#robin wasserman
omgserafinablog · 4 months
No matter how cruel Celine's parents were, I think they were trying to save her from Valentine, otherwise why would they stand up to him.
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slaughter-books · 6 months
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Day 17: JOMPBPC: Most Relatable Character
Simon Lovelace 💛
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letika · 2 years
Michael Wayland
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“Love?” Michael smiled down at his hands. “Love, real love, is being seen. Being known. Knowing the ugliest part of someone, and loving them anyway. And … I guess I think two people in love become something else, something more than the sum of their parts, you know? That it must be like you’re creating a new world that exists just for the two of you. You’re gods of your own pocket universe.”
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Thoughts on the apocalypse
The Last Man, Mary Shelley // “Apocalypse Creep,” This American Life // Intruder, Spencer Davie // “The Hollow Men,” T. S. Eliot // Harrow the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir // Apocalypse, Jessica Hendrickx //The Book of Blood and Shadow, Robin Wasserman // “I Know the End,” Phoebe Bridgers // Landscape, Spencer Davie // “Apocalypse Creep,” This American Life
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pequenasmaravilhas · 2 years
— É disso que tenho medo. De me perder, nisso. Em você. Passei este ano inteiro tentando me encontrar, descobrir quem sou, e agora tem você, tem a gente, tem esse sentimento assustador que parece um buraco negro me consumindo, e se eu ceder… Parece que estou na beira do Grand Canyon, sabe? Tipo, eis aqui uma coisa maior, mais profunda do que a mente humana pode conceber. E eu tenho que… simplesmente pular?
Conto da Academia dos Caçadores de Sombras
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ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
Spooky Season Reads on my TBR shelf:
Girls On Fire, by Robin Wasserman
In The Woods, by Tana French
Dark Places, by Gillian Flynn
The Project: A Novel, by Courtney Summers
In Every Generation, by Kendare Blake
I'd like to try and read all of these by the end of November.
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haveyoureadthispoll · 3 months
On Halloween, 1991, a popular high school basketball star ventures into the woods near Battle Creek, Pennsylvania, and disappears. Three days later, he’s found with a bullet in his head and a gun in his hand—a discovery that sends tremors through this conservative community, already unnerved by growing rumors of Satanic worship in the region. In the wake of this incident, bright but lonely Hannah Dexter is befriended by Lacey Champlain, a dark-eyed, Cobain-worshiping bad influence in lip gloss and Doc Martens. The charismatic, seductive Lacey forges a fast, intimate bond with the impressionable Dex, making her over in her own image and unleashing a fierce defiance that neither girl expected. But as Lacey gradually lures Dex away from her safe life into a feverish spiral of obsession, rebellion, and ever greater risk, an unwelcome figure appears on the horizon—and Lacey’s secret history collides with Dex’s worst nightmare. By turns a shocking story of love and violence and an addictive portrait of the intoxication of female friendship, set against the unsettled backdrop of a town gripped by moral panic, Girls on Fire is an unflinching and unforgettable snapshot of girlhood: girls lost and found, girls strong and weak, girls who burn bright and brighter—and some who flicker away.
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motleyfam · 2 years
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This is the best way I’ve ever seen this described
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ok well the knowledge i lack of all other popular franchises is made up for tenfold by my huge insane deep knowledge of cassandra clare’s shadowhunter chronicles. so.
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pirateacademia · 1 year
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Mother Daughter Widow Wife by Robin Wasserman (2020)
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Former RatDog Bassist Robin Sylvester Has Died
Robin Sylvester, bassist for Bob Weir & RatDog for more than a decade, died Oct. 29.
Sylvester’s former bandmate, guitarist Mark Karan, announced the bassist’s death on social media.
“Our dear, sweet Robin Sylvester has passed and left us all with a big ol’ hole in our heart,” Karan wrote. “I’m speechless and gutted.”
No cause was given. But Sylvester has battled a host of health problems in recent years, leading David Gans - who eulogized the bassist as “a lovely person to spend time with” - to launch a GoFundMe campaign and Wolf Bros, who feature former RatDog members Jay Lane and Jeff Chimenti, to play a benefit concert for Sylvester earlier this year.
Sylvester joined RatDog in 2003, replacing Rob Wasserman. The group has been idle since 2014 and Weir dedicated the Wolf Bros’ Oct. 29 performance to Sylvester’s memory.
“A wonderful musician and a very special human being,” Pete Sears said of Sylvester.
“Rest in peace, Robin.”
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soracities · 1 year
i just watched a delightful video: michael silverblatt on his love for reading. at one point he said: "what if you decided that instead of buddhist dispassion toward everything, you would develop - intentionally and otherwise - a capacity for loving as many different things as possible. what if you made this your human goal." made me think of you. :)
(what are you currently reading? do you know what you will be reading in the warmer months?)
oh this warmed my heart so much anon i feel Seen, thank you!!!!
i only have a loose idea of what i would like to read in the summer (which, to be frank, doesn't mean much for me because i will almost always be sidetracked by completely different books), but i have a stack of books from the library i'll be working through over the next month or so which includes some raymond queneau, the friend by sigrid nunez and do androids dream of electric sheep by philip k. dick! also hoping to delve into at least one of the meatier novels i haven't had the time for until recently: i might make this the summer i finally read ulysses, moby dick, or the eighth life but we will see!
otherwise current reads are:
alligator & other stories by dima alzayat
girls on fire by robin wasserman
eleanor oliphant is completely fine by gail honeyman
i, antigone by carlo gerber
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letika · 2 years
Céline Montclaire
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She could close the door on the past, start again. She could choose a life without pain, without suffering or fear. But who would she be, without pain?
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mistysnat · 2 years
As promised my list (so far) of Toxic Obsessive Homoerotic Friendship book recs, part 1! This list is my top ten, from most favorite to not quite as favorite (but still awesome) according to my own taste. I wanted to include pictures but it was a nightmare. I will make part two as soon as I can! Please give me your recs if you have any :) A lot of these books have heavy topics so please look up trigger warnings!
1. Black Iris by Elliot Wake (formerly known as Leah Raeder and the book is under that name)
Laney, a fresh high school graduate, meets two older college students, a boy and a girl, and they form a friendship and have different dynamics between all three of them. At the same time, she’s still dealing with a boy who bullied her in high school.
2. If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
In present day, Oliver is being released from prison after being convicted of a violent crime. In the past we visit him and his close group of friends as they study at a very prestigious and exclusive Shakespeare acting academy, and learn what really happened.
3. These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever
Paul meets Julien in a freshman college Criminology class and they start an intense and possibly dangerous friendship in the 1970s.
4. The Wicker King by K. Ancrum
August struggles when his childhood best friend starts having hallucinations.
5. Girls on Fire by Robin Wasserman
Three girls, one popular, one a rebel, and one a wallflower have tangled friendships with each other in the 1990s.
6. Underneath Everything by March Beller Paul
Mattie, a high school student, reflects on her lost friendship with her best friend, Jolene. Is it over for good or is there a possibility for friendship again in the future?
7. The World Cannot Give by Tara Isabella Burton
Laura, a high school junior attends a boarding school that was the setting of her favorite novel, and becomes obsessed with the church choir there and the very religious girl who leads them.
8. The Lightness by Emily Temple
In search of her missing father, Olivia goes to a mountain top Buddhist retreat and becomes a part of a group of girls who are obsessed with learning how to levitate.
9. Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls by Lynn Weingarten
June is filled with grief after her childhood best friend dies. She commits herself to finding out what happened.
10. The Falling Girls by Haley Krishner
After Shade decides to join the cheerleading squad at her high school, thereby disregarding her longtime best friend’s feelings, tensions rise among all of the girls involved.
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e-b-reads · 1 year
20 books challenge
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Tagged by @theinquisitxor to post which books I would keep if I could only keep 20. Normally it would be tricky to choose only 20, but with the additional rules of no repeated authors or multiple books per series, I kept stalling at around 13! Here's my final answer (for today).
Let's see, I'm going to tag @agardenandlibrary, @wearethekat and @dracereads with the caveat that I'm not sure how many books you all actually have on hand! ebooks/audiobooks count as well, no picture required. Anyone else who wants to do this, consider this a tag, and show me your choices!
(list of books below the cut)
I decided to include Harper Collins titles but with a strikethrough, just to show the variety of books that fall under their imprints. Top to bottom, books are:
The Lost Prince, Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Picts and the Martyrs, Arthur Ransome
Gaudy Night, Dorothy Sayers
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Feet of Clay, Terry Pratchett (OK, I cheated a little on the repeated author rule)
Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Birds
The Midnight Folk, John Masefield
Poetry 180, Billy Collins
I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith
Prodigal Summer, Barbara Kingsolver (would probably actually choose a diff Kingsolver book as the one-and-only, but a friend has it right now)
The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume II, Arthur Conan Doyle
Death and Hard Cider, Barbara Hambly
About the B'nai Bagels, E. L. Konigsburg
Tinkerbelle, Robert Manry
Grave Mistake, Ngaio Marsh (this particular volume has 3 of her books, but if forced to choose I'd go with the listed title)
Sailor Jack and the Target Ship, Selma and Jack Wasserman (a sentimental keep: a preschool favorite)
Dragonhaven, Robin McKinley
The Merlin Conspiracy, Diana Wynne Jones
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C. S. Lewis
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson
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