#recap 2022
clouseplayssims · 1 year
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Boy, did I build this year! It was difficult to narrow it down, but here you have my most favorite buildings of 2022. Yes, pit included.
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dramionefeltson · 1 year
RECAP 2022 -FEBRUARY - part 2 ———————————————–
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson by Carter Smith (2014) – February 14 2022
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 RECAP 2022 | #tomfelton #socialmedia #instagram #personal
 ·         Tom Felton via Instagram – February 15 2022
·         Tom Felton via @ tomfeltonshop – February 15 2022
·         Tom Felton via @ buxtagram – February 15 2022
·         Tom Felton via Instagram stories – February 15 2022
·         Tom Felton via Instagram Livestream – February 15 2022
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 RECAP 2022 | #tomfelton #socialmedia #instagram #personal
 ·         Tom Felton via Instagram – February 17, 18, 21 2022
·         Tom Felton via @ playwhatsnotthere Ig story – February 18 2022
·         Tom Felton via Instagram stories – February 22 2022
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson and Dan Stevens for 'Beauty and the Beast' – February 23 2022
·         New/old photo of Emma Watson for ‘Beauty and the Beast’
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson and Dan Stevens for 'Beauty and the Beast' – February 23 2022
·         New/old photo of Emma Watson for ‘Beauty and the Beast’
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dualredundancy · 1 year
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In this week's special episode David, John and Kyle are here to look back at entertainment in 2022. We also reveal the results for your favorite movies (2:05), returning TV shows (12:55), new TV shows (25:10), TV miniseries (34:40) and pop culture moments (42:50) from the past year.
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hocusbogus · 1 year
Regrets of Yesteryears
Saw my friends on Sunday, the group of friends that I spent most of my mid-twenties with, and I haven’t seen them since June 2022.
It’s been 6 months, and a lot did change but not really, somehow.
So instead of talking about new years resolutions, we talked about our biggest regret of the year.
Ayoi and I were the last one to come up with an answer, and I didn’t manage to even find any regret.
This is not to be obnoxious nor am I implying any sense of superiority over my lack of answers to the question. It is merely a difference in perspective. I was recalling “bad” moments in 2022 and trying to find that sense of regret over it but I just couldn’t attach the words to those unfortunate events that colored the beginning of my 2022.
Even when I’m on the verge of losing something dear to me I still didn’t find any regret, and I think it has to do with my definition of the word regret and how it shaped my life.
With that question triggering me into a spiral of overthinking, I tried recalling even further back than 2022, and I just can’t find any.
It happened to me, even the worst of the worst, it happened to me but those are decisions that I made given whatever situation that was presented to me with the mindset and information that I had then, I do not feel any sense of regret still.
I know people have different definitions of it but for me, regret means if I could go back and do it over, would I?
I would love to re-experience a lot of things knowing what I know now, but... that would just not be fair because the ‘me’ that ‘knows’ is the result of whatever it was that has happened in the past. Would I rather not experience traumatic events? Yes of course, but yet again it happened to me, and as much as I do not believe in destiny, I do believe in ‘path’ and ‘timelines’, it needed to happen to me and the alternative did also happen to another me living another timeline. I am experiencing all possible outcomes all at once, I just don’t ‘feel’ it all at once because the human brain can’t possibly handle that.
My friends’ answers were valid though, and I feel for them. It ranges from something playful and ‘oopsie’ to something heavy. I’m sure it was something that they had to live with and learn from as well. By them sharing that, I was grateful because I then learned something about them and what they value in life, and what will shape their decisions moving forward.
I brought up the same question to Diana yesterday and we somehow both arrived at the same conclusion of actually having no regrets, for the same reason. What struck me was how Diana worded it, “There’s probably nothing that had an irreversible consequence in your life”.
I realized, maybe she has a point. A lot of my decisions led to a consequence that is either positive or negative depending on how you view it but they’re merely consequences that I can move past and grow from. I can think of a million situations in my head right now in which a decision could lead to an irreversible consequence, like how Ayoi said he wished he would’ve made more time for people that are important in his life because he just lost a dear friend recently. Those are irreversible events.
That lesson just made me wanna live every day for a full 24 hours, the cliche would be to live every day like it is your last day, which is almost impossible. Us humans are just... a creature of habit and we forget easily.
We attached meanings to things and create our lil routine assuming tomorrow is there for us, we do that all the time.
So I don’t know if I can live every day as if it was my last but I promised that if I feel like doing something I should do it and I shouldn’t let fear, FOMO, or ‘laziness’ stand in the way.
Make time for myself, indulge in content, eat good food, see the world, write, vlog, laugh, judge, and sing. If I feel like doing it and I could, I would. As long as it is not harming others or the environment, hopefully.
I feel like this is going slightly off-topic, we were talking about regrets and irreversible consequences, I think my coping mechanism has always been suppression and it made me forget a lot of things. I would remember the feeling but I can’t seem to always recall memories anymore, is this also a sign of Alzheimer? I hope not, I’m still very good at remembering work stuff and languages.
I wish that we can grow healthily in 2023 both physically, spiritually and mentally, treating regrets like lessons and embracing the fucked up part of us as much as the beautiful part.
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hoodmacg · 1 year
Beautiful 2022
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mary-is-writing · 1 year
End of the Year Recap – 2022
This has certainly been a year, hasn't it?
In the spirit of this being the last month of the year, I thought about doing a small recap of what this year has been for me in here and my writing. I have famously bad memory (thanks adhd) so I'm probably gonna miss some things here and there, but I'll try my best to remember as much as I can. So, let's go on a trip down memory lane!!
In the beginning - Starting 2022
I had a good start of the year, followed by the breath of fresh air that 2021 was for me. We we're still in quarantine but around March/April we went back to in-person interactions, so there was a lot of moving during those months. Around that time is where the first very important thing of the year happened: I finished draft 2 of The Monsters Only We See, my standalone wip, as well as starting to look for more beta readers. I have to admit, I haven't followed o the whole beta-ing of the wip as I should, but I want to continue it, specially with me continuing the English translation.
I also started said translation roughly after finishing draft 2, and like I said, I haven't been the best at keeping up with it. But I still have time while I look up how to get the money to register it and where/how to share it, mainly digitally but also maybe physically.
A very special month - June 2022
This year's main highlight for sure: on June 9th I finished the first draft of Book 1 of Where Camellias Blossom, my fantasy trilogy. Man I was so happy. This was my second time experiencing finishing a draft (the first one being TMOWS) and there really is something so special to watch a project's phase be complete. It's a mix of the ecstasy of "holy crap I did it!!", a nostalgia for the journey walked and the comfort of a path in the back for finishing it. I think the experience of writing the first draft is unique, it doesn't compare to doing the 2nd or the 3rd.
I started the first draft for Book 2 and I already have notes for changes to draft 2 of Book 1 in order to keep the continuity 😅 so I'm looking forward to both continuing the draft of Book 2 and coming back to work on Book 1.
Guys I think we're getting burnout - July to October 2022
Y'know, in retrospective think I might have wasted all of my energy on finishing the first draft of WCB Book 1. There isn't a lot to say about this months because I didn't do a lot. Most of what I did here was continuing the work with the wips I had, throw there are two important things that happened on October:
1) I finished the 3rd draft of TMOWS. It was easier and I'm very happy with this as the last version. Maybe I'll do some tweaks here and there if I get to have a few more beta readers, but I like the structure and the plot the way they are now.
2) I started Little Shadows, my horror podcast!! I had the idea for it since months ago and decided to do it just in time for spooky season, with it premiering on Halloween. I've been wanting to do something with YouTube for the longest time, and free realizing video essays would take a lot of work that I wasn't willing to put into them, I decided something like this, short format and focused on writing, would be the best option. I'm very happy that I'm doing it and I wanna keep it up, since I have ideas for where the overarching story will go later.
Hoo boi - November 2022
I was very excited for Nanowrimo this year since I wanted to use it to write the 1st draft of Book 2 of WCB, but in the end I barely wrote +4K words. Guys, I was not feeling it at all. It was like all the stress and work for the semester in college suddenly hit me and wouldn't stop hitting me until the month was over, a few days ago. Sadly, Nano was a miss, but not everything was lost:
I finished the first volume of my comic, The Demon in My House. At 129 pages, this little hobby of mine is now long enough to fill a complete volume if I ever printed it, and that makes me so, so proud. I've tried making comics before, short and long format, and this is the first one I feel I can really commit to. I've never done so much for one, and I'm only getting started. The story I have planned for this is really long, so we'll see how many volumes I end up filling, haha. But it also makes me happy and proud cause it shows I can do what I set my mind into, and I hope I get to finish it one day and reread it from begining to end to see the story completed. For now, it's all baby steps towards the next plot point.
And now, at the end - December 2022
If I'm honest, I don't think I'll write a lot this month either. I'll continue drawing for TDIMH, sure, but as for advancing my writing wips... yeah, not happening. This semester was weird and we're gonna finish it on January next year instead of this month, which means I'm gonna have homework for vacations 😩 Plus, I wanna rest. I just. I really wanna rest. And this being the last month of the year is the perfect excuse for it.
Overall, this has been a good year for my writing. A lot of highs and lows, but very much productive. I also wanna appreciate all of you who remained with me this year or that came here for the first time and have decided to walk alongside me. Thank you!! Your interactions and interest have been helping me a lot in not giving up midway with my writing.
Happy holidays, happy soon-to-be new year and happy writing!!
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lilstjarna · 8 months
Récapitulatif de mes voyages en 2022
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Nous voici en 2023, l'occasion de revenir sur les voyages effectués en 2022. Mois par mois et avec des anecdotes amusantes pour ne rien oublier des moments vécus.
janvier et février
Du repos et des pulls bien chaud pour cet hiver 2022-2023, on a préféré économiser en prévision de l'été plutôt que de se geler les petons en vacances.
Je suis toujours un peu réticente à partir en voyage en hiver car, malgré mon attrait pour les paysages enneigés et l'ambiance des fêtes de fin d'année, je ne suis pas fan des sacs débordants de sweats, de doigts glacés et de ciels pluvieux.
Poitiers, France
Une belle découverte que la petite ville de Poitiers, partis dans le cadre d'un séjour au Futuroscope (parc d'attractions que je recommande chaudement), nous avons pris le temps de visiter Poitiers sur une journée et avons été charmés par son joli centre ancien.
Milan, Italie
Un mois où nous avons cavalé partout, on ne pourra pas dire qu'on se sera ennuyé. Tout d'abord un week-end à Milan, ville qui me tient à cœur malgré son insalubrité (mais quelle ville italienne n'est pas sale en même temps...). L'occasion de faire découvrir la magnifique cathédrale et les délicieuses spécialités italiennes à des amis.
Rouen, France
Après y être passé en coup de vent il y a quelques années, c'était l'occasion, le temps d'une journée, de pouvoir visiter plus en profondeur la ville aux cent clochers (on n'aura pas pris le temps de els compter pour être honnête). Rouen est une ville charmante avec de nombreux musées, nous avons pu faire un tour à celui des beaux-arts qui nous a énormément plu, et bien évidemment : plein d'églises pour les amateurs de patrimoine religieux.
Grenoble, France
C'est un peu le rituel annuel de se rendre à Grenibl afin de rendre visite à des amis. Mais c'est toujours un plaisir de retrouver cette ville dynamique où la nature et les activités d'extérieur sont multiples et facilement accessibles. Monter à la bastille afin de partir en randonnée est devenue une agréable habitude et nous invite, chaque année, à tester de nouveaux sentiers.
Annecy, France
Après avoir beaucoup entendu parler d'Annecy nous avons hâte de découvrir son centre historique plein de charme. Si nous avons été un peu déçus par la taille de la ville, on en a vite fait le tour quand on est des grands marcheurs comme nous, le cadre idyllique entouré de montagnes et au bord du lac a été un véritable coup de cœur et nous y retournerons avec grand plaisir y passer un week-end bucolique fait de pique-niques et de treks paisibles.
Bruxelles, Belgique
Une autre ville européenne où j'ai pris mes habitudes afin de rendre visite à des amis (tout l'intérêt d'avoir des connaissances qui vivent à l'étranger). Bruxelles est vivante, plein de surprises et de délices culinaires, on ne se lasse pas du grandiose de la grand-place et de prendre à emporter un cornet de frites pour déambuler dans les ruelles pavées.
Stockholm, Suède
Le rêve d'une vie qui n'avait cessé d'être repoussé (la faute d'abord aux autres opportunités de vacances puis au covid) enfin réalisé. S'il y a bien une destination que je souhaitais faire à tout prix c'est Stockholm. Et l'attente fut à la hauteur du ravissement une fois sur place. Entre les enchainements d'iles, les habitations aux multiples couleurs, les nombreux parcs arborés et les musées au riche patrimoine, c'est un séjour enchanté que nous avons vécu là-bas et ils nous tardent de retourner en Suède.
Vérone, Italie
En saisissant une promotion à la volée, nous voici parti entre amis à Vérone le temps d'un week-end. une escapade impromptu, je n'avais jamais même pensé à me rendre là-bas, qui fut une chouette découverte. Cette petite ville plein de charme aux jolies façades colorées nous a terriblement plu et donné envie d'y retourner, en amoureux cette-fois, lors d'un prochain été.
Stuttgart, Allemagne
Surprenant comme choix de week-end mais Stuttgart c'est avérée être une subtile décision de faire découvrir les villes allemandes à quelqu'un qui n'était pas porté sur le sujet. Très vivante et verdoyante en cette période de l'année, Stuttgart fut une belle découverte estivale et nous en gardons un très bon souvenir.
Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Canada
Nous l'attendions depuis des années ce grand périple canadien. et nous avons enfin pu nous envoler pour ce pays qui nous fascinait tant afin d'y passer deux semaines. La réalité fut à la hauteur de nos attentes et nous sommes tombés amoureux du Canada (j'ai personnellement eut un véritable coup de cœur pour Toronto). Il ne nous reste plus qu'à y retourner...
New-York, États-Unis
Aller au canada était une bonne excuse pour franchir brièvement la frontière afin de faire une escale à New-York. Ville connue mondialement, nous n'échappions pas à la curiosité empreinte de fascination qu'on beaucoup de personnes pour cette ville. Y mettre les pieds nous a permis de nous forger notre propre avis, et nous à convaincu de revenir pour visiter tous les musées.
Londres, Angleterre
La voisine de Paris reste une de mes villes européennes préférées, nous y sommes allés pour une courte escapade mais quel plaisir de promener dans les grands parcs londoniens, déjeuner dans un délicieux deli, errer dans les ruelles colorées, lever les yeux vers la city. On ne se lasse pas de cette ville dynamique et culturelle.
Fougères, Cancale, Dol-de-Bretagne, Granville, France
Virée en famille à la frontière de la Normandie et de la Bretagne, avec un étonnamment beau temps pour la saison. Une semaine faites de ballades au bord de la plage, de galettes sarrasins garnies et de cris de mouettes dans nos oreilles. L'occasion de découvrir des villes que nous ne connaissions pas, notamment Fougères qui nous a grandement plu avec son beau château.
Vence, Biot, Èze, France
De retour dans le sud de la France pour continuer le cycle de visites des petites villages de mon département d'enfance avec mon compagnon. J'aime toujours autant déambuler dans les ruelles étroites à la recherche d'un chat se prélassant au soleil, grignoter des tapas provençales sur les étals du marché et découvrir la riche programmation temporaire des musées et ateliers d'artistes.
Bréda, Tilburg, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas
Micro-roadtrip pour ce début d'hiver aux Pays-Bas, à la découverte de petites villes sympathiques à proximité de la frontière belge. Pas de gros coups de cœur mais un sympathique périple avec d'intéressantes visites de lieux culturels. On oubliera cependant difficilement de froid ressenti pendant ces quelques jours.
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elleventures · 1 year
Happy new year, everyone! Before the new years, I thought I would reflect on of our wins and accomplishments!
You can read some of my accomplishments throughout 2022 in my newest blog post — link in bio!
Feel free to leave a comment on some of your accomplishments this year!
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muratkaraer · 1 year
Instagram 2022 Özet (Recap) Reels'i Nasıl Hazırlanır?
Instagram 2022 Özet (Recap) Reels’i Nasıl Hazırlanır?
Instagram her sene olduğu gibi geçirdiğimiz 2022 senesinde neler yaptığınızı paylaşabilmeniz için bir içerik hazırladı. Reels video özelliğinide öne çıkarmak isteyen platform özet(recap) videoları hazırlamanıza imkan tanıyor.Böylelikle kendi videonuzu hazırlayabilir ve 2022’nin sizin için nasıl geçtiğini takipçileriniz ile eğlenceli bir şekilde paylaşabileceksiniz. Recap Reel Videoları Nasıl…
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clouseplayssims · 1 year
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Lastly, for now, a selection of various screenshots from various residential lots that I really liked.
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dramionefeltson · 1 year
RECAP 2022 - FEBRUARY ———————————————–
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson for 'Beauty and the Beast' – February 1 2022
·         New/old photo of Emma Watson for ‘Beauty and the Beast’
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson for 'Beauty and the Beast' – February 1 2022
·         New/old photo of Emma Watson for ‘Beauty and the Beast’
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson and Dan Stevens for 'Beauty and the Beast' – February 3 2022
·         New/old photo of Emma Watson for ‘Beauty and the Beast’
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 RECAP 2022 | #emmawatson #newold #photo #photoshoot
 ·         New photos of Emma Watson for 'Beauty and the Beast' – February 3 2022
·         New/old photo of Emma Watson for ‘Beauty and the Beast’
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 RECAP 2022 | #tomfelton #socialmedia #instagram #personal
 ·         Tom Felton via @ thekazwomack – February 2 2022
·         Tom Felton via Instagram – February 2, 3 2022
·         Tom Felton via Twitter – February 3 2022
·         Tom Felton via Instagram Livestream – February 3 2022
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dualredundancy · 1 year
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aghamnayon · 1 year
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Art Recap 2022!
A pair of highlights of my works this year! It’s been quite the journey
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fancylala7 · 1 year
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naomiinyun · 1 year
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balance is everything LMAO I use YouTube much more to meditate than Spotify. And I completely agree with the deep cuts in both of them, this year I meditated a lot btw
My playlist here ✨
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