#ren nev
0wllight · 2 years
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i may be cringe but i am free. sometimes i have the insane urge to draw kinnieship art (aka two men who literally probably dont know each other exist in canon) and make them make out. its totally worth it. you should try it- it's healing.
(ok to rb)
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20elements · 1 year
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Inspired by Ren’s original songs, I align my thoughts on them with the three Triforce components in the above artwork. In the following, I’ll not only describe my drawings, but focus more on how I interpret his songs before discussing what my links are between them and the Triforce.
What I will not do is claim I know his mind and music better than anyone else (let alone the guy himself), nor will I project anything… much…
TL;DR - I entertain all three songs cohering into a story about our former alien warlord seeking new meaning in his life, transitioning from  solitude and hostility to worthwhile connections on Earth, with music playing a major role in this. (Apologies in advance if I use the word ‘connection’ a lot.) 01) Wanderer
Elements Drawn: Fire, Darkness
I want to start with his latest song first, because the MV seems to touch on the earlier stages of his lore before his descent on Earth. In other words, it seems to be chronologically first in this yet-trilogy (apart from that ending scene with the rest of ILUNA). According to his lore video, Ren was weary of his race’s bloodthirsty history and left. In Wanderer, Ren seems to express loneliness, either from the lack of friends or love in his darker home planet, or from other planets’ antagonisms towards him. Lyrics such as “could you be alone with me?” may hint that one of the things he hopes to find on his journey is at least one meaningful connection who can accept and truly understand him, however complex or enigmatic he may be, as opposed to fearing and avoiding him.
Nevertheless, my artwork sees the Wanderer of galaxies with the Triforce of Power befitting both his own strengths and violent history. (Similarly, this Triforce would traditionally be blessed to Legend of Zelda’s dark lord Ganondorf.)
“Even if I had great power, I couldn’t get anything. I keep losing them. Everyone will get up from their seats and leave me. …There is no one to invite me anymore…” —Malleus Draconia, Twisted Wonderland 02) Blue Sugar
Elements Drawn: Water, Sound
This one’s easy; methinks Alien Dabi is addicted to jumbo blueberries :D …Jokes aside, I’ll start with Ren’s own explanation: He underwent a rough time and was stuck in his head, then wrote this song out of both self-criticism and a desire to “feel alive again”. For how therapeutic he finds music to be, I want to say this “sugar high” he pursues is simply music. Not very deep, I know, but it checks off many boxes: It’s his new newfound passion and one of the easier yet healthier “highs” or stimuli to experience. More importantly, it can be a way to communicate feelings and possibly even forge connections with.
To backtrack a bit, Blue Sugar was the first song Ren composed after arriving on Earth and discovering music for the first time. Like as not, his prior challenges would include adapting to life and culture on Earth, to say nothing of a continued solitude. Nevertheless, music can soothe his soul and help him carry though his ordeals. But if he wants a song that can truly “hit the spot” and better yet resonate with others as well, Ren may want to compose a song himself for the first time. Depending on how difficult all of that is, creative frustrations and feeling trapped in his thoughts sound plausible—but hey, long story short, he made it!
The most obvious link to the Triforce of Wisdom here is the color blue (water, Lanayru’s element, go figure). A popular fan theory I embrace is that the “Blue” in “Blue Sugar” alludes to planet Earth where Ren discovers music, with much of the color reflected in our oceans and seas. And while I’m stressing music, (1) water is a good conductor of sound, so I portray Ren in a literal sea of sound in my drawing; (2) in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link even learns specific songs from Zelda/Sheik, our “Wisdom” bearer. But more pertinent of Wisdom to Ren himself is that I’m seeing Blue Sugar as a mark of his “learning stages” on Earth in general.
“To me, a life without music is inconceivable. I never turn down the volume, even when I’m working on a case.” —Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney 03) Amplify
Elements Drawn: Flora, Light
After overcoming his personal ordeals and literally finding his own melody, it sounds like Ren has succeeded in getting his voice and presence across the world. The beat and melody of Amplify celebrate his successes, while his lyrics reach out to convey the same optimism and encouragement he has developed. Lines such as “Our connection is by design” not only tells me he has found his aforementioned “meaningful connections” (e.g. ILUNA enrollment), but a tremendous reward to his patience in general. The message I’m hearing is that whatever difficulties or odds we may experience, as long as we perservere and not drown in despair, a perfect timing will be there for us to fulfill our aspirations, just as he found his.
So I scarcely need to explain why Amplified Ren holds the Triforce of Courage; he sounds as encouraged as can be to take on the world and possibly the rest of the galaxy (and this time with less destruction in his wake, maybe).
“Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.” —Soothsayer, Kung Fu Panda 2
__ Nonetheless, Wanderer was released after Amplify, so I’m lead to believe either (a) Ren wrote his third song as a humble reminder of how or why he started this journey that led him to this meadow of magic, or (b) simply an expression that his earlier pursuits still continue, even with the… very mixed warmth of his genmates’ camaraderie. Speaking of which, that lower middle space between the three Triforce panels alludes to his inclusion in “Let’s Get It Started” with blessings from the Moon and Sky. Last Word
I arrange all of my ideas here with doors open to future songs from Ren Zotto that may either completely contradict what I have here or fit any of these Triforce virtues better. But to anyone who may see this in the future, I’m only working with the songs available at this current time while awaiting more bangers from the Alien Prince.
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elkenbulwark · 6 months
@wildskissed cont.
There were things he knew (too many) about control and how he'd spent the vast majority of his life thus far exerting it over his brother- all in the name of keeping him from harm and ensuring the singular heir of a dying house composed of beings with hardly enough souls left in their race to consider not proceeding a rare gift with criminal caution- lived, whether he wanted to or not. Despite how Ren felt, there was comfort in his bullying, otherwise known as the keeping of one's brother to polite society. It helped keep his focus- something he thought for sure was forever shredded the night the orcs had attacked them and something not even an enchanted brand upon the brow could hope to dissuade from developing, late as it did and utterly more vicious for it. Most importantly, it helped him feel as though he was actually in control and not simply the conduit of the Cragdews' will.
He could feel as though he was losing control of the situation at hand...but it was never his to begin with, and simply catching a glimpse of that uncomfortable reality through the cracks she had begun to form in the bulwark of his hide up until now had coerced him in even closer to her side as if the hands she'd laid upon his scars had the means of filling those gaps. Well, it seemed she would fill them now in an entirely unexpected manner...one that neither of them seemed to foresee. As far as he was concerned now, she was an extension to the service and aid he'd always been expected to render unto his brother. The loose reins he could but watch flap before him like that of Ren's sleeve when they'd fallen from the ship and he'd failed to grab was now back in his grasp. He would not lose it again so needlessly-...the cracks would fill with this purpose and harden again.
"-and I didn't ask fer your 'pinion, did I now?" The half-orc huffed as she rounded on him, and part of him hoped that whatever he managed to find and say to her from then on would come to blows of frustration from her so he could still selfishly feel a semblance of her hands fanned out along shoulders weighed down by a burden he didn't seem to know was no longer tied down. "Whatev there's to discuss, that's for you and him. Think've me as the...driving force what gets you therein the first place." Oh he could tell from the look on her face she was not the type to entertain such games, but the stern gaze he leveled with hers let her know that he wouldn't either.
There was but a brief flicker of broken concentration when he followed the movement of her hand to the interesting curve of the scar along her neck. He'd noticed it before, sure, but it weren't the type of question to go asking a stranger...even one who's lips were no longer just that, though he would have to pretend as though they were. As far as he knew, she'd had that when he'd first found his way into her camp, and yet the sting of what it might feel like to suffer a punishing blow from failing to prevent such an egregious mark reverberated across his hide no differently. He had traced the curve of the mark carefully only just the previous night with the blunt side of his tusk turned to tickle. His heart would have whiplash by the end of the morning if it kept starting up like that against a firmly held rein.
A pause set in before he agreed, his gaze caught between the act of rising to study her state and falling to avoid concerning himself over it in ways that were not fitting of a body guard. "Nev said it was, yanno? Still changes lit'l in way of me needin' to getcha where he's been meant to be this whole while- which is at least talkin' with you 'bout what's... next." He swallowed, the words like spit up still tasting odd in his mouth the second time he spoke them. The first had been with her arms about him in the secrecy of the run-down shed, simply wondering with eyes that mirrored hers and queried a wordless wonder about just what happened next-...but between them.
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"Can ya 'least not make much a fuss as he does? 'Cause I can and will carry you over an about like your average sack 'uv tubers, mind ya-"
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Tempverse ask quick jaune incoming tackle hug from your younger sisters at twelve o’clock think fast!
"So like I was say-"
Jaune never got to finish his sentence, not before he was suddenly knocked off his seat in the cafeteria table by a speeding black bullet.
His eyes widened as his body hit the floor with a rather loud impact, his ever present aura thankfully there to cushion the fall.
A mixture of voices called out, worrying for their friend and carefully eyeing the sudden assailant.
Atop their fallen comrade lay a rather diminutive girl with the palest of skin that could compete even with the Schnee, and the darkest of black hair that put Ruby's to shame, currently lay atop their comrade, her arms out stretched and head currently nuzzling into his uniform chest.
The sudden vocalization of her affiliation with Jaune caught all of them offguard. They'd been aware of his various sisters, but hadn't expected to see another one short of Rua at Beacon. especially one who... looked nearly nothing like him.
"Uuuhaaw wha?"
Slowly Jaune came to, his daze lifting lazily. "Lapis?"
"Ah! Dearest brother, you have not forgotten me, I'm well relieved."
"I... what? Why would I forget you?"
Pyrrha and May both stared carefully, feeling a sudden chill run down their spine as their fiance slowly pulled himself from the ground, lifting his tiny sister upwards with him helping her get upon her feet once more.
"Because thou has been charmed by vile vixens!"
"Wait... what? Why? No I haven't, where did you hear that from? And what are you doing here?"
"I have heard from Elder sister Rua, that you've been contracted with fiends most fowl, and have come to rescue you."
Though none there could see her eyes behind her woefully long bangs, Pyrrha and May could feel her gaze upon them, both women shifting awkwardly.
"Yo uh, Jauney, wanna introduce us?"
Yang was the first to break the awkward silence, thankfully for both Pyr and May.
"Oh right! Guys, this is my little sister Lapis, third youngest from the bottom."
Lapis swiftly hid behind her elder brother, peaking from behind, choosing not to introduce herself as she watched both of the local redheads.
"And Lapis, these are my friends, the blonde one who looks like she'd be right at home with our family is Yang."
"Sup lil sis!" Yang gave her a cheerful grin.
"The smaller girl is Ruby, she's the same age as you."
Ruby gasped, "No way! SOmeone my own age!"
She would have been happier, if it wasn't for the sudden glare, at least she felt like she was being glared at, from Lapis.
"Next to her is Weiss, she-"
"The one trying to steal Rua, I know."
"What?! I would nev-"
Weiss wanted to interject, however Lapis pointed at her eyes, then back at Weiss with two fingers. "I'm watching you."
"Right well... these three here are Emerald, Nora, and Ren, they've been together from childhood."
"Sup lil Sis Arc! Oooh you're so adorable!"
"Nora, no."
Nora turned around to Ren, dejected, "Oh come on! I was just going to hug her!"
"Nora, you'd probably crush her."
"Please don't crush my sister."
"Please don't crush me..."
With shoulder's slumped she looked away, "Boo no fun!"
Emerald however, just eyed her for a moment. "Huh, I think I get it."
"Get what?"
"Oh nothing Jaune~"
Jaune glared at her for a moment before turning to Pyrrha and May, "And these two are-"
"The harlots that are trying to steal you from us! I know all about them and their sick and twisted plans, wanting to take you from m- I mean us! How dare you!"
Pyrrha was used to all kinds of defamatory statements about her, it came with the job, but this?! This!? "What? No! We wouldn't do that!"
She was starting to panic.
May blinked, and then looked around, then tried to think about what to say. But her face was burning, she wasn't used to the level of detailed attention that Lapis was giving her, especially with how negative it was!
"Lapis, they aren't taking me from anyone. They're getting added to the family."
"That... no! BUt you're my big brother!" She made a point to glare at Ruby for a moment, who let out a small eep and hid behind Yang.
"Oh sweetie." Jaune pulled his sister into a hug but then, "Wait, what are you doing here? How did you get in?"
"Uncle let me in, and I'm in town with Indy, she's got a thing going on so-"
Before she could finish Glynda came rushing over, "There you are!"
"You know you're not allowed to wonder freely." The headmistress simply rubbed her hand against her face, trying to keep herself calm.
"Come along, I know you want to see your brother some more, but for now we have to get you and Indy set into the room we've opened for you."
"Wait? Both of them are here?! Does Rua know?!"
"Of course she does Jaune, they'll be staying for the week. Indy is looking forward to seeing you, though she knows to be patient."
For what it was worth, Lapis didn't seem terrified of the strict professor, simply nodding her head and going along.
"I'll be keeping an eye on you!" Lapis said as she was pulled away, though who exactly she was directing it to? No one really knew.
"Oh jeez, we're going to have a crazy week, aren't we?" Yang piped in, enjoying the chaos.
"Yeah..." Jaune couldn't help but agree.
"We're not vixens..."
Pyrrha and May softly spoke to one another.
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vanta-nev00 · 8 months
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vanta/marie/maru/nev ✧˖°. > 19 || pl/eng || nonbinary (she/they/he) || adhd ━━━»•» ✧ «•«━━━
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𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐱𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: ᴏʙsᴇʀᴠᴇʀ_, sᴛᴀʀ ᴡᴀʀs, ᴇᴠᴀɴɢᴇʟɪᴏɴ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬: ᴄʏʙᴇʀᴘᴜɴᴋ 𝟸𝟶𝟽𝟽, ᴊᴅᴍ ᴄᴀʀs, ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏ ᴍᴜsɪᴄ, ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ, ᴀɴᴀʟᴏɢ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀs ━━━»•» ✧ «•«━━━ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬: ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇss, ᴏᴠᴇʀᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬: ʜ@ᴢʙɪɴ ʜ𝟶ᴛᴇʟ, ɢ€ɴsʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘ@ᴄᴛ, ᴘʀᴏ @ɴᴀ sʜɪᴛ
happily taken for 2 years by sky <3 proud parent of two (guinea pigs) - civic and kylo graphic designer student + waiter on the weekends full time artist for commission + certified kylo ren simp proud adam lazarski kinnie
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#vantas sw ocs -> all of my star wars ocs in general #vantas sol -> drawings + media of sol #vantas ray'lee -> drawings + media of ray'lee #vantas alyx -> drawings + media of alyx
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ᴘʟᴇᴀѕᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ!
observer fans of course || star wars blogs || star wars ocs artists || artists looking for moots || lgbtq+ people
minors || g€nshin fans || reyl0 shippers (i just don't like the ship lol) || people making jokes about eating guinea pigs (one is fine)
$h blogs || €d/pro ana blogs || hh @ngeldust/v@l fanblogs + basic dni criteria
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namesetc · 2 years
Could I get more names with a lot of nicknames? No gender preference.
i dont remember all the names we used so sorry if i add some of the same ones from the first list
Genevieve: Evie, Gen/Jen, Genie/genny/jenny, Genna/jenna, Ginette, Ginny, Viv, Vivi, gina, gene, vieve, nev, nevie, genev, eve, neve, nevi
Lawrence: Larry, Laz, Lon, Loren, Lorne, law, lawr/lawre, lar, ren, rence, renny/rennie, lance, lan, low.
Cordelia: Corrie, Delie, Delia, Del, Della, Lia, Cora, Cordy, Corla, Dee, Coco, co, cor/corr, cord/corde, cordel/cordell, corlia
Michael: Mike, Mikey, Mick, Mitch, Cael, Cal, Micha, Mickey, Mitt
Leonardo: Leo, Nardo, Lee, leonard, leon, leona
Beatrix - Bea/bee, Beatty/betty, Tris, Trix, Trixie, bex, bix, betri, beatri, tri/trie, beat
Penelope: Penny, Poppy, Nell, P, pen, penel, penelo, nela/nella
Patrick: Pat, Patty/pattie, Pats, Trick, TrickStar, patri, tri, rick
Abraham: Abe, Abie/abi/abbie, Brahm, abra, ham, abri/abrie
Broderick: Brody/brodie, Rod, Rick, Derick, brod, deri/derie, roder, ri/rie, ricky
Donnatello: don, donnie/donny, donna, nat, natell, tell, tello, el/ell, ello, onna, nate
Raphael: raph, raphy/raphie, phael, ale, el, fy/phy,
Ezekiel: Ez/eze, Zeke, ezek, zeki/zekie, kiel, kel, z, ezie/ezzie, ezek, ezeki, ezel
if anyone has anymore names or nicknames to add please do so!
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oasis-nadrama · 7 months
Alabaster Update: A New Leader, 2
MSPFA Update
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MP: ҐhaҐ's righҐ. DespiҐe my naҐural reservatҐions given recenҐ revelatҐons... We all saw you schooling Ґhis all-new recruiҐ. We all saw you ╙ighҐing. We beaҐ a ResidenҐ ҐogeҐher. And wiҐh RhapsodisҐ gone, you are Ґhe only God Ґier remaining in Ґhe game. PR: Such thoughtful blandyshment ys most apprecyated, but yt v-vyll not succeed. My very celestyal nature v-vould lead us to hubrys. V-Ve need one fayr v-varryor v-vhose legs touch the ground. PR: Furthermore... PR: "Natural reservatyons". Thou have a v-vay v-vyth v-vords. PR:  Y knov-v thou don't trust me. Y v-vould not guyde a troll v-vho doubt theyr ov-vn moyrayl. MP: Are you sure? PR: Those are my fynal v-vords. MP: Ґhen I voҐe Azeban. UM: AM Î ôbsêrvîng A MôdîfîcAtîôn ôf yôûr prêvîôûs pôsîtîôns? MP: I may have lacked ҐrusҐ buҐ we boҐh made bad choices. MP: And you're noҐ Ґhe one here who Ґried Ґo Ґhrow me ouҐ. PR: ... UP: Gin! Be nice! MP: Sorry. MP: BuҐ I am a soldier, I wanҐ an o╙╙icer.
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PR: Our optyons are many. MP: NoҐ so much, no. As you said, iҐ would be complicaҐed Ґo have you leading me. PR: Nor do Y wysh the crov-vn. MP: So iҐ leaves Sallie, Sec-Sec, Renny. UM: Why nôt yôûrsêlf, thôûgh? MP: I Ґrained ╙or in╙anҐry. You're Ґhe one who spenҐ your enҐire li╙e sҐudying Ґhe leading classes. MP: Now leҐ's proceed by eliminaҐion. PR: Such choyce of v-vords ys most questyonable yn our states of affayrs. MP: SecҐra is hesiҐanҐ. Sallie is ouҐ o╙ Ґhe quesҐion. MP: IҐ leaves only Ґhe Red. UP: Ren is ♠ good ide♠! =:)ɸɸɸ
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PR: V-Vhyle Y entyrely entrust the Artysan, thys nev-v development rayses a lot of questyons. MP: Please, BaҐori. MP: You almosҐ killed me. Please make Ґhe righҐ choice now. PR: Thy vehement parlance ys venom to my ears. Stryke, cruel destyny and fyssure of the gem. Stryke, justyce from the deep and thunder of angels. V-Vhyle v-ve endure the squall and must steer at the v-vynd, v-vould thou yn any case start harvestyng some fayth? UM: WhAt kînd ôf MêtAphôr Arê wê spînnîng AgAîn? PR: Yet Y do consyder the board layd before me and Y can dystynguysh pertynence yn some speeches. PR: My pryzed Artysan. The honour shall be thy. PR: Lead us through the skyrmyshes. Guyde us ynto the storm.
Renart: Think.
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The world seems to conspire to bring you to grandeur. Maybe it's ample time you stop pulling the strings from behind the proverbial curtain. You have it in your blood. You are nobility. And with this helpful role, you will keep them on track.
Renart: Accept.
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UM: Îf nêcêssîty cAlls, ît wîll bê My hônôûr. UP: Y♠Y! PR: Thou can nov-v demonstrate all of thy qualytyes. MP: Ґhanks. Now Ґo our nexҐ missions. UM: Hêrîtôr, yôû shAll rêMAîn ôn yôûr Têrrîtôry, tô kêêp fôrtîyîng. MP: GoҐcha. UM: SêctrA, yôû nêêd tô Assîst SAllîê în êntêrîng thê gAMê... UP: On it! Sallie & Sectra: Start tutorial.
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UP: Hey nice! You ♠re finished with the lo♠ding! UR: grumbl≠. UP: Oh don't be so sour! It's for your own good! UP: We ♠re the ones with the right to be ♠ngry, you know? UR: o-k w≠ ar≠ conn≠ct≠d now. UP: Nice! UP: Let's see wh♠t we c♠n get from the M♠chineriel Ephemeris!
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angara-mfrp · 9 months
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Can you even believe we're already at the end of our second activity check? It feels like not long ago that this group was merely in development...
While we aren't doing the extended reapp period like before, everything else is more or less the same. You'll have until the end of the day on 9/6 (server time) to send us an ask (or a message via our Google Forms submission linked on the contact page). Your character’s app will remain on your mun page and on the masterlist, and their account will remain in the server during this time. However, if this is your second consecutive failed activity check, the muse will be removed from the server and the masterlist, and they will need to be fully re-reserved and reapped. The re-reserve cannot happen any earlier than 9/10.
To reapp (after only one activity check failure), we just need you to reach out to us with a message containing the following:
Letting us know you’d like to reapp
Character name and series (it’s okay to include multiple in the same ask or submission to google)
OOC contact
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! The list of muses who didn't pass activity check will be under the cut. Muses who have failed their second check and will need to be fully reapped will be denoted by an asterisk.
Apollo Justice (Owl)
The Doctor (Lore)
Zora Salazar (Lunamor)
Mimiru "Milk" Mielle (Cue/Queen)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Owl)
Shez (F) (Maki)
Rena Ryuugu (Lane/Beatrice)*
Satoru Gojo (Eve)
Roxas (Riku)
Sora (Kidi)
Raychel "Ray" Blackwell (Lunamor)
Partitio Yellowil (Paul)
Kim Dokja (Riku)
A Shooting Star Seen At Midnight (Jay/Julian)
Amalie Cyrille Dubois (Vix)
Aquaries “Ari” Val’Amoldo (Roll)
Jim Cada (Megamaw)
Myrinne Haley-Yuan (Roll)
Nine (Jay/Julian)
Akari (Lore)
Aspen (Nev)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Bone)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Hikari)
Kuno Ceres (Nev)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Cyan)
Vash the Stampede (Ren)*
Ganondorf (Eve)
If you failed for the first time or even the second, don't worry! We'd love to see you keep your muses or come back. Just make sure to get all of the needed info in by the deadline if you want to keep anyone that doesn't need a full re-reserve. For those who failed their second check in a row, the earliest that you will be able to send in a new reserve is on the 10th of September. Please keep that in mind as you plan to send in your new apps!
As before, we thank you for your participation in Angara Death Zone, and we hope you'll continue to take part in adventures with us!
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phobidawg · 3 years
renegades as discord quotes
i found this going through my drafts from a few months ago and even though it’s not up to date with latest funny quotes it’s still too iconic not to share. enjoy this does of smgh nonesense!
nova: "We're gonna overthrow the government and win game shows we'll be fine" - michelle
sentenial: “just throw my body in the ocean” -mar
adrian: "My family can't disown me if I disown them first" - nev 
ruby: “you BROKE YOUR INTESTINES???”- dot
danna: "if you don't get some rest ill have to get out the stroller"-nev 
oscar: "you fail to understand the genius of coriander" - veev
(alternatively: “why is ariel a ketchup flavored cat thing?” - kinley)
narcissa:  “kiss a mirror to kiss narcissa, she's out there somewhere” - ren (technically this is about narcissa not something she’d say but still)
hugh:  “Oof how are all us untrustworthy, lying and irresponsible sugar babies supposed to get any bots 😔” - michelle 
simon: “hello i am looking for a trusted and honest and loyalty sugar baby, i will offer you'll— “ - eleanor
ingrid: "oh yea you are a bit of an arsonist" -ren
phobia:  “hi my nyame is dicey phobia feaw tewwow’ wawwes evewhawt westwood and i have a wong bwack cwoak that covews my face and i make peopwe’s wowst feaws come to wife (that’s how i got my nyame) and i have a shawp scythe i cawwy awound evewywhewe and a wot of peopwe teww me i wook wike jacin cway in a cwoak (AN: if u don’t knyow who that is get da heww out of hewe!) i’m nyot wewated to ace anyawchy but i wish i was because he’s a majow fucking hottie.” - diana + carlbot
tamaya: “men are the biggest problem to ever exist /lh but also not” - mar
evander: "i guess you could say i'm bi-bestial :smirk:" - diana
gargyole: "🤓🍍👉🚪" - dot
max: "you don't fucking bite out your fingers you just chew them" - diana
hawthorne: "snort the kale, nev"- ari
adrian’s sandwiches: "noo dont eat me /j" - mar
stingray: "reeking of spicisoism" - dot
magpie: "Why say sis when you can just scream into the void"- nev
me: oh this seems fun!! we're all hanging out together <3 mar: kills dot - diana
prism: “that vase. that vase right there. very good personality. phat ass but back to the personality.” - dot
the barista oscar saved: 
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translates to “my strength: sexy. actual usage: I use my sexy side to be fucking hot" - michelle
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janisarkisian · 3 years
Dancing With Ur Ghost
Happy Holidays yet again!! I’m your host Alyssa coming up with the third fic of the day oh yea!! Anyway, I wrote this for one of my favorite sapphic couples @nobellrenaissance and @honey-harper-official + one of my other amazing friends @lavenderbloo! Ily all sm!!
Word Count: 729
Pairing: Nodrian (Nova Artino x Adrian Everhart) 
At first it had been denial. Adrian Everhart had not died. Her sweet, strong, caring boyfriend was not dead, and it wasn’t her fault. Truly, it hadn’t been her fault, but she would always blame herself. Nova had done so much wrong in her lifetime, and he had been the only one to see the good in her. Now, no one would see the good in her. Never again. She would always be known as Nova Artino, Ace Anarchy’s niece. 
Next there was just pure despair. Adrian was gone, and there was nothing she could do. It had been hard for her to even function and do normal things like brush her teeth or get dressed. She just wanted to stay in bed, listen to sad music and do nothing with her life. 
It was hard to look at Hugh and Simon. It was even hard to look at Max. What was she supposed to say? Hey! I’m sorry your son died and I feel responsible for it! There was no way. All she wanted was for Adrian to come back. Part of her thought that if she did, all her problems would kind of just disappear. But there was so such luck. He truly was gone and he wasn’t coming back. 
One particular morning, it hurt more than usual. There were unread texts on her phone and she didn’t intend to read them. She was still in her clothes from yesterday, and she didn’t intend to change them. 
“Adrian,” She sighed, almost wondering what was wrong with herself. She had never been like this before. She had never felt the pure despair she was feeling now, and even living with the Anarchists she had never felt this depressed. And Adrian Everhart was the only one who could help. “Listen, I kind of feel like I failed you. And if you were here, you’d tell me I didn’t fail you, and that everything’s alright. But the problem is that you aren’t here, and that’s why I’m not being told I’m alright.” 
“This is probably really dumb and I know that you aren’t here or with me and if you are with someone it’s probably Max because you know why?” Her tone started to get aggressive and tears dripped down her face. It wasn’t the first time she had cried recently. “Because you were so compassionate and kind towards him. And now, he can be with people without a glass wall and full-body protection suits. I only wish you could be here to see him.”
In her crazed state, she had stood up. Slowly, she sat down, burying her face in her hands. She wanted to stay there forever. 
Unable to speak more, she let the music do its job. Since the battle, she had been letting it take her away. It reassured her in ways words never could, and held her the same way he had. Without music, she would be nothing. Simply nothing. Her soul would have already caved, and though she was alive, she would have been a ghost. 
A few songs in, she was awakened with a new memory. The song was an instrumental, slow, soft and beautiful. It was so similar to the song that had played at the Gala, which seemed to have been years ago. Still, she remembered it like it was yesterday. 
They had both been young, dumb and new to love. She had been awkward on the dance floor, and so had he. But there had been a connection there stronger than what she had felt with Narcissa. And she knew now, that it had been love. She had been purely in love with Adrian Everhart, as he had been with her. 
Trying to stand, she whipped the tears from her cheeks and dried her eyes. Slowly, she tried dancing around the dimly-lit room. At first it seemed awkward, she was just dancing by herself, to a song that made her feel lost in time. But by the end of the song, she was not dancing by herself. Adrian was there with her, just as he had been before. 
Slowly, the music ended. She didn’t feel perfect. A dance could never heal all she had been through. But she felt better and that helped. And as her lips formed a smile, she swore she could feel Adrian smiling back at her. 
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redassassin · 3 years
loving smgh romance era
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nessurin · 4 years
@afierosii said: “ i don’t know why i can never leave ” tevis @ ren
     he’d already lost count of the times they’d sat like this, closer than ren thought anyone would ever be. maybe it was because they understood eachother better than anyone else could -- because they were more alike than ichor had realised in the beginning. tevis’ weight in his lap had become grounding, even comforting. a reminder that he was still there, that he was still more than a lapdog for the darkness. thumb idly traces freckled skin across cheekbone, humming softly at the words. at first he’d found the hunter annoying; even wanted nothing more than to just be left alone -- but there was something about having someone willing to just talk. talk normally, without bias or an already set opinion because of the side he’d landed on.
     “ -- guess the world is just full of cruel fates, huh? ”  there’s a lightly joking tone behind the words, but the small smile on his lips is sincere. the hunter was a real brat, sometimes -- but if there was anyone he’d be stuck with, at least it was him.
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becomestorm · 5 years
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‘   mr. branwen.   when you were looking for aid in mistral capital,   in an attempt to rally huntsman and huntresses,   were they all based in the city   ?   ’   it was a long shot, they knew, but the curiosity was going to kill them otherwise. they were having doubts mid sentence, wondering if they should just back out immediately, but persevered anyway.   ‘   none were from wind pass,   or   ...   or oniyuri   ?   ’   would mentioning kuroyuri be too obvious   ?   @crviis.
short starter call. ( acc. )
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Star Trek Aliens Names Bank
Compiled for your convenience, a bank of canon names for the most common aliens of Star Trek.
These are compiled from Memory Alpha and Memory Beta. I tried to distinguish given and surnames as best I could, and generally did not include a name if it was too unclear. Same goes for names of individuals without a specified gender, since we don't know if or how names are gendered for these various cultures. This is also the reason why names are split by gender at all. Beta canon was occasionally used to distinguish given names v. surnames for Alpha canon names (such as Dukat being specified as a surname). For characters that were spies disguised as another species, if their alter ego had a distinct name, I gave each name to their respective species. If not (i.e. Seska), I did not include the name because its unclear to which culture the name derives from. There is a good amount of guesswork in here, and undoubtedly errors.
Species included are Andorians, Bajorans, Betazoids, Bolians, Caitians, Cardassians, Denobulans, Ferengi, Jem'Hadar, Klingons, Orions, Romulans, Tellarites, Trill, Vorta, and Vulcans.
This can be used for general reference at the sorts of names appropriate to each species, or for random generation based on phonemes, such as can be found in Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, whose namesbase feature was the base concept used for this.
Several of these have very small sample sizes, and may produce janky results in phoneme generators. Male names are overrepresented for pretty much every species. Make of that what you will
Andorians in Alpha Canon are generally referred to by only one name, but in Beta Canon have an expanded naming system (only names aligning with this system are included), with a given name, a surname prefix (ch' for chan, sh' for shen, th' for thaan, and zh' for zhen), and a surname, generally taken from the zhavey (zhen parent). They also tend to have nicknames, which are included on a separate line. Chan and thaan are often considered to more or less correspond to masculinity, and when dealing with binary species, tend to use he/him pronouns, with shen and zhen being the same towards femininity and generally using she/her pronouns.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Chan (male) Given Names
Shen (female) Given Names
Vindizhei,Thali,Lahvishri,Chelienal,Trenkanshent,Lemarliten,Trenev,Resthenar,Iravothra,Avaranthi,Pava Ek'Noor,Kiramassala,Jessala,Vaacith,Lecheb,Thriazhrovarasa,Vinithnel,Sherivan,Savaaroa,Zharran,Randishira,Molsetev,Antocadra,Corallavellis,Ythrilasifsa
Thaan (male) Given Names
Zhen (female) Given Names
Bajorans put their surnames first and thus have the name order of Surname Given Name
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Solian Jarso,Ventor,Falnam,Falvin,Kopyc,Ty,Lat,Gallin,Denor,Var,Vax,Min,Hranok
Alpha Canon
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Surnames (and other names)
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Denobulans appear to have only one name, as the only Denobulan with a clear surname is Feezal Phlox, and it is very possible that her husband's name was tacked on simply for the convenience of the human crew.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Terim Azleya,Crenfel,Ghrex,Grazna,Triphox,Telles Vindeilin
Male Names
Korl,Masc,Mettus,Parnikee,Salagho Threx,Tropp,Vleb
Ferengi appear to only use one name.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adred,Arridor,Barbo,Belongo,Berik,Birta,Bok,Bractor,Brunt,Brak,Broik,Farek,Frin,Frool,Gaila,Gant,Gegis,Gint,Gorad,Goss,Gral,Grimp,Grish,Hoex,Igel,Kayron,Kazago,Keldar,Kol,Kono,Krax,Krem,Leck,Par Lenor,Letek,Lonzo,Lurin,Mordoc,Morta,Muk,Nog,Nava,Nibor,Nilva,Nunk,Omag,Orpax,Plegg,Prak,Quark,Rom,Qol,Quimp,Rata,Reyga,Smeet,Solok,Sovak,Stol,Tarr,Tog,Tol,Torrot,Turot,Tye,Ulis,Yeggie,Zek
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Aramut,Arno,Balt,Base,Baun,Bijon,Bikk,Bindu,Blemin,Blork,Blout,Blud,Bokat,Borit,Breel,Broc,Brolok,Brubrak,Brund,Chek,Chig,Chintz,Chram,Corlan,Cort,Dav,Deleg,Derro,Dirf,Dorl,Drak,Drayan,Drek,Drik,Dverl,Fal,Falar,Feg,Flax,Flem,Flus,Flynk,Fog,Fram,Frek,Frinx,Garjak,Gart,Gash,Gek,Geln,Gezunt,Gimba,Glat,Glav,Glint,Goem,Goff,Gormie Gormatop,Greb,Grek,Greko,Grix,Gubbin,Gweemo,Hadron,Haurk,Hecko,Helk,Idris,Igel,Issa,Iskel,Joq,Kain,Karg,Kazago,Klarn,Koob,Krechma,Kreln,Kurga,Lifax,Lig,Lant,Lenk,Lept,Liph,Logi,Lonz,Lorp,Zook,Martok,Mecko,Meelo,Mezzo,Migg,Milch,Mirt,Mok,Mox,Moxon,Munk,Myynagi,Nam,Neek,Nix,Nurt,Obe,Oblat,Oblatis,Oblix,Ogger,Olix,Orax,Pluboi,Pod,Posck,Pharh,Promp,Pug,Quirk,Quoop,Qaris,Rableg,Radny,Rank,Rauplop,Rogi,Schlecht,Shmenge,Sluggo,Smoog,Sneat,Squeeb,Squim,Stoonk,Strope,Sumash,Sner,Sorv,Tran,Trapunto,Triv,Tarken,Throk,Trog,Trop,Tunk,Twim,Untz,Vinx,Vol,Vorp,Vung,Vurp,Yinkee,Yomgro,Yost,Zemel,Zhrel,Zind,Zirk,Zoid
Jem'Hadar have names consisting of two parts, separated by an apostrophe. A few of these parts have been repeated, and it's unclear if there is a specific system behind the names.
Alpha Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Beta Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Klingons generally use a given name and a patrynomic (i.e. 'Son of Mogh'). Houses do sometimes change name based on whoever is currently heading it, but sometimes retain a name of a noted prior member.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Amar,Antaak,A'trom,Atul,Ba'ktor,Barak-Kadan,Bar'el,Barot,B'Etor,B'iJik,Bo'rak,Brok'tan,Brota,Chang,Ch'Pok,Ch'Targh,Chu'vok,Darok,D'Ghor,Divok,Drex,Duras,Gorkon,Goroth,Gowron,Grafk,Hij'qa,H'ohk,Hon-Tihl,H'ta,Huraga,Japar,Ja'rod,J'Dan,Jodmos,Kahless,K'orin,K'vort,Kahmar,Kang,Kargan,Katogh,Kaybok,Kaz,Keedera,Kell,Kerla,Klaa,Klaang,Klag,K'mpec,K'mtar,K'Nera,K'Nor,Kobor,Kodrak,Kohlar,Kol,Kol-Sha,Kolax,Kolos,Koloth,Konmel,Kor,Koral,Korath,Korax,Kornan,Korok,Koroth,Korrd,Korris,Kortar,Koth,Kozak,Kras,Krell,K'retok,Kruge,K'Tal,K'Temang,K'Temoc,Kulge,Kunivas,Kuri,Kurn,K'Vada,K'Vagh,Larg,Larna,Leskit,Linkasa,L'Kor,Lorgh,Lurkan,M'Rek,M'tokra,Magh,Maltz,Martok,Marab,Mogh,Molor,Morag,Morak,Morath,Morka,Mow'ga,M'Rel,Mur'Eq,Noggra,Nu'Daq,Or'Eq,Orak,Ortikan,Pahash,M'Kota R'Cho,Reclaw,Rejac,Rodek,Rorg,Rurik,Rynar,Sarpek,Shovak,Silrek,Sompek,Sorval,Stex,T'Kuvma,T'vis,Tel-Peh,Telok,Toral,Tenavik,T'Greth,Thopok,T'Kar,Toq,Torak,Torath,Torg,Torin,Tse'Dek,Tumek,Ujilli,Vagh,Voq,Vorok,W'mar,Worf,Yeto
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adon,Aakan,Alakon,Aktuh,Aktaj,Akor,Aperokei, Anyoqq,Arraq,Argashek,Argan,B'ator,Bardak Linron,Balak,Bek'Ta,Berolik,Berik,Beltz,Belq,Biroq,Bors,Boron Kallarax,Borma,Armek,Bo'roth,B'Vat,B'Tak,Bronal,Breg,Charg,Charak,ChaqI,ChanTogh,Cha'DIch,Ch'Tan,Ch'lan,Ch'kan,Ch'gran,Dargh,Danqo,D'Lor,D'cIq,Dazzo,Davok,Dirak,Dorak,Dolmorr,Dokil,Dohk,Do'Ming,D'kar,Draxon,DRacla,Dorrek,D'Vak,Durak,Fuhrman,Fron'chak,Gapo,Ganthet,Ganok,Gannik,Galarch,Gahlar,Gelt,Gatrell,Garvig,Garvak,Gimor,Gha'rek,G'mtor,G'joth,Gordek,Gorath,Goran,Gorak,Gonn,Goryq,Gorv,Gortak,Gort,Gorrik,Goroth,Gralk,Gra'Kor,Grakal,Gowrik,Gotlak,Grevaq,Grax,Grannk,Grot,Gronn,Grokla,Grodak,Grnar,Grunnil,Grozik,Grouk,Grotek,G'Zar,Gyrik,Gwarz,Guroth,Gurlk,hiJaK,Hervog,Hegron,Hark,Ibrach,Hurgor,Hurghom,Ja'rod,Jardak,Janar,Jadar,Ja'rod,J'dah,J'Bris,Jaroun,J'mpok,J'lang,J'kral,J'Doq,Jureth,J'rgan,J'rak,Joqel,Jo'Krat,J'nek,Kaaj,K’teng,K'tark,K'am,Kagak,Kaga,Kabrerr,Kaarg,Kaare,Kagran,Kaghvagh,Kagh,Kagg,Kage,Kagdar,Kahrl,Kahnrah,Kahlor,Kaldon,Kalax,Kalaw,Kalan,Kalak,Kalor,Kallarax,Kaljagh,Kaleth,Kamar,Kam'pok,Kalun,Kaltar,Kerab,Kanjis,Kanjar,Kandless,Kasak,Karhammur,Kargan,Karel,Kaul,Kateq,Kasiel,Kaseli,K'Dhan,Kbrex,Kaz,Kellen,Kell,Kelad,Kegren,Keer,Ker,Kentin,Kenni,Vlict,Kelthos,Khegh,Khall,Kevlar,Kest,Kesh,Khulr,Khone,Khod,Khezri,Khel,Kir,Kiosan,Kimm,Kich'ta,Kitold,Kishlat,Kirrin,Kiregh,Klasq,Klaad,Kligrok,K'Ley,K'Leht,K'lotek,Klorga,Klor,Kloor,Klivv,Klithis,K'mdek,Kl'rt,Klovagh,K'mpar,K'moth,K'Mek,K'naiah,K'muc,K'mtok,Kohn,Kodrash,Kodek,Kobyk,Kolan,Kolak,Kol,Kolor,Kolloden,Kolj,Koleth,Kopf,Kopek,Konom,Konn,Kon'Jef,Komor,Korath,Korak,Koradan,Kopok,Kori,Korgh,Korek,Kordon,Korbus,Korban,Korma,Korlak,Korpi,Kort,Korsal,Korrgar,Kosted,Korya,Korvog,Korvek,Korvaq,Koru,Koth,Koxx,Kowag,Kovold,Kovikh,Kothaar,Krador,K'rac,Kra'aken,K'pril,Kozor,K'Ratak,Kraloq,Kral,Krelk,Krek,Krazz,Krax,Kravokh,Krett,Krimm,Krenn,Kriz,Krivaq,Kriton,Krit,Kring,Kron,Krom,Krogan,Krov,Krong,Krona,Kryan,Krusk,Kruq,Krozek,Krox,K'Tek,K'Tar,K’Temang,K’Trelan,Kuhrrat,K'tran,K'Tesh,Kultan,Kulok,Kull,Kurrgo,Kuron,Kuri,K'vyr,K'voq,Kveld,Kvaad,Kuut,Kurt,K'zeq,Kyrtu,Kylor,Ky'Dra,Larkan,Lantar,Lak,Ler'at,Lasshar,Larq,Larok,Lojar,Logaar,Lorak,Lorac,Lokor,Lokog,Lugok,Lourn,Loski,L'Vek,Lupo,Mag,Maelgwyn,Mabli,M'Rod,M'Rel,Maltak,Malk,Malach,Makog,Mariq,Margon,Margh,Mard,Manx,Malvak,Menvek,Melkor,Melik,Melekh,M'kar,Mikar,Mida,Mertak,Merik,Molok,Moloj,Mojjar,Morek,Moqlah,Moq,Monak,Morr,Morjod,Morith,Morglar,Morg,M'Rep,M'Raq,Mox,Mow'ga,Mortran,M'ven,Muros,Murgh,Murg,Nej,Nazh,Navok,Narvak,Narrk,Nargov,Nokar,Nyor,Nolath,Nidd,Ngoj,Ngane,Ngabwi,Nevokh,Ow'rik,Okado,Pek,Pejor,Paibok,Paghal,Puklik,Porus,Pok,Pojra,Pitzh,Qeyhnor,Q'ratt,Qao,Qa'Hos,Qua'lon,Qonqar,Qrad,Qolka,Q'Lujj,Qyrll,Quvmoh,Quv,Qurag,Qugh,Rajat,RocIa,Rhaza,Renarg,Rov,Ro'suv,Roneg,Ronak,Roloc,Roka,Rynar,Ruunek,Ruktah,Shaniq,Seegath,Shurin,Sho'Tokh,Sondar,Sompek,Sklar,Skarl,SvaD,Surgh,Sturka,Stren,Starad,Spyre,Sorkav,Talak,Takus,Taghron,Taraz,Tarag,Tangorq, Talgar,T'Chen,Targ,Tichar,Thorn,Thok Mak,Tharrk,Tiral,Tivanazt,Til'k,Tiklor,Toldin,Toladal,Todokh,T'lanak,T'lak,Tong,Tonar,Tolz Kenran,Tolkor,Toreth,Tor'ash,Torad,Torvak,Torv,Torrik,Torr,Torlek,Torghn,Tron,Trolk,Tovoj,Toth,Tygrak,Turrok,Turag,Tunzos,Urthog,Unarrh,Ugilh,Vark,Vall,Valk,Vikagh,V'Tec,Vranx,Vralk,Vorkhas,Vok,Vochar,Xator,Wovogh,Wo'Din,Wartok,Yorikk,Ya'Vang,Yakril
Orions in Alpha canon are only known by one name (with the exception of D'Vana Tendi, who seems to have a distinct given name and surname in that order). In Beta canon, there do appear to be distinct surnames.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
D'Nesh,Devna,Gaila,Maras,Marta,Navaar,Osyraa,Shava,D'Vana Tendi
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Melani D'ian,D'Jinnea,D'Vanna,D'Vela,Irina,Katam,Leata,Nalavia,Neera,Neras,Pilenna,Rogaine,Salma,S'Bysh,Susna,Taryl,Treir,Vila,Virra,Virta,Zina,Zona
Male Given Names
Arnet,Artinton,Balon,Ba'M'eel,Barak,Borth,Calculanthra,Caruch,Cophot,Croll,Ragmar Danneskjold,Dennisar,Nashi,Donat,Finit,Ganik,Ganz,Golenz,Bardeck,Gundin,Refner,Harza-Kull,Hassan,Holencas,Honar-Des,Huwald,Julin,Boyor,Jackel,Jarek,Jek,Jester,Jorva,Jovra,Juraav,Kai,Kazek,Kelbrim,Elkar,Ivra,Merkos,Savro,Imri,Kelon,Kestralnamen,Krassus,Krulmadden,Lasslanlin,Kecho,Arthas,Dufen,Madrav,Markav,Malic,Mentain,Emini,Fyash,Amehda,Emerak,Namtac,Narhal,Somchuk,Nispavan,Nodogascur,Deth,Nallin,Benthine,Parrec-Sut,Kaldo,Radras,Radros,Renat,Rento,Neil,Talduk,Sirav,Skevar,Skuros,Sooris,Sorris,Soron,Vintlel,Stavan,Tenger,Tonzak,Unlot,Vasro,Vic,Vloun,Ellefrin,Ibmar
Romulans in Alpha canon seem to have a simple given name surname system, but are said to have three names: one for outsiders, one for family, and a true name. In Beta canon, Romulans have a given name, may or may not have an additional middle name, and have a surname. There are prefixes as well, with gendered prefixes (t' for female, tr' for male, and s' for groups (and presumably non-binary); omitted in familiar settings) for surnames and prefixes for middle names (i' when using the full name, ir' for formality lacking one or more names), as well as T' occasionally being added to any part of a female name.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Middle Names
In Alpha canon, we only have singular names for male Tellarites. Beta canon gives most Tellarites a given name and surname. There does appear to be some sort of naming system at place, with uncapitalized middle names, but I haven't read any books featuring Tellarites and don't know what it may be. If someone does know, please pass it on. These middle have been included with the surnames.
Alpha Canon
Durango,Tevrin Krit,Naarg,Skalaar,Terev,Gaavrin,Gav,Gorch,Gral,Grek
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
gov Ansarg,Agram,Bur'Gun,Brog,B'bargalah,jav Baur,bav Balkar,Dorkin,Dlumppheg,Dagran,blasch Cheg,chim Flar,Evesh,Gartiv,Garab,Gadj,chim Gleer,chim Glamok,Gett'Ipher,jav Gek,Gnakk,Glorak,chim Gliv,Grev,Greshlahrigm,Gralless,bim Gral,glasch Gral,Gouthar,chim Gorsach,glasch Hok,Haggarak,glasch Haaj,Grishnash,chim Grev,jav Lorg,chim Loak,Kyll,Kwelm,Kintro,Khund,Jed,glasch Noar,chim Nak,chim Mort,glasch Mort,glov Mog,glasch Moar,Prev,glasch Pak,kj Onn,Shav,zelev Sereb,Runkaar,lorin Ren,Ragaav,Thantora,glasch Tev,Teglas,Teg,glasch Yov,lek Xav,Trumble,Theloss,Zarv,glasch Vokrak,jav Velk,Ved,chim Var
Unjoined Trill have a given name and a surname. Upon joining with a symbiont, the surname is replaced with the name of the symbiont.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Vulcans have family names, but these are said to be unpronouncable by humans and generally never mentioned, hence not being shown here. In general, 'T' starting a name indicates its being feminine, and 'S' starting a name indicates its being masculine. Multiple characters of either gender have been shown with the 'opposite' starting letter, and Beta canon has mentioned a tradition of bestowing the name of a family matriarch upon a male child and a tradition of not naming newborns and instead naming them at some unspecified later date.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
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mcytlin · 3 years
Alrighty, it's been a while and the Deadpulse!au of yours has finally started to brainrot for me. care to share the juicy details?
oh do i!
*cracks nuckles*
Okay so, first off i'd like you to appreciate the name for the au, obviously it's a reference to Impulse's name, and him being "dead", but it's also bc his actual pulse (like hearbeat stuff) stopped, so therefore it's a dead pulse, ta-daa!
The idea was based on a one-shot i read once, where Impulse dies, but there's a glitch and his soul respawns while his body remains, so Zedeath has to drag him back to his body. I'll try to find it later so I can properly credit.
So my premise is pretty similair; Impulse dies (prob to a creeper but might change depending on whether or not i can come up with an angstier idea), his totem of undying goes off but there's a glitch, so instead of all of Impulse being revived, only his soul is. And in this case, there isn't a Zedeath to help him return. So now he can't talk to people or otherwise interact with the world around him, though he can phase through blocks and stuff, it's a bit like he's stuck in spectator mode.
He tries to tell people what happend, but to no avail. Impulse's body lies somewhere in the middle of the forest for days, until finally, finally, somebody finds it. Who it is I'm still not sure, just that it probably won't be anyone from Boatem or team ZIT. Maybe Bdubs, maybe Iskall, maybe Ren, maybe somebody entirely else, who knows, certainly not me. I still gotta figure out who I can get the most angst out of with this hehe.
So the hermit runs and tells boatem, who freaks out because, they haven't seen Impulse in a while, they assumed he was afk at a farm but obviously he wasn't, so how long has he been out for? How long had he been laying there? Obviously, Zedaph and Tango are contacted, and Xisuma as well, but...
X can't figure out what's wrong. He's checking the logs, the world code, the players' data and... nothing seems amiss. Impulse is still shown as active, although afk, and X can't figure out why he won't wake up, why his body seems to be dead, no heartbeat, no breathing, no nothing. The option of killing Impulse and simply hope he respawns is brought up, but quickly shot down. They can't risk it, after all maybe that would just make things worse, would kill Impulse permanently... Besides, you can't kill a body that already is dead, Cleo reminds them. So the hermits are left clueless, with no idea what they should do.
And Impulse? Well, Impulse gets to watch as it all unfolds. He gets to watch as his friends deseperately try to bring him back, and Impulse hopes so much that they succeed, he wants to wake up from this nightmare he's stuck in, where nobody can hear him, nobody can touch him, where he is powerless to do anything. He gets to watch as some of his friends eventually give up, seemingly accepting the fact he's gone, and he tries to yell, scream to make them listen to him. He watches as they mourn him, hurt because of him, how the server seems to become almost bleak and lifeless, and he gets to feel guitly over it. He tries to be there for them, to offer them some sort of support, and sometimes it almost feels like it works. He gets to watch how some friends still try to save him somehow, gets to watch how the admins, especially Xisuma, work themselves to the ground to try and find out just what exactly happened to him, ignoring their own health and safety in the process, and he gets to feel guitly over it. He tries to tell them to stop, to take care of themselves, to bring them to their senses, and sometimes it almost feels like they listen to him.
And then, eventually, he gets to watch as they move on. His friends are still sad over his loss, of course, still miss him, but it's been weeks, maybe months, and life goes on, and so should they. He gets to watch as they slowly get better, slowly start to heal, and seek comfort in each other. Hermitcraft slowly but surely returns to what it once was (it'll never be what it once was, not with one of them gone, they will never be able to completely let go), with pranks being played again, minigames created, silly little wars waged, and the hermits letting themselves be happy
And maybe, Impulse thinks, he should feel scared, should feel angry, should feel betrayed, but all he can feel is an odd sensation of... relief. Relief that his friends will turn out okay after all, relief that he didn't ruin their lives, relief that the pain he caused wouldn't be everlasting.
And maybe, he is scared. Maybe he is terrified, that he'll be stuck in this limbo forever, that he will be nothing more than an observer to the hermits' lives, that he will never be able to participate in life again, but he pushes that fear far far down, ingores it as best as he can, because he wants to focus on his friends, who are happy and okay now, and he should stop being so fucking selfish-
And maybe, after months of being gone, he returns. Just like that. And suddenly he has a body again, and he can talk and touch and feel and it's all too much and he doesn't know what is happening and neither do the hermits but he's back now so it's okay, everything's okay.
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oyasuminto · 3 years
predator/prey Ren huh. man. got me thinkin. totally not cause it's one of my kinks haha no id nev
cough cough
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