#riikka writes
saraminia · 27 days
In my dreams
We're running the streets
Kissing on roof tops
Lighting fires
Leaning on walls
body heat
Hips aligned
Hands exploring
Lightning strikes
And my dreams
Are much more bitter
And sweeter
We go deeper
The blood runs warmer
You make it rain
And we go there
But I'm feeling cold now
And you offer your jacket
It hurts like a bruise I can't stop touching
I feel like crying
But I can't refuse it
Cause then you'd know
You'd know
That in my dreams
You wake up in my bed
A cup of coffee
A kiss against the kitchen counter
We can't stand against the tide
We stand to lose everything
But we surrender
And we do it over and over again
– R. K. –
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theplantbish · 2 months
Still got some (energy) for the last round?
"Yeah, I still have a few percentages, gonna give what I have left, I still got some, I've been saving, I've been saving."
From NikojaSanttu yt
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November MC of the Month: Riikka Lovisa Yläkorpi
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Please welcome November 2023's MC of the month! Each month, we will highlight one MC or OC that is currently on our Meet My MC / OC List. The MC / OC is selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month’s MC of the month is…
@aallotarenunelma 's Riikka Lovisa Yläkorpi!
In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC / OC.
What I love most about Riikka is how she always finds a way to talk about Finland and share about her Finnish culture. She was born and raised there until she moved to Westchester when she was 2. Her father was born and raised in Porvoo/Borgå, Finland and her mother was born and raised in Astoria, Oregon, where there's an important Finnish community. It explains why she's so deeply connected to her Finnish roots.
Do you feel your MC / OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Riikka and I share the same height (163 cm), the same main love language (quality time), and a love for raspberries and salmiakki. We also share the same romantic and sexual orientations (demigray), but that was completely accidental. It was only a few months ago that I realized I was also gray, not just demi.
Unlike her, I don't have Asian origins, I have only one culture and one native tongue, I am not an only child, I am not allergic to peanuts and spring is not my favourite season.
What is most important to your MC / OC? What is their motivation in life? Happiness is most important to her. Happiness for her and also for everyone else. She wishes for people around her to be utterly happy, especially her loved ones.
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes? Riikka's biggest pet peeves are cruelty and any forms of abuse. She also dislikes peanuts because of her severe allergy and rutabagas.
If your MC / OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be? That would be hanging out with Mr Red. If she could go back in time, in every timeline, she would not follow Jane and would tell her how bad that idea is. Each time, it has impacted the group and left Dan with PTSD and a high level of anxiety to manage.
What is your MC / OC’s favorite quote or song? "Voimallinen tahto vie miehen läpi harmaan kiven." ("A strong will takes a man through a gray rock.")
This quote is from the classic book Seitsemän veljestä (The Seven Brothers) by Aleksis Kivi.
Because Riikka has a silly side, she enjoys telling Dan "eteenpäin sanoi mummo lumessa", which translates into "forward, said granny in the snow". It means to keep going through difficulties with determination.
Both quotes are about sisu. It's a Finnish concept hard to translate but that could be explained as perseverance, strength of will, tenacity, courage, bravery during moments that seem hopeless.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC / OC?  (It can be why you created them, how they’ve inspired you, or you could write a little blurb as if it is coming from your OC - an acceptance speech. :) )
Riikka is very special to me because she's my first ILITW MC. Unfortunately, she passed away in a violent manner during my very first playthrough, leaving me shaken. I had to grieve her before being able to replay the book and create another MC.
Because I couldn't forget her, I decided to write a series, Darker Than Night, that follows the original timeline. It's very angsty but also cathartic.
I also had the idea of an AU series telling about how the lives of the children would have changed if they hadn't had the sleepover in the woods. This AU series is titled In Joy and Sorrow and it starts when they are in junior, so a year before when the book starts. I love this series because I can talk about so many important and different topics, and there are wonderful OCs. Even my four other It Lives MCs are dropping by from time to time.
Thanks to this series, I've really gotten to know Riikka, and I keep on learning about her. And now, she can fully live a great life she should have never lost so young in the first place.
Here are some stories to learn more about Riikka:
Darker Than Night
Joy and Sorrow
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Thank you to everyone who made this event a success! I am so grateful to everyone who participated and all those who showed their support to these wonderful creations. I hope everyone that participated enjoyed their little treats!
Don't forget to sign up for Fandom Love Day and keep an eye out for Secret "Santa" in December! 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤
🧡 To @a-cloud-for-dreams || 🖤 From @livelaughlovecassie
Mal x Salem Moodboard + Writing Salem decides to help Mal get into the holiday spirit with a trick of her own that turns into a sweet treat!
🧡 To @aallotarenunelma || 🖤 From @peonyblossom
Riikka x Dan, Kanerva x Lincoln, Saini x Cas Moodboards
🧡 To @coffeeheartaddict2 || 🖤 From @zealouscanonindeer
Takeout Drabble — Ethan x Casey Ethan x Casey Moodboard
🧡 To @jerzwriter || 🖤 From @coffeeheartaddict2
El Dia de los Muertos: It is the Halloween after Tobias and Casey welcome Kayla and Eva feels like that it would be nice to commemorate El Dia de los Muertos.
🧡 To @ladylamrian || 🖤 From @a-cloud-for-dreams
Nik x Alex Moodboard + Drabble
🧡 To @lilyoffandoms || 🖤 From @starsarewithinme
A Day Off: A look into Trystan and Gabriel's domestic life when they are not hunting down Serial Killers but the Resident Detective is unwell.
🧡 To @livelaughlovecassie || 🖤 From @aallotarenunelma
Laney x Danni Moodboard + Quote
🧡 To @lovealexhunt || 🖤 From @violentinecrl
Mal x Daenarya Art
🧡 To @moominofthevalley || 🖤 From @jerzwriter
Trystan x Emily Moodboards
🧡 To @mydemonsdrivealimo || 🖤 From @rosepetals1
Bryce x Jensen Moodboard
🧡 To @peonyblossom || 🖤 From @trappedinfanfiction
Together: Iris has disappeared, but Nia has a feeling she knows where she can find her. 
🧡 To @rosepetals1 || 🖤 From @tveitertotwrites
Hayden x Arielle Moodboards
🧡 To @starsarewithinme || 🖤 From @lilyoffandoms
Nia x Astra Drabble Trystan x MC Drabble
🧡 To @totojo2 || 🖤 From @mydemonsdrivealimo
Blake x MC Art
🧡 To @trappedinfanfiction || 🖤 From @moominofthevalley
Trystan’s Biggest Fear: On a spooky night, Trystan confesses one of his biggest fears to Sofia
🧡 To @tveitertotwrites || 🖤 From @lovealexhunt
Talk of the Town Edit + Writing: Actress Claire Evans is escorted by the handsome Doctor Ethan Ramsey for a red carpet event.
🧡 To @violentinecrl || 🖤 From @ladylamrian
Tyril x MC Icons Kamilah x MC Writing + Moodboard
🧡 To @zealouscanonindeer || 🖤 From @totojo2
Ethan x Asper + Trystan x Amber Art
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kommunisti · 11 months
Tue 11th of July
Finland’s new rightwing government has been plunged into fresh controversy after the discovery of racist and sometimes violent blogpost comments apparently written by the far-right Finns party leader and finance minister, Riikka Purra. Purra, whose nationalist, anti-immigration party finished second in April’s elections and holds nine cabinet posts, has neither confirmed nor denied writing the posts, which date mostly to 2008, and said she had no intention of resigning. The comments, made under the username “riikka” on the blog of Purra’s predecessor as Finns party leader, Jussi Halla-aho, included uses of the Finnish equivalent of the N-word, other racial and anti-immigrant slurs, and threats of violence. Last month, another Finns party minister, Vilhelm Junnila, resigned after revelations that he had made jokes about “Heil Hitler”, given a speech at an event attended by neo-Nazis and called for mass abortions in Africa to combat the climate crisis. A third, Mari Rantanen, the interior minister – who is in charge of Finland’s intelligence services – has had to deny that she believed in the extremist great replacement theory after it emerged that she had hashtagged it in several tweets.
Connected to this, here is an article that was last updated 23rd of June, about Jussi Halla-aho, on whose blog Riikka posted these comments. He is currently the Speaker of the Parliament and has announced he will be running for president in the 2024 elections.
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yourdailyqueer · 11 months
LGBT+ European female footballers P2
The Women's World Cup is going on as of writing and so made a list of all the LGBTQ+ footballers posted here 2018 to present (2023).
Below are the professional female footballers from Europe (retired and current), who have been posted on this blog since 2018. Some posts may be out of date/innacurate and so if you see any errors please get in touch. Have gone through more than 14 pages of this blog to provide this list. Hope you like it.
Due to various technical issues I had to split the Europeans into two posts and some links may look weird so apologies for that.
Total below: 21
Magdalena Eriksson - Lesbian
Manuela Giugliano - Lesbian
Marie Dølvik Markussen - Lesbian
Maiken Pape - Lesbian
Melanie Garside-Wight - Lesbian
Nadine Angerer - Bisexual
Nadezhda Karpova - Lesbian
Natasha Dowie - Lesbian
Nathalie Geeris - Lesbian
Nilla Fischer - Lesbian
Pernille Harder - Bisexual
Pia Sundhage - Lesbian
Ramona Bachmann - Lesbian
Rannvá Andreasen - Lesbian
Rachel Corsie - Lesbian
Rachel Cuschieri - Lesbian
Stephanie Williams - Lesbian
Tinja-Riikka Korpela - Lesbian
Tone Haugen - Lesbian
Viktorija Budrytė-Winnersjo - Lesbian
Vivianne Miedema - Lesbian
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vesku56 · 11 months
Thousands rally in Helsinki, Finland, demanding 'Racists out of Government' and the resignation of Finance Minister Riikka Purra, whose resurfaced racist writings have caused headlines around the world. A recent survey reveals 47% of Finns believe Purra should step down.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Aamulehti carries a STT news agency report that Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas on Wednesday expressed her dissatisfaction with Finland's preference for defence cooperation within Nato with the other Nordic countries rather than the Baltic states.
"I really hope that Finland will also look south and not only north, because from a defence and security point of view, the threat in the Baltic Sea is huge," Kallas told Finnish journalists in Tallinn.
Finland has indicated that it wants to be part of the Nato command structure based in Norfolk, Virginia along with Norway and possibly Sweden.
Kallas, who has been described as a "hawk" for her positions on Ukraine, said that as a new Nato member, Finland should not be overly cautious about dealing with Russia.
"Nato exists as a deterrent to Russia and as a show of strength," she reminded her listeners.
"We have the right to defend ourselves, don't even think about (possibly provoking Russia). We should not behave as if Russia is stronger," she said.
The report says that Kallas compared Russia to a school bully who only stops if the target of the bullying finds friends who defend him.
"Ukraine did not provoke Russia. Weakness provokes Russia," the Estonian prime minister said.
Orpo on the defensive
Finland's Prime Minster Petteri Orpo (NCP) was at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday, where the composition of his right-wing coalition government came under sharp attack, reports Hufvudstadsbladet.
During a debate there, Spanish MEP Iratxe García Pérez, the leader of the Socialist and Democratic Group (S&D), sharply criticised Orpo's coalition government.
"Your alliance with the far right is the real threat to our democracy and the European project. This is why the future of the European Union is at stake," said García Pérez.
Danish MEP Nikolaj Villumsen of the Left Group (GUE/NGL) joined in, saying, "normally I would happily and proudly welcome a Nordic prime minister. Today I can't do that. The Europe you represent is not the Europe I want."
In her remarks, García Pérez made special mention of the Finns Party ministers Riikka Purra and Wille Rydman.
"Are you proud of your finance minister when she poses on social media with a big pair of scissors and expresses satisfaction with cutting people's income and social security?" García Pérez asked about Purra.
Orpo rejected the criticism.
"There are no far-right parties in my government. The Finnish government is for the rule of law, for democracy, for equality, for Ukraine and for the EU," Orpo said.
Scams abound
Finland is again seeing a spate of online scams, writes Ilta-Sanomat, and reports that Marko Erämaa of the National Bureau of Investigation says that even after scammers empty people's bank accounts, they often continue to use their personal information in more scams.
Just since December, there have been new scams circulating messages purportedly from the national tax office, the national insurance institute Kela, and the police.
Typically these originate from a Finnish phone number, with a text referring to a tax refund or fine, and the recipient is asked to take some action via a link.
According to Erämaa, these scams have drained more than a million euros from bank accounts in Finland in just a couple of months.
Meanwhile, Iltalehti warns readers of fake job offers circulating on the WhatsApp instant messaging service.
The messages have promised the recipient flexible working hours, a good salary and tells them that the job does not require any previous work experience.
The messages reported in Finland have been mainly in English, but some messages in Finnish have also been reported.
These messages may also often ask for some personal information, such as bank details, passwords or various documents. Some ask the person targeted to install some remote access software on their device.
And, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus says that recently, a large number of scam text messages have been sent in the name of the police, supposedly related to traffic offenses.
For example, these scam text messages may claim that the recipient has to pay a speeding fine and directs them to do so via a link in the message. Other messages simply refer to more general vehicle offenses and provide a link to click on for more detailed information.
As Maaseudun Tulevaisuus points out, police in Finland do not send the public text messages about traffic fines or penalties.
Yes, more snow
Iltalehti advises readers not to out away their snow shovels just yet, as they may come in handy this weekend.
The weather for the rest of the week will be rainy, the paper reports, with the rain turning to snow – possibly up to 20cm of fresh snowfall in the south of the country.
The further north you go, it points out, the more likely it is to snow.
Over the weekend, Lapland will enjoy sunny, briskly cold weather, but in the south precipitation will continue and turn to snow.
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inlocusmads · 1 year
Hi! 🤗 As the new year countdown approaches, who are your top 10 MCs or OCs in the Choices fandom. Of course you can include your own as well. Celebrate yourself!
Thank you for thinking of me, Anon! I can definitely say that I didn't do a lot of reading due to a lot of time constraints and it is incredibly hard for me to pick only a couple of MCs, because there are WONDERFUL MCs out there and there are so many of them who are funny, quirky and downright awesome in their own way.
But I will mention some right here, because they deserve a lot of appreciation and love as well:
Riikka and Siiri from It Lives In The Woods by @aallotarenunelma
Laura from Open Heart by @ofmischiefandmedicine
Luna from Open Heart by @peonierose
Gabriel from Crimes of Passion by @lilyoffandoms
Zoe from Wake the Dead by @jerzwriter
Jensen from Open Heart by @mydemonsdrivealimo
And here are some MCs I've come across, whom I find very cool and interesting and that, I hope to read their stories to get to know them better! My reading is, arguably, very very slow haha, but sometimes I'd come across these little headcanons about these wonderful people. It is just amazing how much diversity we have in our fandom:
Open Heart:
Casey MacTavish by @jerzwriter
Celia Moore by @trappedinfanfiction
Oliver Valentine by @dr-colossal-pita
Sadie Oakley and Sydney Valentine by @peonyblossom
Ellie Shephard by @lovealexhunt
Eislee Blake by @quixoticdreamer16
Sienna Trinh & Cassie Valentine by @liaromancewriter
Immortal Desires:
Saini Rusanen by @aallotarenunelma
(psst, if you write for ID, drop a comment!)
Blades of Light & Shadow:
Daenarya by @storyofmychoices
Soile by @aallotarenunelma
Maiele by @lilyoffandoms
Raine by @starlight-starfury
And of course, there are so many more MCs too! It is kind of sad that the whole thing is just restricted to a "Top 10" list, because writers do really put their heart and soul into this; they really do add a piece of themselves into each and every character they create. Just because this list ends doesn't mean the story, the characters and their worlds end.
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saraminia · 2 months
When I wake up it's September
My makeup all over your sheets, do you remember?
Your chest with my red lips pressed in the center
Your hand grips my hip, my breast, I'm ember
We ignite, one more for the road
My fingers write on your skin, an invisible ode
The night cleans up your act with a shower
Your flight's leaving in an hour
Everything's wrong and everything's right
You hold me tight and say thanks for tonight
I keep it together, bite my tongue
Holding back tears feels like a collapsing lung
I try to think of something concrete
And find a focal point at my feet
I think my Nikes look too clean
Next to yours, dirty white with the green
World is turning, tilting off its axis
Are you burning, watching me run after taxis
Taking off flight in the rain
Keeping it tight, they'll never hear me explain
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Week Five: August 28—September 3
[August Prompt List] || [August Masterlists]
Thank you to everyone who participated in the August challenge. If I have missed any posts submitted, please message me ASAP so I can get them added!
⟢Blades of Light & Shadow:⟢
A Royal Portrait + Art [Mal x F!Human, Tyril x Elf] writing by @storyofmychoices ; art by ArtbyAinna (IG)
Mal + Daenarya Portraits [Mal x F!Human] submitted by @storyofmychoices ; art by cronchie-biscuit
⟢Crimes of Passion:⟢
Between Coffee & Cases: an unexpected day [M!Trystan x F!MC] by @storyofmychoices
⟢Crossover/Multiple Pairings:⟢
Répondez, S'il Vous Plaît ! 3 by @aallotarenunelma
Pairings: Dan Pierce x Riikka Yläkorpi (F!MC ILITW), Connor Green x Siiri Karvola (F!MC ILITW) | Parker Shaw x Pilvi Vance (F!MC ILB) | Lincoln McQuoid Aquino x Kanerva Leinola (NB!MC ILW), Abel Flint x Hilkka Noronen (F!MC ILW) | Cassius Harlow x Saini Rusanen (NB!MC Immortal Desires) | Ash Clark (M!OC ILITW) x Skylar Barnett-Lyons (NB!OC Immortal Desires) | Bryce Lahela x Kaisa Virtanen (F!MC Open Heart) (half-mentioned)
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choicespride · 1 year
Choices Pride Valentines Masterlist
More below the cut! ✏️ = fic; 🖌️ = art; 📌 = edit
Blades of Light and Shadow
February Kiss - Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Maiele Nightbloom) - commissioner: @lilyoffandoms; artist: @somewillwin 🖌️
Crimes of Passion
Crimes Drabble - Trystan Thorne x nb!MC (Gabriel Rosę) - @lilyoffandoms ✏️
Crimes Drabble - Trystan Thorne x nb!MC (Gabriel Rose) - @lilyoffandoms ✏️
Picket Fence - f!Trystan Thorne x nb!MC (Arion dela Rosa) - @writing-not ✏️
Desire & Decorum
Valentine's Sketch - Annabelle Parsons x f!MC (Ophelia Parsons Capulet) - commissioner: @peonyblossom; artist: @hydn-jpg 🖌️
A Feverish Itch - Artura Pendragon x Guinevere; Lancelot du Lac & Guinevere - @inlocusmads ✏️
It Lives Anthology
Raspberry Rose - Dan Pierce x F!MC (Riikka Yläkorpi) - @aallotarenunelma ✏️
Valentine's Day Cards 2023 - It Lives Within LIs - @ladylamrian 📌
Nightbound Drabble - Nik Ryder x f!MC (Alex Fontaine) - MC creator: @ladylamrian; writer: @lilyoffandoms ✏️
Open Heart
The Art of Doing Nothing - Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Oliver Valentine) - @dr-colossal-pita ✏️
happy valentines!! - Bryce Lahela x m!MC (Jensen Valentine) - @mydemonsdrivealimo 🖌️
Stained Glass and Stuffed Animals - Sydney Valentine & The Gang; Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh - @peonyblossom ✏️
Valentine's Sketch - Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine) - commissioner: @peonyblossom; artist: @hydn-jpg 🖌️
Red Carpet Diaries/Hollywood U
Family Portrait - Thomas Hunt x nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - commissioner: @peonyblossom; artist: @somewillwin 🖌️
Valentine's Sketch - Thomas Hunt x nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - commissioner: @peonyblossom; artist: @hydn-jpg 🖌️
The Universe Gave Y'all to Me - Thomas Hunt x nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - @peonyblossom ✏️
The Royal Romance
TRR Drabble - Hana Lee x f!MC (Eclipsa Ice) - writer: @lilyoffandoms; MC creator: @noesapphic ✏️
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finnishwhiteboy · 11 months
Is Finland really as cool as it looks. From a queer/femboy perspective specifically
Honestly, this is kinda hard to answer. First I'd need to know what you mean by "cool" in this case. Well, first of all, I'd say that we're relatively queer-friendly as being gay etc. was legalized and during our previous government (Marin's government) transitioning was made easier. Also, the Finnish culture of trying to avoid causing problems makes most of us reluctant to publicly question someone's sexual orientation, gender, the way they're dressed, etc.
Usually the younger generations (except people in middle school, because there everyone is punished for not fitting into the "normal" mould. This isn't thought permanent and is caused by them being fueled by hormones and wanting to be accepted and liked) tend to be more accepting/understanding of queer situations than the older generations who most likely know less about the queer world.
From a political point of view, it's complicated. We currently have the most right-wing government we've ever had since the war, containing a right-wing populist party The Finns (Perussuomalaiset) whose main political agenda is mainly focused on being the opposite to our centre and left-wing parties. They are currently in a lot of spotlights as the leader of The Finns party, Riikka Purra, is currently in hot water due to her writing in another Finns party member (and general asshole) Jussi Halla-Aho's blog in 2008, containing racist and anti-immigration rhetoric (Source: https://yle.fi/a/74-20040819). But since this current government has been somewhat over a month in effect and it's had already three controversies (https://yle.fi/a/74-20039202), I'd guess it wouldn't be that much of a threat/a bother, other than The Finns wanting to make immigration and staying in the country harder.
I'd like to also add that you shouldn't be worried about the Finnish police. The police have a long training and are frequently checked to make sure that they aren't misusing their powers. I hope that I answered your questions well. You can ask more questions if anything comes to your mind and I try my best to answer them.
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caixxa · 11 months
She apologized for the inconvenience and hurt feelings and basically said she wouldn't use those words anymore
The bulk of the posts were discussion on an extremely influential and extremely racist blog, "Scripta" of Jussi Halla-Aho. Halla-Aho is former leader of Purra's party, now their presidential candidate, and Speaker of the parliament. He has refused to call the parliament in session to discuss Purra's position after her past writings have surfaced.
In nutshell, Purra's past writings are full-on hate. Racial slurs, Islamophobia, queerphobia, antifeminism, with a side of fatphobia.
She was active in the discussion in 2008, when she was 30 or 31, post-grad, mother. The reason there isn't more is probably just the migration of the community from Jussi's blog to a different platform, mainly homma forum, a right-wing message board founded by active commenters of Jussi's blog.
She subs our prime minister during his vacation. Right now in fact. What a proud country.
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nordnews · 11 months
Riikka Purra, the chairman of the Basic Finns, said that as a member of parliament or as a minister, she would not write everything she wrote in the past, but she has no intention...
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
As employees return from their summer holiday, the challenge of transitioning workers back to the office in the post-pandemic era persists, Helsingin Sanomat writes on Thursday.
The newspaper surveyed HR leaders from various companies to ask about their policies on remote working.
"Personally, I would like to turn the conversation to focus on how to do the job well," Merja Ranta-aho, head of HR at telecommunications company Elisa, tells HS.
Ranta-aho says that it is important to assess whether the nature of one's work genuinely permits remote work as well as the role of physical presence in fostering workplace trust.
"Of course, we should think that the rules are not just about what is comfortable, but about what the job requires in the short and long term," she adds.
Hannakaisa Länsisalmi, Head of HR at Bank Group OP, concurs that a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply to different types of work.
"We agreed on the principles of hybrid work back when the pandemic began to subside. The teams themselves decide when to spend their days at the office and when to work remotely," she tells the paper.
At the same time, Länsisalmi adds that the hybrid approach of OP does not mean that employees can choose to always work remotely and never come to the office.
Tightening belts
The government is set to kick off its budget negotiations for the upcoming year on Thursday, as reported by Tampere-based Aamulehti.
Finance Minister Riikka Purra (Finns) has said that the proposed six billion euro budget plan will involve restructuring measures and difficult decisions.
"The government's task is to create a society in which everyone who is able to work has the opportunity to earn their own living. The importance of self-reliance should not be underestimated. Self-respect does not come at a price," Purra writes in a finance minstry column.
Despite criticising the borrowing practices of the previous government, Purra adds that given the current economic situation, the new government will need to continue to take on debt.
"Even if we begin implementing major reforms early on in 2024, the government will still have to take on a significant amount of additional debt in light of the current economic outlook. The additional borrowing combined with high-interest rates will continue to pose additional challenges for the necessary adjustment measures," she notes.
Murto wins bronze for Finland
Pole vaulter Wilma Murto etched her name into Finnish sporting history at the 2023 Athletics World Championship held in Budapest on Wednesday, as reported by Iltalehti.
By successfully clearing 4.80 metres, Murto became the first Finnish athlete to secure a medal at the World Championships in eight years. The last medal at the championships was won by javelin thrower Tero Pitkämäki in 2015, IL notes.
The 25-year-old missed all three attempts at 4.85. American Katie Moon and Australia's Nina Kennedy cleared 4.90 metres and decided to share first place after they both missed on all three attempts at 4.95.
"I can't quite say I'm disappointed with the bronze. But I did have that sense that anything was attainable, even the gold," Murto said of her result.
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