#rate a ship meme
summerroseart · 2 years
When your hyperfixation's fandom dies down because it's been months since the last bit of content was released
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I'm not used to small fandoms someone help me
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buggaboizz · 5 months
triple dog dare ya to draw gup B and E they're ships it counts /j
(bug this is a joke this is satire-)
So like, yeah, this is a joke, but I drew it anyway
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Tell me why this is literally just Kwaso tho
Like be fr
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therealmofamorus · 2 months
(Ask, Ship Rate, Original) Makoto and Mukuro
Ship Rate: 6 1/2
I don't have a opinion on the ship between Makoto and Mukoro but I would say the ship is quite interesting one for because the unintentional hero x villain dynamic between Makoto who is hope embodiment and Mukoro who was loyal to her sister but have a crush on Makoto make it quite compelling ship even if I don't have any preferences for them.
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anartisticalniche · 6 months
what are some of your favorite smg4 ships?
I think I've already answered this, but I might as well add something else.
I legit don't ship anything over than those two lol.
I don't mind other ships like Chris/Swag, Axol/Melony and WLW pairings in the fandom (like Meggy/Tari, Tari/Saiko; Meggy/Desti etc)
They're just not interesting enough to me to make art of them ahah ,:)
As long as they're ships that don't involve the Mario bros w/ SMG4's original characters (ESPECIALLY Mario/Meggy, hurk), I'm okay with it.
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Did you see that recent post about your page? Antis are so funny 😭
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I’m crying because after I posted that meme post yesterday, I was scrolling through the Nashuri tag and then saw it 🥴 I literally made a dumb meme joking about Antis saying we need to be locked up, and didn’t realize someone literally said that hours prior. It doesn’t get better than that rofl. What’s sending me was their initial outrage of Nashuri [which babe, have you been living under a rock?], then the assumption that I romantically ship Tenoch & Tish from a quick bio glance, THEN after all of the “horror” and “shock”, they proceed to not block me. You’re telling me you posted screenshots of you blocking my page to ultimately not…..block……me? Righhhhhhhttttttt *rubs temples*
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I literally don’t owe anyone this BUT this is for the folks that are new to my blog/Nashuri fandom/etc:
#1. Hey 💜 This is BOTH a Nashuri [Namor x Shuri] blog AND Tenoch Huerta + Letitia Wright appreciation blog. What does that mean? It means my blog is about anything related to A. Tenoch Huerta + his life/roles etc B. Letitia Wright + her life/roles etc and C. Their adorable dynamic together. It’s a hodgepodge of random stuff. One big ice cream shop where you can pick your flavor of choice. So Nashuri shippers interact with me, Namor fans, Shuri fans , Letitia, Tenoch and so on. You get the idea. I love how open-ended my page is and that’s why I made it that way in the first place. Everyone is welcome here and can walk away with a little bit of something. For being such a miscellaneous page, I would say the only “agenda” I push is Nashuri [it’s in my name]. The rest of my content is up to your own personal interpretation/assumptions. What you think I’m pushing or trying to say is all your take and your take alone, beloved. It has nothing to do with me.
#2. I admit that my mouth has gotten me in a little bit of trouble over the years lol. I was literally that little kid that came back with a report card with straight A’s that had a teacher’s note on the side saying “Talks too much in class”. I think and say shit ALL. THE. TIME rofl Yes, I sprinkle in deep rants and knowledgeable takes on my blog but I made this page to be a menace. I’m only here to be entertained. A majority of my page are jokes and tomfoolery. The complete opposite of “be for real”. How can I be when I’m literally shipping a fictional fish stick and a fictional woman in a cat suit?? 🤣 I’ve spoken about it before but I’m also an artist [my professional work is 1000% unrelated to this page/content lol] so alot of my page is also random graphics and stuff like that too. I love making y’all and myself laugh and it’s been enjoyable af interacting with you, especially the Nashuri fandom. Y’all are straight up comedians and say the funniest shit, which then makes me want to say even more wild shit and then it becomes a snowball effect lol. Thankfully I can tell a majority of you who do follow/interact with me are grown so you’ve picked up by now that most of my blog is A BIT. But unfortunately there’s always going to be a sprinkle of people who are clearly young, new here or just folks that don’t get my sense of humor whatsoever. And whichever category you fall under it’s okay, but babes there are a lot of 18+ jokes/comments on my page so if you are someone that is underage and or gets easily offended, please do yourself a favor and stay clear. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
#3. I wrote this on a reblog to someone’s post recently but I have a large portion of blogs blocked on the tags that I follow on here. Life has been ✨𝒷𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒻𝓊𝓁✨ ever since and it only takes .2 seconds out of your day to do it. So when I don’t see people utilize the block button, I just know their not being fr and are clearly bored. If you don’t like my content, block/mute me. Simple as that. Because chances are, I’ve probably already blocked you by now. And to the people I haven’t, I either A. enjoy/interact with the content you make or B. don’t care for it but you usually stay out of my lane and I stay out of yours so we just coexist. It’s that black and white. You don’t have to like what someone posts but what isn’t cool is bothering/targeting someone on an app strictly because of that. What are you five? This feels like a lesson we learned in elementary school. It’s not rocket science and it’s never that serious. The world does not revolve around you nor adhere to things only you deem okay. It’s much bigger than that. Get a grip, go drink some water, eat something and make sure to touch some grass today while you’re at it.
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Shout out to that page tho! I literally gained new followers after that, so…..thank you? 😅 What a time to be alive. But for real, ya’ll have been coming out of nowhere to support and it’s been super dope. I really appreciate all the love, especially for being such a new page. I’m looking forward to future shenanigans, continuing the fun and not taking shit too seriously per usual. Live your best life, folks. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade. Life is WAY too short for that.
Ps: To my new followers, check out the post pinned to my page here. It’s a great “intro” into the Nashuri fandom and or actors Tenoch Huerta / Letitia Wright. Some things might be a little old but it’s pretty useful for the most part. My old poll results post gives you a slight idea of me as well. See y’all around ✌🏾💗
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madmanwonder · 7 months
9S X 2B
Ship Rating Meme
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell
The ship is pretty cool one in my book.
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edhellfire · 1 year
Ship meme: Eddissy!
@qxeenofhawkinshigh - so I am basing this off of what we've written so far and not Eddissy in general.
Who wakes up first? Surprisingly, Eddie. He usually goes right back to sleep though.
Who is grumpiest in the morning? Probably Eddie. Just because he is up, does not mean he wants to be.
Who cooks breakfast? Neither of them is big on breakfast. However, Eddie feels better when Chrissy eats in the morning so he'll make her something.
Who serves the other breakfast in bed? Chrissy likes to think she does but Pop Tarts does not count as breakfast. Eddie lets her believe it does.
Who suggests the skip work and stay home? I think they both do but they don't really mean it. It's more of like saying what they want outloud.
Who falls asleep on top of the other? Eddie has been known to fall asleep with his head on Chrissy's shoulder while on the couch. However, in bed, it's usually Chrissy falling asleep with her head on his chest.
Who always has to be touching the other? Chrissy! And it always shocks Eddie. Like wow she wants to touch meeee?
Who stays up until 2 reading? Chrissy. Eddie is probably snoring at that point.
Who kisses their partner while they’re sleeping? Eddie does in an innocent way. Chrissy always goes for the lips.
Who is most adventurous? Eddie; in every sense of the word.
Who is most protective? Eddie.
Who cares too much? Eddie.
Who is most competitive? Both; regarding different things.
Who sings in the shower? Both. Eddie's pretty good. Chrissy, not so much.
Who is more likely to get naughty in inappropriate places? Eddie! More like he drops a hint and Chrissy gets it.
Rate this ship: 7.5/10; room for growth.
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petitsdieu · 15 days
*𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔: basics.
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dis-harmony · 1 year
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Disney Villains ships ratings
(Tell you what, I searched home on the range on Tumblr and I see some people ship Slim from home on a range and Ernesto from coco. This makes me so happy bc thank god you made my day when I see this!! I love those two love birds!! Don’t mind me, just making memes for this thingy. And again, nothing is own by me.)
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beepbeepdespair · 1 year
FRAN BOW IS FINALLY OUT ON SWITCH I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOR SO LONGGGG <3 even though ive watched playthroughs of it like six times and know most of it inside out im still gonna play it asap. anyway it got me thinking selfshipping thoughts and i made two surprising realisations. one:
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and two: unless im mistaken their ages are sequential! fran turns 11 in the game if i remember correctly, abigail is technically 12 as in she died at 12 and elena is 13!! goddamn ive got three severely psychologically damaged daughters and im fucked up too. what a household
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zongzhii · 1 year
Ugh my shoulder hurts like all hell, which is fair because I've been doing calculus for 4 hours. It's not fair because halfway through I got distracted trying to look for this one nsfw Logos artwork on lofter that I lost. I sure do hope the us government doesn't manage to pass the surveillance state law thing because I really do not wish to go to jail for looking up pictures of logos in the skimpiest outfits known to man
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nothingwithdignity · 1 year
Rate Perc'ildan?
A. Look I just think Percy should be able to have both twins. I don't have a whole lot to say beyond this just has the right vibes for me.
Feel free to add ships to my list!
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eirenical · 1 year
For the ship rating meme, here's one I've seen a surprising amount pop up while browsing: Ye Zun/Da Qing?
OK, technically it was a trope rating meme, but WHY NOT. ^_^
[Here is the ask meme if anyone would like to send me tropes (or ships) to rate. ^_^]
F: Hate it. Will immediately make me nope out of a fic.
So. My feelings about this particular ship are complicated and all wrapped up in the fact that I headcanon both characters as aro ace AF--Da Qing by natural inclination, Ye Zun by trauma, but still. So I absolutely cannot stomach the idea of either of them in a romantic or sexual relationship with ANYONE, much less each other.
Presuming we could get Ye Zun past his "being evil" phase and Da Qing could ever bring himself to forgive him for all the KILLING PEOPLE HE LOVES. I could absolutely see them Waldork and Statler'ing it up all over Dragon City. Brothers in snark. Cats who sneer and know they're better than everyone. (Moderate) Assholes in arms. I ADORE that dynamic for them and can't get enough of it.
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therealmofamorus · 2 months
(Ask, Ship Rate, Original) Makoto and Sayaka
Ship Rate: 9 1/2/10
This ship is the bomb of the bomb. A beautiful idol in a relationship with a average joe is the highlight of this ship and I love it.
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doeinstinct · 1 year
For the ship ask:
ooo a fun variety!
i already answered for naruhina, so i'll just do the other two!
not my vibe, unfortunately. i definitely see the appeal, but i prefer mlm and nblm ships for itachi
8/10 a top tier ship! naruto's quest to collect as many boyfriends as possible is so funny to me. i really like how shikamaru believes so much in naruto and what he's capable of. shikamaru's overall influence on people's perception of naruto as well especially during the war is so lovely, i adore them! plus the dynamic of a sun and shadow is always *chef kiss* amazing
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tricksheart · 1 year
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Muse Trust Test!
How much does your muse trust mine? Leave a rating in my ask box and my muse will react to it!
( accepting )
@etherbonded said: ❤❤  I could let my guard down and fall asleep in your presence and feel safe- sumire :o.
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"Oh? But aren't you worried I might try to tickle you or pull some pranks while you are sleeping?" He's kidding of course. Or maybe Akira isn't. Either way he's just trying to rile her up since the confession was just a little too trusting. Yes, Akira's no danger to others but that doesn't mean he can't be a little mischievous now and then. Especially to his girlfriend Sumire.
"I think you just might have to keep an eye on me more. And no, that wasn't a joke about my third eye. I meant every word". Okay maybe Akira should stop talking now and cease from get himself into more trouble than he probably is already from teasing the redhead. It was just too much fun sometimes.
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