#roger quail
spilladabalia · 6 months
Clock DVA - 4 Hours
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
October 29th
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Oh, Russingon - my curse, my downfall, my fatal weakness - there you are.
Too many people deserve a mention and I quail at the idea of disturbing those revered authors in their peace with my silly little ficlet, so - ever the coward - I will abstain.
Nonetheless, it would be dishonest not to mention last-capy-hupping and arofili for being such lovely inspirations and supporters. Never forgotten also the amazing people thanked in my TRSB fics who have helped me figure things out.
Here they are, the pairing that changed everything, pulled me through TRSB, and made me go on writing for the Silm...the couple that made me go back on all my principles...
Here is the testament to "Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change, learning you were wrong..."
There's been a lot of discourse running through my head lately and I'm weirdly reticent to post this one...I guess I'm just afraid of what might happen...here goes nothing...
Words: 738
Warnings: LGBTQ+ characters, half-cousin incest, cross-dressing, trans!Fingon...the whole shablam 🙈
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“I am so not going to wear this!” Maedhros grunted and glared at Fingon who was holding up a lumpy, oddly spotted, limp piece of fabric that looked suspiciously like a tent with sloppy a giraffe print plastered all over it.
“I was afraid you’d say that,” Fingon purred, stepping closer and throwing aside his decoy costume to push his hands into the luscious mane of his lover’s hair; he loved every single strand of it and it was its glory that had inspired his real concept for this Halloween. “How brave are you, my handsome one?”
Maedhros gave a deep sigh; he knew that tone only too well and – after many long discussions – they had finally decided to wear matching costumes. It was not an official admission of their relationship status per se, but it was already a big step away from stealing kisses and pretending not to know each other too intimately when other people were around.
“I am not afraid of the costume,” Maedhros griped, “I just don’t want to look like a fool.”
Vulnerability and vanity painted his face a flaming crimson, but Fingon only repeated his question in a soft, tender, encouraging voice while he peppered small kisses along the ridge of Maedhros’ jaw. 
“As long as you’re with me, valiant, reckless Finno, I can be very brave indeed,” he replied in a moment of foolish, cocky courage. “Bring it on!”
Reaching under his bed, Fingon produced a long tube, shimmering in dazzling reddish colours in the dimmed light of his bedside lamp and held it up to Maedhros’ body with a quizzical look on his face.
“Finno,” Maedhros growled warningly; there was – in his opinion – no way he’d fit into the criminally narrow garment that would, if he was to succeed against all odds, hug every non-existent curve of his bony body.
The reference picture on Fingon’s phone showed the drawing of a busty redhead with a smouldering gaze and a sensual mouth.
“Jessica Rabbit,” Fingon whispered, “the second-hottest ginger in the world.”
“Second to whom?” Maedhros grinned, taking the dress from him and rubbing the thin, flexible material between his thumb and forefinger pensively; his blood roared with an elating mix of excitement and dread.
“You, of course,” Fingon laughed and nodded at his wardrobe, “I’ll go as her sometimes-ex and often-husband, Roger Rabbit.” There was such raw, bare-faced, disarming hope in his face that Maedhros felt his neck melt; he nodded even while every fibre of his being bristled at the idea of letting everyone see just how pale and angular he was. 
If it would make Fingon – who was ready and willing to wear a poofy rabbit tail and formless dungarees – smile, Maedhros would not be a spoilsport.
“Okay,” he breathed, leaning forward and letting Fingon impress that beatific smile onto his own lips so he could keep it forever in his heart and memory.
“I’ve asked my sister for help,” Fingon exclaimed excitedly. “I will do your make-up and straighten your hair.”
He had been so sure, Maedhros thought, deeply moved by this discovery; Fingon had been convinced that he’d manage to talk the stuck-up, often morose and sometimes craven man he called his own into wearing a skin-tight dress. The sudden onslaught of pure, infectious joy shooting like fireworks through his whole body him laugh aloud; yes, they would have fun and confuse many a person.
“Káno will be livid,” Maedhros grinned, “when I outshine him on the dancefloor.”
Inspired and overjoyed by Maedhros’ compliance – in truth, Fingon had fretted quite a bit about this – the would-be-rabbit resolved that he wouldn’t chicken out either; for the first time ever, he’d let others see his body, the truth written in pale scars – barely visible now – running along the underside of his pectorals, and the ridiculously slender wrists he felt so self-conscious about still.
“You’ll be the prettiest,” he promised Maedhros who seemed to grow ever more thrilled about the prospect of earning his mother-name by being undeniably beautiful. “And I’ll be the proudest critter at that rotten ball. Your brother will swallow his tongue out of sheer envy!”
It was a ludicrous way to come out, Maedhros thought hazily, a ridiculous proclamation of resilience, a preposterous declaration of love, but – the more he thought about it, the surer he grew – it would reflect and represent them, and all that they were underneath the polite and polished surface, perfectly.
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@fellowshipofthefics here's one that's near and dear to my heart.
Lots of love from me...Please refrain from being needlessly cruel...I am just one person trying to put out some love; I've never meant to hurt/offend/anger anyone!
-> Masterlist
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kunkutarpulla · 8 months
My Doug related theories
1) Doug Funnie shows signs of insanity.
He has serious blankouts in bad moments, even in the middle of the traffic. He had almost died more than once!
He acts his fantasies, not seeing reality around him. In "Doug to the Rescue", it's the worst since he starts to act like Quailman in the middle of the class.
In "Doug's Older Woman", he cannot make a difference between fantasy and reality since he thought fantasizing about Cassandra asking him out on date with her until Skeeter pointed out it did happen.
There is no way the things Porkchop does actually happened!
Even psychopathy, if you think about it.
He got angry at Cassandra for using him, and yet he hypocritically did the exact same to her.
He had a fantasy in "Doug's Career Anxiety." Connie was nowhere to seen. Did she die?
He had a fantasy of pixelated Roger being shot in "Doug's Lost Weekend."
He wished death on Guy in "Doug Gets It All."
In "Doug's Fair Lady", he had a very creepy smile on his face.
Since Quailman villains are based on people Doug antagonizes, it only means Dark Quail is based on Doug's dark side.
Since Doug is stalkerish towards Patti, I bet things won't end up well. If "Doug" was for mature audiences, he would be collecting everything from lost pins to used tampons.
2) Roger Klotz has autism.
Roger's not doing well in school. He's repeated the 6th grade three times for not understanding the material given to him. He's immature for his age, and causes troubles for everyone else by being a troublemaker.
He has difficulties with socializing. He has showed clear signs of wanting friends, like in "Doug Vs. The Klotzoid Zombies", but doesn't know how to make them.
In "Doug's Secret Admirer", "Doug's Worst Nightmare", "Doug's Runaway Journal", "Doug's Big News" and "Doug Graduates", it's confirmed he has dyslexia. His handwriting is big and child-liked like most disabled people have.
In "Doug's Cookin'", he got panicked and tried to "solve the problem" by himself, not understanding what "6-8" means.
In "Doug's New Teacher", Roger clearly struggles with reading. When he read text out loud, it's clearly heard he stumbled.
He's fixated in art. In "Doug's Mural Mania", he's that talented he can paint a breathtaking picture only using a one color. His hobby is ballet, confirmed canon in "Doug Wears Tights." "Doug's No Dummy", "Doug's Pet Capades" and "Doug's Sour Singingbird" show Roger also has a great voice and can play guitar. He also loves joining the school plays.
Vitamin D deficiency isn't only linked to rickets, which fans also speculate him to have, but also to autism and other intellectual disabilities.
Billy West, the voice of both Doug and Roger, is in the Autism Spectrum in real life.
Now I have a reason to think why Mrs. Klotz got a divorce and why Mr. Klotz hasn't visited him until they became rich. (In Nickelodeon series, it's subverted he's abusive or negletful.)
3) Guy Graham isn't a bad person.
Guy Graham is described to be "a very handsome but rather selfish and inconsiderate kid", and also "serves as a secondary antagonist and is Doug Funnie's (one-sided) rival for Patti Mayonnaise."
But is that rich spoiled brat really scummy? Or does Doug only make him sound like that, because he hates him?
Quailman and Quaildad: Guy got surprised, when he saw Mr. Funnie playing the drums like a professional. After he finished, he clapped with everyone else. Since Guy is confirmed to be a fan of disco music, he could've bought one of the vinyls. It's assumable the music The Psychedellic Fuss played is similiar to Abba's.
Quailman, The Un-Quail Saga: Just like Chalky Studebaker, Guy might also suffer from inferiority complex. In a journalism contest, Guy wanted to make sure they win. He accidently said how he wants to make sure he wins the contest. Maybe he's pressured to perfection by his parents and told how he has to be perfect, no matter what it costs.
Doug's 1st Movie: Everyone got angry at Guy for attempting to kill Herman. No one have ever seen Herman. Patti and Guy didn't even meet him before the ending of the movie! How he could've known is the monster harmless or not? Maybe he actually thought Herman was a threat and tried to protect everyone from the certain doom. He tried to capture the monster in secret, because he wanted to avoid mass panic.
Doug has a tendency to demonize Guy, because he's also after Patti. In his Quailman comics, Guy's either a villain or a coward. In "Doug Gets It All", Doug makes an animation of Guy getting squashed under the anvil! What a little psychopath! Guy probably saw some of Doug's sketches and got offended how he's portraited in them. Maybe he did recognize that donkey but said nothing specific about it. Maybe he actually wants to be part of Doug's friend group, but he doens't give him a possibility. He's not even trying to get to know him. No wonder Guy hates Doug, even though he still remains polite to him.
4) Guy and Roger are boyfriends.
Anyone who've read this, know where I'm going after.
This theory gives some Doug episodes, like "Doug, Quailman VI, The Dark Quail Saga", "Doug's Midnight Kiss" and "Doug Plays Cupid", completely different interpretation if you believe Doug being an Unreliable Narrator.
5) Roger's mansion in Disney series used to be Beebe's playhouse.
It looks like a princess' castle, something little girls in princess phase would love.
It has a garden surronding it.
One of its colors is pastel pink.
The lobby has stairs you can easily imagine Cinderella walking on them.
It's been deserted for a long time.
It's right next to the Bluff mansion.
6) Guy's real father is Mr. Bluff.
Thinking about it for a while, this would actually make sense.
Guy has facial features similiar with Mr. Bluff's.
He's as ambitious and arrogant as Mr. Bluff.
Guy has a good relationship with him.
He belongs to the club which admires Mr. Bluff and he's the most enthusiastic member of it.
He can ask money from him, whenever it's a dance in Funkytown or having a band in the school consert.
He helps him to cover his tracks about him polluting Lucky Duck Lake.
We never see Guy's parents nor his relationship with them, so it's assumable he visits the Bluffs often.
He's allowed to attempt in exclusive meetings.
How would Beebe, Mrs. Bluff, Ethan and Mr. Graham react if they knew? Does even Guy himself know?
7) Skunky Beaumont was a role model for Roger, Boomer, Ned and Willy.
Skunky has gotten detention and bad grades in school more than once. Who wouldn't be a better teacher for troublemakers than an actual troublemaker?
8) There really IS a ride called Suck Face Tunnel.
But it's for adults only…
9) Judy Funnie was on her periods during Doug on the Road.
That's why she was desperately looking for another bathroom, even after she used the one previously. Anyone who gets periods know how uncomfortable it's to sit on the bench blood leeked on it.
Do you have Doug fan theories of your own?
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alyosiuscreightonward · 11 months
Dear Diary. Talk about people who actually suck.
Recently my late husband’s dog passed away at 14 years old.
So…His kidneys shut down and he was sneezing and urinating blood all over the house. Plus he was 14 years old. It happened in a matter of days. I first thought he had lost another tooth and I went on about our lives. Then he just started to decline. He wandered around the house, just staring out and pee blood. Which leads him to start sneezing blood. I waited a day and told Childzillah we had to make that informed decision…
That’s what happened. I texted my dad on Father’s Day and wished him a happy Father’s Day but I was in a bad situation but I didn’t get into it with him.
Of course my sister had gotten those aforementioned texts just to shut the fuck up about it and leave me to grieve his passing. BUT NO!!!
My baby, my life, my heart, Harrowgate Broadchurch Cunningham Rogers has lost his pack. First was, The Emperor of Quail Village, Augustus Caesar Cunningham Rogers; he passed away due to neurological damage, he was 6 years old. Then there was, His Holiness, The Brother Levi Reddy Gudipally, he was 21. Now, CoCo Monaco Veronica Louise Ciccone Penn Ritchie Corleone The Third. However in between all this bullshit, my husband had passed away.
It was a trigger for me and I was dealing with it as best as I could. It reminded me of the days of yore when I had 8 friends die before I was 30 because of complications from AIDS/HIV. Okay. Not a fucking great time in my life. Granted my idiot sister wouldn’t fucking understand that pain since she’s 7 minutes younger than me and she’s constantly saying fucking shit like, “I’m the baby, gotta love me!!” Bitch. Please. Go ahead and have your Walmart Temper Tantrum elsewhere. No Sale here. I’m not feeding into it. “He’s picking on me!!” Fucking twat. Change your own fucking diaper.
As of this writing, I had every intention of calling my dad and telling him what happened BUT NO!!!
My sister fucking ratted me out. She put me on Front Street. She put that landfill on my dad’s property. Thanks a lot for that you stupid fucking idiot. “I’m SO going to TELL!!!”
I’ve been working on myself for years and now I’m dealing with shit better than before and the Lexipro is helping me not to feed into other people’s bull-fucking-shit. I’m of the mindset that if you tell me something, I believe in the sanctity of the confession and what you tell me, I’ll deny everything. “My name is Oliver North and I have no record collection of that memory.” I loathe telling folks that I’m dealing with my own bipolar depression, manic episodes of hypomania and suicidal ideations. I’m making progress. It’s a moment by moment thing.
Regardless of my rant, my sister will never understand how much she hurt me, again.
She’ll then claim I’m being so secretive about my life. Motherfucker, if I am able to tell you, then I would tell you and not put it in The National Enquirer or on TMZ. Nacho Bizness. Nunya Bizness. Not your story to tell. I have therapists who I confide in and not my family. They have a tendency to throw it up back in my face because they can and they will.
The love for my family is real and not just conditional. However I know that they don’t like me as a person because I’ve done shit and I’m not going to judge them but I’m going to say very clearly, that my dachshund and I WILL talk shit about them, but I’m not going to tell the world what I think because I’m irrelevant.
CoCo is going to rest in power but I will talk shit about him and not you.
Now you see why I stay over here and mind my business and I make every effort to keep myself out of your life and business. If you want me to tell you all about yourself, there’s going to be tears and they won’t be my tears. Trust and believe. I’m sure that you are not ready for my verbal and emotional abuse. I’m very good at it. My tongue is so sharp that it can and will clip the hedges. I’m going to annihilate you into a puddle of tears. Though this requires some effort on my part and I didn’t schedule that today but now, I’m going to tell her, that she can speculate about it since I’m not going to say shit to her.
Yeah I know that my dad worries about me but if it’s my shit then let me deal with my shit and don’t interject yourself in my business.
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metmuseum · 1 year
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A Pair of Quails and Poppies. ca. 1835. Credit line: Rogers Fund, 1918 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/36711
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thetitansocietyorg · 6 days
Facing the Illusion: Unveiling the Truth of Existence
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Facing the Illusion: Unveiling the Truth of Existence
“You fail to comprehend or acknowledge the truth of your existence you have derived a delusion of this which has become encased and entrenched with yourself and your society, the outcome from myself Asteria is justice from this action of yourself and your eventual denial of this fact and the outcome of this within yourself and your civilisation” – Asteria ‘Nocturnal Oracles and Falling Stars’ – Andrew Rogers ‘Titan Auteur, Writer, Oracle’.
Understanding Asteria's "Nocturnal Oracles and Falling Stars"
In the enigmatic text Asteria, a Titaness, communicates a profound message regarding the truth of existence and the consequences of denying it. The message seems to address individuals who fail to grasp or acknowledge the reality of their existence, instead choosing to embrace a delusion that becomes deeply ingrained within themselves and their society.
Asteria's declaration of seeking justice from those who exhibit this behavior implies a moral and cosmic retribution for denying the fundamental truth of existence. It prompts reflection on the potential repercussions of such denial, both on a personal level and within the broader scope of civilization.
The cryptic yet compelling nature of Asteria's words invites contemplation on the significance of acknowledging and embracing the truth of one's existence. The text's profound themes undoubtedly offer ample room for introspection and philosophical discourse.
The Titan Society – Cronus ‘Titan Leader, Destroyer’, Hecate ‘Witchcraft, Destroyer’ Circe ‘Sorceress, Destroyer’.
Andrew Rogers – Founder, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle.
The Mythological Figure Asteria: A Titan Goddess of Night and Refuge
In Greek mythology, Asteria holds a significant place as the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe, and as the sister of Leto. Known for her dual roles as the goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars, Asteria's story is one of both bravery and transformation.
According to Hesiod, Asteria bore a daughter named Hecate with Perses. However, it is her own escape from Zeus's advances that truly sets her apart. Faced with the relentless pursuit of the king of gods, Asteria took on the form of a quail and flung herself into the depths of the Aegean Sea. This act of self-transformation gave rise to the legendary "quail island" of Ortygia.
Ortygia, initially just a small piece of land surrounded by the Aegean Sea, would eventually become associated with the island of Delos. It was on this sacred land that Leto, pregnant with Zeus's twins – Apollo and Artemis, sought refuge from the wrath of Hera. The island of Delos, under the protection of Asteria, provided sanctuary for Leto during her time of need.
The tale of Asteria showcases her resilience and sacrifice, as she chose to surrender her physical form rather than succumb to Zeus's advances. Furthermore, her association with oracles and falling stars emphasizes her connection to the night sky and the mysterious forces that govern it.
In Greek mythology, Asteria's legend serves as a reminder of the power of transformation and the significance of finding refuge during challenging times. Through her courage and protectiveness, she embodies the essence of a goddess who defied divine authority for the sake of her own autonomy and to offer solace to others in need.
Although her presence may not be as prominent as some of the well-known deities of Greek mythology, Asteria's story provides a glimpse into the rich tapestry of ancient Greek folklore. Her role as a goddess of night and refuge adds depth to the intricate web of divine narratives, reminding us of the enduring power and significance of mythological figures like Asteria.
See attached.
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
Andrew Rogers
Founder, Titan Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle  
The Titan Society
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
WAGs, Bilder und der König von Quail Hollow
WAGs, Bilder und der König von Quail Hollow
durch: Claire Rogers 21. September 2022 Venus, Colin Morikawa und Catherine Chu. Layna Finau, Catherine Chu Michael Jordan im United Center. Tiger in Augusta. Aaron Rodgers in Lambeau. Claire Rogers auf Instagram dabei Präsidenten-Cup Woche. Hallo Freunde und willkommen zu meiner persönlichen Olympiade. Sicher, ich freue mich darauf, diese Woche Golf zu spielen, aber seien wir ehrlich, es…
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spilladabalia · 4 months
Clock DVA - North Loop
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 2 years
[Podfic] eat the rich
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0izbMNk
by GhostCwtch
“On your left you have a shiitake mushroom mousse on a cracked barley tuile with yuzu jelly; that’s tamarind-glazed duck breast on the skewers; the spoons are a miso-poached quail egg with pickled horseradish broth; and finally, we have a deconstructed prawn cocktail.”
Having rattled off this incomprehensible litany in record time, Bucky glances up to check the guy’s response. It’s only by divine intervention that the slate doesn’t clatter to the floor.
Podfic of eat the rich by gracelesso.
Words: 16, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: rich people parties, Shrunkyclunks, canapé fetishization, horrible jobs, Podfic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0izbMNk
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 2 years
[Podfic] eat the rich
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0izbMNk
by GhostCwtch
“On your left you have a shiitake mushroom mousse on a cracked barley tuile with yuzu jelly; that’s tamarind-glazed duck breast on the skewers; the spoons are a miso-poached quail egg with pickled horseradish broth; and finally, we have a deconstructed prawn cocktail.”
Having rattled off this incomprehensible litany in record time, Bucky glances up to check the guy’s response. It’s only by divine intervention that the slate doesn’t clatter to the floor.
Podfic of eat the rich by gracelesso.
Words: 16, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: rich people parties, Shrunkyclunks, canapé fetishization, horrible jobs, Podfic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0izbMNk
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Holiday Cheer
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Summary: the best way to get over your cheating ex is to get under someone else.
Pairings: Frat boy!Steve Rogers x black!reader x frat boy!Thor Odinson
Warnings: minors dni, smut, threesome (mmf), cheating, unprotected sex
(A/N: I made it 😣 the smut was cut a little short but I finished and that’s all that matters lol Merry Christmas 🎄 everyone! Not edited at all lol. Like follow comment with a reblog 💜 ✌🏾)
It wasn’t like you’d expected this to happen.
All Natasha knew was that you’d caught your boyfriend cheating and needed a night out. You’d been hoping he’d gotten the hint after the millionth missed call that you were done but you didn’t even feel like talking to Peter so instead you’d been avoiding the shit out of him.
Of course tonight of all nights when you’re out looking like one of Santa’s hoe, hoe, hoes. He obviously couldn’t resist saying anything but hell it wasn’t any of his business now.
Then it was like all these months you’d spent questioning him only for him to reply that nothing was going on. All these fights calling you paranoid she was the ‘girl you weren’t supposed to worry about.’
And even after you caught them you got that whole, ‘Baby, it wasn’t what it looked like.’ As if you literally didn’t just see it. Did they think you were dumb.
When they first started spending all this time together on some project, you really tried to not think too much of it. He’d never given you a reason to not trust him. Then it was like they got the rest of their team and it wasn’t even like they were alone so you really tried to not think about it.
Then you walked in on them in the lab. Gamora riding him for her goddamn life and in a way that told you that this definitely hadn’t been the first time.
And what pissed you off even more was that he tried to say it’s because you wouldn’t let him fuck you in the ass and she did. You should have thrown a glass at his head he’d pissed you off so bad.
So that happens and you’re moping. Afraid to even come out your dorm because knowing him, he was definitely going to try and get you to talk to him. Which was not happening.
But it also wasn’t leaving you in the best spirits. Which was kind of a damper for the holidays and break was right about to start, exams were done, and there was a party tonight that Nat was dragging you to whether you liked it or not.
She was the first unofficial female member of a frat. The second being Wanda. “I’m there so much I think they’ll let me in on hazing next year.” She laughed.
And while you get why she’d want to hook up with some of the guys there, she hadn’t. While you thought she was crazy for not taking advantage of it, she had just become really good friends with the guys and that was it.
Probably why Peter hated that you hung out with her. He hated the guys there. Had this weird beef with one of them which reeked of jealousy any of the times they crossed paths.
Funny because earlier that day you kind of used it to your advantage. See Natasha wouldn’t have invited you if it wasn’t for you ducking behind Thor of all people after bolting out of the campus coffeeshop. Figured that Peter wasn’t exactly in the mood to not only be on the lookout for you while also getting into it with him.
“Can I ask why you’re using me for shelter?” Thor wondered, tilting his head back so he could get a glance at you.
“Ex boyfriend,” you answered.
“Well, glad I could be of assistance. He chuckled before turning to face you. Then his eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, aren’t you Quail’s girl?”
This time it was your turn to let out a small laugh. “Um, it’s Quill,” you corrected him.
“That’s what I said,” he replied with a shrug and a half smile. Oh right. Frenemies.
“Trouble in paradise?”
“More like a disaster.”
“Hey, Thor,” Steve greeted. “Y/N.”
Ah shit. This was awkward. Quill also wasn’t too fond of Steve. Mostly because neither of you were sure if Steve was flirting you or not. You said he wasn’t. You weren’t his type. Then Quill would say, “So what. No one thought you’d be my type and now look at us.”
Then you’d go, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” He’d say. “I’m just saying people just didn’t expect us to get together and now look.” Then like the smart boy he is he couldn’t let that be that, so he added, “I’m sure I had plenty of girls that would have killed to be where you are but I chose you.”
It pissed you off back then. Then it was like now when you thought about it, it made your skin crawl. Found out he had a rich dad that got him into this place and now he was just soooo much better than his. With all the fucking audacity.
Then the two of you would argue. Then someone you’d become the asshole. It was like now that you were done you could finally stop lying to yourself.
And yet with Steve so close to you, you were anticipating the arguement. Oh Rogers said hi so now it’s time for Peter to cry about it.
At least with Thor you knew there was a history. As petty as it seemed to be. While you’d talked here and there because you hung out with mutual friends you weren’t about to actually hang out with a guy your boyfriend hated. Even if he didn’t seem that bad.
Now you didn’t care. Why would you. The two of them had never been anything but nice to you. You’d let yourself get so wrapped up in all his stupid enemies and helping him fight his battles and it was like what the hell was even the point.
“Hi, Steve,” you’d said.
“Steve, Y/N was just telling me that her and Quail broke up.”
Then you giggled. “It’s Quill.”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it,” he replied with a shrug and a smirk.
“Oh shit, what happened?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
You shrugged. “Oh ya know how it is. Sometimes you just… grow apart.”
You don’t know what it is but something felt so embarrassing about the fact that he cheated on you. That out of all the jealousy and accusations of cheating and flirting and this and that and it ended up being him!
And yet you were embarrassed. So you lied.
“I mean it happens. I get it. Me and my girlfriend just broke up too,” Thor said. “Our schedules just don’t mix.”
“Are you doing okay?” Steve asked.
“Trying to,” you replied. “Just feeling bummed. He was supposed to come home with me for Christmas and instead I have to tell everyone that I can barely even look at him.” You chuckled.
“You know what. It sounds like you need some fun. I’m sure Natasha’s told you by now,” Steve said, “but the frat house is having our Christmas party and I think you should come.”
“You should it’ll be fun,” Thor chimed in. “It’s our hoe hoe hoe house party.”
You laughed. “Wow. Love that name.”
“Tony picked it,” Steve clarified.
“Well it sounds fun at least,” you said.
“So you’ll come?” Thor asked.
It was okay. You weren’t with Peter anymore. You could hang out with whoever you wanted to. “Sure. Sounds great.”
And that’s how you ended up walking in with your stomach in knots. Maybe you were feeling a little triumphant since you’d successfully ducked and dodged Peter earlier. And Natasha helping you pick out a last minute hoe, hoe, hoe costume. A tight velvety red dress with fluffy white trim on the neckline and hem. The kind of outfit that said the best way to get over your ex is to get under someone else.
“Hey, Y/N,” Steve greeted you pulling you into a hug. “You made it.”
His hands ran up and down your back making you giggle. “Stop that tickles!”
“Does it?” He asked pulling away to look at you. A smirk covering his face. “You look nice,” he said.
“Yeah and where’s your hoe, hoe, hoe outfit?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
Eyeing him up and down in that blue button up that really, really brought out his eyes. It wasn’t like you never noticed how hot he was before. It was just when Peter was there and jealous as fuck, the last thing you wanted to think about was how good Steve Rogers looked. Now though you didn’t have to give a shit.
“It got lost in the mail,” he replied with a laugh. “You look great though.”
“Y/N!” Thor said coming up to the both of you. That’s when Steve finally let go of you so Thor could take over in giving you a hug. At least he was wearing a red dinner jacket. His long blond hair in a ponytail. Stands falling into his face still. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah me, too.”
“Can I get you a drink?” Thor asked.
“Sure,” you replied.
So far you were having a lot of fun. You weren’t really the partying type usually but you just wanted to have fun. And Steve and Thor clearly wanted you to have fun.
By now Natasha had gotten busy talking to some girl from one of her classes. Had stopped checking up on you when she saw Steve and Thor were taking care of you. If there was anyone she trusted to make sure her best friend was taken care of it was them.
You stuck your tongue out on Snapchat as Steve hugged up on you from behind. Thor kissing your cheek. You captioned it as hoe hoe hoe merry Christmas.
You get it your ex hated one of them and was obscenely jealous of both men but you weren’t trying to start anything. If anything you were just happy to have both of them there to take care of you.
And hanging out with them was a lot of fun. It wasn’t even that you guys were getting drunk or anything because Steve being the responsible guy he is was making you drink enough water to go with it. Thor being the one to make sure you ended up with a nice buzz.
And you had a good time dancing with them. To be honest grinding against them more than you’d expected to. But it was kind of hard not to enjoy the attention.
Also maybe Peter was right about Steve. Sure he was horribly horribly wrong about you and that chemistry professor, but Steve was at least acting like he was into you.
Whispering in your ear. Making sure you really felt him. All while telling you everything a girl like you would wanna hear after everything that had been going on lately. Especially from a guy like Steve Rogers.
Telling you how good you looked. How dumb could Quill have been to lose a girl like you. Maybe he was just being nice, who knows but it still felt good to hear.
Then there was Thor who was definitely trying to flirt. Also wondering why Quail as he called him would fuck things up with you. It was safe to say you were having the best time.
It was seriously just what you needed. But of course that high couldn’t last for long.
Thor was getting another beer as Steve talked into your ear as you sat on the counter in the kitchen. Hand getting really dangerously close to your thigh.
When Thor came back he handed Steve a drink and you a totally different one. “What! I wanna try that one!” You protested making grabby hands at his cup.
“Ah, ah, ah this is special. Can only get it back home,” he said. “I just don’t think you’re ready for something so strong.”
“Oh yeah what’s so special about it?” You asked narrowing your eyes.
“I just don’t think you can handle it, Sweetheart.”
Then you pouted. “I’ll be the judge of that. Can I try yours, Steve?”
Steve chuckled. “Thor’s right, Babe.”
Then your jaw dropped. “What. That’s so sexist! I wanna try.”
“If it makes you feel better. It isn’t just you. I won’t even let Tony try it.” Thor laughed.
“Cuz Tony’s a pussy,” you pouted. “Come on.”
“I’m gonna tell him you said that,” Steve laughed.
“Fine but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Thor teased.
Steve handed you his cup watching as you brought it to your lips. As soon as the first drop hit your tongue you pulled away to go, “ugh! How do you guys drink that!”
The both of them laughed. “We told you, Love,” Thor said wrapping his arms around you. “Here.” He handed you the cup of water Steve was making you drink for before.
And between all the water and shit you seriously had to use the restroom. You kissed Steve’s cheek as you excused yourself. Going to join the line outside of the bathroom door. Which of course was taking forever with how long it was. Ugh.
“Y/N!” You could hear a voice calling over the music so you turned around seeing your ex making his way over to you. “We’re leaving,” he said snatching your arm.
“What the fuck, Peter, let go of me!”
“What the hell are you doing with Steve and Thor!” He spat out the latter name like there was actual disgust on his tongue.
“That’s none of your business anymore.”
“I get it you’re avoiding me but hanging out with them. That’s not cool, Y/N. You know how I feel about them!”
“How do you even know I’m with them?” You asked. “I came with Natasha.”
“Because I saw it on your Snapchat!”
“You don’t even have a snap,” you said with a raised eyebrow.
That’s when he groaned and rolled his eyes. “I mean… look-,”
“What did you make one just to spy on me?” You asked rolling your eyes.
“Maybe,” was all he replied with. “Irregardless-,”
“That’s not a word.” You rolled your eyes.
“Irregardless, you know how I feel about you hanging around with them!”
“And I’m not your girlfriend anymore so I don’t care! You lost the right to tell me what to do after I caught you with Gamora on top of you!”
“I told you it wasn’t what it looked like!”
“And what she just fall into your fucking lap, naked and you just so happened to also be naked? How dumb do you think I am, Peter!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Steve said coming up to the two of you. “Peter, man, you should go.”
Peter rolled his eyes at him. “And here comes the golden boy ready to save a damsel in distress. Don’t you have an old lady to help across the street?”
“Isn’t there some eighties soundtrack you can go center your personality around,” Thor said with a laugh getting beside you, too.
“Thor, you have all people need to stay out of this,” Peter said. “And stay away from her.”
“On whose order?” Thor challenged with a raised eyebrow.
“Mine. She’s my girl.”
“I’m not your anything,” you said.
“Quail, you need to leave,” Thor said. “Don’t worry we’re taking great care of her.”
“Yeah they’re taking great care of me,” you said with a shrug.
Peter rolled his eyes. “Bullshit. They’re just doing this to get back at me.”
Steve laughed. “Peter, I do not think of you. This isn’t some fucking plot to take you down. I like Y/N. It’s not our fault you screwed up. Either you leave or we will remove you.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Try me.”
“Fuck this I’m going to the bathroom,” you said.
“Here, you can use the one in my room,” Steve said.
“Over my dead body,” Peter said.
“That can be arranged,” Thor challenged him with a shrug.
“Peter, just go,” you said. “We’re done. You can’t tell me what to do anymore.”
Steve showed you to his room and the bathroom there. You hurried to use the restroom and tried to fix yourself up a little. Dealing with him had left you a little flustered and you were trying to have fun. You didn’t wanna feel like shit.
You stumbled out to see Steve laying back on his bed. Phone in his hand. He peeked over at you to smile softly. “Hey. You good?“ He asked.
“Uh huh,” you replied.
“You sure? I know dealing with him can’t be easy for you.”
“I mean… yeah…” you said with a heavy sigh.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked.
You shrugged. “What’s there to talk about?”
“Like why didn’t you tell us he cheated on you?” He asked.
“Because I dunno.” You sighed and hated that you felt yourself tearing up. “Um, yeah… I guess it felt like… I dunno like pathetic.” You chuckled. “God that’s… so stupid.”
Steve shook his head. “Not at all,” he said patting the spot at his side. “Come on. You can talk to me about it.”
“Where’s Thor?” You asked as you went to do as he said for you to.
“Taking care of Peter, getting us drinks, probably getting stopped by people,” he said. “But enough about that. I wanna hear all about you okay.”
“No you don’t,” you said with a chuckle.
“Oh but I do.” He leaned up so he was closer to you. “You know my last girlfriend cheated on me. Broke my fucking heart.”
Honestly the idea of Steve Rogers getting cheated on sounded so wrong. Like who the hell would even dare. “That’s crazy,” you said.
“Yeah she was from England and-,”
“Is this one of those my girlfriend from England you wouldn’t know her stories?” You asked him.
He laughed and shook his head. “No. Let me finish. So I met her when I was in the military-,”
“You were in the military!” Your eyebrows shot up.
“Uh huh and so was she and we met on a deployment. Things were good for a long time and honestly… I really thought she was my soulmate.”
You stuck out your bottom lip and frowned. “What happened?”
“We were apart for a few months at different bases and I noticed how weird she was acting. Then I went to visit to surprise her.” This time he let out the deep sigh. “Oh god. You’re right this isn’t easy…”
“No it’s okay,” you said. “I’m all ears.”
“Well, I kind of tried to brush things off ya know. Then I found messages between her and this guy.” He let out a sarcastic chuckle. “I was fucking crushed.”
“Shit I’m sorry, Steve,” you said leaning over to hug him. 
“It’s okay. I finally moved on. Besides I kinda had sex with her cousin after so I got my revenge.”
Your jaw dropped as you smacked his stomach. “Steve Rogers! I was not expecting that from you.”
He laughed. “I know, I know, but it’s not like I meant for it to happen. It just kinda did and… I dunno.” Steve sighed and nudged you. “So if you can top that level of shitty than its okay to tell me. I’m not judging.”
You sighed. “Okay fine… so I started noticing how weird he was acting and he never wanted to have sex anymore so I… snooped through his phone.”
“Shit,” he said.
“Yeah.” You sighed and sniffled. “Um… I found all these texts between him and Gamora. Said cuz I wouldn’t do anal with him.”
“What the fuck…” he said with a frown. Pulling you into his arms as soon as he saw the tears starting to sprinkle from your eyes.
“I’m okay,” you replied not being able to stop yourself from hugging him. You needed that. The comfort. Leaning into him.
Steve started rubbing your back before kissing your cheek. “I’m here okay. Always.”
You sniffled and nodded. “Thanks.” Then you pulled away so he could wipe the tears that had fallen.
“Besides any man that cheated on you is an idiot.”
You chuckled. “You think so?”
“Of course,” he replied. “Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
By now you were sitting so close. Arms around each other. Could feel his breath on your face.
Chest feeling like it might thump out of your chest. “Think so?”
He glanced down at your lips and then back up to your eyes. Finally starting to move in and just waiting for that first kiss.
“Crisis averted!” Thor announced as he came through the door. “Quail is officially gone and i found a bottle of tequila!”
As quickly as the moment started, it was over. Steve clearing his throat and laying back down. All while Thor chatted their ears off and started pouring shots.
This was going to be a long ass night
At some point you’d ended up squished between the two men. Giggling as they told you stories of whatever. From what you gathered, Thor had really been there for Steve during his breakup and now they wanted to be there for you. It was kind of nice having them on your side.
You posted another selfie with them giggling and shit. Honestly you could see yourself really hanging out with them like this. You understood why Natasha hung around them so much.
Still you couldn’t believe you almost kissed Steve and just didn’t. Or that you’d told Peter he had nothing to worry about in regards to him. In your defense though at least you waited until things were over before getting to this point.
“Alright how about we play a drinking game,” Thor suggested.
“What do you have in mind?” You asked.
“Never have I ever?” He said with a shrug.
“I’m down,” you replied looking over at Steve who shrugged.
“Great okay. I’ll go first,” Thor said. “Never have I ever had sex with a Quail!”
Your jaw dropped as Steve started laughing. “His name is Quill!”
“That’s what I said!” He replied. “Better drink up, Love,” he baby talked at you leaning forward to pinch your cheek.
You rolled your eyes before taking the shot. Crinkling your nose from the burn and coughing. “Ugh!”
“Aw you’re so cute when you’re choking,” Thor said baby talking at you again. “Alright. Your turn.”
You shook your head at him before trying to think of something to say. “Never have I ever done anal,” you said with a shrug.
“What? Quail didn’t ever… try?” Thor asked.
“I mean he tried but I didn’t wanna.”
“Why not?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Because I dunno I just… didn’t want to,” you replied. “Maybe one day but I’m glad it didn’t happen with him.”
“Exactly he didn’t deserve your sweet ass,” Thor said leaning into kiss your cheek.
“Well I’ve definitely tried anal,” Steve said after finally taking his shot.
“Giving and receiving,” Thor said with a smirk. “I mean we’ve all been th- well maybe not Y/N, but it’s never to late.”
You laughed before tilting your head back. “I’ll just take your word for it.”
“Or maybe Steve and I can introduce you to the wonderful world of anal sex,” he teased.
Once again you crinkled your nose. “Steve, would never.”
“Steve would never what?” Steve asked.
“Do anal on me.”
“Oh, well then Steve pleads the fifth,” he replied with a smirk.
Suddenly your cheeks felt hot. Biting your lip and sighing. What the hell were you supposed to even say to this. Or any of this.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’d never make you do anything you didn’t wanna do,” Steve said. “I hate that he got into your head.”
“What?” Thor raised his eyebrow, tilting his head to the side like a puppy. “Explain.”
“I lied about why Quail- dammit Thor!”
He let out a snort before busting out into laughter. “What! That’s his name!”
Steve couldn’t help himself as he laughed along. Which in turn meant you started. Ugh. They were so annoying. But they were really cheering you up. “Besides, fuck him. He didn’t deserve you.”
“Well what happened?”
You sighed and groaned. “So… I know I said Peter and I broke up because we broke apart but it was really because he cheated on me,” you admitted.
Thor looked honestly taken aback. “Oh… what the-,” then he scoffed. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I dunno. It felt embarrassing I guess.”
Thor sighed. “You should have told me.”
“No it’s okay. I’m fine.”
He tsk’d. “Doesn’t matter. I would have fucked him up right there.” He snarled. “How the hell could he- do you know with who?”
“Gamora,” you replied.
Thor frowned and sighed. “Ah shit…” he clenched his jaw. “He’s so fucking lucky I didn’t find out until after. He better leave you the fuck alone.”
“I hope so.”
This sighed before grabbing you to pull you on his lap. “I’m sorry Quail hurt you, Love.”
“I’ll be fine,” you said leaning into his chest. Feeling Steve eye’s on you as his friend held you. “Anyway, Steve, it’s your turn.”
His face turned into a cringe. “Ohh I actually can’t think of anything I haven’t done. I mean maybe if we’d played this a year ago but right now I feel like there’s not much I haven’t done.”
“Me either,” Thor said with a shrug.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course. You’re both so adventurous.”
Steve laughed. “I mean you could say that.”
“So unfair.” You gasped. “Okay, fine. Steve, truth or dare.”
Thor laughed. “Good idea.”
“I dare you to do push ups with me on your back.”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “That’s easy. Come on give me something good.”
“Okay ummmm I dare you to… keep your shirt off for the rest of the game,” you said.
“Wasn’t expecting you to be the one telling anyone to get naked so soon,” Thor teased.
Your face heated up as Steve got to unbuttoning his shirt. “I couldn’t think of acting else!”
“Sure, sure. Or you just want to see me naked,” Steve said with a wink as his naked chest came into view.
“Oh whatever,” you said with a laugh.
Not that he was wrong.
Playing truth or dare was fun. Thor was quickly rid of his shirt too. And you had to describe your first time. Of course when Thor realized it was with Quill he was over it. Saying what a shame it is that you’d never been truly satisfied.
“I mean it’s not like the sex was bad-,”
“Because you have nothing to compare it to.” He shrugged. “That’s okay. There’s still time.”
“Have you even kissed anyone else?” Steve asked.
“I mean… yeah but it’s been forever.”
He frowned. “You poor thing.”
“Maybe one of us can help you out?” Thor suggested.
“Um, what do you have in mind?”
“Nothing big just… haven’t you ever wondered how it might feel to kiss another man?” He asked.
“I mean… I dunno… maybe.” You bit your lip as you wondered where he was taking this.
“I mean I’m available,” he said with a wink.
“Mmm I dunno why would she choose you when I’m right here,” Steve tease before leaning over to tickle your side.
“You wish,” Thor replied. “How about it, Love. Which one of us would you kiss?”
Your face felt hot at their question. “Um, I mean I wouldn’t wanna… choose.”
“Fine. Truth or dare?“ Steve quickly said.
You laughed and narrowed your eyes. “Dare?”
“I dare you to kiss me,” he said.
“What!” Thor groaned. “Oh whatever.”
Steve laughed. “Come on. A dares a dare.”
Meanwhile you giggled but still didn’t move. That’s when Steve pulled you in. Could feel his breath on your lips.
At first it was pretty chaste. Just an innocent little thing. And yet it felt so good to have his lips on yours. Hands on your lower back.
“Oh you call that a kiss,” Thor scoffed when the two of you pulled away.
“Fine, let’s see you do better.”
Before you could react he was giving you one too. Except this one was a lot more sensual and hungry. Adding tongue the more you got into it.
Then Steve took another turn. This time showing you how he really kissed. Not holding back.
“Alright. Whose better?” He asked putting his forehead against yours.
Luckily before you could think to answer as if you could even choose your phone went off. Vibrating underneath you. Making you jump. “Shit.”
“Who calls someone on Snapchat?” Steve asked irritated about the interruption.
As you answered Peter’s face came into view. “Are you kidding me! You’re still with them?”
Well at least you knew which account was him now.
“Peter, it’s none of your business!”
“Why? So you can run around looking like a slut!”
Before you could respond, Thor snatched your phone away. “You will not speak to her that way,” he said. “You’re fucking lucky she didn’t tell me about what the hell you did until after I threw you out.”
Steve pulled you to him. Rubbing your back. “I hate the way he fucking talks to you.”
���Thanks, Guys,” you said after Thor hung up on him.
“What a fucking asshole,” Thor said grabbing onto you. Feeling like you were almost being babied by them. “He’s lucky he’s not here or else I’d fuck him up.”
“Hell he’s lucky we’re more worried about you.”
“You okay?” Thor asked rubbing your back.
“Yeah I’m good. I just… want him to leave me alone.”
“And he’s still texting you,” he said picking up your phone again.
You rolled your eyes. “Should give him a show.”
Steve chuckled. “Maybe we should.”
Thor laughed as he picked up the phone holding it up to the three of you. Then you laughed as he kissed your cheek while taking a picture.
His laughter only grew when he sent it. Seeing Peter sending all these angry messages back. Then Steve sent one with him kissing your lips. Thor gasping and saying wait it’s his turn before doing the same thing.
Then it became the two of them going back and forth. Sending pics at first and then videos of them kissing you. Making each one worse and worse and worse for Peter. Thor joking that he’d kiss your other lips as Steve took care of the ones on your face.
“Oh my ugh,” you gasped as he did just that. Pushing up your dress so that you were exposed before kissing on your thighs. “Fuck, Thor.”
“What a tasty little pussy,” he said as he licked at. Your panties were still on but he finally pulled them to the side so he’d have access.
It was all happening so fast you were having trouble wrapping your mind around it. How he’d grabbed your phone to show Peter just how a real man should treat a lady. That they were about to take good care of you.
Switching places so Steve could have his turn. Then Thor removing your dress. Maybe it was because you honestly couldn’t even believe any of this was happening.
“Fuck,” you cried as Steve pushed a finger into you.
“You know how long I’ve been waiting to touch your pussy,” he groaned. “Just as pretty as I thought it would be.”
“Look at how wet your girl is for us, Quail,” Thor said showing exactly what Steve was doing to you. Then panning the camera up to show how you were moaning for him. “Can’t believe you’d fuck this up. She tastes so good.”
“Gonna let us fuck you, Baby?” Steve asked.
“Uh huh,” you whimpered. How else were you supposed to respond when he was finger fucking you.
“Show him how we make you feel good,” Thor added on.
Thor pushed into you first. Stretching you over his length. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head as his hips snapped into you.
“Fuck,” you whimpered. “Fuck me. Yes.”
Honestly sex with Peter didn’t feel like this. Not like it wasn’t good but it wasn’t as rough. He didn’t get as deep inside of you. Didn’t make you feel like he’d push you passed your limits.
“She’s so fucking tight, Steve,” he grunted. “Goddamn.”
“Tell Peter how good it feels,” Steve said.
“It feels… ugh! Yes!”
“Am I better than him?” Thor asked.
“Yes,” you cried. “So much better.”
You wondered what you looked like right now. Could only imagine just how depraved you looked as he fucked you. It just felt so damn good.
“Look at your girlfriend being a fucking slut for us,” Thor groaned as you screamed out with the way he hit your spot.
Oh this was about to be a long night.
Between the two of them you could not remember how many times you came. Steve not wasting any time taking his turn with you.
“Been wanting to do this since I met you,” he said into your ear. “You gonna be our slut after this, huh?”
“Uh huh,” you whimpered.
Thor kissed your lips. “Gonna let us use your pussy anytime we want?”
If they kept doing you like this. Fuck yeah.
At some point your phone had been set on the nightstand. None of you thinking about Peter anymore. It was over between the two of you. He’d fucked it all up and you’d put the final nail in the coffin.
Natasha had been so right. The best way to get over a man is to get under another one. And lucky for you, you had two.
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dreadysficrecs · 3 years
Stucky Fic Rec List #9
Friday, May 7
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♟️Guns and Whips and so the Balance Shifts by SugarBucky - [Explicit; 8k words]
[Modern AU; Mob Boss!Bucky x Professional Dom!Steve; Pre-Serum!Steve; BDSM clubs; Sub!Bucky; Brief Steve/Bucky/Scott Scene; Kink Negotiaton; Safe, Sane and Consensual; Bondage; Praise Kink; Cock Warming; Vibrating Butt Plug; Pillow Humping; Aftercare]
Bucky Barnes is the head of a crime family and has made a terrifying name for himself in New York's underground. He loves the control that he has over the Family and over the businesses, but when Natasha Romanov takes him to a BDSM club, he discovers a different side of himself that yearns to give up control rather than take it.
He goes to Pornhub and searches BDSM. The first video that piques his interest is of a bound Sub getting fucked by a machine. His face is on the floor, licking his master’s shoes, caged cock swinging in the air.
Bucky can’t help the arousal he feels and takes his cock out. He draws out his orgasm even though he feels it only after two minutes of stroking. When the Sub begs his master to take the cage off, Bucky imagines what it would be like if he’s the one on the floor. If he’s the one begging.
The very thought makes him come.
“Fuck,” he mutters, staring at his cock, then back at the video that is still playing. “Fuck.”
He’s definitely into it.
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📜 The Department of Special Collections by @cesperanza, art by @artgroves - [Teen; 4,8k words]
[Canon Divergence; Epistolary; Letters & Sketches; Outsider's POV; Established Relationship]
It was a messy thing of leather and papers and rope. It looked like Phillips had carelessly thrown a bunch of documents onto an old piece of black leather and then rolled the whole thing up and tied it . . . The papers inside were all different sizes, everything out of order and haphazardly stacked, like someone had been in a hurry and just grabbed it all.
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🧜🏻‍♂️A Fish Out of Water by Stevieschrodinger - [Explicit; 10,5k words]
[Shrunkyclunks; Merman!Bucky; Merpeople; Arranged Marriage; Strangers to Lovers; There Was Only One Bed; Bisexual Steve; Brief Steve/OFCs; Xeno; Blow Jobs; Anal Sex; Switching; Happy Ending]
Steve Rogers, Captain America, is getting married.
He's doing it for the greater good...or at least, so he keeps telling himself.
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🥂eat the rich by gracelesso - [Teen; 2,2k words]
[Shrunkyclunks; Rich People Parties; Server! Bucky; Meet-Cute/Meet-Ugly; Awkwardness]
“On your left you have a shiitake mushroom mousse on a cracked barley tuile with yuzu jelly; that’s tamarind-glazed duck breast on the skewers; the spoons are a miso-poached quail egg with pickled horseradish broth; and finally, we have a deconstructed prawn cocktail.”
Having rattled off this incomprehensible litany in record time, Bucky glances up to check the guy’s response. It’s only by divine intervention that the slate doesn’t clatter to the floor.
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🪁oh, you can feel how they love you by jehans - [Teen; 2,8k words]
[Canon Divergence; Established Relationship; Barbershop Quartet; Post-Mission; Team as Family; Hurt/Comfort; Cuddling & Snuggling; Group Cuddles; Fluff]
Steve keeps repeating it, over and over, like a mantra. Everyone’s alive. No casualties. They are. No civilian actually died. They managed to save them all.
But, Christ.
It was close. It was so fucking close.
After a harrowing mission, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Nat come home.
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postpunkindustrial · 4 years
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Throbbing Gristle
Sheffield University 10/6/1980 - photo by Roger Quail
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thetitansocietyorg · 6 months
Facing the Illusion: Unveiling the Truth of Existence
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Facing the Illusion: Unveiling the Truth of Existence
You are Admired & Respected
“Good things come to those who hustle while they wait.” - Anonymous.
“You fail to comprehend or acknowledge the truth of your existence you have derived a delusion of this which has become encased and entrenched with yourself and society, the outcome from myself Asteria is justice from this action of yourself and your eventual denial of this fact and the outcome of this within yourself and your civilisation” – Asteria ‘Nocturnal Oracles and Falling Stars’. 
The words of Asteria bring forth a contemplative mood. The concept of comprehending one's own existence and acknowledging the truth within oneself is indeed a complex and deeply philosophical endeavor. It is a path paved with introspection and self-discovery, as we navigate the layers of our being.
Asteria's reference to a delusion encased within ourselves and society opens up a realm of thought-provoking questions. Are there aspects of our existence that we fail to understand or perhaps choose to deny? And if so, what are the implications of such denial?
In the pursuit of justice, Asteria seems to imply that her actions will serve as a consequence for our failure to acknowledge this truth. But what form will this justice take? Will it be a force of change, a catalyst for introspection, or something else entirely? Only time will reveal the answers.
As we reflect on these enigmatic words, let us consider our own journey of self-discovery and the role that truth and acknowledgment play in shaping our individual paths. May we find solace in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, as we navigate the intricacies of our existence and the impact it has on our civilization.
The Titan Society – Cronus ‘Titan Leader, Destroyer’, Hecate ‘Witchcraft, Destroyer’ Circe ‘Sorceress, Destroyer’.
Andrew Rogers – Founder, Creative Director, Writer, Oracle.
The Mythological Figure Asteria: A Titan Goddess of Night and Refuge
In Greek mythology, Asteria holds a significant place as the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe, and as the sister of Leto. Known for her dual roles as the goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars, Asteria's story is one of both bravery and transformation.
According to Hesiod, Asteria bore a daughter named Hecate with Perses. However, it is her own escape from Zeus's advances that truly sets her apart. Faced with the relentless pursuit of the king of gods, Asteria took on the form of a quail and flung herself into the depths of the Aegean Sea. This act of self-transformation gave rise to the legendary "quail island" of Ortygia.
Ortygia, initially just a small piece of land surrounded by the Aegean Sea, would eventually become associated with the island of Delos. It was on this sacred land that Leto, pregnant with Zeus's twins – Apollo and Artemis, sought refuge from the wrath of Hera. The island of Delos, under the protection of Asteria, provided sanctuary for Leto during her time of need.
The tale of Asteria showcases her resilience and sacrifice, as she chose to surrender her physical form rather than succumb to Zeus's advances. Furthermore, her association with oracles and falling stars emphasizes her connection to the night sky and the mysterious forces that govern it.
In Greek mythology, Asteria's legend serves as a reminder of the power of transformation and the significance of finding refuge during challenging times. Through her courage and protectiveness, she embodies the essence of a goddess who defied divine authority for the sake of her own autonomy and to offer solace to others in need.
Although her presence may not be as prominent as some of the well-known deities of Greek mythology, Asteria's story provides a glimpse into the rich tapestry of ancient Greek folklore. Her role as a goddess of night and refuge adds depth to the intricate web of divine narratives, reminding us of the enduring power and significance of mythological figures like Asteria.
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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jujumin-translates · 3 years
Misumi Ikaruga | [R] Guiding Angel | Searching for the Triangle Fish - Part 1
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Part 1 / Part 2
Misumi: Let’s ea~t! Nom nom…
Misumi: Let’s ea~t! Nom nom…
Kazunari: So, am I getting the vibe that practice for the upcoming aquarium collab has already started~?
Tsuzuru: The script hasn’t been quite finished yet. I’m going to the aquarium tomorrow to look in advance…
Director: Ah, about that! The members of the aquarium collab are leaving tomorrow morning, so be prepared for that.
Misumi: Roger~! It’s gonna be fun~!
Sakuya: Let’s do our best and succeed!
Homare: A collaboration between my art and the aquarium, I can feel the infinite possibilities.
Yuki: It’s a collab with the company, not a collab with you.
Omi: Director, will you be returning for lunch?
Director: No, it may take a while, so we’ll eat while we’re out.
Sakuya: Then how about we eat bentos at the aquarium?
Muku: Wah, that sounds good!
Misumi: I a~gree!
Director: So do I. Well then, let’s make some bentos.
Omi: I’ll help too.
Director: Really? Please do.
Omi: I finally have an excuse to make sausage octopi, as for the rest of it…
Yuki: What about quail eggs that look like penguins?
Kazunari: You’re making that pog of a bento?! That’s like 500 likes! No doubt!
Omi: And for onigiri…
Misumi: It should be a triangle fish!
Director: A triangular fish…?
Misumi: Yeah! It was at the aquarium!
Omi: Do you have a picture of that fish?
Misumi: I forgot to take a picture… Aw man…
Director: In that case, could you draw a picture?
Misumi: Yeah!
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Misumi: Umm, like that, and that… It should be this, if I remember correctly!
Tenma: That’s just a triangle!
Tenma: What even is a triangle fish in the first place?
Misumi: It was in the shape of a triangle and it was a really pretty and cool fishy!
Yuki: As per usual, the Trianglian’s description doesn’t give us a milimeter of information. Do you remember the name of the fish?
Misumi: Hmm… Triangle… Tri… The Ultra Triangle Fish!
Tenma: Did you just come up with that now!?
Omi: Then I’ll have to make the triangle fish onigiri next time, so can you take a picture of that fish tomorrow?
Misumi: Got it~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Aquarium Staff: Well, we’re looking forward to working with you tomorrow.
Director: Yes, we’ll do our best!
Director: Good work, everyone.
Tsuzuru: Is this the end of the meeting?
Director: Yup. I’d like to have a little meeting after we return--.
Misumi: Got it, got it! I wanna look around the aquarium again!
Director: (We’ve come all this way, a little bit can’t hurt…)
Director: --Fine, but we only have an hour.
Homare: Fumu. I shall learn a bit more from the aquarium exhibits.
Azami: I don’t really wanna see anything, I’m gonna rest in the food court.
Muku: Sakuya-kun and I are going to see the dolphin shows!
Sakuya: It seems that the production changes based on the season, so I was talking to Muku-kun about wanting to see it.
Director: I should also look around somewhere…
Misumi: I’m looking for Triangle Fishy-san, so I’ll go with you, Director-san!
Director: (I didn’t decide where to go, so this should be fine.)
Director: Okay. Then let’s search together!
Misumi: Go! Go~!
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waveridden · 2 years
jamie! tell me abt nerd pacheco. for the ask meme. and also … grollis zephyr.
>:) putting under a cut bc this got long
favorite thing about them: EVERYTHING. uhhh no i really love academics i think that they're very patient
least favorite thing about them: holds a grudge. like they're very polite about it but i think they are very spiteful
favorite line: doesn't apply but anyways remember when they were the captain of their coffee cup team
brOTP: nagomi nava! there's something on the wiki about how they had a hellmouth tradition bc for a minute they were the last two original beams batters still on the lineup and i love that. honorable mention tiana takahashi i just think they'd vibe
OTP: val hitherto. val val val. the professor and the time traveler are in love
nOTP: beams i'm sorry but nerd/lars just does not do it for me
random headcanon: can't spell. just can't. they have like a dozen doctorates and they just cannot fucking spell
unpopular opinion: i don't get why they're a moose. like, i don't understand why the hellmouth would do that. is the hellmouth a force for chaotic randomness or general malice? who can say! anyways i think if nerd is going to be part animal it should be an animal that's native to the moab region. i propose bighorn sheep
song i associate with them: uhhh i have to be honest i don't know! i never made a nerd or nerd/val playlist
favorite picture of them: my mental image of nerd is different than fanon. that being said i love birb's art of them with lars. yes i said i don't like nerd/lars yes i like this art and i'm right
grollis zephyr:
favorite thing about them: passionate! feels things so so deeply
least favorite thing about them: trust issues. babygirl you were a child actor and it ruined your ability to have lasting relationships and you are just not working on that
favorite line: i do not have one here
brOTP: i have a big soft spot for grollis and val! especially in s24 i imagine them as getting close in the last few days before the black hole
OTP: is the general public ready for the word of quails. the good word of quails. do you think the world is ready. (i will write about them at some point)
nOTP: okay we're gonna flip it and reverse it. the lift qp-divorced yusef and grollis and i don't vibe with that. they're not still qp besties or whatever but i want a healing arc for them
random headcanon: knows basics in like a bunch of different languages. this is a combination of 1) being a child actor and doing tours (ze did tokosatsu stuff and i feel like ze did press tours, mostly in japan but also china/korea/east asia), 2) doing urban exploration wherever ze travels and learning basics enough to read signs, and 3) adhd "i'm going to learn portuguese!" [two weeks later] "i'm going to learn hebrew!" [two weeks later] "i'm going to learn arabic!" [two w
unpopular opinion: i mean i think my takes just differ from fanon. grollis was a child actor that kept (semi-unhappily) acting into hyr teen years and then did a several-years-long stint travelling, tried school, started playing blaseball in lower-level leagues, got signed to the ilb. this is my arc. also as mentioned i don't vibe with the yusef/grollis qp divorce arc
song i associate with them: anybody by maggie rogers! it's a little bit a quails thing bc it's on my playlist but also i think that ze is a very lonely person and wants to find someone, in some capacity, and that's yusef for a while and maybe it's val and. yeah!
favorite picture of them: in my head ze looks like sen mitsuji in these photos
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