#helluva boss episode 6
sweet-marigold · 1 month
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Page 1! Takes place immediately after the fire in oops :)
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helluvahole · 7 months
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I love the Gay Sit™
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lampylamperson · 8 months
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You cannot fucking do that to me
That’s fucking evil
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its-ok-to-smile · 8 months
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thatonesoso · 8 months
Beginning of Helluva Boss Episode 6:
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The backstory + that one moment near the end:
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The rest of the episode:
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blitzo-s-horse-fetish · 6 months
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Beelzebub, or simply Bee. She is really, despite what I expected, a nice and cool character. I really, sincerely like her. And of course she is very pretty, like all the girls from Helluva Boss. Like, I don't know. I just like her. I hope it shows up again soon.
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noxdetox · 7 months
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Helluva Boss D.H.O.R.K.S stands for "Detective Headquarters Of Regal Kock Suckers". Yes, Cock with a K.
(also I made this up so it's not serious lol)
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piezlity · 2 years
Blitzo's Drug Trip Psychological Analisis (Unfinished)
This is an unfinished draft post I made about Blitz's drug trip, as I lost motivation to continue writing it. Keep in mind that this is just a rough draft, so everything might not be perfect. <3
I think Moxxie being very haughty here is reminiscent of how Blitz thinks that Moxxie is more competent than him. He feels like the only reason Moxxie is bad at his job is because of him. He also believes that Moxxie (and Mille) is much better off without him. Moxxie here uses complex language that Blitz doesn’t understand (Which, apparently he does on a subconscious level,  because everything Moxxie is saying here comes directly from Blitz’s own mind). 
Then we pan out to there being three mud demons, one pink, one orange, and one gray
Eventually, each of these mud demons take the shape of another helluva boss character. Pink being Verosica, orange being Striker and gray being Vizzaroli. Each of these demons taking the form of a character/color represent one of Blitz’s fears and insecurities. The pink one representing his fear of intimacy, hence why Verosica is transforms into this demon. The orange demon represents his fear of being alone, with Striker being this one. Lastly, the gray one represents the fear of his past in the circus (or just his past in general), Vizzaroli being the perfect one to represent. 
Then, Moxxie’s all like, “You’re useless without me and Mille, you drag us along because you can’t do it on your own'' (paraphrase) and then Blitz is all like “Nuh-uh” and Moxxie’s like “Uh-huh”. Then apparently Blitz’s subconscious had enough of the back and forth, because the orange mud demon grabs Blitz by the neck, and shoves him on the ground. 
    The mud demon transforms into Striker, and Striker says “because you don’t wanna do it alone Blitzo”. Now it’s a little strange how Striker calls Blitz “Blitzo” when they met way after Blitz changed his name. Striker shouldn’t even know Blitz even used to be called Blitzo (unless his name got around during his performance days) . Well, obviously this completely takes place in Blitz’s subconscious and it’s not the real Striker talking to him, But the fact that dream Striker calls him Blitzo rather than just Blitz is pretty telling. This tells us the way Blitz sees himself, He still sees himself as that little clown who is lost and alone (this is represented in the outfit he’s wearing). “Blitz” is his current I.M.P assassin self, but “Blitzo” was his past clown self. Blitz cut the “O” off the end of his name entirely, just to distance himself from his past, but clearly it’s not working because he still sees himself the same way.
     The question could also be asked, why Striker is in Blitz’s hallucination in the first place when they just met for the first time a few episodes ago (unlike the other people in his trip). Well, for starters, what Striker said to Blitz back in episode five really got to him. You can see the look on Blitz’s face in the episode itself, he was really considering Striker’s offer, but not because of the classism issue. Based on what Striker said to Blitz in his hallucination, we can pinpoint the reason why Striker really appeared in Blitz’s trip. Striker said “Because you don’t wanna do it alone”, this is why Blitz was really interested in Striker's advances in episode five. Blitz has an extreme fear of being alone, that’s why he relies on Mille and Moxxie to help carry the I.M.P team (Sure, having co workers is necessary for a business to succeed, but Blitz relies on them an overabundant amount). The power imbalance thing was something to take into consideration, but what was really appealing to Blitzo was the idea of working together with Striker, hence why Striker specifically was the one to bring it up in the hallucination.
     Then an eighties cartoon looking Vizzaroli grabs Blitz, he says “You tried the solo act! it didn't work out so well”. There’s not much to this sentence by itself, it's pretty self explanatory. I did find this interesting for one reason though, because put together with what Striker said, the sentence is “You don’t wanna do things alone Blitzo *BECAUSE* you tried the solo act and it didn’t work out so well”. Using this we can assume Blitz’s solo act was one of the main reasons for his fear of being alone. (For those who don’t know, Blitz’s solo act was the main thing fans assumed that drove his life downhill, as there being memorabilia representing that night all over Blitz’s office. None of the fans know what exactly happened that night, but whatever happened was not good, and Blitz developed severe trauma and possibly physical scars due to that night.) 
     Vizzaroli throws Blitz on the ground, leaving Verosica to berate him. Versoica is different because unlike Striker and Vizzaroli she drops bars. She says “Yet you push everyone away that gets too close until they resent you for being a selfish, shitty, shit fuck”. It’s fitting that Verosica would say that, considering she was his girlfriend at one time, and is one of the people most affected by Blitzo’s intimacy issues. Verosica, like the girlboss she is, calls Blitz out on his shit. For those who don’t know this sentence is referring to Blitzo’s fear of intimacy. Blitz will push people close to him away, before they can push him away first, because he’s afraid of them not loving him. That’s pretty much a basic explanation of it.
   Blitzo then escapes from Verosica by running up a nearby staircase. This staircase happens to have Stolas at the top, who says “Are you afraid to love people, Blitzy?”. This is referring to how Blitz is afraid to love people (much like his fear of intimacy) because he’s afraid of them not loving him back. Stolas is the one to say this in the hallucination, because Blitz wants to love Stolas but he thinks Stolas only wants him for sex. Blitz sees himself as unlovable, he figures it’s impossible for someone to love him, so he assumes Stolas only sees him as a plaything and not as a possible lover. 
    Blitz then tries to climb up the muddy staircase but Stolas’ feathers clean the stairs and allow Blitz to walk up with ease. Blitzo sees this as Stolas allowing him access to the book. Without Stolas allowing him Blitz would have no book, or worse. Stolas being on the top of the staircase represents the power dynamic between Blitz and Stolas. Real Stolas obviously doesn’t see the power imbalance because he isn’t affected by it, but Blitzo sees Stolas as far above him in this relationship. As Stolas could remove his book privileges on the drop of a hat, or even kill him if he wanted to. 
     As Blitz walks up the staircase shackles are placed on his wrists and ankles, however the mud demons stop attacking Blitzo in the process. This represents how Blitz feels like Stolas is a place he can go to in order to escape his troubles, but he also feels like Stolas is trapping him in the relationship. Blitz feels like he has no other option but to submit to Stolas, but to have sex with him every month. Blitz feels like Stolas holds all the power in the relationship, (When in actuality, Stolas holds societal and hierarchical power over Blitz, but Blitz holds emotional power over Stolas). He also feels like Stolas is the only safe place he can go in his life, to just forget about his problems.  
    Blitz transforms from his old Vizzaroli clown outfit to his regular I.M.P outfit, all the while, Moxxie is absolutely calling him out. Mans said, “ I believe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy, but... also crave it as well. It's rather unfortunate, sir, considering it's often how you treat those who stand by you... such as myself.”, Which, in itself, is a bar.  Dream sequence Moxxie is a menace. I don’t really feel the need to explain this sentence, since it's pretty much self explanatory.
Moxxie grabs a feather off the ground, and then becomes absolutely stylish. Which might be weird upon first glance, but after careful inspection it’s not that strange. We saw that in the dream sequence, Stolas’ feathers are magical. The feathers cleaned the stairs, changed Blitz’s outfit, and put Moxxie in a dress. Stolas’s feathers make things better, make them their best selves. Blitz went from being a clown, to being normal Blitz after the feathers touched him. So, when Moxxie went from normal Moxxie to in a dress when the feathers touched him, that’s pretty telling. Blitz thinks Moxxie is comfortable in a dress, Moxxie’s arc is clearly going to be him becoming more comfortable with expressing himself. In Blitz’s dream, Stolas’ feathers make people their best selves, so Blitz thinks Moxxie would be his best self if he were wearing a dress. (We have more evidence of this, in episode four, when Moxxie was crossdressing. he was really getting into it. He seemed more comfortable in that instance. Slay Moxxie)
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
I will never understand why the fandom hyped up Blitz’s “character development” in episode 6 of Helluva Boss when episode 7 practically threw all of that away just for the sake of the plot. (And yet no one was bothered by it or seemed to care.) Before I rant about that though, let’s talk about the character development in episode 6 as a whole because whoo boy it was bad.
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In episode 6, after Blitz and Moxxie get forced to inhale a truth gas that makes them speak nothing but the truth, they both are in their own little worlds, with the other taunting them. Blitz ridicules moxxie in his Phantom of the Opera fantasy, and Moxxie talks down on Blitz in his lonely clown world. The episode showcases how each character feels towards one another. Moxxie doesn’t understand why Blitz is so cruel, and Blitz feels helpless apparently that he can’t do anything without someone, and how he feels he’ll be alone at the same time. I’ve said this before, but most of the character development here didn’t even add up, because once again, Viv isn’t good at storytelling. For starters, Moxxie asks why Blitz pushes his friends away, and we have NEVER seen that. Not once did we see blitz upset or uneasy before, and his crew ask him what’s wrong and he says it’s nothing or bails on it. Blitz has showcased to be nothing but an ass, a stalker, and a pushover. There was NOTHING there that indicated he pushed his friends away. It’s similar to how Moxxie states he’s apparently scared of rejection when asked why he holds his feelings inside, when it makes NO sense. Moxxie is literally the straight man of the show, he ALWAYS speaks his mind and opens up. Where did the whole “hold your feelings inside” come from? Where did him being afraid of rejection come from? Sure it would have made sense if he said he was afraid he wasn’t good enough for Millie or for the business, but that’s not what he says, he just says he’s scared of rejection. And then there’s the whole bullshit sob fest of Blitz not wanting to die alone and craving intimacy, it just...none of it adds up, like how he apparently feels bad for breaking Verosika’s heart despite acting annoyed and bitchy around her. If blitz felt bad for being such an ass, he would have at least tried to change his ways but he doesn’t. The show acts like this is such a mystery, he’s apparently afraid to love because people end up leaving......and...no shit. He’s a bad person, I don’t get it, what’s so hard about this?? As for craving intimacy, it just feels like more Stolitz bait. Blitz has done nothing but be annoyed by Stolas and only screw him for the book, and the sequence with the chains showcases how he wants this yet doesn’t at the same time. He feels TRAPPED, and fans look at this and say that was him saying he’s in love. It feels like Viv just pulled all of these random emotional bits out of her ass because she couldn’t think of anything to go with these characters. That’s what happens when you have a show that’s nothing but comedy and filler and then try to turn it into something serious out of nowhere, the pieces end up looking like they don’t fit and feel more like a desperate last attempt at something “deep”.
But anyway, at the end of episode 6, the important thing was that Blitz and Moxxie promised each other they’d be better to one another. (Which is strange on why Moxxie is saying that because he didn’t do Jack shit wrong to blitz) but of course when episode 7 came, the character development from the previous one just went out the window, as if nothing happened.
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In episode 7, Moxxie wants to go on his anniversary date with his wife, and you’d think since the last episode wanted to showcase Blitz and Moxxie understanding one another and promising they’d be better, Blitz would accept that and leave the two alone. But...of course not, the episode IMMEDIATELY starts off with him saying he’ll join, despite Moxxie making it 100% clear that he does NOT want him there and that he wants to be alone with Millie. Blitz doesn’t even HESITATE, he immediately says he’ll wear something nice and come along, with Moxxie once again getting under his skin. Literally the WHOLE reason this episode HAPPENED was because blitz couldn’t keep it in his pants and just once again HAD to stalk his employees because he’s a horrible creepy predator—oh I mean......"loves them in his own way and wants what they have it’s all good guys he’s just QUIRKY and lonely uwu”. Seriously I’m sick of Blitz having this weird obsession with Moxxie and Millie being portrayed as something funny, sad, or sweet. It’s none of those, it’s disturbing and disgusting, and it makes me hate him more. I don’t get why Viv finds it so funny that he wants to screw them and stalk them, I just want that running gag to end. Anyway, so yeah, “I’ll be a better friend” my ass. It’s funny because I knew they were going to do this, I knew all the shit we were seeing in episode six was just going to get thrown out the window and Viv would just act like it never happened. Hell, you’d think that Moxxie and Blitz would be a little CLOSER to one another after their bond in the previous episode, but it doesn’t even feel that way. We’re right back where we started, blitz being a creepy jerk, and Moxxie being annoyed by his bs. Nothing has changed, nothing has progressed, not even their relationship. Another issue is that it would have been better if we actually SAW Blitz struggle. Like...he says he won’t go and will let Moxxie and Millie be for their anniversary, (to show that he’s actually TRYING) but then once they leave he find he can’t do anything and gets worried and bored, so he eventually leaves. If they did it THAT way, it would have at least showed that he tried, but couldn’t stand it because of how he is. Then it would have made for good karma when he went for the following events that happened. Instead, we just get “LOL BLITZ IS AT IT AGAIN, STALKING MOXXIE AND MILLIE HE’S SO QUIRKY GUYS”-
And then of course, the last thing I wanted to talk about was Stolas, Fizz and Verosika, because they were also elements in Blitz’s character development in episode 6.
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So I already said this before, but shippers seem to go crazy in this episode simply because blitz got hurt by Stolas in the end, and apparently to them that indicates that he loves him. I disagree, because like I said, episode 6 establishes that blitz craves intimacy, BUT feels trapped and chained to Stolas. That isn’t really love guys, if anything, him feeling trapped makes the relationship look even MORE toxic. Oh, and just because Blitz got hurt by Stolas hiding in his menu being embarrassed by him, doesn’t mean he thought they could work, or indicate whatsoever that he had feelings for Stolas. It’s not like Blitz was similar to how Stolas acted in this episode, where he thought he should try and make this relationship work, we see CLEAR as day that he invited Stolas just to get into the club and NOTHING else. He was clearly annoyed and didn’t even want to ASK Stolas, but he just had to so he could stalk his employees. Again, even though that’s made so clear in the beginning of the episode, fans still think Blitz purposely has feelings for this guy. If he did, he wouldn’t be focusing on freaking Moxxie and Millie throughout the “date” with BINOCULARS while blatantly ignoring Stolas. I bring all of this up because at the end of episode 6, we of course get that kiss the two shared, and giddy fans see that as Blitz being in love, when the episode literally TOLD everyone he craves intimacy, which is exactly why he kissed Stolas. For LUST, not love. If Blitz cared about Stolas romantically, he wouldn’t have gotten annoyed at the bird when he called him over, or ignored him. Blitz never had the intention to go on a date with Stolas, he just went to stalk his employees and that’s it, and just because he got hurt by Stolas, doesn’t mean he loved him. You can still be attached to someone in a way and not love them guys. It’s clear the kiss in episode 6 was just for fan service, why get the fans riled up when you still have blitz be annoyed by him the next episode?
Lastly is Verosika and Fizz. With Verosika, as said before, Blitz apparently feels bad about how he treated her, as episode 6 indicated that she was genuinely heartbroken when he broke up with her. Of course though, once the two interacted in episode 7, Blitz doesn’t even look shameful or feel bad, once he figures out she’s here he instantly looks irritated and pissed. He doesn’t even seem intimidated by her at all. In episode 3, he repeatedly just curses at her and calls her a whore, (as well as all the other nasty words) constantly acting annoyed and angry at her. If you wanted to showcase he actually felt BAD, then you have to showcase it better. Once episode 7 arrived, Verosika barley DOES anything. She sings one small verse and pushes him, calling him a heartbreaker and that’s it, with Blitz making ONE sad expression. Viv.....you need to do more than have a character make a SECOND of a frame expression to showcase they have layers. (cough Angel Dust.) It doesn’t matter if you say Blitz feels bad, he still acts like a bitch around Verosika no matter what. Finally, the same honestly goes for Fizz. Now yes, we weren’t introduced to him in episode 6, but the episode itself also hints at how intimidated Blitz is by him, even in episode 7 he cowers in his menu when he sees him on stage. Of course though, Blitz acts angry and petty and annoyed by him rather than feeling bad, I just don’t get what the point of showing how these characters get to someone like Blitz, but not even really properly showcasing that with the interactions. For the most part, blitz is just petty like he always is, and even if you show he’s secretly upset for a split second, it’s not enough.
I’m done for today, I just hope in episode 8 and the future, Viv will deal with character development better as a whole, as well as act like the previous episode happened.
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optimuzyt2021 · 2 years
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Fanmade Helluva Boss Artwork! (Also I took inspiration from the episode [Insert Number here].5 thing that Krinkels did with Madness Combat!)
Also Helluva Boss belongs to Vivziepop and Spindlehorse!
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tellitlikeitizz · 2 years
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sweet-marigold · 1 month
Blitzfizz week day 5: love letter/ confession
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helluvahole · 8 months
do. do you think fizzarolli doesn't celebrate his birthday because of the fire? Do you think Ozzie makes elaborate plans every year to suprise Fizz and take his mind off it? Do you just maybe think he comforts him about it at night when the celebration is over?
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lampylamperson · 1 month
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“You’re in my house now”
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its-ok-to-smile · 8 months
Depressing Headcannon: What if before the accident; Fizz had Alex Brightman's normal voice. But the fire also damaged his vocal-chords.
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genderlessjacky · 8 months
okay but like can we talk about Blitz and Fizzarolli for a sec here??
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when they meet eachother they IMMEDIATLY started arguing which make sense cuz lack of communication and calling eachother by names ectect and Fizzarolli acts all arrogant in a good way to annoy Blitz until he tackles him and they start a fight , get kidnapped yada yada and even THEN they start to argue and avoid touching eachother
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even when Striker THREATENS them and they crash into eachother they still comedically seperate
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he asks with smug like "do you want me to get you out of here" which of course Fizzarolli agrees and they make the EPIC escape
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his first reaction was "fucking showoff" which is reasonable but still yk then EVEN when their LIFES were at sake they were still arguing
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THEN comes where they explained themselves , the whole reconciliation scene
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and he apologizes , he explains his part , how he was scared and went for help , he even apologized to Fizzarolli , admitting he was wrong then Fizzarolli barates him for not visiting him and Blitzo explaining that his worker wont let him and all that and they look at each other as in like "was it that obvious?" like their hatred for eachother was so obvious that others noticed
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and then comes this iconic scene
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and i also want to ramble like
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they are so in SYNC im gonna explode
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their dynamic in this ep is basically like "what the fuck r u doing" "jesus take the wheel baby" and i love it . they are so close that they still remember like things they used to do like stealing Blitzo's dads alcohol and that means so much to me im gonna cry
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just a screenshot i enjoy
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these faces he made while rescuing Fizzarolli are like "im not losing him again" and it means so much to me
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i ran out of screenshot space for tumblr so im just gonna say like FIZZAROLI'S FACE WITH THE LINE "you could say he earned it" ITS SO. I AM SO. NORMAL
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