#ranboo reminds me of a fish
solarkarii · 1 year
There's no thoughts in that minds of his
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daydark4k · 1 year
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Schooling is a social behavior in which fish align and stay close to one another as members of a group. Many animals live in groups, but unlike most such groups (herds of deer, for example) a school of fish has a consistent geometric orientation
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doodleduck · 1 year
Dsmp characters as fish because a special interest of mine is northeastern game fish 👍
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c!Ranboo - Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Basically the loser of the fish community lmao. They are really sensitive to their surroundings. They need the water to be a certain pH and temperature in order to survive. They are migratory in order to fulfill those needs. They are also bullied by other fish (specifically brown trout) to the point where populations are dropping. They are one of the more timid and docile species of trout. They stick in small groups. They will become aggressive when feeding or defending their spawning nests. Brook trout also have some of the most unique and colorful patterns. Brook trout hybrids are common occurrences
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c!Tommy - Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Largemouth are the fish that is in everybody’s business. They are very much in your face all of the time. Simultaneously both very smart and very dumb. They commit to one spot to make their nest and will defend it fiercely. They are picky where they put their nest and spend a lot of time maintaining it to keep it in good condition. They typically will live in the same body of water and not migrate out, but will change depths depending on the seasons and where food is located.
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c!Tubbo - Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu)
Basically the Largemouth’s little brother. They are very similar but the smallmouth are typically smaller and bit more docile. They are also arguably a bit smarter than the largemouth as well. They are also very territorial and will defend their nests. Their nests are also well kept. When defending or hunting, they fight like a tank. Although smaller than the largemouth they pack a bigger punch. Smallmouth are also more cold tolerant than other fish.
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c!Phil - Walleye (Sander vitreus)
Walleye remind me of crows. They have terrific eyesight, which is why they have big eyes. Their unique eyes allow them to hunt at night. They have one of the greater lifespans and can live to be a couple decades old. Walleye spend time in schools with members similar to them. They like to lurk in deeper cooler water. They are more active at night and more docile during the day. They become aggressive when seasons change and they have to stock up for the winter
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c!Techno - Bullhead catfish (Ameiurus melas)
Bullhead are similar to walleye and live in similar conditions. They like cooler murky environments to reside in. They are docile if left alone. They will become predatory and territorial if provoked or feeding. They have venomous spines on their fins which hurt like a bitch if you get stung (not fatal). They scavenge more than hunt and scrounge around the bottom looking for food. They fight hard and hit hard. And once they have something they are very determined to not let it go
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c!Wilbur - Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)
Brown trout are actually invasive and are not native to North America, they originate in parts of Europe and Asia. But they have now established themselves as part of the ecosystem. They compete with the native species and often pose a challenge. They are typically bigger than other trout species and their competitors get shoved around a bit. Browns are smart and cunning, and are very successful hunters. They are arguably the most territorial species of trout
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c!Quackity - Musky (Esox masquinongy)
Easily one of, if not the smartest gamefish. They are nicknamed “the fish of ten thousand casts” because they are very picky and know how to differentiate lures from real bait fish. They are hard to catch. Muskies are ambush predators and will eat anything that fits into their mouth. This includes waterfowl, rodents, and frogs. They are elusive and like to stick to themselves. Musky are very dedicated to their territory and will fight any intruders out
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Yay fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Okay so- can you please tell me some more headcanons or other things you have about the dsmp? Like the characters- If you don't wanna tell me then that's completely okay! I just wanted to ask cause I really like hearing about headcanons and stuff that people have- /gen /nf
IM ALWAYS SO HYPED WHEN I GET TO SHARE MY HEADCANNONS :D THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING!!!! /gen Apologizes for this being answered so late.. And because these are mostly centered around Tubbo because I love talking about his character OH ALSO There is a tw warning on one of the hcs, please read it so you can skip it if you need too!
- Since George is sleeping all the time, People (Sapnap) have started to take care of him because it's very clear he doesn't want to- waking him up so he can drink water or eat or even just dragging him out of the forest he always falls asleep in!
- When Tommy was younger, he really wanted to be a fish. A goldfish to be exact, because of this factor he would spend most of his day trying to last underwater and to this day Tommy can now last a long time underwater!!
- With Tubbo's horns growing in, he headbutts everyone (usually for affection). The only people who can keep up with it is Technoblade and Puffy. Since Puffy has horns herself and Techno.. Is well Techno.
- Adding onto it, People (Philza) have started to refer to Tubbo as "Little Goat" because usually only baby goats headbutt for affection, Tubbo hates it and Tommy laughs everytime.
- if GeorgeHD did exist, I believe that he wouldn't hate George. Yep that's it-
- Tubbo is a very shaky person, his hands shake all the time. It's to the point where he gets pissed off about it, Ranboo likes to grab his hands and hold them for a few minutes when it's bad, it doesn't get rid of the shakes but it grounds Tubbo
- Tommy and Tubbo tickle each other all the time, even when L'manburg was first getting started they tickled each other. It's like their love language and even in Manburg or Pogtopia era no one had the heart to tell them to stop. (Wilbur had tried to tell them to stop but then they just started tickling him.)
- Quackity fidgets with his wings when he's stressed, and considering he runs a nation he's stressed alot. Most of the feathers on his wings are either bent or certain spots don't have as many on them because of his fidgeting.
- Quackity is a very angry duck and that can cause him to lash out at people, so when he gets like this people (usually Las Nevadas workers or Wilbur) like to pet his wings and softly tickle them! It doesn't mean they get away with it, After you pet them you're sent on cleaning duty. Or in Wilbur's case just get tortured with pictures of salmon.
- Tubbo has a bunch of Disney princess bandaids on his scar because Micheal thought he was in pain with the scar and so to make him feel better put bandaids on him! (Tommy also insisted on putting hello kitty bandaids on him-)
- Everyone on the Dream smp likes to tickle each other, Soft tickles, hard tickles, reward tickles, punishment tickles, comfort tickles. They will always find a reason to tickle each other- this is very confusing to new members who join because the smp doesn't waste time in showing them their little habit!
- Tubbo has a bunch of reasons to liking nukes but one of the reasons is because once they launch they often leave a gun powder smell, reminding him of Wilbur. It's.. Comforting in a strange way.
- Yknow that thing were people can like.. Taste words? I feel like that's what Tommy has, which is why he repeats words alot (Pog, pogchamp, primes) cause they taste good. That and for verbal stims!
- on the topic of stimming, Tommy used to be really embarassed about his so he would bite on his tongue whenever he felt a verbal stim coming on.. Like really bite. So much it would draw blood, until one day when he caught Techno stimming. Big strong Techno, the coolest person ever. Safe to say he started letting his stims out a bit more after that.
- when Quackity is excited about something (or someone) he shakes and flutters his wings! It's really cute, especially since it happens when he catches Wilbur coming over to Las nevadas. He hates him, he swears he does! But his bird brain loves Wilbur, he can usually stop them before Wilbur catches wind of it, he does not wanna deal with Wilbur finding out.
- I like to think Tommy has a bunch of pictures hung up around his house of him and his friends, the pictures are hung up on fairy lights! It's literally the only pretty thing about his house.
TW SCRATCHING SOMEONE PURPOSELY - Almost everyone on the Dream Smp has "bad" nails, most being bitten, dirt under the edges or just horribly cut nails. The only people who don't is Antfrost and Quackity, also Puffy. Antfrost is a cat so.. Y'know? He doesn't like having his nails touched so they grow perfectly until hes forced to cut them, Quackity used to have some uh vivid daydreams about.. Scratching a certain someone (Schlatt) so he takes good care of nails. Just incase the day ever comes, and Puffy likes her nails to be atleast cut so she looks professional in therapy sessions!
- Almost every hybrid on the server will make their hybrid side noises, okay that's a bad way of saying it but like Quackity will make duck noises, Tubbo will make goat noises, etc etc. And it always seems to happen when they're excited.
- and yes Tubbo does In fact make goat noises when he knows he's gonna get tickled, it's such a big tell that he wants tickles. Tommy teases him about it all the time, "I'm gonna get you Tubs!-.. D-Did you just bleat? AWW TUBS!! Your so excited for your tickles!! Come here-"
- Tubbo likes eating Christmas ornaments. Also soda cans it's.. It's concerning. S-Someone should probably stop him-
- Tommy can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocius off the top of his head, no one knows how or why but it's very good for winning challenges!
- If you make any tickle teases to Tommy about his tummy, he will go bright red. It isn't even his death spot but the thought of it being tickled makes him very flustered.
- The bench trio, (Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo) all like to watch child shows in their free time, they have watched cocomelon before but Tubbo got aggressive at it and almost smashed the tv with a headbutt-
- Tommy, as a bird hybrid makes nests, He sees Tubbo and Ranboo as his "flockmates" it doesn't matter that they're different species. When Tommy needs comfort he goes to the nest, Ranboo is usually the first to catch on so he goes and picks up Tubbo (Who squeals out of surprise) and starts bringing him towards Tommy. He drops him into the nest and sits down himself and they both do whatever they can to make Tommy feel better.
- Tommy in the universe he has wings, he claims they aren't ticklish. And people think it's true because when they try to tickle them he doesn't react.. Until Philza comes along. Philza has wings himself and it only takes a few minutes before Tommy is on the ground laughing his head off.
- Quackity and George on occasion spend time together. I mean Quackity's fiances left him and George's (Boyfriend? Best friend?) Left him so they bond over it, "Well Karl apparently forgot me so" "Ah, Dream forgot me too." They sit in silence until Quackity offers George a drink.
- The reason why George is so tired all the time is actually because of his mushroom hat, the type of mushroom he has on his head actually has like a sleeping thing in it. But even if he did take it off he would sleep the same amount so..????
- I like to think Quackity and in the universe where Tommy has small white wings they often will stretch their wings subconsciously towards people they trust to get compliments. If you compliment their wings, their bird brain will go crazy.
- Animals, for some reason, are naturally drawn to Tommy. It confuses people because he's loud, very very loud but he can draw even the shyest animals to him.
- Wilbur is the type of sibling to randomly enter your room, stare at you for a few seconds and then leave. WITHOUT CLOSING THE DOOR.
- Tubbo and Tommy have tried to convince Quackity to go to marriage therapy and they actually have managed! But once Quackity saw Karl, he became so pissed so fast that he broke the card in his hand. He never went to see then again.
- Quackity has a specific casino card that he fidgets with, it's become a comfort object for him like the rings around his neck. The thing is, the card doesn't belong to his casino. It was made far far before it, he has no idea where it came from. But it has alot of tape on it, (And a small signature from Wilbur.. Seriously where the hell did this card come from?-)
- Karl is asexual, Tommy is aroace, Technoblade is also aroace, Purpled is aroace, George is asexual.
- The smp has so many people with mental health issues, Puffy has stopped being surprised how many people come by nowadays.
- Wilbur will believe everything a fortune cookie has to say, he orders at least 20 a day.
- Tommy collects squishmallows!
- I believe in "Wilbur threatening to blow up people's houses if they are mean to his family" supremacy.
- Tommy refuses to eat apples because of the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and he's like: "But I don't want Puffy to stay away :("
- Tommy's safe food is dry ramen and Wilbur's is sand or pop rocks.
- Tommy will just randomly stare into people's eyes from across the room, he just keeps staring even as they look scared because why the hell is this 6'0 man staring at you like he wants to murder you???
- Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all have to do positive affirmations in the morning as it's a assignment assigned by Puffy after their last group therapy session, Sometimes they like to give compliments to each other. Sometimes on rough days they like to name five things they like about each other and trust me they always have five things.
- (Bit sad) Tubbo always knew Wilbur favours Tommy over him.. Doesn't mean it hurts any less. Words spread to Wilbur about how everyone thinks he favours Tommy over all his brothers. And while he loves Tommy, he loves all his brothers. Even Tubbo, the small goat boy who they found on the side of the road. Wilbur realizes Tubbo must think this way as he is usually quick to deescalate rumors, so he does what any good brother would do. Rushes over to Tubbo, stares for a few seconds until Tubbo's attention is on him and then tickles him. He tickles him while saying how much he loves Tubbo, how he could never pick a favorite brother, and if he finds out who told these rumors he's going to blow up their house.
- Ranboo takes dust baths, I said it.
- Tommy and Tubbo have a hard time with selfcare, Tubbo because he likes to overwork and Tommy simply because he's too nervous to be anywhere near big baths of water. So they've started washing each others hair in the sink. The thing they learned was this was a sign of trust, they trust that they won't hurt each other and will allow the other many breaks as they want before they continue.
- I'm pushing the "Tommy knows how to knit and makes sweaters for his friends" agenda.
- I'm also pushing the "Tommy and Tubbo definitely cry at romance movies even if they are terrible and hug each other while crying while being like "BUT HOW COULDD HEEE THEY WERE INLOVEE"
- Most people think Ranboo is mentally stable, jokes on them he's also mentally unstable! The problem is crying burns his skin so he can't cry half the time.
- Wilbur and Ranboo hang out because of the burger van of course but also because Wilbur is trying to figure out what the hell is Ranboo's other side. He has a million theories, the most popular being ghost. Not ghast, he thought that was stupid just... Ghost.
- Tommy can shapeshift, but he can't control it. Whatever his subconscious decides is what happens. If he's feeling more eager to cause trouble, he'll have a raccoon tail and ears, if he feels more soft he'll have white wings. He tends to hide these things or just have devil horns. He just finds them comfy.
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clutteredcollective · 5 months
New Intro Post Cowabunga
(incomplete but it won't be done for a *long* time honestly.)
We're the Cluttered Collective.
Collective Name: Sean/Shawn, Liam, Noah
Pronouns: it/🗝️/stop/close
Body Age: 17
Collective labels: Agender-genderfluid (male-presenting mostly) // Pansexual // Ambiamorous
Origins: Traumagenic
Headcount: 300+
Partner system: Liminal Library System
Psys coll pronouns: he/they
BYI/DNI, Frequent Fronters, Side blogs, and Tag List underneath the cut (Not in that order)
Side Blogs;
Bro: @rare-pair-caps
Jackson: @our-life-postings & @creep-impasta
TG: @cool-guy-username
Baxter: @he-without-a-home
Davesprite: @nest-full-of-pebbles
We have autism, ADHD, chronic pain, and amnesia etc. (Some people have their own health issues they may or may not share that'll impact our life and communication)
We're a system and all of the above affects us greatly.
We prefer tone tags being used, bc we have no idea what y'all are talking about usually.
We get overtly anxious communicating online and it may take us a bit to get comfortable.
Do not bring syscourse to our blog(s), we don't engage in it, you'll be blocked.
Be aware that I am pro non-traumagenic systems, as it's not my business. Don't interact with me if that bothers you.
Basic DNI criteria
Xenophobic, therianphobic
Pro-zoo, MAPS, etc
╚. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *. ⋆. *.⋆╝
TG Strider-���;
Names/nicknames: TG, Tech head
Pronouns: He/him, They/them, Swing/swings, Sword/swords
Age: 16
Birthday: Dec 15th
Labels: Agender // Panromantic homosexual
Romance: Taken, not looking
Source: Homestuck Adjacent
Role: Gatekeeper
PDA: Ask
Touch: Ask
DMs: Yes
Friend Requests: Yes
Name/nicknames: Dream, Merboy, Fish Boy
Pronouns: He/him, They/them, Water/waters
Age: 18
Birthday: N/A (I can't remember rn)
Labels: Intersex // MLM
Romance: Taken, not looking
Source: Merfolk!DSMP Adjacent
Role: Prankster
PDA: Only If Close
Touch: Only If Close
DMs: Ask
Friend Requests: Only If Close
Will Update Freq
Tag List-
(yes we know that's a lot of striders, but a reminder that that's not even half)
🍎 - Dave Strider
⚔️ - Dirk Strider
⚰️ - Jackson Strider
🧢 - Bro Strider
🪶 - Davesprite Strider
🔄 - Ryder Strider
👑 - Technoblade
☕ - TG Strider
🐎 - Dire Strider
🐬 - Dream
🩰 - Baxter Ward
🪷 - Erik Strider
🔩 - Auto Strider
🕶️ - Hal Strider
🪆 - He won't post but we talk abt him, name is unnecessary
⬛⬜ - Ranboo
➿ - Eve Strider
Collective Reblog - No one specific is reblogging it.
Collectively Canon - Accurate for the entire system.
Collectively Answered - Asks answered by the collective.
Collective Bullshit - Shitpost
📜; terms - Pronouns/titles/names
🗡️ group - Typically about our Striders
[Any mixture of emojis] shit talking - Those people are talking MAD shit
[Any mixture of emojis] fighting - Self explanatory
⬛⬜ [Anything here] - Ranboo posts :)
[Emoji] being gay - People being very gay
[Emoji] loving their partners - PARTNER APPRECIATION !!
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buggerzz · 1 year
I tried smth new for the line art!!! Kinda reminds me of dont starve
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Anywayd 5his is my silly little guy with a silly little grin. I drew em cuz theyre my comfort oc and IM SICK and angry about it so i needed to draw them bc i love them. Prolly 3-4ish hours. Also not ranboo not inspired by ranboo. No problem with em but anytime i show this guy to ppl they always say its ranboo and its so awkward. How do i non awkwardly say "no this is the silly guy thats infested my mind since i was 9. And this design (at least the black and white hair) happened like 2 years before ranboo blew up" like i sound so stuck up. Ick.
Theyre actually so silly FR.
Wait theres such a silly effect
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BAHAHAHAGAGA LOOK AT HIM HES BIBLICALLY ACCURATE or a fish wait this is actually a look. They slay in all forms fr
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lildevyl · 2 years
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic Chapter 2: Nuke and Ender
Summary:  Tubbo and Ranboo make their Vigilante debut as Nuke and Ender on a grand scale.
AO3 Link Here
Idea for Tubbo and Ranboo's Vigilante debut inspire by Tommy's Ultra-Important Keychain by SeriouslyCalmitous
TW: Bank Robbery, Guns, Mild Gun Violence, Hostage Situation, Mild Explosions. (I think I got it all let me know if I missed any!)
To say Tubbo was excited would be an understatement!  Not only did all three of them (himself, Ranboo and Tommy) have off today and were planning some epic Mario Kart Tournament.  But Tubbo finally has the last piece of his costume!  A Reusable Respirator Mask that he was able to get from Attic Treasures, a second hand discount store in East Side.  Tubbo smiled at the mask. It did cost a bit but it was worth it!  It reminded him of the mask he wore when he went as the Warden that one Halloween.  Tommy did his best to try and scrunge up any material he could use to help make Tubbo his costume.
Speaking of which, Tommy should be coming home from the Craft Store with a bundle of materials that Tommy was going to help make Michael and his two friends their costumes and make something for Michael’s Birthday.  Tubbo's smile grew as he looked in the bag.  Michael was going to turn eleven here soon and start at East Middle come fall.  Tubbo managed to get the last copy the store had of the Heroes vs Villains video game that Michael was a huge fan of.  Tubbo rolled his eyes at the game, it was basically a game where you could easily create your own Villain or Hero and Create Storylines around it.  But it was for Michael so Tubbo had no problem in getting him one.
A shrill alert rang from Tubbo’s phone nearly had him jumping.  Fishing out his phone from his pocket, Tubbo saw the emergency alert and quickly clicked on it.
Emergency Alert:  Bank Robbery at Rutagbag Ville Bank with Hero Arachnid and  local Gang Members with Mercenary Covetous.  Hostages have been reported and confirmed.  Avoid the area at all costs.
Tubbo saw that there was a news van across the street and sure enough there were at least a dozen people taken hostage.  Employees and regular civilians all on the ground while Arachnid was engaged in a fight with Covetous.  The other robbers were quickly working on the Bank Vault while a couple of others were keeping the hostages from interfering.  From the looks of it, a few phones were smashed, probably trying to call the authorities for help.
Tubbo quickly ran into a nearby alleyway, and clicked on the first number he could think of.
“Ranboo!  Did you see the alert?”
“Tubbo, you’re not thinking about doing what I think you’re thinking about doing are you?”
“Ranboo, Arachnid needs help!  Not only did the gang hire Covetous, but there are at least a dozen hostages!  We can help!”
“Alright, I'll be there soon to teleport you out.  Just be careful though!  Covetous can temporarily suppress any powers no matter what!”
“I will!”
“And Tubbo?”
“Yeha, Boo?”
“Good Luck!”
With that Tubbo ducked behind an old dumpster and dragged his Vigilante Costume out it’s time for their debut!
(Rutabag Ville Bank):
After putting on his Vigilante Costume and making sure his backpack and bags were securely hidden behind the dumpster.  Tubbo put on his voice changer that he found on EBay and switched it on.  Tubbo then pocketed his phone, earpiece still intact so he could hear the live news report.  Then Tubbo took off towards the Bank.
Huffing and puffing, Tubbo already felt the beads of sweat starting to spill down his neck and back.  He’s never going to make fun of Tommy for wearing that ridiculous hoody in the middle of summer ever again.  No wait, that’s a total lie - Tubbo will totally still make fun of Tommy for that!  The Newscaster, told everyone that Arachnid after being hit by Covetous’s Power Suppressor was holding his own against the Mercenary.  
Tubbo picked up his pace upon hearing that.  Covetous Power Suppressor may be temperamental.  But that doesn’t stop the other Robbers from taking advantage of it.  Tubbo ready his power upon seeing the Police Barricade.  Feeling the familiar heat in his hands - Tubbo launched a small yellow-orange ball of energy at the Barricade - exploding on impact with the metal barricade.  Dodging the Cop, Tubbo ran right to the front doors.
“Besides,” Tubbo heard Arachnid say.  “I’m not alone.”
Tubbo took that as his cue and burst through the front doors - launching a small explosive at Covetous.  Knocking him completely out.  The playing field just became a little more even now.  Tubbo could tell Arachnid wasn’t expecting a Vigilant - a new one at that - not looking a gifted horse in the mouth.  Arachnid took charge.
“Get the hostages out!  I’ll get the others!”
Tubbo nodded and turned to his right.  Three armed gunmen and at least a dozen people were held hostage.  Sprinting forwards, Tubbo knocked out the one on the far right that was the closest to him.  Grabbing the next guy’s gun that aimed at him, Tubbo used his powers to heat the gun up.  The guy screamed and dropped the gun that was burning his hands.  Tubbo then uppercutted the guy with the butt of the gun.  He then threw the gun to the ground and ready himself to take out the next guy with a small explosion.
Only to have the guy pointing a gun right at Tubbo’s head, seconds away from pulling the trigger.  But before the guy could do anything, purple particles filled everyone’s vision.  The particles disperse and to everyone’s shock, a new Vigilante was standing there.  Knocking the gun out of the guy’s hand and then knocking him out in two quick fluid moves.
Tubbo, then took charge.  Ushering everyone out of the building.  When all the hostages were out of the building.  Both Tubbo and Ranboo went to the three gunmen and tied them using the banks retracting barricade it uses for the line of the tellers.  And then zip-tied the Robbers hands together.
Arachnid came back with the other Robbers and their weapons all tied up in his webs.  Arachnid then saw the two new Vigilantes.  One that just saved him, he was shorter than Arachnid, with dirty blond close to light brown hair, a Painter’s Respirator Mask, a dark green trench coat with a Snowchester, Radioattive and the L’Manburg’s Flag Patches sewn on it.  Black pants and steel toe combat boots.  The other one was closer to Arachnid’s height.  Wearing a black shirt, a yin-yang tie, white suit jacket and pants, with dress shoes that were white with black toes and heels.  Wearing a half white-half black face mask, sunglasses and streaks of white in his black hair.
“Thanks for the assist, um?”
“Nuke,” the shorter one with the green trench coat said.
“Ender,” the taller one with the white suit said.  “Well, it’s been an honor, Arachnid.  Call us if you need us.”
And with that, the two disappear and a cloud of purple particles.
Nuke - Tubbo
Ender - Ranboo
Covetous - Punz
Arachnid - Spyder (OC)
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @nightfuryobsessed, @isa-ghost, @septic-dr-schneep, @tracobuttons, @a-humble-narcissus, @ashedflower, @nastiiuu, @iamliteraltrash1, @bonesandthebees, @m4delin, @juju-on-that-yeet
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jacenbren · 2 years
How does it feel to be human, but not truly?
The subjects of Project THESEUS can answer this. All five of them are fish out of water, men out of time who know they don’t belong here. They know that they were meant to die years ago in the war that destroyed their world, but didn’t, for reasons known only by the fates themselves.
If you ask Ranboo what being such a strange, Frankensteinian creation trapped in a dangerous world he wasn’t born into feels like, he’d tell you it scares him. He’s never been entirely sure where the cybernetics end and flesh begins, but he can feel the electricity in his artificial muscles, coolant mixing in his veins with his blood and the code firing through his synapses; it's a constant reminder that he’s not just an average teenage boy from California anymore and never will be again. He can’t remember more than a few tattered shreds of the past, and part of him wants to forget them entirely, but it’s a constant itch in his mind. The machine in him is stable, constant and unchanging—albeit glitching and corroded by nearly four centuries of unmonitored cryo-stasis—but his very human and very damaged mind is volatile, out of place and and constantly yearning for a forgotten life it can’t return to, clinging to the frayed threads of memories that ultimately lead him nowhere.
Ranboo is a ghost of the past, and this poisoned world is his limbo.
If you ask Bad, he would hesitate. He’s been around for longer than the others, wandering the world searching for remnants of the past. He built a new family along the way, found a husband, raised a child—several children, if you count the ones he stumbled across along the way and took in—and built a Commune deep in the jungle where the massive fungi have leached the toxins out of the earth and the air over the centuries, but he’s never felt a burning desire to look back. He sees his enhancements as more of a blessing than a curse since he’s stronger, faster, and healthier than a normal person could ever be, letting him easily keep his home and family safe, but that doesn’t stop his guilt. Deep down he’s bitter; he’s always thinking, why me? Why did the universe keep me alive when everything else is gone?
That question continues to go unanswered as he and Skeppy hold each other, sobbing in each other's arms next to Sapnap’s funeral pyre.
Tommy reacts with anger. He’s always been a bitter man; he holds grudges better than anyone in L’Manberg and easily remembers every soul who crosses him. It’s ironic that his memory is so flawless now, especially since the bits and pieces of his past that he managed to cling to are fading by the day. He still curses the doctors who tore him apart and stitched him back together, reinforcing his bones with titanium and encasing his organs in metal mesh, even though he's long forgotten every one of their names and faces. He curses them for ripping him from his mother, ripping him from his high school and his grandparents and the only life he’s ever known and dropping him in a cold, poisonous wasteland full of death and destruction. Tommy may find himself getting into trouble because he's always, always fighting back against his bullies, always standing up to fight for things that're greater than himself, but he never asked for this to happen to him.
Even though he’s very proud of how he uses his enhancements to help and to protect instead of to kill, he’ll always long for what he could’ve had.
Dream's response is similar to Tommy's. He’s angry, too, and he’s been like this for years, since Puffy found him buried in an ancient fallout bunker and raised him alongside the son she already had. Dream never felt like he belonged even though Puffy treated him as her own; Foolish was always afraid of him and so was everyone else who saw his mismatched eyes and the strange sixth sense his cybernetics give him, and his uncanny prowess in combat. Dream learned to embrace this, taking advantage of that fear and shaping it into a weapon that he could use to get what he wanted, but he’s been lonely and sad and bitter since he abandoned his adoptive parent and brother, desperate for any Old Ones’ tech he can get his hands on to try and remember and bring back what he’s lost. Of course he agreed to George’s plans when he fell in love with him, even though the man was plotting to use Manberg’s dictator as a puppet to attain unknown—and quite possibly unsavory—goals. Despite his cruel, manipulative nature, George is loving and sweet, and he seems to have good intentions at heart.
Dream doesn’t care if everything else has to burn. All he wants is his old life back, to belong again, and George is willing to help him achieve this.
Red Velvet responds with one word: Cold. He’s been cold for years, since he woke up in the bunker, since he limped half-naked through a snow storm to the village where he met Antfrost. He was cold when Bad took him in, treating him like a son—Bad treats everyone who joins his Commune like his own children—cold when he found a family, cold when he fell in love. He’s long stopped being unnerved by his own cybernetics, constantly tinkering and modifying them to make himself faster and stronger and more human, but he’s always been paranoid. He was created for the singular purpose of killing and he feels a constant need to fit in and prove his programming wrong, so he hides his inhuman intelligence and strength under a meticulously-designed facade of laid-back idiocy and depraved humor while building things in his machine shop, fixing things that flesh and blood people can't. Velvet feels cold even after his HERACLES protocol is broken and Ant presses kisses to the exposed wiring in his left arm, soothing him and telling him that he doesn’t care, that he’s accepted that he isn’t quite human and that he’ll always love Velvet in spite of what he is.
His brain processes much faster than a normal human, thanks to his cybernetics. As his CPUs cycle for the nth time in the past few minutes, Velvet can’t help but wonder what secrets Ant keeps.
How does it feel to be human, but not truly?
None of the subjects of Project THESEUS are entirely human anymore. All of them can answer this question, and none of them will ever forget it.
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charliesnirsmort · 2 years
Ghostboo and Aimsey have an angsty chat
[Ranboo is sitting on a roof, looking at the sunset. Their face is dull at first, but it quickly twist into a pained expression. He curls in on himself, trying to see if that would help their pain. It would not]
Aimsey: Hey, Ran, [Aimsey comes into frame, sitting down next to Ranboo, but they notice the despaired expression] Are you doing alright?
[Ranboo gives Aimsey a glance, their face drenched in sorrow]
Ranboo: No. [they look away, still fighting through their pain. They felt a bit annoyed by Aimsey’s question]
Aimsey: Do you want to talk about it? [Aimsey is concerned for their friend, but did not want to push too far. As Ranboo’s agitation clearly rose]
Ranboo: I’m afraid if I do I’ll fade away. [Ranboo’s voice cracks and he curls further in on himself. They could fell their other half fading] No. No. No. please. [this is a soft, almost fleeting beg. They knew he needed to think about something else, but everything just reminded them of him]
[Aimsey is a bit panicked, and very worried, not quite gathering what’s going on. Although they try to put on a comforting demeanor]
Aimsey: It’s going to be okay. [they reach out a hand, but hesitate to touch their friend. They recall it not working last time. Ranboo sat up rather quickly]
Ranboo: It’s not going to be okay. [Although they do not shout, Aimsey could tell he was angry. They felt awful for seemingly being the source reason for it] I can’t stop, I can’t think because he- I will fade. [He states this firmly, taking a deep breath. He clenched his jaw as he found himself disconnecting from his own self, the one who feels was already so faded and damaged. if they do not revive him soon, they will be gone for good. Lost to whatever may happen after death. Maybe something more permanent.] I can’t allow that to happen. [As they recall their reasoning, they glare, not at anyone, but to the sky, the sunrise.] Everything I do just reminds me of him.
[Aimsey’s curiosity gets the better of her, allowing them to wonder on what they meant. Ranboo had just referred to a person. Aimsey tried to put a person in that place. Maybe Tubbo? But, that wouldn’t make much sense. Aimsey recalled Ranboo mentioning a son at some point. As that memory returned to his mind they tensed. Looking over to Ranboo, who was calming down. Aimsey could not imagine what they must be going through. While Aimsey had so many questions about this person, his kid. Aimsey would not push. They knew it would do more harm then good, for now. Aimsey got up, looking out]
Aimsey: Let’s go fishing or something. Sun’s up, perfect time to go fishing.
[Ranboo looks to Aimsey, their face voiding of emotion, as their eyes dull of their previous teary shine, and of their bright color. Aimsey didn’t like that look. He never did. But, she knew that meant he wasn’t feeling as much anymore, at least it was good for now.]
Ranboo: Fishing sounds nice. [They get themself up, before the two walk out of frame together.]
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Ok I have coffeed up 🦀🦀🦀
Could I request a fic about a Male Reader Border Collie Hybridbeing hired to look after the pets of the Syndicate while theyre at a meeting? Having to feed every single dog, Ranboos cat, Carl, the parrots, Steve the bear, etc? Trying to wrangle the foxes because theyre trying to eat poison potatoes, shooing zombies off the turtle eggs? -🌱🌟
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The Syndicate’s Pet Sitter - BorderCollie!Hybrid!Reader
Pairings: none
Characters included: Technoblade, Philza, Ranboo, Nihachu
Warnings: n/a
Series: A request for my beloved 🌱🌟<3
Summary: The Syndicate is meeting up early in the morning and didn’t have the chance to feed their pets yet. Luckily Y/N who lives there as well but isn’t part of the Syndicate can take care of them. And no that is totally not because Border Collies are good herding dogs.
Words count: 4732
Authors Note: I just noticed I missed the foxes oh no ;_; Why do the Syndicate have so many pets I swear! I hope you guys enjoy this! Esp you 🌱🌟 since you requested it! I also haven’t had the chance to properly look over it look for typos, I apologize! I’ll deal with that as soon as I can! Also thanks for the prompt 😌 I have a weakness for animals and dogs
The chest let out a strained creak as Technoblade closed it for what felt like the hundredth time. He was preparing for the next meeting of the Syndicate and this time he, as well as Phil, had actually planned a few things other than just showing the newest members where the headquarters were and setting up the rules for the organization.
While both men were busy running from chest to chest collecting materials and writing down information into books, they were accompanied by a soft rhythmic thud as well.
That sound came from Y/N. More specifically his tail swishing up and down as he was sitting in front of a window on the windowsill. Watching peacefully as the two went about their business.
Y/N was a Dog Hybrid. A Border Collie Hybrid to be specific. He has been technically living with Techno and Philza for a while now but Techno liked to act as if he was just some stranger to him.
When Y/N first came to the SMP Philza and Techno were the first people he met and ever since then he has gotten quite attached to them.
At first Techno tried to get rid off him, especially since he always gave him wishy washy answers concerning his opinions on governments but Y/N wouldn’t let himself get spooked off that easily and even begun building his own little home close to them without asking. At that point Techno had to accept defeat and let him begrudgingly stay.
Philza liked to poke fun at that fact but he also understood Techno’s caution. Though over time Y/N has shown to be a trusty ally that could keep secrets, even once leading people astray since they became dangerously close to their home. Because of that Philza brought once the idea up that maybe they should let Y/N join the Syndicate after all as well.
Of course Techno immediately shut down the idea for the simple fact that not once has Y/N ever clearly stated that he was against any kind of government. There was no point in arguing with the Pig Hybrid about this particular topic so Philza just dropped the issue altogether.
That said after Niki came over to join the Syndicate and Ranboo got roped in it as well, Y/N managed to at least learn of the name of the organization.
He even asked to join to which Techno just said “Prove to us you are an anarchist and maybe I will think about it.”
“So you are saying you just want me to tell you the things you want to hear in order to get in? Doesn’t seem that smart to me.”
Y/N would always pull out these snide remarks whenever that topic came up.
For some reason Y/N woke up early and found that both Philza and Techno got up early as well so he just let himself in, sat down next to the window and begun happily munching on some cold steak for breakfast.
Techno made a point of ignoring him only muttering something about a “damn mutt” under his breath while Philza was chuckling to himself. Y/N’s fluffy dog ears obviously picked up on it but the happy swags of his tail continued on, knowing that if Techno really was annoyed by him, he would have already intervened way back when he begun building his home.
Phil was rummaging through a chest, trying to find some extra paper only to suddenly stop moving and turn around to look at Y/N, his arms still in the chest.
“Y/N?” adding a whistle to ensure that he would gain his attention.
As a response the Dog Hybrid looked absolutely aghast “Did you just-? Did you just whistle at me? Did you, Philza, just whistle at me to get my attention? Like a dog?”
“Sorry, just kind of happened but since you are here I have a request for you.”
Now Technoblade stopped whatever he was doing as well to observe what was happening in front of him, curious what he was proposing. A smirk adorning his features knowing full well that Philza probably whistled on purpose seeing how Y/N was kind of an unwelcome guest right now.
“You can request but no guarantee I will fulfill your request, old man.” Y/N spoke through an exaggerated pout.
This only earned him a tired sigh from Philza “Yeah, Yeah. As you can see we are up early for a reason but this also means we didn’t have the chance yet to feed the animals. Could you feed them all and make sure they’ll be alright while we are gone? You know how this place can get with pets.”
“All? Like all the pets? Like you want me to feed all the pets and take care of them?” Y/N was obviously intimated by the idea of the task judging with how his voice jumped up an octave to the end of the question. But who could blame him. Over time the group managed to amass a comical amount of pets which included a full hound army, polar bears, turtles, cows, Carl the Horse and in Ranboo’s case even parrots.
That reminded him.
“Does that include Ranboo’s bird and cat?”
“Does what include my bird and cat?” Suddenly the door swung open as Ranboo stepped inside Techno’s home. Cramping up the small cabin even more. The cold winter air only managing to sneak in for a short moment before he made sure to close the wooden door again.
Techno chuckled “We are asking Y/N here to feed our pets while we are busy at our meeting and to make sure they are safe while we are gone. He has time after all.”
Y/N’s shocked expression turned to a frown. Oh they did that deliberately alright.
Ranboo took a moment to take in the scene before he slowly nodded “Oh, if that is the case then I would actually really appreciate it if you could take a look at my parrot and cat. I haven’t had the chance to feed them yet since I ran out of seeds for the bird. Actually the reason I came over here was because I wanted to ask you guys if you had some extra.”
Techno’s smirk was ever present on his face as he motioned with his hand towards his mass of chests “Somewhere in there we have some but I’m sure Y/N will find them and take care of your pets as well.”
“Would you?”
Ranboo sounded so genuine and almost surprised by this that Y/N couldn’t come up with a snarky response but instead he looked defeated.
“I- alright. I will take care of your pets while you do your stupid Syndicate meeting.”
“We trained him well, Techno.”
“That we did, old friend.”
Now Y/N’s happy tail wagging did finally stop and he jumped up away from the window, surprising Ranboo in the process “You didn’t train me! I’m not one of your dogs!”
He knew they were joking but he still couldn’t let that stand.
Philza stepped closer to Y/N and put one of his hands on his head between his ears. Giving a short pat only to remove his hand again “Yes, we know. If that was true you would be listening to us at all times. Anyways, I spotted Niki outside and we are ready, so, we’ll be going. Make sure nothing happens to the animals! We are putting our trust in you!”
Before Y/N could protest or retract his agreement the group made sure to leave the little hut as fast as possible. Ranboo was very confused but still followed the others outside to loudly greet Niki.
Y/N himself was so bewildered by this whole situation he didn’t even make the effort to run out to greet Niki as well. Instead his thoughts begun to swirl around his new responsibilities.
What do Polar Bears eat? How is he going to feed all of the dogs? By Ender he hoped that Techno had all the necessary things in one of his chests.
That’s when a stray thought hit him “Did they hire me as pet sitter because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid? Did they seriously make me the pet sitter because Border Collie’s are stereotypically good herding dogs?”
That thought had to set in for a moment as he was asking himself if this seriously could be the case and knowing them that might have very well been a thought that crossed their minds. They all joked around about their hybrid parts but this was just ridiculous.
He didn’t know how yet but somehow he will make sure that the damn Pig and the Birdbrain will get this back tenfold. Ranboo was okay in Y/N’s book since he mostly got pulled into this by the others but even then he was still on thin ice.
“I better get going.” He whispered in order to try to pull himself out of his thoughts.
First on the agenda were the Polar Bears. Mostly since he wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it and just wanted to get it over with but also one of the Bears was laying inside the hut. Snuggling close to the fire place.
That polar bear was Steve and Techno often made comments of him being his emotional support animal and at this point Y/N just believed him. With Techno who knew at this point.
Well what would Steve eat? Just some meat?
How he didn’t immediately come to that conclusion he didn’t know but better late than never.
Y/N excitedly rubbed his hands together. Time to snoop through Techno’s things. No way in hell is he going to use his own resources to feed their pets. Hence why he begun looking through Techno’s chests. Taking note of things like stray armor, golden apples and enchantment books.
Somewhere in a corner he found some cooked fish. Should be fine, right?
Taking a couple of fish he moved over to Steve who was still lazily draped on the ground enjoying the heat from the fire. Carefully and slowly Y/N put down a couple of fish in front of his big snout. His dog ears pressed down on his head as he stared rigidly at the bear. Hoping for the best.
Steve’s black nose begun to twitch. He slowly opened up his eyes and lazily begun nudging the food closer to his snout with his big paw. Snacking on the pile of fish.
“Okay? I’m guessing that’s fine? I think?”
Just to make sure he still threw more fish towards him and then made his way with a second pile outside where Ed was waiting for his food as well. Ed was way more active and often enough obstructs the way up the stairs that lead to both Philza’s and Techno’s house.
Philza was always annoyed at Ed because of that particular reason. Though today he was a good Polar Bear that was sitting next to the stairs staring at Ender knows what.
Y/N threw him his pile of fish and watched for a second as he happily begun munching on them.
“Guess I’m doing alright after all.”
Almost as if to answer the bear suddenly begun to move towards Y/N which made him panic. Stepping back, trying to understand what he was doing now. Sure the bears are cute but also big and dangerous if they wanted to be.
But Ed bowed his head down and softly pressed his head against Y/N’s chest.
“Is this a thanks, buddy? Aw, no problem.”
Tentatively Y/N placed his hand on the bear’s head to give him one or two scritches. To which Ed then let out a deep puff of air through his nose and immediately moved back to his food to continue his breakfast.
All the Polar Bears are fed. Now only the whole hound army, cows, parrot, Carl the Horse, Turtles and Enderchest the Cat were left. Oh by Ender. That is still a lot.
Y/N immediately ran back into Techno’s hut and begun to search through his chests again. Grabbing things like Seeds, Sea Grass, more fish and some steak.
The parrot and cat were the easiest to deal with first so he decided to run into Ranboo’s house. Even if just to avoid the cold outside for a tiny bit longer.
He climbed down the ladder and found the parrot patiently waiting for him. Excitedly squawking as soon as he saw him.
Placing the seeds in front of the animal Y/N took a good look at the colorful bird.
“How are you doing? Keeping Ranboo company? Making sure he isn’t feeling too lonely?”
“Company! Company!” Ranbird answered in a shrill voice only to continue picking up the seeds off the ground.
Y/N liked spending time with Ranboo. He was a bit of an enigma with his memory issues and interesting behavior at points but Y/N loved hanging out with him. He would always try to offer to play pranks on Techno but Ranboo was too apprehensive about it, not wanting to make the scary Pig Hybrid mad at him.
The two had a bit of a running joke going on where both Ranboo and Y/N would call the other weird. Ranboo for his weird behavior and Y/N for the simple fact that he apparently didn’t fear Techno at all. Philza and Ranboo having to mostly hold him back before he could seriously upset Techno.
“Enderchest? Come here!” Y/N called out and continued to do the typical mouth noises to attract cats. Luckily he did come around a corner.
Happily meowing when Enderchest saw Y/N. Chirping as he pressed his body against Y/N’s legs.
“See, you are a kitty and I am a dog hybrid but we like each other.” Was he still a bit salty about the fact that they most certainly chose him to take care of the pets due to his Hybrid side?
Yes. Definitely.
Sure, no one else was there who could deal with it but on the other hand normally they were always so prepared for everything so this must have been planned beforehand. They didn’t feed the animals on purpose because obviously he was there and had time.
A loud meow pulled Y/N back out of his thoughts again.
“Sorry, Enderchest. You are right it’s food time.”
He then took out two fish and placed it in front of the cat who immediately put them in his mouth and ran off with them. Probably to eat in peace.
Next on the list was Carl. If Y/N didn’t make sure that Carl was absolutely doing alright and was fed Techno would kill him. And while Y/N liked to joke with Techno and pretend that he wasn’t as dangerous as everyone else is treating him like, he also knew that Carl is so important to him that Techno let him get himself kidnapped by the Butcher Army for the horse’s safety.
Technoblade hid his horse behind a wall but Philza one day accidentally found it. Y/N immediately took the chance to build an actual hidden entrance. He liked being a bit of an annoyance for Techno but if he can somehow help out, he will.
Pressing a button on the stone wall gave away to the little stable he and Philza made for Carl.
Some Hay and other food was always ready for Carl so all Y/N had to do was put some of it in the tray and make sure he still had water. Everything seemed fine so Y/N took a second to pet him.
“No idea why Techno is so attached to you but you do seem like a good one. He protects you so you better make sure to not disappoint him as well.”
Carl neighed and nuzzled his nose into Y/N’s shoulder. Softly nabbing on the clothes which made the man laugh in return and softly shoved Carl’s face away from him.
“My clothes aren’t food, buddy!”
Luckily Carl didn’t continue to screw around and instead concentrated on his actual food.
The next pit stop were the turtles and cows. It was easy feeding them since you just placed down the food and then let them go about their day. No, the dog army would be a problem later. They might be war dogs but they were still playful dogs.
Y/N closed up the stable for Carl and made his way through the snow towards the cows first. Opening up a chest that stood close by. He placed it there a few days back with a ton of wheat. It was meant as way to help with the feeding. It was meant for the others since these cows didn’t belong to him but now he was stuck with the responsibility after all.
The cows were happily chewing on the food that Y/N threw into their enclosure and seemed to be doing alright as well so he moved on to the turtles.
For the turtles he actually had to get into the enclosure. Putting the kelp down near the water so the turtles inside the water could see him placing the food down as well. All the while he had to make sure to not accidentally walk on top of the eggs that some of these turtles have laid.
The animals themselves seemed to ignore Y/N. Just slowly crawling along the coarse sand or floating inside the water.
That’s when Y/N heard a groan from behind him. A groan he knew too well.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Y/N swiveled around and pulled out his netherite sword. A sword he made with the help of Philza. During his travels in the nether he found some ancient debris but since he never worked with that material he asked Phil for help. Which was also the reason why the purple sword was called Swordza.
“You helped me make it, I’m naming it after you.” He said to Philza’s dismay.
Right now though the reason why he turned around so fast was that he heard the familiar retching sound of a zombie. It was still early in the morning no surprise there that a loose zombie might be around the place.
Also no surprise that the zombie appeared around the turtle enclosure. For some reason they loved trampling down turtle eggs which was really just barbaric if you really thought about it. Beings that seemingly just wandered around the overworld with no goal but as soon as they spot turtle eggs they suddenly know exactly where to go. Well, besides when they find a human to attack.
The zombie limped towards the turtles.
Y/N didn’t wait long to react. He immediately took a running start and jumped over the fence. Striking down with his sword while he was landing, giving the attack a little more oomph. Together with the enchantments on the sword the zombie fell down into a burning mess. Gurgling sounds escaping it only to die down. A growl escaped Y/N’s throat as he stared at the dead mob.
“Nothing will happen to the little ones while I have anything to say about it!”
He took another sweeping look around the place but found nothing out of the ordinary. With a relieved sigh he put his sword back. The turtles were fed and safe.
Though as he looked around his eyes fell unto the hoard of dogs. All fenced in under a self-made roof. Most of the dogs were laying around either in a small pile or alone. Some were trotting around or even playing but it seemed like the dogs were still tired.
It was time to deal with them.
Y/N walked over to the dogs and as he stepped closer the animals immediately took notice of him. A few running over to him while others just patiently stared. As he got closer to the fence the nearest dogs put their front paws on the fence. Barking excitedly.
If Y/N went in like this some will run out and that was not something he wanted to deal with. There was still some adrenaline pumping through his veins from back when he spotted the zombie but he was still slowly beginning to freeze. Honestly he wanted to get through this fast so he can go back into his cabin and enjoy the warmth of his hearth.
Maybe even begin to plot on how to get back at the Syndicate for doing this to him.
But this wasn’t important right now.
Y/N let out a sharp and loud whistle “Away! Come one! Move out of the way!” He pointed to a corner and surprisingly the dogs seemed to understand that he wanted them away from the gates.
When he opened said gate the dogs patiently waited for him to move in and close it again before they suddenly begun to swarm him. Jumping up trying to lick his face or they began sniffing him out.
“Hey! Stop! I can’t feed you like that!”
He had a frown on his face but his tail was happily swinging from side to side as the dogs greeted him.
“Okay, stop! Sit!”
Luckily the dogs were well trained since they immediately sat down. Still panting in excitement and whining but now they weren’t trying to pull Y/N down to play with him.
In return Y/N got out the steaks out of his inventory and walked past the dogs. Giving each one of them their share. Whenever some dogs begun to scuffle over the food all Y/N had to do was to whistle or yell “Stop!” and they would listen.
Truthfully he feared that feeding the dogs would be the most difficult task of all the animals but as it turned out they listened to him rather well. It’s probably only because Techno trained them so well but still, maybe there is a way Y/N could use this power for himself.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to feed all the dogs but once he reached the last one the first dogs were already done eating and happily following Y/N around the fenced off area. Sometimes barking, hoping to get his attention. While his ears would always move in the direction of the barking dogs, he made  appoint to concentrate on the dogs that he was actually interacting with.
Though when he was done he finally turned around to look at the happy dogs “You guys are needy, did you know that?”
As if to answer a dog right in front of him sat down and woofed at him.
Y/N rolled his eyes and knelt down, scratching that one particular dog behind his ear “You little pooch.”
That was a mistake. A huge mistake.
As he went down and balanced on the front of his feet the other dogs saw their chance as he went down to their height, practically jumping on.
Startled the Hybrid let out a yelp as the dogs pushed him on his back. Licking his face or tugging on his clothes.
He tried pushing the dogs away from his face but it he was unsuccessful. For every dog he pushed away two new dogs would try to jump into that new space. Sadly also pushing the dogs away seemed to be something fun for them.
At some point Y/N managed to get back up but still got swarmed by the dogs. All the dogs now in a happy playful mood after having eaten. Y/N could just tell them off but everyone on the outside could see that he had fun as well playing and tussling with the dogs.
Over time that tussling just became the dogs jumping into Y/N arms so he could throw them a few feet away while simultaneously trying to not fall down as some dogs begun tugging on his clothes again. The longer it kept going the more tired he got which was hi downfall. Quite literally.
He fell over again and while the dogs swarmed around him they too were getting tired and just laid down next to him. Framing his body or just straight up laying on top of him, one dog even snuggled up to his head, ending up more as a pillow for him.
At first Y/N tried to struggle against being buried alive by the animals but as soon as he noticed the warmth engulfing his body instead of the cold harsh wind he accepted his fate.
After all he was done with feeding the pets.
“Horrible. Techno would be proud with how relentless you all are.” A yawn escaped his lips which seemed to infect a few of the dogs as well.
It really didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. It was warm, soft and he felt safe.
The meeting for the Syndicate took longer than expected. They spent way too much time trying to find a common goal to start with. They didn’t want to do something huge at the beginning but start small, something that would test their cooperation and teamwork.
Though after they finally found something and started planning a few hours had past and since both Ranboo and Niki apparently had people to meet they had to stop the meeting early.
“You think the animals will be fine?” Ranboo asked Philza as they stepped out of their hidden headquarters.
The older man just waved off his question “Ah, they will be fine! We rag on Y/N often but we can trust him with things like these. He’s a good one even if he absolutely refuses to give Techno a straight answer when it comes to governments. I do believe he is only doing that to annoy him though.”
As the group approached their home again everyone took a good look around.
“Well, everything seems normal.” Techno noted.
Niki scowled “Aw I had hoped to see him. I couldn’t even say hello when I got here.”
That’s when Ranboo stopped dead in his track. He wanted to go home to get ready for Snowchester but something inside the dog pen caught his attention “Oh by Ender! There is an arm! The dogs have an arm!”
The other three ran over, confused with what the hell he was talking about only to see he was right. There was an arm sticking outside of the dogpile. Why did the dogs pile up in the first place though?
Out of nowhere Phil snorted and pressed his hand against his chest and mouth. Trying to stifle a laugh.
Niki still looked shocked and worried, confused with Phil’s reaction “What? Philza, why are you laughing?”
“Let me show you. Y/N! Are you awake, mate?”
At first nothing happened but then suddenly the arm moved and retreated back inside the dogpile. Now the others understood what happened.
Both Niki and Ranboo looked a bit embarrassed that they genuinely thought that these dogs might have ripped off an arm and were now cuddling with it.
Techno stayed stoic as always. Folding his arms in front of his chest, waiting for Y/N to properly react.
“Y/N, come on!” Phil called out again.
A muffled groan came from the pile of dogs and Y/N’s head appeared as he sat up “What?” He whined “I was having such a nice dream!”
“Oh my- Y/N! Good morning!” Niki greeted the Hybrid happily.
In response Y/N got a bit out of his furry burial but still pulled one of the ferocious war dogs closer to himself, hugging it. His tail now out as well showing the others his happy mood as he slowly drifted off again.
“Hello, Niki.” He sounded still half asleep. At least the others assumed since his face was buried in the dogs grey fur.
“Y/N please get away from my hound army. They are bred to fight and kill not for hugs and naps.” Techno grumbled.
“Then why are they so comfy and love me so much. They love me so much more than you” He made sure to drawl out the word “love” to really hammer that fact in.
“Let’s make Y/N then our go to pet sitter.” Phil noted.
This seemed to wake up Y/N, he immediately looked up with a scowl “No! I am not going to be your pet sitter! You put me in that role in the first place because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid, or am I wrong? If it’s true that’s seriously screwed up, by the way!”
Techno sighed “Yep, there he is. Now he is awake alright.”
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god1ngs · 3 years
━‎ ghost of a memory
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synopsis; the ghost of a man comes back.
contains; pogtopia wilbur spoilers, yandere themes, mentions of death, implied death, swearing, mentions of stalking, wilbur is a creep in this
yandere c!wilbur soot / reader, 2.8k wc
note; this is the longest thing i've ever written >:)) very proud of this
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‎ ‎ ‎it was snowing, like it usually was. the layers of snow piled up on the floor only to get crushed down by your boot. you were on your way back to your house, ready to lay down and relax. days were hard now, especially since having moved away from the dream smp and l'manberg.
‎ ‎ ‎it was easy at first, but you were more lonely now. there was no tommy to come greet you in the mornings, or no tubbo to show you his new bee portrait done by someone else. it was lonely, only your presence to comfort you when days got too lonely.
‎ ‎ ‎you lived near techno, phil, and ranboo, but you never really talked to them. while you could hold your own, the angel of death and blood god striked fear into your heart. phil, although somewhat of an intimidating man, had been much different after the explosion of l'manberg.
‎ ‎ ‎you hadn't been there to know what happened, but it was something severely detrimental from what you've heard. and you haven't even heard that much. you heard of how l'manberg was exploded, but didn't know much else. there was a way people looked whenever you asked about it though.
‎ ‎ ‎you set down your things as you came inside your house, tired from the long day of venturing out from the snowy area. you had been trying to find some more resources, having been slowly running out of some minor ones, but wanting to have them nonetheless. sighing, you tiredly looked down at your hands.
‎ ‎ ‎you never went a day without thinking of what you had done with those hands. blood splattered along the calloused palms of them, rough from gripping swords and bows. you regretted your previous decisions, having worked alongside l'manberg. while you didn't regret meeting the people, the experiences would plague you for years to come.
‎ ‎ ‎a knock on your door brung you out of your mind, gentle and soft. it was unlike any of the loud banging from the war. you shook away your troubles, wanting to block out everything from your past as a soldier. you opened the door, hesitantly bringing your hand to the sword rested on your side.
‎ ‎ ‎it was ranboo. he stood at the door, taller than your doorframe, and looking down at you. "oh," you said, retracting your hand from the hilt of it. "hello ranboo. what brings you here?" you were curious, never having really been close to ranboo during your time at l'manberg. you two had become closer since you lived in each others radius, but had never talked for a long time.
‎ ‎ ‎"uh, i just.. i just wanted to ask if you've seen ghostbur. i haven't seen him in a while and was wondering if you have?" the dual boy asked, tugging at his shirt collar. ghostbur? your brows furrowed, a nervousness piling in your stomach. did he mean wilbur? he seemed confident about what he had said though.
‎ ‎ ‎you cleared your throat before speaking again, leaning against the doorframe. "who's ghostbur?" you asked, confused. maybe it was just a mess up with his name, ranboo was very forgetful after all. realization crossed his features, eyes wide. "you don't know who ghostbur is?"
‎ ‎ ‎disbelief coated his tone, shining in his eyes as well. the boy stammered, trying to figure out what to say. "oh boy, uh..." he exhaled harshly, scratching at his neck in nervousness. "do you know what happened when l'manberg was blown up?" you hadn't known much, but you did know what mainly happened ─ l'manberg had been blown to the smithereens.
‎ ‎ ‎"not really, i guess. i mean, i know l'manberg was blown up, but i don't know much besides that." you told ranboo, being confused as to why this was even important. he stayed silent for a minute, cautious as to what he should say. does he just tell you outright that wilbur had been killed and that ghostbur was his ghost?
‎ ‎ ‎he exhaled again, nervous. "well, wilbur is the one who blew up l'manberg and.. phil killed him after." he said, pausing between his words to see your reaction. your eyes were wide, throat dry. there was a deep pit in your stomach, a neverending bad feeling. "he's dead?" your voice trembled as you spoke, brows furrowed.
‎ ‎ ‎ranboo nodded, sucking in a breath awkwardly. "i'm sorry i had to be the one to tell you." he said shortly, hands clasped behind his back. you tried to shake it off, laugh and tell him it was fine, but no words could come out. "so," you spoke once you had finally grasped your words. "is ghostbur his.. ghost?"
‎ ‎ ‎he nodded again, rocking on his heels. "he doesn't act anything like from what the old wilbur used to, from what i've heard." he tried to confide you, however it didn't do much to help. you smiled weakly at the male, not exactly knowing how to deal with the information as of now. "thank you, ranboo, and uh, no i haven't seen.. ghostbur. i hope you find him though."
‎ ‎ ‎with that, he thanked you and left you alone for now. you shut the door gently before breaking down. you grasped your hair, sliding against the wooden door. he was dead? while you slid against the door, you began laughing. he was dead. you were gleeful. you laughed and laughed and laughed. god, he was dead.
‎ ‎ ‎you didn't know you would ever celebrate a mans passing, but wilbur was different. wilbur was.. obsessive. not only with control, but with you. you always got a weird feeling from him too. he was always with you somehow, always greeting you wherever you would be. he was highly protective of you and, while he passed it off as it due to you being a citizen of his country, you suspected otherwise.
‎ ‎ ‎your gleeful laughter masked the sound of the rustling bushes.
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‎ ‎ ‎ranboo hadn't known you didn't know of wilbur's passing. he thought maybe phil or someone else would've told you, not him having to break the news to you. you seemed awfully upset, he hoped you would be okay. as he walked, head down with a friend, there was a thought nagging at the back of his head.
‎ ‎ ‎recently, ghostbur had been acting different. he couldn't put his finger on it, but something was off. he tossed the thought when there was a sudden shout of his name. he turned, quickly, seeing the man of the hour. "hello ranboo!" ghostbur said, smiling warmly at the other. "oh, hey ghostbur." he replied, a soft smile painting his face.
‎ ‎ ‎the two talked for a little while, catching up with each other and seeing how the other was. "well actually, i think i left friend at phil's house, do you mind go getting him for me, ranboo?" ghostbur asked, tilting his head at the half and half boy. ranboo's brows furrowed, wondering why he couldn't go get the sheep himself. it was his sheep after all.
‎ ‎ ‎ranboo glanced back at his house, rubbing at the back of his neck before answering him. "uh, sure, yeah. i can do that! why can't you go get him though?" he asked, confused. he didn't mind going to go get friend, liking to help out his friends, he was simply curious. "oh, i just have something to do! it's nothing really, but thank you again ranboo!" the airy tone of ghostbur coated with delight, he smiled at the man.
‎ ‎ ‎ranboo nodded, wishing him a farewell, before walking away to get more food for the trip. finally. ghostbur smiled, turning to the wooden house you had gone in a few minutes prior.
‎ ‎ ‎he would have you.
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‎ ‎ ‎you didn't think that today would be the day you celebrate a dead man, but you learned new things everyday. you didn't celebrate per say, you were just happy the british man wouldn't bother you anymore. he had creeped you out when he was alive, but in death he couldn't do anything.
‎ ‎ ‎knocking at your door had interrupted your moment, brows arching at the door. hadn't ranboo just left? maybe there was something else he had to tell you. as you got closer to the door, hand nearly on the doorknob, you hesitated. why would ranboo come right back? it didn't make sense.
‎ ‎ ‎you put your hand on the hilt of your sword, once again preparing you for if you were to get attacked. yet as you opened the door, there only stood a man ─ a man who looked exactly like wilbur soot. from the hair, to the clothes, to the face shape; it all reminded you too much of wilbur.
‎ ‎ ‎"hello! i'm ghostbur!" the man happily introduced himself, smiling warmly at you. this wasn't how wilbur acted? ranboo had told you that ghostbur acted different from him. "uh, hey. why are you here?" awkward and a tad rude, you asked, narrowing your [color] eyes at the brunette. he only smiled.
‎ ‎ ‎translucent, nearly grey in color hands rose up to wave you off. "i just wanted to come meet you! ranboo had said you were a good person! here, do you want some blue?" fishing in his pockets, ghostbur pulled out a small clump of blue. royal blue in color, it made you somewhat happy to look at it. the corners of your mouth twitched.
‎ ‎ ‎you accepted the blue, gently getting it place in your hand, his fingers brushing against yours as he did so. you squished it some, finding a certain fondness in the way it felt. maybe he wasn't bad. "may i come in?" the ghost asked, tilting his head quizzically. could you trust this guy enough to let him inside your house?
‎ ‎ ‎you pondered the idea, considering the worse case scenario ─ which would really be just takes all of your things or killing you. you doubt he was able to though, he seemed way too nice to even think about it. he seemed trustworthy and so, without another thought, you let ghostbur inside of your home.
‎ ‎ ‎he thanked you and took a look around, complimenting your interior design with a warm smile. he had that aura, the one that makes you feel comforted in his presence. kind and gentle, he was the type of man to be gentle with anything and everything. he seemed rather innocent as well, a child like enthusiasm in the way he carried himself.
‎ ‎ ‎you didn't mind, you actually found it quite admirable. before the war, you had been like that as well. bubbly and warm, smiles that could outshine the sun ─ and now, you were alone, although of your own accord. you had to admit, it was better for it to be like this though. the war and other experiences you shared with l'manberg still haunted your nightmares, causing you to wake up in a cold sweat everytime.
‎ ‎ ‎"[name]," the ghost murmured, looking over the paintings on the wall. "these paintings are quite lovely!" you smiled, agreeing with him. the paintings were nice, as they had been given to you as a president from ranboo. he had magnificent taste, the paintings holding such beauty. you sighed softly, glancing towards ghostbur.
‎ ‎ ‎"hey ghostbur? do you remember anything.. before you died?" you asked, cringing at the question yourself. you assumed it was a question he got a lot, being the ghost of a man who was loved by many, but you couldn't help the curiousity arising in you. he only smiled at you, he always seemed to be smiling.
‎ ‎ ‎"only the good memories! i don't remember any of the bad memories wilbur has!" he answered, still staring at the paintings. he seemed to take a liking to them. you nodded, humming in thought as you glossed over the paintings. "you know," you murmured. "i never really had fond memories with wilbur."
‎ ‎ ‎you had never told anyone of your past experiences with the man, being too scared of being called a liar or saying that you were wrong. wilbur was a man of great charm and charisma, traits he knew how to use to gain what he wants. you knew this first hand, having been on the receiving side of the anger he never showed the public.
‎ ‎ ‎ghostbur was quite for a moment, causing you to look over at him. he seemed deep in thought, eyes nearly wide with a nearly upset look crossing his face. "are you alright?" you asked him, concerned. it would be understandable if he didn't like talking about wilbur, having been the ghost of said man.
‎ ‎ ‎"oh yes, i'm fine! can you tell me about your memories with alivebur?" he asked, looking over at you questionably. you nodded, sitting down on the couch, to where the ghost followed. he sat beside you, almost a little too close for comfort, but he did seem obvious so you chose to let it slide.
‎ ‎ ‎you told ghostbur everything. about how wilbur was a creep. how you suspected he was stalking you. how he had been possessive of you. how you saw a side of wilbur that was never shown to the public. how you never liked him. how wilbur was a deranged man.
‎ ‎ ‎he listened to you quietly, not talking as he stared down at his lap. as you were finished talking, going to ask him if he was okay, he sighed. he shook his head, tsking at you. this was different. confused you scooted away from him, brows furrowed. he only looked up at you, grinning.
‎ ‎ ‎"was my disguise that good?"
‎ ‎ ‎your mouth ran dry. your hands trembled, trembled with fear of the danger lurking in his voice. the madness glinting in his eyes. was this ghostbur? no, this couldn't be. as you stared at him in disbelief, shock coating his features, something started happening. he was melting?
‎ ‎ ‎the grey skin, along with the yellow sweater and beanie, melted off of him. it was like slime dripping, coating your couch in the gooey substance. it disgusted you, how it melted into a puddle of grey just below him. but that was the least of your problem, as the disguise had melted, something sinister lurked below.
‎ ‎ ‎it was wilbur.
‎ ‎ ‎unmistakably, it was wilbur soot.
‎ ‎ ‎the brown hair that bunched up, the dull red beanie atop his head, the brown trenchcoat that coated his features. you backed away, horrified. standing up, you tried to run, yet he only laughed. a sickening laugh that made you stop in place, eyes wide with fear. your feet were glued to the floor, unable to move despite your door beckoning you to run.
‎ ‎ ‎the crazed look in the mans expression would be one you would never forget. he laughed maniacally, grin wide with unmasked enthusiasm. "you really thought it was ghostbur!? that little punk, yeah? you thought wrong, sweetheart!" he shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls, surrounding your every direction, making it impossible to escape.
‎ ‎ ‎who knew you would be trapped inside your own house?
‎ ‎ ‎you could hardly find the words to talk, the phrases getting stuck in your throat as you simply shook your head. it couldn't be wilbur. why was he here? how was he here? the man, who you previously believed to be ghostbur, had been inside your house. you had ranted to him on your troubles with his alive state, unaware he was the one you were speaking to.
‎ ‎ ‎"you- how? how are you - how are you here?" you mustered out, your voice weak. you could barely make them out, quiet and frail. he laughed once more, throwing his head back with unfiltered euphoria. he was so joyous, so content with watching you fall apart in front of him. watching you break down was what he wanted.
‎ ‎ ‎"i always come back, sweetheart, you should know this." he said, smirking devilishly. he walked to you, triumph yelling with every step he took. you backed away as he came closer, fearfully backing away from the brunette until your back hit a wall. alarm coursed through you, desperately trying to look around for a way to leave, a way to escape the misery that would soon come.
‎ ‎ ‎he stalked up to you, stopping in front of you. he was even more terrifying up closer. the broad shoulders and the looming shadow over your figure terrifying you more than anything ever had. "sweetheart!" the pet name rolled off of his tongue, almost in a sing song tone. you hadn't even noticed the tears running down your face until he wiped them away.
‎ ‎ ‎"don't cry, don't cry," wilbur muttered, pulling you closer to him, bringing your scared form into his chest. you tensed, worry clear in your figure as you tried to fight back. you tried to pull away, muttering how you didn't want this. you didn't want wilbur to touch you, to hold you as if he was someone special to you. "why do you keep trying to pull away from me?"
‎ ‎ ‎once you had finally pulled away from him, you looked at him in the eyes. you were still backed up against a wall, knowing your end was nearer than you thought. you glared at him one last time, choosing to pick fight over flight, and spit in his face.
‎ ‎ ‎"fuck you, wilbur soot."
‎ ‎ ‎blood splattered on the walls seconds later.
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corysmiles · 2 years
A little friendly giant hurt/comfort drabble as a treat :]
Ranboo couldn’t help the tears running down his cheeks. All around him birds chirped and sang happily while small pillbees fluttered from flower to flower. Their delicate tiny bodies looked so beautiful under the soft sunlight, and for once he couldn’t blame Tubbo for finding so much comfort in them.
But that was the problem.
Slowly his eyes drifted back to the water where his grim reflection stared back at him. How could Tubbo ever find comfort in him?
Even just looking at his blurred reflection on the water made him feel ill. The horns protruding from the top of his skull seemed too menacing and his sharp teeth looked far too pronounced….He looked like a monster.
If he came across himself he was sure he’d be terrified, yet he still latched onto such delicate peaceful beings. The human’s he loved were nothing like him. While they were soft and kind and he was sharp and grotesque. While they had eyes that made his heart swell with love, he had ones that belonged to a predator.
He couldn’t even imagine how terrifying he must actually look to his friends- they had the misfortune of seeing him through their own eyes.
Ranboo snapped out of his thoughts as a few tree branches snapped behind him. His tail flicked out in fear, afraid of whatever monster decided to pick a fight with him, until his eyes fell on the familiar sight of his beloved.
He just couldn’t help but purr at the sight…yet another reminder that he was a monster.
“Boo what’s up?” Tubbo frowned as he made his way over to where Ranboo sat, “You’re usually back in the den by now, Michael was looking for you.”
“It’s uh,” Ranboo shrugged, trying to non-discreetly wipe the tears off of his fur, “Just a bad fishing day. Haven’t caught anything yet.”
Immediately he cringed in regret. He knew Tubbo wouldn’t believe him a nod the concerned look on the human’s face just confirmed it.
He hated seeing Tubbo upset…
“Well,” Tubbo hummed, gently resting his body against one of Ranboo’s knuckles, “You usually have to actually hold the fishing rod to catch anything. What’s wrong boo?”
At the feeling of Tubbo’s minuscule weight against his hand he finally felt the damn break. He hated how tiny Tubbo looked next to him. He hated how gigantic and scary his hands were compared to his beloved. He hated how if he wanted he could tear him to pieces with no effort at all. He hated being a monster.
“Just- I don’t know,” Ranboo whimpered, “I wish I wasn’t like this.”
Tubbo tensed up and shot a look up at the giant, “What do you mean Boo?”
Slowly Tubbo pulled his way up into Ranboo’s palm using the fur growing all over his hands. Usually the giant found his touch reassuring, but now, when all he wanted was to feel normal, he hated it.
“I don’t want to be a monster anymore,” Ranboo finally broke.
Ranboo whimpered and tried his tears away so they wouldnt fall on the human.
“I just hate it, I hate it so much,” he winced, “I know I’m terrifying and you deserve so much better and I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck with something like me-”
“Ranboo,” Tubbo interrupted sternly.
The giant whimpered at the harsh tone and brought Tubbo closer to his face. From there he could clearly see the concern etched into Tubbo’s features.
“Boo you’re not forcing me to do anything,” he frowned, “And really if you scared me why would I have came back? If I must remind you that was my choice. I don’t give a shit what you look like.”
Ranboo sniffled and gave a small nod to the human. His tail curled up anxiously around his legs like a blanket but it did little to comfort him. He just wished Tubbo would go away, he didn’t need a monster.
“Hey, none of that shit Boo,” Tubbo snapped, “You’re thinking too much. I don’t care if you dont believe it, but I am not afraid of you. I think you’re amazing, and you’re my best friend.”
“I love you so much you dumb giant.”
Ranboo frowned and wiped away his tears to better see the human. He searched for any lies, but Tubbo seemed sincere- the determination even clear from his posture. It was one of the many things he loved about Tubbo, his strength even with being so small.
“I love you too Tubbo,” he whispered, pressing the tip of his nose against the human’s chest, “Thank you…”
“Of course big man,” the human’s hands gently stroked his fur, “Now lets get home,yeah?”
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Dream SMP Recap (February 24/2021) - “Mine-opoly”
Ponk and Sam have a date, Phil and Ranboo get into some heated bargaining with Sam for a get out of jail free card, and Tubbo and Ranboo get the idea to start a rival hotel across the street from Tommy’s: 
The beginnings of Bee ‘n’ Boo!
Hannah Rose
Captain Puffy
- Ponk wants to make progress on the Oogway Shrine.
- After a dono asks about it, he says that he’s known Bad and Ant for a long time, and they would never sacrifice him to the Egg! So he decides that he is pro-Egg and not pro-Omelette.
- Ponk walks out onto the class over L’manhole and does a little bit of improvised lore, giving a speech:
Ponk: “Civilization...is just a brutal cycle of destruction and corruption, chat. You see, the only man who could run a civilization, died fighting for a civilization that he took under his wing. I’m sure he didn’t want to, chat, I’m sure he didn’t want to, y’know? But he did...and he lays rest over there.”
(He gestures to Schlatt’s Grave)
“Chat, that’s not the point. Think about this, chat, think about this...what happens after the Egg, huh? ...Sure, the Egg could be a common enemy. Or, a common friend. But when it’s gone, for...things never stay the same, things aren’t always the same forever, chat. Nothing lasts forever, okay? Out of corruption, friendship, you know what is born? ...New civilizations. And you know what happens in civilizations? Conflict, chat.” 
“What is going on, huh? The cycle will repeat itself. I’m sure Dream will get out of prison one day. I’m sure Tommy might not do something, who knows, chat? ...Maybe, one day, this conflict will get so large...that we’re pushed out of this land, and into a new one.”
- He then goes to continue work on the Oogway Shrine.
- Ponk also talks with Sam for a bit. He asks about whether the Badlands has a citizenship test, or if he could just marry and get a greencard.
- Ponk shows Sam what he’s been working on. 
- Sam and Ponk head to the Egg. Ponk asks if Sam has a hoe on him and says he needs Sam to collect a sample. Sam says he doesn’t want to, throwing Ponk the hoe. Ponk insists that it has to be Sam.
- They walk and talk. Ponk tells that Sam’s two prison guards put Ponk in the obsidian box, that they forgot about him there.
- Ponk and Sam exit the room. Ponk mentions that he took Fran for a walk. They continue to walk around and chat. Sam puts in a bunch of new names in the Prank Wars station.
- Ponk asks, doesn’t it upset Sam what Bad and Ant are doing with the Egg? Sam says he doesn’t love it, but he’ll let them do what they’re doing for now.
- They come back to the heart area and Sam runs to his house to get some things.
- Sam comes back with some pumpkin pie, cakes and a poppy for Ponk. He also brought drinks and the promise fish.
- Sam then gives Ponk his own trident!
- Sam leaves after that. Ponk reminds chat that it’s only the first date, and he has to be more smooth.
- Foolish continues work on HBomb’s savannah mansion.
- Phil works on home renovations.
- Awesamdude asks Phil if he’d take diamonds in return for iron. Phil has 22 iron blocks, but doesn’t need or want diamonds. Sam asks what Phil would want.
- Phil asks for access to the prison or plans, but all these requests are denied. Maybe a get out of jail free card? Sam thinks a bit, but ultimately decides no.
- Ranboo joins and tells Phil he has five stacks of iron blocks. Phil proposes the five stacks for the get out of jail free card. Call it “Mineopoly.” Sam is open to the idea, but wouldn’t have a get out of jail free card for any type of offense, necessarily.
- Ranboo worries about getting nothing out of this and Phil drops the offer to two stacks instead for his sake. Sam is still open to the deal, but worries about what the card would be used for, as Phil likes anarchy and might use it to ask for Dream to be let out.
- Phil says he won’t use it for Dream. Sam says he might have another deal, involving something he’s building that Phil might like to use: a massive creeper farm.
- Phil passes on the offer. He’s got withers. He makes the same offer from before again.
- Ranboo banters with Sam about the sandstone penis. Sam rejects the deal.
- Phil proposes a get out of free card for a non-main cell and a deal for three stacks. Sam says he could do it for five stacks. Phil says no.
- Sam then asks Ranboo. He could build Ranboo a memory machine in exchange for the iron. Ranboo says no, and asks why Sam would think he has the iron. Sam points out that Phil and Ranboo live together.
- Ranboo is insulted at the idea of stealing from Phil. Sam suggests he steal and just not write it down so that he doesn’t feel bad. Ranboo says he’d rather kill Sam than steal from Phil.
- Ranboo and Sam continue sassing each other and it gets a little heated.
Sam: If I’m old Philz is a geezer
Phil: I am wise beyond my years
Phil: Centuries are mere childsplay for me
Phil: I’ve seen many like you fall
Phil: You will not be the last
Sam: What was it like
Sam: Seeing everyone you loved die
Sam: Slowly as time moved on
Phil: Painful
Sam: I feel for you then
Phil: But not as painful as what I inflicted on their enemies
- Wilbur starts doing TTS in Phil’s stream. Oh no.
Sam: Ranboo I have just realized something
Ranboo: Yes
Sam: Ranboo agreed everyone he has ever loved is dead
Sam: Which means he does not love any of you
Sam: Live with that.
Ranboo: I know that
- Phil keeps working on his home renovations and deals with his chat (started by Wilbur, of course) requesting chippy money. 
- Ranboo and Tubbo work on getting the Bane o’ Bees back, but after seeing Tommy’s hotel, Tubbo gets the idea to make a rival hotel across the path.
- Phil’s murderous rampage against rabbits continues.
- Ranboo and Tubbo lay the scaffolding foundations for the hotel, which they decide to call Bee ‘n’ Boo! 
- Skeppy and Badboyhalo continue to work on Big Daddy Island together, working on their tiny little vacation house. 
- Sam does some grinding while watching Mediashares.
- Ranboo later continues to gather resources for the hotel.
- Puffy finds out about Ranboo and Tubbo’s hotel plans and decides she wants to join in with a hotel of her own! But she then decides to change plans to a fast food restaurant instead, laying the foundations for a McPuffy’s on the Prime Path near the two hotels.
- Puffy completes the glass covering over the ruins of L’manburg
- She puts a bunch of furnaces on top of Bad and Skeppy’s house
- She gets rid of the crafting table house and adds the tables to the furnace monstrosity
Upcoming events remain the same.
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coolunspokenforname · 2 years
Stardew Valley AU-SBI and co
While Stardew Valley has romance and marriage, this au doesn’t. While certain characters may be replacing bachelors, it’s only because their stories fit. This au is completely platonic (exception for Philza and Kristin Minecraft, who are still married in this au).
The player character in his au, Tommy recently moved to his grandfather’s old farm after growing disillusioned with the city life and his desk job. He realized that he doesn’t want to live that kind of life, so he opens the letter his grandfather gave him and found the deed to the farm. He lived on the farm as a child with his parents before they moved to the big city, and now that he’s back he will try to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
(Robin and Mayor Lewis replacment)
The first person Tommy meets in the village, Philza is the person who takes care of most of the town. He will renovate Tommy’s house and help him out when he needs tips for the farm, though he isn’t the town expert on any of the skills. He lives on a nearby ranch with his wife. Loves: All universal loves, Life elixir, Fairy Rose (special dialogue: Thank you! This reminds me of my wife.), Duck Feather, Green Tea, Emerald.
(Marnie replacement)
The owner of the ranch to the south of Tommy’s farm, she is the one to go to when in need of animals or their food. She works the same hours Philza does and doesn’t spend her Mondays watching a microwave for six hours. She gives Tommy tips on how to take care of the animals, and sometimes offers to take care of them when Tommy’s too busy on the farm or in the mines. She is married to Philza. Loves: All universal loves, Void egg, Void Essence.
(Leah and Sam replacement)
Wilbur moved to the town a couple years before Tommy moved in. He tends to wander around the village, stopping at spots to play his guitar. After getting a couple hearts he starts to visit Tommy’s farm to play while Tommy works. Loves: All universal loves, blueberries, salmon (special dialogue similar to Abigail’s eating rocks dialogue, haven’t figured it out yet), coffee.
Technoblade is pretty distant from most of the other villagers, though he is friends with Philza and amicable to Wilbur. He also is rivals Squidkid (the bar owner) and Dream (head of the adventurer's guild). The first time passing out, Technoblade finds Tommy and nurses him back to health. He leaves with a warning to be careful not to overexert himself. Loves: All universal loves, Potatoes, Cave Carrot, Emerald, Squid Ink, Truffle.
(Pierre stand in with hints of Penny and Maru)
Working at the grocery store, Tubbo is the one to go to when buying seeds, ingredients, or really anything. Tommy’s childhood friend, he lives with his uncle Shlatt. When he’s not working himself to death, Tubbo usually spends his time either inventing at the museum or walking about the town with a distant look in his eyes, thinking up his next life changing idea.  Loves: All universal loves, goat milk, goat cheese, Battery Pack, Radioactive Bar.
Also new in town, Ranboo lives with his siblings. Eret, who runs the museum, and Niki, who runs a shop near the ocean selling fishing supplies. Ranboo’s six heart scene is him admitting to being afraid of the water, and the subsequent scenes are him admitting it to Niki, and then him facing his fear. Loves: All universal loves (except Golden Pumpkin), Void Essence, Solar Essence, Spaghetti.  Hates: Golden Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Edit: I wrote this right before I went to bed, so I completely forgot to credit @philzaarctic who gave me suggestions for Technoblade and Philza’s loves. Sorry about that, I get a little forgetful when I’m tired.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Hello, this is a writing request. I like the idea of Tommy being a reckless giant. It wasn’t a problem for him when he was alone sense it was the only way he knew how to interact with the world. It was only when he was found by his small family with SBI and bee duo he realized it might be a problem as he kept hurting them on accident. It also doesn’t help that some of them hide they’re bruises from him to spare his feelings.
Hello? I've got an order for?... Angst?... I think- I'm kidding! My lovely Anon, your delivery is served. Enjoy your fluffy angst.
Warnings: Descriptions of injury (That's about it!)
Words: 1.1k
Tommy had always been alone in the forest, always isolated with the only company being the twinkles of the stars and the fellow creatures around. Tommy never hated it though, for some reason he didn’t know, the loneliness never bothered him.
That all changed within a short period though, as of now he had 2 best friends, a father figure and 2 brother figures. He was wandering through the forest one day, the usual routine when he found the 5 hybrids.
Originally, he was going to leave them, but he saw some of them had a lot of injuries, 2 of them were limping and he noticed that one of the family members had wings and one of the wings seemed out of place, broken.
They were most probably hunted by humans, he could understand from his standpoint, in his fair share of living there, he has had the occasional run-in with humans. He hated humans.
He carefully approached the pack, one seemed fish like with fins for ears and scales covering his arms, brown hair, and eyes, most likely a siren, he limped to be limping as blood was flowing out of his leg. The second was built like a brute and had boar attributes with pink hair and red eyes.
The third is a tall ender hybrid and the other is unknown, monochrome coloured with heterochromia. The fourth was a goat hybrid, brown hair, and green eyes, he was the most injured of the bunch with the ender hybrid carrying him.
Then was what seemed like the eldest, he held large grey wings, with his wing out of place, he reminded Tommy much of himself in appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes.
After a bit of convincing, he was told that they were being hunted down by humans. That convinced everything in his head that he had to help them, so he managed to get the family to follow him. With Tommy’s help, they managed to stay away from the humans and tend to their wounds. And stayed with Tommy for a while.
“Stayed” is more like decided to live with him and not leave since they grew attached to the boy, they’ve practically moved in and are like family to Tommy now. They’ve been around for a couple of months now and he couldn’t be more grateful for his tiny family.
They brought so much more joy and excitement to his once boring life; he didn’t know what he’d do without them. He loves Wilbur’s songs he sings to them at night, Techno trying to fight against his hand with all his might, Phil telling tales of when he was younger and told stories of their past.
And went out exploring with Tubbo and Ranboo! They always had their fair number of adventures!
That doesn’t mean there wasn’t their fair share of problems with it though, since Tommy’s been isolated from society for so long, he doesn’t quite get the idea of being careful sometimes and can be a bit reckless and accident-prone.
This has led to a fair number of accidents with his family, he’s maybe squeezed them a little too much or dropping them from a small distance.
Tommy’s noticed his family trying to hide things from him lately, especially when there was an accident, when he asked about it they always said “Oh yeah, I’m fine mate. No worries!” or “What the fuck you on about gremlin?! I’m completely fine!”. He’s noticed them limp when they think they’re out of sight. It breaks his heart to see them like that, especially when he’s the cause.
He’s tried to be more careful but with little success, it always fails. And that’s why he was sitting by the cliff, to be alone with his thoughts. The cliff was barely a climb for him, he wouldn’t hurt himself if he fell, but his family sure would.
He’s had a lot of thoughts recently, he’s become paranoid to an extent and doesn’t know what to do or how to handle it, he wants to talk to his family about it but how do you even bring up that kind of topic?
He sighed and held his hair in a stressed matter, every thought bringing him even more upset. He cringed as he felt tears stream down his face. He just curled in on himself, unable to focus on the night sky like he used to.
He laid there for a while, that was until he heard the fluttering of wings and change in the wind. He didn’t dare move in case he’d hurt him. He felt a weight on his shoulder and moved over towards the crook of his neck.
The figure placed his hands on his neck and began to soothe it gently, a way of comfort. He carefully moved his arm to wipe at his eyes, not wanting his father to become soaked with tears.
“You alright, mate?”. He made a ‘nuh-uh’ noise. Phil sighed, “anything you wanna talk about? Anything I can do to help?”. There was a moment of silence between the two until Tommy couldn’t stand the tension. “Phil how can even stand to be around me?! All I do is hurt you and the others?!”. Phil was a bit shocked by the outburst, but not because of the volume because he was worried about what Tommy said.
“Mate…”, “Please just leave me alone…”. “Right! -“He stood up and grabbed Tommy’s cheek, causing Tommy to stare at him. “No more grouching! It’s not your fault! I get that you’re worried and you care about us mate, but accidents are going to happen when there’s a large difference in size.
it's inevitable. But we’ll help you work through it okay? We all care about you so much, Toms, please. I hate seeing you upset.”. Phil’s expression showed it all worry and sadness. It all in all made Tommy regret his outburst, he hated to worry the man with his problems.
“Phil- I-…”. He couldn’t even get the words out until, “Shh, it’s alright. I’m here”. He leaned his head towards Phil, to which he embraced it, using his wings to give him the biggest hug possible, the two sat there alone for a while.
Eventually, the two of them headed, back much to Tommy’s reluctance, he carried Phil in his hands and surprisingly, he did it without failure. And when he returned, he came back to find an entire family worried about him, even fucking Techno was worried
(he could tell by the boar pacing back and forth for them to get back). Phil explained what had happened and let’s just say, the family decided along the lines of ‘Alright! It’s cuddle time with Tom! Drop everything else! Focus on the boy!”.
And so, they all laid in their respective places, Phil and Techno on his shoulders, leaning into his warmth and Wilbur, Tubbo and Ranboo cradled to his chest. And from then on, they worked it out and now he rarely dropped his family.
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stellocchia · 3 years
I missed Techno’s stream so I’m watching it now!
So what’s better than taking a few notes to go along with it? 
Under the cut because it’ long as f*ck
Techno not giving a sh*t about Dream getting tortured just gained him about 100 points in my book
One of Dream’s first instincts was to test if burning their limited amount of food would hurt Techno, huh? Interesting, he’s trying to find a leverage to insure Techno’s cooperation if I had to take a wild guess
Techno also not taking Dream’s bs about the clock. What is this? Techno is just gaining so many points right now...
Other interesting observation: when Tommy was the one locked with Dream, Dream constantly invaded his personal space, but he dislikes when Techno does that with him. I guess he doesn’t like it without the power imbalance boosting his ego
Dream definitely has a wattpad for all his “c!Dream and c!Tommy as immortal brothers” fics
Dream burning himself in lava is not a new development, just wanted to remind everyone of that one. He’s been doing it from the start and I don’t know if it’s genuine self-harm (as a way to break the monotony) or more so a way to gather sympathy. Or both
Dream needs to burn a book to bring people back? Now that’s a bit of an interesting insight right there...
Also Techno trying to obtain the knowledge. These two are really just trying to use each other all the time, huh? 
“It’s like the house situation all over again” LMAO
“How much gear do you have?” I don’t know why but I feel like that line of questioning from Dream is interesting...
People weren’t lying when they said that the first person Dream asked about was Tommy, huh? Man that obsession there hasn’t gone away in the months since Dream has been locked up... gotta admit I love that writing decision!
Dream found out about Steve and I bet he immediately filed it away as possible leverage for the future
“Who feeds them while you’re in here?” Dream subtly investigating Techno’s attachments. Man I’m really liking this!
“I always wondered what would happen if I tried to revive a living person” so he’s also still interested with his experiments. Something tells me that he hasn’t given up on becoming immortal with Tommy quite yet. Which is creepy as Hell, but also very interesting to see that Dream to his core is still just Dream
Techno... you really think that it’s a good idea to agree to Dream experimenting on you? 
Well, DreamXD was summoned instead of Techno being cloned, so that’s good! And Dream had no idea that it could happen. Also Techno recognizes DreamXD while Dream doesn’t. So much interesting information...
“How come God looks exactly like you” now that one’s an interesting question...
Techno using his one wish for the bell. I knew it would happen, I got it spoiled, but it made me laugh regardless. God that was so great!
Tumblr media
(When your cellmate wastes God’s power to get a f*cking bell)
So the summoning of DreamXD works only once?
Also Dream has apparently written 3 books worth of informations for Techno
Also Dream tried using the “throwing the potato in lava” thing again. Possibly to test the effectiveness of it again. It wasn’t effective
Techno validating both Curch Prime and the Membership cult are religions, pog? Also Dream is canonically a heretic? 
I’m gonna say it now, but Techno’s absolute lack of empathy for Dream is the best possible thing for this stream so far. It’s what turns this from a c!Dream pity fest to actually a more honest sort of portrayal of him. Showing exactly how little c!Dream ever changed (now to hoping I won’t regret writing this by the end of it)
“I did, then they turned against me” Dream really never drops his manipulative rhetoric and, once again, I adore that as a writing choice. It would make no sense for my dude to ever become a better person because of the torture and isolation
“Did anyone not try to torture or kill you?” Sapnap was Dream’s first answer. Which means that he is actually trying to fish for sympathy here, since the reason why he was the best to bring up was because of Sapnap’s promise. Second one mentioned was BBH. Ranboo and Tommy both went unmentioned
Second person Dream asks about is Tubbo? Now that one’s real interesting! Though he did say “Tubbo and...” before interrupting himself, so was he curious about Ranboo or Tommy again?
Definitely Ranboo since he’s the next one he asked about. Please someone keep Dream away from the minors, he’s plotting something
And now Dream knows about the nukes. Just great! Though Techno seems to not be entirely believing of that himself
Now Dream brought up that Ranboo used to visit. Tommy is the last one that needs to be mentioned then!
And we got the Tommy mention!
“So how do you know Ranboo?” immediate deflection from Dream. Dream please! I’m curious as well! 
I appreciate Techno’s plan of punching obsidian for 26 hours a block to escape. That’s the right spirit!
And of course Dream had to bring up the cat. To be fair he was doing pretty well about holding back from talking about Tommy this whole stream. He only mentioned him 3 times as much as everyone else!
Dream is getting so pissed and I’m absolutely living for it!
Okay, final thought: I really enjoyed that. Techno’s humour this time around didn’t detract from the situation in my opinion, it actually made it A LOT better by avoiding indulging on the whole c!Dream sympathy fest kind of thing that this could have turned into otherwise. It was really good honestly!
Also, i mentioned it a couple of times throughout but I loved cc!Dream’s decisions for his character in this one. Both the fact that he is not really different from before and the fact that he is still trying to find his way out of his situation. He is not broken now, he’s still the smart manipulative type of character that he always was and I honestly like that!
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