#river’s rules
katasstrophy · 1 year
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RIVER’S before you follow/interact rules !
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01. general dni criteria. it’s 2023, don’t be a hater, because you can find i can be an even bigger asshole to people incapable of showing some human decency :) if you can’t respect my boundaries, you will be promptly blocked and/or your harmful ask(s) will be deleted. same goes for discourse. do not start shit with me or on my blog! because frankly i don’t care for it :)
02. please have a visible age in your bio or pinned post. this blog posts/interacts with nsfw + dark content, so interactions/follows from minors and ageless blogs are not welcome! i won’t actively vet every single notification i receive, because it’s frankly impossible and i assume we’re all sensible people here who won’t push themselves into spaces they aren’t welcome in, but if i happen to catch you breaking this rule i am instantly blocking your ass.
03. while my current hyper-fixation/content centers around blue lock + tokyo revengers, i also frequently reblog and/or interact with content, art, writing, etc. from other fandoms i’m involved in, so this is generally a not spoiler free blog! keep that in mind.
04. in terms of writing reader-insert fics, i’m most comfortable with writing female! readers because that’s the one i’m confident about portraying well due to my own experiences. please understand that. unless stated otherwise, the fictional characters i write about are also aged up 18+ as a narrative tool.
05. i do not take requests. if you send one in, it will be deleted. otherwise, my inbox is open for thirsts, any and all thoughts, or if you want to chat. however, please note that generally i take a long time to answer thirsts/thoughts if i’m particularly inspired by them, as i want to be able to elaborate on them well. please know that i’m not ignoring you. thank you for your patience.
06. please do not spam like my posts, as this could lead to me getting shadow banned. furthermore, please do not send me ideas that you have sent to other writer blogs as well. it just implies you’re ‘demanding’ content, which is usually upsetting to see for creators who work hard on their writing.
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thank you for reading !
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heritageposts · 12 days
Updates from Al Jazeera's live feed (24 May 2024):
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probablybadrpgideas · 11 months
Over the course of the game, roll a d20 every so often.
This measures the progress of a different, unmentioned party of adventurers who are on their own quest to stop an unrelated threat to the entire mortal world.
If you get a one they fuck up and die so the world abruptly ends with no warning.
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violottie · 4 months
This starts today, 19th February 2024 and continues until Next Monday 26th February 2024. See times below, they will all be streamed everyday live here or here on Al Jazeera Live
"The International Court of Justice in The Hague will hear from 52 countries and three organisations on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem since 1967.⁠" from Al Jazeera English, 19/Feb/2024:
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zahraaziza · 2 months
keep boycotting for palestine!!!
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don't know how to boycott? i got you, follow this guide and share it far and wide!
free palestine 🍉
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five-flavor-soup · 4 months
Zuko during ‘The Waterbending Scroll’: It’s a white flag and you might as well start waving right now, waterbender—
Katara, still tied up: The ONLY thing I will be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother!
His soldiers:
The pirates:
Zuko: Good spirits,
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numbuh424 · 4 months
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light's face when near totally ignores him, openly accuses him of making the shinigami lie on his behalf, and then addresses the task force in the room with light saying that if they have any doubts about the Second L to give him a call later. ALL WHILE LIGHT'S THE ONE ON THE MIC. oh, they're killing me.
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sugas6thtooth · 4 months
Just when you think politicians in the west can't get more evil. If only it was possible to broadcast them all burning in the pits of hell.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸! If you know of any ways to get humanitarian aid in, please share!!
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decolonize-the-left · 4 months
ICJ Rules Israel Must Prevent Genocide in Gaza
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The court did not rule at this stage on the core of the case brought by South Africa – whether genocide has occurred in Gaza – but an overwhelming majority of its 17 judges presiding over the case voted on Friday for the emergency measures to be implemented.
Delivering its interim ruling, the court said Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent its troops from committing genocide, prevent incitement to commit genocide, allow more humanitarian aid into Gaza, and bring more measures to protect Palestinians, which it called a protected group under the 1948 Genocide Convention. The ruling also called for Israel to report to the court in one month on its steps to implement the measures. However, it did not order a cessation of hostilities in Gaza, where Israel’s military action has killed more than 26,000 Palestinians since the war began on October 7. Delivering the judgement, Court President Joan E Donoghue said there is sufficient evidence of dispute for the genocide case to proceed, and that the ICJ has the jurisdiction to rule on the matter.
This is what we needed to happen! Israel and the USA may try to spin this as a win since the court didnt order a ceasfire, but it's Good.
As others have said, this whole trial has become more about the integrity of the world. These orders for example are not enforceable by the court. World leaders are supposed to lead and respect those decisions.
If this case and this ruling are meaningless then that means everything is. They'd let us all die when told directly that what they're doing is approaching genocide and needs to stop? For Amazon's "freedom of navigation" through the Suez? Leaders who think they're above the law and above the people of the world but serve...profit?
This case is everything and all eyes need to stay on Palestine.
Points I wanna address since this is my post:
When told to prevent genocide only a gaslighting, manipulative piece of shit would say, "well you didn't say that meant I had to stop killing them completely now did you so if I do then who's fault is that?"
Further, a person in charge of an entire country shouldn't need a call for violence to be spelled out when they've already been told to stop commiting genocide. Again: gaslighting piece of shit.
The court didn't call for a ceasefire because they called for genocide prevention which is what they were brought to court to rule on. Genocide and it's prevention. Of which they ordered Israel to prevent immediately and that Israel does meet a couple requirements for commiting genocide as defined in the Geneva conventions.
There's no excuse but Wanting to kill people after this. They've been formally informed that they're approaching genocidal levels of destruction. Not stopping means genocide is the goal and always was and nobody is gonna humor the ppl denying it anymore. What rational person wouldn't stop at this point?? What rational people would continue justifying it? They wouldn't.
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thedman0310 · 7 months
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esoteric-terror · 1 month
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Predestined written in stone
I feel it coming in, I feel it in my bones
Heavily protected never alone
Tapped in, I'm connected to the unknown
When I move it's an earthquake rumble
I will never ever fall, never stumble
And I don't need to be humble
Break down walls like Jericho crumble
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dilbobloggins · 4 months
every fucking day I think about that woman in Palestine who had a cesarean without anaesthetic, delivered her twin babies in an act of incredible bravery in some of the worst conditions, and then the IDF bombs them and kills the whole family. and I’m supposed to think that this is acceptable? that this is justified in any way? i don’t know how zionists just believe the propaganda and go about their day. Like there isn’t a mountain of proof, like they haven’t directly defied the UN’s instructions at every turn, like they aren’t bombing hospitals and using chemical weapons against civilians. the IDF’s own actions have proved time and time again that this is a genocide, and I have to believe that one day the world will see that. Keep talking about Palestine. Never stop talking about Palestine.
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it actually really fucks me off to see people praising the ICJ’s decision when the Palestinians actually on the ground communicating with us are screaming to the rooftops that this isn’t enough. all the lib-brained cretins on this website crowing about ‘progress’ don’t seem to understand that incremental change means less than fucking nothing when you’re on the ground, watching your home and family and your people being bombed, systematically destroyed by israeli troops. it means nothing when you’re afraid for your life.
Palestinians don’t have the luxury of waiting, and we all know full well that Israel WILL NOT abide by this ruling. Unless greater intervention is made, the bombardment will continue; but the ICJ is a bourgeois, imperialist court, made to serve bourgeois, imperialist interests. While they have shown themselves to be more benevolent than I had expected by condemning israel and conceding that they are committing genocide, the fact that they couldn’t even ask for a ceasefire speaks volumes.
Whether it’s due to deliberate inaction or whether they simply lack the capacity to do so, the ‘international community’ is still failing Palestine. It is up to us to continue the pressure, continue the boycotts, continue the action; and to threaten greater disruptions if further progress is not made.
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violottie · 3 months
🇵🇸 Important statistics regarding "israel's" upcoming report back to the ICJ on the measures ordered on January 26th 2024.
from Diana Buttu, 25/Feb/2024: (transcribed from twitter thread screenshots)
"Israel is required to submit its response to the ICJ outlining the measures it has taken since January 26 to prevent genocide. Here is what they actually did.
Israel killed an average of 100 Palestinians per day bringing the death from 26,422 to 29,514
Israel blocked delivery of humanitarian aid including by allowing Israelis to erect a bouncy castle in front of Kerem Shalom (spot for entry of goods)
Israel allowed only on average 62 trucks of aid in per day even after committing to allowing 200 per day (though 500 or more are needed)
Israel continues to refuse to resume electricity and water supplies.
Israel has not prosecuted a single soldier for their genocidal acts. Israel has not acted to stop genocidal speech.
"We are witnessing genocide and no one is stopping Israel."
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zahraaziza · 3 months
know exactly who the zionist entity is palestinians are forced to deal with
this is the true face of the zionist, settler entity.
there are no "innocent" settlers (unless we are talking about minors, which we fucking aren't, get your heads out of the gutter).
stop subscribing to this "the government are not the people" apologist rhetoric.
this is what palestinians are subjugated to. it doesn't get more degenerate.
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faentasy-paesta · 4 months
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