shanastoryteller · 5 months
Merry Christmas!! Could I get the Untamed please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6
Wei Ying misses his parents, of course, but he doesn't remember them that well. He remembers how they made him feel, and what his mother's robe looked like, and the sound of his father's laughter. But it's snatches, more dreams then memories.
He remembers being cold and alone and hungry and scared for those terrible days after they disappeared - died. He remembers Wei Cheng finding him and saving him and how he'd felt like his mother and father both, the warm heat of a powerful golden core that felt like his mother's and the strong arms and broad shoulder of his father.
He's his father's cousin, he thinks, and he remembers his father saying they didn't have any other family, but maybe they just had a following out, or are related by marriage, or something. Because Wei Cheng had found him and raised him and Wei Ying has been calling him Dad for years and it doesn't feel like a betrayal. His father is dead. His father and mother left him behind and went on a night hunt and something went wrong and then he was all alone.
And then Dad found him.
He teaches Wei Ying everything, even gets him a real cultivator's blade, and he drills and trains him into the ground but Wei Ying doesn't mind. He understands.
His parents died on a night hunt. Dad just wants to make sure that never happens to him. He wants the same thing, to make sure he doesn't lose Dad in the same way he lost his parents, so he has to get stronger faster. He has to be good enough that Dad will trust him enough to take him on night hunts too, so that he can watch his back.
In lots of ways, joining the Nie is a relief.
He likes traveling, and how relieved and happy people are when they show up to a town in trouble, but the Nie are a proper clan, and Sect Leader Nie seems fond of his dad.
Like. Really fond. It's sort of gross.
But that probably means that he won't let him die. And Nie Huaisang is awesome, both of the equally thrilled to have a friend their own age. Nie Mingjue is a grouch, but he's delt with worse, so he doesn't mind. Especially because Nie Huaisang takes his side on any argument with his brother.
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artpo · 28 days
Unprompted @kpquickndirty ficlet instead of sleep? Yes! Nothing sus here, just pure fluff and brotherly feels of Porsche realizing Chay grew up. If you couldn't tell, my inspiration is Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA and a chat with the lovely @ravenpureforever
Remixes welcome 💚
Slipping Through My Fingers
Porsche snaps about fifty photos as Chay blows the candles on his birthday cake. He's worked so hard to be able to afford a custom made cake for Chay's eighteenth birthday, and seeing a huge smile on his face, Porsche doesn’t regret a single painful second. Chay's joy is enough to wipe these out.
Throughout the whole day, Porsche has been reminiscing about their years together, but standing here in front of Chay with a camera as Chay's friends gather around him for another photo has Porsche in shambles. The cake with two red candles in the shape of numbers one and eight just made it feel real. His baby brother is eighteen.
And in Porsche's mind, he's still a small boy with chubby cheeks and big, pleading eyes Porsche could never refuse.
It feels like only yesterday eight-year-old Chay ran to Porsche with tears in his eyes and a scraped up knee from falling off his friend's bike. He wanted to learn riding it, but they had no bike. He lied to his friend that he knows how to ride and borrowed it, only to fall as soon as he got on. Porsche had petted his hair, and asked him if he wanted to be brave and try again. Then he pushed him up and down the street until Chay learned, turning into the happy-go-lucky kid that he was again.
The memory of Chay's tenth birthday is also still fresh in Porsche’s mind. Being fifteen, Porsche got his first job as a school kid. His first money, he ran to a toyshop to buy Chay bunny plushie he really wanted. P'Hop still lives with them, on Chay's bed.
As years went, a kid turned into a teenager giving Porsche headaches daily. Nevertheless, a very sweet teenager, now reaching the end of his teens and becoming his own, admirable person.
Soon, you won't need me as much.
That thought makes Porsche swell with pride and very, very sad. It's going to take time to get used to. But he will let Chay spread his wings.
When Chay cocks his head to the side and raises his eyebrow at him, Porsche realizes he's been frozen in place with the phone, and that the picture he was about to take has been nothing but a haze. He blinks back his tears and smiles.
"Say cheese!"
Chay's smile is brighter than the sun. This is what Porsche fights for.
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alamari-chibi · 10 months
Tagged by my lord and savior @wauryd
Favourite colour: Orange. Like, traffic cone orange
Last song: I've been listening to multi-hour eurobeat mixes on youtube, BUT the last single song I listened to was The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience
Currently reading: Real book-wise I'm still reading The Girl from Widow Hill by Megan Miranda. For manga/manhua I've been keeping up with Chainsaw Man and Netkama Punch! and for webnovels I've been reading The Villain's Attack Plan and The Swordmaster's Youngest Son pretty religiously.
Last movie: I tried to watch Piggy (2022) today, but the last movie I actually sat and watched and finished was Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (it was supposed to be background noise but I was very distracted by the animation style cuz it reminds me of those kroger commercials but with actual artistic passion behind it)
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I like them all, but the best are sweet/spicy combos and savory food.
Currently working on: I typed out an answer for this yesterday that was about me bugproofing my apartment because the bugs coming in from outside are getting really annoying. Today, though, I'm doing adult things like setting up my student loans account and taking phone call interviews from the government and making cookies. In a long-term sense I'm working on myself because I haven't really had a creative bone in my body since winter so no big projects.
tagging um. @literally-ritsu @ravenpureforever @suddenlycoveredinhens and @waltzfantasia if you guys feel like it
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ravenpureforever · 1 year
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I posted 491 times in 2022
That's 447 more posts than 2021!
30 posts created (6%)
461 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 467 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#kinnporsche - 256 posts
#the eclipse - 112 posts
#kimchay - 60 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 44 posts
#vegaspete - 34 posts
#porsche my beloved - 34 posts
#love in the air - 28 posts
#star wars - 24 posts
#akkayan - 17 posts
#i’m obsessed - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#lowkey laughing how they all apparently went ‘we can fix you i can make it better’ to kinnporsche and then created a cinematic masterpiece
My Top Posts in 2022:
Porsche: Being married to a Theerapanyakul is great!
Porchay: So great!
Pete: The best!
Porsche: But they can be a…a tad judgmental
Porchay: Almost punitive
Pete: They are monsters
269 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Akk: I am responsible for the curse!
Ayan: I am Teacher Dika’s nephew and you drove him to suicide!
Teacher Chadok: I was in love with your uncle and we were engaged and I watched him commit suicide in front of me!
Thua: I have been manipulating everything from behind the scenes in a desperate bid to expose the truth so all this can finally end!
Kan and Wat:
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269 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
So I know we all joke about Porchay living his best Wattpad life, myself included, but I think we all kind of ignore how Kim just never dissuaded him from that notion and how we find that genre dissonance between Porsche & Kim’s view (and often our audience view) of Chay and how he actually acts, and we’re all sleeping on the mini character arc he’s gotten over the course of the series.
Porsche and Kim don’t want Chay to get caught up in the mafia world, and they both seem to view him in the same lense: he’s innoncent, sweet, incorruptible.
But Chay has fucking balls man, and he’s a lot more resilient than people give him credit for. He also ignores red flags like he’s color blind. We don’t get to see much of him, but the glimpses we do get show there is so much more beneath the surface.
Man grew up with Porsche & a dead beat Uncle, you telling me he didn’t see some shit growing up? No matter how well Porsche protected him, Chay is the one dressing his wounds when he comes back from fighting, Chay still hears the loan sharks coming for his Uncle, he’s growing up watching his older brother as really the only source of income for his household. And he can’t do anything about it. Watching episode 1, when Chay asks Porsche to let him get a job and help out, it feels like they’ve had this conversation before, it feels resigned, it feels like a final quiet plea of “we’ve talked about this before, but please, please, please just consider it.” But Porsche says no, I’m going to take care of it and I can’t help but think of the impact that has, of watching the person he loves most get beat down again and again and not being able to do anything about it. I feel like Chay probably grew up being the peacekeeper, the one trying to keep the waters calm. Its clear he knows he’s his brother’s world, that his brother has done so much to keep him sheltered and happy, and I can think of Porsche teaching Chay manners, teaching him ideals of being kind to others and Chay just internalizing it and deciding “ah yes, so this is my role in the family, this is how I can help my brother.” Chay probably felt a lot of pressure, no matter how unintentionally and how unconditionally Porsche loves him, to be a reason why his brother is doing all of this, he’s probably hyper aware of how he’s Porsche’s motivation, that everything his brother does is for him. That does things to your self-worth, to how you view yourself. I get the feeling hasn’t had any agency over his own life before, he’s always been the princess locked in the tower, aware of the war but not allowed to participate. His happily ever has been chosen and now he just has to see it through.
Then literally overnight, he wakes up and his Uncle has vanished, and his brother has left with just a fairly suspicious note about pursuing his dream that’ll completely be able to fully support Chay. His entire way of living has transformed, and now he’s completely alone. He went from princess locked in a tower as a war rages on to a Queen of a decimated kingdom. He can not grieve, he can only have faith and move forward.
This is also how I realized Chay has practically been designed to ignore all red flags and interpret them as something else.
Enter Kim, stage right. Enter Chay’s wattpad fantasy come to life, also stage right.
When Chay meets Kim, he is someone who has literally nothing to lose throwing himself out there. My boy literally just recites an encyclopedia knowledge of “Wik, sir, you are my hyper fixation” all in the hopes of getting that T-shirt. And it works! His idol signs his T-shirt, he gets to talk to his idol, he has been rewarded for putting himself out there!
So go big or go home right? He might as well try asking for a tutor when asked if there’s anything he wants. And he’s shot down. No big deal, he moves on and has merch thats going to be the envy of the Wik fandom.
But then his idol calls him, and says he’ll tutor him. Wik remembered him, remembered his request, and then proceeded to hunt down a way to get Chay’s phone number and call him personally in order to tell him he’s decided to he’s going to help him get into the his dream department that he himself is apart of.
Its easy to view Chay from Kim’s perspective, as an excitable fanboy with a crush, but we forget how Kim looks from Chay’s perspective. So lets look on how everything seems from Chay’s perspective.
Chay put himself out there, made a decision solely for himself and what he wants and now his idol wants to tutor him. He’s been actively rewarded twice now, by the same person, for asserting what he wants and trying to get it. He’s gotten his cake and is eating it too. He has a celebrity crush like most people get, only his celebrity crush is now making the effort to genuinely get to know him.
Wik tells Chay his name is Kim, he’s being open and vulnerable to Chay, and he’s trusting him with his identity. Kim asks about his brother, even though Chay didn’t tell him, red flag to any normal person citing he saw Chay’s screensaver and made an assumption. Kim is taking an interest in his life, he notices little details about him, and is asking to here more about the coolest person in the world, his brother and even noticed how much Chay loves Porsche that he wants Chay to write a song about it! He even trusts Chay enough to ask for his phone when Kim’s phone has died, even though that’ll mean there’s important numbers in Chay’s call history, and he trusts that Chay won’t take advantage of them!
And maybe Chay starts to fall a bit in love with Kim. Not Wik, but Kim, who’s a little bit insecure, a little bit awkward, but is making all this effort for Chay.
For Chay, it isn’t anything manipulative or suspicious, he’s becoming friends Kim, they’re sharing information about themselves, they’re bonding now, and he’s been shown that if he pushes, Kim will stay. Chay is all alone now, he has to take care of himself, but if he makes an effort and keeps putting himself out there, if he makes his wants known, Kim comes to him. Kim trusts him, and as long as Chay takes the initiative, he also makes the effort to bond with Chay.
Then Porsche comes back! Chay isn’t alone anymore, and they’re happy and safe and Porsche isn’t getting beat up! And then Porsche once again immediately leaves without a word and few days later you get the first call you’ve gotten from him since he left the first time and now he’s back at work and doesn’t know when he’ll be back again. He’s all alone, and his brother has seem to get a new life that once again Chay’s not allowed to be apart of.
But then Kim shows up at his house! And Chay immediately throws his brother under the bus in a desperate bid to keep Kim’s good opinion of him, once again, gotta admire the sheer balls and audacity of that move. Then Kim gifts him one of his guitars! Porsche do you understand how easily your brother could be taken advantage of do you? Sure he almost gets the heart attack of Kim discovering his shrine, but what teenager doesn’t have posters on the wall of his favorite singer? Maybe it’s weird that he wants Chay to go get the food for them both, but he could have an important phone call to make, he could be nervous going out in public where people could recognize him! Then when he gets back Kim asks him about his love life! Kim ruffles his hair! Kim tells him to write a love song!
Kim is checking off all the boxes of my crush likes me back.
So when Kim ghosts him a little, Chay makes the obvious conclusion. Show up at his house and sing him the love song he wrote! He’s been shown time, and time again that if he reaches out to Kim, Kim will eventually grab his hand. Kim has shown to be awkward and a little of unsure of himself around Chay, but relaxes when Chay takes the initiative. So Chay does what’s always worked. With literally no fear or anxiety whatsoever.
And with episode 13, we see how close they were getting. We see how they went out to places together, romantically or platonically, and they took pictures together! They were friends, they were close, they had a level of trust and bonding and vulnerability for Chay to take photos with Kim and leave them around his house for Kim to find!
So Chay once again has nothing left to lose, and shoots his final shot and confesses to Kim. And Kim kisses him! They hug! Kim may or may not have come home with him that night but at some point in they’re relationship post confession, they fall asleep cuddling on the couch.
And Chay and Porsche are very similar. They fall in love quickly, they become very devoted and loyal to that love, and they are honest about it. Chay and Porsche are both the first ones to say I love you, but while Porsche doesn’t ask for a reply, Chay does. Because Kim has shown time and time again that Chay needs to take the initiative. So he asks Kim: I love you, do you love me?
But he stops at that and lets Kim take his time. Because that’s the song and dance their courtship has been taking, Chay flirts, Chay pushes forward and then Kim comes to meet him the rest of the way.
Chay is living in a Wattpad fantasy: he meets his idol crush, his idol crush becomes fascinated with him, he sees the real human behind his idol crush’s persona and falls in love with the awkward, sweet person underneath, he confesses his love and the feeling is mutual! And all of this seems to be fate, like this perfect love story and the happy ending he actually wants. He’s practically gotten into his dream department with the boy of his dreams who loves him back.
He’s confirming it is all real, and letting Kim know that it’s all real on his end.
And then he gets fucking kidnapped. And then he gets indisputable proof that his brother has been lying to him this entire time, and he was kidnapped because of that secret life his brother was lying about it.
The ultimatum may seem harsh, but it makes sense when you see it from Chay’s perspective. He probably feels essentially abandoned by his brother for the past two months, and he’s understandably pissed about everything thats happened in the last 48 hours or so. His brother can be part of his life and they can go back to the way things were, but Chay can’t be a part of his life if his brother is in the mafia, and its true. Porsche has spent all this time telling Chay he wants him to get into a good school and get a good job and be surrounded by good people with a good social life. You can’t have that in the mafia, and Chay knows that. So from Chay’s perspective, his brother has basically just been a complete hypocrite to everything his brother taught him.
And while Porsche has been shown the type of person to be willing to throw away his morals and beliefs when it comes to the people he loves, Chay isn’t. His entire life has been surrounded on those ideals of being a good, kind person who lives a good life. And he’s understandably terrified of the thought of losing his brother and truly being on his own. He’s basically lost his only emotional support system for two months, and if his brother dies, he loses him for good.
So Chay says him or me, because in his mind either way he could lose his brother, but this is Chay making his own decision, this is Chay fighting back and reminding Porsche that see you hurt makes me hurt too. This ultimatum reminds Porsche that his actions have conquenses on Chay too, and it shows how Chay has grown up in his absence. Chay in episode one was willing to just bow his head and listen to what his brother, but Chay in episode 10 is willing to speak out, he’s no longer willing to be simply passive in his brother’s plans for him.
See the full post
310 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
From what I’ve seen in this last episode, we can all agree that Kim is like a feral cat yowling for Chay’s attention but then immediately hiding when Chay comes to check out what that noise is
704 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think the best part of KinnPorsche, and it really comes to mind with this latest episode, is that every character thinks they’re in a different genre and it’s the funniest thing watching it clash with the reality.
Kinn is just living his best rom-com life where he falls for his sassy but kind assistant bodyguard that he can no longer live with out.
Porsche is basically a YA novel where he falls for his sexy morally ambiguous love interest who’s secretly sweet but *gasp* his past has come to haunt him!
Pete thinks he’s in a dark psychological thriller where he must battle his inner demons and brooding but hot captor to maintain his humanity but it threatens to over take him at any moment as he is torn between his newly found dark desires and the reputation he prides himself on.
Vegas acts like he’s in gothic bodice ripper novel where his entire world becomes the kind, empathic heroine Pete and he will do anything to keep him to himself and Pete is going to help him overcome the truama of his past with his love.
Kim sees himself in this brooding noir style detective film where he must uncover the dark past of his family but oh no he finds himself falling for the pure and sweet ingénue Chay and must wrestle with the dangerous life he leads and the mission he’s devoted himself to and the love of his life
Porchay thought he’s living his Wattpad dream life where he meets his idol and gains his respect as he tutors him and they slowly develop a sweet friendship that turns into a heartfelt romance
They really demonstrate how all the characters are protagonists of their own story, and that’s how they make their decisions, based on the assumptions on the world around them. They think they know the story their in, and that’s the role they have taken, but the tragedy and the complications of these relationships is that they aren’t in a single genre story. They’re people, achingly human people, interacting with other complex people and what is salvation for one is a damnation for the other.
They aren’t in any specific genre (you know, beyond on the whole mafia thing) and that’s where the miscommunication happens, that’s how the drama unfolds, that’s how all these different romances keep missing each other, because they’re all operating on different wavelengths based on the story they think *THEY’RE* in and not stopping to really consider the other perspective.
It’s absolutely hilarious, it’s terribly tragic, it’s utterly beautiful and performed so well by the writers and the actors.
3,289 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zozobruh · 9 months
Tag someone you want to get to know better OR just want to say hello to!
tagged by @b1uetrees HEY YOU! I miss you💚💚💚
favorite color: green, especially pistachio, emerald and sage shades💚
last song: MCR - The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You
last movie: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023), the visuals were STUNNING and I really love the story
currently watching: I'm always late as usual, but atm I'm watching The Queen's Gambit and I'm reminded of my crush on Anya Taylor Joy ah, she's stunning 😍😫
currently reading: i don't really have the time to read this month! let's pretend fanfiction counts :D
currently working on: not one but two master's thesis 🤯 (and juggling those with a job)
current obsession: still...still KinnPorsche and I'm counting down the days to finally see Man Suang bc I'm a huge MileApo simp 😫 (my KP side blog @artpo is THRIVING) and I saw Louis Tomlinson live so I'm back in my Louis/1D bs 🤪
no pressure tags: @tr1edandtrueblue @ravenpureforever :3
0 notes
abisalli · 4 years
I am absolutely in love with all your Tim Drake fanart! You’re an amazing artist and it’s so beautiful!
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aww thank you! I really like drawing Tim! although his hair is an endless struggle to get right
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literally-ritsu · 3 years
Summary: In one universe Onodera Ritsu roundhouse kicks his now ex-boyfriend in the face and leaves the country without another word to mend his broken heart, while Saga Masamune is left left behind to nurse his own.
This one goes a bit differently.
Everyone please read this wonderful fic by my beloved spouse @ravenpureforever I could rant about how much I love it forever but for now please embark on this beautiful Nostalgic journey where everything is kind and nothing hurts
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marudny-robot · 3 years
Tag Game
Tagged by: @bionerd2point0 indirectly (and directly) and by @silver-snow-77 (directly)
Rules: tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with!
Last Song: “Death or Glory” is playing right now. I just put Running Wild playlist on shuffle (to find the titles for that jaytim pirate au that I might or might not finish for jaytim week) (brain empty now, only titles)
Last Movie: Christmas movies. You know, Die Hard
Currently Watching: I’ve finished The King’s Avatar last, but I don’t watch any tv shows for now. The only regular thing I watch/listen to is Trash Taste (”anime” podcast)
Currently Reading: “Krótka Historia Informatyki” by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (I don’t have time nor strength for anything else and history books about technical things calms me down)
Currently Craving: for my last braincels to stop being in a babysitting mode and making me think things like “And the water goes TAP TAP TAP. Yes! The water goes TAP TAP TAP!“ and instead help me write those jaytim fics >.>
Tagging: @ravenpureforever @skiddliebop @lovely-bellflower @elecilaombre @nunyasthings @sophie-vers @river9noble @silverrosie @sobrietymoose
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Birthday!!! My birthday is also in April!! Could I please have some Gods and Monsters please!!!
Dionysus appeared within the partheon long before she was born.
She says appeared because in spite of the swell of power that ebbed and flowed around him, no one knew where he came from, from who's power his had blossomed so strongly.
He's attributed as Zeus's son now, the product of a union between him and a mortal woman, but Eris knows better. Chaos and Truth are not intertwined, but their rivers flow in parallel, and she has learned to sip from both.
There was a time, long before she was born, where Dionysus was not a god of madness.
Drinking too much, too fast can lead to oblivion after all.
Eris learns this lesson well and accepts that thirst is better than its opposite.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day! Could I get some Achilles and Patroclus please?
Achilles waits to regret his choice, stuck in the underworld at the beginning of time with no one as company but a child river goddess.
He never does.
Patroclus is his love and his life and even as grief threatens to consume him at every moment, it's tempered by the knowledge that Patroclus is a millennia away from being born and so he can't be dead. The future promises him a world with his love in it. He must simply outlast it.
And then, when Patroclus does die -
Achilles will be here, waiting, like Patroclus first asked of him before he went off to war.
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shanastoryteller · 6 years
Happy Hanukkah! ATLA, Zuko and Azula?
a continuation of this
Zuko and Azula are sent away, after Zuko defeats his father in the Agni Kai.
Zuko is given a beautiful ship, with a top notch crew, with his uncle at his side, as benefits his status of victor. Azula is given a rusty junker with a rebellious crew and the infamously unruly Captain Jee.
The day they set out, Zuko switches places with his sister. He knows what his father is doing, trying to breed resentment and anger in Azula, so he can once again mold her into something useful for him.
Zuko won’t let him. Azula is his sister, and he’ll protect her. Even from their father. Especially from their father.
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shanastoryteller · 6 years
Happy Holidays! Harry Potter?
Harry is five years old when Minerva has had enough and kidnaps Harry right from under the Dursley’s nose. They don’t even report him missing.
She drops him off at Remus’s door, pushing the too thin toddler into him, ignoring his protests about how unsuitable he is for raising a child. “It doesn’t matter,” she says dangerously, “Look at him. He needs you.”
Remus doesn’t know how to argue with that.
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