#randomly felt like drawing avatar stuff
glumby · 1 year
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you think your sister's bad...?
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moontheoretist · 1 year
Damn, what I would do for more content.
You know what? I love Dragon Age games, but they are not without flaws. Some are more glaring than others, but the flaw I want to talk about today is... lack of background specific content. Ok, Bioware doesn’t want to invest time into origins anymore. Fine. I think it is a stupid choice, as origins are like sessions 0 in DnD, where you can playthrough your own background instead of come to session 1 with the fully written out character. And even then Origins were not exactly the same. Some facts were already pre-established, but it was fun to have them, to spend some time IN the place you come from, in order to immerse yourself in the character. I cannot stress how interesting it would be to actually see invasion of Lothering from Hawke’s perspective at the end of a very normal, very peaceful day, instead of skipping it and go straight to running away. Or how nice it would be to actually be part of Lavellan clan and see how much similar and different it was from the Dalish clan we could start in DAO. Or how Tal Vashoth’s mercenary life or Carta’s life looked before they headed to the Conclave. Speaking about Tal Vashoth, they are actually what sprung this post to be, as I just sat today and randomly thought “How nice it would be if Adaar and Bull could ACTUALLY discuss living outside the Qun after his character quest”. The game gives all the main characters some opportunities to say something about themselves, but most of those things are quickly shot down by companions, who literally in some cases tell you your own customs as if they knew better. Those opportunities that we were given, never felt good enough to me. They felt small, as if the game wanted us to forget that avatars are distinct characters in their own right and overwrite it with the Herold of Andraste. Small dialogues here and there, some hidden special options... to some it is enough. To me, it feels cheap. My Adaar, Lavellan, Trevelyan and Cadash could have SO MANY interesting conversations with companions, best if all were turned into cutscenes specifically about that one topic we were discussing, instead of always being just an afterthought, some addition to the other topic, more important topic, that we were discussing. Solas has probably the most conversations in which we can talk with him about the Dalish, but it is because he is an elven god, born in times long past. Most other companions are not given the same luxury to discuss topics of identity, beliefs and culture with us beyond some random conversations here and there in which, like I already said, we are never allowed to actively tell the companions that they are wrong about the customs they just told us about to our face.
If you ever were angry that you couldn’t just start a discussion with Dorian about Alienages and Tevinter Slavery, to draw similarities and differences, to talk about what the status of elves is derived from (human hatred and bias), or if you wanted to sit with Bull as Adaar and comfort him about not being part of the Qun, and tell him everything you know about how Tal Vashoth live, their life philosophy, where and how they find fulfillment without the shackles of the Qun, you will understand what I am talking about. I am aware there is content. I just think there should be more of it, that it should be treated as important too, to make players more willing to replay the game and try to play as every avatar they can, beyond some small hidden dialogue options. I want to be able to correct companions when they’re wrong, just like an elven Warden could with Leliana for example. I want more, and more meaningful conversations with companions. I want us to discuss topics, relate to one another. I want Carta Cadash to talk with Varric and reminisce about stuff they share, and argue or debate about stuff that make them different. I want to be able to tell Cassandra as Trevelyan that no, mages are not whining and asking for more than they deserve. I want to scold her for treating people who were prisoners all their lives as if they were a bunch of whiny brats who are unhappy that they do not have satin linens on their beds, instead of a group of people who actively feared they will be murdered in their sleep by Templars at Haven. Give me those disapprovals Cassandra, I don’t care! You need to hear that mages are not willingly standing in the fire. That being born in the fire is different from consciously stepping into it and staying there and complaining it is hot. I want to be able to talk to all the Chargers, beyond Krem. I want to be able to chat with Dalish about dalish clan differences and similarities, and what they discovered and where they went last with their clans as Lavellan. I want Adaar to compete with Chargers about which group of mercenaries was better, the Chargers or the group that Adaar originally belonged to. I want them to have a drinking match, screaming who defeated more opponents or survived more deadly encounters! Yeah, I know I want a lot. But it is just the world building that I feel is lacking. The connections forged in camaraderie, arguments and debates. I don’t understand players who skip dialogues, or whine about “cutscenes / story arcs being too much talk, not enough action”. I am sorry that the dialogues that are the foundation of RPGs and writing, are standing in the way of some mindless slaughter, dudebro. Maybe they should have picked a different game then, if RP in RPG is bothering them so much.
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Firstly, good news
Okay, sad news y'all...
Lately the phone I had been using to do any kind of art, comics included, has been shutting down and reseting randomly, refusing to turn on and just being a general pain in the neck. I really can't say when I'll be able to draw anything again so I just figured might as well try to send some of my really old stuff about the AU here so I can at least have something to share with you all.
Sides that, online classes started so even if my phone was working, updates would have seriously slowed down regardless...
Anyway, the art stuff I made before I officially started the AU!
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The original design for the Steven/Stephen fusion (I really wanted to wait until they fused in the comic to say this but not sure if I'll be able to now so might as well say the name I chose here for now. SPOILERS, I decided to go with Sten cause the name just stuck with me.
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The original avatar I made for the blog back when it was still called asktheuniversetwins, which just felt off. Definitely still like the new one better though.
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Finally, the first real comic I made of the two to work out what kinda dynamic I wanted them to have. Wanted to post it sooner but felt it would have been off...
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100 followers special post: KorraSami Book 1
Today’s entry (sort of a little extra for 100 followers) is rather short and admittedly just the tip of an iceberg I want to tackle later on, as it relates to a certain issue with Dobson in general when it comes to his “support” of the LGBT community. In addition it is not a comic I want to talk about, but rather a picture. To be more precise this one:
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Titled “Out of our way” and released around summer of 2015, this picture is obviously fanart in relation to KorraSami, the ship of Avatar Korra and Asami Sato, which unlike other ships in certain fandoms became even canon according to “Word of God” and some post tv series material. Now personally my opinion on KorraSami is a bit “complicated”. I do not hate it nor do I really think it is as “groundbreaking” as many, including Dobson, make it out to be. Reasons for that I am willing one day to discuss in detail, but not now.
And like with KorraSami, my opinion on the picture is also a bit complicated. To paraphrase John Cleese from a famous sketch: I may not know much about art, but I know what I like. So when it comes to things such as posture and linework I can not give too many critical details.
However, even I see from a technical point a few irksome details. Like how Asami’s hips move a bit too much perspective wise to the left, making it look like she would soon slip off the wheelchair, the sparks on the ground looking more like someone inserted shitty fries via MS Paint in the picture and Korra’s face looking like it was hit with a frying pan at least once. But honestly, I think it does not look that terrible and it is at least colorful.
That said, I think it highlights a certain issue with how Dobson perceives the ship.
Independent of my thoughts on the ship, I think Korra and Asami are pretty neat characters personality wise. They are both not flawless (in fact, Korra at the start of season 2 felt like any character development from last season was missing and don’t get me even started on how she would have almost started a world war because she was a whinny ass) but they are pretty strong and independent characters who went through a lot both as friends and as individuals over the course of the show. Well, that and they boned the same guy.
The thing with Dobson is, any time I see him do something with those two, that sort of badassery is not really on display. Instead his KorraSami fanart tends to be just whimsical fluff as seen e.g. here
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And don’t get me wrong, I do not think fluff is bad. I like cute pics too and hey, the following two pics in regard of KorraSami by Dobson count for me as decent fluff, even if from a technical drawing point there are likely still flaws in the pic. Mostly because they are also related as pics to the world of the show they are part of, with the first one even showing interaction with someone other than the ship.
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 But I also think that just because you ship two or multiple characters, doesn’t mean you can’t also draw something of such characters as a power couple so to speak. In case of those two, perhaps something like fighting a group of Equalists, showing Asami building and working on something with Korra at her side metal binding something according to Asami’s instructions etc. You know, something that is both “cute” because in a way they do stuff as a couple, but also badass because it is about two characters doing something they were born for. Or not even necessarily badass. Just something that shows them in a situation that isn’t just mindless fluff or feels like you just randomly insert the characters into whatever you can think of, thinking that in itself makes it already shipping art.
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 Bottomline, Dobson when tackling KorraSami only focuses mostly on the mindless fluff of the ship. Which in my opinion is in so far an issue, as that it reduces this so called “groundbreaking LGBT representation in animation” just further down into something cute and rather shallow Dobson can adore. The characters are not appreciated for their personality, but fo their looks and how cute they look together. And frankly, can something be considered “good representation” when it is just pretty shallow on closer look?
This at least is one of multiple issues I have with KorraSami in general, but also in relation with Dobson. Others I can address later on someday. I also bring it up here mostly, because this “shallowness” is indirectly on display in “Out of our way��� once you know a bit about why Dobson drew this and how it may even be a bit insensitive. Not for any living creature, but the character of Korra actually.
See, here is the thing: The inspiration for the pic was two things: A clip from an anime called Gekijouban To Aru Majutsu no Railgun (which I admittedly never saw in my life and do not necessarily intend to) as seen here
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 And the fact that Korra spends some time in a wheelchair over the course of the show. And considering that the scene from the anime is actually meant to be funny (as it actually ends with both characters crashing in the gras in a hilarious position), what sort of cartoonish antics resulted in Korra temporarily being in a wheelchair? Did she slip on water during waterbending? Break her leg in some heroic fight but took it in strife and even made fun of her situation? You want to know?
Korra was kidnapped, tortured, poisoned with mercury and almost killed by a group of four terrorists, resulting in her being physically crippled for a long time and suffering from mental trauma, depression and PTSD.
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……..ehhhhhhhh….. Funny?
 Yeah, on a technical level I do not think the picture is the worst, but as “fanart” when you consider any canon context involving wheelchairs and Korra… yaiks. I mean, tone deaf is a bit of an understatement.
 And I am not making this up. The plot of season 3 of Legend of Korra involved a group of four elemental benders trying to kill Korra, because their leader thinks that if he kills her he can break the Avatar cycle and that in turn will bring in a new era where people take their lives as a whole in their own hands, instead of the fate of the world depending on a few chosen ones like the Avatar. To do so they kidnap Korra and poison her with mercury, which they forcefully bend into her body. This results in her going full avatar mode and fighting the main villain Zaheer, only to get her ass handed by him thanks to the poison and him almost suffocating her by bending the air out of her lungs. Korra was in fact closer to death than any other character I have seen in the show, including Aang. And the aftermath of Zaheer’s actions were horrible. Season 3 ended with Korra still recovering from the poison (which had been bended out of her body again), by being stuck in a wheelchair and it being obvious she needs to get through rehabilitation. And while she did put on a brave face in front of everyone, the final shot of the episode is her at a ceremony celebrating the air nations rebirth, a single tear going down her cheek, indicating that in a way she is broken. The hotheaded and overall determined Korra at her lowest point.
 I will openly admit, when I first saw that scene, I was taken aback a bit how bittersweet if not outright depressing the ending was. Begging the question, how by the time season 4 would roll in, Korra would have recovered. Turned out, not well. Not only was season 4 set three years after the events of the last one, but the first two episodes showed among other things how Korra went through rehabilitation in those years, how she was on more than one occasion on the brink of giving up and how she essentially went into hiding, not wanting to meet her friends again, abandoning her duties as the Avatar. She was not a sobbing mess, but she was broken. Not considering herself worthy of the title of avatar for the longest time and still suffering from physical and mental trauma because of what had happened to her. In fact, one of the better aspects of season 4 is how Korra tries to overcome her own trauma, in order to be strong enough to take on the fight against Kuvira before she can turn the Earth Kingdom completely into the Third Reich and take Republic City over.
 In short, the picture of Korra in a wheelchair has a pretty significant and dramatic meaning for the character and the show as a whole. It is an important aspect of te shows storytelling and Korra’s final part of her character arc. Something with gravitas a lot of fans acknowledge. But Dobson sees it supposedly as something that gives way for a “badass and fun” pic with his favorite ship. And again, in my opinion, that is just tone deaf.I am not saying you can’t make a KorraSami pic with the wheelchair, but I think something with that motive should out of respect for the actual canon and its characters also be more somber than what we got here.
Which brings me back to how Dobson handles the couple in a shallower manner than it needs to be. Cause if he wasn’t just out for whimsical fun and fluff with his two favorite lesbians from Nickelodeon and would Korra and Asami consider more than just something to fawn upon based on looks, he could have drawn something more meaningful that genuinely showed how both are a decent representation of an LGBT-couple and interesting individuals. Cause being a couple when everything is fun and sunshine is one thing. Being there for each other when things are hard? THAT is the challenge and shows how much you really love someone.
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missingmywing · 4 years
Let Us Embrace Whatever It May Bring
@boomchickfanfiction this was inspired largely because I randomly remembered your 30-day challenge, went back to reread them, and rediscover your D&D au. And then got seriously inspired by the remake because I’ve got this colossal D&D universe that I’ve never written or posted anything for. Which is a shame.
So, thanks for reinspiring me!
(Potential spoilers for FFVIIR)
(Link to headcanon post on this; here!)
. . . . .
“They’re going to be so confused.”
“Of course they are, that’s what makes it fun!”
“Cloud is going to hate us.”
“Oh, he is not. Admit it, he’s going to be so excited to bring back the goofy try-hard jackass from the original story. He’s been irritated at what Strife’s slowly turned into across the multiverse, all because he actually payed attention in Intro to Psychology and accidentally took the “play to reality” character type a bit too literally. A hard reset is exactly what he needs, bonus points when he realizes where we’re going with this.”
“Which, hopefully, won’t be until the end of the first part of the campaign.” Sephiroth sent Aerith a pointed look. “We’ll have to be careful not to give them too much to work with too soon.”
“Tell that to the DMs,” she shot back, nudging her cousin with a grin. “Who’s heading it this time? Angeal was the main one last time, even with your parents helping him out, but are we going back to that?”
“Time travel isn’t Angeal’s usual forte,” Sephiroth conceded, “but that adventure was very much his. I’m not willing to take that from him unless he’s an actual player this time. Which, considering where we’re starting the timeline, he can’t be. Not with his own character, at least.”
“That is true,” she sighed, leaning back in her chair to stretch. “I definitely agree; it was his and he really owned it. I know Auntie was super impressed.”
“Yes, yes, mother is very supportive of dragging people into nerdom. It’s why she and Gen get along so well.”
“And that they share a nickname?” she grinned.
He rolled his eyes with a sigh. “That too. So, how are we going to pitch this without arousing suspicion?”
“‘Hey, why don’t we see if we can keep Aerith alive this time?’”
He sent her a deeply unimpressed look.
“I know it may come as a shock, but the world doesn’t actually revolve around you, y’know.”
“This one does!” she shot back with a brilliant grin. “Now help me figure out how to set this up so no one realises that we’re literally resetting the timeline.”
. . .
“Hot damn we actually got everyone here,” Barret looked around, impressed, at the barely-contained chaos of people reuniting, getting food and drinks, and discussing storylines.
“I didn’t actually expect everyone to show up when I sent out that message,” Aerith admitted. “I mean, I did send out the call for Avalanche specifically, even if everyone was invited.”
“What, ya’ thought we wouldn’t show up to a new campaign for this story?” Reno asked with a grin, slinging an arm over her shoulders. “Everyone shows up for the first and final sessions, even if they don’t participate. C’mon Aer, this is our baby. We all wanna know what new adventure awaits us on the distant land of Gaia.”
“Yeah, who’s getting possessed this time?!” Zack called across the room with a grin. “Do I finally get to come back to life for good? Does Cloud finally die for good? Do he and Seph finally bone in-game?!”
“No, that was Dissidia,” Cloud corrected with a grin, and laughter rang through the rooms.
“Oh boy, that campaign,” Genesis grinned, elbowing Sephiroth.
“You weren’t even there,” Sephiroth protested, elbowing him back with a smile.
Angeal shook his head from where he and Jenova were setting up the table. “That’s what you get for live-streaming it.”
“It was a fantastic campaign,” Jenova assured them. “Full kudos to your DMs, they did a fantastic job juggling everything and showing how young their gods were last time, especially in comparison to Cosmos and Chaos from the first two campaigns. And all from behind the anonymity of a computer and avatar.”
Sephiroth narrowed his eyes at her, and she winked at him. She preferred to stay anonymous in the wider campaigns like that; it preserved her character’s image.
“It was fun,” Cloud admitted, “even if it was chaotic. And speaking of fun and chaotic, is everyone here?”
“Role call!” Jenova shouted through the house. “DM’s to the floor prompto! Avalanche and evil people, to the table! Everyone else, spread out and stay out from underfoot!”
There were chuckles and laughter as people called out jibes and protests toward their treatment, but everyone gathered just the same. With some subtle prompting from the DMs and two schemers, the people from the Midgar section of the Meteor campaign were settled closest to the DMs, Shinra (Rufus, the Turks, and Reeve) on one side and Avalanche on the other, and Aerith managed to snag Zack into sitting next to her. At his raised eyebrow she winked.
Angeal cleared his throat, and it fell quiet.
“You all have your intro Meteor sheets, right?” He glanced around, and everyone nodded. “Right, get those out and let's get some stat comparing for this campaign.”
That raised a few brows and murmurs, but the rustling of bags and binders and papers soon filled the room.
Sephiroth was careful to hide his endgame Advent Children campaign sheet behind his intro Meteor one. No reason to give anyone ideas at this stage. The anticipation and confusion would be so much more fun if they were all kept in the dark.
His eyes met Aerith’s, and she looked just as excited as he felt.
They took a few minutes to minorly rework the sheets to better suit their play style now, but the changes wouldn’t be major enough to impede the story. Good.
Jenova clapped twice, Lucrecia and Vincent finished tidying up the papers, Hojo spread out the stat sheets, and Angeal once again cleared his throat.
“Imagine, if you will, a sky. Filled with clouds, oversetting a dusty plain with rocky hills. A bird flies overhead, feathers dark and scraggly. It soars through the sky, over the plains, toward a large mass of metal plunging into the sky.”
Angeal had the perfect voice for narration, everyone was hooked from the first sentence, and there were shifts of excitement at the mention of the ruins of Midgar.
“Carried up by the wind, if flies into a cloudbank, navigating through large metal beams and poles. With a burst of sunlight, it emerges on the other side- overtop of a thriving metropolis.”
There was a burst of noise at that. Gasps and shouts of surprise at the realization that these weren’t ruins, and it probably wasn’t Edge.
Jenova called for quiet, and all the DMs looked amused.
“So what, we doin’ a time-skip?” Cid raised a brow.
“No, that doesn’t make sense.” Elena dug through her notes. “In the AC campaign it opened with a five hundred year time-skip and Midgar was a jungle, remember?”
“Yep, Nanaki and his cubs were overlooking it,” Kunsel confirmed, pulling out the concept sheet he’d sketched out at the time, as well as the character sheet he hadn’t yet gotten to use. Apparently he wouldn’t get to use it this campaign either. Darn. He had tons of cool stuff Nanaki had learned over those five hundred years.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean that we didn’t time skip,” Rufus pointed out. “It just means that we’re before it was reclaimed by the Planet. It could be a two or three hundred year time skip, and we’re descendents. A city could easily be totally reclaimed in a hundred years or less.
“Or,” Cloud cut in, “we could just wait and see what nefarious plot our DMs have in store.”
“I just got done with the Number 3 campaign with the KH crew, so I know what my theory is,” Reno drawled, drawing snickers from everyone who followed that particular convolution.
Aerith giggled, and tried not to do it too hard. Reno would be the first to figure it out, solely due to the central part he played as Axel in that particular campaign with that group. He’d keep quiet though, just to see how long it took everyone else.
Angeal smiled at them, but continued. “It flies over the train tracks, the cars on freeways, and down between buildings in what appears to be an entertainment district. Children on bikes ride down the street, past construction crews and people loading fuel cells into cars, shoppers entering and exiting shops along the street, and cars making their way along the road. The children ride down a hill, across a road, and reach a playground with a few toys… and a strangely shaped slide.”
Cloud stilled, suspicion arising in his eyes, and Aerith and Sephiroth bit back smiles.
“Day fades to evening, to night, and as the young girl slides down, something catches her eye in the distance. She turns to looks, and watches as a large burst of green erupts from a distant building along the giant outer wall.”
More and more people were beginning to realize, and Reeve looked breathless at the description of something he’d labored at for weeks alongside Jenova, Lucrecia, Hojo, and Vincent to make somewhat realistically believable for his first campaign with them. He was blindly groping in his bag for the sketches and blueprints he’d rendered out on his own.
“Imagine, the sparks of green float up and up, into the cloudy sky, until they resemble stars- and now imagine drifting through them, through the emptiness of space-”
Oh, Cloud knew this. He remembered this from their first Meteor session. Their introduction to the fully realized Midgar, at the introduction of Reeve to their group. And, judging by other people’s reactions, he wasn’t the only one.
“Holy shit,” Barret breathed from beside him, and an incredulous grin was slowly spreading across Zack’s face, while Tifa looked torn between excitement and horror.
“Imagine floating down, down, until buildings take shape. An alleyway, and in the alleyway is a girl. Long, flowing brown hair, with a pink dress, red jacket, and pink ribbon in her braid. Her green eyes are focused on an opening from which the sparks are floating out of; as though she is receiving answers to questions only she would know to ask.”
There was silence for a moment, and Aerith counted down the moments in her head. Three, two, one-
The room exploded into chaos. People were shouting, throwing out questions and theories, laughter and horror in equal bounds on people’s faces.
“Yes!!! Oh yeah, Wedge is back baby!” Zack’s gleeful shout was the most obvious, drawing laughter and groans of protest in equal measure at the reminder of Barret’s Avalanche cell.
“Are we reworking Meteor?!” Elena looked ecstatic. “Because there is so much I want to rework with my fighting style! I have some nifty new spells that I want to try against a bigger level gap!”
“Oh noooo,” Reno groaned, dropping his head back. “I’m gonna go back to bein’ the guy who dropped the plate. Not cool, yo! I finally made everyone forget about that by bein’ a quirky idiot in AC!”
“Ha!” Yuffie grinned. “We’re never gonna let it die!”
Sephiroth focused on Cloud. “You seem conflicted.”
Cloud started, then grinned ruefully at him. “I am, a bit. I’m ecstatic to come back of course, to get Strife back before I put too much realism into his reactions, to completely rework him from the ground up. I mean, this was my first campaign as a major player the whole way through. I’m thrilled. I just also happen to remember all the horrible things that happened to turn Strife into sir angst-fest that he was.”
“Perhaps,” Sephiroth acknowledged, “but if we’re reworking it… then doesn’t that mean that you can change things this time around?”
Cloud sent him a flat look, though his eyes were warm. “I’m not naive enough to think it’s that simple. Between you and the DMs, this won’t go smoothly at all.”
Sephiroth smirked at him, that damn smirk that got to him every time. “Perhaps,” he repeated in a purr, “but isn’t that the fun of it all?”
“Alright children, settle down!” Jenova shouted, but her wild grin showed her true feelings on the matter. “Yes, to answer the question… we are, in fact, reworking Meteor. For a couple of reasons, but mostly… yeah, character development was a large part of it. A couple of people backed themselves into a corner with their characterizations, and needed a sort of… reset.”
Cloud winced, his own feelings being the most well known on the matter. “Oops,” he said weakly.
“It’s not just you,” Lucrecia assured him. “Vincent and I need to rework ours too, because Dirge wasn’t… hmm.”
“I need a character alteration,” Vincent said flatly. “I didn’t like how I played some of that, and would like to have come to some of those conclusions earlier, because some of my lack of action felt a bit too forced and I would like to see if I can smooth it out.”
Yuffie frowned. “What was wrong with it?”
“Essentially the same problem as Cloud, I took the after effects too seriously and made my character more depressed and stagnant than necessary. I’ll see if I can tone it down a bit, or at least form it into a slightly more active shape earlier.”
“And my entire character needs to just be completely reworked,” Lucrecia sighed. “Granted I use character very loosely, because she’s basically just an NPC, and since we based this whole thing on one of our high school campaigns, I am very annoyed with what I turned her into.”
“You turned her into that because she annoyed you and you didn’t like her anymore,” Hojo pointed out dryly.
“I know, but I’m hoping I might be able to fix it.”
“Hashtag-doubt,” Jenova murmured. “I, for one, am perfectly happy with my character.”
“You would be,” Sephiroth said dryly.
“And you aren’t, darling?”
“No, I am,” he assured her. “Just reminding you of your own nature.”
Murmured conversations broke out as people reevaluated their character sheets, considering possible changes. Cloud noticed Rufus, digging out a familiar pet-sheet and quickly scratching out the name up top, and snorted. A glance around revealed Zack gleefully revising Wedge’s sheet, While Jenova and Angeal already had Jessie and Bigg’s revised sheets out in front of them.
Reeve was considering his own three sheets, clearly calculating stats, as was Kunsel. He caught sight of Reno’s sheet just as Angeal called- “This isn’t Kingdom Hearts, Reno, you cannot pull Axel’s stats over to your Turk, he isn’t Lea.”
“Lameee,” Reno groaned, but put the sheet up well naturedly.
“They don’t even use the same element,” Tifa pointed out with amusement, her own sheet done with few revisions.
“Meh,” he shrugged, glancing over. “Not gonna revise stats, Tseng, Rude?”
“A few a bit later, perhaps,” Tseng responded distractedly as he flipped through his later sheets. “As of right now, however, no. I’m content until I can unlock a few higher-tier spell combinations.”
Rude nodded. “Same here. I know what I want to change, but I need higher levels first.”
Barret was grumbling along with Cid about potential mechanics later on, and Cloud turned his attention back to Genesis and Angeal bickering lightly about Scarlet’s potential and materia abilities. He shook his head with a smile, and waited for everyone to finish up.
Angeal cleared his throat once again, calling for silence, and continued.
“Long, flowing brown hair, with a pink dress, red jacket, and pink ribbon in her braid. Her green eyes are focused on an opening from which the sparks are floating out of; as though she is receiving answers to questions only she would know to ask. She starts, suddenly, as though breaking out of a daze, and straightens with a nervous glance around, as though looking for something. Nothing appears, but she quickly stands and hurries out of the alley, glancing over her shoulder as she does. She stumbles into someone, and drops some of her flowers, in her distraction. Quickly kneeling to pick them up, she collects all but one before a man carrying a box and thus can’t see it, steps on it. She slowly picks it up, cradling it in her hands, before her gaze is inexplicably drawn to the sky.”
Angeal to a breath, and continued.
“Pulling away from her, up and into the very sky she’s observing, see the building, lit brightly against the dark, theaters and shops and restaurants; further up and see the city take shape, enormous metal plates with large gaps between them, and at the center… at the center is a tower. Looming over the entire city with an ominous presence, it oversees all that goes on in the city.
Now we go down, down past the other side of the tower, down to Sector 1. A train flies along the rail, a delivery for Mako Reactor Zero. And atop that train is a young man. Blond flyaway hair and a modified SOLDIER uniform, a large sword attached to his back. As the train slows, he looks up, glowing blue-green eyes steely with determination. The train pulls to a stop in the station, and two guards separate to do an inspection.”
Angeal smiled.
“Roll for initiative.”
. . . . .
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purple-skiis · 6 years
Who's your favourite character besides Sasuke?
Mmm!!! Good question! I'm not into a lot of fandoms, but I do have a bunch of favs! Although, I guess I just don't stan them as much as I do for Sasuke. So in no particular order:
1. Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Characters don't always have to be good looking blokes okay. I love Iroh. I love every second he's on screen.
Its touching honestly. How his loss was the reason foe him becoming so humble. Like, just watch the end of The Tale of Ba Sing Sae, and tell me how you didn't hold yourself from breaking down and crying like a baby because of just how sad it was.
He's a humble character. Wise and philosophical even. Avatar's narration shows how both his neice and nephew were part of chold neglect from either parent. Azula was brought up by an abusive father, while Zuko was brought by a loving mother. And yet both of them were treated harshly from the opposing parent.
What I found good about him is how he actually tried to reach out for both of his brother's childre, indescrimnately. I won't deny how at certain instances he did favor Zuko more, but I will say one thing was that Azula was favouring her father from starting an era of oppression. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I love Iroh.
2. Ren Hakuryuu from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
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After Naruto finished, this was the guy I stanned. Honestly, this BABY. He's so pure abd soft at the start of the series and ends up becoming so mature. Although, what's sad to see is the character's moral degradation over time. Or at least that's what we are supposed to think.
In the world of Magi, almost all characters are moral grey. Aside from Alibaba and Morgianna, all the other characters have very contrasting prespectives on life and the world, yet they happen to be flawed, but right within the undersranding capacity of human limits.
Its probably what draws me to his story. Flawed prespective, yet strangly perfect and right. His mother was an evil witch who killed his siblings and blackmailed him using his sister.
He loves his older sister a lot, and she does too. Like its one of the most wholesome relationsjips in the entire manga. Do you have any idea how emotional that scene was when he became almost hopeless to sace his sister from coma? When he found out his sister got posessed? When his sister saved him from getting killed by the woman they called mother?
Anyways I love how he goes from being the crybaby of the crew to this big strong guy. None of these characters are maey sue ir gary stues, yet all of them are weak and unimaginably powerful at the same time.
3. Dead Master from Black Rock Shooter
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4. Jaeseongdaeseong/Jin Mo Ri from God of Highschool
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5. Frakenstein from Noblesse
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Another character Inlike from a webtoon. Although I w
6. Aelita Schaeffer from Code Lyoko
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Her story is like just so ???? Sad ??? Like hear me out. Aelita's father creates an AI, thinking that it'd be revolutionary, and how it would greatly benefit humanity. However one day when she was playing, she realized that her mother was being taken away, and she and her father had to be on the run to escape from the very AI that her father created.
All this happens during the time when she was too little to understand what ezactly was going on. Her life is destroyed. She's like 12. And the two end up transferring them selves to a digital world to seek refuge. If they die, so does the AI. Her life is really taken away at this point.
I'll brief in a bit more because this girl had to be homeschool because the death threat issue had been going on for a while underwhich they were being watched. Mostly because whatever information her father had was vital for updating that AI. She never had a life to begin with aside from her parents. After one was taken away, and the other presumeably dead, she's practically all alone.
And then 10 years later, this kid randomly comes up and boots up the server in which these two were and gives her a new life. New people. Friends and a family all together. How she gets a new life, and just grows from being a damsel in distress to this actually p badass girl who doesn't scream mindlessly in the name of danger. Yes.
7. Hatsune Miku
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All I have to say is that she gave me RSI during exams, and I'm not even mad at her for it. Idk how I found her games, but I found her, got obsessed with her, then became what I became now.
I mean, there are so many iconic songs of her: BRS, Leven Polka (cover), Triple Baka, Kagerou Days, Love is War, Kyouchimuite baby, aaaaaaaaand a lot more.
8. Doctor Strange from the MCU
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A neurosurgeon? A guy who can use magic? Someone fvcking relatable as a med student? Uh, sign me up. His movie was trippy as hell, and gave me what felt like actual glipmses to what seziures might feel like and how this movie was on literal drugs.
Like just how mind blogging was his story. He looses everything, all because of his over confindence and pride. From his hands, to his resources. This guy ends up taking a one way ticket to Nepal in search of a way to heal his hands.
When western medicine failed him, he decided to head east, only to find of out that nothing can ever truely "heal" his hands; but only just make it a little better. That ending was on all levels of heartbreaking.
On another note, this guy used his powers in like the most sensible way. Got hurt? Opens a portal to the hospital and asks his colloague for quick heal. Learns stuff easily. When asked how, he responds with "thats how I became a doctor". Like TRUE BRUV. ONLY THOSE PPL CAN BECOME DOCTORS OR EVEN SPECIALIZE WHO HAVE GREAT BRAINS.
9. Megumi Tadokoro from Shokugeki no Soma
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She's like an airhead, a nervous wreck, a procrastinator, super anxious, yet a very strong, determined, and hard working lil' baby.
At times, she freaks out, and then improvises to cover her mistakes. She does her best to provide the most flavour out of her food despite the shear contrast between herself and the person she's match to fight against.
She knows her terf, and she knows how to use her abilities best. Just because her skills happen to be slightly less than the main cadt around her, it doesn't mean that she's someone of any less value.
This girl okay. She's so wholesome and adorable. Like, I'm glad that they don't downplay on her as a female character, after considering how this is an eechi series in its core.
Best of all, she doesnt let her infactuation with the MC get to her abilities. In fact, its something that gives her hope to struggle and compete with. The praise does make her extremely happy for days on end, but that doesn't mean she has to stop working hard. There's still a lot of room for improvement and I personally think that's one of her best traits.
Hence, I deem her to be Best Girl !!!
10. Ochako Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia
Yeah... I guess thats it......
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asperia-sparrow · 5 years
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Sketch Dump 2018 (+ early 2019): Miscellaneous
1-2: Pokemon, I keep forgetting to practice Treecko
3: Sad Chao
4: Jackal blep and random stuff
5-6: Beach stuff
7: crusherthedoctor’s OC, Trudy.
8: Gadget
9-10: I’ve been seeing a post about how you should write what you like and what you want to read and I randomly remembered about a short story I wrote in 4th grade. I don’t really remember much about it, just that it was about a cat and dog who got trapped and escaped from a snake, one of them was named Whitey or Whitney, and I drew bells for the cover that I never felt were quite right. Anyway, I decided to try to re-imagine them as Sonic characters, using Forces Avatar clothes as a base, just first attempt, for some reason I just couldn’t draw Whitney. Might rework their story a some point, too?
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scarfmom · 7 years
Another doctor visit, yet another doctor (there were a lot of babies being born on Friday and my doc was on-call) Luckily everyone I’ve had so far has been awesome.
So I’m negative for strep B, YAY! And I don’t have any UTIs or anything like I suspected, pheww.
We’re down to 2 weeks 1 day til B-Day (Baby Day) so the doc offered (but said it wasn’t mandatory) a cervical exam. This is the sort of thing where they can tell if your cervix is dilating, if your uterine wall is getting thinner, etc. 
It. is. Really. Uncomfortable.
Good warning afterwards that these exams can cause a little cramping later and some minor bleeding, and to not freak out about that. So far just a little cramping, which is over, so yay.
But it was worth it to know where we’re starting from. Nothing is dilated or noticeably thin, so it would be VERY unlikely for me to go into labor this weekend, or even week. 
My mom keeps saying she thinks I’ll pop early but general knowledge says first babies are usually late. I’m on the fence about what I prefer, honestly. I have a lot of work to do and I want to get it done before I go, BUT I’m so randomly uncomfortable that I just want to be home and putting my feet up all day. This weekend should help with that.
My ankles and feet are... ri-fucking-diculously swollen. It’s one of the normal things, but also one of the things they look for when they watch out for preeclampsia, along with protein in pee and high blood pressure (neg on both of those) It really sucks though, I’m kindof self conscious about them. The way that I am self conscious about stuff is by pointing at them and commenting on how weird and gross they are every time I talk to someone who says I look “great”. 
Look. Look at my giant weird feet. I look like a Wakfu character. They’re kinda itchy and achey. They’re so gross, look at them. What the hell is this shit.
New this weekend is that going from sitting to standing up HURTS LIKE A FUCKER. Like, my crotch hurts, but on my legs kinda but not my legs. The parts that connect my legs to my torso. Also my underbelly. I’m finally using the complicated velcro support system my friend gave me. It’s kinda helpful but it’s very warm on a hot day like this.
I stood up almost all day yesterday at our baby shower and it felt good until I sat down in the car and we got out again, my feet HAAAAATE me now.
I’ve been getting some of my doodle urges back, which is awesome! I want to draw my scarfanie avatar more (her ankles have always been chunky so there’s that too) and I have doodled her/myself pregnant and its kinda funny and cute.
Only problem is, when I feel motivated to draw, I immediately think of all the other things I have been lacking motivation for (writing thank you cards, organizing my art supplies in the office, actually writing a birth plan AAHAHAHA) and then try to force myself to redirect to doing THOSE things, then I don’t. I should just fucking draw. I need to. GYAH.
Lorenzo’s really active and pushy in there, I think he’s got his calendar marked and is ready to move out when it’s time. I think sleeping on my left side (as directed, no matter how FUCKING BORING it is to sleep in the same position all night every night) makes him sink into the same position, because he always seems to start the day with his butt under my left ribs and his feet on my right. It’s his preferred orientation, and as long as he’s head down I’m totes cool with that.
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