#pyrrha is my favourite in this book. she just. she gets things wrong all the time. she's already failed. she keeps going. she loves.
vaguely-concerned · 2 years
(Upon being told Camilla sold all her cigarettes:)
She expected Pyrrha to get very sarcastic. Pyrrha didn’t yell, ever, but Nona experienced so much yelling among her friends that she deeply preferred it.
Pyrrha just sighed. Deeply. “How much did she get?”
“Maybe a third of what they were worth.”
“What an entirely haunted time to be alive,” said Pyrrha.
pyrrha is everything to me and also a Mood. pyrrha dve squatting in her best friend's corpse watching as a fresh inevitable grief moves inexorably in on her day by day like a glacier to join all the old grief she was already drowning in like the 'this is fine' dog, and mostly all she does -- all she can do -- about it is to occasionally get Very Sarcastic. pyrrha dve and the ten thousand years of dying for a smoke (while being dead) and simply not getting to have a smoke. haven't we all been there, truthfully. what an entirely haunted time to be alive.
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lemon-natalia · 9 days
Harrow the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 52
Augustine & Mercy are having a very intense convo about how they just murdered GOD and are dooming themselves, and Gideon 1.0, Gideon 2: Electric Boogaloo, and Ianthe are just … standing there
oh shit and Dominicus is gonna die and become a black hole? i mean given there’s a whole other book not sure where this is gonna go, maybe he was lying to everyone about that as well?
when Ianthe of all people is the one advocating to try and save people out of the goodness of her heart, you know you’re fucked
‘Well, Augustine, there’s something you should know’ could someone please say something in this series that isn’t ridiculously cryptic. also i totally forgot this guy was wearing Gid’s sunglasses the whole time lol
OH WAIT THE BITCH IS BACK. i knew it was too good to be true 
also YIKES poor Mercy, she was not my favourite character but god she did not deserve that
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also ah. hm. the above comment did not age well
oh this guys whole persona has just shifted. He’s still got that kinda irreverent jokiness & affability but he’s also evidently very pissed off, a lot less ‘lets have tea’ and more ‘do what i say or get fucked’
'then he looked at us, gave a crooked half smile’ ohhhh he has the same. fucking. crooked smile. that Gideon has in the BARI-star dream what the fuck
and he WAS the one who ordered Gideon-Part-1 to kill Harrow, for fucks sake. at least Harrow had Ortus be nice to her briefly cuz she’s three for three on her other parental figures trying to kill her at some point 
Gideon found out her bio dad is GOD, saw him die, saw him come back to live naked, and now found out he tried to kill her (kinda maybe its complicated) girlfriend. thats just ... so many different levels of traumatising
also i keep forgetting Gideon is literally looking like Harrow for all of this
GIDEON 1.0 ISN’T GIDEON, ITS PYRRHA DVE HIS CAV?!?!? yknow what so much else is going on rn i barely have the capacity to process that
and she was also sleeping with Commander Wake, was everyone just fucking eachother????? and i thought the love quadrangle in the last book was complicated. i’m guessing she shot Wake to stop her from potentially revealing the whole ‘i’m actually alive’ thing to the Emperor then?
also wow there’s a lot of consent issues being raised in the last couple chapters and this one, not just with dios apate major, but also like … you’re having sex with someone while possessing someone else’s body without their knowledge, but also also its the only body you have because they (presumably) killed you to absorb your soul. like what.
the drama and vast existential horror of this scene is only mildly undercut by the fact that the Emperor is having this crazy fight wearing only what is essentially an opalescent bathrobe
also why are there fucking TEETH at the bottom of the River? and Tongues?? and it thinks he’s a Resurrection Beast? i feel like there’s so much more to the River that we haven’t uncovered yet
and Augustine wasn’t wrong with what he said wayy before, the Emperor really did grant him more leniency than he did Mercy, at least he gave him a chance before murdering him
also cmon Ianthe you’re really gonna save that guy, really?
'Hands pressed. We died’ AGAIN?? i mean at least this time there’s a chance for her to come back given she’s done it once before?? also i do not know what to make of her seeing Alecto before she dies at all
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years
Noodle Boy gets a date! Part 2
To say that Jaune was excited would be putting it mildly. He spent a good 20 minutes rummaging through his wardrobe before he found the perfect outfit; a white shirt, with a red t-shirt, black jeans and yellow shoes. He took a look in the mirror before spinning around and giving finger guns at his reflection.
Nora: Yeah! Work it Fearless Leader!
Ren: Looking good. Let’s just hope you don’t end up giving Blake a heart attack before the date.
Jaune: *laughs* Thanks guys. Hey, do you have any cologne?
Ren: *pulls from his sleeve* Here.
Jaune: *shocked* Man, you can fit anything into those sleeves of yours, Ren. *sprays cologne over himself*
Ren: *thumbs up* Good luck.
Nora: Knock her dead!
As Jaune walked out the room, his legs began to feel like jelly. The truth was that he was very nervous. He’d never been on a date before and now he was panicking. What if he messed up? What if Blake started hating him? Their friendship would be ruined! His mind was racing so much that Jaune didn’t notice when Blake was standing in front of him.
Blake: Hey Jaune, you ready?
Jaune: *snaps out of thoughts* Yeah I- woah!
Jaune was stunned by Blake’s outfit. It was a purple vest with black skinny jeans and matching black boots. Her usual black bow was swapped out for dark green.
Jaune: *blushing* Wow!
Blake: *giggles* You’re not looking to bad yourself. *offers hand* Shall we?
Jaune: *stutters* U-U-Uh y-y-yeah.
Jaune took Blake’s hand, blushing as he did, and set out of Beacon onto the airship. Once they arrived in Vale, the headed near Tucson’s Book Shop, where opposite it was the new café: Café Forêt. For a small café, it looked unsually high class. There was even a small fountain in the centre.
Jaune: *low whistle* Man! I wasn’t expecting this!
Blake: *eyes wide* Yeah. Me neither.
Blake managed to find a table, while Jaune placed and collected their orders; a latte and traditional Vale tea. He sat and they had their drinks, satisfied with the results.
Blake: Mmm. This is great.
Jaune: I know! It feels like I’m drinking a sweet cloud!
Blake: *laughs*
After a few minutes of silence, Blake finally spoke.
Blake: So Jaune, I have to ask; what made you ask me out?
Jaune: *blushing* Well...... I’ve kind of had a crush on you for a while now.
Blake: *intrigued* Really?
Jaune: Yeah. When our teams started hanging out more, I took more notice of you and I couldn’t help but be...... well, fascinated by you.
Blake: *smiles* Fascinated?
Jaune: Yeah. You have this aura of mystery about you. Especially your eyes, they’re really pretty.
Blake: *blushing* Really?
Jaune: *realises what he just said* Oh god! Sorry! I shouldn’t have said that! I-
Blake: *laughs* Jaune, calm down. It’s okay. You haven’t done anything wrong.
Jaune: ...oh.
Blake: *places hand on Jaune’s* Hey, don’t worry so much. First dates are always a struggle and, in case it wasn’t obvious, I’m enjoying your company.
Jaune: *blushing* O-Okay. You’re right, I should just relax more.
Blake: Yes you do. Oh, before I forget, I... think your eyes are pretty too.
Jaune: *blushing even more* Really?
Blake: *nods head*
On the other side of the café, a group of six had their faces hidden by the menus, only to drop them when of them made a scene.
Nora: This is adorable!!!!
Yang: *whispering* Nora, keep your voice down! We’re supposed to be undercover.
Nora: I can’t help it, they look so precious!
Weiss: I can’t believe that dolt asked out Blake! They hardly even talk!
Ruby: *smriking* What’s wrong Weiss? Jealous?
Weiss: *blushing* What? Absolutely not! I don’t care who Arc goes out with!
Yang: *smirking* Then why were you the one who suggested that we spy on their date?
Weiss: B-B-Because I’m worried about Blake. Yes, I want to make sure her date isn’t ruined by Arc.
Yang/Ruby: *evil grins* Suuuuuure.
Weiss: *face completely red* S-S-Shut up!
Pyrrha: (I can’t believe Jaune is on a date with Blake. That should be me up there, not her!) *crushes menu*
Nora: *slaps Pyrrha on the back of the head*
Pyrrha: Nora!
Nora: You’re doing it again. That was the fifth menu we had to replace.
Ren: Uh guys? They’re leaving.
Ruby: Quick! After them!
The spy group fumbled out of the café, making sure they weren’t seen by the odd couple. They managed to follow them inside Tucson’s Book Trade. They each took a book from the shelves and placed them over their faces, trying to make sure they weren’t seen. Jaune, meanwhile, pointed Blake to the comic book section.
Jaune: So, here is where the comics are. You probably don’t care for them much, but-
Blake: What are you talking about? I love comics!
Jaune: *eyes wide* Really?
Blake: Yeah. I’m not so big on superheroes but I love a lot of the old reprints of Detective Onyx. They were my favourite growing up.
Jaune: Well, if you want to give superheroes a chance, you can’t go wrong with Captain Vale.
Blake: You mean the guy who fights with the shield?
Jaune: Yeah. Trust me, you’ll love it. In fact *pulls out wallet.*
Blake: *bashful* Oh Jaune, you don’t have to.
Jaune: It’s okay, I want to.
Blake: Well.....
After several minutes of back and forth, Blake finally let Jaune buy the Captain Vale comic. As they left, they spy group followed them. Jaune decided to take Blake to the local park, finding a bench for them to sit on underneath the silver tree.
Jaune: You know Blake, aside from books and tea, what else do you like?
Blake: *smiling* I’m a huge fan of Mistrilian period movies. They’re so exotic and rich with history, especially the ones featuring the samurai and ninjas. The fight choreography is always incredible. You just can’t go wrong with Mistrilian movies.
Jaune: *smiling* Wow. Maybe after this, I can take you to see a movie with me.
Blake: Already planning the second date before the first one is even over? Very bold of you, Jaune.
Jaune: *blushing a storm* Uh! That’s not what I meant! Not that I wouldn’t wanna go out with you again, I do! But you’re right! I shouldn’t rush! I-
Blake: *laughs* Relax Jaune, I’m just joking.
Jaune: *face completely red* One of these days, you’re gonna give me a heart attack.
From behind the silver tree, the spy group were watching instensely. Weiss and Pyrrha glared at Blake, furious that she had snagged Jaune for herself. Ruby, Nora, Yang and Ren, on the other hand, smiled. At first, they were all confused as to why Jaune would date Blake, but after this, they realised they were good together.
Blake: You know Jaune, as far as first dates go, this was nice.
Jaune: *smiles* Really? I liked it too.
Blake: You know, I have something I want to give you. Two somethings actually.
Jaune: What are they?
Blake: First is this *pulls out a book from her bag, it was a fantasy novel with four heroes and the title was in gold writing*
Jaune: Last Fantasy?
Blake: This is one of my favourite book series of all time, and here is the remastered edition of the first book. So I got it for you after you bought me Captain Vale.
Jaune: Wow! Thanks Blake! *places book on the bench* So what’s the second thing?
Blake: *smiles and leans in* This.
Before he could ask further, Jaune felt Blake’s soft lips against his own. It was a short kiss, but it was an amazing feeling, like he was doing backflips across all of Remnant.
Jaune: *softly* Wow.
Blake: *giggling* Glad you think so.
Ruby: *popping out from the tree* Aw yeah!
Jaune/Blake: *turning around* Ruby?!
Before Ruby could stop herself, she was pushed onto the floor by Yang, causing a chain reaction of the spy group to topple over each other!
Yang: Uhh..... seeing how this date is going?
Nora: *points to Weiss and Pyrrha* It was their idea!
Weiss: *looking in one direction* I was making sure Jaune was doing well.
Pyrrha: *looking in the other direction* As was I.
Ren: *deadpans* They were jealous that Jaune took Blake on a date.
Weiss/Pyrrha: *blushing* NO WE WEREN’T!
Jaune: *smirking* Jealous, huh?
Pyrrha: It’s not what it looks like!
Weiss; Shut up, Arc!
After a long explanation from the spy group, they all decided to call it a day and head to the airship. Throughout the journey, Jaune and Blake held hands, both blushing and smiling gleefully.
Jaune: So Blake, does this mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?
Blake: *smiles* Absolutely. Thanks again for this date. I look forward to the next one.
Jaune: *smirking* And the one after that.
Blake: *leaning in* And the one after that.
Jaune: *leaning in* And the one after that.
Blake: *closing her eyes* And the one after that.
Jaune: *closing his eyes* And the one after that.
They both silenced themselves with a deep kiss, much longer than the last one. Suddenly, they broke apart when they heard the sound of a camera flashing. They turned to find Yang with her scroll out, sporting a toothy grin.
Yang: Aww, you two are adorable!
Blake: God damn it, Yang!
(And here it is, Part 2 of Noodle Boy gets a date! Special thanks to @lazerwolf1123 for giving me some ideas. Couldn’t have done this without you.)
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aab0289 · 7 years
Rwby Chibi Xmas Skit Special. (Part 4)
The Party.
Ren is busy prepping various dishes and placing them on the table, while pushing Nora at bay as she tries to help whip things with her hammer. She sulks as Ren points to the table, slowly walking away before Ren gives her a full plate of pancakes. Nora hugs him, sending the pancakes flying into the air, which she catches each one whole in her mouth.
It cuts to Zwei munching on a bone under the table, as Blake has a plate full of fish and Yang has turkey on hers.
“Where’s Jaune?” Yang mumbles between bites of turkey.
“Looking after Pyrrha. He said she’s still under the weather.” Blake neatly cuts her fish with precision of her fork and knife.
The screen cuts to Jaune giving Pyrrha soup. He calls it his Xmas soup, claiming it has everything that makes a perfect Xmas dinner inside it. Pyrrha is still tucked in bed, with Jaune still thinking she’s sick as he puts a cloth on her head. She closes her eyes, mumbling that ‘it’s the best Christmas ever’ as Jaune carefully feeds her the soup.
The screen cuts back to Yang, who belches from the turkey, with Blake eating her fish so graciously.
“Hey Blake. I um, thought presents were… kinda dumb, but I got you something anyway… you know… if you want it.” Sun hands a gift to her, badly trying to hide the blush on his face from hoping she’d like it.
She slowly opens the present but inside is a moustache, which she tries on and raises her eyebrow at Sun.
“Oh no, I got the presents mixed up! That means-” Sun cries out in shock as Neptune walks behind him.
“Hey, thanks partner, that bow was just right for my doll- I mean important detective figurine!” Neptune hastily corrected himself with eyes darting, as he fails to hide the teddy bear that dons the bow.
Sun face palms his head in frustration, using his tail to open the door, leaving in shame for the mixup.
“What’s with him?” Neptune shrugs as he turns to see Blake. “That’s a mighty fine moustache you got there rookie, welcome to the Junior Detectives.” Neptune shakes hands with Blake, not realising who she is as he heads after Sun.
Yang silently giggles away, as Ruby drags Weiss to the table who’s blindfolded.
“Can I please take this off now?” Weiss tugs at the blindfold.
“Just a little longer Weiss, we’re almost ready.” Ruby pulls the blindfold back on as she winks to the others to get into position. “Now.” She pulls the blindfold, as Ren sets down a huge spread of delightful food, as the others free up a seat for her.
“What is all this?” Weiss points to the mix-mashed plates, some being pancakes, others being traditional christmas food and others being odd like plates solely of fish, carrots and bananas.
“Just a few of our favourite dishes for Xmas and then it's an early night for presents tomorrow.” Velvet smiles, as she picks up a carrot. “Got to get my share before Santa’s reindeers finish them up tonight.” She hops to her seat, munching on the carrot.
They all paused as Roman cheerfully wishes them a Merry Christmas, darting past as he played with his toy train. Neo runs past with a sign ‘Merry Xmas, & excuse us’, trying to catch up to Roman.
“See Weiss, even our mortal enemies are having a good time at this party. So I know this will get you in the festive spirit.” Ruby presents a plate of swordfish and what she called ‘fancy sauce’, that Ren corrects her as caviar.
Nora oohs at it, until Ren states that caviar is, in fact, fish eggs, to which Nora turns to him and blubbers ‘what is wrong with you?!’ with Ren catching the caviar as she throws it into the air at the revelation.
“Ruby, I think I’ll just sit this one out if that’s all right.” Weiss wanders away much to the sad faces of the others.
“Weiss-” Ruby pleads with Weiss as she leaves but Weiss closes the door behind her. “I honestly thought this would cheer her up.” Ruby slumps to the chair, pushing away a tray of cookies, much to everyone’s horror.
Weiss walks outside to watch the snow falling down around her, just when her scroll beeps. She opens it to see Winter’s face on the screen and her sister’s voice call out to her.
“Merry Christmas sister, I trust things are going well.” Winter enquires as Weiss sits on the step.
“They are, sis.” Though Weiss’ words were hollow, Winter immediately picking up on it.
“Weiss, I know that tone and expression. What could possibly be making you such a humbug at this time of year?” Her sister asks as Weiss took a pause before answering.
“It’s just nothing like Christmas back home. There’s no Kline, no you, not even Whitley. Well, mother over Whitely.” Weiss contemplated, as her mind focused on a mountain of presents, Kline with his cake and even her family with her for the Xmas dinner. (A thought bubble shows a cartoon rendition of presents, Kline and her family as she speaks.)
“Weiss, you knew this would happen when you went to Beacon. Besides, I’m busy in Atlas so I can not see you till after the season. Though, there is someone that will make it more like Christmas for you. They’ll be there any minute, so take care sister and have a wonderful Christmas with your team.” Winter bid her farewells with a rare smile.
“Goodbye Winter.” Weiss closed the scroll as she wondered about Winter’s words. “Strange, who could she be referring to?”
“There’s my happy little snowflake.” Came a voice behind Weiss.
“KLINE!” Weiss calls out as she hugs Kline, but immediately corrects herself as she greets him more professionally and formally. “Oh it’s so good to see you. Wait? Won’t father be looking for you?” She couldn’t imagine her father doing much without him.
“No worries on that end young miss. Your father has a substitute while I'm here.” He insisted as he hugged her back.
The screen cuts to Jacques Schnee ringing a bell, as he puts his feet up on a footstool and sits in a chair that are both ridiculously large to his size. Whitley dressed in an apron is serving cheese on a platter, clearly angered at the duties he's doing for his father. Jacques begins to ring the bell as he points to his mug, making Whitley even more furious. The screen reverts back to Weiss and Kline, who are watching the snow fall.
“Young miss, surely you’d prefer to be spending time with your friends than to sit out here on your own?” Kline wanted Weiss to be celebrating and not out in the snow. “I know you’re a Schnee, but even you will catch a cold if you stay out any longer.”
“I haven’t exactly been the best kind of friend to them this year. I didn't want to participate in their activities, cos if I did… then the time would fly by and Xmas would be already over.” Weiss spoke softly.
“Then there’s no time like the present to fix that. It may not be the festivities you’re used to, but they are your friends, and I do think they want to spend Christmas with you. So lets head back in. I can make your favourite cake if you want.” Kline slowly made the way back inside.
“Go on ahead Kline. There’s something I need to pick up first.” Weiss instructed as the screen changes to Ruby moping about at the table, the others unable to cheer her up.
Even Nora comically breaking giant chestnuts with extreme force doesn't put a smile on Ruby’s face.
“Hello friends of the young miss, I am Miss Schnee’s cake butler, and there’s a slice here for each of you.” Kline appeared before them, with multiple cakes for everyone.
A carrot cake for Velvet, a strawberry one for Ren & Nora, even a cookie one for Ruby, as the others got cake too.
“Cheers Jeeves, best way to butler us up.” Yang gives him a thumbs up. “I guess it was a piece of cake to find us.”
Everyone glares at Yang, except Kline who chuckles.
“Very good banter Miss Xiao Long.” He replies as Yang takes a second slice.
“Please, don’t encourage her. You can be honest about her terrible puns.” Blake whispers to Kline, although Yang hears and glares back at her.
“Wait… where’s Weiss?” Ruby looks up, seeing no sign of her friend.
“I had to dress for the occasion, it’s Christmas after all.” Weiss walks in, revealing that she’s now wearing the jumper Ruby made for her.
“Weiss!” Ruby bolted to her side, only freezing as she registers the jumper. “You wearing the-” Weiss stops Ruby talking, raises her hand in protest.
“It’s only for Christmas, so don’t get the wrong idea about it.” Weiss insists, but Ruby is already back to her usual self.
“Right then, lets get the presents. No, lets do the carolling. No, lets get cookies and watch a holiday classic movie, ‘House Trap.’” Ruby darted back and forth, unsure what to pick up as she strained to hold all of the items. (Including a book of carols, a bag of presents and a plate of cookies with film boxset.)
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