#revolutionary syndicalism
How do I improve my workplace?
I don't think a single person has worked for more than 10 minutes and has thought "This is literally perfect. I want this 'til retirement."
There is always something that can be improved at work, even if it is incredibly minor. There are always micro-managing bosses, there's always broken equipment that never gets replaced or fixed, and there's always someone who has to bring in their own equipment because the office stock has run out.
And you won't be the only one who has these issues. No doubt everyone else is also thinking the same thing.
So how do we resolve this? Well luckily for us, we have a wealth of historical events that we can look into and find some great examples!
Of course, all of the following examples are most effective when coordinated with your co-workers. So make sure you've had a few one-on-one chats, got to know who you can trust, and get organised!
Be aware, your boss or manager will not take kindly to these actions, so be prepared to fight against pushback.
1. Slow down!
Productivity is all that matters to your boss. As long as "line go up" at the end of the day, they'll continue as always. The only way to grab their attention is to threaten that.
Slowdowns (or go-slows) are a very direct way of affecting that all-important line. Suddenly the boss is faced with an issue: "Line go down. :(".
The slowdown is a great way of showing just how much effort workers normally put in. Just how much they actually produce. And just how much is threatened when they take the gas off ever so slightly.
2. Good work, kid!
Sometimes affecting productivity will have unwanted negative effects. Doctors often worry that their patients' well-being would be affected, even temporarily. Bus drivers might be concerned that they'd be getting other people in trouble with their bosses by stopping service. Luckily, there is a way around it.
When you don't want to affect productivity, but still want to frighten the boss, hit them in the wallet. The Good Work Strike is a type of direct action where workers will continue to carry out their job but at a greater expense to the boss. Bus drivers might let people on for free, doctors or hospital administrators might not process medical bills, and extra admin work might not be carried out in favour of meeting the needs of a customer.
Quite often this means a better all-round service, as the worker is more focused on their work, rather than the "bullshit" work around the edges.
3. Complying... Maliciously!
How many times has your work been slowed down by needless reporting, strange and confusing rules, and bizarre workplace practices that the new manager has decided to implement? And how many times have you just ignored them, because you know that they make your job unworkable?
Well lucky for you, this can be used to your advantage...
Working to the rule (Work to Rule) is just that: following every single rule and regulation to the T, regardless of how long it takes. Suddenly, productivity goes down, and the boss starts to panic!
4. Sorry boss, I'm not feeling too well today...
Some industries in the UK, mostly public sector roles, are legally prevented from striking. This presents an issue when trying to figure out what to do to threaten the bosses' productivity or income. If you can't do that, then they can just ignore you. But there is a way around this.
The Sick-In is an action where several employees all report as sick on a given day. Sometimes, even the idea of a sick-in is enough to get results. And even a workplace all calling in to check how much sick leave they have left has done the trick.
Be aware that this can go south fairly quickly if someone decides to snitch beforehand. Find people you can trust!
5. Just Do It™
Historically, the best way to get something done is to do it yourself, bosses be damned. Organise with co-workers and pull something together without waiting for the boss to issue decrees from above.
To give an example, in San Fransisco, there was a coffee house with an owner who was incredibly poor at managing money (but he managed to get paid pretty consistently interestingly enough). Workers there would be paid weeks and sometimes months late.
The workers there took it into their own hands and began to pay themselves directly from the cash registers, leaving receipts to document where the money had gone.
Immediately there was an uproar from the owner, but the pay slips would arrive on time after that.
If something should be happening that isn't... Just do it!
6. Not just a Foo Fighters song...
I'll preface this with the following: these tactics are almost guaranteed to get you fired. Additionally, you might potentially piss off a load of co-workers as well. This should probably only be applied when tactically necessary.
You've tried everything. You're currently on strike, and the boss has brought in a load of scab workers. What's left?
As an aside, Monkey Wrenching refers to techniques used to sabotage, incapacitate, or destroy machinery or tools used for production.
In a railroad strike in 1886, scabs turned up to work to suddenly find that there was a load of equipment missing. Crucial small pieces of trains were missing, and couldn't run without them. Suddenly, the scabs were faced with the fact that there wasn't much they could do here and had to sit on their hands.
In one of my previous jobs, my manager had asked me to add a surcharge to a charity donation tool we were creating. There was nothing in the specification about the surcharge, and the money would be sent directly to his business account. There were only a couple of developers who knew the system well. And what a shame, our laptops would suddenly begin to bluescreen. A small drop of water here, a magnet placed too close to a hard drive there, these unforeseen events delayed the project enough that it was never taken up.
Wrapping things up
These are a few tools that workers can use to prove to their boss that he needs them more than they need him. Of course, it should go without saying, these tactics can and will get you in hot water. Discretion is advised.
Additionally, these tactics can only be effectively employed with help from your fellow workers. A single worker carrying this out will only ever be crushed. Sure, sabotage feels great, but at best it only really resolves one bad day, at worst it's adventurism. A collective of workers carrying this out can absolutely scare a boss onto the straight and narrow. It also leads to more permanent changes in the workplace - and sometimes across the whole industry!
This is also not an exhaustive list of everything you can do, only some of the more militant actions. Sometimes you will be lucky enough to have a boss that doesn't immediately reach for the chopping block. Tactics should be applied where and when they are necessary.
Notice as well that I didn't specifically talk about strikes. Strikes are GREAT. But once they've been employed, there isn't much room to escalate (legally) should the bosses refuse to back down. Of course, if needs must, strike away, but it's not the only tool in our arsenal.
As always, stay safe, and remember you're stronger together than you are alone.
Stay safe and solidarity, fellow workers! xox
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nando161mando · 3 months
"Equality does not imply the leveling of individual differences, nor that individuals should be made physically, morally, or mentally identical.
Diversity in capacities and powers—those differences between races, nations, sexes, ages, and persons—far from being a social evil, constitutes, on the contrary, the abundance of humanity.
Economic and social equality means the equalization of personal wealth, but not by restricting what a man may acquire by his own skill, productive energy, and thrift.
Equality and justice demand only a society so organized that every single human being will—from birth through adolescence and maturity—find therein equal means, first for maintenance and education, and later, for the exercise of all his natural capacities and aptitudes."
— Mikhail Bakunin, Revolutionary Catechism (1866)
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wobblydev · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the IWW
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honeyblockm · 2 years
Pushed aside my distaste for police procedurals today because whatever remains however improbable was like the only tab I could load ^_^
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kingnd · 1 year
With the end of TOH not only capping off Disney's "loose Trilogy" with Gravity Falls, & Amphibia, it pretty much marks the end of this Golden Age of Original Children's Cartoons with Heavy syndicated storylines that started back with Adventure Time. While I don't discredit show that aren't syndicated stories or even the "brand cartoons" Like Star Wars, Transformers, or TMNT there was something magical about seeing people come up with original tales from stuff they were big fans & grew up on to create a whole era that made it cool for adults to have these theories, Excellent fanart, & to be something more then what we were used to in our youths.
I can only hope I'm wrong & one day we'll see another TOH or Steven Universe or Kipo, or Centaurworld, or Adventure Time, or Regular Show, or etc. But with recent events it leaves me less enthused. But I'll still cherish that the 2010's to the early 2020's was this marvelous & revolutionary age for TV animation.
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
fantasy sometimes doesn't afford itself the ability to fantasize about a better world with many of the same problems of real life. thankfully ive found fantasy thatfantasize about things like gender roles, orientations, social status, etc. being more accepting, and the world kinder more often than not. question is, as hard as it is to find solid urban fantasy, are there anyworks you know of that use itself to imagine a optimal city for us urban nerds? magic public works, free dragon transit?
So there is a real problem in the fantasy and sci-fi genres that they often have a failure of revolutionary imagination, as I’ve termed it. We’re so used to not just the world as it is but also the public historical imagination of how change happens, that even in art that’s supposed to be about radically reimagining our world or new worlds, we often revert back to the familiar. (I find this tic particularly annoying in alternate history, which is supposed to be about imagining how the world could have evolved differently, but often reverts back to a retelling of (often bad) history with the numbers filed off.)
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(A sadly rare counter-example.)
You raise a fascinating question about the potential for urbanist fantasy. This is often quite rare in urban fantasy, because often out of a desire to maintain the verisimilitude of urban life, they default to a masquerade scenario which renders it impossible to explore the impact of magic on transit, housing, and other aspects of urbanism because the central conceit is that people with magic are trying to hide and thus have no impact on the mundane world.
However, it does crop up sometimes in Magitech settings, because their central conceit is all about how magic would function in place of science and lead to new ways of organizing societies, urban and otherwise. For a popular example, look at how Arcane examines the social impacts of Hextech and Shimmer. My personal favorite example of urbanist fantasy is the plane of Ravnica from Magic the Gathering.
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Ravnica is a ecumenopolis, a city-state that covers the whole planet. The city is governed by a guild council, each of whom are responsible for an aspect of the city’s physical and social infrastructure:
The Azorius Senate is responsible for running the courts and the legal system, and sometimes they run the police as well (although they have a jurisdictional dispute with the Boros Legion on that front).
House Dimir are couriers, messengers, journalists, private investigators, spies, assassins, thieves, and librarians, as well as the city’s clandestine intelligence service - if it deals with information in any way, the Dimir have a hand in it…or do they?
The Cult of Rakdos run the city’s entertainment, food service, retail, and labor recruitment (lots of shanghaing and press ganging goes on in Ravnica) - and they’re also a crazed juggalo bdsm blood cult who are responsible for keeping an ancient arch-demon entertained so he doesn’t try to destroy the city, again.
The Gruul Clans are an anarchist collective responsible for the planet’s wilderness areas, which they try to maximize by violent raids that tear down developed areas any chance they get - which also makes them Ravnica’s main demolition industry. The Boros Legion spends a lot of time defending built-up areas from Gruul rampages.
The Selesnya Conclave are a hippie nature cult commune who manage the city’s parks and other green spaces, as well as providing basic welfare services (food, “shelter,” clothing, etc.) to the city’s poor. They also use magic to do weird hivemind brainwashing in the name of harmony and unity, and they can raise giant Ent-Kaiju to defend the city in times of need.
The Orzhov Syndicate are a vampire banker mafia, and also one of the city’s biggest religions. They believe in debt on a spiritual level, and their religion fully embraces indulgences to their logical conclusion. The Orzhov preach that you can literally buy your way into heaven, and that debts to the (Catholic by way of Prosperity Gospel Evangelical) Church or its many front organizations and legitimate businesses will carry over into the next life; the Orzhov practice debt slavery on both living people and ghosts. And lest you think it’s all a cover for profit-making, they can summon dark angels to conduct rituals, lead services, and make war on their enemies. Something above is answering their prayers…
My personal favorite is the Izzet League, an institute of mad scientists and engineers and elementalist wizards who combine science and magic to research, build, and maintain the city’s infrastructure (as well as funding all tech R&D and theoretical and experimental research in physics, chemistry, and engineering) - the power grid, water and sewer systems, heating and gas lines, as well as the city’s mass transit and transportation/freight system, are all powered by their steam and fire and lightning and Magitech gadgets and robots and cyborgs made out of a magic metal named mizzium. Yes, a lot of their devices explode, and yes their golems and robots and elementals have a tendency to go rogue, but that’s the price of progress!
The Golgari Swarm are a subterranean necromantic cabal who run the city’s waste disposal, burial services, and do the bulk of the agricultural production for Ravnica’s hungry masses. All of Ravnica’s citizens are entitled to a food dole provided by the Golgari’s fungi farms as a form of basic income. Just don’t think too hard about what went into the compost heaps or what your rations might be made of…
The Boros Legion is Ravnica’s main police and military, led by a literal host of warrior angels. Imagine the combination of a police force entirely made up of noir detectives and loose cannon Dirty Harry-esque cops and an army with flying fortresses led by fiery angels who are all deeply dramatic lesbians. True believers one and all, the Boros are here to mete out justice and divine wroth upon evildoers wherever they hide. If they had their way, the Orzhov would all be in prison along with the Gruul and the Rakdos, but the damn bureaucrats in the Azorius Senate keep trying them up in knots with paperwork.
The Simic Combine are responsible for the city’s environmental quality, ensuring biodiversity and sustainability in a global metropolis; they are also the city’s universal health care providers. All Ravnicans have access to free health care, as long as they consent to the Combine’s biomantic research. See, the Simic are the other group of mad scientists/mages in the city, except they went into genetics, environmental science, and (marine) biology and they believe in individual and societal evolution through the use of augmentation, cloning, and splicing. After all, why stop at curing someone’s respiratory illness when you could also give them gills? Or giant crab claws? Or tentacles?
I love the world-building and the attention to urban systems and infrastructure in Ravnica. More than most, they’ve thought about what urban life needs to function and made it magical.
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On this day, 13 January 1939, Lovett Fort-Whiteman, the first US-born Black member of the Communist Party (CP) died in a gulag in the Soviet Union. He was born in 1889 in Texas, to a father who was previously enslaved, and later moved to the Yucatán Peninsula to work in the hemp industry during the Mexican revolution, where he learned both Spanish and syndicalism – revolutionary unionism. Returning to the US he joined the Socialist Party, as well as the Industrial Workers of the World union, and later the CP, whose prior Black members were all from the Caribbean. Fort-Whiteman became a well-known organiser, travelling around the country giving speeches to working class and church audiences advocating for socialism and arguing against American Federation of Labor unions barring Black members. He also founded the American Negro Labor Congress to fight segregation and lynchings, and build Black union membership. Time magazine described him as "the Reddest of the Blacks", and quoted him as saying that Black workers were "suffering all the abuses of the working class in general, but in addition to that, racial abuses, racial discrimination, political disfranchisement and other racial oppression." He became extremely fond of Russian culture and clothing, married a Russian woman and later moved to the USSR. There he worked in various professions including as a screenwriter and a fish breeding researcher. He became embroiled in various political disputes within the US and Russian CPs, and in 1937 he requested permission to return home, then disappeared. Documents uncovered after the fall of the USSR showed that he had first been exiled to Kazakhstan, and later sentenced to five years hard labour at the Sevostlag gulag in Siberia. One of his fellow detainees claimed that Fort-Whiteman was often unable to fulfil his labour requirements and beaten as a result, became emaciated and lost all of his teeth. His death certificate says that he died of "heart failure". https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2185806254937846/?type=3
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junimo-hexed · 3 months
What video games do the Batfamily play? Part Tim Drake.
Alrighty. Let's start with the biggest gamer of the bunch.
To begin the games I will die on a hill to defend that he plays
Myst: it’s a classic puzzle game. Tim stands by it for being revolutionary for the time and helping to build the industry.
HOI4: Listen I cannot stress enough how much of a HOI4 fan Tim is. Obviously he falls into the bi socialist side of the venn diagram and avoids the other players at all costs, but damn does he love this game. It’s easily his most played game, he’s installed so many mods for it (yes included the mlp one), he typically goes socialist, but sometimes does anarchism, syndicalism, or communism just to change things up.
WoW: it's either this or League. Pick your poison. I don't know enough about either to say what he plays in them.
Other games
COD, listen y’all thought Jason would be the COD player. No it’s Tim.
TF2: I as a medic main cannot properly give an assessment of who Tim would play, but my picks are Spy, Demoknight, and Engineer.
That said he had also tried Overwatch, but he couldn't get into it as much.
Pathologic: again he's into niche games with a cult following and games that are known to be hard.
Pony Island
System Shock
And much much more
Gamer preferences
Grand strategy, war games, mmorpgs, honestly any game that is widely known in gamer communities. He's not into cozy games and finds them boring and underestimating. Also not one for rhythm games, he doesn't have anything specific about them, just not for him.
PC gamer, Tim likes to mod and the freedom that being a PC gamer allows. He emulates anything not available and that he can’t find. He also owns just about every console and collects physical copies of games.
Tim uses Steam and has the highest level of everyone. He has the most games in his library by far and most of them he doesn't touch.
He's a completionist. He will 100% that game and he will get all of the achievements.
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apas-95 · 1 year
the highest stages of revolution consist of open war against the bourgeois state, whereas the earliest stages consist of peaceful, legal organisation. between these two is a hybrid stage, where aboveground, legal action coexists with underground, illegal action. this stage, functionally, resembles organised crime.
the basic tactics - of identity deception, of money laundering, of furnishing safehouses and caches in the civil environment - are common to both crime syndicates and insurgencies. in as much as any proletarian political organ intends to carry out illegal methods to further its aims, it *is* engaging in organised crime. while specifics differ between the two, due to differing goals and motivations, the tactics and strategies related to avoiding and combating the bourgeois state are relevant to both. further, there *can* exist overlap in the specific actions between the two, especially regarding funding - the easiest source of money untraceable to an aboveground organisation is money that does not originate aboveground.
this is relevant as regards to adaptation of tactics - while there are many case studies of the organisational structure, funding, and logistics of guerrilla and insurgent groups, there is a necessary distance between those case studies and the prospective revolutionary's context. in general, there doesn't exist an existing wellspring of experience regarding socialist revolution to draw from, and the tactics of revolutionaries will have to be studied from those applied in foreign nations, or in the past. these experiences are still vitally important, but will require adaptation through practice, which will, necessarily, involve failures, and therefore the deaths of trailblazing revolutionaries. reducing these losses, revolutionaries can lean on an existing wealth of practical experience in resisting the bourgeois state, practical experience applied now, at this very moment, to any given locale on earth - that of criminals and organised crime.
while gangs and guerrillas share very little with regards to their interests, their goals, or their social base - and will inevitably come into violent conflict with one another - they share a common enemy in the existing bourgeois state, and, therefore, may enact similar tactics.
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yujo-nishimura · 5 months
The Escape - Part 30
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29
Comment: I am sorry that this is so endless and I thank you all for keeping up with it. I think this might go until Chapter 45~50. Hope you all enjoy the little twist in the story as well.
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It seemed like an eternity until Crocodile finally came back. Your thirst was slowly driving you mad and your thoughts started to circulate around water and Buggys concern. You could hear your captors steps approaching, he took his time, knowing he was in charge of whatever would happen next. “Willing to talk now?”, you can see his dark smile on your right, he is holding a glass of water in his hand and you are willing to do anything just for a sip of it. He realizes your begging eyes, seeming to bathe in your desire. Slowly he removes the gag and you gasp, carefully moving your mouth muscles which have become so painfully stiff being forced in the same position. Crocodile smiles even wider as he sets the glass to your lips, seeing you drink in wild desire. 
“There, there…” he gently whispers, his voice making you feel uncomfortable to your inner core. “Where is Buggy? Why did you bring me here?”
Crocodile laughs, taking the glass aside and adjusting his fur coat while still standing over you, his shadow casting on your face. “I told you already - Buggy is fine. More than fine with all the money I paid him to obtain you. And you should know why I brought you here. I have two simple reasons - one is your value and the other is you being the perfect trap for the damn straw hat…!” You have a hard time following him, also not believing the thing he says about Buggy. “You are telling me Buggy sold me. But I don't believe that. He is my captain and he knows I am loyal to him…” “That is what you want to believe…”, Crocodile snarls, taking another deep breath from his cigar, puffing the smoke into your face, causing you to cough.  “But your captain allowed us on board and also gave us the permission to take you with us. You will join me in Alabasta, building up a little syndicate there and becoming an influential advisor to the king…”  He finds the horror and disbelief in your eyes amusing and laughs even more.  “Y/n, I know about your charm and your persuasion skills. I know what happened in Windmill village and how you successfully lead these young revolutionaries to overthrow the city council there. And killing the tax collector…”, he bends over you again, his hook carefully touching your bangs, you shudder. “You are a dangerous and ambitious woman. I need you to join me when I take over Alabasta…” 
“So this was your plan? To abduct me from the Buggy pirates to take me with you to Alabasta and then overthrow the king there? Why would you think I would join a low pirate like you?”,  you try to sound threatening but you realize that your voice is shaking. 
“Well, what other choice do you have? Waiting for Buggy? He won't come. Waiting for the Straw hat? Even if he comes to rescue you, then I will finally take my revenge on him. Whatever you decide, I will win since you already have lost!” 
“Buggy will come for me!”, you scream, lifting your body against the shuckles. You see a dangerous glimmer in Crocodiles eyes as he smiles at you: “Your captain will never ever come for you again. But don't worry, I can be your new lover…!”, he tries to touch your face with his left hand and you quickly move your head to bite him with full power. “Ahhh!”, he yells in agony and gives you a strong plow with the hook on his other hand. For a moment you see stars, the pain rushing through your head to your face, mixing in your mouth with the taste of blood. He immediately gags you again, stepping back into the dark. 
“You will eventually follow me, you weak little brat…!”, you can hear him laugh as he leaves the room leaving you alone with your agony. 
Hours feel like days and the darkness feels endless on you and your hurting face. The glass of water has only brought you a temporary relief and you soon feel thirsty again as well as hungry. How many hours have you been here? How many of these hours have you been unconscious? And where was Buggy? Why would he sell you to one of the warlords of the sea? Or was it true and he had planned to do this all along? The longer you lay here the more the thoughts are gnawing on you and you start to doubt every single of your actions until now. You think of Luffy and where he might be at this point. Probably also somewhere on the Grand Line, being carefree and hoping you were well. As the hours turn into a slimy thick package you again and again drift into a shallow sleep, having nightmares of Buggy abandoning you and Crocodile taking you to Alabasta. 
On another time of these endless naps when you wake up and feel thirst and pain all over your body Crocodile is coming back into the room, without further ado he untags you and opens the shackles on your hand and feet. Too weak to stand up he just offers you half of a glass of water, when holding it to your mouth you have a hard time swallowing being gagged for such a long time. You are in complete shock and unable to defend yourself as he swiftly lifts you up, taking you in his hands and outside of the room. Bright daylight blinds you as you are suddenly on deck of a ship, haven't seen the sun for hours or days and you feel like the sunshine is burning your eyes. “Look, Y/n. Your new home…” you can hear the excitement in Crocodile's voice and you tiredly let your head roll to the side, slowly opening your eyes, giving them time to get used to the sun again. You can see a sandy stretch of a long island in front of you, the yellow desert in stark contrast to the blue bright sky above. 
“Alabasta.”, you utter faintly and still hope that all this is just a nightmare to wake up from. 
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Getting out of the "Uniquely Bad" mindset
A fellow worker in the IWW has written a piece on the "Uniquely Bad" mindset, how this false rationalisation leads to complacency or apathy, and, most importantly, how to break out of it.
Highly recommend giving it a read if you ever find yourself thinking "My workplace is just fundamentally different!" A mindset I've found myself getting trapped in again and again.
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a-usernamelol · 29 days
The Unforgivables AU Syndicate Dynamics
The Syndicate is the group of villains In the Unforgivables AU universe run by me, @honeybadgerdontcare394 and @the-chaotic-scilla-aster. So WHAT is the Syndicate? The Syndicate is a revolutionary organization run by Allan Waite, a "Dark" wizard- or so labeled by the Ministry. He and the whole Syndicate's goal is to overrun and destroy the Ministry, essentially replacing it, with a better-run world. They claim that they are fighting for "Equality among all species", however, it is unclear if their basis to achieve it is truly any better than the Ministry it.
The Organization Of It's Leaders: -Despite the Organization is an organization of community and revolution, it does seem to have leaders who handle different aspects of the Syndicate, all of course, being labeled Dark Wizards by the Ministry since they are all under Allan's authority. These infamous individuals are called Generals, and in total, besides Allan himself, there are three.
Crow Kidd:
-Nefarious thief and foe, Crow is a surprisingly durable Squibb who is the best friend to, and advisor to, Allan Waite himself. He runs the 'militarian aspects' of the organization, most of the Wizard and Witches who are just grunts and sent to attack or protest in mass. “The soldiers” so to speak. How He Became A Part Of The Syndicate: -Crow was a member of a small league of rogues back when he was younger, serving more on a sailing boat then land. It's not his first rodeo as a criminal, but it's his first exclusively to the WIzarding World. He and Allan met not long after Allan finished his schooling at Hogwarts and they've been inseparable since- meaning that whatever heists Allan runs, Crow is usually not far to follow.
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Lily Love: -Ministry Auror turned rogue, “Lady” Lily Love is the informant to the Syndicate, and runs the “investigation and incognito” operations of the Syndicate, namely, anything that has to do with manipulating the Ministry as needed. How She Became A Part Of The Syndicate: -Lily Love was an ex-Auror for the Ministry turned spy for the Syndicate. She originally went on a mission involving an innocent wizard who was so horrified of Azkaban he begged her to use the Killing Curse on him instead. Although she obliged, she, out of respect, made a promise to herself never to use Unforgivable curses again, and she took a step back from her trust in the Ministry, inevitably joining the Syndicate.
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-The Syndicate’s money man, so to speak. He handles things like funds from supporters to order supplies and needed assistance. He’s actually really sweet, and like Crow, a close friend to Allan. How He Became A Part Of The Syndicate: -As a young wizard, Allan found a fascination in the history of Goblins and discovered a distaste for the villainous image given to the littler fae folk by the Ministry. He soon made friends with garnuff, a goblin, after saving his pet mooncalf, Biscuit, from poachers. Garnuff, wanting to repay the debt years later, offered his services to the Syndicate to aid his wizard friend.
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Allan Waite:
-The leader of the Syndicate. He’s been a thorn in the Ministry’s side long enough that they have a nickname for him, “The Grim”. He serves as the face of the underground organization, and is the organizer of plans and projects alike. He’s an Ancient Magic user, more specifically, the dark side of it, earning him the title of a “Dangerous Dark lord” even though he wants nothing to do with the Dark Arts. He’s convinced he’s doing the right thing. How He Started The Syndicate: -He started it with a simple idea: The idea that the ministry was unfair, and if the Ministry wasn't going to solve things, someone should. So, he and Crow set out to do the impossible: Stand against the Ministry. Yet, despite these odds, and perhaps aided by Crow's charisma and Allan's silver tongue, they gained a following, leading to the Syndicate as it is today, a Threat to the Ministry, which that's same Ministry wants Gone.
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The Unforgivables -A storyline about two wizards who don't really like each other very much (or do they) fighting for a cause they really believe in (or do they) against an enemy they hate (or do they) Made by me, A-username-lol and @honeybadgerdontcare394 & @the-chaotic-scilla-aster (or did we)
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(Are they gonna fight? Kiss? We don't know!)
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dailyanarchistposts · 11 days
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Gender, Dress, and Capitalist Discipline
In the current revolutionary movement in Iran, women appear to be in the vanguard, whether this be in the workplace, classroom, or community. The radical feminist character of the current revolutionary movement is one of the main features that distinguishes it from past revolutionary movements. Although women have been an important presence in all past struggles, today it is young women who constitute its vanguard, shaping the very nature of the struggle, its ideas and aspirations. The current struggle has also reached deeper into student life than ever before: although universities have always been a center of radical activity in Iranian politics, the present struggle has seen this participation expand not only to high-schoolers but to children in middle schools and elementary schools, who defy authorities and tear up the pictures of the supreme leader.
Culture is a terrain of struggle in Iran, as it is everywhere. As a flashpoint in this conflict, the hijab is not merely a religious symbol, but is also about ideological allegiance. The cops that enforce its use — often women — identify with the ideology of the state, and see their enforcing of these laws as their role in upholding it. In this case, it is pro-regime women who police and control other women. These enforcers often harbor resentment toward those who flaunt such norms and who mock their ideology. The struggle against the hijab is therefore not primarily against people who wear Islamic dress out of piety or religiosity, but is rather political in nature, since it concerns the freedom to choose. By defying the hijab mandate, one is challenging an ideological pillar of the state, one which has, since the revolution, worked assiduously to incorporate lumpen and poorer women into its repressive apparatus.
The Islamic Republic is an instructive reminder that even laws that seem to have no rational economic logic can nevertheless be incorporated into the logic of capitalism and play an important role in its reproduction. Gender oppression is linked to capital accumulation in a way perhaps not apparent at first sight. It has long been observed that labor taking place outside the formal workplace, particularly women’s domestic labor, is vital for the existence of wage labor and capital. In many regions, moreover, women’s labor includes both unwaged domestic labor and waged work, both the production of commodities for sale on the market and housework. Sometimes both are done within the same space, a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly commonplace in both core and peripheral countries, often driven by the force of necessity. In such cases, the distinction between waged and unwaged labor no longer corresponds to a distinction between two distinct or non-overlapping sets of workers, thereby challenging the distinction between “economic” and “extra-economic.”
Since the 1979 Revolution, the state has led a concerted campaign to encourage women to be primarily domestic caretakers, pushing womens’ role as mother to the forefront of official state ideology. Yet capitalist accumulation also requires women’s participation in production. The result is a labor system aimed at enabling this participation, without directly challenging patriarchal state ideology. In this system, a sizable sector of Iranian women does productive labor in its classical sense, but must do so under the cloak of invisibility.[24]
This is an important characteristic of Iranian capitalism, and is indeed a common feature of capitalist production everywhere. It was the case during the Shah, but has been exacerbated by neoliberalism. One of the main reasons that trade unionism, or even the more radical syndicalism, become difficult concerns the uneven nature of production: Iran is an island of large modern production surrounded by a sea of primitive and traditional production. Even in large scale industries such as oil and petrochemicals, an increasing number of workers are precarious and work on temporary contracts.
The introduction of a strong gender division within the working class complicates conventional lines of class struggle, from which women’s issues are often dismissed as external. The small workshops typically found in the textile industry — particularly in rural areas — were the first to be excluded from all labor legislation, whereas for women working at home there has, of course, never been any protection. This is one of the “advantages” of employing women: they are easily exploitable, as their connection to the labor market proper is never more than casual, and officially regarded so by the state. This also demonstrates how intimate and symbiotic the relation of class and gender can be. It becomes hard if not impossible to draw a sharp line between exploitation and domination, and between questions of gender and class.
The Islamic Republic reveals the inability of state ideology to overcome the contradictions inherent to capitalism. From its inception, the ruling order has tried to construct an order in which ideology, repression, and state control could be used to suppress the contradictions and crises inherent to the system. But if the global history of the past four decades has shown us anything, it is that what we call neoliberalism is nothing other than the inherent contradictions of capitalism manifesting themselves. Such is undoubtedly the case in Iran. Many of the laws and regulations that may seem to have no economic bottomline turn out to be intimately bound up with particular forms of labor discipline. Iran’s regulations around gender offer a case in point.
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thcfountain · 3 months
H4CK3R: 00
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Summary: Set in during the CONCRETE JUNGLE COMICS there exists a fifth member of the BAD OMENS SYNDICATE - an anonymous being known to the masses as "THE HACKER".
Please note that I have read all 4 comics that are currently out and this will not be spoiler free nor will it comply completely to comic canon.
Tags: minor smut in the form of fingering and vague depictions of body horror. Noah x original transmasc character who uses they/he pronouns.
Word count: 1,126. This is a prequel chapter.
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The room was dark - almost pitch black, save for the glow of the screen that illuminated the person at the computer. They wore all black and a helmet that covered their features, but he knew what many didn't. He knew what lie beneath the helmet.
Noah pulls their chair back and with ease maneuvers them so that they're now sitting on his lap. “All work and no play,” he says softly, a hand running up their leg suggestively, “means you're just going to crash.” His hand comes to a stop at the apex between their thighs and their legs part instinctively, giving him better access to cup them through the fabric of their clothing.
“If I don't work, how will we defeat The Rule Maker or any of the Powers at Play?” 
His hand trails down the front of their pants so he can rub two fingers over their panties. “You're pretty wet for someone who's making excuses,” comes Noah's response. His hand slides into their panties, fingers rubbing their clit, causing them to squirm in his lap. 
The door opens and the lights switch on, illuminating the room and its occupants entirely. “Let him work,” Jolly says, tone scolding Noah for his interruption of the work being done. “We have work to do.”
Noah withdraws his hand, earning a whimper of dissatisfaction from the one in his lap. “Later,” Noah promises, sucking his fingers into his mouth to savor their taste.
“From the minds who created… well… MIND, there's something new coming. From their files, I can see that they think it's going to be quite revolutionary. Artificial Intelligence in a real, walking, talking cybernetic, artificially created body,” the one in Noah's lap gestures to his computer, to the systems they'd hacked into. “Real miracle what they can do these days.”
“So what? More AI shit? Are you worried about it?” Noah asks, tapping on the top of the helmet. “I'm so sick of social online idiocy and the way it erases the masses and their individuality. But is this so different then what we're already up against?”
“I don't know, the project isn't finished yet. Imagine if it has even half the power of MIND,” the hop off Noah's lap and turn towards Jolly. “I need time to recharge, mind letting Noah and I have some privacy?”
Jolly sighs, mutters something about them both being incorrigible and leaves. Once the door shuts, the helmet comes off, revealing neon colored eyes that claim the owner isn't fully human. He used to be - once upon a time before ending up with a few cyber parts. It wasn't a choice they were given though. The choice had been made for him a long time ago.
Placing the helmet on the computer desk, he takes a few steps over to a futon on the floor, falling backwards until he lays sprawled out on it. They open their arms towards Noah. “Cuddles?”
Immediately, Noah lays on them, giving into his request for cuddles. “Do you need to really recharge or was that just a line to get rid of Jolly?” 
“A little of both,” they respond with a chuckle, fingers running through Noah's brunette hair. “The internal batteries in my mechanical spine that keeps my eyes functioning is at 66%.”
“Sleep,” Noah gets up, kisses their forehead. “I'll take care of you while you recharge.”
Sleep takes them quickly and it is dreamless, as it has been since the implants. All the while, Noah lays beside him - beside the half cyborg hacker that had saved him once before, a long time ago and had, in the process, stolen his heart away.
He brushes hair out of their face and kisses his cheeks. “Bad Omens are going to change the world - I won't stop until I've liberated the Concrete Jungle - and then everywhere else. And then we'll settle down like couples did before the world ended and was born again wrong.” Promises that Noah makes nightly, promises he means to keep.
If The Hacker could dream, perhaps they'd dream about the past…
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Rewind the clock a decade, back when the Concrete Jungle was a lot more lawless than it is now. Back when MIND had just been introduced.
The creators behind MIND had a lot of hopeful advancements up their sleeves from artificial ways to re-live and stay in your best memories and even medical technology that was supposed to help the disabled. For a price, or course. Everything comes at a price.
The only problem was getting the technology tested and what's a megacorporation with morals based on greed supposed to do other than illegally test their products on unwilling participants. All of whom had no one who would notice them being snatched up off the streets, had no one who would look for them or mourn the loss of them.
The Hacker, before they had taken on that title, had been one of those misfortunate few. Taken off the street and brought to a lab where they were cut open against his will.
His screams ignored as he was held down by straps connected to the surgery table as scientists and doctors alike spent hours replacing his the bones in his spine with their tech.
It took months to relearn how to walk, to move, to talk, to get used to the new cybernetic replacement of his spine. All the while he was studied like a rat. When the healing was finally close enough to complete and their motor functions back to normal, they were strapped down again and this time it was their eyes that were replaced.
What they were given was supposed to be better. Technology that scanned his surroundings, sending signals to the brain that told his brain he was seeing like a normal human except the sight was clearer, stronger than even 20/20 vision should be. His eyes were miniature computers, hardwired and battery powered by something in his new spine.
There weren't many who survived this torture and mutilation in the name of scientific and medical advancement. He wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for the revolt that took place one day in the facility. Patients turning against their captors, dying if it meant taking everyone with them. In the chaos, he had escaped.
And in the years since, he had vowed to destroy those in charge, who had allowed such horror to be committed. He had only been a teenager back then, but since that time he'd grown into an anonymous being of power, referred to by those who didn't know them as “THE H4CK3R.” 
But now he didn't work alone - now he was a faceless member of the BAD OMENS SYNDICATE.
And they were going to change the whole world.
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altidiya · 4 months
For the dwellers of the City, there is only Light.
After the White Nights and Dark Days, everything has changed and everything remained the same. People is more emotional, more aware of their own unhapiness, some even outright revolutionaries...
They don't know Him, they haven't hear the message.
When Him reach our building, we were defensive. That is what the Zwei always do. I recognize some weapons, some styles of fighting... So many different Syndicates, without their uniforms.
But it become clear once I heard his eyes. One message...
Hear His Gaze Look at His Voice
And I understand.
I can see what Him wants from me. I can hear what Him feels for me. Is intoxicating.
I found myself. And I will help Him on helping everyone on this City.
He is my Light.
Mostly me exploring and rambling about a concept around another phenomenon that co-exist with the Distortion Phenomenon.
In general, after GMing a lot, one part of me is frequently annoyed by the obsession with the Lobotomy Corporation - Carmen related stuff when doing fanfiction [EGO, Distortion, the Light in general], mostly because I find the City is fascinating enough to explore A LOT more.
Offices, Corporations, Outskirts, Cults, Syndicates, Fingers, Associations, Workshops, and the list goes on and on and on.
So, I also get obsessed with the idea that the "Distortion Phenomenon" is called like that because there had and exist other Phenomenons, by other names.
This is the story of a victim of a phenomenon of a man with blue serpentine eyes. His gaze can be hear, and his voice can be seem. The minds of those that are touch by his blessing forever changed.
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insomniac-jay · 5 months
The Watchers | Rogues Gallery
Like their enemies the Batfam, the Watchers have their own rogues gallery. It's a running joke among them that none of the Batfam would survive the villains they have to deal with.
Without further ado, here are (some of) the rogues of the Watchers.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy @moonage-gaydream @theautisticcentre @peachyblkdemonslayer
Lorelei Jackson | Black Butterfly
Lorelei was a superstar in the jewelry world thanks to her revolutionary lab grown gems. Having been bullied in the past for her permanent blindness in one eye, making a name for herself was important to Lorelei. However, trouble brewed when the lab producing her gems was shut down.
She didn't descend into villainy right away, though; instead trying to stay on the path of good by partnering with another lab. Things were fine until she was presented with a lawsuit for false advertising after it was found that the new gems were fake, forcing her to shut down her jewelry store in the process.
Lorelei broke into her new lab and discovered they were indeed producing fake diamonds made of plastic. Enraged, she destroyed the false gems and burned down the lab. After she settled her lawsuit, she sued the lab and left in search of a new market.
Depressed, Lorelei tried hard to find new ways to revive her jewelry store, but with no luck. Her criminal career started out with stealing things that her friends and others in her circle wouldn't really care about like expensive perfumes and other cosmetic items to small jewelry. But she quickly bored of this and longed for something greater.
That something greater came when she moved to Gotham, where she found fresh meat, and new things, to steal. Her first major heist caught the attention of the Watchers. While escaping, her Metagene awakened and a swarm of butterflies surrounded her pursuers, allowing her to get away.
Unlike other jewel thieves, Lorelei repurposes her stolen goods for her collections by replicating them.
Takashi | King Card & Lucille Imai | Lucky Lucy
King Card & Lucky Lucy are a husband and wife duo of high rollers and bosses of the Deal Devils organized crime syndicate. The couple control a significant amount of casinos in Gotham. They are business partners of both Penguin and Madame Nightshade.
King Card was born Takashi Imai, a Japanese immigrant from Atlantic City. As a child, Takashi never did well in school, instead preferring to spend time at the local pachinko parlors and watching people play. At some point during his high school years, he went into one and ended up winning. Takashi would come back to the parlor for his remaining years in Japan before immigrating to the United States.
Takashi ended up getting a job at a casino in Atlantic City. He took great joy in the job since American gambling was much more high strategy than pachinko. During his lunch breaks, he'd play with either his coworkers or others, often betting highly.
One day, one of the patrons noticed Takashi playing poker with some of his coworkers and invited him to play at his table, to which Takashi gladly accepted. Little did he know, this was a table full of billionaires. Sensing the high reward he'd earn if he won, Takashi made high bets and put his gambling skills to the test.
As for Lucky Lucy, she was born Lucille Harrington in South Carolina. Lucy was a daredevil with a love of danger and the wild side of things. As an adult, she left South Carolina and headed to Hollywood to work as a stuntwoman. She appeared in a few blockbuster movies, but her career was ultimately cut short because she was too much of an adrenaline junkie and often overdid her stunts.
Needing another source of income, Lucy turned to gambling. While it wasn't as physically exhilarating, she got a high from wagering large amounts of money; earning her a reputation as a high roller. Lucy won all her matches and was called "Lucky Lucy" as a result of her long win streak.
At some point, Takashi and Lucy ended up gambling against each other. Takashi enjoyed Lucy's confidence in both herself and her plays while Lucy took great pleasure in Takashi's strategy. Their match came to a draw, but both wanted more.
Neither of them are Metahumans, but it doesn't make them any less of threats. Especially Lucy since she used to be a stuntwoman.
Albert Quigley | Charon
Albert is the Scarecrow of the Watchers, only more terrifying and unpredictable. There's a lot of mysteries surrounding his past. Rumors range from a villain for hire that worshipped the Devil to a former professor of economics at Gotham University. A few things are certain for sure, though: he has a son named Newton, his name is Albert Quigley, and that he's not a Metahuman but not a human either.
Albert has quite a few abilities including the power to quite literally remove the soul from a person's body, emitting a thick black haze, and to disappear and reappear at will.
Edith Holloway | Starlet
A former child star, Edith's descent into villainy was a long time coming. Neither of her parents cared about her other when they weren't exploiting her and her talents, Jobs and gigs stopped coming in as she got older, and she found herself struggling with alcoholism. After an encounter with Masquerade, another enemy of the Watchers, she turned her talents into becoming a master conwoman and thief. During one heist, Edith discovered her Metahuman powers that she calls "movie magic", which allows her to create various special effects used in films.
Laurent Belisle | Masquerade
Laurent is one of their most formidable opponents. He has no agenda or grand ideology; his goal is to be the greatest showman the world has ever seen. Born to a poor but normal, the performing arts have always been Laurent's outlet to express himself--even if his performances are illegal. He started out as a street performer before being scouted by an acting troupe. While he had superb acting skills, him and his troupe were underpaid.
Donning a Venetian mask, Laurent and his troupe robbed their bosses and vanished into the night. They continued this with any theater that hired them and just about any place else that had money and other valuables while at the same time making it a spectacle.
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