#really enjoying the show so far i think its sooooo cute but omg he is not a good va
professorllayton · 10 months
sorry its like w every new episode of maws jack quaid’s voice acting gets worse.... .girl... 
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saintobio · 3 years
I'm eating sandwich on our dining table while reading chp 5... My heart went-💔 when I know that Sera will be there and-(gosh I can't type his name now IT HURTS) he's looking for her this whole time and then when he's trying to put those shoes on her-😭💔 I run to my room just as mc running away from them not to witness how sweet they are (also to hide my sobbing face from my family here😐) (╥﹏╥) and thank goodness there's Toji my ghhaad-😭 I was screaming internally that he should take y/n far away from that man, take this pain away, forget that husband lmao... But then surprisingly, this husband does care for y/n because he didn't leave y/n side til morning and that's... Unexpected or just to show his goody sides😐 then Sera showed up and I-😐 can't wait for the husband's pov and some hidden explanations🙂 this chap is mixed of emotions... But I'm ok2 here🥺 truly what a wonderful writing and chap again ai-san~💛 thank you sooo much bby now take a rest and stay safe there~💛
Anonymous said
omg, reading the sn update was such a rollercoaster !! sobs
it would be so cute if toji & y/n got close and she becomes the cool, fun aunt or friend (?) for megumi—is it okay to ask how old he is in this series?
++ with their friendship, i’d imagine that y/n would always be like, “wow, it’s really not that obvious.”
then toji would fall for it every time and snort, saying, “what, that i’m almost forty?”
then y/n would reply, “no. that you’re just thirty-five.” LMAOOO
pls i just wish she gets a confidant along the way 🥺 she deserves the world honestly pls she’s so precious!!! hrhfhrhf. thank you for the update, btw! this silent reader right here enjoyed it a lot. 🤗.
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Anonymous said
you probably wont understand this but caralho sincerely not ta fazendo eu ficar biruta de vdd
your writing is sooooo good fr i just woke up at 3 in the morning and rn its 5 in the morning and im so auhahahwuuwuqhshsihsjsbbsjshdiwheh because of sincerely not
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Anonymous said
I was holding up fine with the shoes fuckery he pulled but omg him calling us "attention seeker" REALLY fucking hurt me so much lmao. Imagine the next time we actually have much sharper, stabbing chest pains which are more frequent and also last a bit longer and WHEN satoru starts actually caring a little and asks if we're okay, we just go, "oh this?? The doctor said it's a severe case of me attention seeking ^-^ Don't mind me baby, you go chase your happiness! :)))" (THAT TOO WHILE IN PAIN) - ⛈
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Anonymous said
i hateeee ongoing fics i swore id never read them because the waiting makes me go insane or i forget to read updates but since i discovered u, i literally just cant stop myself from tuning in every single fic—even if its a character i don't usually simp for 😭 i love ur work sm omg
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@chaveisa said
i just binged what you have of sincerely not so far and all i can say is i’m in so much pain. you are quite literally one of my favorite writers on this platform and you wreck me so bad with the angst but it’s all angst i love. truly love how you’ve written gojo in this one and can’t wait to see what you have in store!
ps— i found you through wastelands and when i tell you i was wrecked for a solid week >~< truly keep up the good work bb🖤
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Anonymous said
ohhhh the asks are open 😳 i just wanted to say that sn is a fuckin masterpiece. reading the latest chapter (about that the shoes that princess diana wore) i really think that y/n-gojo- sera situation is similar to diana-charles-camilla's story. oof i really hope that isn't some sort of foreshadowing cuz EYE-🚶‍♀️💨
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Anonymous said
hmmmm i love me some good heavy angst gojo fics.... BUT WTF WAS SINCERELY YOURS HOLY SHIT I'VE JUST READ IT IN ONE SITTING AND NOW MY NOSE IS CLOGGED 👁️👄👁️
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@juniorhooter said
FR im scared to start Sincerely Not,, i still have wounds from Wastelands and idk if my heart is ready. Like im seeing all these ppl mad at gojo. I haven't even read it yet, and im mad at gojo. I dont fully know whats happening yet but get with #WeHateHoejoSlutoru and #WeLoveTojiFushiguro. I'll read it eventually... soon... maybe, if im feeling self-destructive. But in the meanwhile, good luck to everyone else going through the turmoil :))
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@blossomingwaifu16 said
OMG THE ASKS ARE OPEN AGAIN!! My friend sent me Sincerely not (beacuse she knows I'm a masochist and love hurting myself- 💀) and damn! it did not disappoint- also reading it made me realise how petty I can be 😭 like everytime Gojo was being mean to the mc I'd be like "fuck you gojo your girlfriend is way nicer then you I'd rather fuck her bitchboy" and that's coming from someone straight 💀 but in chapter 5 I was like "fuck ya'll I wanna be single again-" IT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER of emotions and I'm here for it! And oh boy the scenarios I have in my head to make gojo suffer 😈. Anyways I love the writing and could I please be added to the taglist!? I've been meaning to ask but your asks were closed 😊
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3rd anon what does that mean jssndj but omg thank u guysss aaaaa i’m sorry i’m unable to respond individually as i also have lots of asks to answer still but i appreciate ur messages <33 i enjoyed reading all ur reactions so far!! :’)
also, all taglists are full! i’m sorry.
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barryslightningrod · 4 years
Hey!🤗 How ‘bout 27, 28 & 39! Thank you!✌️
27. best review you ever got
I love every review I’ve ever gotten ❤️ Including the gif responses on Tumblr 😂 But these are some I’ve saved to read when I’m having a bad day that make me laugh or make me tear up. I couldn't pick one and they remind me how much fun this is:
“My word! This fic is amazing! What I loved most about it was that it's quite poetic and artistic in creating its own canvas of Barry and Iris, how colourless both of them felt after the breakup and how full of life they are together. I genuinely enjoyed the art commentary at the beginning and the seriously hawt sex. Hot damn. The paintbrush should have grossed me out but it was seriously hot af.”
“Where does one even start with this precious story you've given us? You paint such a beautiful setting with the ice cream parlour and Noah's feelings of having to work on such a busy summer day and of course, the sweet West-Allen family. I love the idea that Barry and Iris's love creates this little bubble around them that protects them and that they unintentionally get lost in their own little world with just the two of them. It only makes sense that this little world would expand to include their two sweet children. So much loves abounds between them, so much so that even Noah can see it in such a short amount of time. This story captures all that Barry has ever wanted: building a life with Iris and making their own traditions with their children while also keeping the memory of his parents alive as best as he can. Goodness. This is truly such a special little story.”
“Whew, chile....this had my blood pumping first thing in the morning. LOL. OOC or not this was SUPER HOT so thank you for sharing.”
“Once again, love the character reveal, specifically, Iris's determination, self-reliance and work ethic, even while masturbating! But like you say in one of the comments, I can only imagine that she does feel like this regularly. While there are many, many benefits of being with a speedster, there are a ton of drawbacks and regular loneliness is one of them.But check out how neither of them is surprised when Barry returns. She's relieved and not embarrassed and he just comes in and finishes the job without hesitation. sigh.”
The stories I've read from you so far are perfect in rendering the sheer emotion that's generated between these two. You can really feel the palpable force or love and pain, joy and sorrow between them. It makes reading that much more enjoyable”
“OMG *CRIES* THIS WAS SO TENDER AND SO FLUFFY CUTE I DIE!!!!!This cuteness is TO MUCH FOR MY POOR HEART *AHH*I DONT THINK THERE ARE WORDS ENOUGH TO EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR THIS OMG (Hence all the caps)“What’s your treasure, Daddy?” Don poses.“You guys are my treasure,” Barry answers with soft reverence, the glimmer in his eyes as he looks upon hischildren visible even from where Iris stands, and her heart swells so tremendously that she feels it might burst."*flows of tears* OH MY GOSH!!! BARRY ALLEN IS THE BEST FATHER EVER SERIOUSLY..I MELTED WITH EACH WORDHE WOULD SAY TO HIS KIDS AND HOW LOVING AND CARING HE IS OF THEM WHILE IRIS IS AWAY GAH MY HEART“You’re my treasure, you know that?” she murmurs, clutching him more tightly.His beaming in response is instant as he recognizes that she’s been home all along, and he slides an arm down her back to tug her close to him while they head to their bedroom together.Yup, Iris thinks to herself as she leans her head against her husband's shoulder, upholding what she always believed. I wouldn't change a thing."*DEAD WITH FEELS* AHHH IF THE INTERACTION WITH THE TWINS WASNT ENOUGH, THIS WITH IRIS WAS THE CHERRY ON TOP!!!! GAH SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH!!! SHE WAS TOTALY IN AWWS OF HIM AND I CAN'TI HOPE WE GET SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN THE SHOW BECAUSE IF NOT IMA RE READ THIS A MILLION TIMES OVER.. IM LIKE DROWNING WITH FEELS RIGHT NOW ITS NO JOKE LOL THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!*Goes to a corner to cry some more happy tears*”
“Gorgeous! Iris's love for Barry is so tangible here, and I love how you managed to draw out how Barry says things to Iris and waits for her to interpret them for them both! Such a great piece, and one of my favorite moments! Thanks for writing and sharing!”
“You write sexual sensuality so well. It's so beautiful. It's like you really understand their characters and how they would approach their relationship. Well done, as always!”
“So much perfection. I can practically feel the smut that is to follow. The sizzle is REAL. And how wonderful that Grant's tweet inspired this! Just another wonderful after-effect to CP&GG's flirty twitter convo. hehe.This is my favorite:"His reply is instant. Right now? Your legs, he admits."Lmao. It's just so...like a knee-jerk response. He doesn't think much of it, just answers the question honestly & immediately, and just so casual. That stops immediately with HER VERY SUGGESTIVE response. haha. Oh goodness. But all of this was so lovely & steamy, in only a way yours can be. It's sexting for crying out loud & yet the UST is just...I mean..."Goddammit, Iris."XD So fabulous. Can't wait for your next piece!(Oh & also! - Even for The Flash? Especially for The Flash. lol)”
“Thank yo so much for this amazing fic. I wanted a fic like this for so long, even though about writing it myself but with lack of time it's hard. This is everything I wanted, because ever since she said she couldn't stop thinking about him and really wanted a fic where that was the case and you did it perfectly. Thank you. This is magnificent.”
“This is beautifully written. I wouldn't class it as smut per se but it is most definitely erotic and the pacing was perfect for a short story. I couldn't believe it was only 600+ words because you managed to get so much in there: Iris' regret, Barry's longing which turned into his conviction when they did get it right. Thank you so much for sharing and I hope to see more from you.”
“I couldn't get through a sentence without crying and trembling (you fuck me up). Wow! you took my breath away. It took me forever to finish reading because I had to stop and wipe my eyes several time. Excellent execution! Thank you”
“You did them justice with this short piece. A blow job has no business sounding this romantic, but it is, because you channeled the WestAllen into your words with your amazing talent. Thank you for sharing!”
“Beautiful story. Perfectly in character. I could definitely see them having "private" vows and "public" vows and that Barry would be the one to suggest it....he's such a romantic. Loved this so much and thanks for writing.”
“Ok for real, you are soo sooooo talented and I always look forward to reading your fanfics, those writers should reaaaaally hire you one of these days. Am supposed to be prepping for an exam but am literally glued to my phone right now reading and re-reading your fics, but what can I say.... TOTALLY WORTH IT:-P!!!”
“Inksmudge does westallen better than the tv show does westallen”
“Whenever I see you posted a story, it's like fanfic christmas or easter. You know, because you don't do it a lot so whenever you do post it's special. It's like when you open your ask on tumblr. I'm just like "Ohh Ink is Back, YAY!" No matter what the story is about. Cheers!”
“I don't know how you do it--how you manage to integrate love, lust, grief and sadness into one beautiful thing. This particular chapter feels like a combination of the ones that came before in terms of themes. Iris trying to maintain on her own, the struggle to have and give up control, her beef with the Speedforce, etc. But I would also like to point out just the DAMN GOOD WRITING. Your writing is so fluid and your vocabulary so rich that you kind of make it look easy, to be honest. But sentences like these are just real gems://She cries his name loudly, moans in euphoria like she needs the Speed Force, God, whoever took him to hear her as a vengeance, to know that she had him back and was never letting him go.//That line just won't let me go.”
28. worst review you ever got
I can't remember if it was my brief story about Barry and Cisco getting haircuts together or the little story I wrote about drunk Iris after Cecile’s baby shower, but someone on Fanfiction.net reviewed it as just “Stupid.” I deleted the comment 😂
39. do you want to be published someday? 
I would yes, but I think I would want to be published for poetry or a personal narrative essay as of now. I don’t have many ideas for original fiction at this time, but I would be thrilled to be published for that one day. A girl can dream 😔
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wonwoosthetic · 6 years
Swedish Meatballs After A Long Day || Jake Gyllenhaal
                          MASTERLIST              WHO I WRITE FOR
Heellooo, it’s me again :) This time with a celebrity imagine of Jake Gyllenhaal and omg I LOVE this request and Jake of course. 
Btw, I have a French exam tomorrow and I’m not the best in French, any tips? Massive thanks in advance!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and thank you sooooo much @sweeet-temptationn for this request, I really hope you like it, I definitely enjoyed writing it :)
I hope it doesn’t seem rushed while you read it :(
Request:  Hi i was wondering if you can do a Jake gyllenhaal one where he cooks for reader instead of going out and its just really cute and fluffy
Pairing: Jake Gyllenhaal x reader
Warnings: none
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Swedish Meatballs After A Long Day
It was literally raining cats and dogs outside as you were driving home from work late in the evening. You had an important meeting with one of your clients, who wanted some advice from an experienced interior designer, which you have been for a good amount of years.
Your office wasn’t too far away from the house you have been sharing with your loving husband Jake for almost two years, but because of the horrible weather, you didn’t want to rush, but drive safe, even if it meant coming home later then Jake was expecting. The entire drive home, you had a bit of a guilty feeling in your stomach because your husband and you were actually supposed to go out on a date tonight, with him filming and you becoming more successful as an interior designer, you haven't spent a lot of time together lately and he wanted to be more in your presence. That plan was probably gonna fail.
As you were turning into the driveway, your phone started ringing and you could already guess, that it was your significant other with a worried voice, wondering where on earth you had been, but you didn’t want to answer since you were unable to see the road ahead of you clearly due to the rain pouring down.
After successfully parking the car, you took the keys out, placed them in your bag, which you had put on the passenger seat, and opened the driver's door. Immediately you placed the hood of your coat over your head and paced to the front door just to start pounding your fist against the front door because you were simply too lazy to look for the house keys in your bag and your hands were hurting so much from the cold weather. But not even five seconds later the door opened to reveal your husband of two and a half years with a relieved but also worried look on his face
“Oh my gosh (Y/N) where were you?”, while he asked, you entered the house by passing him through the front door. He closed the door and you could smell something very delicious, but decided to answer his question first
“I’m really sorry, babe, but there was this woman, that wanted to talk to me about her new living room and she just really didn’t shut up and I didn’t want to tell her to”, you explained while taking your shoes off “And then she wanted some more advice on what colour her new bedroom should have, that it would match the living room, which is quite odd and I tried explaining that to her -” you got cut off rambling after turning around to look at Jake, only to have him grab you by your coat and kiss you immediately.
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At first, you were a bit shocked by the sudden action of him, but you melted into the kiss very quickly and enjoyed the sadly short time of intimacy. He slowly pulled away with a little smirk forming on his face as he looked deeply into your eyes with his steel blue ones
“You’re not allowed to ramble about work anymore OK? I want to have a chilled evening with the most gorgeous woman on this planet and just enjoy her company. Deal?” AH, gosh dang it, you couldn’t say no to this man, no matter what, so you just nodded your head and gave him peck on his lips
“I’m sorry by the way for being late. Are we still going to (Your fave restaurant)?”, you wanted to know
He answered while turning you around so he could take your soaking coat off “Well... I know, that that was the plan for tonight, but I thought because of the weather circumstances, I would rather cook and we could make ourselves an even better evening at home. What do you think?”
You looked at him and agreed “Of course, but may I just ask what you one thing?” , “Sure, sweetheart”, he responded while hanging your coat up. You smirked at him “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
He let his head fall down and started laughing while walking towards the kitchen “Oh no, please, you did not just say that”, “Oh, you better bet I did”, you were now laughing too, as you were following him “But seriously, what are you cooking?”
“I decided to make something I have never made before. Neither for you nor for anyone else, including me. Drumroll please.” He asked you to drumroll. Wow, he really is still a kid. You jokingly rolled your eyes and did a little drum sound on the counter as he shouted “SWEDISH MEATBALLS”
“Yeyy”, you were genuinely excited, but you weren’t too sure about your husband actually being able to cook them “And you know how to make them?”
He went over to the stove, where noodles were already cooking, for the finished meal “Yeah, I found this recipe online”, your husband showed you a website on his phone, which was right next to the stove
“Alright, but maybe you should put your phone somewhere else, in case anything happens”. He nodded and you took his phone to place in on a different countertop.
Next to the noodles were the almost done meatballs in a pan. You decided to stand next to him “Can I help you with anything?”, he turned his head to the left to look at you “Nope, you just go, sit down and wait” and smiled
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He said this on purpose because he knew, how impatient you were “No, come on, I want to help” you begged him.
“Alright, alright. You can set the table, the noodles are gonna be done any minute.”, “Thank you”, you kissed his cheek before taking out two plates and cutlery for each of you. You started setting the table when you noticed something was missing. Drinks, right. What shall you guys drink?
Water? No, too boring.
Soda? You didn’t think you had any because neither of you drank those kinds of stuff.
And then it popped into your mind. Whine! Of course, oh my gosh, how could you forget?!
You strolled back into the kitchen to get two wine glasses and the bottle of red wine from your fridge. Jake was already putting the noodles into a bowl and the meatballs onto a big plate, ready to be served, while you were struggling with the wine bottle opener and the bottle.
“Here babe, let me help you”, Jake offered. You stepped aside and watched him open the bottle with ease, so you decided to defend your weakness “I loosened it up”. He turned his head and smiled again, with his beautiful teeth showing
“Of course you did”, he grabbed you by your waist and kissed you.
That feeling you get every time he does that is indescribable and you were sure, that you would never get used to it. After you parted Jake took the plate and the bowl, while you took the two glasses and the now open bottle of red wine.
After sitting down and eating for a while, while talking about pretty much everything but work, you decided to finally pour the wine into the glasses. After doing that both of you took your glasses of wine in your hands and your husband decided to make a toast “I want to make a toast. To the best wife, anyone could ever ask for. I’m very happy to be able to sit down right here with you and eat this delicious meal, that your incredibly amazing husband cooked for you.” he almost cracked, but continued “To you (Y/N). I love you”.
This was so cute. You couldn’t believe your luck, and still can’t “Thank you. Also to this meal, which my incredibly amazing husband cooked for me”, you winked at him “I love you too”.
You both leaned kinda awkwardly, not gonna lie, over the table to kiss and sat back down to sip at the delicious wine. The meatballs were really good, which shocked you a bit, to be honest, but the best part about that evening was still laying in bed with Jake after a long long day.
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Finally a new imagine -  two more to go. One about Jake again and another about Finn Cole, I’m very excited for them both :)
Anyways, I hope you liked it, I’m sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
I hope you have/had a great day :) leave some suggestions about how I could make it better, if you want :)
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riskeith · 3 years
manifesting xiao for you!!!!! it surely will be worth it after all that wait and all those rolls shsjdhsj <3 you’ll probably upgrade him and his weapons and talents and all that right away too, huh? spilling all your recourses on one stotic lil boy 👅 (can’t say i blame ya he deserves it) FUNNY YOU MENTION THAT when i did the guiding light seal puzzle before the stormterror battle i accidentally forgot to change kaeya’s weapon to the ones i’ve upgraded so he was stuck with the dull sword and i was like why the FUCK doesn’t he do any damage and then it hit me . yikes 😬 Lmao has that ever happened to you?
oh really? reading all of that makes it seem like we’re in the bad end of the stick dhdhdjdjfh but you made me curious to try it out tbh... now where could i get a hold on a pc..... hm
yeah omg you’ve gotten so far now i can’t imagine how bizarre it would be to revert back to giving like 10 dmg and facing level 3 villains lmao still sometimes even i find myself missing the early days things weren’t as stressful then ): do you?
school did start which is why haikyuu is perfect!! it’s been keeping me very warm and happy tbh... 🥺 you know something i noticed this time watching is that kagehina are Always around each other. i honestly don’t remember them doing that but watching now it’s like at almost every scene they are either standing next to each other or showing up to the other’s scene and it’s like??? damn???? y’all live like this? idk if that changes in future eps but right now it’s Constant. i love it.
dude i’m such a nostalgia person i’m always up for a trip to the good ol’ days bc sometimes you just gotta go back to things for your own sake. but fun Fact i started watching voltron after it ended so i missed so much of the hype while it was ongoing.. literally came into it while it was a goddamn mess. i knew that klance wouldn’t be canon but watching i couldn’t help but hope... how was it stanning while it was ongoing?
(you saying that reminds me of the what if we kissed meme..... what if we kissed in the genshin co-op mode 😳 anyway you’re at such a high level idk how much i could help you... i suppose we could just run around but yeah i do play in europe... 😭)
RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!! RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the purple light were mega gay like hello????? especially since lance is bi and it was Him that said the line and hfjdhdhsjdjdhdj fuck ! i’m so sad now ever since we started talking about them i’ve just been missing them sooooo much it’s crazy... KEITH DESERVES THE UNIVERSE he’s so sweet and caring in his own way and he grew so much like compare s8 keith with s1 keith and see!!!! he matured so much and god . at least he’s helping the galaxy with his lesbians now
dude i wanted to say that but i was scared it was an unpopular opinion.... hunk and pidge could be so mean to him sometimes for no reason or just shoo him aside and no??? don’t do that to your friend????? it irked me sometimes bc you could see that he got upset about it but he felt like he had no one to turn to 😭😭😭😭😭 kms but keith. keith is good.
THE I LOVE YOU SCENE did it also take you sooo much by surprise like i remember watching and just going AAAAAA??????!!!??!!?? and the art???? mister anime keith kogane?????? it was so beautiful and so perfect and so sad ughhhhhhh funny how keith has 2 out of the three i love you scenes on voltron even tho he’s the stotic type .
i’m thinking but honestly all i want is some fluffy angst... a punch in the gut with some final kissing . i love fics that rewrite the sunset scene always chefs kiss... or you know how in season 7 for some reason they always called out for each other first? like when lance has his crashing scene keith yells out lance come in twice??? or when they are stuck in the galra prison and they yell out each other’s names???? idk something about that would be amazing to read???? ok i rambled idk rewritten canon klance is just Mwah... OH IM SO EXCITED TO READ THOSE SNIPPETS EEEEEEE :DDDDDD TY FOR SENDING THAT
i’m soooo glad you liked the fanart when i saw it i HAD to send it your way... it’s the little bois in their animal hats 😭😭🥺 i love them so much it’s soooooo cute 😭😭 i’ve been stalking the original tweet and there’s some other version and they’re super adorable too 😭😭😭😭😭😭
hope you had a wonderful day today + yesterday... take care <333
hey heyyyy~
actually i don’t think i have many resources to give him bc im focusing on levelling up my team for the ascension rn FJKHDSKFHSDKJFHSDK but for sure i will do it... anything for him 😩 AHAHAH nooooo but yes ! during the chalk prince dragon event i used festering desire in dragonspine but my higher levelled sword everywhere else, but sometiems i forgot to switch back and was stuck with shit damage 💀
yeah actually i see a lot of poeple complain about not being able to do missions on mobile either (or having a really hard time with it) fskjhfksj but there are for sure people who would think mobile is better so 🤷‍♀️ to each their own! ahah does anyone in your family have a windows laptop/pc? steal borrow it 🤪
i definitely miss the easier days!! it’s fun going to an area with lower level enemies bc i defeat them so easily.. but then again their drops also aren’t as good so you trade one thing for another i guess lol
ikr?!?!?? like we get it you’re inseparable omg.. it’s so cute when they go seek out asahi as well and hinata hides behind kageyama and then points and at him like he’s showing him off.. lives in my mind rent free 😌
oh i see!!! that’s so brave of you omg you knew all that and still decided to give it a shot? fshfkdsjf. it was. insane. like talking about the positives only, it was just everyone going crazy every time there was a single hint of klance is canon king and just ugh. it was all so exciting and hype and like the energy you know?? especially when there were conventions where they were revealing trailers or new info wow tumblr was buzzing.. (reminds me of when klance was top ship.......) i miss that kinda environment tbh! but also now that i’m in uni i don’t think i’d have the energy to keep up fhskfjds
(WHAT IF WE KISSED!! IN GENSHIN CO-OP!! HAHA JK... UNLESS?! that’s so funny fskdj but i wish 😔😩 makes a second reroll account just for this? HAHAAH. and noooo even if we didn’t do anything i feel like it’d be so fun just running around hfkdsjs. and maybe i could carry you w your quests it’s always been my dream to help someone out like my brother can just come into my world and one-shot enemies 😩 but maybe some day!! cross-server will happen)
:((((((((((( S1 KEITH AND S8 KEITH THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 😭😭😭😭 keith went from being a lone wolf expelled from the garrison to finding his MOTHER!! AND THE BESTEST SPACE WOLF DOGGO!! AND LEADING A FKN ITNERGALACTIC ORGANISATION!~!!!eASKJDHSAFHEHFSDIUHSAZODUQWEQWYRHIASKJDNCSOUADHB. marmora!keith............. both a blessing and a curse.... but that uniform tho 🥵
i cried!!! so much watching that scene lmao!!! can’t remember how i felt at the time but i was probably also surpirsed.. and ikr? that’s poetry in its own tbh we love that keith said the most ‘expressive’ and ‘emotional’ lines the most
sunset scene... sunset scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg yeah them just calling out for each other’s names first like??? explain please?? omg also remember when keith chose lance in the quiz.. AND LANCE CALLED KEITH THE FUTURE? FUCKING EXPLAIN???????? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! there is no heterosexual explanation. okay but now that you’ve put sunset scene in my head... either rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space and he wanted to get it out or.. in the future where klance are together and lance has a dream about it and suddenly realises wait. did keith already like me back then. and then they talk about it ... hmmmmm . AND WOOOO NO PROBLEM!! HOPE YOU ENJOY <33
i def have to look at the other versions!!! honestly this meme is kinda the best thing out there rn so many cute baby renditions of charas.. blessed!! i love them all sm...
thank you!! hope yours have been great too, and school is treating you well :**
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wanna-17 · 7 years
lee daehwi first meeting! AU
summary: in which you are somi’s best friend and you find out that she has a hidden twin brother who you are a fan of 
length: 1.3k
a/n: HIHI so i decided to start a new series which is gonna be a sweet and short one called first meeting! AU with the wanna one members. since it’s really only going to cover your first meeting with the particular member, it’s up to you whether you want to interpret it as romantically or platonic friendship, maybe if the context suits and i get enough requests i could do a part 2 for some in the future? we’ll see but i will be prioritising getting each member done first. but anyways i hope you guys enjoy this first one of my precious baby lee daehwi and look forward to the rest of the members :) 
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so you’re in high school 
and ever since high school started you became best friends with a girl called somi 
you guys had different personalities, you were more on the shy side and she was more outgoing 
but somehow you guys clicked and found that you guys had a lot of things to talk about and common interests 
also during this time produce 101 is airing and you’re absolutely addicted to the show 
and lee daehwi, the first centre literally swooped you off your feet 
he was no doubt your bias and you’d been voting for him like crazy everyday 
and ofc since somi was your best friend you’d always rant about how cute and talented lee daehwi was and somi would just sigh and roll her eyes sometimes 
well one day at school your class is given a project to be completed in pairs and obviously you and somi are a pair 
usually you two would complete your work at the library but since the weather was really horrible 
you guys decided to head to your place over the weekend 
and you guys do that except you dont get the work done 
so you guys decide to go to somi’s place sometime after school next week to finish it 
and tbh you’ve been very curious about where somi lives
even though you guys are best friends you guys always met either in public or at your place
you were just super curious as to what her house was like and why she was lowkey secretive about where she lived
so the day before going to somi’s place
you guys are having lunch at school and somi is suddenly like: “oh y/n when you come tomorrow, my twin brother will most likely be home visiting” 
and u r like
“WAIT HANG ON A SECNOD U HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?? SINCE WHEN???” you semi yell when you stand up from your seat 
you are surprised and shocked bc ur friend has a twin brother and she never told you 
“ssHHHHH be quiet” says somi gesturing you to sit back down 
and so you do and say
“how come you didnt tell me somi?” while pouting 
“well…i guess you never asked whether i had siblings or not” replies somi nervously 
“hmm yeah fair enough, well what its like having a twin brother? what’s he like” you ask excitedly
you’d  never met anyone that had a twin before and u suddenly find out that your best friend in fact has a twin brother which makes you feel kinda weird and excited 
“it’s alright, we’re just like any other sibling pair, he can be slightly annoying sometimes but he’s a good brother overall. i miss him” replies somi looking down 
“ohhhhh where is he? does he go to high school here?” you asked wondering if somi’s twin was actually at your school and completely hidden from u 
“no he doesn’t”
“where does he go then? and what’s his name? what does he look like?” you asked bombarding somi with questions as you were super curious now
since somi was one of the prettiest girls in the school you were lowkey thinking maybe somi’s twin is really hot HAHA
“i actually can’t say his name but he’s really ugly” says somi laughing
“why not????” you ask somi, “is he a spy or something?? with a hidden identity???” 
somi shook her head laughing at you as you continued to pester her about her twin 
“you’ll see tomorrow when you come over” says somi “i think things might change when you see who it is” as she sighs
now you were C U R I O U S as to why somi kept it so secret 
and for some odd reason, who somi’s twin brother was was all you thought about for the rest of the day 
your thoughts went wild as you thought, what if he’s actually a spy? or illegal? a criminal? someone dangerous? what if he’s the youngest ceo in our country?
and for some seriously odd reason you were excited to meet somi’s twin brother 
the next day you head to somi’s house with the address typed in google maps 
you rang the doorbell and somi opened the door
as you stepped in you saw how the house wasn’t too big nor was it too small it was quite spacious and clean and very cozy 
you saw some baby pictures placed up on a shelf of somi and her twin; you recognised somi easily and the twin brother was really cute too 
you guys take a seat on the big couch and start working on the project when suddenly you hear footsteps come down the stairs 
you were super focused on your work tbh so you didn’t look up 
until a voice says 
“hey sis is this your friend that always talks about me?” 
and the voice is SO FAMILIAR 
and you’re suddenly afraid to look up 
you do recognise that voice but no way it just couldn’t be 
“yep it is” says somi, “look at the state she is in now” 
your entire body was frozen and wouldn’t react and you were looking at the ground
“she’s so cute like that” says the voice
you feel your cheeks go bright red and your heart suddenly beating extraordinarily fast 
you close your eyes and tell yourself you are dreaming 
you take a deep breath and look up 
and you are met with a pair of the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen; one eye was monolid and the other was double lidded but honestly that was what was attractive about him 
it was truly lee daehwi lmao sorry i made it so so dramatic haha
he was smiling down at your with the sweetest and cutest smile 
“hello y/n! it’s nice to finally meet you!” says daehwi cheerfully 
“u-h-h hello– daehwi-ssi” you stutter nervously as you die internally 
daehwi laughed and his laughter was like a beautiful melody
“no need to be formal y/n, we’re the same age! you don’t look great right now, i’ll grab a glass of water for you” says daehwi as he heads to the kitchen 
when he’s gone you turn to somi straight away 
“DUDE WHY DIDNT U TELL ME DAEHWI WAS UR BROTHER?? i wouldn’t have fangirled over him to you and its sooooo embarrassing” 
“chill y/n it was actually pretty funny, you totally have a crush on my twin, look at ur face” says somi laughing 
“sTOP omg this is all ur fault im so embarrassed, i embarrassed myself in front of my bias” you say as your bury your face in your hands
“seriously y/n this is your chance to talk to him and i don’t usually say this about that idiot but he’s actually a very nice guy, so don’t be nervous anymore” 
you take deep breaths and try to collect yourself before daehwi comes back 
when he does you’re much calmer even though you still feel like you are living in a dream 
“here’s your water” says daehwi as he hands over the glass of water
both your finger trips lightly made contact and you felt your heart racing again 
“thanks daehwi” you say giving him a shy smile 
he asks what the project is about and starts helping you guys and in no time you guys are done 
and daehwi is super friendly and outgoing so in no time you get really comfortable around him
and realise that HES JUST A REALLY NICE AND KIND HUMAN like any human and not some “far unreachable star that’s like a god” 
you find out he has cute habits and loves cleaning and fashion and wants to make people happier through his music
you guys talk for the next two hours getting to know each other and you tell him that you’ll continue to support him on produce 101 and he’s super thankful 
at this rate somi had literally fallen asleep and is taking a nap on the sofa 
he opens up about how it’s hard to meet people’s expectations and that he doesn’t want to disappoint others and you guys have really deep conversations 
and in no time it’s already dark outside 
and daehwi even offers to walk you to the bus stop 
and he puts on a black hoodie with the hood up just in case ppl recognise him anyone watching school 2017 bc i love x’s outfit hehe
you guys reach the bus stop
“y/n it was nice meeting you and i was able to get my mind off things thanks to you” 
“no worries daehwi, i’m so glad to have met you and you’re just as wonderful and kind as i’d imagined you to be” you reply cringing at your own cheesiness
daehwi laughs again as he ruffles your hair “you’re so kind too” 
“anyways y/n will you do me a favour and not tell anyone that i am somi’s twin? i dont want things to get hard for her if people know about our sibling relationship” 
you swoon, he was even so nice to his sister 
you nod “of course”
the bus comes and you guys wave goodbye 
you couldn’t believe that you met daehwi and got so close to him 
he was so nice and down to earth 
you lowkey wondered if you’d ever be able to see him again since he was already famous and busy with filming 
you convinced yourself that he was probably this nice to everyone and you were really lucky because you were his sister’s best friend 
suddenly your phone buzzed and you received a message from an unknown number 
“hello y/n, it’s daehwi - i got your number from somi. that’s okay right? next week i’ll be back in town again, so do you wanna hang out? just the two of us this time ;)”
efgqkejfhfjhjf i hope you guys liked this?? i have no idea what the response is gonna be like and lmao i made somi and daehwi twins bc they could totally be siblings :) i realised i probably rant too much lmaooo so let me know what you guys think as i’m always open to feedback and thoughts about my work :) please also look forward to my next one in this series! 
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warmau · 7 years
more questions + stuff that arent requests that ive gotten!!!  under the cut so i dont clog the dash~!!!
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haha hmm a lot of people ask me about this,,,,but i think its just a matter of like wanting to improve and sort of forcing yourself to sit down and write,,,, like sometimes i dont wanna do it but i know itll help me get better and so i kinda go off that,,,or ill look for inspiration and itll help my motivation!!! reading also makes me really really wanna write so that might help as well ^^ 
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thank you for the sweet compliments!!! idk i have always liked writing and i wanna get better so that motivates me to write more and more~~
fldsjgrjg this is a late response but thank you,,,,,(kinda made me think of a cute dad!au seokjin there woo)
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omg,,,you’re so sweet thank you!! and yeah i dont read other fics but i know that a lot of aus and writing have mentioned physical attributes that dont fit all people and i know it sucks to read something and try to connect but you cant because the character is so far removed from your own experiences and looks,,,,i hope i can continue to make good content open to everyone!!
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I get a lot of double, triple, sometimes ten of the same au request for the same idol so thats one of the reasons,,,,other times someone will ask for an au im not comfortable writing,,,other times its just a lack of motivation. i try to do aus + idols that get most requested since that’s what most people want to see ^^
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@narwhait omg thats so sweet,,,ahh thank you so much for enjoying my work it means the world to me!!!
,,,,,omg,,,,corvus amadeus,,,,,he sounds like he’s probably gonna grow up to be a really cool guy LOL
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omg,,,,im so happy that my scenarios feel inclusive,,,i always worry about getting super detailed but im overjoyed that you enjoy them!!!!
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i get inspiration from a lot of different things,,,,sometimes from real life sometimes from photos or movies or just random ideas i think of on the train haha!! i also write primarily on my computer!!! 
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i speak my native language and a couple of others that are close to it!! im currently really interested in turkic languages as well as mandarin but i dont speak any fluently ~ my type??? im not sure if u meant like myer briggs or like in a person but i guess my type is someone who is funny and selfless ^^
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i am jinyoung biased ^^
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im good!! how are you??
thank you so much!! im glad you like it,,,and i have written for him!! you can find it in /search/hoshi+friends
ahhh i cant believe im on someones favorite list,,,im really thankful!!!!
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@ch21n-nu glad to help!! <3333
thanks for the hug ;___;
@blogmarareactions im glad you like them!!!!! it means a lot when people say i get someones personality right~
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AHH i hope you’re happy + healthy too thank you so much for such a sweet message ^^
senior year is the best year, but college will be so fun!!!
well,,,he iS technically still sorta a teenage boy so im just trying to get his personality right haha
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me: crying rn
my nct bias is sicheng ^^ (no one mention doyoung or taeyong to me)
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omg thank you so much!! i really like kihyuns too~
I DO i love them so much,,,,,
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be my gf 
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sicheng is literally?????? an angel???? tbh he has the most like adorable way of just . existing. how 
i do,,,,,,,,,,i love cnu so Damn Much
si (like the sound in simple) + chung 
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probably one of the forest fairy aus!!
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ok i used to do it too in high school,,,,,i think teachers are actually pretty appreciative of students that show interested (although their schedules can be hectic so)
,,,,,ok tbh tho writing ten in that au made me want a friend like him haha
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thank ahhhh i like making them ^^
if ur a puddle of goo,,,,,how are you going to be able to kiss college bf doyoung??
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i buy like everything online LOL i like the usual f21/ bershka/ asos,,,,,sometimes a friend of mine gets me stuff from china,,,,,oh and 66girls!!! i think they’re more reliable than some other korean fashion based stores in terms of sizing 
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legible theme, set and clear rules, and to get attention just post!!! post anything you write doesnt matter what group or fandom just,,,get your writing out there!!
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im not really into them,,,i should try haha
that’s sooooo cute i want infinity earrings ;;
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i listen to instrumentals mostly,,,,some gaming music sometimes
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my astro bias would have to be moonbin too!!! as for victon i stan seungsik the most but the rest of the s-line GETS ME 
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its random!! i love writing taehyung and bambam. recently i have loved writing for ten too!!
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WOO IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU~!! that seems like such a feat, i hope its the best experience!! tell me about it some time ^^ 
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im guessing you mean rumor? i did!
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i dont read fics, im sorry!
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my mood. every day.
STOP ,,,,,, i just,,,,,,love sicheng ok
got7 is a bunch of memes but im p sure mark can clean up well. for nct,,,,,jaehyun
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im not!! but i have family that speak mandarin as well as close friends!!! i really like chinese history and myths so im learning more about it on the side ^^ 
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it’s not,,,i delete asks all the time out of anxiety
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sdlkf it’s my pleasure,,,wanna one!!! im so excited!!!!
idk why but i always have the urge,,,,to make yoongi dark,,,,give him something fiery and strong ,,,,,,i should stop LOL
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<333333 lets love jin together
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me listening to the whole nct mini album: pain
omg,,,,,,,thats so cute and ur right jonghyun is TOO POWERFUL
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there are aLOT because i listen to a ton of girl groups,,,,,like a lot,,,,,,like every one that i can find LOL there isn’t a girl group out there that has no songs for me not to like,,,,,,,,im super excited for idol school and for the debut of doyeon + yoojung in weki meki!!!!! loona’s project,,,,gfriends comeback,,,,,secret,,,,S N S D, apparently bulldok???? idk i love all the girls,,,,,,
as for boy groups i listen to 2pm, infinite, bigbang,,,,rookies like sf9, up10tion, victon,,,, and rookie rookies like mvp, seven o’clock, and varsity. 
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thank u kiss kiss
let’s do it, come over 
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uhhhh me too omg i want them all to wear bellbottoms ): jin would look like such a meal
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woah,,,,,,,,,,wild i also have an idol thats 100% similar to my birthday and i cry. i Cry 
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marsixm · 7 years
nvm this is my essay length review this is just happening now i guess (read more with apologies to mobile users)
he was rattling off facts about 70s music...i just....like....are you shitting me???? why....ok....im
opening shots of him are just multiple close ups on ben c’s hands like.....im really gay ok
this man really said “try me, beyonce” and they want me to not think hes gay
hes gay
did i fucking mention the score had HARPSICHORD??? HARPSI FUCKING CHORD
ALL the visuals were stunning, the scenery was STUNNING, the sets were STUNNING, the locations were STUNNING, the effects especially were STUNNING- not just pretty or well shot but they ACTUALLY made things look COOL which is fucking AMAZING and more films need to do STAT???? i cant get over how cool the new york sanctum was, OR the scene where they make the fucking cathedral fold in on itself- A CATHEDRAL??? LITERALLY JUST FOR THE STYLE OF IT!!! AMAZING
ben was amazing did i mention? hes just so good like. he tried his best with the accent and it came out better at times than others but he was great and cute...i love him kdjfgsd god. im so glad this is the marvel movie he was in....all his outfits were cute too thanks
idk if this was just me paying extra attention because Ben but honestly i usually struggle to be able to follow plots in films, especially superhero ones with complicated stuff like this but i never once struggled to understand what was happening or why or what the plot was or the motivations etc etc etc??? which is frankly a miracle
in fact i definitely feel like i understood everyones motivations fairly well, even christine’s like of course her character arc was pitiful and women in films need to be treated better but at least it was cool how for most of the movie she was actually just chilling and ignoring stephen jksdghjdlfs good for her
did i mention it was fucking beautiful and ben was great???
soooo many shots specifically were amazing especially around that big window in the sanctum but ESPECIALLY stephen’s superhero reveal moment.....wow
i gotta watch it again shaking off the “its BEN its ben its ben it looks like sherlock?? its ben” glasses but like i feel like they did a job turning stephen from an asshole to a man with a greater purpose...like if i rewatched and focused in on that specifically i think they built it up really well idk
idk if i can speak to the pacing because i paused a lot but like it was almost 2 hours long and it felt Good and didnt feel like idk dragging at all? it felt like it had good punctuations of really cool big effects/fast loud scenes, good story carrying it, etc
the humor actually felt really good and not super forced like i really genuinely laughed and the timing/joviality of the characters was good omg
also the whitewashing thing was def an issue though there was a decent amt of diversity on screen- could have been more though as always
the fact that the main mechanism in this movie and this section of the universe is like magic is sooooo good because theres no over explanation of like, nonsense science or whatever? and they dont try too hard to explain it and ruin it and/or make it annoying they just Let It Be magic.....which is really nice? and also the glowing effects look really cool
i said this already but again, i fucking hate most action sequences in super hero movies and in marvel especially and these actually were INTERESTING and good and not just bash smash x100 like they usually are like these had drama and suspense and were dynamic and, again, interesting which is amazing
[spoiler] and again, i always hate the senseless destruction and destroyed buildings, THEY LITERALLY UN DESTROYED A CITY? THEY TURNED BACK TIME TO UN DESTROY IT......thats ALL ive ever wanted from a superhero movie !??!?!? im like crying
[spoilers] the het romance was like bad ofc for a lot of reasons but i liked that the big scenes it had didnt feel forced and didnt end with stephen and christine actually together at all like.....it didnt even show them kiss ever? thanks also let them both be gay now
[spoiler] the scenario by which he annoys the villain into submission (which is by far the best fucking thing) is basically the plot of the best and most amazing doctor who ep ive ever seen and which i think about constantly so uh thanks
[spoiler] i already said this but when he goes into the dark dimension and its like spocks journey into vger!!!!!!! WITH BLACKLIGHT COLORS??
[spoiler] okay so mads’ characters speech to stephen is truly amazing because theres actually some doubt sowed that feels genuine, like it really does sound nice and you really are left wondering about a lot of things especially about the ancient one- admittedly like when you look at the plot as a whole of course theres loads of questions like...why should we trust the ancient one? i wanna say also why did dormammu give in so easily but actually i really enjoyed the lighthearteness of that scene- but the point is when actually watching that scene it was really fucking engaging and didnt feel like it went to waste
[spoiler] ben doing the villains voice too- which i TOTALLY recognized immediately- was also amazing just as like... the hero playing the villain....the levels...
[spoiler] i really want mordo to like. not be evil and FRANKTLY they fucking set up a great line to call back to wrt stephen and mordo becoming a dynamic duo. please let that happen and also let them be gay together you monsters
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal than milk so the cereal doesn’t get too soggy too quickly.
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter day? the first hit of cold is always nice. after awhile it gets annoying.
3. What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? nothing too interesting, random pieces of paper etc. or i’ll just fold the corner.
4. How do you take your coffee/tea? coffee: two sugars with milk. tea: one sugar and milk.
5. Are you self-conscious of your smile? i’m happy with my teeth, they could be a bit whiter though.
6. Do you keep plants? my mum loves plants, our backyard is huge and there’s gardens everywhere. there’s also some plants inside in the front lounge and then our dining room. none in my room, not enough sunlight lol.
7. Do you name your plants? no.
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? none. do tumblr surveys count?
9. Do you like singing/humming to yourself? only if i’m really into the songs.
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side or stomach.
11. What’s your inner joke you have with your friends? there’s too many but one of the more recent ones is millus. there’s a guy at work named milos and it’s correctly pronounced ‘milosh’ but everyone says ‘mi-loss’ which is also fine. one of our workmates called him ‘millus’ the other day ever so innocently and we thought it was hilarious. so his name is millus now. lol.
12. What’s your favourite planet? earth.
13. What’s something that made you smile today? getting a new candle!
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? definitely loft style. huge space with high ceilings. our room would be open on like a second level and then everything on the first level would be studio-like, not many walls apart from the bathroom.
15. Go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no.
16. What’s your favourite pasta dish? ugh i hate pasta. if i had to choose, probably gnocchi.
17. What colour do you really want to dye your hair? nothing in particular. wouldn’t mind some highlights. but my hair is super dead, it needs a break.
18. Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. tomorrowland and coachella alwayssss come up in conversation. 
19. Do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw in it? nope.
20. What’s your favourite eye colour? hazel is always pretty.
21. Talk about your favourite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. hmmm i change handbags every year and they all go through hell and back with me lol. but i’d have to choose my hand carry luggage. that shit is super old, one of the zips are broken, the handle struggles to pull up but i still take it with me everywhere. one time i checked it in and it went missing. i thought it was the end of it but thankfully it was found and delivered to my front door lol.
22. Are you a morning person? nope. but if i have to wake up early i can do so easily.
23. What’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have no obligations? i clean my room a bit, rearrange stuff, cook something new and watch netflix.
24. Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? probably my boyfriend.
25. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? i don’t think i’ve ever broken in anywhere.
26. What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i have a lot of favourites that i’ll wear until they eventually break lol. 
27. What’s your favourite bubblegum flavour? watermelon.
28. Sunrise or sunset? sunset. but sunrises are just as beautiful.
29. What’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? when my boyfriend geeks out about certain things like game of thrones lol. loser.
30. Think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, of course.
31. What is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks. i only wear socks when i’m wearing boots or sneakers or if it’s winter and my feet are cold. i own more black socks than white coz of work.
32. Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with your friends. that’s what i call a dope games night hahaha.
33. What’s your favourite pastry? i honestly love all pastry.
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. What is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it? this cabbage patch doll. she was black with dreads and had a flower tee. my grandparents got it for me, not once did i think she was different coz she was black, i just loved her! i have no idea where it is now sadly.
35. Do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? Do you use them often? i love stationery, i just don’t use them enough to buy heaps.
36. Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? no idea. none right now.
37. Do you like keeping your room messy or clean? organized chaos tbh.
38. Tell us about your pet peeves! i could make an entire list. but my main one are people who cough without covering their mouths.
39. What colour do you wear the most? black.
40. Think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s its story? Does it have any meaning to you? my diamond bracelet my boyfriend got me for my 21st birthday. i love it but it’s super flimsy, it’s broken twice now so i don’t wear it anymore.
41. What’s the last book you remember really, really loving? harry potter. all of them.
42. Do you have a favourite coffee shop? Describe it! starbucks.
43. Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i feel like i’ve never done this before lol.
44. When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? ugh idk never.
45. Do you trust your instincts a lot? yes.
46. Tell us the worst pun you can think of. i’d tell you but it’s not very punny.
47. What food do you think should be banned from the universe? none.
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today? dogs. haha no, i love dogs now.
49. Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought? i don’t buy them anymore. i don’t even remember the last cd i got.
50. What’s an odd thing you collect? nothing weird.
51. Think of a person. What song do you associate with them? marc, get buck. so random.
52. What are your favourite memes of the year so far? haha idk. i like memes but not as much as everyone else on my facebook feed.
53. Have you ever watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp Fiction? What do you think of them? none.
54. Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? omg this girl at work last night. no customer service whatsoever. i hope i don’t look like that.
55. What’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk lol.
56. What are some things you find endearing in people? just their dorkiness.
57. Go listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. How did it make you feel? Did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i didn’t listen to it. but i do enjoy that song.
58. Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why? this is incredibly fitting. sara is the wine mom 100%, and irene is the vodka aunt, she’s even russian ffs hahaha.
59. What’s your favourite myth? unicorns lol.
60. Do you like poetry? What are some of your favourites? no. the only time i ever read poetry was in school.
61. What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received? idk lol. there’s been plenty both ways.
62. Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind? nope.
63. Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be? not fussy at all. i used to be when i was younger. my itunes library would have all correct details and i managed to cut the genres down to under 10. now i don’t care. my books are everywhere too.
64. What colour is the sky where you are right now? black.
65. Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes.
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like? white, pink and purple.
67. How do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i love staying inside during those days.
68. What’s winter like where you live? it’s nice during the day and freezing at night.
69. What are your favourite board games? cranium. its an everything boardgame lol.
70. Have you ever used a ouija board? no.
71. What’s your favourite kind of tea? honeydew milk tea with pearls.
72. Are you a person that needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? no.
73. What are some of your worst habits? i get annoyed easily. i also have no patience.
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their name of gendered pronouns. i am theirs and they are mine.
75. Tell us about your pets! he’s my first and probably last pet dog, sky. he’s sooooo cute and super old but he still has the spirit of a puppy. physically you can see signs of old age in him but i hope he’s okay.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? nope.
77. Pink or yellow lemonade? neither. they’re too sour.
78. Are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither?
79. What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? organized a present for me overseas. lol.
80. What colour are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that colour? If so, why? turquoise and light grey.
81. Describe one of your friends’ eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. striking.
82. Are/were you good in school? yeah i was good i guess.
83. What’s some of your favourite album art? all of rihanna’s shit.
84.  Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones? nope.
85. Do you read comics? What are your favourites? nope.
86. Do you like concept albums? Which ones? is lemonade one?
87. What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? sound of music.
88. Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? modern shit. cubism, futurism, surrealism, pop art.
89. Are you close to your parents? fairly close, yes.
90. Talk about one of your favourite cities. san francisco is a dream. it’s the first city my boyfriend and i ever went to overseas. i love it so much, i want to go back.
91. Where do you plan on travelling this year? this year nowhere, only coz i’ve traveled twice this year already.
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? it depends on the pasta and the cheese.
93. What’s the hairstyle you wear the most? ponytail.
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my boyfriend’s dad.
95. What are your plans for this weekend? no ideaaaa.
96. Do you install your computer updates really quickly, or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate, duh.
97. Myer Briggs type, Zodiac sign, and Hogwarts house? i forgot, sagittarius, ravenclaw.
98. When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it? probably diamond head lmao. i hated it but the view up top was amazing.
99. List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. noo.
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go five years into the past, the other five years into the future, which one would you press? Why? errr neither. i guess i’d lean towards going back though. i don’t wna miss all the things the next five years could bring me.
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x-avantgarde · 7 years
SHINee World V - Hong Kong Experience!
So hello everyone owo I went to Shinee's World V, Hong Kong stop's concert!! (This is a Kpop post, I know but I will be back for vkei in the future! So please stay tuned!!) :D I bought the tickets really late orz and so before I start, I would like to apologize because I don't really know SHINee that well (I know them but I wasn’t a Shawol or anything) and I went because my mom likes Taemin (and SHINee) a lot XDD  (beware of this long ass post haha (it’s 2000+ words orz)
So we arrived at the venue at around 2pm? The merchandise opens at noon but I had this lesson that ends at noon so... We had lunch before we went to the venue (and the place is super far lol, but it's super close to the airport). Me and my mom took the airport express line from Kowloon (Elements?) to Asia World Expo and it was actually pretty quick (~20mins?). But the fare was super expensive OTL (though you get a discount if you show them your concert ticket).
There were A LOT of people lining up for the merch when I got there, but I wanted to get the light stick so badly (because I don't have one? XD) so I just lined up (like whatever haha). The line was super long, the merch was outside but the lines looped into the area where the standing went and waited. Around 30mins in the line I met people from my school lmao XD (so awkward bc we're actually not close?).
There were these people who approached us and asked us when we were in the line about whether we wanted light sticks or not (because they had "a bunch"). It was super fishy so I didn't get any, there were many cases in Kpop concerts where people sold fake light sticks :/// The official ones sold at 80HKD each but those people sold it at 60HKD each :////
After approximately two hours and fifteen minutes, I finally managed to get the merchandise :D Around halfway through the line, the staff gave us this sheet to write down what we wanted. In the end, I spent around 500HKD lmAO. I told myself I would only get the light stick and that was it, but you know what? I ended up getting an Onew fan, Onew key chain and these postcards (rip my money haha but it was so worth it). The Onew key chain is super duper cute!! owo (and yes my favourite member is Onew ouo)
It was around 4pm when we finished getting our merch, so me and my mom decided to go into this (kinda bad) cafe / restaurant place to sit down and eat something. I didn't eat anything because I literally just ate lunch three hours ago X"D Around 4:15, people were starting to line up. There are two places where you can go into the venue, one is on the ground floor, (for people in standing (who already got in) and people from the seating (block 5-13 (aka every block)) in the first rows. (A-M)). I was in block 10 row L so I had to get in on the ground floor.
Around 5:00 we went to line up and get ready to get in. The security was super strict and there were these Japanese girls in front of me who got cut off because they found a camera (but the girl said she went to disneyland and that's why she bought it). They took super long T___T until they finally managed to check my god damn bag. I bought a small-ish backpack but they literally took out everything T______T I understand that they didn't want any cameras inside the venue and stuff, but... uhhh really???
Me and my mom managed to get in, and we walked up the stairs (finally) and found our seats!! :))) On our seats, there was a pack, which included an balloon, a fan (double sided with a member's face) and this banner in Korean //orz what does it mean haha//. I got Key's fan so it's okay /but ugly sobbing because I didn't get Onew T_T/.
It was supposed to start at 6pm but they were super late (because Taemin had this earpiece problem so he kept apologizing during the introduction / first MC T___T (like CHILD ITS OK (let me give you a hug lmao). When the fans sat down, it felt super unreal, and it all felt like a dream. When the lights dimmed and we started screaming and chanting, "SHINEE! SHINEE! SHINEE!" They played a video (to our disappointment haha).
After that Shinee cAME OUT :DD They started with the song Sherlock and it's super good XD But I didn't warm up yet so I was kinda stiff and I didn't scream and all. (For some reason, I felt super awkward). But I was waving my light stick, just enjoying Shinee performing :))
The next song was Married To The Music and I was starting to get more hyped :) I lowkey sang along XDD I think they came out in suits or something (i forgot orz). Then the next song was Juliet (and the chorus is so catchy?!?!) After these three songs, it was MC timeeee! ^^ they started talking about how they haven't been to Hong Kong for a long time (around four years??) so they were really happy to be back. Key mentioned about how HK food was really good or something haha.
(Starting from this part, the order of the songs are going to be all messed up). They changed clothes somewhere after the MC or something like that (they changed way too often!!). I got more warmed up as Reply came up :DD Everyone sang along to it (and dude it's so good hahaha). You know how people would scream when a member's part comes up? That was me when Onew's part came up XD But it felt like I was the only Onew fan in my section because when Onew sings there were nearly NO ONE screaming T__T (It felt lowkey awkward because I would only be hearing my screams hahaha).
Then midway they changed into casual and I swear, Key looks SO GOOD in real life. During Lucifer, I was so hyped hahahaha. Key took off his white jacket because it was "too stiff and too hard to dance in it", and also he was like, "I look better without it". OMG XDD And guess what was underneath his jacket? A grey sleeveless shirt. SLEEVELESS. HE LOOKED SO GOOOD OMG. XD In the middle of the setlist /forgot which song orz/ he made the hand heart and it got onto the mini screen on the side. I got /shot/ in the heart owo.
In the middle of the setlist, (ESPECIALLY DURING Everybody), I got super duper hyped and screamed like crazy whenever it was Onew's part X"D (and also when their choreography was super cool). LIKE WHO CARES, I'M HERE TO HAVE FUN BITCHES XD During Everybody, these Japanese girls (again XD ikr, they have a lot of Japanese fans haha), also got super hyped XDDD Even though we weren't supposed to film, no one honestly gives a shit? (including me lmao). I filmed for around 30s in total XD (just to document the hype and it's the only thing I can hold onto after the concert T_T (other than the merch)).
They also performed Why So Serious, 1 of 1, So Amazing, View (that was aWESOME), Ring ding dong (the crowd was so high XD (including me hahaha)), Prism, Feel Good (CLIMAX OF THE CRAZINESS HAHA), Shift (don't really remember anything XD (except the fact they performed this song). The atmosphere was so awesome!! :))
In around the first quarter? Two members changed first, then the others went. Key, Minho and Taemin stayed first X"D Minho or Key was like, "I'm wondering if any of the members off stage are eating right now (referring to Onew and Jonghyun)" XD Then Onew and Jonghyun came back, wearing silk material / soft / shiny fabric clothes :DD it was so cool haha. (I think they also performed Dream Girl but I don't remember what happened T_T).
(I'm listening to SHINee's songs while typing this up so ahahahahaha) They sang a lot of the slower songs during that silk material clothing part XD (whatever you call it haha). Onew and Jonghyun also sang a duet-- Please Don't Go. This song was so touching and T_T //feels// Onew's voice was so sweet <333 /melts/ (Jonghyun's voice is also good <33) Hopefully Jonghyun's not sick or anything because he struggled a lot with hitting the high notes T___T especially during the duet and Replay QAQ
During Feel Good, oh my... oh my... The lyrics in the chorus, "I can make you feel good" X"D Everyone sang along in that part and I was kind of hesitant but I GAVE UP. So I also sang along and that was sooooo fun. This was one of the songs I like hahahaha. Though I wished they performed Tell Me What To Do because Jonghyun's voice in that song is GREAT.
There were a lot of Key and Taemin fans hahaha. Whenever it would be Key or Taemin's part, girls in my section would be screaming ahahah (like me in Onew's part X"D). And Onew's smile just melts my heart ouo Taemin also did a solo performance, he performed Sayonara Hitori (in Korean). His costume was so cool (there were these ribbons(?) that are sewn onto his sleeves, so whenever he spreads his arms it would look kind of like wings :D There were also these long stripes of red fabric hanging from the ceiling. There were also smoke(?) in the floor to make it even more dreamy <33 When my mom heard that song, she shook my arm excitedly and said, "This is my favourite song from Taemin!!" /lmao/ It was super cool and I enjoyed every single second of it /and I lowkey sang along because it's so good hahaha/
Skipping to Aside!! It was actually when we were supposed to blow up the balloons (which had led lights inside of them). I struggled a lot (because honestly I've never successfully blown a balloon before... until now XD) but the crowd looked super good because of the flashy balloons :DD Even Jonghyun was thankful for what the fans had prepared :DD (because he mentioned it in the ending speech).
Skip skip skip, time for chanting the encore! The fans actually started singing happy birthday (in Korean) to Shinee (as it's nearly their 9th anniversary!) ^_^ Every time we want to start over again (by singing happy birthday), we would all laugh as we don't know when we should start singing again haahaha (if it makes any sense XD). They came out in the moving carts (LIKE FINALLY?!) and the crew played So Amazing in the background. I really wanted to get one of their signed balls (that sounds wrong LMFAO /i'm sorry/) but I didn't manage to get one T_T because Onew and Jonghyun actually tried throwing some to my section but they didn't manage to throw it pass the crew (bc the crew was sandwiched between my section + the moving carts) OTL
/HIGHLIGHT NUMBER 2/ Since Minho was the only one on his cart, he actually stopped in front of my section (directly in front of me) and did the hand heart (like the one you make the heart with your arms + head??) towards my section XD I cried ahaha, and you know what? Before I knew it, MY HANDS AUTOMATICALLY DID AN ARM/HAND HEART BACK TO HIM. HE WAS SMILING SO BRIGHTLY OH MY GOSH. (No one in front of me did a heart back so it's actually possible he might have seen me in the corner of his eyes /dies from happiness/ /but it's okay if he didn't actually see me because giving a heart towards my section is already good enough <333/)
They did the ending speech and they reminded us to support Key's new drama <33 Shinee also told us that they will be back soon (isn't that what all the overseas idols say lmao). And it ended! I was so sad T___T they played a video (or some MV /i forgot/) and in the end the screen said "Thank you and love you" XD It was really touching but my mom had to ruin the moment and said, "Yeah, more like thank you and love your money" LMAO.
It was such a great experience and I have definitely fell in love with Shinee :D (who wouldn't if they attended Shinee's concert haha). It was so different from Visual Kei's lives and I might be doing a comparison in the future so please stay in touch with me! <3
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shyloft · 7 years
18 Questions about Music
i was tagged by @slampoety !!
1. Which bands/artist do you own the most albums by? physical albums? infinite i think lmao bc it was like Cool to get the physcial kpop albums bc they came with like?? cards with the members on them? and posters? but i dont know if thats still cool to do im assuming so. nobody really does album packages like korean bands tho lemme tell u 2. What was the last song you listened to? rn i’m listening to the rab version of holding on to you which is like....the fourth time ever in my life hearing it probably like i know this is the og but this is wrong. good but still wrong 3. What’s in your CD/Record player right now? well my copy of electra heart by marina and the diamonds is sitting right on top of it so im assuming it was that. from like. 4 years ago. 4. What was the last show you attended? twenty one pilots in north little rock just this month!!! my mom and my sister drove up there with me and @sweaterdun and it was so fun i’ve never traveled to see a band OR seen a band twice on the same tour like that before it was such a great opportunity this band has been so good to me i love them 5. What was the greatest show you’ve been to? TWENTY ONE PILOTS ERS2016 ST LOUIS 8/2 god. God it was so good i cried twice and i went with my best friend it was the best night of my life so far? like? i cried in the middle of guns for hands because i just couldnt believe i was there and it was so good and i barely stopped crying enough to enjoy tyler flopping around in the hamster ball. and i cried during goner and planned crying through trees but then tyler started talking about waffle crisp 6. What was the worst show you’ve ever been to? gosh idk like? probably some bands i had to go see for my sister like. i remember at blink 182 they were just so piss drunk they didn’t even know the words to their own songs? but like i saw fall out boy right before that so it was still amazing and i didnt mind? like i had to really think about this 7. What is the most musically involved you have ever been? not 100% sure what this is asking but like. i used to play piano and bell instruments like the xylophone and like aux percussion and Some drums....but never a drum set. uh. but like idk i’ve never met a band if this is like about bands? so probably just recently when i skipped school to go see twenty one pilots like 6 hrs away. and like i’m hoping to see them in ohio and i Probably plan on uhhhhhhhhhhgettingoneormoretattoosdedicatedtothem which is a new thing for me i’ve never been this in love with a band in my whole life 8. What show are you looking forward to? i have two shows that i’m forsure going to soonish! in a couple weeks im going to see state champs with my friends and my sister and her friend which will be fun even tho i barely listen to them! and in early june im gonna prob go see bad suns! also idr when but HALL AND OATES omg. and im not gonna jinx myself so i wont go on about prospective shows. this has been an amazing show year ugh 9. What is your favorite band shirt ? the shirt i got at the last foo fighters show i got is sooooo cute its got like ufos and stuff on it and its primary colors on black i love it!! and my ers tank thats like the tank top w the skull that says clique is like the cutest thing top has put out in a Long time 10. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? ........................twenty one pilots 11. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback? HOZIER! HO!ZI!ER! H O Z I E R 12. Who is one band/ artist you’ve never seen live but always wanted to? florence + the machine ohhhhhhhhhhh my goooooddd i want to see her so bad shes got like.....an orchestra.....or at LEAST a woman playing the harp on stage like i would DIE to see her live i love her its just been so long since shes come to st louis and i didnt know the last time!!! 13. Name four or more flawless albums some really throghout solid albums? vessel - twenty one pilots * ceremonials - florence + the machine * wiped out! - the neighbourhood * hozier - hozier * infinity on high - fall out boy * pure heroine - lorde
14. How many concerts have you been to, total? GOD you see like. u know how every family that can afford to has that one thing that they always make room in their budgets for? like some families go out to eat a lot or go to the movie theater or travel or have tons of pets? i’ve always gone to concerts since i was like rly little
i had to write it all down but i came up with 18 so far not including the 3 im going to soon 15. Who have you seen the most live? fall out boy for sure! once in like fourth grade w a brendon urie acoustic set because panic just like. broke up. the second time was that time with blink 182. the third time was the save rock and roll tour (BEFORE THEY ADDED TOP AND PANIC) where i nearly passed out and got sick from the heat. and then the most recent was the boyz of zummer with wiz khalifa where i officially learned to associate the smell of weed with like. weed. but since 2 of those were for my sister TECHNICALLY? the neighbourhood. i saw them 3x at the same venue they’re sooooo good live 16. What is your favorite movie soundtrack? the great gatsby (2013) holy shit dude
17. What was your last musical ‘phase’ before you wisened up? kpop was my Thing from ages 12 to like 15 then i got depressed and lost interest completely and not to be corny but 21p pulled me out of that :/ 18. What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ that you hate to admit liking? my entire music library is an embarrassment but i really hate getting caught listening to stuff i used to listen to in late elementary school and the beginning of middle school like....the really hard but still corny rock and metal. like. fun fact i know Every single word to bring me to life by evanescence bc that was straight up my fave band. so any time im listening to 2000s rock music or japanese vk in the hallway i make sure i dont let ppl see my screen
hhhmmhmhm so i guess i’ll tag @sweaterdun @chalupacabras @friedlettuce (enlighten me on what people who Aren’t emo fuckers listen to) and ik he just got tagged but @wdbwotv bc if u havent already....i wanna see it. if all y’all want to. sorry u had to read all this WOW
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Chesca’s Current Status
This weekend was amazing and gave me so much happiness, something I feel like I haven’t been in a long time. You know that the rest of this post is gonna explain why lol
So earlier last week I heard that a friend was selling tickets to the Alex Aiono and William Singe concert that I had been eyeing since like I think December or January, whenever they had released their tour dates. I was debating about it but by the time I decided tickets sold out already. So when I heard about my friend selling her ticket, the whole week I thought about it. I told her I’d tell her by Friday night. The week goes by and I was still debating, I was pretty broke and i knew if I went I would spend a lot of money on like getting there and back, and then food, and subway. What actually made me decide was that after class friday Nat Jose and I went for coffee with our old Don and I mentioned I was debating in going to toronto for this concert and Nat was like, “yo, lets go, i need a getaway and celebrate finishing design.” Plus Nellie was throwing a late bday party for Paul Saturday but I knew that Lisa would be there and that Thavi could potentially be there too. I honestly just didn’t want another repeat of gfx. I wouldn’t have been comfortable and I didn’t want that to translate on a celebration. Plus thinking about being in the same room as those two made me really anxious. I mean I know I didn’t do anything wrong but its the bad vibes and negativity I know those two people have for me that would make me uncomfortable. I mean if you had a choice I think you would choose a weekend in toronto by yourself, going on a few dates and going to see one of you favourite Youtube singers live, over a few hours of not knowing how to act around two people who use to be the closest people in your life who have now come to hate you for who know what reasons? 
So yea after a night of drinking and dancing at Phil’s with Nat, Jon, and Jose, which by the way was super fun because of the drunken talks and the company. Nat and I ventured off to Toronto Saturday morning. We went and got Pho in Chinatown, and then went to Eaton’s to shop and pick up some stuff. We ate there and didn’t go to Celene and Abby’s place till around 6pm. Funny story about where we ate for dinner. We went to the like cafeteria type place. I went to the coffee and pastry section since I was still full from Pho. I got an iced latte with a cheesecake. While I was in line, there was a hella rude customer who was on his phone telling the guy behind the counter (who was pretty cute btw) that he wanted more syrup on his waffle. He was also waiting for his drink and when the girl called it out he didn’t think it was his, when it clearly was. When he had left the cute guy behind the counter and another co-worker who I realized were filipino started talking about how rude he was. I listened and laughed cuz I know their struggles too and when the guy gave me my drink i smiled and said Salamat, and he was thrown off by it and he smiled back and I went on my merry way. 
Conversation with Nat was pretty good, we go pretty deep into my stuff, just with dating again and how I had been feeling the past few weeks. After that we went back and I redid my make up and taxied to the venue. I thought I was gonna be late but the show didn’t start till 8pm, line just started to move at 7pm. We get into the venue and its just standing so no seats. Its pretty packed and it was cold in there. I was supposed to meet up with my friend Jezeth but she was in the middle and I couldn’t find her so I just chilled where I was. When alex came out I had an amazing view of him, like most of the people there were girls who were with their girl friends or girls with their boyfriends, plus most of the people were asian so they were all shorter then me all I had to do was tippy toe a bit and I could see alex so well! The girls I ended up standing with and eventually befriending were super fun! They were drinking too so their vibes were legit and we danced and fangirled the whole time together! 
So let me talk about Alex, this man, omg he was so much cuter in person, his smile 10x warmer and his voice.... like fuck me, lol Like I thought that it wouldn’t sound as good as his videos but honestly he sounded exactly the same, even better live actually. I could listen to this man sing and play guitar for hours! I totally jus vibed out during his set, really took in the moment and just enjoyed being in the same space as him. *sigh* his gf is so lucky! lol
So after Alex it was obviously William and I only knew him from the songs he and Alex collabed together on. I honestly was not prepared, like this man, was sooooo good live, like his falsetto is on point, his covers were amazing! I love his style, his r&b swag and even his original songs... man. He got me feeling feels too. A little bit into his set my phone died and I actually am so glad it did. I really jus experienced the night and really enjoyed myself without worrying about getting things on camera. I just lived in the moment. I was just so happy and loving life. Alex ended up coming back later on and they sang the songs they did together and I almost died, like I felt like I went to heaven lol
After the concert, which ended around 10:30pm I decided to walk back, well partially. I had to find a place that was open where I could charge my phone. So I went the Tims on College and Yonge. Stayed there for a bit and then took the street car to Abby’s place. Decided to get BK cuz i was hungry and then waited for Nat to come back since she went to go and hangout with Jack while I was at the concert. When she got back we talked a bit before we went to bed. I let her sleep on the bed and I took the ground, which wasn’t bad actually.
So we wake up and we originally planned on having brunch with Jack and Bri but Jack was too sick and Bri’s schedule was too busy so we went for lunch with Celene, her man, and Abby. The place we went to was near Koreatown and we ate at this cute restaurant that had the best eggs benedict I’ve every had in my life. I go mine with baby spinach and the home fries was covered in this sauce and like i died! The conversation was good too and it was nice hanging out with friends. It was such a beautiful day too! Like the nicest day of the year so far I think. I mean I didn’t wear a coat and walked around the whole day. after lunch nat and i walked around koreatown, got my favourite fish dessert and just chilled. She had a carpool a 5pm since she was having dinner with her roomies so she went back first. I actually had a date for that afternoon but he cancelled saying he had worked out too hard in the morning and pretty much felt sick. I wasn’t too bummed about it since I still got to hangout with my friends and eat good food. We’ve been having good conversations on facebook and he seemed sad we couldn’t hangout, but its okay things happen for a reason.
When nat left I went for a bbt date with this guy I had been talking too for a week now. He was Korean and was actually pretty nice and sweet. Like physically he was okay but conversation was nice and he spoke english pretty well despite only living in Korea until like 4 months ago. He was super sweet and even walked me to my subway. it was cute date, i’d talk to him again lol
I was supposed to meet up with other friends for dinner but they cancelled last minute because something came up. Another guy I’ve been talking to for a week asked if I was free to grab dinner since he wanted to see me while I was still in town. I said yes of course, and we ended up getting dim sum in Chinatown and it was honestly sooooo good! This guy is filipino and he’s one of the ones I enjoy talking to via text all week so i was excited to meet him. He was actually so much better looking in person and his voice, sounds so nice. Like its deep and he has a filipino accent which I didn’t think i’d like but I totally did. Our conversation was so good and i just felt comfortable with him. after dim sum he offered to subway with me all the way to yonge and sheppard. thats like 30 mins on the subway. My carpool was at 10:30 so we went to the meet up spot and the carpool cancels last minute! At first I was annoyed and furious cuz now I’m stuck here till tmrw morning. But what happened after made up for it. 
We subway back to Abby’s place and then we decided that we wanted to walk around for a bit. guys, we ended up walking 3 km together. We went down beverley st. all the way to queen st. down john st., past front st. and all he way down to the harbourfront. We sat by the water for 30 mins, just talking about life, relationships, school, etc. The spontaneous nature of the whole night was something I honestly have never done before. Probably one of the best first dates I’ve had. we ended up walking up spadina from the rogers centre and made a full circle back to Abby’s place. We walked for 3 hrs almost. When we said our goodbyes he hugged me so tight and I was gonna kiss him on the cheek but i ended up giving him a peck on the lips, and then he hugged me again and then this time he kissed me and then just walked away all shy like. It was so cute and like the best way to end my night.
I went to sleep around 2am I think. Woke up at noon, and went and got starbucks with celene and her man. Then took a go train to bramalea and then a bus to kitchener go, then the 8 bus to asian grocery, then walked to campus and made it for the 5pm meeting. We then set up at 6pm for our event, and then EOT was at 7PM-10PM.
So that was my weekend getaway with myself. Honestly I’m so happy I decided to go away, even though now i’m hella broke, it was so worth it. I mean like I finally know what I want to do and what I’m gonna tell my parents my plan is. This weekend gave me motivation to get my shit together and just go after what I want to do and what I want to pursue. I swear I’m meant to live in Toronto and based of the events of this weekend I feel like in my gut its where I’m supposed to be.
I plan on going back in 2 weeks, after I’ve made some money and you know finished school stuff lol
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jessiewre · 4 years
Day 39
Weds 12th Feb
Get up early plan for cycling didn’t quite work and we snoozed the alarm loads. But then Phil must have suddenly remembered his cycling trip as he suddenly jumped up to get organised. 
I now had my doubts about moving accommodation to this ‘magical cottage’. We hadn’t actually seen the place and it did sound a little too good to be true. And if we moved, we would have to pack up ALL our stuff and walk down the road and then leave it all in their office...which didn't seem as safe as leaving it all in our own room. 
Phil was set on it though so we cracked on, and I had the genius idea of wearing Phil’s shorts for the cycle. Seeing as I’d lost mine in the Nile, I figured that Phil’s sexy zip safari shorts would super comfortable and lightweight. I put them on with my green T-shirt (by the way this T-shirt is actually Phil’s but he never packed it so I did and now its mine ok) and I thought, Yeah, this’ll do nicely. Was pretty pleased with my practical and comfortable outfit. I looked up and Phil was looking at me with a large frown. ‘Oh sorry I didn’t realise you were working today as a park ranger, you carry on’. So yeah, he said I looked like I worked at Camp America and I don’t think he was wrong. But screw him, needs must - I kept the outfit on and we left.
Once we arrived to the Fisherman’s Camp restaurant, we ordered Spanish omelette for breakfast and it was the BEST one we've had by FAR. I don't know what they did to this omelette but it was sooooo nice. It was much bigger than normal ones and also had potatoes in so that helped of course. I started to warm to the place. 
We got our 2nd bike from the bike dudes as well as our helmets (we'd insisted on these and they had to go off to find them as apparently no-one ever asks for them) and we headed towards the main road to go to Hells Gate National Park. Exciting! However. HOWEVER. Instead of walking with the bikes as I’d anticipated, Phil INSISTED that we cycle UP the steep gravelly hill to get to the main road.
I managed to do it but it's honestly moments like that where I wish I'd never met him. That is how much I hate cycling uphill.
Anyway the first 4km was on flat road and it felt amazing to be on a bike and I decided I liked Phil again. We reached the dusty road that led us to the entrance gate and it started getting tricky again. It didn't appear to have a gradient to the eye but it was a real effort to cycle on it with all the bumps and sand.
At the entrance we saw the family from safari who'd just arrived - random timing. We said hi to them but then headed in while they got organised with their bikes figuring we'd see them at some point in there. Also the woman was not a confident cyclist so figured she definitely didn't need an audience. 
The cycle was really nice. We spotted zebras, pumbas and giraffes as we went round, then got to the gorge viewpoint area where we stopped for a snack. The actual gorge path was Closed due to dangerous flooding that had happened the year before.
Phil was buzzing about the leftover doggy bag but we noticed a baboon nearby eyeing him up. Everytime we looked over the baboon had managed to move slightly closer without us seeing, but would be looking around like he was enjoyed the view, acting all nonchalant like he wasn't even interested. He'd perfected his Tourist Snack Sneak. A local man came over to advise that we use a stick to hit against a tree to scare it away if it got too close and it turned out to be pretty useful when Phil was rustling about with bread in foil. 
We cycled a bit further to find the viewpoint and got to a turn off that went downhill. A local lady was there and said she would show us where it was. We didn't want a tour guide to have to pay etc so we said no thanks. We’d already paid 50$ to enter the park. But she kept saying 'For free for free, I will show you the way!' then she randomly suggested we just give the older lady who was stood there 200ksh. No idea why. Phil was well annoyed by it all and refused to walk while they were with us, saying 'I want to go on my own!'. It was a bit like a mother trying to encourage a toddler to hold her hand while the toddler is stamping his feet refusing to move. The woman was just laughing and smiling the whole time, totally unfazed.
Eventually Phil got on his bike in protest and started cycling down the hill ahead of us. When he reached the bottom he went right and the woman shouted after him 'Its the other way!' as she laughed. Phil sort of pretended he'd not heard while casually changing direction. 
He then went along for 5 seconds and she corrected him again, saying 'It's down there!' pointing to a path he’d missed to the right. Phil sort of huffed and followed her direction, realising she was perhaps quite useful after all. 
The lady pointed out the small little market stalls her and her pals had set up and said Please take a look when come back, then pointed to the way to go to visit the viewpoint. The viewpoint was a short minute walk from there and was cool, it was good to actually see the gorge. 
By the time we walked back, Phil was ready to look at the little stalls without being angry. I bought a cute bracelet and a women asked me how old I was. Turned out the lady who'd walked us there was the same age as me but had SIX CHILDREN. I explained that I would do it later and made some jokes about babies taking over the whole of your body and they were laughing loads.
Cut to me basically hosting a Tedtalk on girl power, women's strength and equal rights, and all the women were nodding along enthusiastically in agreement. They all high fived me and said thank you so much for these words. I don't know if anyone had told them they were strong before. 💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿
The cycle back made us realise how downhill the first bit had been as it was nearly all uphill FML but remember that dusty road outside the entrance I’d struggled with? Well it was a solid downhill the whole way now and I didn't pedal ONCE and I swear it was the best moment of the whole cycle. Ok apart from spotting a baby zebra next to us. And seeing five giraffes having their lunch. 
We got back to our hotel and were taken to our new house. And omg it was LUSH AS FOOOOOK. Such a cute cottage on a little hill, with a kitchen, living room, bathroom with outdoor shower and massive bed! The shower was hot and the masses of dust from the cycle were washed away and I lay on the lovely bed feeling great about my house and my very clever boyfriend.
And suddenly there was a massive SPLAT as a large gecko shit landed on my tummy. It completely made me jump and before I even registered what it was, I flapped it away. It landed on a pillow oops and the momento from falling from such a height had not helped matters either. Definitely good luck to be shat by a gecko though right?
We went to the restaurant for dinner and despite the power cuts and mosquitos, we enjoyed the candle lit lake view evening. Phil kept thinking he could hear hippos but I didn't hear anything.
Dinner was penne pasta arrabiata and an average pizza. 
Suddenly Phils ears picked up that hippo noise again and he looked over towards the lake. In the dark was a big shape, slightly moving...and Phil was like ‘That's a hippo!!!!’.  
Sure enough only 1m beyond the electric fence were TWO hippos munching away on the grass, just about lit by the security light. We rushed over and watched in amazement. A few others joined from the restaurant in awe of the proximity of these beasts. But then one of the hippos turned and looked right at us. It was in that moment that I remembered how bloody dangerous they were and we moved into the shadows to view from a safer spot. Was such a good spot by Philly Tours Atol Protected ©
Happy from our cycle and nature spotting, we asked the boss if we could book the house an extra night and THANKFULLY IT WAS AVAILABLE so we went to bed (now with the mosquito net in position so NO more falling gecko shit) feeling super relaxed about the chill day ahead of us. 
0 notes
what do you think abt the furuba reboot? favourite/least favourite characters and ships, other thoughts you might have? tell me everything!!!!!! :DD
okay so thoughts so far are that it’s SO GOOD!!!!!!!! i really loved and enjoyed the 01 version but ??? the remake is such a different experience??? i was talking to my friend the other day and i was telling her that even though you know what’s going to happen, it’s still such a fun and refreshing experience!!  like you don’t feel like you’re watching the same thing over again and i feel like the new art style and beautifulllll soundtrack really help with that! and i also like how they’ve changed some small details and add some new parts in etc but it doesn’t ? affect things badly?? (ex like you know how sometimes when there’s an anime adapatation of a manga but there are different details and people don’t like it ?? i don’t feel like that’s the case here !) 
it’s also so emotional and really powerful omg..... like i rewatched the first 10 ? 12 ? episodes a few months ago and omg....... i cried so much gfdhgsdfjhg like i cry really easily so it’s fine but omg i really ???? like there’s just so much emotion and i don’t know what it is but seeing just how tohru is so empathetic of others, that she tries to understand other people’s feelings and pain ??? that she ends up crying for them (like momiji) just has me T______T 
but yeah my overall thoughts !! i really really love it so far omg it’s easily made its way up to my top fave animes LOL like the charas are just so fun and lovable, the story is really interesting to me ? like i don’t . know where it’s going gjkhf but i’m really interested to see ! and i love that even though it’s really emotional at times, there’s a lot of lightheartedness !
omg okay this is already long but i’ll try to answer your other questions and keep them as short as i can gdfjkghdf
fave charas: AHHH okay i really love yuki ))): i know people say that his true chara traits are reveal later and that he’s more of an ass or smth LOL but i love his kindness ! and how kind he is to tohru !! i also love it when he’s an ass though AHAHA like when it comes to aya and kyo LOL it’s funnie 
HARU omg haru grew on me during this remake??? i love his and kyo’s relationship they’re so funnie !!! he’s also really nice like during the ep with kisa you can see just how caring he is im ))): and his sense of style . we love )): also his backstory with yuki HURT but i love how that was resolved and that it ended up this way when it could have been the complete opposite
HANA AND UOTANI!!!!!!! omg okay i love how much they care for tohru it’s so sweet T___T like their relationship with her goes DEEP like they love and cherish her so much and i honestly can’t imagine the three of them apart ))): they’re also so funnie ghfdkgh i LOVE that the girls have their own distinct personality and aren’t just like . labeled as ~the main girl’s friends~ like they do in some anime?? like hana is quiet but also someone you dont want to fuck with but she’s also so caring )): same with uotani but she’s also loud and fun and i feel like she befriends people easily (like with kyo) and i just reallllllyyyy love and appreciate them
omg also kyoko T____T back in the 01 version i didn’t think too much of her except for ‘oh no tohru’s mom ))):’ but because they’re showing more of her im T_____T SO SAD that she passed omg like i’m feeling it more (not that i didn’t care before ghdfjk hgf) T___T they showed her to be such a caring mom and she just loved tohru sooooo much )))): when she went out of her way to help uotani and be an adult figure in her life ))): she radiated so much joy, love, and warmth T________T 
aya!!!!!!! he grew on me during this remake too gdfkghfd he’s SO FUNNYYYY GJFDKGFDJ god the bottom scene ghdjfkghfd when i saw that i couldnt believe it was real like i thought it was edited or SOMETHING because i really . just cannot believe gdjsghsfjdkgh it’s so funnie bc he thought ‘gotta tell yuki a story that we can bond and relate oh my god this is it’ gjdfhgjdfhgdf like . god . but besides that, i love that he’s genuinely trying to mend his bond with yuki??? like.... it doesn’t seem like he’s doing it just because or to save his image, but he genuinely believes and is aware that what he did and how he treated yuki was wrong, and he wants to fix that. he realizes that it’s going to take time and that yuki isn’t going to suddenly be like oki i love you gdsgfdjg like it must hurt to be rejected by your brother (irony ? ) while trying to reach out, but he’s trying to push past that and work things out and wait for it which makes me )))): im emo !
hatori............ episode 10 made me cry the worst omg that was BRUTAL god i feel so bad for hatori and kana T____T that episode just hurt so bad omg they . deserved better 3 but i love hatori he grew on me too (a majority of the charas did this time it seems actually hgdjhgf) the way he deeply cared for kana and just hhhh
okay okay last one ghjdkhg MOMIJI T_____T omg his episode made me CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god i just .h . god !!!!!!!!!! like . to have your mother to want to forget you because you’re causing her unbearable pain ???? i’m so ... how do you even process that and move past that ))): and he’s like ??? 12???? )))): and he still sees her from time to time so it must still hurt in some way ))): and omg his sister that he’ll never (?) get to bond with because of that.,... like he feel like he’d TOTALLY love and have so much fun with his sister )): but omg i feel like one of the parts from that episode that hurt the most was when he said that he doesn’t want to forget certain memories even if they’re incredibly painful like...... hello ??? and i feel like that’s . ironic (?) bc that’s what his mom felt but ))): im emo ghfdjkghfdgfd
omg..... omg im so sorry this got so long hjkdghfdksjghfdsjgfhd but if you read all of this ??? thank you ??? and please share your thoughts with me too!!!!! 
0 notes