#rebels rants
illustratingari · 10 months
Mostly about Sabine in the Ahsoka Series.
I’ve seen a couple comments about Sabine getting stabbed and being like “I hate it when someone gets stabbed by a lightsaber and survives”. Dawg, Maul got CUT IN HALF and he still survived. I didn’t hear any of complaints when that happened.
And another thing: I’ve also seen people complaining about Sabine being an apprentice as if it was “disrespectful to the Jedi”. One, the Jedi Order doesn’t exist anymore. Two, Sabine never said she wanted to become a Jedi, she just said she’d be a lousy Jedi. Three, have you ever heard of Tarre Vizsla? Y’know, the first MANDALORIAN JEDI? She could be both if she wanted to, but I believe that she’s just using the lightsaber as another form of defence. In Rebels, she trained with Kanan and Ezra and learned how to wield the Darksaber and a lightsaber. She defeated Gar Saxon with a lightsaber. So what if she would become a Jedi? She wouldn’t be the first Mandalorian to do so.
All in all, these are just some things I wanted to rant about cause sometimes this fandom drives me nuts. I loved the first 2 episodes and I am dying to see more! Let’s stay positive, let’s stay optimistic and trust in Dave Filoni’s vision 💙
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cherrygazette · 3 months
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and amidst all the closed minds, speeches on the unacceptable,societal standards and judgements, i'd still choose to play the role of a rebel. for i am a dreamer. dreamers never stop.
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leon-anna · 8 months
It has been a HOT minute since we last posted!!
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Anna and I have been quite busy recently, and it doesn't help that I've been going through art block on top of that!
So, until we get some things sorted out, here is a simple Rex/Fives doodle of them after a routine sparring session~
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inthefallofasparrow · 5 months
Zack Snyder "accept that you're a cinematographer and stop trying to be a writer/director as well" Challenge
Rebel Moon clearly needed to be a TV series with each of the episodes introducing a new character/scenario, so that there was time to do all the necessary worldbuilding and characterisation properly. The fact that Netflix didn't care about that is concerning.
Like, you want to do 'Seven Samurai' in space? Fine. But there's a way to do that without it being just an underdeveloped hotchpotch of unrelated action scenes featuring cool-looking characters we know nothing about. Then just hurriedly shoehorning in some exposition and moving on as if having the characters actually interact with each other isn't integral to caring about them.
Honestly, it depresses me so much how normalised it's become for the movie industry to just churn out bigger and bigger blockbusters which are so CGI heavy you can taste it at the expense of everything else that makes a movie, you know, good. And this mindset that, so long as it looks stunning and the fight scenes are 'epic', then it doesn't matter if the story is derivative, predictable and/or poorly-paced and has stilted boring dialogue, is really damaging the craft. The acting and costumes and sets all typically do their best to keep everything afloat, but if the script is convoluted or just a series of badly-hidden tropes, then that's what comes through.
My biggest fear is that we as an audience are gradually forgetting what a well-crafted movie actually looks like, and just settling for mind-numbing spectacle, because that's all we're being given.
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ladywren7 · 4 months
It's missing Kanan's purse hours💔
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sarah3210 · 2 months
I don't understand how people hate Ezra. How can you hate a sweet, innocent, awkwardly adorable boy who grew up into a mature but still awkwardly adorable man who sacrificed himself to save his homeworld? People say he's annoying or cringy I just don't see it.
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augustspage · 10 months
Is it just me, or does anyone else dislike how the star wars fandom brushes aside the ghost crew?
Like how in a episode full of moments of ezra's hubris, and kanans fear and BLINDING, all everyone focuses on is ahsoka and Vader's duel (still great just overplayed)
Or how thrawn is not just there to be cool and calculating, but as a foil to hera, as a contrast to show what it'd look like if hera continues to focus on what's most effective for the mission, not her love and passion for her people and her family.
Even non ghost crew characters have their other relationships forgotten like Rex's conflict with kanan or Hondo's becoming a kooky pirate uncle to ezra, for scenes of those characters reminiscing on their pasts.
It's frustrating.
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thyhauntedmansion · 5 months
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Miranda hating Cassandra for virtually no reason you say? Enough to deem her THE Annoyance?.. Cassandra herself can’t even stand Miranda?
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Perhaps they were just at odds with each other… in another time.
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cometblaster2070 · 7 days
i think another reason why i REALLY love the eah shannon hale books (aside from how generally amazing they are) is how shannon hale expands more on the royal and rebel problem.
like in the show, we don't really explore the sides of the royals and rebels beyond the usual stance of whether they go against following their stories and support raven, or whether they want to follow their stories and condemn raven for not signing and starting the entire rebel movement.
but in the books i love how shannon hale expands upon the sheer amount of utter classism present in the eah world, and especially present in this school; perfectly encapsulating how those in power are very, very concerned about keeping this brand of classism ongoing, about keeping that divide between the 'Royals' and the 'Commoners' apparent.
just the little details of the royals and the commoners having different seats in the auditorium, with the royals having comfortable padded seats as opposed to the commoners having more uncomfortable and hard chairs, how they both have different common rooms; just the little details in general which highlight how the entire concept of destinies and signing the book and legacies is a system that is established in order to keep this classism going.
the legacy system honestly just breeds more of this classism; it tells the royals they are above the commoners and it tells them about how they deserve the happy endings and the prince charmings and the glittering gold palaces, and it tells the commoners of their place beneath the royals and firmly shows them the differences between themselves and the royals and how the commoners should be happy and complacent with the endings that they get.
overall, it tells both of these groups to simply accept what is being presented to them; presents the narrative that change is unfamiliar and dangerous and bad, and as such, they should never question their system and should instead just be happy with what they get, because, surely, this system is fair, so it just ends up being what they deserve.
hell, even the fact that before raven basically formed the royal/rebel movement, people were simply separated on the basis of being royals and commoners; it could literally not be made more obvious.
anyways, i just love the way shannon hale's books expand on this and i love how you can very clearly see the ignorance present in the eah world and how everyone's worldview is turned on its head because of raven and her actions 10/10.
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I think one of Ever After High's biggest problems is the lack of characters and/or the lack of commitment to the rebel and royals tension. (Also this is coming from someone who has only really watched what's on Netflix. I have seen everything but I have just watched the Netflix specials wayyyyy more)
But what I mean by that is there will be moments when our main characters will be really hostile towards each other. Like during Legacy Day when all the royals were booing at Raven for not signing the book. Or the cafeteria fight after Legacy Day. Which makes a ton of sense for the plot of EAH. However, there are also a lot of moments when the rebels and royals are friendly with each other. That doesn't make a ton of sense when compared with the two instances I mentioned earlier. An example of this would be in Briar's Study Party, where they are all studying and dancing together. I just think it's strange. Also I'm not really thinking about Apple in all of this. She feels like a special case. I'm more so thinking about Briar, Ashlynn, Dexter, Blondie, Daring.
So I think in order to remedy this there are two options. Maybe even three. I'm also going to be focus on the royals more in this because I think my problems really lie with them.
Option 1: add more side characters that are the hostile ones during scenes like Legacy Day and the cafeteria fight. (Specifically royals) That way, our main characters like Brair and Ashlynn don't seem fake when interacting with characters like Raven, Maddie or Cedar outside of the scenes.
Option 2: make the royal characters specifically be mean/rude/hostile whatever to the rebels all the time. Some ways I would incorporate it into scenes already present in the show would be: when Apple and Raven are going to find a new mirror (which they go to all royals) have the royals they go to be curt with Raven. Or the look on their faces turns into a frown whenever they see her. So we can keep up the rebel vs royal and make it seem more believable.
Option 3: make the royal vs rebel tension a complete facade. A facade they only keep up around teachers or their parents. I guess one could potentially make an argument that this is kinda what the show is doing already, but not really. Because you have characters like Blondie who does everything to be consider a royal or Apple's whole thing she's got going on. It's obvious that the tension is truly there, especially with scenes like the cafeteria fight who would they have been pretending for? There were no teachers or parents there. They genuinely were fighting. So in order to make if feel like a facade I would have a scene where characters admit that they don't feel any hostility towards the other side but feel as though they need to act like they do. That would explain scenes like the booing at Legacy Day. And if you put some teachers in the cafeteria when the fight happened, it would also make more sense. But just to make it a little more interesting I would have scenes with the rebels feelings being hurt. Like Raven feeling absolutely awful after Legacy Day and refusing to talk to Dexter afterward because he was booing too. Also this pretending would primarily fall with the royals because I feel like it benefits them the most but we can have some scenes were the rebels do it too.
But those are my thoughts on that. I've always thought the characters' relationship was weird. Ever since I was a little kid. Also this is not a complaint about the show. I love this show so so so so much. It's one of my favorites ever.
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kikakat17 · 9 months
So glad to see Jabba the Hut alive and well!!
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candiedstardust · 1 month
Saw someone call Sabine selfish for what she did in Ahsoka as compared to Kanan and Ezra’s respective sacrifices in Rebels, and that now she’s suffering the consequences because of her actions.
Hold all the way the fuck up, please.
Sabine lost a decent chunk of her family the day Kanan died and the day Ezra got tossed across the universe in an attempt to stop Thrawn. She lost the rest of her family during the Great Purge on Mand’alor.
Can you imagine loosing your entire family when it’s one of the most vital parts of who you are? Do you not remember what she told Kanan during her dark saber training?? Family was //everything// to her. Can you imagine the survivors guilt she must be feeling after everything that’s happened??
Truly baffles me to my core that the effort she put into getting Ezra back is just labeled as selfish. Sure Hera, Zeb, and Ahsoka are technically still around, but I can’t blame her for clinging to the hope that Ezra’s alive out there, waiting for her to bring him back.
He’s all she has left. I don’t blame her one bit for trying, and I don’t think it’s selfish of her.
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 8 months
moments this episode where actual crying tears came from my eyes: ezra using the emitter from kanan’s lightsaber in creating his new lightsaber, chopper recognizing ezra somehow in trooper armor, “hi hera, I’m home”, the look on hera’s face when she sees ezra, and anakin’s force ghost watching over ahsoka with pride to end the episode…bye i’ll just be weeping in a corner
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idontgetanysleep · 10 months
constant state of star wars brain rot.
that’s it.
that’s the post.
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ladywren7 · 3 months
So I was re-reading the book adaptation of Spark of The Rebellion and I found the intro interesting.
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Also fun fact: we can't physically Wookie
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chiisana-lion · 9 months
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oh you Cannot do this to me
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