#rena endo
ova-kakyoin · 2 years
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thisuseristheirl · 2 years
hi!! may I please request userboxes for "this user is the irl" for the characters mahiru shiina (milgram) , birthday cake cookie (cookie run) , and rena ryuugu (higurashi) ? thank you!!!
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Yes ofc!! Here you go :D
I saw ur other request btw, I’ll put that one with that request to keep organized! If you’d like any adjustments as always, please let me know ^^
I forgot to mention it in the pinned post but Higurashi is one of the medias that is a bit triggering to me due to d!ce, so I won’t do any further userboxes regarding it, I hope that’s okay!
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zaruba-needslove · 1 year
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Manga vs Anime
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 9 months
[Zoffy is surprised when he finds out about his daughter's other career, he saw Grigio and Akari reading a magazine with a picture of Nayaka singing at a concert on the cover and the two teens told him about it.]
Zoffy: So you're not only the second in command of the UFG, but an idol as well?
Nayaka, as she's looking over her schedules: That's right.
Zoffy: I hope you're not over working yourself. I mean juggling two careers like that seems very stressful.
Nayaka: Not at all. The team is very understanding when my idol job overtakes my guild duties and they're willing to work around it... That and Commander Sato is pretty serious and diligent at his job, so he doesn't call me off stage unless it's a real emergency and my sister or Akari are unavailable.
{Nayaka's Phone rings}
Nayaka: Excuse me.
Commander Sato, on the phone: Captain Morimoto, I need the full power of UFG's legal team stat! We need to limit how much actual meat you need to legally call something "meatloaf". We can save the budget, man!
Zoffy, stares at his daughter:...A serious and diligent man, indeed.
Nayaka, rubs her temple: *sigh* ...Sato, we need to talk priorities.
{Nayaka being an idol is a nod at Rena Endo/Sayama from the Ultraman manga/Netflix series.]
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kattra · 7 months
What I’m Reading
BOOKS OF OCTOBER How to Fake It in Hollywood by Ava Wilder You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron  Rabbits by Terry Miles  Elementary: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters edited by Mercedes Lackey (SS) The Wizard Killer: Season 1 by Adam Dreece  One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston **
Graphic Novels: Spy x Family Vol.9-10 by Tatsuya Endo Sorry For My Familiar Vol.4-7 by Tekka Yaguraba 
(128 books read / 125 books goal)
currently reading:  Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology edited by Vince A. Liaguno & Rena Mason (SS) Dunce by Mary Ruefle (P) Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk & Theodore C. Van Alst Jr. (SS) Pop Song: Adventures in Art & Intimacy by Larissa Pham (NF) The Wizard Killer: Season Two by Adam Dreece  Idlewild by Nick Sagan  Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire  Piranesi by Susanna Clarke 
* - re-read // ** - 4+ star-rating (recommended) GN - graphic novel // NF - non-fiction // P - poetry SS - short story collection // AB - audiobook 
TBR: Gallant by V.E. Schwab  The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson  Hour of the Crab by Patricia Robertson (SS) Sunburn by Andi Watson (GN) Brindille and the Shadow Hunters by Frédéric Brrémaud & Federico Bertolucci (GN) Lore Olympus Vol.1 by Rachel Smythe (GN)
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thekaijudude · 1 year
Ultraman Anime Season 3 Review
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This was absolutely the best season by far, theres much less inconsistency and plotholes this time around. And with 12 episodes, it definitely felt more comprehensive and less rushed.
Tho there were still some sticking points which Ive made a list of while binge-watching the season such as:
1. I felt that the portrayal of the scene where Hayata supposedly “dies” couldve had a much greater impact if it was shown that Shinjiro was able to identify Hayata on the rooftop prior. It was really weird to see Shinjiro act out when the blast imploded when previously it was shown that he couldnt even make out what was happening on the rooftop.
2. The whole idea of “Bemular being Ultraman” point has been put off so far by this point that seeing him working behind the scenes felt so painful and contrived to watch cause no one from the main cast really “acknowledges” him even tho they should since hes literally Ultraman. And with all the events tied to his existence, aka Shinjiro’s 2nd awakening and the Space Contraction event from Season 2, has no one bothered to consult him on the validity of the Universal Alliance Council? 
3. Daisuke later pointed out that Bemular was Ultraman, but previously no one seemingly make the link so to have this reveal being taken so nonchalantly at that point feels like a total waste of dramatic reveal (but then again, its a reveal thats been late for 3 seasons alr so..). But in fact, they didnt even outright reveal that, they just simply pointed out that Bemular somehow has access to Specium, as a manga-reader im like bruh wtf is this, its like the anime writers are trying their absolute best NOT to establish this connection like wtf
4. I found it really weird that Adad didnt really bother to give more info about Mephisto to Dan, sounds like prolonging the plot for no reason and being mysterious for the sake of being mysterious, because there was really no reason why shouldnt, especially since at that point in time, the SSSP were dealing with the Univeral Alliance Council as a whole, which threatens bascially everyone
5. Anyone else had the feeling that Taro was nerfed for the first half? Dude was just reduced to shooting fireballs and not literally sprout actual flamethrowers and pulses of pure fire like in Season 2
6. So Rena just stupidly decided to trust Seiji even tho his suit was spotted killing her dad? Plus Seiji’s filmsy explanation was really weird considering he was framed.  This is some Asahi-leveling of illogical behavior coming from both sides since this new piece of revelation shouldve stunned and alarmed both parties in question 
7. There was a pretty convenient plothole here, that Taro told Ide that he was gonna go to the hospital that Endo is at but Shinjiro went to the hospital that Ultraman and Zetton fought in, and only later it was revealed that apparently its the same hospital wut? Alot of conveniences here this season
8. Another convenient point to hasten plot progression was Bruh Jack and Rena showing up at the SAME town that Shinjiro and Taro are in even tho they came from vastly different locations? Jack had just arrived from the US and Rena literally came from the Alien city
9. Another convenient point was why didnt Zarab just killed off Endo instead of leaving him alive in the first place tho? In fact, why was he hurt in the first place? It was obvious that Mephisto already knew about the “Calamity” plan, and Jack even detailed it out to the rest later on. In fact, why didnt Bemular just pop up to the SSSP and explained wtf was happening to Shinjiro and how to manage it, it was apparent that he knew what was going on from the get-go but seemingly as an act to artificially prolong the plot, he refused to talk directly to the SSSP and this bascially setup the redundant chain of events that lead to Endo’s assassination attempt
10. Valky pointed she had different goals from Mephisto, but we have no idea what it was even till the end? Was it a planned subplot that got abandoned again?
11. While Taro did came to the conclusion that the there was indeed the existence of Fake Ultraman, this was truly only valid to explain the cases of Shinjiro going berserk in the 1st and 3rd instance. We saw that Shinijiro truly went berserk during the 2nd instance when he envisioned Zetton for the 2nd time but he didnt really point that out either during Taro’s monologue.
12. Bemular died too quickly and we still don't have an in-anime explanation why he became like this
13. So it was never really explained why did Shinjiro not evolve into a Giant of Light again? And why is evolving into a Giant of Light a bad thing either? Would he lose himself after evolving or...? Cause it wouldve helped if we had more exposition on this, this whole line of logic of Shinjiro becoming a Calamity was very obviously rushed and botched considering its aided by the fact that Bemular for some reason, refuses to actually provide his expertise on wtf is going on with Shinjiro throughout the season
14. The various “visions” Shinjiro had throughout the season was so random, literally the exact same situation as Orb in UFO having visions about ES of all things, except in this case, this was purely done for convenient plot progression like bru
Overall, it was kind of rushed near the end because the fact that Shinjiro still went out of control seemingly on purpose in the public eye made it still hard to believe he didnt had his power under control
Plus from the standpoint of the public which was deluded so deeply by Mephisto prior and had their reservations, truly it wouldve been less convinced. Esepically at the end of the day, Mephisto and Edo’s of logic makes complete sense and the anime totally sidestepped addressing the crux of the conflict between the 2 ideologies with no reconcilation, it ended up being reduced to Shinjiro’s personal character development instead. Especially so since Edo and Mephisto were sort of lumping their attitude towards the New Ultras with the impact of the original Ultraman itself
But this season gets BIG bonus points as imagine my surprise when Maya was still alive lmao (since yall know from my s2 review that I really didn't like how they handled Maya's character then) for the post-credits scene, but it still dosent explain the plotholes of the other Warudan aliens in the previous season
Again, this was definitely the best season by far and with EVEN MORE exciting action. 
Although this is the final season, I doubt TsuPro is actually done with this venture since Season 2 was Netlflix Japan’s Number 1 anime last year and I have no doubt Season 3 would be the same this year. And tbh, this is literally the final season purely because the Manga just simply doesnt have enough content at this point to warrant a 4th Anime Season. So I suspect that this sub-franchise most likely continue with as said, the Tiga/Zero route and either theyre gonna be following the Novel concept of also including the previous Ultra suits from the first 3 seasons, or itll be a totally brand new, fresh slate with totally new suits and characters involved only.
Personally Im hoping itll be a mixture of the 2, but for this to work, they would most likely have to nerf Shinjiro and have him being able to only use the Type B suit. And I really hope we get to see the suits of other ultras like the ones we saw some years back like Gaia, Max, Hikari etc
In fact, I believe I read somewhere that theres gonna be some news about this on the 21st of this month, so stay tuned
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2022 - 2023 Team USA International Selection Pool
The International Selection Pool (ISP) includes junior- and senior-level athletes and teams who meet criteria approved by the U.S. Figure Skating International Committee. These athletes and teams are eligible to be considered for assignment to international competitions.  
List as of 7/1/2022
William Annis
Lucas Broussard
Jason Brown
Nathan Chen*
Goku Endo
Kirk Haugeto
Jonathan Hildebrandt
Tomoki Hiwatashi
Liam Kapekis
Lucius Kazanecki
Joseph Klein
Kai Kovar
Lake Liao
Jimmy Ma
Ilia Malinin
Samuel Mindra
Antonio Monaco
Maxim Naumov
Nhat-Viet Nguyen
Matthew Nielsen
Yaroslav Paniot
Camden Pulkinen
Jacob Sanchez
Taira Shinohara
Eric Sjoberg
Beck Strommer
Dinh Tran
Michael Xie
Robert Yampolsky
Maxim Zharkov
Vincent Zhou*
Starr Andrews
Sonia Baram
Mia Barghout
Mariah Bell
Gwen Bloesch
Alena Budko
Karen Chen
Elsa Cheng
Hazel Collier
Sarah Everhardt
Amber Glenn
Gracie Gold
Giselle Graves
Hanna Harrell
Finley Hawk
Jill Heiner
Hannah Harrera
Tia Hilbelink
Rena Ikenishi
Gabriella Izzo
Mia Kalin
Ellie Kam
Katie Krafchik
Josephine Lee
Isabeau Levito
Elyce Lin-Gracey
Hannah Lofton
Maryn Pierce
Abigail Ross
Paige Rydberg
Clare Seo
Katie Shen
Audrey Shin
Phoebe Stubbenfield
Bradie Tennell
Linsday Thorngren
Kate Wang
Wren Waren-Jacobson
Sherry Zhang
Adele Zheng
Ava Ziegler
Sonia Baram / Daniel Tioumentsev
Ashley Cain-Gribble / Timothy LeDuc~
Emily Chan / Spencer Howe
Alexa Knierim / Brandon Frazier
Katie McBeath / Nathan Bartholomay
Anastasiia Smirnova / Danil Siiantsyia
Cayla Smith / Andy Deng
Ice Dance
Emily Bratti / Ian Somerville
Oona Brown / Gage Brown
Helene Carhart / Volodmyr Horovyi
Christina Carreira / Anthony Ponomarenko
Molly Cesanek / Yehor Yehorov
Madison Chock / Evan Bates
Caroline Green / Michael Parsons
Jenna Hauer / Benjamin Starr
Kaitlin Hawayek / Jean-luc Baker
Angela Ling / Caleb Wein
Lorraine McNamara / Anton Spirdonov
Caroline Mullen / Brendan Mullen
Leah Neset / Artem Markelov
Eva Pate / Logan Bye
Elliana Peal / Ethan Peal
Vanessa Pham / Jonathan Rogers
Katarina Wolfkostin / Jeffrey Chen
* - indicates the skater has indicated they will not compete next season
~ - indicates the team has retired
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facetscollective · 5 months
I'm Mars. these are my headmates! we are what you could call tulpas although i usually dont use that term. We go by the Facets. (I do not refer to us as a system, because I don't want to minimize the experiences of people with DID/OSDD)
-Rena (She/Her)
-Eddie (He/him)
-November (He/him)
-Safaira (It/she)
-Hex/Harlow (any) (Lolbit fictive)
-Fresh (he/it/they) (Fresh!Sans fictive)
-Mind (He/it) (Chonny Jash fictive)
-Heart (He/it/they) (Chonny Jash fictive)
-Ivy (She/her)
-Soul (He/it) (Chonny Jash Fictive)
I will be posting about our experiences as a collective and similar things.
-anti endo/tulpa/willo
-radqueer, pro paraphile, etc
0 notes
toku-explained · 1 year
Trailer dropped a little while ago for the final season of ULTRAMAN, which seems to confirm a couple of volumes are getting skipped over if not changed substantially, so I'll cover what I'm sure is being passed over.
Ch 71
Ambassador Mephisto is stressed by the news the Lions have been dispatched by the Star Cluster Council in pursuit of Adad, his own position may also be in jeopardy.
Adad has holed up with illegal immigrants , one named Sam, he didn't disclose to the Council in Hong Kong. Rena has been excluded from testing in DC of people close to the incident, and set to return home to Endo, who secretly had Ide pull strings on this to avoid exposure of something Rena doesn't know. The Brothers, Leo & Astra, are reminded that knowledge of them will be disavowed by the Council, and to kill Adad.
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Ch 72
Moroboshi is training like mad, Fuji confirms to Ide he's been like this since Ran, still tormented by his brother's loss. After class, Shinjiro goes to The City and encounters Red, who warns about spending too much time there as alien tensions towards humanity are high, as a broadcast is made worldwide by Chairman Ubarazu.
At the same time the Hong Kong group detect the Leo Brother's arrival, Adad knows what it means.
Ch 73
Taro tells David's grave he's joined Jack's team, and expresses his remorse, when Jack tells him to catch he broadcast.
Ubarazu relates the history of the Ultra race in Nebula M78, but reveals their Artificial Sun went out of control, wiping out the Nebula and causing irreversible damage to the universe, Red revealing to Shinjiro this is what started alien immigration to earth, and Pedan spoke the truth about Time and Space Contracting.
The truth revealed, Adad tells Sam and his friends to run, as the Leo Brothers break in, dragging him onto the street, he knows who they are, and that they will kill him and the others.
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Ubarazu continues, revealing alien races are working together to devise a solution, but also a contingency to use earth as a mothership to escape to another dimension.
Ch 74
The broadcast over, the news immediately begins reporting on it, as Ken of SSSP China contacts Ide, informing of the current battle in Hong Kong. Edo knows of the Leo Brothers, and their status as assassin's above Ace Killer. SSSP can't stand by, but at the same time the Council will be angry with their actions, Moroboshi asks to go, saying they can tell them he went rogue. He claims to feel he owes Adad, but Edo suspects there's more.
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Adad is being beaten down, unable to match the Brother's speed, frustrated by being unable to handle the things he was experimentally created for, he takes some growth hormone recovered from Pedan, and consumes them, growing in musculature and speed, and aware they're using short-range teleports to catch him, he manages to destroy the suits. Annoyed by this, the pair unleash their true forms.
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Ch 75
In the City, the citizens are growing restless, and angry with humanity keeping them confined there, and start getting angry with the privileged Red, who has Shinjiro run, he calls Ide for the Suit.
In Hong Kong, now powered up in their original forms, the Brothers have the advantage again, tearing off Adad's arm.
Ch 76
Rena's flight is about to leave, she looks over her messages from her father, and wonders a little about her miraculous escape during the New York Battle.
Shinjiro is surprised when the SSSP turn up so soon, and is told Moroboshi is going to Hong Kong, with a new bike, as Ide brings Shinjiro his suit. (Moroboshi is now in either the 7.4 Suit or the 7.5, the physical design is the same.)
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Sam tries to help Adad, to no avail, Astra grabs him, prepared to kill him, but Adad won't see him hurt. Before a killing blow can be dealt, SEVEN arrives, and reveals his bike's other mode, the support robot Windom.
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Ch 77
SEVEN tells Leo not to bother with veiled threats, he doesn't care about the Council, ULTRAMAN or anything else, he'll just handle anyone making trouble.
Windom shoots down Astra with a Wide Shot, and reluctantly starts on evacuation.
Shinjiro, now in the B-Type ULTRAMAN Suit, returns to the fray as Red is attacked, and producing Specium Slashes, threatens forces if the aliens attacking Red don't cease and desist.
Ch 78
SEVEN starts making Leo sweat, but the assassin is matching both him and Adad. Moroboshi opts to rely on Leo's sentimentality, using a smokescreen to get to Astra, holding a Specium Sword to his chest, telling Leo to choose between the Council's orders and his brother's life.
Ch 79
Red tells ULTRAMAN to stop, he's just making the situation worse, and he was just letting the mob blow off steam. Shinjiro is called to Hong Kong, told to bring Red with him, in order to free them up he's sent Hokuto to take over with the mob.
With Adad keeping Astra hostage, SEVEN beats on Leo, pointing out how if they're killed the council will deny any knowledge, and he will therefore avoid any repercussions, demanding Leo answer some questions.
The Star Cluster Council discuss the situation in Hong Kong, Edo has reported 340, Morboshi Dan, as having acted on his own accord. It will be trouble for the Council if the SSSP detain the Leo Brothers, but they figure they may as well eliminate the city and all the loose ends, Adad and the L77 survivors, passing command to the Black Directive.
SEVEN is just deciding whether or not to kill Leo, feeling them too similar to those who killed Ran, when Red and ULTRAMAN arrive. Further discussion is tabled, and Leo Brothers note they've become expendable, as the Bioweapon Nova appears in the sky.
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Ch 80
As Nova starts to rampage, Edo orders Moroboshi to withdraw, on orders from the Council, on confirming the orders are from on high Moroboshi disconnects, and takes a moment to think back on what lead him to join SSSP and become ULTRAMAN, seeing the Leo Brothers are just like he was. An explosion knocks Leo back, and he thinks Astra is lost, but SEVEN emerges holding him, telling Leo he'll make sure they and Adad get out of there, and screw the Star Cluster Council.
ULTRAMAN and SEVEN leap into action against Nova, while Leo feels this is Moroboshi's fault, Astra points out the Council were always going to eliminate them eventually, which he acknowledges.
Ch 81
Adad goes through rubble looking for his coat, retrieving the remaining drugs from it.
Shinjiro seems to be doing well against Nova until it releases a smoke attack, which disrupts the Suit Systems, sending him plummeting. Leo and Astra manage to save him from the impact, and dubbing Moroboshi their Brother, vow to show him what they can do.
Ch 82
Nova seems to recover, Adad having dosed it with the drug as a measure to weaken it long term. Dan's plan is for Shinjiro to use a Specium Beam to clear the fog and hopefully down Nova, which it does with the Limiter Release, and then SEVEN, Leo, Astra, Red and Adad leap to attack, only for Nova to suddenly vanish.
Ubarazu reports to someone that as ordered Nova was recalled, and is told the handling of the situation was too heavy handed, believing the Brothers do not know enough to damage the Star Cluster Council. Ubarazu decides he is satisfied for now, deferring to the Star Cluster Council's Supreme Chairman: Edo.
Ch 83
Bemular meets up with Endo, having previously set up a way for Endo to call him. He can guess it is about Rena, specifically about the fact she isn't human.
Shinjiro and Moroboshi take Leo and Astra to SSSP HQ, the pair nervous about being seen, but are brought to a meeting with Ide, Hayata, Hokuto and Edo. They intend to keep the fact they will be harbouring the pair a secret, Edo will handle things if he must.
When asked if they can give information, they quickly reveal that the Space Contraction Phenomenon is a lie, further, and rather than the Land of Light being destroyed by the artificial sun going haywire, they were part of a Council operation to wipe out the Ultramen. After all, Ultraman is evil, and an enemy of the universe.
Rena arrives home, met by her father.
Ch 84
Jack returns to Yapool at base, more and more alien incidents are occuring, it seems City residents are escaping, possibly allowed by the council.
Shinjiro looks at the Ultraman status, pondering the earlier conversation. Leo and Astra say the Ultras kept refusing to join the Star Cluster Council, the one thing dedicated to maintaining peace in the universe. Moreso, after receiving their powers, they started acting as cosmic vigilantes. The humans still don't see the problem, Leo and Astra understand that view of course, but ask how they would feel if Ultras decided humanity was a threat and wiped them out wherever they found them. Shinjiro wonders if Ultraman, if Bemular is truly evil, when the museum caretaker tells for him, as Sayama Rena has come to see him.
0 notes
galahadwilder · 4 years
Being one of the few people who knows Ultraman’s real identity, Rena has had the chance to see a great many sides of Shinjiro Hayata that others might not. There’s a difference between when Ultraman is Shinjiro wearing a mask, and when he is purely Ultraman.
What she’s never seen before—and would be quite happy to never see again—is Ultraman wearing Shinjiro’s face. Because right now the boy sitting across from her is not kind, helpful, constantly-moderately-confused Shinjiro Hayata. One sentence, and suddenly she’s sitting across from ULTRAMAN, and she know she has to do something before the other guy does something that gets things broken. Luckily, she’s planned for this.
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nikologueplus · 3 years
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imasallstars · 4 years
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The Bandai Namco Ent. Festival 2nd Live artists have been announced! The event will occur on the 6th and 7th of February 2021! All the idolm@ster brances will be appearing on both days (so the full cast list will be posted for posterity)
IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls  LOVE LAIKA: Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia)  ENJIN: Yuko Hara (Takumi Mukai), Mayumi Kaneko (Rina Fujimoto), Haruka Chisuga (Ryo Matsunaga), Tomo Muranaka (Aki Yamato), Kiyono Yasuno (Natsuki Kimura)  Dimension-3: Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)
IDOLM@STER Million Live  Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadakoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Yukiyo Fujii (Megumi Tokoro), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Megumi Toda (Ayumu Maihara), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi)
DEEN, misono, BACK-ON
Aikatsu!  Aikatsu!/Aikatsu Stars!: Waka Kirishima, Ruka Endo, Sena Horikoshi, Risuko Sasakama, Rie Fujishiro  Aikatsu Friends!: Akane Matsunaga (Aine Yuki), Ibuki Kido (Mio Minato)  Aikatsu Parade!: Rin Aira (Raki Kiseki)  Aikatsu Planet!: Kaya Date (Mao Otoha/Hana), Rio Ogura (Ruli Tamaki/Ruli), Mizuki (Ayumi Tsukishiro/Q-PIT), Shizune Nagao (Kyoko Umekoji/Beat),  Rion Watanabe (Shiori Motoya/Shiori), Amy (Ann Kurimu/Ann), Narumi Uno (Meisa Hinata/Rose), Rurika Uno (Sala Itoi/Sala)
IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALL STARS   Eriko Nakamura (Haruka Amami), Asami Imai (Chihaya Kisaragi), Mayako Nigo (Yayoi Takatsuki), Naomi Wakabayashi (Ritsuko Akizuki), Chiaki Takahashi (Azusa Miura), Rie Kugimiya (Iori Minase), Hiromi Hirata (Makoto Kikuchi), Akiko Hasegawa (Miki Hoshii)
IDOLM@STER SideM  Café Parade: Sho Karino (Yukihiro Kamiya), Takuya Kodama (Makio Uzuki), Daiki Kobayashi (Saki Mizushima)  S.E.M: Yoshiki Nakajima (Jiro Yamashita)  THE Kogado: Junta Terashima (Takeru Taiga), Daiki Hamano (Michiru Enjoji)    Legenders: Jun Kasama (Amehiko Kuzunoha),  Fumiyoshi Shioya (Sora Kitamura), Wataru Komada (Chris Koron)
IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors  Illumination Stars: Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya)  L’Antica: Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suganuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Runa Narumi (Yuika Mitsumine), Mizuki Yuina (Kiriko Yukoku)  Houkago Climax Girls: Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa)  Alstoremeria: Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama)  Straylight: Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi)  Noctchill: Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa) 
DENON-BU  Sotokanda Literature: Yuuka Shidomi (Reina Hidaka LIVE set), Miho Amane (Kazyne Shinonome LIVE set), Sena Horikoshi (Futaba Kayano LIVE set)  Jungumae Sandou: Yurie Kozakai (Mimito Sakurano LIVE set), Nichika Omori (Hina Minakami LIVE set), Rena Hasegawa (Shina Inubosaki LIVE set)
LOVE LIVE! SCHOOL IDOL PROJECT  AZALEA: Nanaka Suwa (Kanan Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida)  Riko Sakurauchi&You Watanabe: Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Shuka Saito (You Watanabe)  Hanamaru Kunikida&Ruby Kurosawa: Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa)  SAINT SNOW: Asami Tano (Sarah Kazuno), Hinata Sato (Leah Kazuno)
LOVE LIVE! NIJIGASAKI SCHOOL IDOL CLUB   Aguri Onishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maeda (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashita), Tomori Kusunoki (Setsuna Yuki), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune)
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Musical theatre performers from Japan (+ Ramin) sing ‘Do You Hear The People Sing?’ (民衆の歌) from Les Misérables
Shows at Home Project: https://showsathome.wixsite.com/showsathome
Japanese Lyrics by 岩谷時子 (Tokiko Iwatani)
Cast: 浦井健治 (Kenji Urai) | 大原櫻子 (Sakurako Ohara) | 音月桂 (Kei Otozuki) | 尾上松也 (Matsuya Onoe) | 海宝直人 (Naoto Kaiho) | 加藤和樹 (Kazuki Kato) | 加藤清史郎 (Seishiro Kato) | 上山竜治 (Ryuji Kamiyama) | Crystal Kay | 小南満佑子 (Mayuko Kominami) | 小西遼生 (Ryosei Konishi) | 昆夏美 (Natsumi Kon) | 斉藤 慎二 (Shinji Saitov) | 咲妃みゆ (Miyu Sakihi) | 笹本玲奈 (Rena Sasamoto) | 佐藤隆紀 (Takanori Sato) | 清水彩花 (Ayaka Shimizu) | 城田優 (Yu Shirota) | 田代万里生 (Mario Tashiro) | 中川晃教 (Akinori Nakagawa) | 西川大貴 (Taiki Nishikawa) | 愛希れいか (Manaki Reika) | 三浦涼介 (Ryouske Miura) | 宮澤エマ (Emma Miyazawa) | 濱田めぐみ (Megumi Hamada) | 原田優一 (Yuichi Harada) | 平原綾香 (Ayaka Hirahara) | フランク莉奈 (Rina Frank) | Ramin Karimloo | 山崎育三郎 (Ikusaburo Yamazaki) | 
Chorus: 石田佳名子 (Kanako Ishida) | 川島大典 (Daisuke Kawashima) | 木南清香 (Sayaka Kinami) | 杉浦奎介 (Keisuke Sugiura) | 持木悠 (Yu Mochiki) | 横田剛基 (Yoshiki Yokota) | 
Pf.奥田祐 (Yu Okuda) | Drs.岩根圭佑 (Keisuke Iwane) | Gt.川相賢太郎 (Kentaro Kawai) | Bs.遠藤優樹 (Yuuki Endo) | Vn.地行美穂 (Miho Chigyo) | 
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2021 - 2022 USA International Selection Pool
The International Selection Pool (ISP) includes junior- and senior-level athletes and teams who meet criteria approved by the U.S. Figure Skating International Committee. These athletes and teams are eligible to be considered for assignment to international competitions.
List is as of 04/11/2022
William Annis
Lucas Broussard
Jason Brown
Nathan Chen
Goku Endo
Jonathan Hildebrandt
Tomoki Hiwatashi
Liam Kapeikis
Joseph Klein
Kai Kovar
Lake Liao
Jimmy Ma
Ilia Malinin
Samuel Mindra
Maxim Naumov
Nhat-Viet Nguyen
Matthew Nielsen
Yaroslav Paniot
Camden Pulkinen
Jacob Sanchez
Tiara Shinohara
Eric Sjoberg
Beck Strommer
Dinh Tran
Michael Xie
Robert Yampolsky
Maxim Zharkov
Vincent Zhou
Starr Andrews
Sonia Baram
Mariah Bell
Gwen Bloesch
Alena Budko
Karen Chen
Elsa Cheng
Hazel Collier
Sarah Everhardt
Amber Glenn
Gracie Gold
Giselle Graves
Hanna Harrell
Finley Hawk
Jill Heiner
Hannah Harrera
Tia Hilbelink
Rena Ikenishi
Gabriella Izzo
Mia Kalin
Ellie Kam
Katie Krafchik
Josephine Lee
Isabeau Levito
Elyce Lin-Gracey
Hannah Lofton
Maryn Pierce
Abigail Ross
Paige Rydberg
Clare Seo
Katie Shen
Audrey Shin
Phoebe Stubblefield
Bradie Tennell
Lindsay Thorngren
Kate Wang
Wren-Warne Jacobson
Sherry Zhang
Adele Zheng
Ava Ziegler
Sonia Baram and Daniel Tioumentsev
Ashley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc
Emily Chan and Spencer Howe
Alexa Knierim and Brandon Frazier
Katie McBeath and Nathan Bartholomay
Anastasiia Smirnova and Danil Siianytsia
Cayla Smith and Andy Deng
Ice Dance
Emily Bratti and Ian Sommerville
Oona Brown and Gage Brown
Helena Carhart and Volodmyr Horovyi
Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko
Molly Cesanek and Yehor Yehorov
Madison Chock and Evan Bates
Caroline Green and Michael Parsons
Jenna Hauer and Benjamin Starr
Kaitlin Hawayek and Jean-Luc Baker
Angela Ling and Caleb Wein
Lorraine McNamara and Anton Spiridonov
Caroline Mullen and Brendan Mullen
Leah Neset and Artem Markelov
Eva Pate and Logan Bye
Elliana Peal and Ethan Peal
Vanessa Pham and Jonathan Rogers
Katarina Wolfkostin and Jeffrey Chen
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margridarnauds · 4 years
I tuned in for your livestream of Toho Marie Antoinette a little while ago and became absolutely obsessed with that production! I haven’t been able to find any other productions so I have a question about the scene in act 2 with the projection animation. Is that musical number in any other productions of the show and what is that number called?
I’m so THRILLED you love it! I’ve said it a thousand times, but this musical is my actual child, so I’m always happy to talk it (also if you want to come off anon, feel free to hit my DMs; I promise I don’t bite, especially if you come bearing Marie Antoinette the Musical). The number is called “The King’s Escape” (国王の逃亡); a version of the Varennes Flight’s been in all the productions, but that particular version is the one found in what I’ve called the Marie Antoinette 2.0 version, which consists of the Korean, Hungarian, and 2018 Toho casts. 
You can listen to the Hungarian audio for it here; no known video bootleg of this musical exists (If there was......look, I’m willing to do unreasonable things for the sake of that bootleg), so it’s just audio. (Not NEARLY as impressive as getting to see the projections on the screen.)
There have been a total of seven productions of that musical, starting with the very first, 1.0 version of it:  (1) The 2006-2007 Toho premiere; VERY unusual in that it was Kunze and Levay’s first Japanese premiere, and their first musical to be based off of Japanese source material (a novel by Shusaku Endo.) It did have an album released which...it’s there. I can’t say I’d really RECOMMEND it unless you REALLY want to see what it was like in the early days, though. A fun fact is that Rena Sasamoto, who played one of the Antoinettes in the 2018 Toho cast, played one of the two Margrids in this cast.  (2) The 2009 Bremen, Germany production - After the initial flop of the Toho, it was slated for a European premiere. A few alterations were made, but it wasn’t quite enough for a German audience, and it ultimately got the reputation of an expensive flop. 
(3) The 2012 Teckleburg - Done in the open-air theatre of Teckleburg, Germany, it made a few amendments from the Bremen production, but not really ENOUGH; it still didn’t catch on. 
These three musicals constitute what I’ve deemed “MA 1.0″; it’s a very different musical from what you saw. I can’t really say that I RECOMMEND them, as a whole, but they do exist. Some characters that are present in the revised production are not present in it, while some characters in the 1.0 productions are given a TON of significance that isn’t there in the 2.0 productions. These include Agnés Duchamps, the nun who used to teach Margrid, Frau Lapin, a brothel owner, and Count Alessandro Cagliostro, who acts as a narrator/villain (in some of my more unkind moments, I’ve called him “Discount Lucheni”, mainly because it was generally thought of as a poor attempt at mimicking Luigi Lucheni from Elisabeth, which is far and away Kunze and Levay’s most successful musical.) Marie Antoinette is VERY unsympathetic in that version, Margrid is borderline saintly, and there is a strong religious bent to it. I will say that, if you’re curious, the German, as well as having the full bootleg that I linked above, has had its first act translated here. For what it’s worth, I have made a private resolution that, when I get back to the States, I’ll order the libretto and translate the second half. 
When it came to Korea, Korea said (in what I’m sure is much more diplomatic terms) “So, we like your baby, but also your baby is shit and we’re going to completely renovate it.” And they did, giving us the 2.0 production, featuring a more sympathetic Marie, bitterer Margrid, Orléans as a central villain, and a tighter plot. 
As of right now, these are the productions of that one:  (1) 2014 Korean production - The premiere of this newly renovated production, was a VERY nice hit, featuring the lavish costuming and projections that would be carried over to the Toho. 
(2) 2016 Hungarian - Possibly the darkest take on this musical, featuring some changes to the storyline, including emphasizing the (otherwise implied) love triangle between Marie Antoinette, Margrid, and Fersen, and also making Orléans’ motivation a spurned love for Antoinette, earning him the nickname “Inceléans” from me. It did not try for a historical approach, instead utilizing modern costuming for the most part. I will say that of all the productions, I know the LEAST about this one, since there was precious little video material released.
(3) 2018 Toho - The musical’s return to Toho was a triumph, with a star-studded double-cast and a proshot. There’s really not all that much I CAN say about this one, save that it is, in my opinion, the single best production of the musical. (Mainly because it was my first introduction to the revised musical, so I have to have a soft spot for it.) There are two casts of it available, one with Hanafusa Mari, Mario Tashio, and Natsumi Kon, the other with Rena Sasamato, Furukawa Yuta, and Sonim; generally speaking, I stream the latter, but the former is also something I’m perfectly happy to stream. (For what it’s worth, proshots tend to sell for ~$110-120 per cast; IF anyone is interested in buying one, I can give you some pointers on how to get a good proxy service. It’s a Hell of an investment, it’s not something everyone can justify, it’s a luxury price, but, in return, you DO get a luxury production.)
(4) 2019 Korean - It returned to Korea for another run; no major changes from the 2014 to the 2019, at least that I know of, but this time around, they DID do us a solid and gave us a press call featuring some highlights. (They did not do us enough of a solid that the Varennes Flight and the ball scene, “Wenn” are there.)
I hope this could help! Also, my offer to talk about this musical/restream it stands! (Seriously, you’d be doing me AND my friends a favor, since they’re the ones I generally have to rope into talking about it.) 
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nogi-world46 · 4 years
Today, 14 members from Kenshuusei program has been assigned to each group.
All Sakamichi Group new members will join the latest group generation.
Nogizaka46's 4th Generation new members
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Kuromi Haruka, Sato Rika, Hayashi Runa, Matsuo Miyu, Yumiki Nao.
Keyakizaka46's 2nd Generation new members
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Endo Hikari, Ozono Rei, Onuma Akiho, Kousaka Marino, Masumoto Kira, Moriya Rena.
Hinatazaka46's 3rd Generation new members
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Takahashi Mikuno, Marimoto Marii, Yamaguchi Haruo.
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