#putting that there because uhhhh
tokkias · 1 year
Okay I just saw your juvia reading Lucy’s articles and how they’re best friends and wanted to know if you had any friendship head cannons? I personally think that juvia and lucy have sleepovers sometimes and do their full on spa pampering and gossip together. Juvia totally showed lucy some conditioner that helps with keeping your hair soft because juvia is often in the water and that can dry your hair out. Other than levy juvia also knows of Lucy’s crush and is soooo supportive because she knows how hard it was for gray so juvia is more just there to listen and give advice rather than push lucy. They did a unison raid like they love each other and I’m always here for girls supporting girls! Anyways hope you’re doing well!
yes!!! sigh sigh mashima has really shafted these two for the whole. love rival thing when they literally!! have such good friendship potential <3
juvia and lucy are girl talk buddies fr
both of them grew up pretty isolated so they never had anyone to just gossip and talk about "girl stuff", so to speak
juvia has tried to talk about girl stuff with gajeel but when they joined fairy tail he was like. "look at all these women who im sure are friendly and actually want to talk to you about this stuff. now leave me alone"
(she still tells him all the gossip she knows tho and he won't admit it but he wants to know everything)
she's drawn to lucy because of their experience during tower of heaven but also because lucy is one of the less intimidating women in the guild
even though lucy already has a lot of friends by the time juvia joins the guild, the two of them have a unique relationship where they quickly feel comfortable confiding in each other about their childhood's because they understand what it's like to be alone
lucy feels guilty about complaining about her childhood because she knows she had it really easy, especially compared to some of their guildmates but juvia always makes it a point to never make her feel bad about it
even though lucy is really fond of juvia she gets sick of the love rival stuff immediately
she puts up with it under the assumption that juvia will get over it quickly but she doesn't
juvia finds out that lucy has a crush on natsu when she finally snaps on her one day, telling her that no, she's not her love rival for gray, she has no interest in gray, because she likes natsu
juvia's immediate reaction is. "oh. are you sure you can't do better?"
she supports lucy 100% because she loves her and she thinks natsu is great and wonderful too, but she also thinks he's a bit of an idiot and lucy deserves to know that
she teases her about it a lot but lucy vastly prefers this to the love rival stuff because she is also aware that natsu is an idiot, she doesn't need juvia to tell her that
juvia's not as avid a reader as lucy but when she does want to read, lucy is always her first stop for book recs
they both really like romance and if she finds a good one, lucy will always reccomend it to juvia
any time lucy reccomends a book with an aloof male love interest, juvia will gush over how he's just like gray and then spend the next hour talking about him
and lucy listens because even though she can be annoying about it sometimes, juvia is still her friend and it is a little endearing when she's not being super crazy jealous over him
stolen from @nalunalu is that juvia teaches her how to knit/crochet
lucy expresses how she'd like to learn one day and juvia says that she knows how and would be happy to teach her
the first finished project lucy makes she gifts to juvia as thanks for teaching her
sometimes they'll just spend hours together knitting or crocheting in silence, just enjoying each other's company <333
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caramelly-art · 2 months
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be on your way - daughter
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cr-arnival · 4 months
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a really high-effort thing that i made a while ago but never got around to posting. happy yaoi day
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close-ups of the faces because im fairly happy with them actually
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huidol · 4 months
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happy valentines 👍 day
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
A little love letter to Din Djarin writers... 🤍
I love that some of you write him as soft and gentle while others focus on the darker, harsher parts of his personality. I love that he can be both a quiet, kind man caring for his child or an intimidating, terrifying bounty hunter who is a lean, mean killing machine... depending on what the fic warrants.
I love how you write him with other characters from The Mandalorian or even with those who would never cross paths with him in canon, from Star Wars or elsewhere. I love how you write him interacting with yourselves and us, and some of you even create your own original characters to exist a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away alongside him.
I love that some of you ship him with that one other special person, while others recognise how desirable he is and ship alllllll the ships. Not forgetting those of you which are here for none of those ships and/or even headcanon him as ace. I love that any of those options allow you to explore your own identities and sexualities through him.
I love that you can write the most tooth-rotting fluff or filthiest smut, and all of those things in between. Whether it's for general audiences or explicit and strictly 18+ ... all of your fics have an audience and someone out there who appreciates your writing.
I love how differently you can interpret him, but there are also so many common themes and tropes running through your writing. I love that there is room for all of your Dins here.
I love that he means so much to you and that all of us here hold him in our hearts a little bit. I love that we can all watch the same episodes and come to entirely different conclusions about him. I love how much we love him.
Getting to be a part of this wonderful community and interact with so many people who love the space tin can man as much as I do has truly been one of the best things that happened to me recently. I'm so glad I made this little blog... It reminded me just how good fandom can be. I am blown away by the number of talented people here!
So, I just wanted to take a moment to express some gratitude towards all of you! Thank you for writing your Dins and please don't ever stop. Finally.... last, but not least:
I love Din Djarin!!!
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Very interesting (concerning) that while there’s a general consensus of “of course there’s queer Muslims and Jews and Christians we love them!” But that love is conditional. You can be religious but not too religious. You can be spiritual as long as it’s not actually that important to you. You can be observant of your religion’s dogma and traditions as long as you keep it away from everybody else.
But I don’t want to cut myself into smaller pieces. I don’t want to take a part of my life and culture and being and hide it away behind closed doors. It’s just…hypocritical and disappointing when people, who clamor about their love for the contradictory and self-authentic, hate when they’re confronted with it.
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dea-thynote · 7 days
Death note au where L transfers to daikoku academy in undercover to catch kira, and light yagami is not one of his suspects. The reason being this kira is too reckless and relentless, there is no rhyme or reason why they kill, they just do. This also means they leave more trail to where they are, but also puts more pressure to the police since so many people are dying randomly, and the broadcast confrontation L did just solidified the theory this kira is in Japan. Since this kira doesn't really have any connections with the Japanese police they never knew that they've already narrowed it down to kira being a student. With this, they then narrowed it down to daikoku private academy in which L coincidentally becomes classmates with Light. And Light hates him.
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(Don't mind this, I just need to draw it first to put it into words, but yeah, this is the idea?)
Light's first impression of him was that he was certainly unique (read: weird). This guy suddenly transfers to the academy when it's the last term of their third year. Sits crouching in his seat and his legs tucked to his chest and starts eating sweets in his table. He doesn't even talk to anyone unless it was to creep or interrogate them, and just looks at other people. He once saw him standing and observing an entirely different section. It was annoying, and he could barely suppress his annoyance to the whole situation. So he ignores the transfer and waits for the teachers to reprimand the transfer themselves. It doesn't take while for the teachers to notice the transfer doing these.
"RYUGA!" the teacher shouts. The transfer pauses with what he was doing. "Can you answer the question from the board?" The transfer barely glances to the board before saying the answer. This doesn't satisfy the teacher however, and asked him random mathematical questions, some which light knows haven't been taught, and the transfer, once again, answers them perfectly.
Light is surprised. And only caught himself staring when he saw ryuga is staring at him back. The teacher moves on and asks light to answer, which he answers correctly. The teacher started complimenting him, and how that's how a student should be. Light just sits down again, and sees ryuga's attention somewhere else. (He doesn't know why, but slightly pissed him off. But he ignores him, better not associate himself with him)..
Is what he would say, if the teachers didn't just unanimously agreed that the transfer needed to be seated near light so that ryuga could learn from him. (Read: let light deal with the transfer, and any to no improvement of his behaviour would be blamed to him instead). So he tries to talk to ryuga, only to be met with short or cut out answers and sarcasm.
But then the open debate happened. With the news about kira, a mass murderer with no morals or reason, the philosophy teacher decided it would be a great topic to debate on. Which L was on the side of kira and light against kira. (Idk, maybe they argue the world is too overpopulated and lacking resources to provide for basic needs, and something about programs and also murder shouldn't be the solution and the fact that lives are being killed for no reason) and after the debate (which lasted the whole time for the subject, the debate ended in a draw and none of the teams are happy) light became intrigued with ryuga. He made points he could barely argue with, without directing it to another topic, and how he manages to sometimes take over the conversation by twisting his words to something else. Light is annoyed. And intrigued. But before he could even congratulate him, he just ignores him and walks over to the other section!
(Lmao, I just imagine light fascinated but also hates L, but gets jealous because he seems more fascinated with the other people in other sections. While L ignores light because, although he is also as fascinated with him, he's not a priority considering he needs to catch kira).
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lorephobic · 6 months
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here are my delirious saltburn notes if anyone actually wants to see them. mostly im just laying out scene order for my own reference, but theres definitely some incoherent observation & analysis in here if any of you are crazy enough to look thru it
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streetcleanrr · 2 months
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i dont have a dex entry for it or anything but . look at this thang. bebe. ok? it evolves but ii dont wanna render more rn (i love rendering im just rendered out)
inspired by felid babies (in general!), time, and cat naps if the category didnt make ti clear :]
text transcription: kittyme, the cat nap pokemon. fur coat/prankster. hidden ability comatose. 4'11" 82.3 lbs
reblog my art or ill take your skull
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jichanxo · 5 months
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it's new year's eve! someone insisted on staying up late for their birthday, but fell asleep...
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fleurdriviere · 6 months
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in this picture they are fighting to death. i mean not quite to death, but there will be consequences. but not lethal ones, they still care for each other. doesn't mean they don't hate each other though. they do. but i will still tag it as ship because they hate each other in a special way. but they don't like each other. but trying to beat the shit out of each other is also a form of affection. but it's not affection, they hate each other and it's a genuine fight they really are unironically trying to break each other's hands for vengeance or whatever the fight reason is. but they're not too harsh with each other don't worry. but-
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themyscirah · 7 months
Feel like as a fandom so many people have forgotten how to write meta other than like 'because of XYZ, man sad :(' or just like talking about Bruce or Jason
Like where are the discussions of morality, of politics, of religion, of race, of culture, of language, of grief and family in the greater dc fandom (beyond just a select few of the bats)
It's like I want to see more meta about the characters I love and care about, and just a wider variety of the ways that can be shown!
Trying not to frame this as complainy (although I know us comics fans love complaining haha!) because it's a change that I also want to see more in myself and the stuff I put out on this platform
So just like imagine it with me guys.... essay length examinations on blorbo.... the political ramifications of her actions, his relationship with his mother and ethnicity, her moral stances and how she will deviate from them when under immense stress, or their relation with gender and how it interacts with their powers
Think about it guys... this could all be yours for the low, low price of taking my hand and moving into this beautiful world together
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Since I ✨totally✨💅🏾 write for Kingsisle and Wizard101 btw I'm making it so that the Schismist Soldier actually knew us from when we were just starting out in Wizard City because one time when he was walking we tripped over his shoe by accident and then he goes "OMG!!!! I'll get you back!!!!!" So then it's like this cliche forgettable character trope where he's in the background setting up elaborate traps for us and he's reciting overdrawn and dramatic evil monologues to us but we straight up just Don't Hear Him and end up continuing on our business anyway while ignoring him completely which just makes him angrier. And this has been going on from Wizard City AAAALLLLL the way up to Karamelle where he finally just confronts us face to face so when he finally gets to go "AHAHAHAHAHA FINALLY!!!!! MY MORTAL ENEMY!!!?!" At us we still have No Idea what the Fuck he's Talking About. Because we've never officially paid attention to or met him before. I ✨totally✨💅🏾 write for Kingsisle and Wizard101 btw so this is canon sorry ❤️
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other-peoples-coats · 14 days
besties this might be a surprise to you also, because it was for me, but it turns out tapering off meds, even when they cause only bad side effects and do not do the thing you were trying them for (which is why you are tapering off them) still means you get. withdrawal effects.
because you are. withdrawing. from meds.
anyway thought I had completely forgotten how to write anything ever, but possibly it is the medical situation what I am going through. possibly. maybe.
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white-weasel · 17 days
The way final 4 fire making sucks is two-fold. The concept as a whole just bleh and takes away a vote for a round in a game all about voting people out. However, fire became an even worse thing after Chris Underwood gave up immunity and put himself in fire and contestants have misunderstood the purpose of the move and decided winning in fire = winning the game ever since
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codecicle · 5 months
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Hey bestie voted for the one and only JuanaFlippa!! Could I perhaps have our girl as a DnD DM ? (She would cause so much chaos just like her father lmao)
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she's saying this because charlie made another character that he didn't realize would fall in gay love and then his character Fell In Gay Love
‼️ vote for either flippa or grizzly in the transmcytshowdown and send proof to get a little doodle of your request ‼️
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