scarfmom · 7 years
When you give babies food they play with it, and when you give them a toy they put it in their mouths and try to eat it.
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scarfmom · 7 years
*sweats* The number of high school friends I have who just had babies and bought houses is......... weird.
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scarfmom · 7 years
Not a lot of posts lately, we’ve figured the baby out really good now! I am obsessed with him! HE IS SLEEPING RIGHT NOW. He lets us do things! HE DOES THINGS TOO! So impressed by the little squirt.
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scarfmom · 7 years
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Say no to stereotypes, be happy everyday! [x]
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scarfmom · 7 years
Mom: let me see what you have!
Mom: NOOO!!!
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scarfmom · 7 years
This morning I was changing Lorenzo. I covered him with a towelie while I reloaded the diaper stash. He rolled onto his side, waited for the towel to slip, then peed across the room! When I stood up, he got me right up my pants and shirt I just spent too long picking out for work today.
He's getting too good at this.
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scarfmom · 7 years
It would be really creepy if a baby was born laughing instead of crying
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scarfmom · 7 years
I just Want To Fucking SLEEP PLEASE BABY JUST FART. FART IT ALL OUT. Get comfortable and nod off pleaseeeee I am running very low on patience for farts come on
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scarfmom · 7 years
When I was younger, I trusted my parents’ driving skill wothout a doubt. As an adult, riding with my parents terrifies me.
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scarfmom · 7 years
So busy! I've been easing back into work, we determined that half days suck so I'm doing 3 whole days /week so I can be with baby as I much as I can. Pumping at work is weird, and my coworker has to realize that I'm not at work to socialize with her and go out to lunch, I want to spend every moment out of the house being productive... and also my lunch hour is split up into pumping sessions now so she just needs to stop expecting me to go with her. Just stop. We drove to Boise for the weekend and he did great! We fed and changed him at every stop, which was hard at locations without changing tables (fuck you Jack in the Box where I had to change his explosive poop diaper in the car in 92°F heat) and whenever we got stuck in roadwork traffic. He took it like a champ! Today he had his first big vaccination doctor visit. I was calm and ready, but the shots hurt anyway and he did not like them, poor baby!! His face was so red and the crying was so loud. He was super needy the rest of the day and I was happy to coddle him. It's the most pain he's ever been in, so probably the fuel for his nightmares for the next few months. He also gave me lots of smiles and cooing when we got home. We were waiting for him to have a fever, but he only got up to 99 before it dropped back down again. I hope that means his immune system is strong!
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scarfmom · 7 years
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me as a dad
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scarfmom · 7 years
Depends on how much sand
When my first toddler ate sand, I drove him to the ER. When my 2nd toddler ate sand I tried to remove it. When my 3rd toddler ate sand I hoped he’s fed until the evening.
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scarfmom · 7 years
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I'm glad the courthouse had a room I could use for pumping, but it was a break room/storage closet with no lock on the door. I was ready to calmly stare at anyone who came in without knocking but no one did. Luckily I got excused from serving any more Jury Duty this go around so I don't have to worry about this any more. My boobs missed baby so much that this was the most successful session I've ever had, though!
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scarfmom · 7 years
When I stop my toddler from walking through certain doors, it’s like that portion of the map is locked until she’s a higher level
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scarfmom · 7 years
So lucky Will is the opposite of this, but must remember to not become the one who does this and teach Lorenzo to avoid it too.
Here’s the reason why your “POOR MEN!” comments on my “men don’t know how to do emotional labor and rely solely on their wives to do it for them,” post are GARBAGE. Like, shut upppppp.
Do we live in a society that socializes a lot of young men to not have the foundational tools they need for their personal and emotional wellbeing? YES. Does that suck? YES. Is everyone in society responsible for recreating, over and over again, toxic masculinity? YES.
But what all those comments completely ignore are the BENEFITS of men not being expected to do emotional labor. Men benefit GREATLY from this shit. ALL THE TIME.
They benefit from not having to do the incredibly exhausting legwork of emotionally caring for their children. Dad is the “fun one” and mom is who you go to talk through all your life shit with. Doing emotional labor for your children is beautiful work but it is honestly a 24/7 job and it is exhausting and intensive and requires a great deal of patience. I know a shit-ton of people my age (myself included) who had little to no emotional labor support growing up from their dads. That means their moms (and grandmas. And sisters. And aunts.) were doing the bulk of this labor.
(Also it’s pretty sad when a girl child in the family is expected to do the emotional labor of her siblings cause dad can’t get his head out of his ass to show up and listen for 5 minutes)
Men benefit from not having any expectations on them that they do any other kind of kinship work too. Like calling their moms on their mom’s birthday. Like writing christmas cards, inviting friends to dinner, scheduling healthcare visits for their kids (and sometimes even for themselves!), making sure dinner is on the table for a family dinner, getting presents for family birthdays, etc etc. Many men are completely oblivious of how their family actually functions, because they’ve never had to do kinship work like this in any real, substantive way.
When men are exempt from kinship work and emotional labor, they have a shitton of free time and energy on their hands to explore other activities, activities that their busy, emotionally taxed wives cannot explore. This is a huge benefit for men and it has a huge cost for women.
I honestly think that this is the cause of many straight relationship breakups/divorces, because men have all this time to pursue personal projects and women are fucking E X H A U S T E D and busy doing all the emotional labor, and men end up looking at their wives and being like “You’re boring now. All you think about/talk about is being  a mom. I need a ~partner~. Someone with more interests.”
So before you’re like POOR MEN fucking recognize that POOR MEN benefit from not being expected to do emotional labor and that these POOR MEN are GROWNASS MEN who are capable of changing that up and learning but DON’T. They’re not children anymore. They can actually do this shit if they want to.
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scarfmom · 7 years
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Learned how to wear a baby wrap today and he fell asleep in it right away...
Kinda love how close it holds him while letting me use my hands!
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scarfmom · 7 years
I was unprepared for how much my life was going to revolve around my boobs.
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