verybiasedfootball · 1 year
Words aren't enough for me to explain how badly I think of the referring in France-Greece right now.
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juuggg · 2 years
I am so incredibly sleepy but must go to work in 1hr :(
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stealingpotatoes · 4 months
I have an idea for you: Ahsoka Tano and Galen "Starkiller" Marek arguing about their experiences as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's apprentices, while Luke Skywalker plays the referree.
i think the 3 of them should just get therapy together
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moomin279 · 4 months
Paul tierney has referreed this game really well and its really weird
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Everybody (at least back in the day?) remembers the ghost King of Pokelantis who possessed Satoshi (Ash) and ordered his Pokemon to use the referree as a shield, or Hunter J's attempts to kill Satoshi, or even Bashou & Buson's attempts on Kenta and friends, but it seems (likely because it was very subtle and unspoken, merely gestured with a fan) many missed that the very scummy President Bourgain (Viren) of the Rainbow Happy Resorts Company, mid-battle, directed his Elikible to attack Kaki (Kiawe)'s little sister instead of his Pokemon.
The Pokemon battled properly up until that point and clearly had mastery of its moves, the misdirection was absolutely intended and in response to Bourgain's gesture with his fan.
The attack was so bad, it wounded Kaki's Pokemon when it jumped in the way to save his sister. If it did that much damage to a large and powerful Pokemon like Bakugames (Turtonator), what would it have done to such a little girl? What do you think he was hoping would happen if it hit the mark as intended? (Hoshi [Mimo] shortens "Bakugames" to "Baku"--maybe its name is too big a word for her to say? That line is hers off-screen in the second shot.)
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Bourgain is infamous for his underhanded tactics, but until he went to buy up Kaki's family's farm, it seems no one had been able to have any hard evidence of his misdeeds to have him arrested, so his company and lands continued to grow rapidly.
It makes perfect sense that even if he intended to injure or kill someone, he'd make it look like an innocent accident that happened mid-battle, to try and absolve himself. That's his entire modus operandi.
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Anyway, so aside from the racial and political dynamics at play with Kaki and his family looking to be Alolan [so Pokemon's equivalent of Hawaiian/Polynesian] natives whose land is being taken from them through underhanded means by a developer (they even went out of their way to give him a French name [instead of a punny Japanese name as is often the case with Pokemon characters] and a large and defined nose anime designs tend to differentiate White/European characters with, hmm) to make it a nice resort for city folks... attacking Kaki's little sister with a potentially deadly attack makes Bourgain a particularly nasty villain and one of Pokemon's worst, but clearly underappreciated for it! So here's to this scumbag.
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 7th summary
We watched from 2016/01/18 p1 to 2016/01/19 p4.
Gordon suggests to Chas that he buy the other half of the pub himself. Diane doesn't find any serious prospects during the open house. Vic and Robert overhear Chrissie saying that Rakesh tried to kiss her and Vic is curious why Robert isn't bothered by it - she thinks it's because he's more interested in Aaron. Aaron follows Chas into town and sees her kissing Gordon. He begs her to break up with him, saying all he remembers about them is the two of them arguing. He agrees to give it a try but later packs a bag and asks Ed if he can go to France to stay with him for a while.
Rhona and Paddy celebrate getting through the referree stage of the adoption process. Robert comes to the scrapyard while Aaron is getting ready to leave and can immediately see that something is up. He finds the note that Aaron wrote saying that he is leaving, then Aaron collapses and Robert rushes him to A&E. Aaron tells him "my dad did this", though Robert can see that they're self-harm wounds. Aaron is diagnosed with septicaemia and Robert begs him to talk about it.
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isefyres-archive · 2 months
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Doreah is from the Free City of Lys and was taught and mostly raised on the Temple of the Love Goddess before working on the Pleasure Houses owned by House Orthys, one of the five ruling families. She was close friends with Narcyssa Orthys, the princess who taught and made sure the girls were the best in the city. Doreah is a known name in Lys and that is a high praise for her and her dedication to the temple and her Goddess. Through her life, however, despite her work, as one of the top girls at the pleasure house, her clients or as they are known patreons, were short listed.
Prince Lysandro Orthys of Lys - Narcyssa's older brother, he and Doreah had a long relationship and he was her highest patreon, spending days at the Orthys Manor as well being Lysandro's lady companion to high events. Even now, upon visits to Lys, Doreah regards him as a good friend and her gentlest lover, she always referreed to him as her Apovēzos, the Sun God and the Love Goddess second husband and lover.
King Viserys III Targaryen - When Viserys visited Lys, Illyrio got Doreah for the Targaryen Dragon who bedded her during his stay. He bought her at a high price to be the one taught his sister the arts of pleasure and men for Daenerys marriage and took her as a lover. Viserys seem to treat Doreah gentler than others despite his sudden outbursts. She does remember him fondly and she recalls his tales of dragons fondly. Playfully she call him her Balerion, for she was a dragonrider with him.
Daario Naharis - is a Tyroshi captain of the sellsword company, the Stormcrows. A former lover of Queen Daenerys, when the queen's attention began to shift, Doreah was given permission to entertain the sellsword and make sure his loyalties didn't wander through and an affair began. Unlike the Princes and Kings that visited her bed, Daario is a wildcard, even for an expert liek Doreah. She compares him to the War God of Lys, Areāzma.
One thing is sure, most of Doreah's lovers seem to take kindly to her and treat her good, as well have a possessiveness for her. It is said she has been blessed by the Goddess, which is why her lovers always seem possessive to her.
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oklotea · 14 days
I ship the director from the Hollywood episode with the referree from the Wimbledon episode
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popculturebuffet · 9 months
Mutant Month: House of Claremont: Avengers Annual #10: Rogue Rises, Carol Falls (Patreon Review for Brotoman.exe)
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Hello all you happy mutants and welcome back to Mutant Month, my celebration of the X-Men and all things marvel mutant. Today we're taking a step back from the strangest heroes of all themselves: while they do cameo in this story and Charles plays a very imporant roll, the main focus is on the X-Men's sometimes friends, sometimes rivals, and sometimes guys who sit there and do nothing while genocide happened because of editorial not stopping to think how bad this would make them look, the Avengers.. specifically Carol Danvers, at the time Ms Marvel. While Carol is absent most of the story it's her being found half alive and mostly brain dead that kicks off the story, her scathing reason you suck speech to the avengers for the events of Avengers #200, and the writer of this book being so pissed off by the events of said issue he wrote THIS ONE in the first place.
For those who haven't heard of avengers #200... i'm truly sorry i'm about to tell you it exists. But since this story is a direct sequel/fuck you to the story, I have to. Apologizes in advance.
So Avengers #200 was the story of how Carol Danvers got mystically impregnated by Marcus, extradimensional son of avengers foe Immortus... WITH Marcus. Marcus then revealed he'd previously kidnapped Carol, made her fall in love with him with the subtle manipulations of his machines, his EXACT words, and then when he had to go back to his home dimension due to his presence destroying the world, took Carol back with him. The avengers all GLADLY sent her off with her rapist and hoped she'd be okay.
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If your curious to view this nightmare for yourself, my review of it's right here`, and it's easily one of the worst things i've reviewed. And that's not in a general group.. i'm still not sure if this monstrosity or the transphobic episode of faimly guy where Brian vomits for 2 minutes straight because he slept with a trans woman is worse. It's a toss up. It's a straight up deadlock of things that PHYSICALY HURT to write about.
So as a sort of apology Brotoman, who comissioned the review of Avengers #200 not having any idea how bad it was, as did I as while I knew what happened reviews only prepare you so much, agreed to eventually have me review the direct response to that, this issue. As for why it's in X-Men Month.. well if you know Carol's history or x-men history.. then you know where Rogue got her powers.. and this is where not only that happens.. but Rogue debuts. So not only does this change avengers history.. but it's also VITALLy important to x-men history, to the point the issue is both int he x-men and marvel masteworks and their respective epic collections. It's simply too vital to both stories to ignore, especially the x-men's as Carol also basically joins the group for a while after this.
As I said this is a direct response from Chris Claremont about Avengers #200. Now any resonable person would hate this story, something i'd rarely say as tastes differ but this is
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So I feel confident saying no one likes this and if they do their just being a trollish jackass.
But no one liked this story less than X-Men Maestro Chris Claremont. Chris was deeply attached to Carol and for good reasons: While Carol existed before him, debuting in Captain Marvel and then getting her own solo, the character wasn't exactly defined, first being a kinda sorta but not really love intrest to Captain Mar-Vell, then having this weird split identity gimmick and working at a women's magazine printed by J Jonah Jameson. It was clear while Marvel had the idea of "neat new womens superhero" that was about all they had.
Luckily Chris took on the book and quickly ended the split identity schtick and defined carol as we know her: Tough as nails, badass, miltary referree. He defined her backstory, the son of a sexist jackass who joined the Air Force to get an education after he refused because she was a woman. He defined most of her supporting cast, her skill and genuinely who she was. He even took her archenenemy mystique with him when he started writing x-men and to my shock Rogue was actually intended for an arc in Carol's book.. but the book got cancelled before it happened.
So finding out a character he poured his heart into was raped and her friends were just fine with it while also pouring a thick gravy of sexisim on top of the procedings.. didn't go so well
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Shooter.. let Chris right the ship. Which says a lot as normally when editorial is asked to correct a creative mistake they either wait a bit so they can make money off correcting their own bullshit or actively refuse
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Granted in this case, Chris Claremont was marvel's #1 writer at the time, with X-Men rising to be their best seller, with Chris having just finished the back to back classics Dark Phoenix Saga and Days of Future Past. It was clear the X-Men needed chris, wouldn't be the same without him and Chris had all the power in this negotation, while all Shooter could do is nod and say sure. While Shooter would ocasoinally flex his power on x-men for both good (shutting down the Colossus and Kitty Pryde thing) and bad (not letting Mystique and Destiny be publicly gay.. or letting Destiny be nightcrawlers mom and Mystique having shapeshifted into a man to make that possible. ), but it was stuff Shooter was willing to fight for where as here the writer of his biggest hit was asking to fix a huge mistake for him. And given jim was busy making mistakes of his own
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Someday.... i'll deal with this mess someday.. but for now Chris had the greenlight to fix Shooter's mistake, and thus we got Avengers Annual #10. And as said, since he couldn't do the Rogue story in carol's book, he did it here a way to both set up Rogue as the next big threat for the x-men, and of course swerve it by them being forced to take her in, and Carol joining the team in a supporting role while not having her powers... then giving her a new more powerful set. The latter part was also likely always intended, it simply played out diffrently. It's hard to tell. What won't be is does this issue hold up on it's own and does it help wash the taste of avengers 200 out of our mouths? Let's find out.
Avengers Annual #10 gets right to it as we open with a woman getting pushed off a bridge.. thankfully she's quickly saved by one of the guest stars.. no not storm...We're in san francsico and Chris Claremont is still writing non- mutant books so...
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Yup. As a nice bonus to this issue in addition to Carol and the X-Men guest starring, we also get the Startling Spider-Woman. As I mentioned in my review of God Loves, Man Kills, claremont really likes using everything he's worked on or has worked on. I see echoes of that attitude in Al Ewing's work today, finding ways to weave in your other books or tie off loose ends you never got to.
For those less familiar with her, Jessica Drew was experimented on by her dad and the high evolutionary, raised around Animal People, and then became a super heroine, with Claremont turning her into a detective after some hit and miss directions. I'm a fan thanks to Dennis Hopeless breakout run, so it was nice seeing Jess here. When we next see Jess she's waiting at the hospital, where she finds out her Jane Doe is carol.. and whlie not suprising to us given this issues place and history, it was meant to be a suprise at the time with the cover lady easily being any super being the avengers had met.
And before we move on, let's talk about that cover for a second because it's this weird mix of being both really eyecatching and an absolute hot mess. On the one hand the striking red, various panels of all the stuff and nice bit of building intrigue as they don't spell out what out of the brotherhood knocked out cap and iron man. On first look it's not too weird.
But when you really step back and look at it it's saying a lot of nothing. instead of going just with cap being thrown through a window or showing the various things happening to the avengers and then having jess and the x-men on the botttom it tries to showcase EVERYTHING in this issue and cram it all on to one cover, which is never a smart idea. Not helping is the large advertisment for a ten speed giveaway taking up a lot of real estate in an already busy cover. I don't mind covers homaging this, as it's a neat IDEA for a cover, the excecution is just sloppier than I remember and has diminishing returns: it does the job of catching your attention.. but then gets it for all the wrong reasons.
Anyways there's a problem: Carol's mental state is so withdrawn the staff psychologist assumed she'd been insutlationalized since child hood, and they can't really reach her. Thankfully Jess happens to be friends with the x-men.
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That's something.. weird that happened with the passage of time. See due to Chris writing her early on Jess was friends with the x-men and her reason for knowing them is not remotely small: on a case she found former member Banshee's lost daughter Siryn, who'd go on to be a major part of X-Force and X-Factor and a faviorite of mine thanks to the latter. It's not the biggest foot note but it's something that almost never gets brought up. She's friendly enough with the x-crowd it's weird it dosen't get brought up apart from her skrull counterpart and wolverine being on good terms due to Jess also having been a close friend of logan's in his series during her powerless days. For instance in the solo I mentioned, none of the uncanny x-men visit her party. They just kinda fell out of touch. I mean Logan was dead at the time but I can't imagine Kurt Wagner would pass up free shrimp and pretty ladies. It's just not who he is.
At any rate Jess calls the professor for help, and we get a little bit of slice of life stuff with the x-men. It's something chris REALLY loved doing and that I honestly miss in modern comics: with how tightly packed the pacing is there isn't time for the x-men to say, be busy rebuilding the danger room after Kitty had to use it to murder an alien, which is the case here. It's fun seeing Kurt and Kitty slowly bond and also fuck up some machinery together trying to fix things. Charles heads down to San Fran, and the avengers have been notififed: Carol's identity isn't public YET , so it's just said their linked "somehow". Charles tells Jess in his mind that not only is her concious mind just.. gone but he was able to find out who did it: Rogue. Who at the time would've gotten a solid reaction out of fans as
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As this is her intro. It's a good way to set up a villian though: have her take out a hero at Carol's level.. and a few more. YOu do have to thread this needle carefully: if you go too far, the villian comes off overpowered. Here , Rogue has just enough to be a threat, but not so much she's entirely overpowered, as we find out some drawbacks later.. and much later will find out permenanlty stealing Carol's powers and memories comes with the whopper downside of a whole other person being grafted to her brain.
And we first meet Rogue properly.. as she suprise attacks captain america. Which COULD be seen as cheap.. but Rogue makes a valid point after: she has Carol's memories.. and thus unlike most foes fighting cap , knows how he fights. And Carol being military herself meant she probably thought about how to take him down just in case someone possesed him, turned him into a werewolf or created a nazi clone. You know the usual.
Rogue then does what would become her trademark of taking the power with a kiss. This is also where we find out she stole Carol's powers for keeps, and as long as she dosen't touch someone TOO long can usually not take too much. This part.. is a bit out of sorts with her later deep fear of being touched, but I feel fits: At this point Rogue is a villian and is being encouraged by her moms to be evil. As such the ethics are likely being actively downplayed. Most memroies she's taken fade away and so does the guilt with only her first use of her powers with her childhood friend cody really bothering her. It's a case of her simply not having the downside of her powers HIT HER yet. Without any consequences, she has no reason to fear her power.
While the rest of the avengers minus thor and iron main wait for cap, Rogue leonardos him through a window. This gets them to contact Tony as Iron Man who plans to help.. but turns out the attack on Cap wasn't something random.. it was well planned, with Mystique waiting in hiding as the wasp to trick tony.. and slam some sort of doo dad that depowers the armor and leaves tony stuck inside it.
Finally for the big three, just as Thor turns out of being Donald Blake, Rogue hits him. Granted she docent know he's thor's mortal alter ego... but it still makes sense as he's their doctor. Before she can finish him though Jess shows up, having apparently travled to NYC to follow up on Carol's attempted murder.
We get a neat fight as Rogue really beats the shit out of the avengers, but like I said it's done in a way that dosen't leave her coming off OVERPOWERED. Yes she snatch's thor's powers.. but that's why: She has the combined powers of thor, cap and ms marvel with Steve, Carol and Thor's combined knowledge of their teammates. It makes perfect sense she easily floors them and only dosen't kill them because Mystique has other plans for her daughter. It's also a ncie way to show off her inexperience and deference to mystique: she stole three powers but dosen't know if she can do more, and balks out of a guaranteed win simply becaase it's not in the plan.. which sets up the brotherhood's defeat LATER by not finishing the avengers NOW.
With the avengers on the backfoot for now, Jess reveals that Carol disappeared from new york 6 months ago with avengers 200.. but resurfaced three months later in San Fran, living just fine. It's our first hint that Carol isn't exactly happy to see her friends again. She moved to a city with one other superhero, hasn't picked the mask back up, and didn't call them. And as we'll see later she has every reason not to.
The avengers reacap avengers 200, and after giving me some flashbacks, we get to the main point: This attack was cordinated, the avengers are now down their three strongest and most experienced members. The only good news is Beast, who was an avenger for a while, it's why he wasn't in the Claremont run outside of a few choice guest spots as by the time he wasn't, he got swept into x-factor, meaning beating Rogue won't be easy.
The reason behind hobbling the avengers like this? A prison break. See the brotherhood first appeared a few months before this in the landmark x-men story Days of Future Past, trying to assassinate bigoted senator kelly, our heroes winning.. but Kelly being an ungreatful bastard about it and turning around to be mutantkind's greatest pain in the ass for a while, trying to publish the mutant registration act.
The brotherhood at the time consisted of Mystique, master shapeshifter and Carol's arch enemy at the time turned x-men villian, Destiny, Mystiques wife who can see the futttttttooorrrrrr, the blob, the imovable object, Pyro, Australian arsonist and fire bender, and Avalanche, earthquake machine of the cool costume without a personality to match, with Rogue joining here. They'd keep the lineup minus Rogue for most of the 80's, transitioning from terrorists to being the goverment's go too hired goons
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At any rate Misty was the only one to escape last time, so it's her job to break them out, with help from her wife predicting when, and Iron man being used as a blunt instrument. Though really he's more of an object. All that matters is he's blunt, hard and blunt.
So the brotherhood is broken out and costumed up... just in time for the avengers to arrive. Spider-Woman heads to fight iron man while a decent fight ensues: the main gimmick is destiny is tipping off the brotherhood before the avengers each move, allowing them to counter. It's a reminder of just HOW powerful Destiny is: her knowledge of the future isn't 100% , it's more propablities than full info or other wise she'd be invincible and our heroes could never win and it'd be really, really boring. But it's still potent enough and showed off well by chris claremont here: while the rest of the brotherhood get a great showing, their mostly hired goons. Destiny is Mystiques #2 for more reasons than that mouth thing she likes, and this shows it. The avengers are entirely on the backfoot because of her and it's telling the tide turns after Wanda gets a chance to attack her.. and more telling that it was only concidence she got a shot in on her and pure luck, as none of them KNEW destiny was doing this. The X-Men at least later have the advantage of knowing Destiny's the most dangerous piece on the board.
Mystique tries to kill Jessica, mostly because she's pissed Carol lived. Destiny warns her this will be their downfall.. and she's right. Mystique was a terrible choice to send for this as Jessica sees right through her nick fury disguise and Misty barely escapes , with Jessica bringing iron man back
With that the tide has fully turned: Iron Man goes with the genius strategy of hitting Rogue real hard.. and her feeling it tells her she's down to just Carol's power and Mystique tells her to retreat, the two of them feeling. Now.. tha'ts a solid marriage right there. Where you can leave your wife to get captured by the avengers.
We get more of the fight including highlights such as pyro makin ga giant firebird, his trademark and Vision and Jocasta using double laser vision to collapse the ground beneath blob. It's a decent enough fight, I just don't care about it a lot and it's one of the issue's main weaknesses: A lot of it's a fight scene and while there was good setup for it with Misty taking out a lot of their members, the people who did said setup.. have left at this point. IT's down to blob, pyro and avalanche. And while I like all three for their designs and they've had great development in later years... in this case their just three interchangable mooks. Destiny's the one really making them dangerous and with the people who actually personally hurt the avengers gone, it looses any emotional weight. It's just the avengers against some b-list super villians. I've seen this before, i'll see it again and while it's fun enough it just feels like padding. What Chris HAD to do to justify the issue. It would've been more intresting had they actually escaped. The avengers won, the brotherhood just had to retreat. But i'm guessing Chris wanted the actual escape in his own book, and knew it'd also be weird if these guys beat the avengers and the earth's mightest heroes weren't after them.
It's nice ot see the brotherhood in this sort of situation.. but I can see why we only saw them pop up more elsewhere after they became freedom force: it's a lot easier to have the heroes eat the loss or the villians loose when the villians are working for the goverment and thus wont' be going back to jail.
The ending of this annual.. is what we came for though, the big centerpiece. The only thing I can say bad about it is the art. See the avengers come to see Carol, whose staying with the x-men, and will be for the next 20 or so issues of their title. More on that in a moment. For whatever reason artist micheal golden.. decided to have her pool side so this scene of a woman talking about her sexual assault.. is done in a swimsuit.
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The art in general is the book's weakpoint: As a critic while i'll point out stuff I dont' like I generally try to be positive. Something bad like Avengers 200 isn't my usual wheelhouse. i'll gladly REVIEW terrible media for money, but even then I try to be fair.
But while the writing is good as any Claremont story of the era... the art from Micheal Golden is just bad. It's bad. At best i'ts inoffensive and at worst we have Rogue's looking like she's a 4 year old who found mommy's make up
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Wonder Man looking like he pulled everything , everywhere all at once and cannot move from this pose as a result
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Or the blob breifly replaced with a wax statue by the ghost of vincient price
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Now credit where it's do there are good shots like this one of wanda
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Or beast easily out manuvering pyro and blob
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But as you can see their still not the BEST shots, just decent ones. It puts a damper on an otherwise solidly written book.
Speaking of which, it's time for the moment you've been waiting for, the reason we're here. Carol has the x-men and Jessica go inside, she needs to speak with her guests alone. Before she does though there's one small moment.. but an important one
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It's a small subtle thing.. but the fact Jess is still here despite this scene taking place weeks later... shows she was there for Carol's recovery. While she found out what happened.. she cared enough to stay by her side and help her.. and it was through that one of the strongest friendships in the marvel universe war born. While it takes Jess becoming relevant again to really take hold, the two have been best friends for most of modern marvel, only briefly having a falling out over civil war II.. and even that didn't last long. Jessica and Carol are each othe'rs ride or die, and that call goes both ways. While we never see these weeks their what built a bond stronger than any on earth.
But this is something Carol has to do alone.
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It's an utterly heartbreaking scene, one of the best in Chris Claremont's long career on this reread. The pure PAIN in carol's voice comes through in print, a hard feet but one Chris makes seem easy. And while Golden's artwork still isn't the best... he does a damn fine job of capturing her pain without making it melodramatic: instead we see a person who was horribly violated, has her friends casually assume she was in love with her rapist and even has one loudly tell her "no we saw you you didn't see what you think we saw".. only for Carol to calmly and tearfully explain that no, she did. Marcus violated her, and they LET HIM take her with him. It's only through sheer grace of his instant death far worse didn't happen and by then he'd still done more than enough.
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What i love is that while Claremont is very thinly calling out how horrible the writing was.. he dosen't let his understandable outrage hurt his ablility to make a good narrative out of it: many a comic writer can succumb to clumisly fixing what they deem a mistake or even when fixing an actual mistake, fumble the ball. Chris here however turns it into character: Carol calls them out, tearfully, but calmly and lets them know how bad they hurt her, how bad they betrayed her.. but right after also makes it clear theyc an learn from this. They HAVE to learn from this. And if they do maybe all of this will have had SOMETHING good come out of it. But that's their choice.
It gives Carol agency back after an issue that was determined to strip it away, mocking her for not wanting a baby that was forced on her, that left her to a "happy ending" with her rapist." She could wallow in anger, but chooses to move on. She's cutting the avengers out of her life for now.. but after all they've done she can't bare to have them in it, and that panel above, that one right there shows how badly they get that: they came expecting to get some closure.. and instead got the wakeup call that they lost that one. Their friend was in pain, needed help, and they ignored what she wanted, ignored her concerns.. and like marcus ignored her consent. LIke him they didn't care what she wanted or who she was, just waht this whole thing meant to them. And it's clear fromt heir expressions.. that won't happen again.
I also like how it ends: Wanda, the one of them who was the most supportive during this debacle (and was missing during the sendoff with captain rapist, rest in dust you miserable bastard), is the most broken up by it and tells her sorry.. and Carol wipes her tears and accepts it, knowing at least one person tried not to betray her. It's a fitting sendoff for Carol's time in the avengers, a time that wouldn't come again till the 90's, one that dosen't let the avengers off the hook at all and has them utterly raked over the coaals for their henious actions, but allows her to move on
The final scene is in the Quinjet, as most of the avnegers sit in stone silence as the weight of everything hits them.. but it's once again wanda whose the most affected
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It's a hell of an ending, one that offers no easy comfort.. simply the promise that maybe there will be a better tommorow. It's not easy making a mistake.. but it's the harder step learning from it. And evne harder to live with what others have inflicted on you.
So yeah while the art is hit and miss.. this issue is still solid. THe last act really steals the show, and is one long callout by chris.. but again it's done perfectly in character, a way to bridge carol leaving the avengers and joining the x-men and to make the Avengers deal with what they did. To make sure #200 isn't just fixed, with Carol back and Marcus a pile of dust, but to make sure it isn't forgotten. It's easier in comics to just.. wipe away a bad decision, and sometims necessary. But it's ofen the better route to take a huge writing mistake and refit it for character.
As for Carol her story would continue: she'd basically join the x-men, helping them on occasion, then get shot up into space with them, with her powers reawakend and reformatted as the even STRONGER binary. But with her emotions attached to most of her memories gonCarol's place on earth was gone and she took to the stars. She'd regain those emotions and rejoin earth of course, rejoining the avnegers, leading them and eventually becoming Captain Marvel.
As for Rogue.. having Carol's Memories would nearly drive her insane, revealing her not as the callous monster seen here.. but as a scared 20 or so year old... and forced to turn to the people who hated her most for help. But that.. my friend sis a story for next year. For now .. we can take comfort that even with lows like Civil War II under her belt.. Carol has never been through something like avengers #200 again.. and god willing never will. Thanks for reading
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garbage--account · 1 year
Inazuma eleven Victory Road plot (probably) be like
>Haru and Unmei commit sakka crimes, but the sakka police catch them and send them to trial
>Unmei faking injury and judged innocent 'cause we can't commit sakka felony if we can't play sakka
>Haru goes to sakka jail
>Unmei is now in middleschool, where everyone hates sakka for political convictions
>but guess who's back : Haru is out of sakka jail, and seeks vengeance on Unmei's betrayal, with the help of his sakka mafia, constitued with his former sakka jail cellmates, called "Raimon"
>meanwhile, the sakka police is not finished yet with this case, 'cause they think Unmei is not innocent (he's not) and just pretend to be injured (he is)
>to avenge him from Haru's vengeance, Unmei creates his own sakka mafia team in his sakka-hating school, consisting of (TW : wild headcanons incoming) :
>Shinsendo, Gucci but whipped and kinda a bitch
>Yagyuu, a showoff who proved to be a better sakka player than everyone by playing baseball
>Shinohara, a lesbian disaster who's super hyper and needs to chill
>Kodoukai, all his life is stocked in his backpack, and he never stops carrying it along (also too introverted to handle)
>Kisoji, who seems relaxed and easygoing but actually too tired of everything (mostly Shinohara) to give a fuck
>Sakurazaki, who looks like a delinquent but is probably to most normal and sane person here
>recruiting_scouts.mp3 'cause Unmei must keep on pretending being injured now that he has the sakka police on his ass
>signing up in tournament 'cause sport anime
>in the shadow, a Elon Musk type villain wants to use Haru's talent for sakka for reasons (?)
>they play a match and win
>repeat, until the final against Haru's mafia team
>but Elon Musk is setting his evil plans to motion
>Unmei's team gets absolutely bodied to the point they almost die, since even in a world where there is sakka police and sakka laws, they still haven't managed to hire a single decent referree on this entire universe
>Unmei stops pretending being injured and beats Haru with the power of friendship he didn't know he had
>wins the FF but goes to sakka jail with Elon Musk
>but it's okay : it was his destiny... (kill me)
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asknarashikari · 9 months
oh! got an idea!
Keiwa and Kyuun sparring each other with Neon as the referree...
Neon reacts upon seeing the comments of
"are they fighitng for Neon-chan's hand in marriage?"
"Mr. Kamen Rider will win, the other guy is just hot, he's not Mr. Kamen Rider"
and the like.
I think Neon would just be amused by those kinds of comments because the reality is... much less romantic XD
(aka the boys are just being boys and fighting over stupid shit rather than over her)
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anonymouscomrade · 1 year
"so who would be the referree in your stupid Homestuck pro wrestling AU," absolutely nobody asked, to which i say there's only one guy it really could be
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gaysonlyocean · 11 months
10? then ill think about it. -silly
i feel like the referree or something PLOKIJUHGEDRGTJIO;PLOKIJHG just standing here as the trade offer is made
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malewifesband · 2 years
i really wish it was more apparent what the running thread between nandors taste in women last season to his 'taste' in marwa this season was. like hes never gone after such a doormat before--both his relationship prior were women with very strong wills who either took advantage of him or played him; and his attraction to guillermo notably waned as he started trying to manipulate (poorly) behind the scenes instead of being direct and forceful (note: i fully beleive that nandor was serious in saying he was worried that guillermo had been going soft and had been challenging him, even if it wasnt a test until that moment). with guillermo in particular, he always seems most attracted to and appreciative of guillermo after guillermo has been very direct with him or proven himself as a warrior (yelling at him in the citizenship episode, criticizing him in the celeste episode, slapping him when hunting the sire, everytime they physically fight, when guillermo confronted him emotionally before the wedding, I COULD GO ON) and he has preferred his women the same way until this season.
my thoughts initially on marwa were that she reminded me of s1 guillermo in the way shes very reserved, how everyone just talked over her constantly and didnt listen to what she said, and how softly she spoke. i thought that was intentional in showing nandor running from his feelings or trying to ... i dont really know, i just wanted some themes to emerge and im still not seeing any really. this season had such a refusal to callback to previous seasons even tho it really needed it to contextualize everything. it felt like the only time they referreed to something that had happened before was the night market fight, and it was such a breif allusion that i figured theyd at some point address that everyone was carrying a lot of baggage from the end of season 3--colin robinsons death, guillermo once again being denied both vampirism and intimacy with nandor, nandor being abandoned by guillermo again, etc--and tie to whats come up this season, but it just never happened.
season 5 may be the point they start tying things together, but considering how reluctant theyve been to callback this time around, it doesnt leave me hopeful that they will
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
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Photos from William vs Santino Marella ft. Vladimir Kozslov as guess referree
Source: https://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/archive/06142010/photos/14745856#fid-14750874
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bowserwife · 2 years
The way AEW does the lights out gimmick is so funny. "This is an UNSANCTIONED match that is NOT AFFILIATED with AEW. With AEW entrance themes and jumbotrons. And commentators. And an AEW referree officiating the match for some reason."
Commentary never knows how to talk about it either. "Oh this is a Lights Out match, so all of this is legal" like no!!! The concept of legality doesn't even exist!!! In fact, in a broader sense, it's all illegal because it's just a filthy fight that hasn't been sanctioned by any kind of athletic commission. Like why not just make it a no DQ/deathmatch if "lights out" is going to be functionally exactly the same lol
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