#race music
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sirensandnymphs · 10 months
Those Delta Blues
Nothing like Delta Blues when you're missing the Big Easy
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Delta Blues, also known as "race records", is a style of music that originated in the Mississippi Delta. A guitar, a harmonica and a singer are all that you needed to make music. Most songs were traditional African-American folk or field songs. Which is why you'll hear different recordings of the same songs.
Since the music of the early 1920's was marketed towards White-Americans; Black-Americans only made up small percentage of the consumer market. So when Black-Americans began recording music that would be marketed to their own people, it was labeled "race records" The simple lyrics carry so much weight and meaning about the times and the culture. Delta Blues gives us a small glimpse of a segregated South. Msn goes to work for pennies, man comes home to a nagging wife, and so he's got to get out and have a drink. At least thats what the lyrics suggest. They sang about drink, promiscuity, depression and living in sin. For example we have the song "Me and the Devil" :
Me and the Devil Was walkin' side by side Me and the Devil, ooh Was walkin' side by side And I'm going to beat my woman Until I get satisfied
A perfect depiction of depression and sin. Robert Johnson recorded the song just before his death, at the young age of 27.
But men weren't the only ones singing about this "fast" lifestyle. We have Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith and my favorite Ida Cox. All these women were singing songs that only men were known to do.
For example in the song Wild Woman Don't Have the Blues I've got a disposition and a way of my own When my man starts kicking I let him find another home I get full of good liquor, walk the streets all night Go home and put my man out if he don't act right Wild women don't worry, wild women don't have the blues
Ida Cox gives women a lesson in keeping it moving with these fuck boys.
*GASP* Scandalous!
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tempotrailblazer · 1 year
engine music speed feel the rush of speed
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dooober · 1 year
what's this? the bugs have started a band!?
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woman-respecter · 1 month
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people in real life: hey man, how’s it going?
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johntorrington · 3 months
thinking about this book i found on archive.org that’s a kid’s book from the perspective of one of the ponies on the terra nova expedition. the ponies that sucked and were sickly and got shot and eaten. those ponies. never before have i been so mad a book wasn’t available to borrow i need to read this so badly.
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yelhsaqi · 2 months
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is the newsies fandom still alive lol
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t4yce · 16 days
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GOTTMIK •  drag race all stars 9.02 paint ball: drag imitates art ↳ for @orqxideas
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
Fellas!!! just hear me out!!! One story about Jenson Button based on Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes). She's his assistant, a little clumsy in her daily life but she's very efficient at her job. He has a massive crush on her
love grows where my rosemary goes (jb22)
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y/n fumbled with the travel mug, spilling a searing stream of coffee down her pristine white blouse. "oh no!" she shrieked, hopping on one foot as the liquid burned through the fabric.
her hair is kinda wild and free
jenson button, watching from his driver's room doorway, fought back a laugh. it wasn't the first time his ever-so-slightly-clumsy assistant had a mishap. yet, despite the constant stream of minor disasters – misplaced files, tripped heels, rogue staplers launching staples across the room – y/n was the epitome of efficiency. her calendar was his lifeline, her emails impeccably crafted, and her research skills unmatched.
And people say she's crazy
he cleared his throat, stepping into the room. "seems like love grows where your coffee goes today, eh y/n?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
y/n whipped around, the mug clutched precariously in her hand. "jenson! don't start," she mumbled, cheeks flushing a shade that rivaled the spilled coffee.
he couldn't help but grin. "here, let me help." jenson took the mug, placing it on his desk. "go change, I'll grab you another coffee."
"thank you," y/n mumbled, scurrying out of the office.
jenson shook his head, a warmth spreading through him as he watched her go. he'd been harboring a secret crush on y/n for months. but confessing felt like navigating a formula 1 race with a blindfold on – potentially disastrous.
he grabbed a fresh mug, a mischievous idea forming in his head. as y/n returned, looking sheepish but still beautiful, he placed the mug on his desk. "here you go," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
y/n cautiously took a sip. "mmm, that's better. thanks, jenson."
"no problem," he said, leaning back in his chair. "so why are you downing your third coffee of the day?," he began.
y/n's eyes widened. "you kept count?"
he smirked. "yeah. you seem to be quite flustered today."
"oh!" y/n's cheeks flushed again. "it's just... i need the caffeine to keep up with you, mr. button," she countered, a playful edge to her voice.
jenson's heart did a little skip. "actually," he admitted, leaning forward, "it's you who keeps up with me. you're amazing at your job, y/n."
a genuine smile bloomed on her face. "thank you, jenson. that means a lot."
the room fell silent for a moment, a comfortable quiet settling between them. jenson took a deep breath. "y/n," he started, his voice low, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you..."
oh, but love grows where my rosemary goes
the office door burst open, shattering the moment. jenson's publicist, richard, barreled in, phone pressed to his ear. "jenson, urgent interview request! need you on set in fifteen!"
jenson groaned. "alright, alright, richard," he sighed, his eyes locking with y/n's for a fleeting second. "we'll continue this conversation later, alright?"
y/n nodded, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "later," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips.
as jenson followed richard out, the half-confession hanging in the air, he couldn't help but think – maybe, just maybe, love was about to grow where his assistant was too.
she's really got a magical spell
the press conference crackled with a peculiar tension. jenson, impeccably dressed but internally simmering, fielded questions from a pack of reporters hungry for gossip. it was after a particularly grueling race, and the focus seemed to be less on his performance and more on his personal life, with thinly veiled jabs about his "playboy" image.
one particularly obnoxious reporter, a woman with a permanent smirk plastered on her face, leaned forward, her voice dripping with insinuation. "jenson, rumors have been swirling about your recent 'companionship' with a young model. can you confirm or deny these claims?"
jenson gritted his teeth. he was about to launch into a rehearsed, pr-approved response when a voice, clear and unwavering, cut through the cacophony.
"excuse me," y/n said, her voice surprisingly firm as she stepped forward from the corner where she'd been quietly taking notes. "mr. button's private life is exactly that – private. perhaps we could focus on the actual race, where he displayed exceptional skill and…" she trailed off, a glint of defiance in her eyes, "...strategic brilliance."
that i love her endlessly
the room went silent, the reporters momentarily stunned. jenson's heart thudded against his ribs, a mixture of surprise and admiration washing over him. he'd never seen y/n like this – a tiny titan, standing up for him in a room full of sharks.
y/n continued, her voice gaining confidence. "mr. button's talent and dedication speak for themselves. let's talk about the record-breaking lap time he achieved in the third quarter, or the…"
the reporters, caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, started peppering her with questions about the race. y/n, much to jenson's amusement, expertly fielded them all, her knowledge of the sport as impressive as her poise.
as the press conference ended, the reporters shuffled out, muttering amongst themselves. jenson turned to y/n, speechless.
"y/n, that was…" he began, searching for the right words.
there's something about her hand holding mine
"just doing my job," she said, a hint of a blush creeping up her cheeks. "those questions were ridiculous."
jenson shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "you were incredible. you saved the day, again."
y/n looked down shyly. "i just didn't want them to disrespect you."
jenson reached out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "you never do," he murmured, his voice low. "you're an angel, y/n. you know that, right?"
nobody knows like me
y/n's eyes widened, surprise flickering across her face. jenson felt a surge of heat rise in his cheeks. maybe, just maybe, he'd let his feelings slip a little too much. but as he met her gaze, a hint of something new shimmering in her eyes, he couldn't help but hope that his not-so-subtle confession wasn't entirely lost in the haze.
jenson u sweetheart<3
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
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zevranunderstander · 26 days
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number #1 tactic that people use to not sound as racist as they are when they talk to black people: 'uhh so you AMERICANS need to stop pretending everything is about YOU. why should i know this im not from the us :/' (= is talking about like. a phenomenally internationally well-known black artist)
#myposts#kendrick lamar#drake#i updated it from 'white europeans' to 'people' because some people pointed out that 'gringo' is probably more south american lingo#but the point i wanted to make is like. there is this subset of european people (quite a lot of them)#who try to deflect by saying them not knowing these things isn't because of an active lack of disinterest in black culture and influences#and like. them not knowing who a certain black person is is never an educational failing on their side of any sorts#but instead are pretending that like. they are by virtue of being european always correctly educated on What History And Art Is Important#like. 2 months back that one post pretending that 'us europeans dont need to know all your AMERICAN writers 🙄' talking about james baldwin?#like just because that person didnt know who james baldwin was#they immediately were mad at the implication that They Didn't Know Someone Of Cultural Significance#and twisted it into 'well he cant be that important by virtue of me not knowing him'#like completely ignoring that the european school system also has. race problems and also ignoring that he lived and wrote in France too#but like. its this really racist defence mechanism of like. 'well you stupid americans always make everything about yourselves'#i hope i make sense i didnt think this would blow up lol#and like some people in the notes of that post were so smug about not knowing who Kendrick Lamar is#bc to them thats like 'oh im too cultured to be listening to rap of any sorts' like completely dismissing his music as kind of second class#by virtue of it being rap and black music and him not being in the White Mainstream as much as other musicians#(i mean hes still like 24th most listened artist worldwide but you get what i mean)
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marvinsbitch · 1 month
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zivazivc · 3 months
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For those of you wondering about Les's mysterious younger sibling. It's Hed, he's the little brother.
They share a mom who was a rock troll. Les's dad is funk, and Hed's dad is rock, but he lived in Vibe City since very young so he's also basically mixed genre like his bro.
In the second pic he's singing/rapping Tastes Just Like Chicken by Scatterbrain. I feel like this is the kind of music he would make when younger.
and bonus: meet the nominees for the worst parents award
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lookingforthesteamer · 2 months
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jinkx for cosmopolitan (photos by patrick donovan)
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military-newsboys · 16 days
Davey: you must have been dropped on your head as a child Jack: i couldn’t have been, i wasn’t even held! Davey: i can’t tease you when you say things like that
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blueballsracing · 2 months
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SIX red bull rejects: part 1
part 2
Lyrics from Ex-Wives, Six the Musical // Slippery Slope Fallacy, Grammarly // VERSTAPPEN SIGNS LONGEST EVER RED BULL F1 DEAL UNTIL 2028, Motorsport // 2009 F1 Champion Recalls ‘Unbeatable’ Max Verstappen’s Mom in Karting, The Sports Rush // Verstappen victory earns royal seal of approval, Racing News 365 // Nitya Prakash // Bluets by Maggie Nelson // Red Bull warned against Max Verstappen move that 'won't go down well at all’, Express // Red Bull announce that Sebastian Vettel is leaving at the end of the season, Sky Sports // Sebastian Vettel says start of Ferrari F1 career is a “fairytale”, Autosport // Sebastian Vettel: Eight Years of Magical Memories, Red Bull // Sebastian Vettel tribute poster, TL Design  // RICCIARDO 'WILL SURPRISE' AT RED BULL, Eurosport // Red Bull pick Daniel Ricciardo to partner Sebastian Vettel in 2014 F1, The Guardian // Horner tips Ricciardo for the top, Express // RICCIARDO’S THEORY FOR WHY HE GOT ‘TOO LOST’ AT MCLAREN, The Race // Why Ricciardo has gambled his future on McLaren – rather than staying at Renault, Formula 1 // Daniel Ricciardo reveals dream Red Bull return: Can he replace Sergio Perez in 2025?, Times Of India
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herohimbowhore · 7 months
The revolving door of Red Bull drivers within the past decade has always been a topic of discussion.
Webber retires and Ricciardo's in. Vettel leaves for Ferrari and in comes Kyvat. Oops, no Kyvat out, and Verstappen takes his place. Ricciardo leaves and Gasly is promoted to the main team. But Gasly isn't it, and in comes Albon. Nevermind, Albon out and Perez is the man. Or is he?
It's a neverending cycle of one driver in and another replacing him only for rumors about replacements to swirl.
Hundreds of years earlier, similar patterns existed with Henry VIII and his six wives.
This brings forth the question: which wife's narrative suits the most for some of the former and current Red Bull drivers.
Based on the song Ex-Wives from Six: The Musical.
My name's Catherine Of Aragon
Was married 24 years, I'm a paragon
Of royalty, my loyalty is to the Vatican
So if you try to dump me
You won't try that again
The initial thought for Catherine of Aragon, based solely on being the first wife would be Sebastian Vettel. He's the first Red Bull junior to make it to the main team, take the first win for both Toro Rosso and Red Bull, and win the first championship with the team.
However, Catherine of Aragon is Max Verstappen. Lyrically and based on the narrative, Max Verstappen is most like Catherine.
Paragon of royalty:
This could be translated into a racing lineage. Both of Max's parents were in motorsport. Jos is a former Formula 1 driver, though undeniably nowhere as good as his son. Sophie is a karting and race car driver who competed against Jenson Button, Giancarlo Fisichella, Jarno Trulli, and Nick Heidfeld. Christian Horner in a recent interview on Dax Shepard's podcast eff won with DRS said that he used to kart against Sophie and she beat him.
My loyalty is to the Vatican:
In this situation, the Vatican would be Red Bull. Max's current contract ends in 2028 and he has mentioned many times that he could possibly retire when that contract ends. Max has never talked about a desire to race for another team.
Also, Max is rarely spotted not wearing the team kit. The man is dedicated to the team.
I'm that Boleyn girl
And I'm up next
See, I broke England from the Church
Yeah, I'm that sexy
Why did I lose my head?
Well, my sleeves may be green
But my lipstick's red!
Anne Boleyn is undeniably Sebastian Vettel.
Lyrically and based on the colors mentioned in the song, Sebastian has the makings of the Boleyn girl.
See, I broke England from the Church:
Breaking England from the Church for Sebastian is ending the Red Bull/Sebastian Vettel partnership that had won the team four drivers' championships and four constructors' championships.
Red Bull back then was Sebastian Vettel, they were one and the same. Sebastian got them their first everything and it seemed like a solid partnership until Sebastian signed with Ferrari. Thus, breaking England from the Church, or in this case leaving the team he won with.
Why did I lose my head?:
This is 2020.
Nothing is going right, Sebastian's dropped by Ferrari for Carlos Sainz Jr. Commentators are talking about how he isn't the same Sebastian Vettel and he doesn't have that same level of skill as before, especially in comparison to his younger teammate, Charles Leclerc.
Well, my sleeves may be green but my lipstick's red:
Sebastian retired in Aston Martin green, but he's not going to be remembered as the Aston Martin driver, he'll always be a core piece of Red Bull's history in Formula One.
Another way that this can be interpreted is Christian Horner telling Sebastian that he could always take a year off and come back home (Red Bull) if he wanted after Sebastian was dropped by Ferrari.
Jane Seymour, the only one he truly loved
When my son was newly born, I died
But I'm not what I seem
Or am I?
Stick around, and you'll suddenly see more
Now, Jane was a difficult one because she could be connected to three different drivers (Sebastian, Daniel, and Checo) at different points in their respective careers. But, in my opinion, based on how the 2023 season has played out, Checo is most like Jane Seymour.
the one he truly loved (rude):
While Checo is probably not the most loved of the drivers for Christian (see: Max, Sebastian, Daniel), the lyric does fit him when put into comparison with Pierre and Alex. Of Checo, Pierre, and Alex, he is the one that was truly loved.
Checo, when not performing to the level that Red Bull wants, has gotten a lot more support than Pierre and Alex. He's also lasted much longer than the other two.
When my son was newly born, I died:
This is Checo's championship aspirations earlier this year.
Just when it looked like Checo could be a legitimate challenger for Max in the drivers' championship, he had a fall in form. After two race wins and only a few points separating them, there was hope that maybe, just maybe Checo could beat Max. But following Miami, Max went on to have a record-breaking amount of consecutive wins. Thus, killing the newly born championship dreams for 2023.
Ich bin Anna of Cleves
When he saw my portrait he was like
But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic
Funny how we all discuss that, but never Henry's little
One thing Anna of Cleves and Pierre Gasly had in common was that they both only had a short union with Henry VIII and Red Bull. However, after the breakup, they continued to be tied to their ex.
Anna of Cleves stayed in England and was a present figure in Henry VIII's life after their divorce, sometimes called his sister. Pierre Gasly was demoted to the junior team, AlphaTauri, and stayed there for a few years.
When he saw my portrait he was like, Ja!:
When Daniel left Red Bull, they needed to bring someone in to replace him, and out of the two drivers on the junior team, they picked Pierre. They saw his portrait (his record with the junior team) and thought it good enough to be promoted.
But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic:
Pierre's time with Red Bull is short-lived, just like Anna of Cleves' marriage to Henry VIII. He wasn't performing like Red Bull wanted, therefore, didn't look as good as he did when they signed him. Which led to a premature end and quick replacement just halfway through the 2019 season.
Prick up your ears, I'm the Katherine who lost her head
For my promiscuity outside of wed
Lock up your husbands, lock up your sons
K Howard is here, and the fun's begun
If Pierre is Anna of Cleves, then Alex Albon is Katherine Howard. Much like in the song when Katherine Howard begins singing halfway through Anna of Cleves' verse, Alex Albon began his time with Red Bull halfway through Pierre's contract.
Prick up your ears, I'm the Katherine who lost her head:
Alex's version of losing his head is not getting a contract for 2021 and becoming a test driver for the team. He spent the year without a race seat and it could have been a forever thing.
Katherine was young and married early, Alex was promoted before his time in his rookie year. Both of them were punished for something that was beyond their ability.
K Howard is here, and the fun's begun:
This is Alex with Williams, but still going to Red Bull events like Wings for Life and hanging out with drivers in the Red Bull "family." He's having fun, showing off his ability as a driver, and just making them think about offering him a contract when his contract with Williams ends.
Five down, I'm the final wife
I saw him to the end of his life
I'm the survivor, Catherine Parr
I bet you wanna know how I got this far
I said, I bet you wanna know how I got this far
Now, Catherine Parr, most would think is Sergio Perez. It would make sense, he's still with the team and he was a factor in winning the 2021 drivers' championship and has scored points for the 2022 and 2023 constructors' championship wins.
But Catherine Parr fits with Daniel Ricciardo. He is, in the sense of Red Bull, the survivor.
I saw him to the end of his life:
Daniel coming into Red Bull in 2014 saw Red Bull at the end of the team's first block of domination and the end of Sebastian's career with Red Bull.
This was the Red Bull downfall era as Mercedes was emerging as the top team. Daniel was the only Red Bull driver to get wins for the team. Daniel was there at the end.
I'm the survivor:
Daniel, unlike Pierre, Alex, and now Checo, was able to leave Red Bull with his head held high and a highly regarded driver. When he left, there weren't rumors of him losing his seat. It was on his own terms. He is, to this day, the only one of Max's teammates at Red Bull to beat him and challenge him over the course of a season.
Additionally, even after a downfall after the McLaren stint, Daniel's come back to Red Bull and is considered to be in contention for the second Red Bull seat. He is the survivor of the six Red Bull drivers. When his career seemed like it was going to end, he came back. In Mexico, he was in the top 10 in all sessions during the weekend and gave AlphaTauri their highest Grand Prix finishing of the season. In Brazil, despite rear wing damage that led him to be a lap down and spending most of the race behind Yuki, he was the third-fastest driver.
More on Red Bull Drivers:
Red Bull Industrial Complex: A timeline of all lineup changes in RB and TR/AT
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