#references to season 2
biceratops7 · 7 months
This, this fucking image...
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It drives me insane, just activates something visceral, and I finally realized why. It's not just an appropriately placed close up shot to denote intimacy between Gabriel and Beelzebub, it's a fuck damn pov shot.
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Gabriel is not dressed in accordance to his preferences, he is borrowing Aziraphale's clothes. And Beezlebub, well lets just say a black blazer is a black blazer, not exactly the easiest thing in the world to differentiate. Just looking at those hands joining, the individual identities of their owners melts away. The moment could have so easily belonged to Aziraphale and Crowley... and it's just- it's... it's just like the Rats of Nimh. They've seen this sign everyday for almost their whole lives, and have never once known what it says. They can make inferences, use context clues, wherever they are, it seems to be too so it must be about them, but they couldn't ever know for sure. Until one day, without warning, they looked at the words, and understood them.
And the sign communicated a way out.
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Aziraphale and Crowley are the first of their kind. I don't think we really appreciate or understand how utterly unfathomable what they feel for each other is in their lived contexts, even to them. All this painful fear, all these lengths they go to, all to keep safe this precious experience they don't even have the language to name. It's not just unallowed, it's unreal. So then just imagine what the actual fuck they must be feeling when they see someone else... just fucking do it. Just like that. An angel and a demon. In love. Intimate, affectionate, in front of heaven, in front of hell, in front of humanity, in front of GOD, and She knows who the hell else.
For literally the first time, they’re seeing the things they feel for each other exist in others like them.
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madootles · 8 months
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dramatic eyes. dramatic lips. drama on the cheeks.
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rillunax · 11 months
When people on the internet make a show
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I’m not sure what to do with this information but here it is for your knowledge
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ato-dato · 9 months
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Here he is. It’s him. And he’s not gonna sell you his books.
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opscuritas · 6 months
I want to share some of my AziraCrow studies in case anyone finds them helpful!
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✨ Reblog to help fellow artists ✨
If you find this helpful (and if you're able to) come support me on Ko-fi 💜 (you can also enter and see my stuff since everything I post there is free!)
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dreamidoodles · 9 months
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link click season 2 so good. link click season 2 so good.
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notsogracefullyput · 7 months
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 month
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nightcolorz · 3 days
I liked it when Armand asks Daniel if he wants to hear his story and Daniel who has three Charlie horses and probably blue balls is like uh huh yes totally yes pls and Armand begins to list his memories in numbered list format severe autism style but then realizes he remembers like one memory total and gives up in favor of metaphorically talking about black holes I thought that was very great and in character
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orayart · 7 months
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You may know that sometimes it can be a real pain to search for a specific reference from Good Omens, like a detail from Aziraphale's costume, Crowley's expression in one particular episode, a piece of furniture in the bookshop...
So for that, I decides to create a library with everything Good Omens artists may need in different folders.
That may be :
>> Their face profile, their body types, Crowley as an angel, every time period costumes, Soho street and floor map, the bookshop outside and inside, the bentley in different angles, their different hair style, hands details, alpha century nasa pics, Aziraphale's ring or Crowley's tattoo, Beelzebub from s1 or s2 ECT......
But also :
>> Face features and body studies with notes made by me
+ a free morpho and anatomy book in pdf from this Tumblr post :
So obviously this is going to be a big work and I need your help to build this library !
How ? You can join this discord server I've made.
Everything will be separated in different # channels
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If you have a great screenshot of Aziraphale's hands for instance, you can send it in the appropriate channel.
I will be sorting them and put them all in the Google Drive I'm working on with different folders.
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In time, when enough material will be gathered, I hope this could become a Website on which everyone can have access ! (I'm looking for someone that knows how to do that btw)
So if you have a lot of stuffs in your gallery and are willing to help, but also if you're an artist and looking for specific references right now, you may join the discord !
Please be sure to check the # informations and # rules when you arrive !
See you there 🫶🏻
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xxlumos · 8 months
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Let me look at you 💖
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villainboygirl · 8 months
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Casey listening the same tape of Steven Grant😍
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starrodent · 2 months
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@jonmartinweek day 8: martin’s poetry
nosey little shit. also that tiny succulent in the background is my pride and joy and i’m annoyed at myself that i only showed it in one panel
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celluloidbroomcloset · 7 months
Last year-ish I recall an interview with Rhys Darby where he was talking about being a young comedian and feeling like he always had to get the bigger and bigger laugh, to keep the audience, and the result was that he stopped caring how he got it. As he got older, he decided to just do his art, stop worrying about it, and hope the audience met him there. (I'm paraphrasing, 'cause I can't find the interview.)
I think this translates to what we see in OFMD with him and Taika Waititi, and what David Jenkins has said about how they make each other vulnerable. They don't try to undercut those serious, more emotional moments with humor, to "get the bigger laugh," and that's a big part of what makes the Stede/Ed relationship work. It's funny and it's fun, but there's no puncturing of the emotions with a sudden joke (which would've been so easy to do, and I'm sure there are times in rehearsal where they went too far and had to pull back). Even the ad-lib of the thumb war doesn't puncture anything, because it's sweet and silly and in character, and also quite intimate. The little whispered "you won" packs so much joy and love.
It's cool how the comedy itself is profound because it works alongside the more serious emotions, and that's very much down to the two of them.
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miusato · 4 months
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Yeah but what if they're some oddly high budget cartoon from the 00s???
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actual-changeling · 9 months
do you think crowley ever showed up unannounced at aziraphale's bookshop with a bottle of amazing whiskey, wanting to spend the evening with him, just to find it empty?
letting himself in just to find a dark silence and the fading taste of ozone and his cologne.
knowing that he is somewhere else, having fun, while he returns to his doorstep again and again like a dog with a bird in its mouth.
do you think he left, cursing himself on the way home for expecting aziraphale's life to revolve around him just because he has been orbiting his angel for six millennia?
do you think he drank the entire bottle alone and too quickly, on his back on his balcony, the concrete so cold he barely felt it, staring at the stars trying to find the nebulae he made with him?
do you think he closed his eyes and swallowed whatever emotions were crawling up his throat once he realised that they're too far away and he will never see them again?
(he drove by the shop hours later with his pulse beating rapidly on his tongue and tempted aziraphale to join him for breakfast)
(he said yes)
(crowley didn't ask about his night and aziraphale did not say a single word about it)
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