#reader x max goodwin
ki-irke · 1 year
omg i'm kind of in mood to make some imagines but idk what to do
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Med Students
Characters: Jay Halstead x Reader, Will Halstead
Warnings: Brief mentions of surgery, gossiping/backbiting, scary attendings
Summary: Stupid students don't gossip quiet enough.
A/N: This isn't exactly what I planned. Not too sure if I like it but it is what it is I guess. I'm posting this in commemoration of the last day of Christmas break. I'm very much not looking forward to getting back to normal life.
Strolling into the moderately quiet ED, Jay was pleasantly surprised at the volume and the lack of people sitting in the waiting room. Spying Will behind a computer doing he's not too sure what, he walked up to him, nudging him with his elbow.
"Hey, you know where Y/N is?" Jay asked, leaning his back against the desk as his eyes inspected the ED.
"Hey Will, how are you brother? How's your day? How's work? You good?" Will sarcastically replied, changing his tone as he imitated Jay. "It's good to see you too Jay."
"What's up Will?" Jay rolled his eyes, caving into his older brothers 'wants and needs'. He was on a schedule and it needed to be followed because if he wasn't back at work in an hour, Voight would probably have his head.
"Mrs Halstead is currently in surgery, she might be a minute but you shoulda seen the guy." Will started gushing, lowkey geeking out on the patient that was brought in. "He was pushed onto the road, had like threes cars max run over him and he somehow is still alive and breathing. Her and Connor have been in their for two hours now, who knows when they'll finish."
"Thanks man." Jay said, clapping Will on the shoulder but either brother made indication that they were moving, Will was doing his patients charts and Jay had nowhere else to be for the next hour.
"I've heard they're called the 'Amok'."
"But we're doctors?"
"I know right, that's what I said!"
"Omg, how could they let a dude like that teach a bunch of students?"
"I knew I should've gone to Lakeshore."
Jay rose his brow in suspicion and curiosity. Looking over at the small group of young adults, standing not too far from where the brothers stood since they could clearly make out their whispers. It was clear that were out of their league.
"And who are they?" Jay asked, crossing his arms, not realising that his action made his badge and gun stand out more than they already were.
Will looked up from the computer, following Jay's line of sight before shaking his head, huffing with some sort of smile. "It's that time of year again, we get sent a bunch of students and Y/N decided that she'd give them a try instead of Ethan. Something about doing it before he got here and missing teaching."
"Huh." Jay said to himself, not recalling you telling him anything about this. If you'd been this excited about teaching, he was sure you'd be gushing about it to him several times over most meals you shared.
"Maybe he's hot."
"Or he's old and a creep."
"What if he's a pedo?!"
"Then he'd be fired Janet. Have you seen Ms Goodwin, cause she's scary."
"What if the 'Amok' is a woman?"
"Maybe she's hot."
"Or she's really nice and totally not strict."
"We'll have this year in the bag, easy."
"What if she'd like a young doctor? Look around us and there's plenty of young docs."
"Are you trying to get into her pants? Ew dude!"
"Heck yeah man!"
Now, Jay was ticked. These kids were speculating and it totally would've been fine if they weren't making such comments, especially about his wife. Will also caught on, rolling his eyes, sharing Jay's frustration.
While the students were surveying the ED as they gossiped, they lay eyes on Jay and before any comment could be made on his gorgeous appearance, they caught sight of his gun and badge sitting on his belt.
"Shit, what's a fed doing here?"
"He's hot."
"Him next to doctor Halstead, my ovaries."
"Shh, you're so loud!"
"Anyways, back to the sexy doctor we were talking bout..."
Jay scoffed, more than ready to go up to the kids so he could give them a piece of his mind. Normally, he would've let such petty things get under his skin but these students caught him on the wrong day.
Before Jay could even take a step towards the huddled group, from the corner of his eyes he found the only woman that he loved more than life itself.
You were back in your maroon scrubs, your surgical cap still on your head since you just came back from giving the wife the good news. With the brightest smile on your face, so bright that it could brighten up the darkest of rooms.
The students were obviously doing worse at whispering then they thought. At the same time, you found Jay and the med students that would be shadowing you for the next year.
At the sight of your husband, your smile only got bigger, almost chuckling at your handsome man who looked so delicious but even with most the tension gone from his body, you noticed his crossed arms. Your brother-in-law, who stood besides Jay, wasn't looking in your direction but instead, was glaring at the young adults.
Following his line of sight, you beamed at the students, your excitement causing your smile to widen even further than it already was. Before you could introduce yourself, only taking a few steps towards them, you caught them mid through their conversation.
"50 she'll flirt back."
"You're on."
"Don't be such pigs. The name 'Amok' sounds pretty masculine to me."
"Either way, they're going to kill us."
"That surgeon is hot."
Your smile fell faster than a pulse would if burst a vessel. It seemed that by doing so, you caught the attention of nearly the entire ED, everyone somehow sensing the sudden drop in your mood; the air must've shifted or something.
"And she's staring right at us."
"Oh shit."
"That's it, we're fucked."
"Oh my Gosh, it's her."
"It's been great knowing you guys."
"No it hasn't."
Raising your brows, you inspected the group of students heavily, finding it funny how they shrunk under your scrutinising eyes. It was somewhat entertaining watching them squirm but you'd have a better 'punishment' for them later down the line for their gossiping.
"I want you guys to stick by Maggie's hip. She wants something done, it gets done beyond outstanding standards. I don't care if she wants you getting coffee, you do it. Understood?" You said sternly, leaving no room for any objections.
In sync, they all nodded their heads, instantly agreeing with you even if they weren't happy with their given roles for their first day on the job.
With a smirk, you watched them scurry away towards the charge nurse who was waiting for them. A knowing look in her eyes, a hand on her hip as she smiled and winked at you from afar. You'd find yourself listening to her retell their day at Molly's tonight.
With the students out of your sight, you spun around and your face lit up at the sight of your husband. Despite the dark colours he wore in comparison to your brother-in-law, you noticed and ran to him first.
"Husband!" You wrapped your arms around him tightly, sighing in content when he enveloped you in his, his cologne drowning your senses. You briefly heard Will say something along the lines of no one cared about him before he left you two alone, something about he knew how single he was without it being shoved in his face.
"Wife." Jay kissed your temple, tightening his arms around you. He would proudly say it any day that he was proud of you and found it amusing to watch you boss around the younger doctors.
"How long have you been waiting?" You asked, pulling away from him but not too far so he could still have his arms around you. Hopefully he hadn't been waiting too long and you could still have lunch together before it got too late.
"Long enough to hate those kids guts." Jay pouted slightly, squinting his eyes almost threateningly in remembrance of what was said about you. "Was this close to telling them your the wife of a detective so they'd back off."
"My hero." You pretended to swoon, cheekily smiling at his faux hurt expression. "What would I do without you."
"Forget to eat your lunch, that's what." Jay said, indirectly reminding you that lunch still needed to be eaten.
"Yes! To the cafeteria we go." You smiled, pecking him on the cheek before grabbing his hand, intertwining your fingers with his so you could leave the ED together.
From the corner of your eye, you could feel several eyes following you and Jay as you left and without looking back, you knew who it was. You were sure that tomorrow, you'd be spoken to with much more respect and wariness than what you witnessed today.
The students wouldn't make that mistake again, especially in front of your husband.
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playbucky · 3 years
You have been Max’s friend since childhood, both of you becoming doctors and eventually working together in New Amsterdam. A/N – just a little short introductory one. Characters – Max, Reader, Helen. Word Count – 487.
‘Maybe you and me could hit the pubs like the old times, and get jaggy with it on the dance floors.” Max said behind you, you were shocked ‘I’m sorry but is Max Goodwin flirting?’ You asked, pulling back slightly watch as he lowered his head and his cheeks turned a light pink. ‘I thought you were too good for that?’ You teased him, he rolled his eyes before trying to reach forward but your pager went off. ‘I need to go, I’ll talk to you later.’ You told him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before jogging off.
‘Somethings in your mind.’ Helen said, you both sat shoulder to shoulder. ‘If someone was flirting with you would you respond?’ You asked her, she looked at you confused. ‘Depends who it was.’ She said, you raised an eyebrow for her to clarify. ‘If it was drunk at a bar, probably not but if it was someone I liked then yeah, well to the best of my abilities.’ She joked, you both giggled. ‘Do you like them?’ Helen questioned, you went silent for a second before nodding. ‘Yeah, they just come with a lot of eyes on them.’ You informed her, she nodded. ‘But would you put up with them?’ She asked, you fell silent for a second, you already were. Everyone came to you when they couldn’t find him or when they need him to be convinced. ‘Yeah, I would.’ You admitted, she smiled and tilted her head. ‘Then, you have your answer, flirt away.’ She said, you smiled slightly before turning back to the paperwork.
‘Hey I didn’t see you all day, I hope I didn’t scare you away.’ Max said, you shook your head and turned to him. ‘No, the patient was a lot more difficult than we originally thought so Helen and I had to talk and plan it out.’ You explained to him. ‘You should’ve asked for help.’ He said, you rose an eyebrow at him. ‘Max, you had the board meeting today, I can’t pull you out of them.’ You informed him. ‘I would’ve left.’ He admitted, you knew that. He would literally do anything for anyone rather than sit still. ‘Yeah, but then they would’ve hunted me down and ask where you are and why you left, it was easier to keep you in hell for a couple of hours.’ You informed him, he puffed his cheeks out. ‘Hell it was.’ He sighed. ‘So we aren’t on good terms with them?’ You asked him, he scrunched up his face. ‘We’re on a thin line.’ He told you, you pressed your lips together and sighed. ‘Pizza night?’ ‘Yeah, we just need to go get Luna.’ He stated, you nodded and gathered up the file you were working on, shutting it over and sliding it onto the small shelf. ‘Let’s go get my favourite Goodwin then.’ You said, Max chuckled behind you.
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Formalities Aside - Max Goodwin
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Summary: You like to keep things professional at work, but Max wants something more friendly. And you’re both rather stubborn about it. But one day can change everything.
Word Count: 777
Warnings: Some angst, with a little fluff, mention of patient death
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The last place you worked, coworkers weren’t friends. That’s just how it was. And you’d gotten used to that. You’d even grown to like it that way. There was far less drama in the workplace when there weren’t any friendships or rivalries to be had. Now, since you started working at New Amsterdam, it was a whole different story. Everyone seemed to be friends with everyone, and while you’re sure that had its perks, you still thought it best to remain just professional.
Being Dr. Goodwin's assistant, or deputy medical director, as he liked to refer to your position as, came with its fair share of challenges. He was always doing ten things at once, it seemed. You had to keep a brisk pace just to keep up with him in the halls.
You liked him well enough. He was a remarkable man, even if he did constantly wear himself too thin. You had to take frantic notes, some of which you could hardly read later, all in order to keep his schedule from getting crazier than he already made it.
"Dr. Goodwin," you began.
"Max," he corrected you for the thousandth time. He was always trying to get you to call him by his first name. He wasn’t nearly as fond of professionalism as you were, but his methods worked for him, and yours worked for you. You just had to get used to each other's way of thinking.
"Dr. Goodwin," you reiterated, and he sighed. What was it going to take for you to drop the formalities? But he let you continue this time. "You have a meeting in your office at one, and I was specifically told that if you were late, you would—"
"Let me guess, Karen, right?"
"Umm, yes. How did you know?"
"She’s one of the only people that threatens me."
"Right, well don’t be late, I guess."
With that you went about the rest of your day, checking in with Dr. Goodwin every time you were able to get thirty seconds with him, which wasn’t all that often most days.
Months later, he still couldn’t get you to use his first name, though now it was more out of stubbornness than anything. You were always pleasant with each other, but you still kept somewhat of a boundary between you and him, not trusting yourself to get close to him.
Then came the day from hell. Max got personally involved with a patient's case and in turn he dragged you right in with him. Dealing with patients was not your speciality. It never had been, that’s why you always went for administrative work. And the case took its toll on the both of you. It was a hopeless case to begin with, everyone involved knew that from the moment the patient came through the doors. But Dr. Goodwin had this way of giving people hope that just infected you all. When it ended in tragedy, it broke you all a little bit, but you it hit the hardest.
"I’m going to head home," you said to him, now at the end of your day. The last several hours had been excruciating. Ever since you lost the patient, it’s all you’d been able to think about. You just wanted to go home and rest, and forget today if at all possible.
Things were never that easy with Dr. Goodwin however. "Are you okay," he asked, and with those three simple words, the wall of tears you’d been holding back crumbled and you began to cry right there in his office. He jumped up from his chair, even though he’d only sat down for a minute all day, and rushed over to you. "Come here," he said gently, offering you his outstretched arms. At this point you were too broken to be stubborn about it. You let him hug you and you sobbed against his chest, little care for how much you were soaking his light blue scrub shirt. Maybe it wasn’t such a terrible thing to be friends. Right now you needed to let someone in, and who better than him?
"Thanks, Max," you whispered when your tears lessened and you were able to speak again. You couldn’t see his smile, but it was there just a fleeting moment. He’d been effected by the patient's death just as you had, so while hearing you say his name was a small victory, he was much more concerned for you, and still sad himself. So Max kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back. He’d finally gotten through to you. He’s just sorry it took such an awful experience to do it.
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Max Goodwin: @lilyontheloose, @flowercrowns-goodvibes
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
Am I ready throw it all away for Max Goodwin from New Amsterdam??
Yes. Yes I am.
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noellawrites · 4 years
A Blind Date With Max Goodwin
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"I don't date, Helen. It's just not my thing," Max stated simply.
"Max, come on. Give her a chance," Helen insisted. She had been trying to set you and Max up on a blind date for what seemed like months now.
You were an oncology nurse, and you and Max would always flirt with each other when he'd visit. Unfortunately, neither of you seemed to get the hint, which is where Helen comes in.
"I don't even know who you're setting me up with, how can I give her a chance?"
"Relax, Max. That's the point of a blind date. I promise you'll like her. Now go home and get dressed! Your princess awaits," Helen joked.
"Helen, what am I supposed to wear?" you sighed through the phone.
"Something dressy, don't overthink it. He'll love you in whatever you're wearing," Helen insisted.
"But Helen, I-" you began, as she hung up.
You sighed and put on your favorite dress, heading to a ritzy New York restaurant that you most definitely could not afford.
You were sitting at your table when you noticed a familiar face enter the restaurant.
"Max, hey! How are you doing?"
"Good, good. I'm actually supposed to meet someone here, but I'm not quite sure who," he laughed.
"That's funny, I'm meeting someone too- Helen," you groaned, Max's laughter chiming in.
"This is such a Helen thing to do. She probably noticed us flirting and set this up so we could finally make a move," you explained.
"She definitely knew I would've had a problem asking you out," Max agreed.
"What do you mean?"
"Not only are you incredibly attractive, but it could spell bad news to date a nurse. At least, with my position."
"Does me being your nurse mean that we can't go out?"
"Like I always say, rules are meant to be broken," Max grinned.
"You're like really, really hot," you slurred, as Max held you upright.
He opened your door and immediately spotted the bed in your studio apartment, walking you over to it and laying you down.
"I'm tired, I'm going to bed," you insisted, stripping your dress off and crawling under the covers.
"See you later, (y/n)."
"Wait, Max. Can you please stay the night?"
"I'll call Helen and see if she can pick Luna up from the babysitter," Max reluctantly agreed.
He saw your sad, puppy dog eyes and just had to give in.
"Helen deserves it," you murmured softly, Max's arm wrapped around your waist as you drifted to sleep.
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
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"So, how's your schedule for the day?" you asked, looking down at your patient's exams that had just came from the lab. When you got no answer, you frowned and stopped walking.
Turning around you saw that Max was no longer in the corridor which he had been walking down with you. You made your way back, only to see that he had opened the nearest door that was a conference room and had taken a sit.
"Hey, you're okay?" you went quickly towards him, worry taking control of your whole body.
"Yeah" he looked up at you with a forced smile, trying to be convincent but failing miserably. You knew he was in pain. And that hurted you so bad. "Everything's fine"
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
gif credit: @sextonsharpwinhalstead
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companionjones · 4 years
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Title: Dr. Max Goodwin
Come check out my page!
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venomsvl · 2 years
fandoms List
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Celebrities currently writing for
Harry Styles
Tom Holland
Andrew Garfield
Timothée Chalamet
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Characters currently writing for
× Marvel Universe
mcu!Peter Parker
tasm!Peter Parker
Loki Laufeyson
Avengers (Platonic!reader)
Tony Stark (only x daughter!reader)
× Harry Potter Universe 
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Regulus Black
Sirius Black
Marauders (Platonic!reader)
Newt Scamander
× Doctor Who BBC Universe
Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor 
Twelfth Doctor
× Criminal Minds Universe
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner (only x daughter!reader)
× DC Universe
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Titans (Platonic!reader)
× Anne With An E Universe
Gilbert Blythe
Cole Mackenzie
× Sherlock BBC Universe
Sherlock Holmes (only x sibling!reader)
Mycroft Holmes (only x sibling!reader)
× New Amsterdam
Max Goodwin
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𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤
hey besties, it means a lot to us that you want to ask us for something!! here, you will find what we write, who & what we write for, as well as our rules for requesting
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↳ what we write
headcanons - (characters, character x character ships, character x reader ships)
one shots
↳ fandoms & characters we write for
my hero academia —
‣ keigo takami
‣ katsuki bakugo
‣ hanta sero
‣ tamaki amajiki
‣ shoto todoroki
‣ hitoshi shinsou
‣ denki kaminari
‣ himiko toga
miraculous ladybug —
‣ marinette dupain cheng (ladybug)
‣ adrien agreste (chat noir)
‣ luka couffaine
jatp —
‣ alex mercer (platonic/familial)
‣ julie molina
‣ luke patterson
‣ reggie peters
marvel —
‣ bucky barnes
‣ peter parker
new amsterdam —
‣ casey
‣ helen sharpe
‣ lauren bloom 
‣ max goodwin 
outer banks —
‣ jj maybank
‣ kiara carrera
‣ pope heyward
‣ sarah cameron
the hunger games —
‣ finnick odair
‣ katniss everdeen
‣ peeta mellark
↳ rules
please request via ask and specify if you would like an imagine, headcanon, blurb or oneshot 
will likely do the requests that inspire us most first. also, please be considerate of our time- we will get your request out but it might take a while. one of us is a student with a part time job and the other has a full time job— we slow :’)
we will not take requests involving: discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation (unless it already fits canonically into the storyline or arc of shows and characters we write for); extremely dark themes
please remember: we are not obligated to complete any requests (if a request makes us uncomfortable or we’re completely uninspired, we’ll let you know)
we do nsfw but keep in mind our nsfw wills & wonts
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100kindsofblake · 4 years
this is really good but i haven’t wrote in a long time and i don’t know when i’ll have time!
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ki-irke · 1 year
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smashpages · 5 years
Winners announced for the 2019 Eisner Awards
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The winners were announced last night for the 2019 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards.
Tom King and Mitch Gerads, partners on the Mister Miracle series from DC, took home five awards between them. John Allison’s Giant Days and The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang also took home multiple awards.
The Eisner Awards also inducted 10 people into the Hall of Fame last night: the judges chose Jim Aparo, June Tarpé Mills, Dave Stevens and Morrie Turner, while voters chose José Luis García-López, Jenette Kahn, Paul Levitz, Wendy and Richard Pini, and Bill Sienkiewicz to join the class of 2019.
Other awards given out last night included the The Bill Finger Excellence In Comic Book Writing Award, which was presented to Mike Friedrich and the late E. Nelson Bridwell, and the Russ Manning Most Promising Newcomer Award, which went to Lorena Alvarez.
The 2019 recipients of the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award were Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, for his work on Ricanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico, and comic artist Tula Lotay, AKA Lisa Wood, for creating the UK-based Thought Bubble Festival. And La Revisteria Comics in Argentina won the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award.
You can see all the Eisner winners below, in bold.
Best Short Story
“Get Naked in Barcelona,” by Steven T. Seagle and Emei Olivia Burrell, in Get Naked (Image)
“The Ghastlygun Tinies,” by Matt Cohen and Marc Palm, in MAD magazine #4 (DC)
“Here I Am,” by Shaun Tan, in I Feel Machine (SelfMadeHero)
“Life During Interesting Times,” by Mike Dawson (The Nib), https://thenib.com/greatest-generation-interesting-times
“Supply Chains,” by Peter and Maria Hoey, in Coin-Op #7 (Coin-Op Books)
“The Talk of the Saints,” by Tom King and Jason Fabok, in Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Beneath the Dead Oak Tree, by Emily Carroll (ShortBox)
Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, by Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox (Dark Horse)
No Better Words, by Carolyn Nowak (Silver Sprocket)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310, by Chip Zdarsky (Marvel)
The Terrible Elisabeth Dumn Against the Devils In Suits, by Arabson, translated by James Robinson (IHQ Studio/ Image)
Best Continuing Series
Batman, by Tom King et al. (DC)
Black Hammer: Age of Doom, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and Rich Tommaso (Dark Horse)
Gasolina, by Sean Mackiewicz and Niko Walter (Skybound/Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julaa Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
The Immortal Hulk, by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José (Marvel)
Runaways, by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka (Marvel)
Best Limited Series
Batman: White Knight, by Sean Murphy (DC)
Eternity Girl, by Magdalene Visaggio and Sonny Liew (Vertigo/DC)
Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, by Mark Russell, Mike Feehan, and Mark Morales (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design: Second Genesis, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Bitter Root, by David Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Green (Image)
Crowded, by Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt (Image)
Gideon Falls, by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino (Image)
Isola, by Brenden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl (Image)
Man-Eaters, by Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk (Image)
Skyward, by Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Johnny Boo and the Ice Cream Computer, by James Kochalka (Top Shelf/IDW)
Petals, by Gustavo Borges (KaBOOM!)
Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths, by Graham Annable (First Second)
This Is a Taco! By Andrew Cangelose and Josh Shipley (CubHouse/Lion Forge)
Tiger Vs. Nightmare, by Emily Tetri (First Second)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Aquicorn Cove, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Be Prepared, by Vera Brosgol (First Second)
The Cardboard Kingdom, by Chad Sell (Knopf/Random House Children’s Books)
Crush, by Svetlana Chmakova (JY/Yen Press)
The Divided Earth, by Faith Erin Hicks (First Second)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13–17)
All Summer Long, by Hope Larson (Farrar Straus Giroux)
Gumballs, by Erin Nations (Top Shelf/IDW)
Middlewest, by Skottie Young and Jorge Corona (Image)
Norroway, Book 1: The Black Bull of Norroway, by Cat Seaton and Kit Seaton (Image)
The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang (First Second)
Watersnakes, by Tony Sandoval, translated by Lucas Marangon (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Humor Publication
Get Naked, by Steven T. Seagle et al. (Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julia Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
MAD magazine, edited by Bill Morrison (DC)
A Perfect Failure: Fanta Bukowski 3, by Noah Van Sciver (Fantagraphics)
Woman World, by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Anthology
Femme Magnifique: 50 Magnificent Women Who Changed the World, edited by Shelly Bond (Black Crown/IDW)
Puerto Rico Strong, edited by Marco Lopez, Desiree Rodriguez, Hazel Newlevant, Derek Ruiz, and Neil Schwartz (Lion Forge)
Twisted Romance, edited by Alex de Campi (Image)
Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas, edited by Will Dennis, curated by J. H. Williams III and Wendy Wright-Williams (Image)
Best Reality-Based Work
All the Answers: A Graphic Memoir, by Michael Kupperman (Gallery 13)
All the Sad Songs, by Summer Pierre (Retrofit/Big Planet)
Is This Guy For Real? The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman, by Box Brown (First Second)
Monk! by Youssef Daoudi (First Second)
One Dirty Tree, by Noah Van Sciver (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—New
Bad Girls, by Alex de Campi and Victor Santos (Gallery 13)
Come Again, by Nate Powell (Top Shelf/IDW)
Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1, by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman (DC)
Homunculus, by Joe Sparrow (ShortBox)
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Image)
Sabrina, by Nick Drnaso (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Berlin, by Jason Lutes (Drawn & Quarterly)
Girl Town, by Carolyn Nowak (Top Shelf/IDW)
Upgrade Soul, by Ezra Claytan Daniels (Lion Forge)
The Vision hardcover, by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Michael Walsh (Marvel)
Young Frances, by Hartley Lin (AdHouse Books)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation, adapted by Ari Folman and David Polonsky (Pantheon)
“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, in Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection, adapted by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Out in the Open by Jesús Carraso, adapted by Javi Rey, translated by Lawrence Schimel (SelfMadeHero)
Speak: The Graphic Novel, by Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily Carroll (Farrar Straus Giroux)
To Build a Fire: Based on Jack London’s Classic Story, by Chabouté (Gallery 13)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
About Betty’s Boob, by Vero Cazot and Julie Rocheleau, translated by Edward Gauvin (Archaia/BOOM!)
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World, by Pénélope Bagieu (First Second)
Herakles Book 1, by Edouard Cour, translated by Jeremy Melloul (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Niourk, by Stefan Wul and Olivier Vatine, translated by Brandon Kander and Diana Schutz (Dark Horse)
A Sea of Love, by Wilfrid Lupano and Grégory Panaccione (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Abara: Complete Deluxe Edition, by Tsutomu Nihei, translated by Sheldon Drzka (VIZ Media)
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, by Inio Asano, translated by John Werry (VIZ Media)
Laid-Back Camp, by Afro, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (Yen Press)
My Beijing: Four Stories of Everyday Wonder, by Nie Jun, translated by Edward Gauvin (Graphic Universe/Lerner)
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, by Akiko Higashimura (Kodansha)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Pogo, vol. 5: Out of This World At Home, by Walt Kelly, edited by Mark Evanier and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Sunday Strips in Color (1959–1960), by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Ferran Delgado (Amigo Comics)
Star Wars: Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 3, by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson, edited by Dean Mullaney (Library of American Comics/IDW)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Words and Worlds of Herbert Crowley, by Justin Duerr (Beehive Books
Thimble Theatre and the Pre-Popeye Comics of E. C. Segar, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman Deluxe Edition, edited by Paul Levitz (DC)
Bill Sienkiewicz’s Mutants and Moon Knights… And Assassins… Artifact Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Dirty Plotte: The Complete Julie Doucet (Drawn & Quarterly)
Madman Quarter Century Shindig, by Mike Allred, edited by Chris Ryall (IDW)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, edited by Joseph Melchior and Bob Chapman (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, edited by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Tom King, Batman, Mister Miracle, Heroes in Crisis, Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Doctor Star & the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse); Descender, Gideon Falls, Royal City (Image)
Mark Russell, Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, Green Lantern/Huckleberry Hound, Lex Luthor/Porky Pig (DC); Lone Ranger (Dynamite)
Kelly Thompson, Nancy Drew (Dynamite); Hawkeye, Jessica Jones, Mr. & Mrs. X, Rogue & Gambit, Uncanny X-Men, West Coast Avengers (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man, Marvel Two-in-One (Marvel)
Best Writer/Artist
Sophie Campbell, Wet Moon (Oni)
Nick Drnaso, Sabrina (Drawn & Quarterly)
David Lapham, Lodger (Black Crown/IDW); Stray Bullets (Image)
Nate Powell, Come Again (Top Shelf/IDW)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Jen Wang, The Prince and the Dressmaker (First Second)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Matías Bergara, Coda (BOOM!)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Sonny Liew, Eternity Girl (Vertigo/DC)
Sean Phillips, Kill or Be Killed, My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies (Image)
Yanick Paquette, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Lee Bermejo, Batman: Damned (DC)
Carita Lupatelli, Izuna Book 2 (Humanoids)
Dustin Nguyen, Descender (Image)
Gregory Panaccione, A Sea of Love (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers)
Jen Bartel, Blackbird (Image); Submerged (Vault)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Joshua Middleton, Batgirl and Aquaman variants (DC)
Julian Tedesco, Hawkeye, Life of Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Jordie Bellaire, Batgirl, Batman (DC); The Divided Earth (First Second); Days of Hate, Dead Hand, Head Lopper, Redlands (Image); Shuri, Doctor Strange (Marvel)
Tamra Bonvillain, Alien 3 (Dark Horse); Batman, Doom Patrol (DC); Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Multiple Man (Marvel)
Nathan Fairbairn, Batman, Batgirl, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC); Die!Die!Die! (Image)
Matt Hollingsworth, Batman: White Knight (DC): Seven to Eternity, Wytches (Image)
Matt Wilson, Black Cloud, Paper Girls, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); The Mighty Thor, Runaways (Marvel)
Best Lettering
David Aja, Seeds (Berger Books/Dark Horse)
Jim Campbell, Breathless, Calexit, Gravetrancers, Snap Flash Hustle, Survival Fetish, The Wilds (Black Mask); Abbott, Alice: Dream to Dream, Black Badge, Clueless, Coda, Fence, Firefly, Giant Days, Grass Kings, Lumberjanes: The Infernal Compass, Low Road West, Sparrowhawk (BOOM); Angelic (Image); Wasted Space (Vault)
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Jared Fletcher, Batman: Damned (DC); The Gravediggers Union, Moonshine, Paper Girls, Southern Bastards (Image)
Todd Klein— Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald (Dark Horse); Batman: White Night (DC); Eternity Girl, Books of Magic (Vertigo/DC); The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest (Top Shelf/IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/ Journalism
Note: There was a tie in this category
Back Issue, edited by Michael Eury (TwoMorrows)
The Columbus Scribbler, edited by Brian Canini, columbusscribbler.com
Comicosity, edited by Aaron Long and Matt Santori,  www.comicosity.com
LAAB Magazine #0: Dark Matter, edited by Ronald Wimberley and Josh O’Neill (Beehive Books)
PanelxPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Comic Book Implosion: An Oral History of DC Comics Circa 1978, by Keith Dallas and John Wells (TwoMorrows)
Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists, by Martha H. Kennedy (University Press of Mississippi)
The League of Regrettable Sidekicks, by Jon Morris (Quirk Books)
Mike Grell: Life Is Drawing Without an Eraser, by Dewey Cassell with Jeff Messer (TwoMorrows)
Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography—Beyond the Fantasy, by Florent Gorges, translated by Laure Dupont and Annie Gullion (Dark Horse)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
Between Pen and Pixel: Comics, Materiality, and the Book of the Future, by Aaron Kashtan (Ohio State University Press)
Breaking the Frames: Populism and Prestige in Comics Studies, by Marc Singer (University of Texas Press)
The Goat-Getters: Jack Johnson, the Fight of the Century, and How a Bunch of Raucous Cartoonists Reinvented Comics, by Eddie Campbell (Library of American Comics/IDW/Ohio State University Press)
Incorrigibles and Innocents, by Lara Saguisag (Rutgers Univeristy Press)
Sweet Little C*nt: The Graphic Work of Julie Doucet, by Anne Elizabeth Moore (Uncivilized Books)
Best Publication Design
A Sea of Love, designed by Wilfrid Lupano, Grégory Panaccione, and Mike Kennedy (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
The Stan Lee Story Collector’s Edition, designed by Josh Baker (Taschen)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Worlds of Herbert Crowley, designed by Paul Kepple and Max Vandenberg (Beehive Books)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, designed by Josh Beatman/Brainchild Studios/NYC (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Aztec Empire, by Paul Guinan, Anina Bennett, and David Hahn, www.bigredhair.com/books/Aztec-empire/
The Führer and the Tramp, by Sean McArdle, Jon Judy, and Dexter Wee, http://thefuhrerandthetramp.com/
The Journey, by Pablo Leon (Rewire), https://rewire.news/article/2018/01/08/rewire-exclusive-comic-journey/
The Stone King, by Kel McDonald and Tyler Crook (comiXology Originals)  https://cmxl.gy/Stone-King
Umami, by Ken Niimura (Panel Syndicate), http://panelsyndicate.com/comics/umami
Best Webcomic
The Contradictions, by Sophie Yanow, www.thecontradictions.com
Lavender Jack, by Dan Schkade (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/lavender-jack/list?title_no=1410&page=1
Let’s Play, by Mongie (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/letsplay/list?title_no=1218&page=1
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/list?title_no=1320&page=1
Tiger, Tiger, by Petra Erika Nordlund, (Hiveworks) http://www.tigertigercomic.com/
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Max Goodwin Fluff Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Max is very affectionate and quite casual with it as well. A peck on the cheek as you pass him in the hall, some words of encouragement throughout the day, just small things that never fail to lift your mood.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
Max would find some shortened version of your name to use a lot. But he’s not really the type to use the classic pet names like babe, or hon too much.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Max loves to cuddle. Lying next to you with your head on his chest is his favorite. He’s also a fan of you snuggling up to him on the couch under a blanket while watching a movie.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? What would they think about living together?)
Max definitely wants to settle down. He’s always on the run, and you provide him that little bit of calm he needs to stay sane. Living together might be a bit of an adjustment, but it’ll all work out because you love each other.
E = Emotion (How are they with showing emotion in public versus private?)
Max is pretty much an open book anywhere. He’s less likely to break down and cry in public, but his heart is on his sleeve and it’s not hard to tell what he’s feeling, even if he doesn’t let it all out in the moment.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
He’s somewhere in the middle of smooth and awkward. He’s naturally charming, even if he does come off like a bumbling idiot when trying to flirt.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
Max loves giving you little gifts. Nothing ostentatious, just small trinkets he found while thinking of you, or that made him think of you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He does like to hug. Sometimes it’s very gentle, but other times he’ll trap you in the biggest bear hug he can muster. He just loves the feeling of you close and in his arms.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Max says it probably too fast and may even take it back, claiming he shouldn’t have rushed into it. Love is something he hasn’t fully realized he’s ready for again, but when he says it that second time, you can rest assured he means it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Max doesn’t get jealous very easily. When he does, he handles it pretty calmly. If he sees someone flirting with you, he’ll step in and put an arm around your shoulder, just as a casual, non confrontational warning sign.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Max is a great kisser. You always feel giddy after he kisses you. He adores kissing your wrists, your cheeks and your lips the most. Sometimes his stubble will tickle you as he kisses you and leave you giggling.
L = Little ones (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
Max is phenomenal with children. He’s a perfect dad for Luna, even though he doubts himself. He’d definitely want another kid or two of his own with you down the road, but it’s not something he feels the need to rush into.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
Max met you at New Amsterdam. That is where he spends a good amount of his time after all. You were visiting someone who was a patient and you ran into him in the cafeteria. You hit it off right away and he knew he couldn’t let you leave the hospital without asking for your number.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
Max is great at taking care of you when you’re sick or injured. He is a doctor after all. He may get a little distracted when he’s supposed to be going and getting you something you’ve requested, but he always gets around to it eventually.
O = Out (What’s a typical date night with them like?)
Usually take out and a movie night is a good enough date for you both, as Max doesn’t often have the luxury of time to take you out to someplace fancy. Though, he certainly will plan Valentine's Day and other such occasions far in advance just to treat you.
P = Propose (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Max is no commitment-phobe. He does want to get married again, but he’s not about to rush himself into it. He’d want to be 100% sure about you before popping the question.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
The way Max smiles and looks at the ground is such a cute little mannerism of his. You don’t even know if he’s aware that he does it, but every time he does you just smile.
R = Routine (What does a typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?)
Simply put; chaos. Max is almost always in some state of chaos. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes stressful. A typical day is hardly ever typical with him. But you can always count on him being there and giving you a kiss good morning and/or goodnight.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
He’s protective, of course he is, but he’s not insane about it. He mostly just wants to know you’re safe and if you ever feel unsafe, he knows you’ll call him and he’ll come running.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in as much effort as he can, which he does with most things. He may burn out sometimes, but even when he can’t put in his usual amount of effort, he still manages to make you feel special.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a partner?)
Max is unique in the fact that no matter what life throws at him, he never forgets a birthday, a holiday or an anniversary. Even if he can’t spend the day with you, he’ll leave you a card, or flowers or something to show that he remembers and that he cares.
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like when they do open up?)
Max is pretty vulnerable around you early on. He just innately trusts you and he tends to follow his instincts, so he’ll open up and tell you about himself freely.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
Max doesn’t love to wear suits, but he will for you. You always tell him how handsome he looks in them, so for special occasions he’ll put one on and take you out.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Max is always thinking of you. Even when he’s super busy, he’ll stop to buy something small that he thinks you’ll like, or call you just to hear your voice when he has a free moment.
Y = You (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
Max needs someone who is flexible and very go with the flow. His life is often hectic and he’d want someone who could handle that and ground him a little so he doesn’t overdo it.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Max is a very heavy sleeper most nights, though if anything is wrong with Luna, he’s the first to wake up and take notice. It’s like a superpower of his.
For anon
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Max Goodwin: @lilyontheloose, @flowercrowns-goodvibes
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
Weekend Plans!
It’s a bank holiday on Monday in the UK which means I have an extra day off from work! I can finally post more than twice in one weekend!
Proposed fics for this weekend:
Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader - pure fluff, lots of soft, happy Bucky.
Colin Bridgerton x Female!Reader - pure fluff, lots of soft, happy moments.
Malcolm Bright x Female!Reader - soft fluff.
An undecided, unplanned and untitled HP fic.
Taglists are open! Drop me an ask if you would like to be added.
I’m also getting closer and closer to 4.5k which is so exciting! I’ve got my celebration planned and I’m very happy with it.
Furthermore, I’m thinking of expanding into two more fandoms - Peaky Blinders and New Amsterdam. Let me know if any of you would read fics for either of those fandoms? Thanks!
As always, wishing you all a wonderful day!
Millie xx
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noellawrites · 4 years
New Amsterdam Masterlist
Casey Acosta
Lauren Bloom
In Your Arms
Max Goodwin
Blind Date
Iggy Frome
Helen Sharpe
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