#rock bottom if you want to know where I'm at it's rock fucking bottom
yvningshowers · 2 years
disability amirite
#the tags are vent surprise surprise#tldr disability is lame what else is new#hi my life sucks#I wish I could do things by myself. anything. fucking anything. and I can't#disability is a fucking joke. this shit is a joke#rock bottom if you want to know where I'm at it's rock fucking bottom#the people I need to help me don't give a fuck. and the people that want to help me I wished didn't give a fuck#does that make sense#I would tw this but like bitch I'm disabled and it sucks if you can't handle that then get the fuck out#I have to live with this shit I'm soooo sorry you just have to hear a little bit about it lmfao#I'm mad I'm mad about it today okay I'm fucking really mad#and for all the fucking shit people say about disability awareness or whatever the fuck no one gives a fuck about us except for us#no image description shit no dark mode no text sizing no text coloring accessibility none of that goddamn bullshit#and that's the fucking snowflake on the iceberg but I digress#I feel like the homonculus in the flask that's how I feel. and it is devastating#and I am LUCKY I am pretty blessed when it comes to the spectrum of visual impairment I can see so much and I'm grateful#but it isn't enough. it isn't enough and every day I fight the tears and it's funny like that's all my fucking eyes are good for#whatever I just. whatever#am I doing okay today? no fucking absolutely not#but I don't need pity I don't need any thoughts or prayers I just need people to consider the disabled that's it that's all#but whatever I know that's a loftly goal so I'll sit and watch comfort media while I fucking can because some day I won't be able to
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coockie8 · 6 months
People smugly blocking parking spots with their body to save them for someone else is why I'm glad I don't drive.
Catch me with that shit on a bad day, and you're going home in a body bag, sweetie, life in prison be damned idgaf
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jedi-starbird · 3 months
Alpha-17 and Obi-Wan being friends (derogatory) on 17's part and friends (threatening) on Obi-Wan's part is such an underrated dynamic
They could be so funny and terrifying, like Obi-Wan went through a soul shredding experience with Alpha-17 as his only company. They're friends because what else are you gonna be after you witness each other at absolute rock bottom from torture.
It's like 'dog put in cage of cheetah who's threatening to go crazy', except the dog is a grizzly bear and also threatening to go crazy.
Emotional support trooper except the trooper in question has never done any sort of supporting in his life and is actively an emotional distress trooper to a great number of the CC batch.
I want them texting everyday, I want Obi-Wan mailing handmade BFF bracelets to Alpha and Alpha sending pics back of him flipping off the camera but still wearing them, I want Alpha using Obi-Wan to keep track of and occasionally terrorize his cadets, I want 17 ending problems in the GAR (like Krell) before they begin because Obi-Wan has him shipped out on a personal transport at the first opportunity, decked out with slug-throwers Obi-Wan got him for his decant-day.
Natborn officers think this is all just an odd indulgence of General Kenobi, the Vode, however, correctly identify it as a goddamn threat and their danger assessment of Obi-Wan ticks up significantly.
When Alpha arrives on Kamino, Shaak Ti presses a shiny new comm into his hand. It has the Jedi Order symbol painted onto it alongside a smiley face sticker, and it pings immediately with a new message: Hello! I hope you're settling in well!
Alpha stares at the message, stares at the singular contact named 'OWK' and then stares Shaak Ti in the eye as he pitches the comm straight into the ocean. Shaak Ti's serene smile only grows larger as she calmly reaches into her robes and pulls out an identical comm, only this one has a frowny face sticker, and presses it into his hand. It lights up: I'm afraid we've bonded, Alpha :). Alpha shuts it off and pockets it with resignation.
Cody arrives on Alpha-17's personal recommendation.
A-17: He's the most difficult little bastard I have. You're perfect for each other. OWK: Thank you, he's very handsome :3 A-17: No. Stop.
The first thing he asks once he gets comfortable is who his general is texting so much that has him swinging his legs and twirling his hair. Cody assumes it's Anakin, given they seem joint at the hip anyway, but little does he know Obi-Wan's ability to consistently have the Weirdest Relationships Ever.
"Oh, it's Alpha-17, I understand you're familiar with each other?" Hmm. OK. Cody.exe is experiencing a processing error, please hold. He exits the room instead of answering. The next day he peeks over the General's shoulder when he's texting and sees walls of rambling messages from Obi-Wan. Alpha-17 replies every hour with a single text: Lose this number. Obi-Wan giggles. "He's so funny." he says.
When Obi-Wan meets the rest of the CC batch, Cody makes sure to stand perfectly angled so that he can record the reactions when his general cuts off their introductions with "Oh, no need, Alpha-17's told me all about you." It's always immediate FEAR.JPG followed by a slow spiral of What The Fuck.
What do you mean by that General. What does that mean Cody. What do you mean they text. No. Cody. What the fuck is happening, Cody. Alpha-17 doesn't have friends he has enemies and enemies he tolerates enough not to shoot on sight.
OWK: Wolffe reached for his vambrace? when I mentioned you A-17: That's where he keeps his spare knife. OWK: Hm that does explain the way he eyed me up, ambitious. A-17: Clearly not enough, he should have followed through. I taught them better.
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
hi i see that you have much smart dog experience. i may have accidentally purchased such a dog. she's only 10 weeks, and ive had her 1, and she's already outmatched every puzzle feeder i got or have made. to the point that she is morosely disappointed when her food comes in an actual food bowl. do you know where i can find like. "heres 100 enrichment toys you can make out of free trash so your dog stops eating fucking rocks for enrichment" lists. i only have so many paper towel tubes XD
Herschel now just disassembles puzzle feeders, so I've been focusing on "Toys that, even if he already knows how to operate them, will still take TIME for him to collect the treat from" to give him something to fuss with.
Herschel eats all his meals out of a Kong Wobbler, because he will otherwise eat so fast he will literally inhale and choke on his kibble and I do not need him developing pneumonia from aspiration. Even though it's a "Simple" toy it slows him down and he does have to think a bit to tip it in the most efficient manner possible. Kong's "Flipz", "Gyro" and "Rewards Wally" are also really good "dog needs to think/carefully manipulate the toy for food" toys that act as both mental stimulation and exercise and "give human a break for up to twelve minutes" toys.
I highly reccomend KONG as a brand- they're local to Denver and have an impeccable saftey record and all of the toys I have gotten from them have held up extremely well vs. the ravages of three entirely too smart and strong-jawed dogs at once.
Some more thoughts:
If she's not prone to shredding rubber, the kind of treat toys she has to chew are also good stimulation.
If you don't want to give her That Many treats, my vet said that dogs can have as many green beans as they want. Just make sure that the beans haven't had salt added to them- canned usually does, but frozen green beans usually don't, but always check the label.
You can make nearly any toy last longer, or make a cheap long-puzzle by freezing the treats so they take longer to eat AND provides hydration. Herschel's most favorite treat of all time is literally a wad of sliced green beans in a dixie cup, filled with water and frozen. Just peel off the cup and hand him the chunk of ice and he's good for up to half an hour and more chill afterwards.
You can also freeze lick mats
If your girl is like Charlie and doesn't like greenbeans, you can also try freezing paper cups of: Canned pumpkin, apple slices in water, putting some ice cubes in the bottom of the cup, a gob of peanut butter in the middle and then fill it with water to make a peanutbutter filled ice cube.
If your girl is REALLY like charlie who has figured out how to use labor negotiation and strike tactics for better treats: boiled chicken chunks frozen in some of the water you boiled them in.
Walkies are as much mental stimulation as they are physical exercise. Take her out and let her sniff to her heart's content.
Also Puppies in particular need like, SO MUCH exercise.
Let her participate in activities with you. Herschel and charlie sit in the kitchen and I narrate cooking dinner to them, which seems to interest them, even if I don't have spare veggie ends to give them. I also frequently bring them along in the car if I'm running errands when it's cold enough to do that, so they have something new to look at, and get to participate. I also am more likely to stop at a new park and give myself some exercise and mental stimulation.
Training her to do tasks is GREAT Smart Dog enrichment- esp if she's a herding or heeler, they LOVE being helpful. I taught the dogs they get a small treat if they come in from the yard without me having to go chase them down, which saved me a lot of hassle, and now I'm working on teaching herschel to pick things up off the floor for me if I drop them and alert for chickpeas, which my housemate is allergic to.
A lot of dogs like cat-type toys. Tie a stick or some fleece to some paracord and drag or flycast it around for her to chase/play tug with when she catches it. Toys that bounce unexpectedly were also a huge hit. or just wave the string around the cat and the corgi both like that.
If you live in farm country or know other people with pets, you can grab something with the scent of another animal on it and bring it home for her to smell. Charlie and Herschel spent the better part of three days investigating the wad of horse undercoat I brought home and put in the spare wobbler for them to smell.
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tojirights · 4 months
Okay this is going to sound like really bad but I did read your rules and saw that dubcon/noncon could be allowed so
please begging for a dub/noncon (up to u which) crumbs where Alastor is tired of reader's stubbornness and thinks it's time to really let her know her place (al owns her soul) and okay thank u bye pwosjdjeidnsj *runs and hides under a rock in shame*
a/n: HAAA YESSS. no this is amazing 😍😍
tags: 18+ smut nsfw, NONCON‼️, alastor is a demon fr, forced penetration, dacryphilia, choking, slight throat fucking
"good morning, would you be a dear and run this to rosie for me?" alastor pops into your room unannounced, as usual. you're tired, he had you up all night on another shitty errand, and you just want to sleep a little longer. "alastor please, can't anyone else do it?" you sigh, irritation bubbling in your chest. he never lets you rest.
alastor raises an eyebrow. "no one else is available." his tone is harsh, and when you meet his eyes, they're darker than they were a moment before. "this is the part where you're supposed to submit, say 'yes sir' and get out of bed." he leans on his staff, glaring red eyes staring through you. "or did you forget?" your eyes widen when you realize what he's about to do. there's a flash of green, and you feel the clasp of that shitty metal collar around your neck.
your deal with alastor backfired, just as he intended it to, and he ended up not having to do a god damned thing in exchange for your soul.
with a sharp tug of his chain, you're forced to sit up. the pull around your neck makes you cough, and you glare back at him. but when you do, you're quickly filled with a certain level of primal fear. alastor was no joke when he was angry, eyes glowing red and those antlers growing from atop his head.
"you need to learn, my dear, that the word 'no' is not a part of your vocabulary anymore." alastor walks with slow, determined strides towards your bed before his knees hit your mattress. he tugs once more, pulling you up and onto your knees. "alastor don't..." your breath catches in your throat. his hand grips onto your jaw, squeezing you uncomfortably. tears prick in the corners of your eyes, and you let out a shaky sigh. "don't?" alastor repeats, laughing. "have you forgotten the fact that i own you?"
you reach for his wrist in an attempt to remove his hand but he's far stronger than you. "i-i'll go, i'm sorry." you hiccup, but alastor has already made up his mind. "mmh, i don't think so. i don't tolerate insubordination, darling." your heart hammers in your chest when alastor's fingers find his belt. "you’re going to learn one way or another." he growls, freeing his half-hard cock and tugging your restraint.
you clench your teeth, and try to look away but alastor's grasp is too tight. his thumb drags along the bottom of your lip before prying your jaw open. "listen and be my good girl, this won't be so bad." you shut your eyes, the only thing you can think to do to cope with alastor forcing the head of his cock between your lips. there's only a moment of hesitation, a sigh from the demon above you, before his cock is being slid further down your throat.
every groan from alastor earns another tear running down your cheek. his hands hold your face steady as he pumps his cock faster, fucking the back of your throat. "so pretty, darling. look at me." he grunts, pulling your eyes up to his. they're glassy with tears, and its almost enough to make alastor cum down your throat in that very instant.
his cock pulses and he's forced to pull out of your warm mouth in fear of releasing before getting to take your cunt too. he taps your cheek gently, watching you cough and recover your breath after having your airways restricted. "strip, then i want you ass up on the bed." your lip quivers, and your body refuses to move even after you tell it to. alastor sighs, shaking his head. "must i do everything?" his words are somehow gentle and harsh enough to pull a sob from your chest.
before you can stand, alastor reaches for the hem of your sleep shirt and tears it straight down the middle to expose your tits. on instinct, you try to cover yourself but alastor's shadow circles both your wrists and pins them to your side. "please alastor... i promise, i-i will do anything you ask. please just don't do this." you plead, but alastor just clicks his teeth with his tongue. "you should've thought about the consequences before this, my dear. i've found that making an example out of someone typically gives the best results."
he does release his shadows, freeing your wrists and watches carefully as you follow his previous instructions. you kick your shorts off with a muffled cry and turn to shove your face into the mattress. ass up, you prepare for whatever alastor has in mind. his fingers find your slit, delving into the wet heat between your thighs. the laugh he releases sends a chill down your spine. "wet as can be darling!" without giving you another moment to process, his cock is pushing thick and hard into your unprepared pussy.
your scream gets caught in your throat, heat coursing through your body in an overwhelming way. "n-no, too much alastor, please stop." you cry, muffled into the mattress as you try to scramble away from him but you feel alastor's shadow come back to pin your arms. you're trapped at this point, completely under alastor's control. there's no choice but to give in, your body going limp as alastor pumps his hips into you.
"good girl." he coos, raking his clawed hands down your back. angry red marks follow in its trail. "see how easy it is to just obey?" every inch of his cock pushes you to your limit. "such a good cunt..." he sighs, his hips stuttering before he pulls out and you feel each thick rope of cum hit your ass. you finally open your eyes, letting every emotion flow through them as alastor empties his balls all over you.
there's a moment of silence while alastor catches his breath. "now... will you be a dear and run this to rosie for me?" he reiterates, and your whole body tenses. is he not even giving you time to recover? to clean up? fuck...
"y-yes sir..."
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miguel-ohara-eater · 8 months
The suit stays on 🕸️
(red: Miguel)
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(summary: he gets home early from work SUPER horny, and he gets right to it with the suit still on.)
CW: masked sex, creampie, angry sex, rough sex, face grabbing, uhh whatever it's called when you can't talk.
you were laying in bed reading your favorite book, wearing one of Miguel's big shirts that went down to your mid-thigh as you waited for him to come home.
everyday was the same. you'd lay in bed, he'd come home mad, and you'd cheer him up.
it was the regular ritual, but you didn't mind. you knew his job was stressful and you loved him so you'd do anything to help.
just as you were daydreaming about him as you read your book, you heard the front door open and shut a little louder than usual.
you put your bookmark in your book, setting it aside on the bedside table and you sat up a bit.
he walked through the bedroom door, wearing his spider suit and his mask. he walked over to you, flopping on top of you before you could say anything.
"well hi." you smile and pull him up a bit closer as he wraps his arms around you, and you could hear his heavy panting.
"how was work?" you'd asked as you tried to take off his mask.
he pushed your hand away, burying his face into your shoulder.
"fine." he mumbled
you looked at him, a little confused since he normally wasn't this touchy, let alone since he was still wearing his spider suit.
"wanna talk about it?"
what a man of many words huh?
he sat up, his hands on both sides of your head and his knees next to both of your hips.
you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, not able to see his face but he was panting.
"you good? you sound pissed." you went to go put your hands on his waist but he wrapped one hand around both of your wrists and pinned them above your head.
"I said I'm fine." he grunted, and you sighed.
"fine. what do you want me to do to help then?" you huffed
he didn't answer. instead he used his other hand to lift your (his) shirt past your waist and underneath your breasts.
when he looked down he saw you weren't wearing any panties, and since it was ovulation week you were already dripping. he let out a soft 'mmmh', pushing your legs apart with his knee.
"you're not gonna take the suit off?" he shot a web at your mouth, keeping your hands pinned above your head.
"the suit stays on." he mumbled, and you just nodded.
his suit dissipated from the waist down, a pair of spandex thong-like underwear underneath. (in the comics he wears these, sorry!)
he used a talon, sliding them down the middle as if he's got a million pairs of these. his rock hard cock springs to attention, the spandex underwear falling off of him and who knows where.
he tightens his grip on your wrists, pushing apart your legs with his hand and positioning himself in front of you.
once your glistening pussy was right in front of him, he rubbed his cock in your juices, coating himself with a small grunt before pushing his tip into you.
you squeaked, already feeling full just from his tip and you squirmed a bit.
he pressed down on your hips, keeping you still and shoving the rest in with a loud (plap).
you moaned/screeched, and he started thrusting.
"keep squealing like that and I'll make sure to let out any anger for the next three days out on you." he snapped, his thrusting becoming harder and faster.
you closed your eyes, seeing stars and your back arched as you adjusted to his size during the thrusts.
he was still panting, his hips moving at speeds faster you'd even known he could fuck you at. his balls slapping against your ass and your clit nudging his pelvis everytime he bottomed out his thrusts.
"wanna know why I'm so pissed?" his voice was angry, and with every thrust your knuckles knocked against the headboard as he kept your hands pinned above your head.
with how hard he was fucking you, you could barely hear him but you nodded and your breasts bounced at the same rhythm as him.
"Miles Morales broke a canon event." he huffed and thrusted harder (plap)
"Miles Morales didn't listen to me." (plap)
"Miles Morales ran when I tried to explain everything." (plap)
his voice was getting louder, and with how hard he was gripping onto your wrists you knew he was close. and coincidentally you felt your own knot tightening up in your stomach, turned on by seeing him fuck you angrily in his spider suit.
"Miles shocking Morales is going to collapse the multiverse!!"
he let out the loudest groan known to man, your eyes rolling into the back of your head and with your moans and skin slapping, you couldn't tell if he was groaning or yelling anymore.
his pace quickened, his warm seed filling you to the brim as his hips stuttered a bit. he was huffing, still fucking the ever loving shit out of you as his cum started seeping out of your holes.
you couldn't take it anymore, your back arching as a orgasm ripped through you.
your cum soaked his dick, mixed with his and after he fucked you through your orgasm he pulled out. leaving your pussy tightening around nothing and his panting slowed down as he laid on top of you.
after a couple minutes of recollecting your thoughts, he pulled the webs off of your mouth, took his mask off, and let go of your wrists. he made some marks on your wrists, but you didn't care.
you wrapped your arms around him and kissed his head, running your hands through his sweaty hair.
"sorry." he mumbled and you shrugged
"don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure that's the hardest orgasm I've ever had." you smiled and he looked at you, grinning.
"guess we'll have to do this again tomorrow huh?" he said jokingly and you shrugged
I'm at my aunts house rn and soo tomorrow will be late too. apologies everyone.
I actually kinda liked this one today though 😛
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dollypopup · 20 days
People don't give Penelope enough props for the absolute BRAVERY it took in asking Colin for a kiss!!! I am tired of the rancid takes of 'oh, it makes her look pathetic-' no. Penelope asking for that kiss is VITAL in her growth, and pivotal to Polin's love story. Some flowers for Colin, first, for having put in years of work into their relationship so that Penelope trusts Colin to the point where she would even dare to ask it of him, but flowers to Penelope for asking. She trusts him and she's familiar with him and she KNOWS she's safe with him, and she took a leap of faith. So much of Penelope's arc is hiding what she wants and who she is, melding into the shadows, putting on a front. She doesn't confide in much of ANYONE. Not even Eloise knew about her love for Colin, or her existence as Lady Whistledown. Penelope keeps so much close to the chest.
Which makes it such an amazing moment when she opens up with Colin. When she reveals what she desires, and when he responds with 'If you want this, I'll give it to you'. So in that scene, when she's heartbroken and sad, after she has written of her own humiliation in Lady Whistledown to circulate amongst the ton, adding her own name to her list of bullies, when she thinks she is well and firmly on the shelf, and Colin comes to check on her, and he won't allow her to think badly of herself, and he even goes so far as to bribe her maid to have a moment with her, she opens her heart up enough to ask him for what she wants.
And that is beautiful. It deserves props and recognition. To ask for what we want as women is radical, and I'm frankly sick and tired of people thinking she's 'pathetic' for it. Penelope is brave in this scene. She is brave and vulnerable and Colin is there to tell her that is okay. That it should be rewarded. That he will catch her and he is there and she is right to trust him. He is the safety net as she tumbles and steps into the unknown.
Penelope Featherington looked the man that she loves in the eye, and she asked him to kiss her. How many of us would have the iron spine necessary for that? Sure, maybe she thinks she's hit rock bottom, but she could have swallowed her truth as she so often did. She chose not to. Penelope Featherington, who only ever voiced her opinions on a page, anonymously, stood before him with nothing to protect her heart, bare-faced, and told Colin Bridgerton she wanted him to kiss her. That she wanted to be loved.
And he did. He did and it was lovely. It was a fantastic kiss, and in that moment, you can tell that she *was* loved. Is loved. He held her like she was starlight, precious, delicately grasping her chin, brushing her cheek; he pecked her once and then went in for more. That kiss had desire and longing and tenderness in it. It was gentle and wholehearted. It was them learning each other, the both of them flaying away another layer for the other to keep. Penelope asked him for what she wanted and she got it. And it was ultimately the catalyst for all her desires to come to fruition.
I feel like we as women are told we must be passive so often: don't be too loud, don't ask them out, don't look 'desperate'. But fuck that: Penelope is an active participant in her love story. She asks Colin for what she wants and he provides it for her eagerly. That kiss made him realize that what he felt for her was far more than just friendship, and it started with 'Would you kiss me, Colin?' and ended with him outrunning HORSES to catch up with Penelope so he could, on his knees, profess how much he wants her and how he can't stop dreaming of their kiss. She toppled that first domino. May we all be so courageous. May we all be so bold. May we all be so loved.
Penelope put her own love story into motion with that kiss. We should fucking applaud her.
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bebe-writes-stuff · 13 days
It was risky and wrong, but you didn’t care; all you cared about was the desperate need to cum. You looked down at Mikey as he devoured you, his mouth working on you as if you were his last meal. Your mind was unraveling from the relentless orgasms he had forcefully drawn out of you despite your pleas for him to stop, but he ignored every word. Your back was against the tree he had pinned you to, starting with a heated make-out session before moving lower and lower.
"Mikey, no, the meeting is gonna start soon, and everyone is gonna come. And if someone sees us like this—" you whispered, trying to push his head away from under your skirt.
"Just a little taste, Y/n. No one is gonna find us here, at least if you keep quiet. C'mon," he insisted, lifting your skirt to nuzzle his head under.
You shivered as his fingers slowly ran through your folds. "You're so fucking wet. Did you really get this wet just from making out, you fucking slut."
You turned your head to the side, avoiding his gaze. "F-fuck you. You're one to talk. Your dick is probably leaking by now."
"Yeah, I'm hard as fuck, and that's for you and only you, babe."
Your legs trembled as you felt the vibrations of his voice on your sensitive clit. "Yeah, you like that? Rubbing your clit with my tongue. Your pussy is throbbing."
His tongue swirled in circles on your clit, occasionally fucking your hole.
Biting your bottom lip to keep from making noise, you tugged on his hair. "Mikey, fuck, don't stop, don't you fucking dare stop," you moaned, your head falling back.
"Yeah, cum on my tongue, just like that. Good girl."
You covered your mouth with both hands, stifling your screams as you came again, your cum being lapped up by Mikey. Finally, he pulled away, his mouth wet, cum dripping down his chin. His lustful eyes locked onto your tear-filled ones. Gasping for air, your chest heaved as you slowly slid down, your legs giving way as you sank to the ground, eyes fluttering shut.
You gasped when you heard a shout from afar, "MIKEY! WHERE ARE YOU, DAMMIT? DID YOU FORGET WE GOT A MEETING?"
Mikey pulled you into his lap, and you felt his rock-hard cock against your exposed, bare pussy. He moved his hips upward, grinding into you. "Y/n, shh, keep your mouth shut," he commanded, his voice rough and desperate, mirroring his fast and hard strokes. "I'm gonna fuck this pussy, and you better stay quiet." He placed his palm over your mouth, muffling your sounds as he took his cock out. You gripped the grass beneath you as he spread your pussy with his throbbing cock.
"Yeah, you like being my bitch," he whispered in your ear, thrusting up into you, holding your hips in place. "Don't run away now; you deserve this dick ramming inside you."
His tone was sadistic as he shoved his fingers in your mouth. "Suck on my fingers. That'll keep your mouth busy."
"Wanna feel that pussy pulse and clench on my dick. You hear me? You better cum on this cock, or you won't be cumming for the next week."
You were too fucked out of your mind to respond, just a moaning, wet, and sticky mess. All you could do was nod and take whatever he gave you.
"Yeah, cum for me, baby. Cum on this dick. It's all yours. Mm, fuck yeah, just like that. Tight fucking pussy."
But if yall want me to continue it idk let me know, ima go cry now--
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hellsslibrary · 16 days
Hello! There's just not so many sub! Kaiser fics and I'm d y i n g to read those 😔😔
Can I request for a sub! Kaiser x male reader where Kaiser has a praise kink but doesn't ever want to admit it 👀
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#a.n. :This is so same! Kaiser is such a babygirl, I want to kiss him, eat him, hug him, and then rock him in my arms and let him relax... But no, this bitch is always top, lol. Even funny.
"I don't like your damn praise! Just fuck me alre—...What?"
!!Warnings: Bottom!Sub!Michael, Dom!Top!Reader, sex on an indoor football field (it's empty, it just seemed interesting to me, imagine the echo there...), praise kink obviously, Michael tries to be dominant, but he's too much of a pillow princess (he came out so gentle... In his own way), in fact everything is quite vanilla, but he kicks you when he's unhappy, also very romantic in general. × And the reader is somehow connected with football company. You can be a manager, a football player, or even a cleaner there, honestly.
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The football field in the building was closed at night, knowing full well how persistent football players in the leagues can be. Darkness, silence, idyll... Except for the flashlight from the phone somewhere in the middle of the field and quiet groans echoing from the walls.
"Why did you decide to have sex here? Plus, at this time?" You ask, looking over at Michael, who was clutching at the trimmed grass in the lawn as you thrust into him at a careful, almost tremulous pace.
“I think you said yourself that you wanted to experiment... So we’re starting with something easy,” Blonde whispers, wincing from the unpleasant feeling of artificial grass in his hands, so he just hugs your neck lazily.
“Well, yes, but... You obviously have some other reasons. But I won’t push if you don’t want to talk,” Michael just sighs at your words, but it immediately turns into a soft moan when your lips touch his neck.
“I just love the atmosphere in here, as weird as it sounds, so shut up and fuck me,” A disgruntled mutter escapes his lips, only to be cut short when he tilts his head back, giving you better access to his neck.
You look over his face, surprisingly too peaceful for him. Maybe this place really brought inner comfort to his soul, erasing all the doubts and burdens that he kept inside and sometimes shared with you. Maybe it was. But your heart broke at the sight of him for some reason, you understood his feelings more than anyone... Because you were probably the only one he was able to open up to so much.
“Micha? You’re a good boy,” echoes from your lips almost casually, but with a sickly sweet note that you want to listen to forever and drown in these sweet speeches.
"What was it?"
You find yourself torn from examining his face by his question. And really, why did you say that? He didn't do anything special during your entire session, which lasted about half an hour. And you too... But one look at him is enough for you to understand why.
Your attentive gaze glides over his perfect facial features, long eyelashes giving his eyes an unusual softness and warmth. Instantly you feel the desire to say that he is beautiful, extraordinarily beautiful. Faithful hands, strength and tenderness in every touch, sincerity and warmth in every word, just for you. The desire to praise, to say how much love and kindness he has, how he is able to bring a smile even in the most cloudy weather.
His soul shines brighter than the stars in the sky, his smile can melt the heart of icy granite. The desire to praise, express gratitude for all the beauty and kindness that he brings into this world. He is not just a person, he is magic, miracle, a spark that pushes you to move even in your most difficult moments.
The words seem unfair, but the heart is filled with feelings that are impossible to carry on the wind. Praise, approval, love — all these are small before the greatness of his soul and his existence. You really want to tell him about this so that he understands how amazing and significant he is to you. Just as the sun rises every morning, he awakens in you a feeling of awe and admiration that seems endless and will remain so.
“Because I love you,” You say without thinking, and immediately catch a light, rare blush on his cheeks.
His hand immediately drops down from your shoulder to cover the pink dust on his cheeks, but you intercept his hand, kissing his fingers tenderly, intertwining your fingers together.
"You idiot... Why so suddenly?" He asks, even if he doesn't wait for an answer, lightly kicking you in the side, groaning when you lean over him a little closer, hitting his sweet spot at a pleasant angle.
You find yourself thinking that you would worship him if he were God. It’s not that you didn’t already worship him... But he was definitely the person for whom even an atheist would reconsider their views on the world.
"Why suddenly? I'm always ready to praise you. You are tenacious, driven, incredibly smart, caring for those you care about in your own way... You are simply magnificent."
"Shut up, please shut up. I don't need your praise, just fuck me and..." He trails off, kicking you in the side again as he realizes something, "You didn't say that I'm handsome."
“Your beauty is a fact. But your appearance is far from the main thing that you have, even if you think differently... But if I started to list what I like about you externally, then we would move on to dithyrambs and ballads, and not to the climax."
Michael chuckles, finally distracted from contemplating you in response, realizing that he really feels a knot growing in his stomach. In general, he would never admit that he would be glad to listen to these dithyrambs and ballads and much more if it came from you. He's always taken praise for granted because, yes, he's Michael Kaiser, but now? He's just a puddle in your hands that's trying to look like ice.
“I’m not clenching around your cock right now because...” He cuts himself off, groaning as your mouth sucks on his neck in the area of his tattoo, “It’s not because I liked the praise, is that clear to both of us?”
“Of course, my King, as you say,” You say, biting the skin of his neck, causing him to whimper quietly as one of your hands slides to his cock, stroking it in time with your thrusts.
Your pace gradually picks up as you get closer too. And the sight of Michael, who clearly enjoyed your previous praise, did not at all ease your hard-on, nor did the warm walls around him.
"Call me!" He suddenly shouts, kicking you in the side once again, although you have no idea what he means at first, pulling away from his neck.
"Good boy?" You ask cautiously and to your surprise and pleasure, his cock twitches in your palm, and after a few thrusts he actually comes, squeezing you tighter than usual, which is why you can’t help but cum, thrusting into him a couple of times in post-orgasmic bliss, and then laying down on his chest.
The quiet rhythm of his heartbeat calmed you as he lightly ran his hand through your hair. You were both regaining your more than ragged breaths before the comfortable silence was interrupted by a question that made you chuckle hoarsely.
“Why did you ask this and not state it as a fact?”
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moonlight-prose · 8 days
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a/n: i have been watching way too much hart of dixie lately and well wade is basically just hangman in a different font. don't try to argue cause you know i'm absolutely right. so i spawned this drabble out of my head as if i were summoning a demon. enjoy my hangman girlies.
summary: if there's a way to say goodbye that has been noted in the history books, hangman will find a way to master it.
word count: 1k+
pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x f!reader
warnings: semi-explicit, kissing that borders on tongue fucking, he's nasty with it, cocky hangman, spit, again i say he's nasty with it.
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Looking up the definition of the word goodbye would come with an endless amount of definitions and explanations. All in varying languages, with meanings so deep they grew like the roots of a tree. Embedding themselves in the earth with life of its own.
The way Hangman said goodbye wasn’t one of those.
He was assured, cocky, and genuinely believed he was God’s gift to this earth. You could see it with how he leaned against the pool table, his legs spread, lips pulled into a you know you want to fuck me smile. And the thing was…you couldn’t deny it. You did in fact want that. You had that. Four hours ago at the crack of dawn when he found his way back into your bed after a run and a shower.
Of course the others around would voice their displeasure and intense disgust if either of you brought it up. So you stayed silent. Sipping a coffee as he argued with Rooster over who had the bigger dick. Or something of that manner. You weren’t entirely focused on the conversation, your eyes fixated on the way his uniform pulled taut across his shoulders.
You were pretty sure that if you peeled the layers of fabric away, you’d find the imprint of your teeth in the muscle of his right shoulder.
Part of you was tempted to search for it. The other part had yet to notice he had stopped talking altogether, his attention on the only thing that mattered. You and your dreamy haze of love.
If he had the time he’d drag you to the bathroom, but everyone was already starting to pack it in for the morning. It would be a long day of training, of listening to the same orders over and over, of picking fights with one another until their patience ran thin. And all he wanted was to say goodbye to you properly. In a way that he’d feel each time you crossed his mind.
“You want a ride?” Fanboy asked, digging his keys out of his pocket.
He nodded. “Yeah thanks.”
“Let’s head out boys.” Phoenix shoved her arms into the leather jacket she’d brought even though the weather outside was warm enough to sunbathe.
He found his mind wandering to the image of you doing just that.
“Alright,” he sighed, standing tall as he reached for the jacket on the back of his chair.
You smiled as he sauntered over to you, his hand gripping your waist as he tugged you to stand up. “You’re going?”
He sighed as if you’d asked him the hardest question to exist. “Yeah. I’ve gotta go baby.”
“I’ll see you tonight.”
The soft smile that crossed his lips was enough to have your heart racing. “I’ve got a new bottle of wine, some new desserts to try out.”
He smiled, his hand sliding lower as you listed out a few other things. Some which you had to say softly, lest you bring the wrath of the others. You’d been in that predicament before; you didn’t necessarily want to go back. At least not for a few months. Getting caught at the rocks by the beach was bad enough. Getting caught by Rooster, Phoenix, and Coyote was worse.
Although they couldn’t deny it, they were much happier seeing Hangman in a relationship than out of one.
“We got to go man,” Fanboy said, nudging Payback to get up from where he sat. “I don’t want to get stuck doing extra push ups when your asses make me late.”
Jake chuckled, his eyes dropping to the way your tongue slid along your bottom lip. The idea of dropping in when he got lunch was appealing enough to hold him over for a few hours. At least then he could show you what he’d been craving to eat since this morning.
“Gentlemen. Phoenix. You might want to avert your eyes. I’m about to kiss my woman goodbye.” The groan from behind was enough to set you off in a fit of giggles, your hand sliding into the base of his hair. “C’mere sugar,” he mumbled, grasping the nape of your neck.
To say Jake Seresin invented the art of saying goodbye was an understatement. He made bidding farewell dirty, debauched, and so filthy so as to solidify that moment in your mind for the rest of the day. His tongue slid into your mouth, a soft moan at the taste of your coffee being pressed into the searing kiss, as he tugged you even closer. The breath was knocked from your lungs with each lick into you and you began to wonder if maybe he was thinking of something else entirely.
That only made you grip onto his hair tighter, pulling him close enough to feel the way his hips shifted forward. Not enough to draw attention from the others. Yet you felt as if he was grinding into you without a single item of clothing on.
“That’s disgusting!” Rooster shouted from across the bar.
Yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to pull away. Spit spread slightly down your chin, his teeth digging into the plush skin of your bottom lip, and you felt your knees begin to buckle. Even as he gripped your ass tight enough to leave a phantom touch behind.
He made sure you’d feel him all fucking day.
“Mm,” he hummed, his grip growing tighter. “Your coffee tastes delicious baby.”
You laughed. “You want some?”
“I gotta go,” he mumbled, kissing you again as he licked even deeper into your mouth. His sharp inhale the cause of your heart stuttering.
“So go,” you breathed. “I’m not stopping you.”
He smiled. “Liar.”
“Don’t be rude.”
“Or what?”
Twisting his hair between your fingers, you tugged his head back slightly. Earning you a soft grunt you felt in the base of your stomach.
“Or I find something else to occupy my night.”
“Noted Mrs. Seresin.” He snuck your mug out from behind you, stealing a sip as you hung on him—addicted to his mere presence.
You smiled, biting into your bottom lip as he cleaned you up with his thumb. “I’ll see you later Mr. Seresin.”
“Oh yes you will,” he murmured, stealing a chaste kiss as he swung his jacket over his shoulder. “You can count on it sugar!”
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ghoulphile · 1 month
I'm gonna call out my daddy issues here when I say this but you think coop refers to the age gap you would undoubtedly have? Like he would have you cornered and have his hands up your shirt whispering about how "you shouldn't let a dirty old man touch you like this." like HELLO 😍
me thinks the man doth protest too much 😉
(oops my daddy issues reared their head, my bad sksksk)
i think he'd be super hesitant but once you gave him the green light, he'd go full steam ahead - though he'd be whispering the whole time how wrong this is, how he shouldn't be doing this - fuck what is he thinking - why are you letting him do this? don't you care that he's old enough to be your father? why are you allowing him to touch and kiss and fuck you?
surely it can't feel that good when his hands slide up your shirt, cup your tits and roll his thumbs over your nipples. pinch and pluck and play as he kisses his way up the side of your neck.
nips on your earlobe. slide the other hand between your thighs to feel how soaked your panties are, brushing rough fingertips over damp cotton to rub firm circles against your aching clit.
to tug them aside so he can slip his fingers in, only to groan about how tight and warm and soft you are when you cry out at how wide they spread you open. how this has to be a dream, there's no way you're seriously getting off on this.
the talented flick of his wrist as he strokes along the front wall of your pussy, tapping at the rough patch of ridges that make up your g-spot with the pads of his fingers. grinding in and holding until your thighs are shaking, knees soft and doughy.
how you pant into his mouth, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip as your hands sink into his hair, tugging as you rock into his touch. how you shiver, full-bodied, as he punches desperate little moans out of your mouth.
you should not be doing this, it's so so wrong. what if you get caught? there'll be no living it down. and yet he's never been harder in his life, his cock filling out the front of his pants, zipper digging painfully into the leaking head.
you feel, taste, and sound so good.
and while he shouldn't, he wants to get you under him, fuck his way between those thighs. make you cry and gasp and clutch at his shoulders when you cum around his cock, nails digging lines down his back.
he can't - he can't.
but oh, does he want to.
wants to stretch that pretty pussy out and show you how all the guys your age don't compare to the experience he's got. wants to prove how fast he can make you cum for him.
have you ever actually cum sweetheart? have any of those boys you've fooled around with really cared long enough to truly pleasure you, drag you to the edge by your fingernails? do they even know where the clit is?
from the way you buck and claw, kisses harsh and tongue desperate, he'd hazard that's a no. but it's okay because while this is wrong (on so many different levels), while he really really shouldn't (but really really wants to), he can show you what it's like. an educational experience, as it were.
it's okay, it'll be your little secret. after all, a pretty young thing like you deserves to be used well. and though everything in him rebels against the idea, he's mighty flattered you choose him.
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verslxt · 8 months
pairing : kenma kozume x fem bodied!reader
warnings : mirror sex, praise, rough-ish sex, after care, uhm ion really know
authors note : AGH HOLY FUCK 1ST DAY OF KINKTOBER (all banners i will be using are from @cafekitsune
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"ahhh~ fuck ken" you moaned out as kenma pressed a kiss to your temple. he straitened out his back and started moving his hips at a very intense pace "fuck fuck fuckkkkk kenma~" you moaned out still looking in the mirror
"what pretty girl" he said rocking his hips at a slow pace for you to collect your thoughts. he always slowed his pace so that you could collect your thoughts. always. no matter what position your two were in, or where you two were.
"s-sl-slow down please" you stuttered out. "maybe" he smirked as he started moving fastly again.
he smiled at you starting to shake number one sign your about to cum. he dipped his head down "think you can hold it just a bit longer pretty girl? i'm not quite done yet". you nodded bitting your bottom lip to suppress a moan. he pressed a kiss to your temple "good girl". he titled your head up "remember, no looking in the mirror and i'll stop"
you nodded and looked up in the mirror seeing your fiancé's hands on your hips making sure your arch stays in place. he smiles as he starts moving in and out again. he smiled down at you as your pussy clenched down on his cock "aahh fuc-fuck pretty girl~" kenma said laying his slender fingers around your clit rubbing the sensitive bud.
"ready to cum pretty girl?" kenma said in the most raspy, hot, fuckable voice ever. you nodded still looking in the mirror "he-hey ken, can you cum inside me tonight?" you moaned out as kenma dipped his head down "why of course pretty girl" he said as he rutted his hips against yours once more throwing you over the edge
"cu-cumming" you stuttered out as kenma smiled at you. he pulled out after he was done coming. "what hoodie do you want tonight?" kenma asked pulling your panties back on. "the kozuken one, from the new merch line please" you said as kenma slipped you under the covers
"new merch line hoodie okay" he pressed a small kiss to your temple. he said walking to the closet and coming out with a hoodie in hand. boxers and a sweatshirt on as well. he pulled the hoodie over your head and helped your arms through the holes. "there we go pretty girl"
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taglist (open) bold = cannot be tagged : @k4rma-4, @lifesucksweswallow, @sherlock-despacito, @suxteenx, @Tashi, @hitishi-my-hero, @Your-gay, @snazzyturtles, @readyforuse
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sluts4matt · 2 months
Can u make a Chris smut where he was so desperate for sex he just kept thrusting into the reader and she wasn’t even adjusted to his size so it was hurting her so then she used there safe word and u can finish it
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pairing: soft!chris x latina!reader
summary: chris was so desperate he didn't realize he was hurting you until you used your safe word.
warnings: SMUT, praising, p in v, making out, praising, pet names,
word count: 1021
author's note: i don't know how i feel about this eek, but i hope whoever requested likes it :)
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chris had just gotten back to massachusetts after being gone for basically the whole month. he laid on your stomach, your hand going through his soft brown locks.
"i've missed you so much babygirl," chris spoke into your stomach. you giggled, his hot breath tickling your belly.
"i've missed you too."
it wasn't long before he had your wrist pinned over the top of your head. his lips pressed roughly against yours. you whined as his tongue slipped into your mouth, licking the roof of it. his teeth bit down onto your bottom lip, tugging slightly.
his lips left yours, trailing down your jaw, down to your neck, his lips and teeth grazing your sensitive skin. your back arched as he sucked hard on your neck, leaving a hickey behind.
"ch-chris." you gasped, feeling his hips buck into yours. you felt how hard he was, a soft moan leaving your lips.
his hands worked at pulling your pants off, his following. his hands gripped onto your thighs, pushing them apart.
he pulled your underwear off, tossing them off to the side. his finger ran along your pussy, a low groan leaving his lips.
"so fucking wet, fuck," he groaned. he grabbed his length, pumping it a few times before guiding it to your walls.
"chris wai-"
your sentence was cut off as he shoved himself deep inside of you. he didn't give you any time to adjust to his size before his hips began rocking into you. your nails clawed his shoulders, his hips snapping against yours.
"ch-chris, s-slow, oh my god," you moaned. tears sprung in your eyes, pain shooting through you.
he was so lost in his lust, not even realizing what he was doing. his hips snapped against yours, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust.
"f-fuck, red, chris, red," you managed to get out.
that's when he stopped, realizing he had been hurting you. his cock slipped out of you, his eyes filling with worry.
"fuck, fuck," he repeated, pulling you to cradle you in his arms. "i'm so sorry," he whispered. "i-it's okay, i know y-you didn't mean it," you stuttered.
"i'm so sorry," he kissed your forehead, his hand running along your back. you took a few deep breaths, throwing your legs over his to straddle his lap. his eyebrows shot up, unsure of what you were doing.
"y-you don't have to," he tried to argue. "but i want to," you mumbled, taking his cock in your hands. you pumped it, his heavy breaths filling the room. his head tipped back, his hands squeezing your hips.
you sank down onto his cock, your walls adjusting to him. your hips slowly started rocking, his hands moving to grope your ass. his head lifted, his lips finding yours again.
he took control, lifting you and dropping you back down onto his cock. a moan ripped from your throat, your fingers tangling into his hair in a desperate attempt to bring him closer.
"f-fuck, ma, i've missed this pussy," he moaned against your lips. his fingers dug into the flesh of your ass, your hips meeting his with each thrust. his head tipped back, groans and curses falling from his lips.
"ch-chris," you whimpered, the tip of his cock rubbing that bundle of nerves inside of you. your legs trembled as his hand wrapped around your throat, his thumb pressing into your windpipe.
your eyes rolled back as a small smile took over your lips, "like that ma?" he chuckled. your head bobbed, not being able to use words.
he flipped you so you were under him. his arm snaked around your lower back, bringing your body to his. your legs wrapped around his waist, his thrusts speeding up. his lips connected to yours again, muffling your moans.
his grunts were low, his eyes squeezed shut. your fingers clawed at his back, your toes curling as the knot in your stomach got tighter. "mmm," you moaned, "close."
he grunted, his hand slipping between the two of you. his thumb started to rub your clit, making you gasp. your nails scratched down his back, a hiss leaving his lips. "marking your territory ma?"
you whined, your walls fluttering around his cock. "yes, fuck yes, m-mine," you slurred. he let out a chuckle, "yeah baby?" he asked tauntingly, angleing his hips, his cock pressing deeper inside of you.
"oh my-chris," you cried. your legs tightened around him, your body going ridgid. the knot in your stomach finally broke, a loud scream coming from you.
"that's my girl," he cooed, continuing his thrusts. you were a panting mess, chris chasing his high. his lips moved from yours, back to your neck.
he sucked on your sensitive spot, leaving more marks behind. his hand gripped onto the headboard, his hips snapping into you. his hips started to falter, his thrusts becoming sloppy.
"ma, fuck," he moaned, his head dipping into the crook of your neck. his moans vibrated against your skin, sending a shiver through you. his cock twitched inside of you, his cum spurting out of the tip.
"ch-chris," you cried as he gave a few more slow thrusts, riding out his high. he laid on top of you, his sweaty forehead pressed against your chest.
"fuck," he breathed, pulling out of you. his hands pushed himself up, his eyes staring down at your face. "are you okay?" he asked softly. you smiled, "more than okay."
he pulled out, grabbing the nearest blanket and rubbing in between your legs with it. "my beautiful girl," he whispered.
you yawned, cuddling into his chest as he laid down next to you. his hand ran up and down your back, his lips kissing the top of your head.
"i'm really sorry for hurting you." "its okay," you mumbled, "you didn't mean to," you added, reassuring him.
"still," he sighed. "how about i run you a nice bath, hm?" he asked. you nodded, watching him walk to the bathroom.
a smile took over your face, thinking about the amazing boyfriend you have.
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @etvar12 @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolho @sturniolowhore @imwetforyourmom @novasturniolo03 @spencerstits @junovrsmp4 @breeloveschris @skyslondon @stars4chratt @monkeyscientist22
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buckyalpine · 10 months
Freaky bitch thots, here is a rouge one that popped into my head. Imagine virgin Bucky lying to about being experienced to his moms best friend. He has no business flirting with her but he can't help it, not when she's the thing his dreams are made of. She's truly not that much older than him but there's enough of an understanding where they both know a boundary would be crossed if anything happened.
He can't help but get all cocky about all the things he's do to her, confident in himself while she chews her lip, looking at the bright eyed puppy in front of her, practically begging to let him take her apart.
After all, he already knows what he's doing.
So imagine how precious he looks when he whimpers seeing her fully naked for the first time. He tried to collect himself but you're so pretty. Once he has your nipples in his mouth, he doesn't want to stop sucking them, a part of his wishing he could nurse off you all night. It takes a minute to put the condom on. Imagine how sweet he is when he pants, his body trembling as he starts to push his cock in, whining before he even get s a chance to move. He holds still, clinging onto her, scared he's going to shoot into the condom, already prematurely ejactualting, silky cream dribbling from the pink tip of his cock.
"What is it baby boy"
"M'cumming" He whimpers, rutting into your tight wet heat, too embarrassed to pull away from your neck, hugging you tighter. His needy little sounds only get higher in pitch when your warm, plush thighs wrap around his waist, kissing his temple to soothe him.
"Are you a virgin baby?" You cooed, playing with his hair while he nodded, worried you'd be upset with him, caught in his lie.
"M'Sorry" he whispered while you hushed him, smirking at the way he was still rock hard, filling your pussy up perfectly.
"You still want this, Jamie?" Bucky never said yes to anything quicker in his life, his puppy eyes wide.
"You want me to teach you, baby?"
"Please teach me how to fuck, mommy"
"Go ahead sweetheart, it's okay" You nod while his feet slip against your sheets when he starts to thrust. "Relax baby, rock your hips, That's it, good boy" you stroke is soft cheek, pulling him down to kiss his pouty bottom lip, your hand rubbing down his back, grabbing a fist full of his ass to encourage him to push further.
"Feels good, I-I think m'gonna cum" His pace grew sloppy, hot puffs of air hitting your neck while he moaned, his cock growing harder than before.
"Yeah?" You started to kiss down his neck while grazing his scalp with your nails making him purr with pleasure, your greedy cunt fluttering around his pure, throbbing pink cock, claiming him.
"Yeah" He nearly wailed, "Oh my god it feels good, m'cumming again" He pushed you into the mattress, pressing his hips deep into you as far as it would go, his cock bursting with streams of cum. He's nothing but a subby, teary baby once his orgasm is done, hugging and clinging onto you while you let him curl onto your chest, spent cock pressed between your bodies.
He lets out a sleepy yawn, whining when you pull away and crawl down his body, a needy moan slipping past his lips when you spread his legs and take his sensitive, soft length into your mouth. You lick up his silky white cream making him blush and squirm, a shy and deep blush covering his face, his body jolting from sensitivity.
"Sleep sweet boy, I'll teach you what my mouth feels like next"
I'm deeply sorry for this.
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melancholyhigh · 9 months
mother do u think u can do subby leon with a lactation kink? or dom leon. (re4 him is so daddy)
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note. thank you sm for the request anon <33 there's def a lack of dom leon on my blog. i haven't written a dom character in a while so i'm sorry if i'm rusty ;(
content. nsfw. 0.7k words. dom!leon, p in v, sleepy & soft sex, fingering, squirting, creampie.
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It takes a few kisses shared between Leon, and you’re already soaking through your panties. It’s humiliating as you whimper into his mouth, his soft lip pressed to yours.
In your defense, you’re fucking tired. Leon couldn’t sleep, and even though he didn’t want to disturb you from your peaceful slumber, what kind of lover would you be if you didn’t try to help? You didn’t know it, but your warmth presented with so much comfort you would never understand. 
Even on nights like these, where he couldn’t rest, the slow, sensual kisses he left on your pouty lips were enough to calm his worries. 
Running your fingers through his soft hair, you moan quietly, subconsciously grinding onto him. Leon groans at the feeling of your clothed cunt, drenched, sliding along his muscular thigh. He adores the ways you respond to his touch. Your hardened nipples, peaking through your thin shirt and the shy whimpers you let slip.
It wasn’t his intention to get you so worked up, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy you whining his name, pleading for his touch. His calloused palms squeeze the supple flesh of your waist, bringing you closer to his warm body. He continues to tease kisses down your neck, nipping the sensitive flesh. 
He wants to hear you beg for him. Beg for him to please you like no one else can. He wants to admire you as you fall apart, writhing on the sheets and crying out for him.
Your eyelids are heavy, and the building pleasure in your core makes it nearly impossible to doze off. You nuzzle your face into the crook of Leon’s neck, your nails grazing his scalp to the back of his neck.
“Leon, please,” you mumble deliriously, your words dragging out. Leon slips his hand into your panties, using his deft fingers to collect your arousal before pressing on your pulsing clit. You moan breathlessly, your teeth digging into your bottom lip, attempting to conceal your loud whines. You didn’t want another noise complaint.
“This pussy’s so needy f’me, angel,” he whispers, his breath tickling your ear. His ring and middle finger enter your hole and slowly thrusts into your cunt. Your pussy flutters around him as he rubs your sensitive nub with his thumb. His hardening dick is pushed to your plush thigh as he plays with your drooling cunt.
A hitch in your breath indicates you’re nearing your climax, but Leon ceases his fingers in your cunt. You’re dazed, your eyes glazed over, overwhelmed at the sudden loss of pleasure. You rock your hips, fucking yourself on his thick fingers, and Leon chuckles at the sight.
“Want you to cum on my cock, sweetheart,” he says, and you scoff tiredly at his words. He shifts his position on his bed between your thighs. He marvels at the wet spot on your panties before pushing them aside, exposing your leaking pussy to his eyes. 
He moves his basketball shorts down, exposing his fully erect dick, dripping with pre. The head of his cock bumps your throbbing clit as he glides it along your slick folds. He groans as he pushes himself into your tight cunt, your warm walls fluttering around his fat cock.
He begins to thrust into you, his hips moving back and forth, your arousal dripping down, coating the inside of your thighs. Moaning when you clench around him, he fucks you quickly and steady. You’ve done so much for him. The least he can do is make you cum. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, trying to keep your eyes open as he splits you with his cock. He’s so deep that you can feel each vein of his shaft. Broken and shaky moans escape your bruised lips and your back arching off the silken sheets.
“Leon!” you cry loudly, thighs twitching and tears welling up in your eyes.
You come undone, clamping tightly around his cock and your pussy spurting a clear liquid, gushing onto the mattress and his flushed skin. He leans down, kissing you deeply and passionately as he finishes inside you with a loud groan. 
Slipping out of you, he admires his and your combined fluids as they leak out of your overly sensitive cunt. He caresses your tear-stained cheek softly, observing as your breath evens out.
“Let’s get cleaned up, baby.”
“Mfm, can’t we jus’ keep cuddling?”
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cheollipop · 11 months
Hiiiiii<3333 Im here for the hard hours
Lately I've been thinking abt breeding kink with mingi. Like picture tighing him up to the head board and riding him during one of your risky days. And you just keep going and going just being relentless at some point he knows he's going to burst so he's BEGGING you not to make him cum. like full crying and whining his normally deep voice cracking and breaking because you did stop and his big huge cock is just throbbing inside you amd he's frustrated but then again he actually asked (begged) you to stop so he's the only one to blame here ORRRR worse (= better hehe) you do force him to cum inside you and it's just a mess. So much cum and tears 🥵🥵🥵
I'm totally normal about this man........ don't even need therapy or anything 🙃🙃
I'm so sorry for getting to this so late :( I ran out of steam but now I'm feeling better and ready to write the subbiest, whiniest mingi for you my love. no dubcon in this! happy reading~~
nsfw under cut—minors dni!
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in the solace of your bedroom, the moonlight illuminating through the chiffon curtains to cast blueish hues over slick skin, the bed creaked under your added weight as you grazed your knuckles over mingi's heaving chest, a pretty shade of pink tinting the smooth skin. your eyes fluttered shut, and you allowed the breathy, high-pitched whines, the muttered mixture of pleads and curses, to envelop your every sense.
the rapid rhythm of skin-on-skin reverberated in the dark room, working your hips over mingi with tandem, his cock sheathed deep within you as you rocked back and forth, pulling off halfway before slamming back down. pleasure shot up your spine as his twitching cockhead grazed over your g-spot with every grind, your walls squeezing around him to elicit needy moans from plush lips.
"y/n, please, I can't-" you rolled your thumb over one of his nipples, interrupting his whining with a muted 'ah'. "I-I'm not gonna last."
you smiled at the concern painting his face, your hips slowing down their ruthless pace so you could lower yourself over him, adhering your chest to his and gazing into his eyes while your hips drew languid circles.
"you want me to stop?" you emphasized your pout, drawing your eyebrows in while you stared at the man under you.
large hands grabbed onto the silk ribbon tying them to the bedhead, tugging uselessly, "I don't, I really don't. just- it's dangerous, sweetheart."
you rolled your hips forward again, slipping an inch off of his cock before sliding it back inside your tight heat, "thought you wanted a baby," you pursed your lips further. one hand slid down his torso to where his cock disappeared inside you, gliding up your mound to your lower belly and pressing the heel of your palm into the soft skin, pushing against the bulging tip of his cock, twitching underneath your flesh.
his head rolled back against the pillow, a deep groan ripping through his chest as you moved your palm over the hard outline of his cock. "I do- fuck, but are we ready?"
you leaned over him, breathing over his chin while looking up, eyes glazed over with burning want. "yeah, baby, 'want you to fill me up all the way," you placed a tender kiss over his jawline, "over and over again until I'm all swollen for you."
you could feel his throbbing length inside you, the twitch of his thighs under you alerting you of his turbulent arousal. "(y/n)-"
"want them to have your eyes," one hand cupped his face, smoothing a thumb over his left eyebrow, "and your nose," you pecked the tip of his nose, "and your laugh," a fleeting kiss over the plush of his lips, you moved back to eye his dazed expression before going back in for more.
the warmth of your cunt surrounding him, the insistent squeeze around his girth, your mouth moving over his, tongue swiping over his bottom lip—mingi's world, his thoughts, feelings, senses, they all reduced to you. your heat, your skin, your touch, your voice. he tugged against the silk ribbon once, twice, before giving up, digging his feet into the mattress under him to buck his hips upwards and into you. desperate thrusts into your soaked cunt paired with a blend of airy moans and throaty grunts echoed between the four walls, your downstairs neighbours catching the melody slipping through the cracked-open window.
the familiar twitch of his cock between your walls and the pretty flush painting his chest were enough warning of his approaching orgasm, your hips lifting off him and his length slapping against his lower belly. he was left impetuously thrusting into open air, a noise of confusion escaping his parted lips.
"please, (y/n), I'm so close," he whined, trembling under you as his high dwindled down, cold air brushing over his slicked-up cock. "let me stuff you full, baby. make you nice and pregnant for me, yeah? you want that, right?"
a wave of arousal rushed through you and straight down to your core, your pussy gushing until it dripped down the sides of your thighs. "but I thought you weren't ready," you pouted in dejection.
"I am! fuck- I promise, I am! 'want our kids to be just like you—kind, beautiful, understanding," his hips jolted upwards inadvertently, the deep baritone of his voice rising a few octaves, occasionally breaking as he whined under you. "if it's with you, I'm ready for anything."
a shared exhale mingled in the small gap between your faces as you slid down mingi's length again, your eyes fluttering shut at the brush of his cockhead against your g-spot. you pried them open again, not wanting to miss the change in mingi's expression—from desperation, to relief, to the rawest forms of lust. you pawed at his wrists, pulling at the ribbon tying them firmly until it slipped off. with his hands now free, he reached down to grab at your hips before the blood could make it to his appendages. your thoughts faded into nothing, deaf to anything but the sound of skin slapping on skin combined with mingi's soft moans, his deep groans dropping to mere whimpers of need.
constant shots of pleasure seared up your spine, your clit rubbing harshly over mingi's pelvis while he fucked into you, your vision going black as you came on his cock with a strangled cry, your walls clamping around him as he continued to chase his orgasm despite your pained mewls.
it took a few more frantic thrusts before mingi's nails pressed thin crescents into your skin, his hips stuttering as hot ropes of cum shot between your pulsing walls, holding you down on his cock while he unloaded all he had deep inside you. and all he had was a lot, his seed seeping past your stretched hole from the sheer amount he was feeding into your womb.
"ngh- fuck. mingi, it's so much," you breathed out.
the pain from overstimulation dulled when you took in the tears making their way down the sides of mingi's face—pearlescent streaks reflecting the moonlight pouring out of the open blinds. "i-it won't stop coming out, ah- all for you, baby," he rolled his hips to push himself further inside you, his cockhead spasming once as it shot out its last spurt of cum.
you laid there in the aftershocks, your thighs trembling around mingi's hips while your body rocked with every intake of breath, his chest moving steadily under your head. his release trickled out of you in small beads, mingi's cock still plugged inside your used cunt to keep the majority of it inside. gentle fingers squeezed at your hips, sliding upwards to your mid-back and down to soothe your aching muscles.
it was when sleep tugged your eyelids shut that mingi grew restless again, and through the thick haze of fatigue, you noticed his cock chubbing up inside you. your body slowly rolled sideways with mingi's until it made contact with the sheets, warm where he'd been laying. he towered over you, pressing his hips to yours with his glazed-over eyes fixed on your face.
"want you," he whimpered, one hand on your hip while the other cupped your face, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheekbone.
"want you so bad, baby," he ground his cock inside you, biting his lip at the squelch of his cum between your walls. you moaned breathily at the feeling, your eyes finding mingi's before he leaned down to place another kiss to your forehead. "wanna see you swollen with my babies," he panted, his thumb finding your swollen clit and drawing slow circles over it. "gotta make sure I fill you up properly."
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