#rly in the mood for drawing cats
moonlight-doodles · 1 year
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just wanted to post the single for these too bc why not <3
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casp1an-sea · 1 month
Switch “CT-2020”
(It’s an unfortunate CT number I know)
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Birth Year: 32 BBY
Age at beginning: like 20ish (enhanced aging)
Species: Clone (Reg)
Gender: Male, He/him
Height: 6’0”
Occupation: medic
Personality: Switch is quiet indecisive and has mood swings which sparked his name (also the fact that he uses a switchblade style vibroblade). Those traits became less prevalent as he got older though so it’s not obvious now but people still poke fun at it despite it not rly being applicable in most situations. He’s sarcastic and charismatic, but he can be really gentle when tending to patients. He sometimes feels like he’s stepping on egg shells because he kind of always feels out of loup and hasn’t really found his place in the group yet.
Appearance: half of his hair is black and half is bleach blonde. The tips of his bangs on the black side of his hair are also bleached because when he slicks them over to the blonde side it still gives the illusion of half and half hair. His hair is short with slightly longer bangs that are slicked to one side. He has the blue eye mutation in only his left eye giving him heterochromia. His armor has a two toned look. He also marks the people he’s saved and the people he’s lost on his armour.
Weapons: Typical clone weapons idk I’m lazy and also a switchblade style vibroblade
Backstory: He’s always felt like he doesn’t fully fit in with the group because he was added onto the group late. Rose had always fit better because Rush and Kev had known him prior and requested him. Digits joining took some of the weight off of him but it was different because Digits never tried to bond while switch did. Switch was always kind of worried that he was just pretending to be closer with the group than he actually was. Switch’s squad have specifically been assigned to Zac and Sunni sense the two padwans have no master.
He was injured badly during the war effort and sent to corsocaunt for recovery when order 66 happened. Because of this he never received the order. The hospital ended up being stormed by order 66 troopers looking for Jedi and switch fled and went into hiding as he didn’t know what was going on. (There’s more to his story I just haven’t come up with it yet)
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@diabollicallyangelic @xentari94 @tomatette
@dragonflies-draw-flame @sunshinechildskywalker
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
loving the most recent harutaka doodle were takane is being LOUD and possible STRESSED and just haruka touching her causes causes inner peace and *subwoofer lullaby inside her head*
originally i was gonna draw her blushing and getting all silly with this sorta funny smile i like drawing->🥴 something like. a teehee moment cuz imagine that and then her leaning against him while giggling super silly *explodes* isn't that so cute. but i changed it bc i felt it would've needed some dialogue, since post str takane doesnt get pissed at Whatever, if she's mad its probably worth getting mad at, so it would've had to be specific... what would get her mad but also not mad enough to quickly teehee over haruka instead... i couldnt think of anything to write. so i changed it to takane deciding whatever she's yelling about isn't worth it anyways and haruka is comfy :3 i think haruka is rly good at calming her down just by existing she's like Oh right. *cat head bump*
the hc was early dating harutaka being giddy and silly abt each other which is why i was gonna draw it that way initially. but then i didnt lol. or like early reunion actually, not even dating. like haruka can just sit next to takane and their shoulders touch and takanes like omg🥰 hehe. i think they'd be cute like that. i think they'd get all excited and giggling and sooooo stupid about each other. sorry if this is cringe to the viewers but thats cute come on.
the worst pda haruka and takane exhibit is this early dating/about to be dating stage where they're just talking with their faces really close together whispering and giggling. Cringe as hell my man 🙏 wait im about to get completely off topic well not really but let's talk about pda for a bit im in a love mood im in a shipping mood <- the moment it knew the ask reply was turning into its own unrelated post
sorry to talk about setomary like no one even mentioned it but on the subject of pda. i think only kano and kido (and maybe ayano) are setomary pda haters (not setomary haters. just when theyre pda) and the rest are like :3❤️ theyre so cute. but for harutaka since theyre so fucking cringe EVERYONE is kind of annoyed. they just fucking pretend nothings happening because its cringe. maybe during the first week after they reunited they're like aww its so nice haruka and ene reunited :3 but it gets difficult to look at fast.
seto and mary are being more normal they do shit like seto carries mary and theyre hugging all the time etc etc nothing too tragic. maybe seto calls her princess maybe mary gives him some flowers thats just what theyre like not only to each other but theyre that way to Everyone they just happen to match each other's level of swetness perfectly so no one thinks twice abt it. setomary is more natural and cute abt it. but haruka and takane act like they're in highschool at the back of the classroom whispering and giggling and its augh. it's insufferable to witness. i imagine the dan just widening their eyes to each other and mouthing Oh My God to each other all the time when harutaka start acting this way. like haruka and takane do everything except kiss each other in public seeing them kiss would actually be better bc what the hell is this. kido probably forces them to exhange seats like theyre in highschool for real.
sorry lets do a quick pda rating since i already talked about setomary and harutaka so why not talk about kidomomo and shinaya now that im on it. i told you i was getting off topic and also ratio + im an epic aroace person who enjoys romance as fiction so i love Love and making these hcs about smooching!!!! like ive seen ppl do what i described harutaka like. These people are going to hell. however harutaka are safe because theyre fictional. hope that helps.
for kidomomo its baby steps Momo throws herself on kido at all times and kido Vanishes each and every time or has to leave the room out of embarrassment. i think if kidomomo have any relationship issues its THIS. momo is so touchy and pda energy and kidos like 😐😐😐😐😐😐 momos like Ok 1 thousand kisses in private for me to stop kissing u in public and kido says Ok not taking the 1 thousand bit seriously but momo is serious and she WILL count them later. like she gets so good at numbers all of a sudden. kidomomo inside joke that kido is in serious kiss debt *falls to my knees abt my own hc i just pulled out of my ass* sorry thats so corny. but its so cute *bangs fist against floor*
shinaya are anti pda because theyre both nervous messes if their hands brush together shintaro starts having trouble breathing and ayano competes with him at seeing who can embarrass themselves more. shintaro is pretty pathetic but we all know that so... ayano... a girl can nervously brush her hair out of her face only so many times. pull yourself together. anyways in my delusion as you may know they get together and break up. but get together again as normaler people and theyre normaler abt pda then. i think shintaro can have his arm around ayano without either of them being a freak about it. Also ayano probably sends kisses across the room with her hands and will act sad until shintaro catches at least one invisible kiss. shintaro refuses to kiss it back but compromises with putting the invisible kiss in his pocket instead. 🙏
sorry damn i was feeling Love today....... also didnt talk abt kanoshin which is another ship i rly like because they'd explode and die before standing next to each other in public in fear of giving away that they like kissing each other on the mouth. they dont qualify for pda hcs. sorry I turned the reply of this ask into whatever this is
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ye-local-simp · 1 year
hello so I’d like to do a matchup for TWST if that’s ok :333!!!
I use any pronouns!! And I’m a enfp, 6w7 
Also a Virgo (sun) Aquarius (moon) Gemini (rising) (if the 2 last zodiac things won’t matter that’s fine hfhfhf just felt like I should add just in case) 
Hmm for personality stufff well ppl often say I’m pretty funny I’m always making jokes and I’m not to good in serious situations and my family say I can be pretty annoying at times I try my best to make ppl smile I’d say!! I’m sorta all over the place and always thinking thoughts, and my mom told me than I can be pretty overbearing especially at first, 
I’m also irritable and stubborn I’d say jdhdhd and rly sensitive and empathetic like if someone even seems slightly mad it rly effects my mood I’m also pretty nervous I’d say and a big overthinker and not rly the kind to approach ppl like I’m literally so scared to submit and request this—
I like a lot of things !! Like animals (foxes being my favorite animal even tho there all very amazing creatures)plushies soft fluffy blankets eating snacks all the time my mom often says my stomach is like a black hole, my favorite color is pink too and I like a lot of animes and games!! I like to draw, I read sometimes even tho it’s only the warrior cats books, I like to cosplay sometimes, I also like to collect things like feathers and stuff!!
Hmm now for dislikes well I don’t like being bossed around or being told what to do 
Hmm now for the lovey stuff
I’d say I don’t rly have a specific love language bec I think they could all apply but if I had to pick one or two for what I was I’d sayyy words of affirmation and acts of service!! Then for ideal partner type nothing specific I would just want someone who actually loves and cares about me and stuff jsjsj
Also thanks if you do do this!! It might be hard to get through I’m not too great of a writer sorry
You are matched with...
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- He won't boss you around if you ask him not to, he is all about making people comfortable.
- He is supportive of whatever you like to do and won't hesitate to help you.
-Loves to make you baked goods.
-His act of service to you is making you homemade snacks and they are always delicious!
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puzzled-pegasus · 9 months
some funny thoughts for furries/people with anthro characters
This was prompted by an image I couldn't do anything with of a drunk or hungover anthro cat crawling on all fours and retching like a real cat coughing up a hairball. Idk I just think it'd be a funny visual joke if someone was to draw it.
There's also the idea that furry children are naughty in the same ways that real life pets are (ex: puppies chewing and destroying things they shouldn't, husky pups throwing howling fits, goats headbutting people, cats clawing furniture, foxes digging in couch cushions)
This one is used a lot but deer not being able to pull clothes over their heads when they have antlers, forcing them to resort to zippers and button-downs.
Additionally, deer ruts. All the bucks/bulls/stags/AMAB deer collectively do the human equivalent to going on their period: mood swings, extremely increased crime rates, and of course, extreme horniness for like two weeks straight (or gay, depending on your character's orientation). Does/cows/hinds and other AFAB deer are also rly horny as well but there's also more of a side effect of fearing for their lives because bucks/bulls/stags and AMAB deer are fcking scary when they're so hopped up on testosterone. (I'm open to thoughts on asexual deer and how it affects them. Trans deer too).
Niche one because I love tigers but tigers not being able to climb trees well as opposed to leopards and such is kinda funny.
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carlpalmer · 1 year
tagged by @wanderinstar thank you so much camila!! 💖
What book are you currently reading? i WAS reading the young bucks book. im a real intellectual
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this past year? the one piece movie and i don't even go there. never seen a single episode. my friend invited me to go with her lol last movie i watched that i actually picked was everything everywhere all at once
What do you usually wear? just the basics lmao i either go pastel rainbow or black. i mostly wear pants and a t-shirt, jacket etc if i go out. i need to overcome my embarrassment of wearing shorts and other stuff outside
How tall are you? 1.60 m
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? cancer. i share a birthday with soccer player zinedine zidane whom you may remember as the guy who headbutted another player at the 2006 world cup and brazilian actress dercy gonçalves, a deceased old woman who cursed 838 times per second. only normal people <3
Do you go by your name or nickname? i go by my first name
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? i wanted to be an artist, more specifically a painter, or a performer of any kind (singer, drummer, actress) so no
Are you in a relationship? If not who is your crush if you have one? no and i only have celeb crushes 😔 never beating the simp allegations
What’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? good at languages, bad at ALL sports. name a sport. i will suck at it
Dogs or cats? cats
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this past year? haven't done anything this past year other than doodling and drawing my cat who died but i didn't like the outcome lmao i will try again sometime. i did make some exercises and games for my job that were kinda creative and kids liked tho
What is something you would like to create content for? much like camila i wanted to get back into making gifs of my fave bands and drawing and probably learning how to play the flute too. god give me some discipline this year please!!!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? uh oh.. my fave bands (rush, genesis, the offspring etc) and finding new music, as always, wrestling (aew) and the tv show our flag means death (still 💀)
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this past year? new years eve!! it's my favorite holiday but after midnight we had a "fight" and it kinda ruined the mood. i wanted to go out to see the christmas decorations but whenever i went out, it rained. i also wanted to go to a concert but there were none i was able to afford or was rly interested in. im seeing sj and STEVE HACKETT this year so all is okay now!!!
What’s a hidden talent of yours? i have great memory, esp photographic memory. im the annoying geography nerdy kid who can point at a map and tell you where most countries of the world are (except for some islands maybe). im also very good at organization and making objects fit into cabinets, drawers etc. aaand i can tell every single rush song (and maybe other bands too) within the first 0, 1 seconds
Are you religious? no
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? 1) infinite money so i wouldn't have to work 2) courage, assertiveness, dedication AND energy 3) more concert tickets
tagging @mikerutherford @fullfightmami @shirleywatts @walkintheshadows
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whumpitisthen · 11 months
Hi buddy! Its Athena, I'm sending this out to all my mutuals - what got you into writing, what inspires you, who inspires you and what music inspires you to write? what do you love about writing?
What got me into writing was other's work! My first time having a whole community's worth of people writing about pretty boy torture and such and i just had to take part!
Music inspires me a lot, honestly, most of my liked songs are either just cool songs or have lyrics that are whumpy. I was gonna put a playlist here but i forgot to and im lazy so ill just write down some of my favourites
Mania - The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra (listen to this one its gonna be my favourite song forever its so good its so whumpy)
Prey - Aeon Smiles (stalker whumper vibes)
Up In The Sky - Jonny T (i just rly like this song in general but also it gives me whumpee finally snapped and now tries to come to terms with that feelings which is not even something im too into but this is good stuff whumpee turned whumper perhaps)
Teeth - Aviators (vampire whumper....... perhaps all the vampire loving mutuals should listen to this 👀)
Misaligned - Gracchus (this one is vague but i can make anything whumpy also this song is so good this should be the other one you listen to if none of the others)
As you can see my taste in music is "whumpy and/or a good song :)" no favourite genre no consistent mood full chaos
I will one day share a whole playlist i promise my taste in music is fantastic and my collection of whumpy songs is so massive if someone were to look into my liked songs it would be hard to find many that have lyrics that aren't whumpy at all
Who inspires me? Mmm blorbos... The meow meows.... The wet cats...... Sometimes friends..... The little faceless people in my head without names or stories....... Also mutuals who do big long stories and update it at least semi-frequently literally how are you doing that i write like two paragraphs on a good day
What i love about writing is that anyone can do it. You could argue the same for any other medium, but the difference to me between art and writing for example is that you can conceive almost exactly whatever you want in writing, while drawing exactly what you mean takes a LOT of practice. Doesn't mean you shouldn't even try drawing, or that writing takes no practice or talent whatsoever, but i do enjoy the aspect of writing where no matter what, if you write something, there are going to be people who will read it and will forever remember the image you have created in their brain for them. I for example have a few fanfic scenes and worlds in my head that i still remember vividly despite having read it like eight years or so ago. Maybe its my aphantasia, but that doesn't happen much with art, especially if its not the greatest most incredible professional masterpiece ive ever seen
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recolourrhys · 1 year
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So the very first is the horrifically smudge tool blurred cat in the top-left from 2007 (had to also smudge out my old username)
I had occasional access to my mom's tablet and PS on her desktop and generally used it to color stuff I'd drawn on paper, but that was the 1st wholly digital thing I created, and the 1st piece of art I ever put on dA :V the other 3 are pieces I posted immediately after in the same gallery
I don't have a scanner atm and generally don't draw much on paper unless the mood rly strikes (though I think getting in the habit of doing some gestures n warm-ups on paper is a good idea), so everything is p much exclusively digital now despite my degree being in traditional Fine Arts lol (I was a Drawing & Illustration major)
The learning curve from traditional to digital was always really fucking steep for me and I KNOW traditional tablets (plugged into a PC) are much better for you ergonomically, I have always had a miserable experience bc the disconnect of not looking at the surface my hand is drawing on. I got an iPad Pro + Apple pencil mid-2020 and have had an absolute blast since :'0 would love to figure out how to fund one w a larger screen + slightly more internal memory, but that's $1200 + tax 😭 I could trade my current one in for a few hundred since it's pristine, but that's still $$$$ so alas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I do miss doing watercolor and recently grabbed a block so I can start again, so I need to make a point of clearing a space in part of our apartment that gets good natural light so I can shake off the cobwebs \o/
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sanchoyo · 1 year
5, 6, 16, 17, and 50 :3c
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
no. I used to, but my cat is a MENACE!! who tries to ATTACK THEM and will tear them up (despite having pLENTY of soft toys to play with. smh. its like..she cant tell the difference between 'soft toy she is allowed to chew' and 'soft toy that is MINE'...cat sized brain -_-...) so now the stuffed animals stay on the Shelf or Dresser, and I simply cuddle my cat like she is a little baby when its sleeping time instead. and shes gotta accept it bc shes the reason i do not have plushies on the bed anymore....take responsibility miss zilla....😤
6. Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
ohhh hard question. it rly depends on my mood ngl. I love doing both! I ...think if I HAD to pick. I'd choose writing actually... its a bit less time consuming and easier lately. this answer could change in a week tho :")
16. Want any tattoos? What of? 
yeah!! I already have one I lowkey wanna get removed bc it was impulsive and im bored of it LMAO but id wanna replace it with a birth of venus tribute, and I kinda want one sleeve thats ocean + nature themed, and one sleeve that's...vaguely rococo themed with lil tributes to other stuff I love too (omg a lil cinnamoroll tat would b so cute, possibly some pokemon and a lil masha too??) and I have HAD a tmm tat concept sketched out forever but it'd be a bigger piece, so im not sure WHERE id get it on my body, possibly...a chest/collar area placement would be ideal.... hm. also ive always wanted a lil something around my ankle, maybe a floral piece or smth. or a lil dragon around my ankle for poor 17 yr old me who threw a FIT over not being allowed to get a tat at that age HAHA shout-out to them bc that was funny asf looking back. anyway YES I want more tats but Money u know. :")
17. Want any piercings? Where? 
look I respect and love the way they look on other ppl but No none for me. i used to have my ears pierced but let them grow in. im lowkey very anxious/paranoid that if I got any piercings someone would try to fight me and Rip Them Out and its very irrational but very Scary to think abt. (or that theyd be around my mouth and get caught on food and id swallow them or smth kjadsfhkj) my paranoia simply Wont Allow it. But again. they are VERY cool on other ppl, esp the more alternative/big ones!! i love to see em 🥺
50. Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
ohh wait does this question mean i..come up with a question for myself lol?? or am I misreading. anyway im choosing to make this question 'what drawings are u working on rn' bc I want to Ramble abt that. I am CURRENTLY working on (4) diff magical girl drawings bc im putting together a mini magical girl zine + coloring book :) im having fun!! and should be posting previews within the next week or so if all goes according to schedule.... after I finish that I also want to draw a blue knight + ichigo drawing with some cute redesigns I did forever ago hehe :3 very excited for tmmn s2.....aaaaa they are so cute im literally like...getting so happy just seeing screenshots and new fanart of them i love them sm.....
tysm for asking jace!!!! <333
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matoitech · 2 years
10, 11, 12, and 14 for that art ask game! :]
10. are you right or left handed?
right with drawing! i do use my left for other things or switch between them depending on whats easier to use that day but yeah for drawing. right
11. warm or cool colors?
rly depends on my mood, saturated or eye strainey colors r the only thing i can think of like noticeably doing a lot even tho its not the answer to the question gbhhg. its a little hard for me to look at like my own ocs and say whether theyre predominantly warm or cool maybe someone else knows lol. i will say they both have their uses at dif times when i AM trying to be intentional
12. draw one of your favorite characters in 15 seconds.
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doggy guy galo
14. what was something that you used to draw a lot that you don’t draw as much anymore?
i drew a lot more wolves and warrior cats as a kid then i do now for sure. i designed a lot more monsters too. i do still draw all these things but either to like a lesser extent or i just draw furries more than ferals and i dont design as many monsters now since i did that mostly to entertain myself at school
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zkretchy · 3 years
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Here, I actually drew Gezras alone again, giving into my desire to...well do just that
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doebt · 5 years
OK BACK TO BLOGGING sorry i just had a lot on my mind today !!!!!
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synchlora · 3 years
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[ID: A design page for the character Ranboo. Listed below are the various sketches.
a full-body drawing of ranboo. he is a tall enderman hybrid with a black and white split pattern down his whole body. an arrow pointing to his horns says "two different horns, black one is sharp while white is dull." another arrow pointing to the white horn says "wedding ring is on small horn." an arrow pointing to his eyes says "cat eyes!! has rly good vision." one pointing to his ear piercings says "one loop + friendship emerald earrings." the one pointing to his wings says "bat-like wings but cannot fly." he's wearing a dress shirt and black vest, an arrow also points this out. two arrows point to his feather tail saying "one tail? opposite colors" and "basically feathered, strange texture." his pants are baggy and an arrow points out "pants r way too big but not long enough." three arrows point to his feet saying "dog-like legs and feet," "non-retractable claws on feet," and one points out his dew claws
a drawing of a hand grabbing with claws out. an arrow points to it saying "retractable claws."
a drawing of both hands palm-forward. they have cat-like paw pads on them. an arrow says "hand pads only show when excited/aggitated."
a bust sketch of his face. the arrows point out "skin color is not directly half-and-half, more splotchy" and one points to his cheeks saying "tear scars."
another bust sketch with him facing forward, surrounded by ender particles. arrows point out "more particles = more excited," one pointing to his hair says "mullet," pointing to his chest says "little crown lapel pin," and the last pointing to his ear says "ears can move depending on mood."
a small drawing of his eyes. one is dark with a light pupil, the other is light with a dark pupil. the arrows say "opposite color iris + pupils" and "no eyelids, uses tongue."
another eye drawing that show his pupils dilated. the arrow says "eyes dilate like a cat when excited."
a tiny drawing of him walking like the дpyr meme. the arrows say "walks hunched over" and "tip-toes, sneaky boy."
a small bust of him facing showing the enderman side of his face while snarling. his cheek comes apart slightly but is still attached and not ripped. one arrow points to his horns saying "horn curves slightly when mad" and another to his face saying "natural enderman jaw-unhinging."
another bust where he is snarling but turned to the other side. his cheek looks torn up on this side. the arrow pointing to this says "cheek torn from unhinging jaw."
a sketch of a small crown pin. the arrow says "no actual crown, only pin"
another drawing of his hand facing palms-forward with one hand open and one closed. one arrow says "can crack knuckles/bones and start glowing" and one pointing to his nails says "nails opposite color of skin."
a drawing of his torso from the side showing his vest and dress shirt. one arrow points to his arm saying "arms are disproportionately long." the other two point to his clothing saying "vest is technically too small," and "dress shirt is also too big."
/end ID]
full ranboo design page ooooh boy
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mirrorforevers · 4 years
silently • graham coxon/reader
this is a direct result of this prompt right here
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don’t b sorry love, we’re all horny here. this prompt immediately took me out of my writer’s block so yeah gsdjsdhgsdj it was a blessing! tysm for sending it n i rly rly hope u enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it aaaaa i literally couldn’t stop. this one has a special place in my heart now.
also please tell me whatchu think abt this one on my askbox! unbeta’ed bc i love danger
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word count: 2.809
warnings: smut. shameless, fast paced fluffy smut.
You couldn't understand why the hell he was so nervous. On the way to your parents' home he asked more questions than a 4-year-old on their way to a park - what are they like, what do they like to do, do they know Blur? Do you think they will find my shoe ridiculous? I'm sure they'll think I’m a weirdo. What did you tell them about me? Even the many kisses you gave him were not enough to calm him down, leaving you to assure him that even if your parents didn't like him - which would be impossible, Graham was never better and more pleasant to live with - you would continue to like him. Very much.
Couldn't live without him, actually.
When you arrive at the door, your mother greets you with a wide, surprised smile - it didn't even seem like she had been begging to meet Graham for months and meticulously planned every minute of the time you would spend together. Her friendly posture seemed to make him more comfortable, the fact that your father was traveling also ended up making him more relaxed. “Dads are always frightening,” he’d say. He agreed to spend the rest of the night there after having an extremely pleasant dinner.
While he does the dishes, you and your mother clean the table when you decide to stop by the kitchen to talk to your boyfriend.
"It wasn't that difficult, was it?" You ask, a daring tone in your voice.
He smiles sheepishly. "Everything went significantly better than I thought it would, honestly."
“You did well. Not that she is hard to please, but you are really sweet.” You kiss him on the cheek. (It's so cute how he still blushes at these things after months of dating.)
"Thank you, love."
"I mean it. I think you deserve a gift for being like this.”
He looks at you, starting to pay even greater attention to the direction of the conversation. “And what do you have in mind?”
You whisper in his ear in the most seemingly innocuous tone you can feign. “I, for one, think you should fuck me senseless in the room upstairs.” He smiles, gaze a little lost in his surroundings as it usually goes whenever he’s pleasantly disconcerted by your dirty talk. Your hands travel his body subtly under his shirt. He hisses: “Can’t wait.” His voice is weak. You love to tease him like that.
You give him a little peck where his mouth and cheek meet – and then you motion to leave after a wink. “See you in a few minutes.”
“Babies, sorry to interrupt,” your mom arrives at the door, instantly killing off the whole mood you’ve created. “I forgot to tell you, but some other people from our family will be here in a few minutes. We’re not done yet!”
Graham’s really confused. You shrug and give him some context – “My family just loves gatherings in general. And they’re excited that I have a boyfriend now, apparently.” To which your mom points: “Exactly! They want to meet you too, Coxon!”
You can feel the anxiety building in him again already. He’s so uncomfortable it hurts, and you know his head is spinning. He doesn’t want to let you down, and after your mom leaves, you go back to calming him down again. “Baby, it’s okay, I promise. If you­’re too overwhelmed we--”
“No, no. I signed up for this. I’ll be okay. I’ll have a drink or two…”
You completely discard this possibility. No associating alcohol to social abilities anymore after everything he went through because of it. “No. We’ll find other ways to calm you down.” After some seconds of a silent yet intense brainstorm, you have an idea. But you won’t tell him. “Ok, I know what to do to take your mind off the pressure. Just wait and see, and no beers, alright?”
“Alright… I guess.”
After giving him yet another peck while he finishes cleaning the plates, you quickly run upstairs to change from the tight jeans and band shirt you’re wearing to a very light and flimsy sundress. And that’s all the clothing you choose. It fits you well, and leaves not much to the imagination. You know it’s a family gathering, but it’s also summer, so no severe dress codes were being enforced in any significant way.
He reads your mind the moment he sees you in the dress, shaking his head in pleased disbelief at the sight. He mouths a small “you didn’t” while a stupidly joyful smile slowly shines over the tight expression of worry he once had. To which you mouth back: “I did.” You then go back to playfully teasing each other a bit while you take care of the sudden assembly’s preparations.
Your family members arrive and, as expected, they’re really thrilled to meet your guy. Graham answers so many questions, and ends up sharing so much of how he feels about you with them, and bit by bit, the warmth and wholesome aura of your closest relatives makes him feel truly welcomed. He feels like he knows you even better now, now that he knows where your energy and vitality come from. He could see bits of your personality in every single one of them – of course you are still the splendid whole, but still. It made sense.
Also, you noticed he didn’t take his eyes off you the entire time. He was hungry and you’re glad your plan worked. It was easier to forget about how hard sociability is when his mind was somewhere else.
After a while, though, you could sense him getting fidgetier. Even though he was considerably and visibly more relaxed than he was a few hours ago, that amount of social interaction, specially while sober, still drained a lot of his energy. You take his hands, announcing you two were getting something else to eat. You go to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on the lights, and though the house is empty you two could still hear the enthusiastic discussion your family is having outside, slightly drowned by the distance and the walls separating you now.
“You did so great, baby.” You smile, giving him a victory kiss while he envelops you in a tight hug. He’s proud of himself too, and he deserves to feel like that. “They love you already.”
“They’re just like you, in a way. I’m glad everything went well,” he sounds relieved, still tired, but relieved. “I couldn’t stop thinking about that proposal you made me earlier, though.”
“I know,” You plant a chaste kiss on his jaw. “I felt your eyes on me.”
This second kiss he gives you feels different. It’s longer. Famished. Purposeful. His hands are friskier now, traveling hastily throughout your body, and you alternate between giving in and becoming progressively more alert of your surroundings. You can have an idea of where this is heading. The swirling of his tongue around yours makes you dizzy, and the feeling somewhat akin to an electric shock – but milder, and definitely more carnal – that flows through your body when he bites your lower lip and brings your hips closer to his brings you back to reality. “We have to be careful,” you whisper, each of your lips just barely touching while you breathe each other’s air.
“I promise I’ll be. You look delicious in this dress, I… don’t know where to start.” He cups your cheeks while drawing imaginary lines across your lips with the tip of his thumbs.
“Think fast. Never took you for a quickie guy.” You chuckle.
“I like to take my time, yes, but some things can’t wait.”
And with that, with the dexterity and carefulness of a cat, he sinks to his knees in front of you, lifting up your dress with one hand and one of your legs with the other, your leg now resting on one of his large shoulders. He takes hold of your hips, angling you toward him. You hiss in anticipation, and you can feel your core burning in expectation too. Your hands now firmly grab the counter behind you for support while you turn behind you with attentive eyes to see if no one’s coming. You’re safe, for now. The thrill of getting caught is one that will never get old.
His eyes seek yours for reassurance. You, without a word, give it to him. You both look lovely bathed in moonlight. He teases you first, kissing and sucking at the skin on your inner thighs, moving closer and closer to your center until after a couple minutes of that sweet agony his lips graze across that aching part of you.
He flicks his tongue delicately through your folds, playing with your wetness. The way his hands caress your lifted thigh so delicately while his tongue inscribes poems to your clit is something that makes your stomach flutter, you simply can’t ignore those tiny adorable actions that make loving him so addictive and rewarding. Keeping yourself silent and struggling to remain somewhat composed to anyone who might see you from outside is a painfully arousing contradiction to the sensations you’re feeling. He’s doing his best to fuck you up, gradually setting a rhythmic pace to his movements with the intent to release the spring now starting to coil tightly low in your abdomen.
“Jesus, Gra—f-fuck. Fuck.” You whisper, breathlessly, while simultaneously suppressing a moan when he delves his tongue even deeper in your core, your fingers instinctively curling and closing a fist on his hair, making him groan. You buck your hips against his lips and you can feel sweat beading on the backs of your knees, heart threatening to jump out of your mouth by how fast it’s racing.
You suddenly freeze when you hear a voice from outside approaching the kitchen and you lightly tap his shoulder. Graham stops on command, but he won’t get up until he’s absolutely certain he should. He sprinkles your thigh with small kisses again, eyes droopy with the high from giving you the pleasure he knows he’s giving you while he admires you. The person heading for the kitchen takes a turn to the opposite side and you sigh in relief. “False alarm. Go on, baby.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You notice he’s panting, and you can only guess how hard he is, judging by the tone of his voice. The time you spent frozen wasn’t enough to completely burn out the fire he’d already created within you, but he’s determined to give you an orgasm before anyone can interrupt you again – now he had two fingers moving, stroking, curling inside of you in delightful ways while his tongue began to work your clit in tight little circles. You could feel him moaning against your sex, he really liked this. And fuck, he was good at it. He slips one more finger into you, his ring finger, making your pleasure soon explode into a trembling climax. You couldn’t stop the little sound you made and he kisses your thigh in reply while still lazily fucking you with his fingers. “So fucking beautiful,” he whispers.
One of your hands move to your mouth in order to cover the sound you really want to make. Graham, once again, looks really proud of himself.
He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and cleans them with his tongue before he lifts up again as inconspicuously as possible. You try to look like nothing happened, and you’re both glad that, apparently, no one’s giving a single fuck to whatever’s going on where you are. Given the realization, you look at each other and giggle. He then pulls you in a hug, voice husky when he teases, and confesses, “You can’t imagine how bad I want to fuck you right here. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“We’ll have to take this to the bedroom, love.” You reply, still recovering from your orgasm. You can’t risk more than you’ve already risked. He looks slightly…
You smile. “You thrill-seeking bastard. You enjoyed this way too much, didn’t you?”
“Didn’t you?” He questions back, tickling your sides, a wide, satisfied smile on his face. God, you loved him so much. He pulls you back to him again, and you turn to the other side so he can grind against you from behind. He’s rock hard. “We have some thick curtains here, after all.” You say, mischievously, before you close the curtains as carefully as possible. He lifts up your dress once again, this time high enough so he can fill his hands with your breasts, and he, agonizingly slowly, teases your nipples with his fingertips while he keeps grinding against you. This, alone, gets you motivated enough for another round. “God, Coxon, you’re going to be the death of me.” Your voice’s painfully needy, just like every other part of you.
You spread your legs a little wider to give him better access to you. Feeling cool air against your bare ass, you bite your lip and screw your eyes shut when his hand squeezes your butt. “Dripping wet for me. You’re glistening.” He quietly notes, giving your butt a little kiss - you then look over your shoulder to watch him get his jeans open. His hard cock bounces against your ass as he pushes his boxers down. You wiggle to get him inside you while he tortuously slowly runs the tip of his cock between the slick folds of your pussy. When it bumps against your sensitive clit, you can’t stop the mewl of his name.
After a few more hard breaths, he was inside you. You’re hungry for him too, and the sound of your body clashing against his is something unbelievable. You begin in a faster pace than the one you’re used to – and that’s not a problem. At all. Speed is of essence, but you’re also starving for each other. It feels like no contact is ever 100% enough.
Your hands keep firmly gripping the balcony and when he lowers his chest against your back you can’t hold back the involuntary gasp that leaves your throat and echoes through the empty house. One of his large hands holds your hips in place while he fucks you mercilessly, the other one covers your mouth hastily – his shaky voice betrays how badly this is affecting him too. “Shhh, love. You don't want anyone seeing you in that state. So fucking tight around me.”
He was sinking more deeply into you with each thrust now, and trying to keep your eyes open while his now awaken dominant side is doing that to you, exactly the way you want him to, is torture. You feel like you’re going to pass out from the all the sensorial and contextual stimulation. “You want me to come inside you, baby?” To which you keenly reply with a nod, not bothering to uncover your mouth. This was perfect.
He edged his hips back so he reaches your most sensitive spot and his grip on your mouth constricts when he notices how loud you want to be. “Feels like a dream inside you but keep. Quiet.” His voice lowers to a breathy whisper against your throat and the hands that were holding your hips in place now snaked to the front of your body to help you get off. And like that, you do, coming a second time, this orgasm even more intense than the last. The way your walls twitch around his dick is enough to push him over the edge too, and you feel him spilling inside you. You milk him of every drop, and after you both ride off your high, you feel a tender kiss that lasts for a while in your scalp, a silent “thank you” while he slips out of you.
You put your dress back on place, trying to compose yourself before you can look another human in the eye again. You have a positively overwhelmed, just-woke-up-from-an-incredible-dream look on your face. “You better not get me addicted to this kind of risky shit.”
He laughs while he also does his best to look like not one hair or piece of clothing ever went out of place. “Sorry, Y/N, I think I already did.”
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vanikolya · 4 years
hello! can i request a matchup (male characters) for bungou stray dogs & assassination classroom if that's okay? thank you 💕
― i’m a female and a grey asexual!
― appearance-wise, i’m 165cm (5’4"), asian, with shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes! i don’t like wearing dresses, often times i’m wearing long sleeves paired with shorts or jeans.
― personality-wise, i can be cold and really blunt at first and i don’t let people in easily bc trust issues™ at the rare times people actually succeed in making me their friend, i’m a bit chaotic. i’m a rational person (which sometimes offend others??), but i can be very childish at times. i have pretty dry and dark humor, and i love making sarcastic comebacks. it’s literally second nature at this point. i’m a vv moody & have a short temper. people say i’m iNtElLiGeNt, and so naturally, i’m the person my classmates go to for academic help, despite being super harsh when they get something wrong. (i can’t help it bc what i teach them usually seems easy to me ;-;"). and sometimes i’m just so done with everyone’s shit that i don’t care about anything HHHHH it’s like i have two separate personalities??
― i like horror, psychological thrillers, action & action comedies. i’m very interested in psychology & pathology, and i want to be a psychologist or a forensic psychologist one day. i love spicy food and have a sweet tooth! (ill eat literally ANYTHING sweet) i also prefer working alone than in groups, bc i do better alone. i love foxes & cats too! (i have a cat named ginger eEEE) i also really love collecting stationery!!
― i hate crowds & socializing. i’d prefer staying in and binge watching anime or movies! despite being the person people come to for academic help, i absolutely hate studying and rarely ever do study.
― my hobbies are writing, drawing, playing the piano, violin & guitar and singing! at a young age i’ve been taught how to play those instruments, but i’m only really good at piano. the life of an asian lol
this is rly long omg- anyways, thank you!!
{i hope this is alright! it’s my first time doing a matchup ^^; i hope you enjoy! i wrote them in a headcanon format since that’s what i’m most comfortable with, hope you don’t mind that! - s}
i ship you with...
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{.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}  RANPO EDOGAWA  {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}
at first, ranpo finds your bluntness interesting; he isn’t going to push you just for the sake of figuring you out, but he can tell there’s something more to you than your cold attitude
completely understands you getting annoyed when your classmates ask you for help and get it wrong, he feels similarly whenever he has to explain the reasoning behind his deductions, and when his clients don’t understand him
he loves that you’re both chaotic/childish and also rational, as he understands that sometimes life really does call for being serious, but downtime is still precious to him and he’s glad he can have someone to relax with outside of his work/the agency
supportive of your dream to become a psychologist, he definitely knows you’re smart enough for it. if anyone tries to convince you to do something else even if you don’t want to, he’ll honestly just like, complain about them to you but he’ll do it in front of them to put them off the subject. he also thinks the idea of being with a forensic psychologist would be interesting, but not in a kind of way where he’d be dissatisfied if you chose to do anything else
stubbornly possessive of his own sweets and sweet stash, but honestly doesn’t mind sharing with you or letting you take some, just as long as you replace anything you’ve taken for yourself
ngl i hc that he loves cats too, if the two of you were to move in together at all but ginger stayed at your family home he would be constantly, cheekily asking to see them, but if ginger moves in too he is chuffed
thinks it’s super endearing that you like to collect stationary, though he doesn’t particularly understand why you love it so much. doesn’t mean he’s not going to buy or ask yosano to buy things for you if he ever spots little stationary things like stickers or memos that he thinks you might like
prefers to stay inside with you anyway, most if not all dates planned by him consist of things like movie nights or playing games inside. if you do want to go outside somewhere though, on occasion, it isn’t a problem with him but it doesn’t change his preference considering he struggles to do certain things without using his ability
isn’t going to pressure you into singing/playing for him when he figures out you can but i feel like he’d enjoy it if you did, even if you’re not specifically playing for him, just practicing, he still likes to listen to you
he’d ask you in a cheeky/childish way, like “not to be cheekyyy, but can you play/sing for meee”
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{.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}  KARMA AKABANE  {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}
teases you for your height, but in a kind of “aww, you’re so small, so cute” way, even though you’re only about a head shorter than him. he’ll stop if you ask him seriously enough but until you do he’s just going to assume that you don’t mind it
treats you the same way as he would with anyone else in the class, until he gets to know you and sees that you aren’t entirely as cold and blunt as you were letting on
he likes getting on your nerves to a certain extent, only ever really driving you to a “i love you but if you don’t shut up-” kind of mood, not too much to really set off your temper and make you mad at him. he finds it fun to bounce off your sarcasm with his own, either to tease you or someone else
willing to help you out with your classmates if they ever come to you for help, after all he has some of the highest grades in class if not the highest, so he’s capable of helping. however, he’s similar to you, he’s harsh and gets a little agitated if someone fails to understand something that’s so easy for him
similar film tastes, his favorite genres are action & action comedies. he gets surprisingly into discussing films with you. if there’s a new film coming out that you both want to watch and he ends up seeing it before you, he might joke about telling you spoilers but he wouldn’t actually ruin the film for you, because it would annoy is sm if someone did that to him
honestly not too fussed about what your dream job is and what you’re aiming for, that’s your business, just as long as your happy. if you need help with it though, he’ll take an interest and try to help as he knows it’s something that’s going to make you happy
he’s fine with either going outside or staying in with you, he prefers to go out but isn’t going to pressure you to. sometimes he sees spending time inside with you as special even if you’re just watching anime, it’s more private
if you do go out though he’ll try avoiding crowded areas with you, whilst also trying not to make it obvious that he’s doing it ig
he’s never particularly been interested in creative things like writing, drawing, and music; his strong points in class being more maths and science; so anything you make or play is honestly amazing to him especially since he has nothing like his own experience to compare it to (if that makes sense-- sorry for the personal comment aha but like ig it’s similar to if you’re drawing and you don’t like it but someone who doesn’t draw will think it’s great)
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The opposite of your last post for the ask meme! Like 1, 5, 9..
thank you lol sorry it took me a minute to get to posting these answers......i also skipped a couple that got asked previously via answering all primes lol
1: What inspires you?
hm well just basic stuff like “being in a good mood” lol or “being hyped up by friends” or “having reason to be particularly excited about something” which is all like, factors that Contribute Energy......learning about stuff / trying something and discovering like oh i’m Into this thing, or that for whatever reason something turns out to be more within reach / doable than i might’ve thought, like, hey i wanna get on this maybe.......~creatively~ it’s great to like, see other ppl’s art, and while i’ve sure been Inspired by professional artists, overall i’m more like, influenced and motivated by seeing the styles / specific works of Online Randos like me.......i also Draw to create [self-indulgent (usually fairly) niche fanart which is also probably gay and is all the time of characters i like] so like, the Stuff I Wanna Make Fanart Of (which has Whatever characters i specifically would like to draw lol) is sure directly Inspiring in that way. i’d say i never had that experience of like, ppl being kids and seeing some [distributed work in a certain art medium] like oh i want to make my own [distributed work in a certain art medium] as in like, i wanna publish a book, i wanna make movies, etc, but i guess i Did b/c i was like elementary school age in the early-to-mid 00s and experienced some instances of online fanart like :o :o wow damn ppl can do that?? just be a rando drawing fanart and sharing it w/ other people online???? and today i am living that dream, so good for me lol. and also i’d like to shoutout marge simpson anime, which is a particular piece of Online Art (technically fanart even lol) which was like, unusually Motivating as a single work of art lol, i made a notes app fanart like immediately and then a way more “painterly” piece of fanart that was v directly inspired by it lol.......and i was sure Drawing It Up last last winter when bmc 3.0 was impending / happening, b/c i got into like Just in the dec before, so that was Fresh, and then bam the Content is happening concurrently and as soon as we even just learned that jeremy has glasses i immediately spent like honestly 25 consecutive hours making fanart for that exact Inspiration. we didn’t even know abt the hello kitty shoes yet!!! and naturally im not out here for stats or clout but it is Inspiring when ppl enjoy the stuff i make and let me know one way or another. [tag comments that express enthusiasm in any way.....Appreciated]
9: Do you trust people easily, or do people have to earn your trust?
i have to say i am wary! that’s in part just like, a default anxiety defensive mode lol. but it takes me a hot minute (aka weeks....or months.....) to realize when someone like, would like to be friends or something, so while i can be Friendly and Outgoing w/ people like, immediately, i’m not picking up relationships left and right that are close enough that i’d particularly talk about “trust” or whatever. i’m not necessarily Distrustful either lol, it’s more just like, again re: the constant wariness thing. it is not unlike a cat lmao i vibe with them lol i Get that [approach]....and there’s been times i’ve been like “hmm i sure do Not vibe with this person ever and am not comfortable around them / interacting with them to any extent beyond occasional casual interactions that i don’t super enjoy. that’s me being overly anxious and failing to be personable i guess!!” and then that person Does give that reason down the line like oh, actually, that eternal uneasiness was warranted :/ damb
21: How does someone become friends with you?
yknow i was like “didn’t i Also answer this one previously” but it turned out the question i was thinking of, which i Had answered, was ���how does someone become important to you” lmao.....same diff
tbh it’s kind of an arduous process lmao like. first of all i am Bad about initiating shit, and a lot of times will like, be wary of Directly Interacting with people for a while b/c i am also Bad At not being too passive / unwilling to assert anything so like, if someone’s regularly interacting with me but i’m not into it / Eventually Realize i’m not into it, it’s that thing again where my main strat is [v gradually sidle away] lol and just find it difficult to extricate myself from interactions / relationships and so that plays into me really feeling like i have to have some real confidence that i’d get on with / vibe with someone Before i start significantly interacting with / getting involved with them which....is also difficult natch lol like. can’t rly get a great feel for what someone’s like w/o talking to them.......but then if i Distance myself at all at any point will that be taken as rejection or whatever.......and then anyways say i Am talking to someone, then it’s like, also i’m just not fantastic at casual conversation always and that stage where you don’t know someone too well and talking is mostly a Polite Ritual and it’s like oh god don’t mess up, respond Normally lmaoo......i am nervous. and i also have a tendency to just naturally try to make an interaction go smoothly than immediately prioritize / feel comfortable busting out My Personality lmao.....so then even if ppl are responding well enough it’s like ah jeez i know we’re all performing always but have i shown them What I’m Actually Like to any significant degree, am i just masking it up / mirroring the crap out of how they talk?? and also it then takes me quite a while to put together “if someone keeps talking to you / choosing to interact with you for like, weeks, it probably means they want to / are interested in doing so” lol.........and then i’ll take ages more of trying to consciously Be More Myself without *also* feeling like this is too much of an act lol, and gradually picking up like oh they’re still not like, annoyed or disinterested or something..............what i am trying to say is it sure takes a minute lol
also when i Am attempting sometimes to like [initiate interaction] with people my version of being Active is still not all that active lmao i will be like [occasional Like] or [even more occasional reply] or [tag comments or no comments coz it’s twitter and im rt-ing stuff] and it’s like oh wow if we’re not having more regular interaction i suppose i’ve failed or something?? does this mean anything further lol, did i do anything.....but welp gotta have that perspective that Not Necessarily lol and i’m not the only person in the world who might not make friends or even friendly acquaintances easily / at the drop of a hat and u can’t necessarily read way into shit that hasn’t Actually been communicated to you.......naturally though it is easier to have some ~perspective~ and Serenity about all this sort of thing when you do already have some Friends lmao........been feeling (and consciously nudging myself towards feeling) More Chill about say like, friendly acquaintances i have who aren’t raring to interact with me on the reg.......ppl i’ll go months or half a year or more between having a convo with and then we’ll be like trading dm’s for a couple days and then it’s back to not really talking, and that Is What It Is, not necessarily a tragedy, and really it feels “rude” to acknowledge to myself like oh i’m not sure that me and whomever even Vibe well enough that *i’d* be raring to talk all the time either, but hey, it’s also true, i don’t have to be Validated by ppl who know me having me in their friend circles in any significant way......i be out here on the peripheral / outer orbits and i can appreciate that for what it is, even if, again, easier to be more Cool with that when i’m not Only in ppl’s periphery...........i appreciate the pal i have who like, 99% of how we Communicate is occasionally sending each other pics of our cats, not very intimate but also back when i was offline for months on end they eventually went out of their way to find someone to get in touch with to verify i hadn’t like died or anything lol........i appreciate the Gestures of Caring that ppl have and do extend, even if we do not actually talk regularly. 
and like also i’m bad at like. idk the main way i talk is again, At Some Length and often about real specific shit lol so im like woop aware that many ppl are not into that, or they might be down for having an exchange like that for a day and then they’re done.........not at all like wholly Against more lol Conversational conversations but i gotta say that’s more of a struggle lmao..........so let’s say befriending me takes some Patience. i kinda operate on [cat] rules. jellicle
25: How do you stop yourself from going back to toxic people?
i absolutely am Refraining from launching off on a ted talk of a tangent that is also me being the [the guy about to throw down a card on the pile on the table and that card pile is like “any conversation” and the guy is labeled “me” and the One Card about to be played is labeled “it’s capitalism” or smthing like that and also it’s all in spanish].jpg.......
anyways idk just try to keep things in perspective, right......i generally am pretty Passive about gradually sidling away from relationships that are bad and so by the time i Have exited them it’s pretty overdue lmao and i get to be quite confident that it was The Right Thing........and just when looking back on stuff it’s like, well if you remember the Good or “Not That Bad(tm)” parts maybe consciously think about the whole of it And specifically the Bad parts / the reasons for peacing out.......also the other day i was mulling over some standard [conflicted / complicated feelings about having cut certain ppl out entirely] and it also occurred to me that a lot of the [conflicted] feeling part came from sympathy for them, whereas from the perspective of Entirely My Own Feelings On The Matter minus that “how do/would they feel about it” consideration, the thought of never interacting w/ these ppl is like. fine with me lol........stuff like this is always Complicated and Individual and there’s certainly no like, one-stop simple Guide To Navigating All This Kind Of Thing, Cmon It’s Easy........another consideration i saw the other day via a graphic on twitter, which is probably most relevant re: say, controlling / abusive Partners, was how like, to think about how someone is acting if they’re saying you should Take Them Back b/c they’ve Changed their behavior, but to pay attention to if they’re trying to guilt you into it / justifying or downplaying their previous behavior / shifting blame and otherwise manifesting the inherently harmful and controlling patterns that are supposed to be gone now........anyways yeah complicated stuff and also just p.s. (and what would’ve been the jumping off point for the It’s-Capitalism tangential essay lol) ppl shouldn’t be blamed if they do choose to let someone back in their life like oh now they’re responsible for bringing their mistreatment upon themself.....no better than blaming someone for, say, having a harmful / controlling romantic partner in the first place like oh well they should’ve known better than to have gotten involved with this person..........ppl are in control of their own abusive behavior and shouldn’t be considered Forces Of Nature no matter how intransigent they are
33: Do you have someone you know you can always rely on?
tbt question 9 lol there’s defo some people that i do trust! love it....
45: Do you consider yourself creative?
another #tbt to question 1 lol.......i mean Yes i am creative in ways but like, who Isn’t, really.......think sometimes “creativity” means “do you like, do Art things” which, yes i do, but then within that there’s art that’s deemed more ~creative~ or w/e......not to mention that i don’t think something has to be definitively labeled an Art to be creative. like, for example, Science and Art aren’t opposites / the antithesis of each other, and anytime defines ~science~ as like, people just memorizing and outputting Facts and Numbers and considers this a distinction from Being An Artist.....wild and i Will fight you lmao. i tell you i can v much remember times i have had to completely disengage to keep from losing my cool at people arguing about “why i respect science but could only be an artist :’|” or “why Art is actually harder than Science and also we’re the underdogs b/c society values science so much more :’|” like.....mf...........anyways scientific pursuits may certainly have a different Methodology (see: scientific method) than art but lbr it still requires creativity and science and art are friends you fucking fools................and then also just zooming in on the Art-Making business here, i also like, have never had any interest in coming up with Original stories / characters and the like, and i don’t enjoy trying and it just really is not my thing, and it’s Funny or something when people wanna say that creative fanworks have value b/c they let ppl cut their teeth for what really matters, inevitably making their own original content(tm)......that isn’t inevitable for me lol and certainly is nothing i aim to do ever, and when there’s the suggestion that if you’re Good enough at ur medium you gotta manifest some of that original the character do not steal shit.........anyways i’m not pressed to claim i am an Artist(tm) or Creative(tm) lol like i guess technically i am both but i have no professional aspirations and my brain does not Do [generate original content] so it’s all like, i’m just out here.........s/o to this time i was trying to do my fuckin thing drawing on a tablet in a cafe and some random annoying guy is trying to talk and i happen to mention like “lol i don’t exactly call myself an artist really” and Guy goes “OH REALLY??? WHAT’S WRONG WITH ARTISTS? WHAT’S YOUR ISSUE WITH ART” like please cool it lmao but god p sure it was a guy who was just. very Around and very annoying in general
49: Do you feel like you’re a good person?
yeah i think i’m alright but really what is the use in like considering there 2 be achievable Good or Bad Person Statuses for everyone........let’s say it’s an ongoing, active state to be in the process of consciously choosing to be Good and working towards Better. especially considering that We Live In A Society which tries to teach everyone and continuously imbues our existence with Bad Messages about how to perceive and engage with other people, and being A Good Person is a lifelong effort and it’s unhelpful to feel that if you’re already Good or well-intentioned enough you can just dust off your hands and be like “well my work here is done” and be unprepared to examine your beliefs/actions or deal with the might-as-well-assume-it’s-an-inevitability that even if u have some noble-ass beliefs you’ll fail to live up to them at some point/s.......so like yeah lol again i feel like i am a pretty good person but can always be better and ought to be aware of / willing to work on that at any point
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