revvethasmythh · 3 months
Thinking about Caleb “I-use-people’s-full-names-to-show-intimacy” Widogast and the way he calls Veth “Veth the Brave.” It’s not all the time—it’s rarely used, actually, saved for specific moments, only when he’s using the fondest of tones, with the most admiration, and how calling her that is more intimate than just “Veth Brenatto.” Because Veth the Brave is both of her identities. It’s Nott and it’s Veth, it’s their co-mingling, it’s her in her entirety. Veth the Brave. That’s why it’s so intimate, because he is speaking to all of who she is
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Something that drives me absolutely crazy about Jon and Rickon is that while the rest of the Stark kids love Jon, they’re all too cognizant of his “otherness”. Robb, Bran, and Arya love him as one would love any brother, but he’s always separated from the rest of the family: Ned Stark had five children, and then a sixth who was separate. And even when the Stark kids think of the direwolves, Ghost is always set apart from the rest of them. We’re always reminded that six pups were found in the snow, five huddled together and one who was white as snow separate from the rest of them.
But Jon is not separate in Rickon’s mind. During the royal feast, at an occasion where the social schism between the Stark children is all too apparent, Rickon is too caught up on “where’s Jon? Why is he not here among us? Why is he separate? He should be here!” And we see this when he waddled to where Jon was sitting with the squires, only leaving when big brother set him back on the path to the dais, thus enforcing a social boundary that he himself was not aware of. And the crazy thing is, Rickon is a bit of an other in a way. Shaggy, Rickon’s familiar, is not brown or grey like the other wolves. He’s black with green eyes, a visual representation of northern mysticism just as Jon’s Ghost is.
And it’s going to come to a head when Jon’s true parentage is revealed to the world. And Ghost’s difference becomes even more pronounced. But what a stark (pun intended) reminder it will be to know that Jon is not alone, and he is wholly accepted just as he is. Rickon is so young and full of ignorance. But that childish ignorance could go a long way, especially in reminding a very insecure Jon that he does indeed belong, all differences be damned.
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sergle · 7 months
I had breast reduction surgery like two weeks ago and I've been having some small yellow leaking with no pain or odor, and I've read it's supposed to be like liquified fat, but it's still kinda scary (Dr knows this happened but didn't really say anything about it—)
Did you experience anything similar?
Nope!! But it IS normal. Tons of the ppl in the breast surgery group I'm in have had the exact same thing! It's just drainage. I don't know if it's fat, or lymphatic fluid, but this is exactly what would be siphoning out of your boobs if you had drains put in! I didn't have drains, and I was sewn together pretty tight / I closed up fast, so I didn't have anyplace for it to drain, lol, my boobs just FILLED UP for like the first week before my body processed it all internally. anyway. you're all good!! it's not infected, if that's what you're worried about. You'll be going through a lot of gauze while this sorts itself out. EDIT: also congrats on your reduction!!!!! 🎉🎉 EDIT EDIT: If your doc didn't already give you Goo instructions, I was given a lot of goos to put on my incisions, and this is the one they gave me to use for the first 5 weeks. It might help you Close Up a little quicker!
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heymeowmao · 11 months
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尘缘 | Divine Destiny E6 ° No matter how hard the path is, I will never leave.
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vickyvicarious · 10 months
I love the music this episode. So foreboding for the Demeter section, and then so light and charming for Mina.
Speaking of Mina, I love how she opens with Lucy "looking sweeter and lovelier than ever" - because obviously, Lucy looking sweet and lovely at all times is a given, she's just more so currently. ^_^ She has some lovely descriptions, reminiscent of Jonathan - she too is painting a word-picture for him to possibly read later. But it soon diverts into history and legend and spookiness, because of course it does, she enjoys that stuff. ...actually, graveyards being treated almost like public parks wasn't that uncommon at the time I think, but it's still fun and her interest in spooky stories is apparent elsewhere in the entry too. I love how Mina is planning to come back here and work often: it's that preparation for the future again. She's so eager to get started, and possibly in a little bit of the 'I'm going to get so much done this summer' phase, though I have way more faith in her ability to stick to the plan than my own. But she really is obviously excited to build up her skills (presumably working on typing and stenography) and I love how you can really feel her effort (and her enjoyment in the effort) to be like lady journalists here. All those descriptions and interviewing Mr. Swales...
Speaking of Mr. Swales, he sounds so sweet. Lovable grandpa acquired; well done Mina!
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Is R.M. Renfield still your devoted servant? how do you know eachother? What caused him to go mad?
Im not familiar with this Mr. Renfield at this time but your comment interests me. Perhaps I'll go out of my way to meet him when I travel to England. My estate will be near a asylum I believe.
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tishinada · 9 days
US politics and history time for a moment...
The people who want to claim that voting for Biden would mean they supported genocide remind me a great deal of the people in the 1830s - 1860s in the North who wanted immediate abolition because they believed slavery was a sin and God would hold them guilty of that sin if they didn't oppose slavery. This sometimes resulted in them supporting 3rd party candidates that, SURPRISE!, did nothing but push the election toward the most rabid pro-slavery candidates.
You know what most of those moral anti-slavery people didn't care about? What happened to Black Americans. They were concerned only about their own guilt, not Black Americans' welfare.
None of these people making this a moral issue now show any signs of caring what happens to Palestinians OR to all of the other groups that will suffer if the dumpster wins instead.
Biden can't wave his hand and make it go away because the US doesn't have unilateral power worldwide (though some Americans seem to believe that, sigh.) There are limits on his powers, especially since he has to negotiate with a hostile House of Representatives. He has chosen what is actually a pretty effective route and fought for at least some aid to get to Palestinians. And currently he has *some* leverage with the Israelis.
The question you should be asking yourself if you really care about genocide is which choice will do the most to help the Palestinians? Do you really think the dumpster would do even as much as Biden? Or would he be actively helping them and every other imperialist country (*cough*Russia*cough*)? And who else will suffer if he wins that would not under Biden?
If that isn't what matters most to you, then you're no different from the moral abolitionists and other Northerners who wanted slavery restricted (because it depressed wages for free white men) but also wanted to make it illegal for African Americans to move into new states like Ohio and Indiana and Illinois (racism and fears of wage competition.) Or to ship them to Africa, no matter how many generations had been in the US?
It's not idealism. You're self-centered and egotistical and actively choosing evil if you think "punishing" Biden is the result of not voting.
Vote pragmatically. Vote strategically. Vote with the welfare of the most people possible in mind.
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tatatatatara · 10 months
Kaneki is an example of wasted talent due to neglect and childhood trauma. That boy is extremely intelligent and literally can do anything if he put his mind into it (martial arts, cooking, kagune manipulation, make up, quinque using...) yet he was taught to never ask for anything or express his talents.
This is just a headcanon but I believe when his aunt accused him of "making fun of her" just because he had the perfect score in every subjects, he intentionally kept his grades low so the aunt would continue to 'take care' of him.
Can you imagine how much he would accomplish if he was raised in a healthy environment?
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I'd like to add to your absolutely beautiful response about Taylor's music and the conversation about it. Thank you for sharing.💚 I like to say that Taylor's music allows me to both better understand myself and to escape myself if I need to. I can listen to Better Man and think about going no contact with my father or think about Taylors experience with Jake if its too hurtful for me in that moment.
That duality is the IT factor for me in her music and I can't imagine it without it.
Friend what an equally beautiful and thoughtful and REAL thing to share. Yes x1000000000
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[ID: an illustration of Delores as a mermaid swimming in a pool and looking at Five. It is a distant overhead shot in 3 point perspective. They are in the ruins of what might be a courtyard or a bathhouse. The color palette is made of teals, oranges, pinks, and yellows. Also in the ruins are a handful of trees and plants, a stone bench, and a frieze of a mermaid. End ID.]
i dont really know what this is. why is delores a mermaid? what is this building? why is there a mermaid in it? what does this have to do with the umbrella academy? where did five find a mermaid? all of these questions and more are completely unanswered and you can decide for yourself. i just wanted to draw a mermaid, and tile, and five and delores, and a statue, all at the same time. enjoy!
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cannibal-nightmares · 3 months
re-animator is such a silly movie but it also goes so hard. it's stupid but it's also genius. corny but brilliant. it was ahead of it's time and it also shows it's age. its a horror flick but no its actually a comedy. it's profound and also not that deep. it's disgusting and then it's more disgusting. its uncomfortably over the top and then its necessarily so. it's the most cishet movie you can think of until you realize it's also utterly queer. i love it but dont recommend it. oh and there's a sequel.
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soshadysoquiet · 6 months
2 Tone 5
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My first attempts at drawing baby!Five for a request, I wanted to get this up but I do intend to draw more of this little nightmare as I want to improve and didn't intend it to become entirely Diego & Five. Please enjoy this in the interim!
Request was for baby-Five (3-4 months which, well, I think I need to work on!) with white hair and space themed onesie. I had to include a copy of him with his dark hair though, for my enjoyment. Context for this is that Five does have his adult memories.
Also I didn't word this piece but basically: 'I won't tell our siblings you played with knives if you don't tell them I left them out, deal?'
*Please keep knives away from the younglings in case anyone thinks I'm endorsing child endangerment I am Not!
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
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its-ok-to-smile · 9 months
Depressing Headcannon: What if before the accident; Fizz had Alex Brightman's normal voice. But the fire also damaged his vocal-chords.
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muffinlance · 2 years
Baby Linguistics
Mini-Muffin: Dada should cough
The Dada in Question: Why should I cough?
Mini-Muffin: Because dada is drinking coffee
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mallgothed · 5 months
ok… season 3 episode 20. what the HELL was all of that about. house pretends to be interested in buying a condo so he can interrogate wilson’s realtor ex-wife about how and why she fell in love with wilson. yknow like a normal guy would. but then later she yells at house and says that he broke up her marriage to wilson and that their misbehaving dog’s name is a reference to him. this is the same dog she’s trying to get wilson to adopt btw. also wilson and cuddy accidentally go to a bdsm photography exhibit while the ex compares house to wilson’s dog. THIS EPISODE IS CALLED HOUSE TRAINING. david shore when i get my hands on you… 
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