#regis cosplay
rallamajoop · 8 months
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PAX Australia and a long-neglected Regis-cosplay
Anyone who's been following me for longer than a year or two may remember that back in 2021, I started posting about this cosplay I was working on of Regis, from The Witcher's Blood and Wine DLC (or, more accurately, a femme version thereof, since pulling off a middle-aged man with Peter Cushing's hairline is beyond any hopes of crosplay). The plan was to wear the costume to PAX at Melbourne that year ‒ assuming all went well and the event wasn't cancelled for covid reasons, which, of course, it was. So I had an unfinished costume sitting around my wardrobe for the next far too long.
2022 came around, but none of my friends were interested in going to PAX that year, so I sat it out. But this year, I said what the hell, and booked a flight.
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Current plan is probably just to wear the costume for the Saturday (conventions are tiring, and it does not come with the most comfortable shoes). Regis is obscure enough that I'll probably be doing well if anyone even recognises me, but if anyone from here in the wilds of tumblr is going, please don't hesitate to say hi if you see me ‒ odds are pretty good I am going to be the only femme!Regis around.
I don't have any good photos of the whole costume handy, but have a pics of the finished bag (with the original for comparison). Building this thing was a joint project, but the real credit for this thing goes to @emilyksmithcomics, who brought all the real leather-working experitise, and without whom it would never have been possible. The gold embellishments are all her work too.
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While I'm sharing photos, here's how the finished belt turned out too, starting with some refs for comparison.
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fitzcf · 1 month
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Flex | Tempus- HQ
We THeM BoYS (。・ω・。)ノ
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Altare | Nayou
Axel | Fitz
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fairypocketwigs · 9 months
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VTuber Regis Altare cosplay wigs. All hoodies buy 1 get 1 20% off. Share your photo with our products to get a 10% off discount. Wig Sku: FSB-SMT0328 Wig Price: 19.70 Quick Li nk: https://www.fairypocket.com/collections/cosplay-wig/products/vtuber-regis-altare-cosplay-wigs
0 notes
cecilioque · 2 years
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VOLO’S OUTFIT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD. And here is why I think so...
To begin, we are not talking about the Ginko guild design, we are talking about the “final boss” fit. We all know that Volo’s outfit is dumb, but I’m mad because it  was actually thought out and VERY symbolic in the sense that it essentially represented things Volo said/wanted.
I, like everyone else looked at this outfit and went “wow, that is dumb” and then hated on it.  Although it is not the most appealing or cool outfit, there was actually a lot of thought that went into it. I could be really over analyzing this, but here is my interpretation.
To begin with, the concept art is a lot more revealing about the intention of the design then the actual game play.  On a surface level we see Volo in what I can only assume is a Arceus gijinka cosplay.  So the hair, the stars, and color scheme are all elements of Arceu’s  design.  Cool. Good job especially since Volo had in fact never seen Arceus before.
To fully understand this outfit we have to go back to Hisui and the remains of this so called “ancient civilization”. In the Pokemon world, there is this general idea that the ancient culture was either Roman or Greek inspired. We see evidence in Legends of Arceus by the obvious column heavy architecture and use of Greek Doric columns ( one of the earliest styles of columns used for temples) and in the ruins and temple. 
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The Temple of Sinnoh is obviously based off of the Parthenon. It’s funny because game freak went as far as to even mimic both Ionic and Doric styles in the Temple of Sinnoh just like the Parthenon. I will go as far to add that the Sinnoh temple is much simpler than the Parthenon due to the fact that it was not embellished with an elaborately carved frieze or any decoration on the exterior for the most part.  Bizarre when even the broken ruins have evidence of some sort of ornamentation. It makes complete sense why the game developers chose this style seeing how is is know for being very simplistic.  But it also dates it in context.  It makes the Temple of Sinnoh the first temple that was build and the others that followed were build as the civilization grew ( thus more elaborate but we can only see the crumbled remains).
I will be ignoring the Snowpoint temple because it is a weird combination of styles and almost seems alien and out of place which very much fits the Regi theme.  It is also based on the early game design which was limited and blocky for game space sake.
Ok, heavy Greek and Roman influence. Back to Volo and his obviously Greek and Roman fit.  Volo’s name itself means “I wish”  in latin and could possibly be a reference to the phrase “volō, ergo sum” (I wish, therefore I am). Very in character since it is the wish for more” and he did everything he could to achieve that.
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The actual influence for the design is more Roman in nature. This bothered me because we can see that research and thought went into it, but they just simplified it. And this actually has a point.
To begin with the obvious stuff, we see that volo’s shirt is definitely toga like. It even goes so far to be decorated with a Fibula (brooch)in a way that indicates a higher rank or status.  Cool Volo, we get that you think highly of yourself. Color choice is also same as Arceus, but we also know that white togas were also used by senators and high political officers.
Next , the shoes.  These are just the basic stereotypical Spirit Halloween Greek god/goddess type of sandals you can get at your local costume shop.  This was actually the most disappointing part of the outfit for me. But it makes sense they went with the most simplified and recognizable style.  They wanted us to look at this outfit and go “ Wow, Volo has been studying his myths and recreated an outfit”. This is what you could expect someone to create with just a written description of the clothing used during that time.
The necklace is interesting because it stands out so much compared to the gold colors. I am no sure what they were going for here by making it so prominent, but it brings us to an interesting thought.  If they necklace does have meaning, it is related directly to the design/shape.  The waterdrop could be the Greek symbolism for "tears of grace” or in a sense “gods grace”. The idea that the tears of god water the harvest and provide life. Alternate interpretations could simply be water as a source of life, or a symbol or sadness a mourning.  If it is a symbol of of mourning, this might be a clue to why Volo might desire to rewrite the world so much.
Last but not least, the pants. I think we can all decide this is one of the worst parts of the outfit, and to me it is just straight up confusing for two main reasons.  For starters, the color green is so prominent when green is an accent color on Arceus.  So maybe the color has meaning itself.  But if you look at the image above, the color mainly refers to life and “the harvest” (possibly like the necklace).  It has a weird connections to life and creation itself, which probably is why it was included in Arceus’ design and makes sense as Volo essentially wants to become the creator of life in a new world.
But this isn’t the part that gets me the most. The second thing that confuses me is the fact that the Greeks and Romans did not use pants.  This was because pants were associated with non-Roman/Greek cultures (the Germanic tribes and Vikings) who they looked down upon. On top of that, the Greeks thought pants were feminine and silly.  This could also just simply be a design choice because they didn’t wanna draw Volo in a full toga and accidently make him look like Christ. But this leads to my final point of the physical outfit itself.
VOLO’S OUTFIT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. IT’S SUPPOSED TO LOOK DORKY AND BAD BECAUSE IT WAS FLAWED! This is based on the real world cultures it was based on. And although Volo may have done a lot of research, he still didn’t completely understand ancient culture.  It’s bad because Volo made it himself. His outfit was flawed just like his ideology. It is his own interpretation of a culture that he had idolized without truly understanding that this great and ancient culture crumbled. And based off of the architecture of the ruins and temples, it never even reached a prime before it fell.
But Volo thinks its correct/cool/accurate. He is being a fool about it because he didn’t understand the bigger picture and had become consumed with this desire for power and control.  This as an idea is really cool and I find it funny that you can also wear the outfit. Its essentially mocking him. If we look at the outfit in this light, the design was a success in getting us to dislike it and evoke this distaste. We didn’t know why, but this is why.
SO IN SUMMARY, OUTFIT WAS BAD ON PURPOSE. It wasn’t thoughtless, in fact there was a lot of research behind it and yet that seems to be thrown out to simplify the design in a way that looks like someone hand made it based off of what they had put together themselves.
But this isn’t my favorite part  of the concept art.  My favorite part is the hands.
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Look at his hands. Why are they in those positions? Wouldn’t it have been easier to create more standard poses?  To me the hand gestures here are just too specific. So I started digging around for what they could be on a Art history level.  I looked at Non Christian art first and then Christian symbolism within their mosaics, illuminated manuscripts, and paintings. And I found some verrrry interesting similarities.  I am not trying to make this religious. I just found some interesting similarities between old Christian art and Volo’s design.  Which makes sense if we go back to this Greek/Roman influence because these cultures eventually converted to Christianity.  And Arceus is kind of a weird goat god Jesus.
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The left hand is where the biggest symbolism is.  Basically, this hand gesture has been used to indicate “the hand of god” or the “hand of justice”.  Christ sometimes is draw with a similar hand position and could be a sign of the cross, but this would also refer to some sort of divinity.  I will also note that Volo is in no way making the classic “blessing” hand gesture.
As for the right hand he is making what I assume is a Greek/Roman orator (speaker) gesture. This would mean that Volo is calling for attention. Note, that I didn't’ compare this to prophets. That’s because orators speak for themselves and prophets for god.  And Volo thinks he is god.
Under this context, in the concept art Volo is essentially saying “I am God”.  If we add the symbolism of his outfit, it only further solidifies this idea.  Volo’s outfit/concept comes together and screams “behold, I am god , the hand of justice. I will be the creator or the new world”. Which is so freaking clever because that’s literally what he tells you. 
Sure his hands are switched and lowered compared to actual real world art examples (thank you Game freak for not throwing in actual religious symbols/gestures), but I think the intention is still there.  It’s so good that I am mad.  So as much as I hate this dumb outfit, I cannot deny that it was well thought out, that the character was well thought out.
To conclude, these are my assumptions. I am not an expert on art history or religion.  If you have further insights on this feel free to share. I’d be interested with what others had to add.  I the end this could all be wrong and just crazy for overthinking the designs of a pokemon character, but it just seems too intentional to be carelessly thrown together. This is just one possible interpretation.
Though its just more evidence in my mind that a lot of love and care went into developing Legends of Arceus. Despite their limitations and resources.
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 6 months
I'm doing a tag game!
What are your 3 historical gaming moment?
Anything related to videogames: be it achieving the highest score in the arcade, defeating that final boss after 100 tries, winning a PS5 in a raffle, getting a photo or autograph of a VA, cosplaying a videogame character... anything!
Then tag 5 people (minimum) and let's reminisce. Spread some positivity!
Here are my 3 personal best (in no particular order)
1.Tekken 3
The first time I truly enjoyed playing a fighting game (I still hate playing PvP in fighting games cuz an actual human is way better at it than me) was when I finally approached a real Tekken pro. A big arcade opened up in my city and I was the only girl who went there every weekend and buy 30 tokens (Php 90.00) to feed the various machines. I saw this tall college dude play King and I was mesmerized watching him pull all of Kings grapples. After several months, I watched him from behind, playing Tekken 3 until I muster up the courage to ask him how he pulled off all his moves. The college dud pulled a piece of paper and pen and began to write down all of Kings' combos and grabs, and gave it to me! Since then I have practiced on every Tekken 3 machine, pulled off all Kings' impressive grapples to a growing audience who couldn't believe their eyes that this little highschool girl is playing Tekken 3 and beating it! Oh and I became good at the games that I reduced my 30 tokens to 5.
2. Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
This game came with the console my mom gave me. First time I popped the disc in and chose Leon S Kennedy on normal mode, I was piled upon by zombies and died. That game over screen traumatized me and I did not pick up RE for months! When I did gave it a second chance, I notice there was a 3rd mode: ARRANGED. It made the game ridiculously easy by giving me all the weapons, and so I plowed through Raccoon City with my machine gun and rocket launcher. It was fun until it wasn't. I decided to play the game on Normal, got eaten and died, then powered through it. Finally beat the game on Normal and Hard. Also went for the S Rank and bonus content. Now I love all horror and survival horror games (Silent Hill, Outlast, Evil Within, etc). It became my favorite genre.
3. The Witcher 3
Had it not for this game, I wouldn't have made The Nilfgaardian Collection or started digital art. I think it was December 2019 (or 16 I dunno, it was Xmas), my brother gave me two choices: TW3 or FF15. I wanted FF15 cuz I have always been a fan of Final Fantasy and TW3 was hyped to the heavens. I wanted to know if the hype was justified and so I got TW3 GOTY edition. The hype... was well deserved! I was hooked, I plat the game, I decided to make fanarts of my fave character (Emhyr) and gave myself a goal: to have the biggest collection of Emhyr and Nilfgaard pics and be known as that crazy chick with an unhealthy obsession to Emhyr and his Nilfgaardian empire. Thus cemented the Nilfgaardian Collection in the fandom!
I taggeth @bittersweetbark, @alphagravy, @rotatingremains, @regis-favorite-raven, @oblakovka, @smehur, @laurikarauchscat, @jawanaka, @traumschwinge, @valandhirwriter
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
🐺 Snippet 2
So, yeah, suffice it to say, Harry Styles was fucking flawless – ask any Alpha.
“You’re such a shit cuddle.”
Well, any Alpha except Louis Tomlinson.
Briefly pausing his attempts to tame a single, wayward curl in the mirror, Harry turned to glance at Louis over his shoulder. They made eye contact, and Harry took his time, silently giving Louis’ jeans a pointed once over as he zipped them up.
Louis clearly got his meaning, if the exasperated scoff he responded with was anything to go by.
Still, Harry made sure to add, “I actually have somewhere to be,” as he turned back to his reflection. Apparently, a twenty-minute delay was all the grace period you got before someone or other’s piranha of a fourth wife was making a play for your seat as Chair of the Board of the Philharmonic, he thought, rolling his eyes.
And while Harry was begrudgingly well aware that, as the heir and incumbent head of a multi-billion dollar tech giant, Louis probably also had somewhere to be (jeans notwithstanding), what Louis said instead was, “Let me clarify: you’re always a shit cuddle.” His smirk was bright as his head popped out of his black Loro Piana sweater. “Have been since boarding school.”
Harry ignored the quip and the sordid reminder of just how long this pragmatic little arrangement had been going on, his eyes drawn to the movement of Louis adjusting the back of his shirt collar. He tried not to think about the fabric sitting against the nape of Louis’ neck; how those two inches of cashmere probably smelled the most like them, together – fresh sage and sea salt, white suede and pink pepper. How, even without them ever knotting, those scents – their arousal – always seemed to permeate expensive fabric the most (and made sheets a bitch and a half to dry clean, which was partially to blame for their decade-long standing patronage of the penthouse suite at the St. Regis.)
“Aren’t you a little old to still be dressing like you’re cosplaying Steve Jobs?” Harry asked blithely, slipping the last of his rings onto his finger. “Nevermind the fact that your father was about thirty times more successful.”
Louis’ jaw dropped in dramatic faux shock. “Was that actually a compliment for the riff-raff new money, snob?”
“Facts aren’t compliments, Tomlinson,” Harry sniffed. “And being a snob is my birthright.”
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zoeysdamn · 11 months
Fanarts and illustrations masterlist
[Instagram art account]
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Meet the artist 2023 (TW: mention of mental health issues)
Meet me in different universe //the 'girls on films' trend
The Wicther
The Witcher Tarot - Major arcanas
Jaskier Yennefer of Vangerberg Philippa Eilhart Anna Henrietta  Emhyr var Emreis  Avalla’ch  Yennefer and Geralt  Geralt of Rivia Angoulême  Emiel Regis Cirilla of Cintra  Radovid V  Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach Eredin Eithné Leo Bonhart  Tor Zireael    Triss Merigold   Milva Barring  Mistle  Tissaia de Vries [TW: blood]  Ciri     
The Witcher tarot - Figures 
King of Swords - Eskel  Queen of Swords - Cerys an CraiteKnight of Swords - Sigismund DijkstraPage of Swords - Fringilla VigoAce of Swords - Ida Emean aep Sivney
King of Wands - LambertQueen of Wands - FalkaKnight of Wands - Olgierd von EverecPage of Wands - Assire var AnahidAce of Wands - Sabrina Gleivissig
King of Pentacles - Vesemir Queen of Pentacles - Francesca FindabairKnight of Pentacles - Margarita Laux-AntillePage of Pentacles - ShaniAce of Pentacles - Sheala de Tancarville
King of Cups - Crach an CraiteQueen of Cups - Lytta NeydKnight of Cups - Iris von EverecPage of Cups - Hjalmar an CraiteAce of Cups - Keira Metz
Other The Witcher fanarts:
Geralt’s Hansa (books) Philippa Eilhart (cosplay/fanart) The witcher 3 genderbends More The Witcher 3 Genderbends (Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri) Fem!Radovid x Male!Philippa Eilhart (TW: blood) Empress!Ciri || Another Empress!Ciri Cahir x Empress!Ciri Queen of Cintra!Ciri Ciri x Cahir Pirates of the Caribbean AU Witcher!Yennefer MET Gala looks for Yennefer, Triss and Philippa Witchersona sketches Triss x Philippa (cosplay/fanart) Witcher!Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars x the Witcher AU) Regis mandrake liquor
Avatar: the last airbender
ATLA Tarot
Aang Azula The Painted Lady Ursa Ozai Iroh The painted Lady x the Blue spirit Zuko [COMING SOON] Toph [COMING SOON] Roku [COMING SOON] Ty Lee [COMING SOON] Kyoshi [COMING SOON] Jet [COMING SOON] Kô [COMING SOON] Suki [COMING SOON] Zhao [COMING SOON] Air temples [COMING SOON] Katara [COMING SOON] Yue [COMING SOON] Sokka [COMING SOON] Mai [COMING SOON] [surprise card] [COMING SOON]
The Sandman
There shall be night series fanart Crack headcanon crossover Hamilton x The Sandman
Tatto artist AU (Xavier Thorpe, Wenclair)Glitter and Gold Rave’n outfits for Bianca, Enid and Xavier
A-Z double characters challenge
A & B C to K
Original Art
Golden Aphrodite [redraw]Lady Loki [redraw]Party Medusa [redraw]Greek Mythology women - color palettes studyArt progress from 2018 to 2023Modern!Medusa x AthenaMonstersona V4Pole dance strugglesBrush and layer mode theory [practice]
WIPs & sneak peek
Ciri x Cahir inspired by 'Paolo and Virginia'Queen of Cintra!CiriATLA tarot: Katara's cardUnfinished Queen!Ciri x Knight!Cahir fanartATLA tarot: more sneak peeks
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witchercommentcrawl · 2 years
Crawl Call 01: Autumn Fanworks
New to the Crawl? Check out our event guide! Our commenting window will last October 21st - October 30th. This is our community coming together at the same time to enjoy amazing fanworks, but you're welcome to comment whenever you have the time.
Here is your list for the first Witcher Comment Crawl! These are all fanworks that have few comments or are more than a year old and have not received many new comments in that time.
Spreadsheet View of Fanworks - (optional) save a copy to your Google drive. Contains ratings, notes, canon & color coded for fanwork type.
Use this form if you don’t have an account on Twitter or YouTube or if you want to comment anonymously, and we'll pass on your comment to the creators!
Have fun commenting! 🍁💬❤️
Ard Skellig Village - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  by Isac Saleh (3:53). Guitar arrangement of the Witcher 3 soundtrack.
Apples - by coffee_mage (5:49). Podfic. Rated G. Geralt/Jaskier. Geralt is jealous of Roach. 
Autumn Hunting by mina_bloody. Ciri hunting in the woods. 
The Lodge of Sorceresses edited by Blue Crystal Works. (4:53). Cosplay Music Video featuring The Lodge of Sorceresses.
The White Wolf and the Swallow by Princess_jordan_hh. Carved pumpkin of The Witcher Netflix logo.
Jaskier and Geralt dolls by JBcrochetwizard. Jaskier and Geralt sitting in front of an autumn tree. 
Lambert's Halloween Mishap: Pumpkin by Saintly_Bovine. Lambert and wolf witchers at Kaer Morhen. 
Gaunter O'Dimm dancing with a skeleton by @eredins-a-king-aint-he.
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer Stomping Grapes in Toussaint by @handwrittenhello.
Please, Tissaia?! art by  @sentientpinkfrosting and fic by: @little-merigold Yennefer/Tissaia necking (vampire AU).
Hansa Halloween Costume Idea by @abi-kamikakushi. The Hansa dress as Regis for Halloween!
Halloween Rita by @uselessfanboy. Margarita Laux-Antille dressed as a Halloween witch on a pumpkin.
Dettlaff in higher vampire bat form  by @northernolddragon. Fanart edit.
Geralt/Yen with pumpkins and sunflowers by @witcheringways Mod edit. 
Knocking on Forbidden Doors by Astrarian. 1309 words. Teen. Gen. Fringilla and Yen at Aretuza, hints of necromancy.
across and over the fire by galactic_roses. 1347 words. Teen. Eskel/Tomira meet at Saovine.
Festival by Flawney. 1710 words. Teen. Geralt/Dandelion celebrating harvest in Oxenfurt.
I shut my eyes and the whole world drops dead by WitcherSexual. 1803 words. Mature. Jaskier, Geralt & creepy child...
There Are Poppies Growing Over Where My Lover's Lying by Holliday_inn. 3953 words. Explicit. Margarita and ghost!Tissaia at Belletyn/Saovine.
Silence Lay Steadily by DolBlathanna. 17679 words. Gen. Geralt takes a contract for a wraith at Lady Breta’s estate. 
The Smell of Autumn - Jaskier's Ballad by RDH Development (1:29). Hexer fanvid to Jaskier's ballad 'The Smell of Autumn.' Features Geralt on the Path. [Lyrics translation - scroll to 'Episode 11 - Jaskier']
Tiny Witcher | Tilt Shift by Flurdeh (3:18). Mod edit. Witcher 3 game environments miniaturized.
Disturbia by @krystal280791 (2:40). Mature, physical trigger warning: flashing effects. Detlaff and Regis from Blood & Wine DLC.
Wordcount: 28,849
Audio: 9:42
Video: 12:20
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itsrainingfeathers · 2 years
I'm doing a bit of research for a possible book!Regis cosplay and stumbled upon this masterpiece.
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I think this is from the aftermath of the well incident? judging by the blood and the garlic and the severed limbs and the much younger appearance. (Update: I have been informed that it's not the well incident. I didn't play Gwent back in 2020.)
Anyway the vibes are absolutely immaculate. Never stop the madness and whatnot (even though the madness did actually stop).
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dukeofdogs · 1 year
List of important tags and stuff 2.0
This is the post to make navigating through this blog a little bit easier.
Thronebreaker Discord server
my tag for painting miniature figures
Character sprites - This is the tag that contains all character sprites from the game Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales with download links to PSDs files where you can change the characters expressions etc.
Unused Content - In this tag I post anything I data-mined from the game files that wasn’t used in the released games. This including audio and visuals from unused quests and dialogue lines from main characters.
Backgrounds - This tag is for high quality backgrounds from the game.
Concept art - Tag for concept art from Thronebreaker shared by artists that worked on the game.
TB:assets - small tag for high quality textures data-mined from Thronebreaker.
Gwent: assets - everything data-mined from Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, from music to visuals such as avatars, borders, cardbacks etc.
Gwent: lore - General tag for all Gwent lore posts.
Reward Book lore master post pt1. - This master post contains all lore from reward book.
Reward Book lore master post pt 2. Seasonal Edition - Master post for all seasonal trees.
Journeys - General tag for Journeys (assets for now) For a specific ones go to: Geralt, Ciri, Alzur, Yennefer, Triss, Aretuza, Regis, Dandelion.
Events: Saovine, Love, Winter, Summer (will be updated with missing events from previous years)
Cards that could’ve been - all the cards that didn’t make it to the final version of Gwent. Thronebreaker, Rogue Mage, Beta and truly unreleased cards.
Other tags:
Format tags:
Fan Art
Fan Fic
Aep Dahy
Ivo of Belhaven
Brouver Hoog
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nevertrustanoracle · 2 years
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I’m going to be having a very vampiric weekend at Sydney Supanova this week.
Saturday will see the return of my Eva cosplay (unless the weather becomes too cold, then I’ll be Regis), while on Sunday I’ll be wandering as my Hecata OC.
0 notes
rallamajoop · 3 years
Regis cosplay and the complicated history of a belt buckle
There’s nothing like cosplay to give you a whole new appreciation for the little details that go into a character’s costume.
Take Regis’ belt: if you’ve ever looked closely at the belt buckle and tip, they’re really distinctive—and really pretty.
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Not to mention really frustrating to try and source.
Though that sideways-heart-shape is one of the more authentically-medieval details on his outfit, belts like that have been out of fashion for centuries. Even searching for oversized retro 80′s styles turned up nothing like it. The square conchos aren’t too unusual, but the buckle is another story.
Until I started looking on sites that did medieval replica buckles and holy crap, Regis’ buckle was based on an actual medieval replica! That you can actually buy!
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This particular buckle is available in both gold and silver (buckle and end sold separately for some reason)—and from multiple different sites, even! (Very handy when the first one I found wouldn’t post to Australia). I’ve used mostly pics of the gold version here, though Regis’ actual belt looks silver in most of the better pics I’ve found of it.
Here, have a close-up comparison to show just how perfect this thing is.
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If you look even closer, you may notice they’ve even reproduced the same shapes on the decorations on his satchel.
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Some of those sites will go a step further and explain that this particular buckle was based on a real historical design from the 1460′s—specifically from the painting “Portrait of a Lady”, by Rogier van der Weyden.
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Though you can certainly see the resemblance, they haven’t copied the painting exactly. In fact, there are far more precise replicas out there based on that same portrait.
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More than one, in fact.
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You can even get cheap, simplified versions of basically the exact same design!
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Seems to be a pretty popular style.
All that said, Regis’ belt is still clearly based on that first replica from the top of this post, not the original portrait or any of the other reproduction buckles. Given that those buckles seem to have been up for sale online since at least a couple months before Blood and Wine came out, I’m assuming it was the devs copying an existing belt buckle design, not replica-buckle makers taking a design from a computer game. (What international copyright law says about this sort of thing I have no idea—I don’t think most clothing is supposed to be copyrightable in the same way other media is but I am not the person to ask. All I can tell you is that this questionably-authorised game-reproduction has already sold one buckle set to at least this one delighted fan—and now that the rest of you know about it, perhaps some more as well.)
With all that established, should we take a moment to enjoy some very mild amusement that what Regis is wearing was based on a lady’s silk belt? (A lady’s belt that he has carefully coordinated to match his bag, no less!) That probably shouldn’t be so surprising given how decorative the thing is, though I’m sure it’d be easy to miss if (perhaps like the devs) you’ve only seen the replica version up for sale with standard leather straps. Most medieval gear sites don’t bother to split their products into male and female categories that way (nor should they).
Not that I can see any of that bothering Regis. And it is, whatever else you may take from it, a very pretty buckle design.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
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portuguese cover of lady of the lake part i
i was excited until i realized it’s either cahir or regis wearing bright cherry red... i started to feel like geralt in tower of the swallow when he learns from angouleme of schirru’s spying on them, and hears a white haired man, a good looking guy with a lute named dandelion, a woman with dark blonde hair cut at the nape of the neck, and a man who was undescribed... which one is it, which one!
sometimes, the order in which they ride is described, such as milva riding in the vanguard in the end of baptism of fire, or regis and geralt riding at the back in tower of the swallow and followed up by angouleme who then overtakes them, so i was thinking if i can identify the scene, it may help identify the rider
i realized they seem to be riding to stygga castle (a castle hewn from the cliffside looms in the distance, surrounded by shipwrecks, upon which masses of black birds congregate)
but if they’re riding to stygga
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why is dandelion here?! ... angouleme in dandelion cosplay?
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heartoferebor · 3 years
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My biggest leatherworking project to date! I learned a ton whilst making this - there’s still a few minor errors but overall I’m so happy with how it turned out. I really wanted a new shoulder bag and I love the design of Regis’ bag in Blood & Wine so I thought, why not make it ;). I patterned it from scratch after the references and then cut, dyed, tooled & handstitched the leather. Leather dye is Fiebing’s Mahogany in 50:50 solution. For an added touch I also lined the entire bag with some burgundy suede (and added a shoulder patch to make it easier to carry).
Unfortunately I don’t have the skills/materials to make my own brass fittings yet, so everything except for the buckles/rings/screws that’s probably brass in Regis’ bag I carefully tooled out and then painted with gold leather paint.
Reference pictures under the cut:
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fox-guardian · 4 years
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vanthica · 4 years
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Bunch of patterns I made for cosplay commissions. I drew the patterns digitally trying to recreate textures from games.
Here we have Regis, Iris (Witcher) and Knight Set (Bloodborne)
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