#queen rockie
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
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The Light Hunters(2007-2022)
@theautisticcentre @refrigeratedboombursts
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mister-girl · 1 year
I wanna be feminine but only in this way:
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homefryboy · 6 months
expressed this sentiment before but I like when there’s 2 bad guys and they’re shaped like this
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for examples
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pandorastuffs-world · 1 month
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Anok yai at the met gala
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nine-doodles · 7 months
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go a tourbox and practicing with it
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rockypeanut · 5 months
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Bettie, in pants💖 A Fresh Hi-res Multi Layer Edit 💋
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔩𝔦𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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paid natal chart and intuitive readings are open!
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♇ those who have libra as their ascendant are seen to be people who are charismatic, intelligent and fashionable. they are perceived to be people who are diplomatic and as people who can be objective and charismatic, on the other hand, they can be deemed as people who can be fickle, shallow and apathetic. but as a whole, people who have libra in the first house are normally really liked individuals because they know how to make other people feel comfortable around them.
♇ moving on, the ascendant speaks about self-identity, having libra in the first house can make libra ascendants identify themselves as people who are diplomatic, people who identify themselves as people who bring other people together and as individuals who think strongly about their bonds and connections with other people.
♇ the first house in astrology conveys about the impression you make on other people, having libra for your first house insinuates that you can easily impress other people, they can also give the impression that they're individuals who are business-oriented and people who are civil and impartial. yet, they can sometimes give the idea that they're too interested and obsessed with the idea of love or making themselves appear as very reputable. or "perfect".
♇ on one hand, the first house speaks of the personality of an individual, and having libra here shows that you are someone who is relatable, flattering and creative, [even though there is more to the first house that communicates about the characteristics of someone], libra being in the first axis shows that you can be passionate about things that involve social issues, can be passionate about style and as someone who tries to have a balanced life. on the other hand, you could have the characteristics that can be claimed as co-dependent, skittish and superficial.
♇ as the libra in the first house has venus as the planetary ruler, people would usually be attracted to them, even if they might not appear as physically attractive people, individuals would still find a way to be attracted to their aura, especially since libra is ruled by juno, [asteroid wise + my belief], which is about soul-mates and thinking that someone is the perfect marriage partner. thus why many libra ascendants encounter many love lives where they feel like they can settle down with a specific person or might always think a specific person is their future spouse. [both venus and juno influence does this].
♇ when it comes to the appearance, i have noticed that libra ascendants will always glow somehow, which could be a reason why i have been around people who thought they were of the leo ascendant. most libra risings tend to have oval head-shapes and have this youthful energy that is very libra-like compared to gemini. they also tend to have a nice shape and nicely shaped buttocks, it doesnt always have to be big. along due their sign ruling over cosmetic beauty, libra ascendants could be temped to take part of cosmetic surgery, or they can just be able to easily change how they look with make-up.
♇ to the topic of personal ambition, i have noticed that libra ascendants really like to show others their skills and they like to be known and applauded for it. especially since it links to their reputation and status they'll have for themselves. they usually want to be the best at what they do in their line of work or industry. and aside from work or fame status, another personal ambition libra ascendants have is the need of wanting to look or feel beautiful, this could connect to why there are people who think of this sign to be materialistic or shallow, but how they look or feel strongly connects to their security.
♇ the first house rules over strengths and weaknesses, libra ascendants strengths includes them being people who can be light-hearted, courteous, compromising, helpful and sophisticated, while their weaknesses can be implied to be them being people who are gullible, prone to gossip too much, being people who are argumentative and people who lack being sincere.
♇ the ascendant governs how someone projects their personality, kins with libra in their first axis project their personalities to be people who belong to a creative umbrella, [and i have noticed that people with libra in any kind of axis always feel like they belong to a creative outlet]. they project themselves as people who aspire to belong in an industry, most of the time they like to work behind the scenes and create things people can see "externally", like a creative director, outfit maker or screen writer, they love to see their projects grow in fruition.
♇ moreover, libra in the first house shows that libra ascendants view the world as a place to grow, they likely view the world as a social ladder and they want to climb it and get to the top, or get to a place where they earn respect from others. libra ascendants are very aware that no matter where they are, there will always be a social pyramid, and they plan to never be at the bottom of it.
♇ when it comes to their self-image, self-obsessed libra ascendants love to have their image polished, as they're cardinal risings, they like to take the lead and like to take matters in their own hands. so they're very independent people, they like to perceive themselves as people who are balanced and aware with what is going on around them along with what is going on internally within themselves. they could also be the type of people who like to influence overs on their self-image and control what people think about them.
♇ eventually to the point of the impact they leave on others, it's easy to see that they leave the audience or individuals they talk to in admiration, this is another ascendant sign that can bring copy-cats, usually because of their fashion style that can easily influence others and makes others want to become a complete copy of them, [or the people they influence never know how to express the influence into their own stye]. libra risings can make people feel comforted and nurtured by them verbally, they can make other people feel like they are understood.
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pluto's masterlist
libra in the houses
paid natal chart [and other chart] readings
paid intuitive readings
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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newwavesylviaplath · 23 days
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it really did work
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madeinheaven2008 · 8 months
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me and him fr
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sherlockianscholar · 3 months
and now it all makes sense...
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Light-Hunters hcs?
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SO we got Mathew/Wayfinder,Artura/Blade,Heart/Candy,Soul/Alma,Wave/Chelsea,Star/Cassiopeia aka Cassie,Time/Rockie,Mind/Booker and Summer/Just Summer!Autistic found family realness and if you don't mind,i'd like to selfship with Mind,Heart and Soul just for the motifs LMFAO and Wave as my second bestie after Mathew <3
Like Mat,they were all born as normal humans except Time who's ancient an alien deity and was the reason they all got their powers but only Mathew and Artura were given them by her straight upa and the rest were a butterfly/domino effect!Summer ascends to pseudo-godhood minus the immortality but he CAN come back from the dead Rose Wilson style and his domain is y'know summer!He's the personafication of it even pre powers and him and Mathew are childhood best friends who haven't seen eachother in years and reunite in the story!!
If Summer is Orihime Inoue,then Artura is Hinata Hyuga!!Candy is preppy queen bee but the kind variant,Alma's a huge little shit with zero impulse control,Chelsea is a moody goth girl only she's scene,Cassie's mute but expressive and silly asf with a slight mean streak,Rockie is basically Blackfire but a hero and Booker's a goth asshole who used to be a soft uwu sunshine boy but then got trauma!!This series unhinged asf in a way only autistic people and transsexuals could write but only sometimes does it stray into dark territory!
Misc stuff:Summer is the only person Booker has his mind unlocked 24/7 for and even has a special section inside it dedicated to him,they all have a burgers and milkshakes addiction like the Teen Titans do pizza,Artura's eyes glow,Chelsea's the youngest in the group,they all have an ultimate attack with a special name and their base is a giant mansion that's based in absurdity and chaos and completely run by magic because fuck rich people and called 'The Safe Point'(cheesy name given to it by Booker of all people)
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captainamyk · 2 years
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pandorastuffs-world · 30 days
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Janelle Monae
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mrs--lonelyy · 1 year
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"what a day" - (t via twitter)
/ thoughts on the deluxe ? vince & t went crazy, what a day reminded me of a the SoundCloud days... i could go on...
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pr0fessional-cunt · 4 months
same vibes
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