their relationship. So I have a strong suspicion that Spellbound represents a sly Hitchcockian subversion of Selznick, an attempt to undermine the producer's obsessiveness by playing off Selznick's own quirks, in this case his preoccupation with psychoanalysis. Selznick notoriously gave his own analyst, May E. Romm, a screen credit as "psychiatric advisor" on the film, leading to some criticisms of her by the psychoanalytic community. Though Romm isn't credited as a writer on the film, it's thought that the title cards "explaining" psychoanalysis in the opening of Spellbound are her work. Romm and Hitchcock clashed during the filming, he studiously ignoring her suggestions and once dismissing her criticism with a characteristic "It's only a movie" retort. The result is one of Hitchcock's wackier, more improbable films, one that probably sent many in the audience away convinced that analysis was movie hokum, and not a real-life solution to mental problems. From the outset, for example, it's clear that the doctors in Green Manors, the fancy mental hospital in the film, are at least as nutty as the patients, with Dr. Fleurot (John Emery) constantly horndogging his beautiful colleague, Dr. Petersen (Ingrid Bergman), and the rest of the staff showing off their own ineptness. When the supposed Dr. Edwardes (Gregory Peck), the replacement for the retiring Dr. Murchison (Leo G. Carroll), arrives, he turns out to be a twitchy young man, given to fainting spells and other bits of odd behavior, but he succeeds in winning over the icy Dr. Petersen in an instant. And so on, through various bits of Hitchcockian obsession, mistaken identities, and unlikely revelations. There's the famous Dalí-designed dream sequence and Miklós Rózsa's Oscar-winning score, one of the first to use the eerie-sounding theremin in key passages, but it's never terribly convincing. Bergman and Peck are gorgeous, of course, and for once Peck doesn't seem like he was carved out of wood -- perhaps because he and Bergman had an affair during the filming. The rest of the cast hams it up nicely, though the fact that the hammiest of them all, Michael Chekhov, got an Oscar nomination for his stereotypical shrink is lamentable. This is one of those movies that are more fun if you know all the backstories about the production.
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silasbug · 1 year
ich denke ich schreibe dinge, welche mir zu persönlich sind einfach mal in deutsch auf.. weil ich weiss, dass die meiste Leute, die dies hier sehen könnten Englisch sprechen.
ich hoffe nur mit ganzem Herzen, dass meine Ehe nie so endet. ich weiss nicht, oder ich kann nicht verstehen, was es von einem abverlangt eine Ehe für so lange zu haben, dass man solch einen Ton miteinander aufnimmt.
wir spielen Romme. Heike nimmt eine Tasse aus dem Schrank. sie fällt und zerschmettert auf dem Boden. Wolfgang.. naja, er rastet nicht aus, aber die Art und Weise wie er Ihr sagt, dass sie Mist gebaut hat ist extremely uncomfortable. "du versucht immer alles zu machen. du willst immer alles machen." like, yeah. she is constantly fucking trying to take care of everyone. that's what she's like. because she's a mother, it's expected of her. die soziale Rolle ist stark in Ihr verankert.
sie verschwandt. ich saß 15 Minuten alleine. das ist nicht das Problem. i feel like.. you try to do everything that is expected of you, for those you love. and you get punished for it. yes, she is overbearing, ja, dass kann einen nerven. aber man versteht, woher es kommt.
vielleicht nur als Aussenseiter. aber ich hab nich lange nicht mehr so unwohl in einer familiären Situation gefühlt. es war so kalt, so wütend. fuck.
how can you try to be everything, while everyone gets mad at you for trying to be everything? how can you expect someone to be everything, then get mad at them for trying to be everything?
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drunkblic · 1 month
A pesar de su orientación estoica, Séneca mostraba interés en las teorías epicúreas sobre la base atómica del mundo físico. Adopta un tono epicúreo en pasajes, como el que sigue, en el que imagina que las partículas de las cuales se forman los cuerpos humanos son indestructibles, y después de que esos cuerpos se descomponen, continuarán formando otras sustancias.
Para nosotros, la muerte es meramente disolución. Solo vemos las cosas que están justo delante de nosotros; la mente obtusa, o aquella que se ha esclavizado al cuerpo, no mira hacia lo que está más allá. Soportaríamos más valientemente nuestro propio fin, y los fines de nuestros seres queridos, si anticipáramos que, al igual que todo lo demás, así la vida y la muerte cambian de lugar por turnos, y que el arte interminable del dios que establece límites apropiados a todas las cosas se dirige hacia este objetivo: separar las cosas que estaban unidas, y unir aquellas que se separaron.
Cómo Morir: Una Guía Antigua para el Final de la Vida, por Séneca, traducido por James S. Romm
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trascapades · 1 year
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Reposted from @tfa_the_fearless_artist
The Fearless Artist presents:
January 2023 Artist Circle
Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to get better at applying for grants, getting yourself an additional revenue stream to support your work as an artist? Learn all about how to do just that on Tuesday, 1/31 at 7pm ET!
RSVP at the link in our bio!
Cover image: Artwork from TFA Artist and Young Curator @manaintuitiva
Reposted from @kiki_somerville TFA’s mission is to share as many ways for artists to make a living off their work as possible! Are you ready to finally share your work and get your artistic message out there in 2023?
Maybe you need help trying to figure out how to create and finance artwork on a large scale?
Maybe you work in a mixed media or non traditional format and wonder who would buy your work? Who is your audience?
The road to your success as an artist, will always begin with knowing your story and telling it in a way that’s memorable and compelling!
One of the things I am so excited about this year is our first TFA artist circle of the year in grant writing and storytelling with TFA’s Chief Strategy Officer, Joe Romm and professional grantwriter, Ilana Kats. They are super experienced at storytelling and winning money from writing effective grants and will join us to share their expertise and answer your questions. Come prepared and ready to get this money that’s out there waiting for a fearless artist like you in 2023.
Tuesday, January 31st from 7-8pm ET
RSVP at tinyurl.com/TFAJan31 or by clicking the link in my bio
#kikisomerville #thefearlessartist #tfapopup #creativeentrepreneur #curator #socialpractice #grantwriting #BlackArtLovers #BlackGirlArtGeeks
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drio-r-xiamar · 5 months
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Don't have a title for this
Kylux 🧡🖤
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mote-historie · 9 months
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Martha Romme, Nivôse (Snovy), "de la neige lesflocans. de la saison son les papillons" (snow flakes. of the season its the butterflies). 1919.
Nivôse (French pronunciation: ​[nivoz]; also Nivose) was the fourth month in the French Republican Calendar. The month was named after the Latin word nivosus, which means snowy. Nivôse was the first month of the winter quarter (mois d'hiver). It started between 21 and 23 December.
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maikahome · 1 year
Cat Dog Poker Smoking Fun Drinking Canvas Posters and Prints Animal Canvas Painting Wall Art Game Playing Cards Romm Decoration
Cat Dog Poker Smoking Fun Drinking Canvas Posters and Prints Animal Canvas Painting Wall Art Game Playing Cards Romm Decoration
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hanacorners · 1 year
Cat Dog Poker Smoking Fun Drinking Canvas Posters and Prints Animal Canvas Painting Wall Art Game Playing Cards Romm Decoration
Cat Dog Poker Smoking Fun Drinking Canvas Posters and Prints Animal Canvas Painting Wall Art Game Playing Cards Romm Decoration
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man-reading · 3 years
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The Sacred Band: Three Hundred Theban Lovers Fighting to Save Greek Freedom
by James Romm
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paperandsong · 2 years
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Floréal, Martha Romme, 1920
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