#riza Hawkeye rp
dirtmuse · 9 months
Ok but seriously,
Anyone interested in doing an FMA rp? I’d be interested in Royai, or something parental between Roy(and/or Riza) with Ed? I usually write 3rd person, paragraph format and I have a knack for angst. Like this, or message me and we can chat about the possibilities! :)
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Looking for a Roy Mustang or Edward Elric for some rp of RoyXRiza or EdXWinry from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood!
I play Riza Hawkeye and Winry Rockbell, but can play a bunch of side characters for other scenes like Mei, Lan Fan, Catalina, etc.
For style, I can do anything from short paragraph to novella, but I like multi-para (3-8) best. Please be literate.
I'm hoping for something long term! If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
I'm open to a bunch of plots: Post-Canon, pre-canon, during canon, or non-canon AUs! NSFW rp is an option if you are over 18!
Please let me know if you're interested by responding to this post or sending me a PM!
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gearhead-rockbell · 1 year
I sincerely apologize for not being on this blog in a hot minute, life has been hectic and I also haven't had much muse...buuuut (idk if it's the "being back on prozac" feeling or the weed) I have so much Winry muse rn so if anyone wants to do any shippy/fun/sappy RPs, feel free to message me!!! I also RP on discord if thats more your fancy, just message me for my username (also don't forget to tell me who you are on there!!!)
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beeshive · 5 months
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It has been one year since the Promised Day. Things seem to have calmed down in Amestris under the leadership of Roy Mustang, the youngest Fuhrer in the history of the country. But within the past few weeks, there have been reports of strange chimera-like creatures popping up around the country, killing innocents and wreaking havoc. However, unlike the chimeras that have been known in the past, they seem to be a mixture of organic and inorganic matter. Killing them is a painstaking process taken on by the military. Where are they coming from, and who, if anyone, is creating them?
THE TIME AFTER: An AU post-canon FMAB roleplay server by @beeshive and @wedontdeservethestars. Welcoming to OCs! Interested in joining? DM me on Tumblr or through my Discord, kaylaylayla.
See under the cut for taken characters & our server rules!
Taken Characters (updated 5:30pm EST 1/22)
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Winry Rockbell
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Ling Yao
Server Rules:
1) Every person may play up to three* characters, including OC's! 2) No harassment of any kind will be tolerated. This includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. 3) Keep any NSFW topics to the DMs. 4) Please be respectful of one another's triggers. If you have any strong triggers, please say so in ⁠﹒✶﹒🗂﹒introductions﹐ so we can be sure to use proper content warnings. 5) FMA deals with some pretty heavy topics. These topics are not something to be danced around, but should be handled with grace. 6) Please be sure to react in ⁠﹒✶﹒🗂﹒roles﹐ so everyone knows each other's pronouns. If your preferred pronouns are not a role, please let me or @Calle ✰ know and one will be made for you! 7) If you're writing an original character, please put their bio in ⁠﹒✶﹒🗃﹒oc・forms﹒ using the format provided for ease of access! 8) If you're writing a canon character, please put their bio in ⁠﹒✶﹒🗃﹒canon・forms﹒ using the format for ease of access!
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cherrping · 7 months
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I am forever Royai trash and always looking forward to roleplaying it with anyone. I love sending head canons and plotting up kooky things. I don't mind playing either Roy or Riza. Canon, Canon divergent, or AU I can plot and brainstorm on.
A few things about me:
She/Her, 33 Years old, and prefer to rp with 21+
I do enjoy romance in my rps, it makes it fun for me but I don't ask for it to be the end all and be all.
I am a lazy-lit, semi-lit I guess? I enjoy fast-paced rps. I don't mind if you send me a one-liner. I prefer typing 1-3 paragraphs. If you want to send more 4+, go ahead! I don't want to feel like I'm limiting your creativity.
I post at least once a day. If things come up, you want to change the plot, or you are no longer interested please tell me. I promise I won't get upset.
Also, if you want to do multiple RPs, that's perfectly fine with me!
You can poke me to reply. I sometimes forget to hit send or think I replied when reality tells me I didn't.
I prefer to rp 3rd POV in paragraphs. Willing to do action RPs if in the mood.
I prefer to RP with women (cis and trans) only or people who use she/her/they/NB pronouns. No offense to the guys but I've had too many bad experiences and creepy men wanting to rp out kinks and fetishes I want no part of.
I don't mind getting to know my partner OOC-wise. I understand if you want it to be strictly IC. I rp over discord.
I do find it fun to do IC chatstyle rps while waiting for posts if you like things like that.
I'm pretty flexible about gender. I don't mind playing male or female roles.
I don't mind a bit of darkness in my rps but I do like to balance it out with fluff.
Interact with this post or message me if interested!
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scentedbygunpowder · 2 years
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ScentedByGunpowder, a Fullmetal Alchemist roleplaying blog for the character of Riza Hawkeye
Rules || About
FMA RP Blogs: scentedbygunpowder || loyalestdoginthemilitary || theburiedbookworm || indomitableicequeen || forgottenarmstrongsisters || lovingmilitarywife
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Open Adventure RP (to all fandoms)
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Riza Hawkeye has been asked by Fuhrer Mustang to go on this assignment with your muse. A special assignment to help end the conflicts up north with Drachma and there can be some peace. Riza has been assigned to watch your muse’s back to ensure nothing happens to them. While also keeping an eye out just in case Drachma tries anything.
Riza had hope to finally be done with the fighting, but it seems even in times of peace within their own country, there will be times when she’ll be needed to fight again. “Are you ready? We’ll be boarding the train soon and it will  be a long trip to get to our destination.” 
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The results are in!
The Chimera! Ed AU comic will be interactive! (Bc holy fuck 100% voted yes.)
I will go over things now as to prepare everyone or give people a head start on asking questions. (This is only if you want to, these questions should be directed toward the main cast of FMAB but I will explain later on in this post!)
There are a few rules, not that anyone should have a problem following them nor won't they be common sense, but I'm stating them regardless. Y'know, just in case.
1.) No ships should be brought up within this particular AU, especially ships *involving* Ed. You can ask characters their thoughts or relationships with fellow characters as to establish a feel for them. But no questions or statements of "oo you should get together with so-n-so.". Those comments/asks will be ignored unless I can think of a funny reaction a character may have. However, Ed specifically will *not* be shipped with any characters within this AU; Mostly because I feel really uncomfortable having a borderline animal having a relationship with a human (I'm also not shipping Ed with other chimeras.)
2.) No OCs should be asked to be in the au or anything. But, I will give a little leeway in the sense of drawing said OCs as literal background characters. They will serve no point in the plot unless there are some good suggestions (e.g. someone's oc could be one of the lab scientists or smth.) This is a flexible rule but a rule because I will most likely not put people's OCs in the background. The shipping rule also pertains with OCs and Canons (but please don't get me wrong, I love OC x CC, but just not in this AU. Maybe if I were to make a public rp I would give leeway but as far as the comic goes: No.)
3.) No sexual or NSFW questions/asks. I will not entertain those asks/comments. ESPECIALLY if it involves a minor (aged) character. Suggestive asks (to an extent) will be allowed with *only* adult characters. (The miniskirt shit doesn't count as suggestive but if it were, that would be OK to talk to Roy about for example.)
4.) No racial slurs in asks/comments, even if you can reclaim; I cannot and therefore will not add that into the comic.
5.) No physically interacting with characters (ONE EXCEPTION)! This'll lead to things getting confusing, but if you do want to interact with the characters physically ill make it so that you can; Just ask!:)
That's all for rules, simple? I think.
Moving on to characters you as the viewer can interact with!!
- Edward Elric:
He will view the comments/asks as him hearing things, therefore he will most likely panic or act skittish.
- Alphonse Elric:
Asks/comments will be in the form of cats he stashes in his armor, or rather cat; Specifically the yellow striped one he was seen with a decent amount in the 03 anime and GBA game. Al is the only exception to the "No physically interacting" rule. Because asks for him is a cat, so you can (within reason) physically interact with him.
- Scar:
He will probably ignore asks/comments at first! That being said, he thinks it's his brother communicating to him through his arm; Or victims of his arm.
- Roy Pisstang:
He will probably view asks/comments similarly to Ed, but process them with much less panic. Probably believing it to be his gut or intuition.
- Riza Hawkeye:
She is the same as Roy in the ask/comments sense.
- Jean Havoc:
This bbg will think that he's finally reached his breaking point mentally, however, he will entertain the asks/comments to an extent. He is much more relaxed for such with a cigarette.
- Alex Armstrong:
He's just insane and probably thinks his big ass muscles are talking to him. Idk. Or his fucking tuff of hair.
For now, as of the beginning of the comic, these are the characters you as the viewer can interact with!
You can interact in many ways: Ask questions, give advice (do not spoil upcoming events, this takes place in the beginning of manga/brotherhood. Lab 5 went different, read the linked post!)
Anyway. Ask questions, give advice, talk to the characters, torment Ed: As long as you follow the rules, I'm happy.
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thecreativeforge · 7 months
10 Fandoms/ 10 Characters/ 10 Tags
Baldur's Gate 3: Astarion
Darkest Dungeon: Dismas (Highwayman), Sarmenti/Jingles (Jester), Audrey (Grave Robber)
The Witcher 3: Geralt of Rivia
Critical Role (Campaign 2): Mollymawk (Kingsley) Tealeaf, Essek Thelyss
DC: Richard Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Roy Harper
Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur Morgan, Sadie Adler
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustand, Riza Hawkeye
Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul: Charioce XVII, Nina Drango
Naruto: Shikamaru Nara, Temari
( This is way more than 10 and some of these fandoms are SUPER old, but fuck it :u )
Tagged by: @kingofthewebxxx Thank you ❤ Tagging: @rex-rp @ichor-and-magic @curseoffrell @resignedworkaholics (technically same person) @babydxhl @tireironmybeloved @mr007pennyworth @cxpperhead @celerem @eyeless-smiles @kylo-wrecked and whoever else wants to do it!
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findroleplay · 11 months
Hi! 19 yo NB who recently Rewatched FMAB again and I’m dying to rp Riza Hawkeye! Definitely have the most ideas in mind for royai, but I love pairing her with other characters too! I love playing others as side characters as well, and a healthy mix of fluff, plot, angst, etc! Feel free to give this a like and I’ll reach out! 18+ only please!
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bardengarde · 1 year
For the ask game: T and X with fma
Sorry for taking so long to answer!!!
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So a lot of my headcanons tend to be for Riza Hawkeye tbh because I used to rp as her a lot way back in the day
I'm a huge fan of the idea that Riza is bisexual and her and Rebecca were ~roommates~ while they were in military training and they totally had a fling. Does this break every fraternisation law ever? Totally. Do I care? No
Once watched an animatic that pretty much implied that Berthold had Riza's hair cut short because she looked too much like her deceased mom with it long and I adopted that headcanon as well- animatic can be found here.
I also had this au where Riza was a horse girl and actually had a horse that belonged to her mom that she took care of after her mom passed away but I'd almost consider it my own personal headcanon for her backstory now and I totally plan on drawing some stuff about it!
In the same vein, I headcanon Roy Mustang to ironically be absolutely incompetent around horses and was definitely chased out of pasture by the one Riza had at least once.
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Riza Hawkeye for sure, beloved blorbo
Alphonse Elric because of course???
Jean Havoc bc I love a himbo
Kain Fuery bc he's precious and deserves more love
Andddddd Winry Rockbell bc she's really sweet and tough and deserves so much love
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Looking for Fullmetal Alchemist Roleplay!
I play Riza Hawkeye and Winry Rockbell, but can play a bunch of side characters Mei, Lan Fan, Catalina, etc.
I'm mainly looking for Royai (RoyXRiza) or EdWin (EdXWinry)
For style, I can do anything from short paragraph to novella, but I like multi-para (3-8) best. Please be literate.
I'm hoping for something long term! If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
I'm open to a bunch of plots: Post-Canon, pre-canon, during canon, or non-canon AUs! NSFW rp is an option if you are over 18!
Please let me know if you're interested by responding to this post or sending me a PM!
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clown-demon · 7 months
3. What’s your story? Give a paragraph statement (or two) about yourself and/or why you are roving the RP internet.
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((Okay so like, a LOOOONG ass time ago, I was on Facebook and I was looking through pages to like stuff and all that. And noticed there were characters on the pages. Then on said pages, the people running the page would ACT as their character. I was like 'oh that looks like so much fun!' And that's how I got into RPing.. My first page was Selim Bradley, and then my first RP account was Riza Hawkeye.
I stayed on Facebook for... uuuh.. a few years? I was there for a while. Then Mario and Luigi Dream Team came out and I REALLY wanted to RP Antasma.. So I dug around but found NO Mario accounts to friend that were active. So I was lost cuz I wanted to RP with fellow Mario enjoyers. So I finally said FUCK IT, and looked into Tumblr and joined it with a blog. I believe my first blog was called thebatkingantasma or something like that. It was a LONG time ago.
I have stayed with Tumblr ever since. And honestly, I don't regret it ever. I've made some life long friends here, and I cannot thank them enough for being my friend. I do not know where I'd be without them.
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zawazawanightmares · 11 months
Riza Hawkeye & Giantess
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You, Riza Hawkeye, are connected to Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP] Your partner selected the 18+ server.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza walked along a fresh field in the country, eventually passing under a massive shade. Looking up, her eyes widened at the massive woman towering over her. "..."
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: The immense, raven-haired woman looked down and raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly are you supposed to be?" she rumbled loudly.
Riza Hawkeye: "...A human." Riza answered. "And you yourself?"
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "Something far above that."
Riza Hawkeye: "Another homnuculus?" Riza noted. "I thought we got rid of all of you."
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "Evidently you missed one. But don't worry. I won't crush you, little woman. You're cute~"
Riza Hawkeye: "Um, thank you." Riza blushed. "And what sin are you supposed to represent?"
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "I'm afraid they were all taken by the time I was created. So we'll have to go with a different naming convention. What do you call a giant, all-powerful being, little lady?"
Riza Hawkeye: "Riza. Riza Hawkeya." She answered. "What would you like to be called?"
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "I want you to call me Mistress, Riza."
Riza Hawkeye: "Mistress...very well. Not like the concept is foreign to me..." Riza nodded. "Are you planning on causing any trouble, Mistress?"
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: The shook as Riza's Mistress had a seat, huge legs spread while motioning for the little blonde to approach. "Not presently. And I'm glad you're with interacting me as Mistress."
Riza Hawkeye: Riza approached her. "It's what you asked to be addressed as. I was raised to respect others."
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: She reached down and grabbed Riza in a massive hand, undoing the blonde's hair with her big thumb. "I was created to control others."
Riza Hawkeye: Riza was startled by how quickly her tie was undone. "And when you say control...?"
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: Now the giantess patted Riza's little face with her great big thumb, just enjoying the way Riza was trapped in her hand. "I mean it in every sense of the word."
Riza Hawkeye: Riza wanted to protest but the giantess' thumb stilled her lips. It felt surprisingly soft...
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: She squeezed and kneaded Riza's body in her giant fist, feeling her curves, hips, legs, and butt. "Touch me, Riza. Give into me..."
Riza Hawkeye: "Th-the Colonel..." Riza tried to explain and remind herself as a warm feeling spread throughout her body.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "Not anymore. There's only me." Now she held Riza in both hands and began to undress her like a doll...
Riza Hawkeye: Riza's toned physique was on full display, her scarred back tingling at Mistress' touch. Riza herself began to blush brighter as she was nude in front of the giantess.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: She lifted Riza up to her massive face and kissed that scarred back -- gently sucking at it and licking before breaking off the lip contact. "Mmmn..."
Riza Hawkeye: Riza gripped onto her hand, feeling herself getting wet already. "Why there...?"
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "Your scars make you beautiful to me." Then she turned Riza around in her hand and pressed those big, soft lips against Riza's entire face. She kissed hard.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza opened her mouth, her breath dominated by Mistress' own. She could feel her tongue wash over her entire face, including her own tongue as it stuck out.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: Now she licked down Riza's body, rolling her massive tongue over little breasts, a flat stomach, and thighs. She tasted Riza's nectar.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza cried out, writhing around on Mistress' hand. She felt like she was going to explode into a cloud of pleasure...
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: "Forget the Colonel, Riza. You only need me. Your Giant Mistress. I want to hear you say it." Riza felt a tongue the size of her forearm licking at her itty-bitty thighs and sex.
Riza Hawkeye: "I...I only need you, my Giant Mistress..." Riza moaned as she came.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: That tongue kept licking up and down, pleasuring Riza until she couldn't come anymore. She was slathered in saliva. Only then did the giantess withdraw her face, cradling Riza in her two giant hands. "That's a good girl..."
Riza Hawkeye: Riza weakly smiled. "My Mistress..."
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: The giantess squeezed her affectionately in both great hands, then set Riza down on the ground between her spread legs. She began to undo her skirt...
Riza Hawkeye: Riza unsteadily stood on her legs, her breath hiking up...
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: Riza's Mistress exposed her own shapely bare legs and the colossal womanhood between then. "Come closer, dear..."
Riza Hawkeye: Riza walked over, entranced. She began to climb the Mistress' pussy, letting her labia coat her in her juices....
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: It was a vast wet cave of flesh. Huge wet folds were all around Riza, who was about the size of a dildo to the giantess. Her Mistress arched her back and grunted loudly as Riza worked her way inside -- penetrating the giant.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza moved inside, coated by the slimy interiors as the Mistress envelope her on every inch on her skin.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: It was dark and hot in there. Riza felt her Mistress flex gigantic cunt muscles -- squeezing her as a massive hand grabbed Riza's feet and shins. And the Mistress began to pump Riza in and out of her -- using the blonde as a sex toy.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza held her breath, allowing the fluids to wash over her as she felt her own lower parts lubricate...
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: The Mistress began ramming Riza in and out of her harder and harder -- handling the blonde roughly while her cunt muscles spasmed with furious energy. Riza felt the Mistress' bellowing cries reverberating through her whole body. And soon, the giant came -- a wet, epic blast of pleasure.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza was washed in the giantess' waves, feeling like she herself was being reborn.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: The giant homunculus finally recovered enough to look down at Riza with a lazy smile. "You're mine now. I just gave birth to you anew, Riza. Think of it..."
Riza Hawkeye: "Yes, I am yours...Mistress." Riza smiled, completely content.
Giantess [F, 20's, Black Hair, Fantasy, Lit. S/RP]: The giant smiled too, then began getting dressed again. She grabbed Riza and put her little clothes back on too, manipulating the blonde like a toy.
Riza Hawkeye: Riza relaxed in her hand, all too comfortable as her Mistress' toy.
You left the chat
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cherrping · 7 months
Searching for a Roy/Riza 1x1
I am forever Royai trash and always looking forward to roleplaying it with anyone. I love sending head canons and plotting up kooky things. I don’t mind playing either Roy or Riza. Canon, Canon divergent, or AU I can plot and brainstorm on.
I have plots under the cut.
A few things about me:
She/Her, 33 Years old, and prefer to rp with 21+
I do enjoy romance in my rps, it makes it fun for me but I don’t ask for it to be the end all and be all.
I am a lazy-lit, semi-lit I guess? I enjoy fast-paced rps. I don’t mind if you send me a one-liner. I prefer typing 1-3 paragraphs. If you want to send more 4+, go ahead! I don’t want to feel like I’m limiting your creativity.
I post at least once a day. If things come up, you want to change the plot, or you are no longer interested please tell me. I promise I won’t get upset.
Also, if you want to do multiple RPs, that’s perfectly fine with me!
You can poke me to reply. I sometimes forget to hit send or think I replied when reality tells me I didn’t.
I prefer to rp 3rd POV in paragraphs. Willing to do action RPs if in the mood.
I prefer to RP with women (cis and trans) only or people who use she/her/they/NB pronouns. No offense to the guys but I’ve had too many bad experiences and creepy men wanting to rp out kinks and fetishes I want no part of.
I don’t mind getting to know my partner OOC-wise. I understand if you want it to be strictly IC. I rp over discord.
But I do enjoy gushing about head canons and this pairing
I do find it fun to do IC chatstyle rps while waiting for posts if you like things like that.
I’m pretty flexible about gender. I don’t mind playing male or female roles.
I don’t mind a bit of darkness in my rps but I do like to balance it out with fluff.
message me if interested!
red string of fate. - What if they could see the string that connected them their entire life. They spent years trying to sever it only to think deeply about it once they see the string finally fray? (bonus if there's a mental bond too.)
I just woke up from a 6 month coma and I don’t remember anything about the past 5 years but that’s kind of okay because as a trade-off this gorgeous stranger sitting at my bedside is saying he’s my husband
Possibly modern or normal timeline Royai AU:
Roy considered Van Hohenheim an old acquaintance but hadn't heard from him in years. Which wasn't out of the ordinary for the man, he comes and goes with his own time and rhythm. Which was out of the ordinary when he was asked to care for his children as his ward. Roy was hesitant for a moment, he was a busy military man and doubted he could properly care for any children. With a little convincing from Hughes (and a discussion of how the public loves a good feel feel-good story), he decided to take them on.
Riza considered this to be one more thing added to her plate, wondering how Roy could possibly handle this but she was caught by surprise seeing how well he adapted to fatherhood despite taking on two very traumatized boys.
Modern AU
Can be done with or without alchemy, can be discussed more.
It was rare that Roy took Hughes's offer to set him up on a blind date, but decided to do so to help shut him up. He counted his blessing when Hughes found an endlessly charming woman for him but felt a spray of cold water when she told him she didn't want to meet him again. At a loss of words, he agreed.
The next day, the color nearly drained from his skin when he saw his newest transfer from Briggs was the woman he went on a date with last night.
‘you’re my normally really pedantic and fussy assistant so i get really confused when you start sending me office memos with typos of randomly added letters turns out the added letters spell out a declaration of your love for me’
'my really stern and strict (but secretly nice) boss and i have to fly somewhere on a business trip and during the plane ride she fell asleep on my shoulder she looks so cute and peaceful i’m melting on the inside’
I fell in love with you three lifetimes ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since but I’ve been starting to give up and my friends’s new crush has your eyes and oh god I’m not going to steal someone’s date just because I’m hoping you’re the person I met in a past life (jk yes I am)
We only remember each other in alternating lifetimes so every lifetime we have to find one another and convince each other that we’re soul mates but half the time I won’t believe you and half the time you’re already dating someone else
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queenhawkseyes · 3 years
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“I will follow you into hell if you ask me to.”
Independent Riza Hawkeye RP Sideblog OC and Crossover Friendly
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