#purely informative
zaharya · 2 years
ADHD science ramble – a comment response
So if you know me at all, you know I have ADHD and also a neuroscience degree. Meaning sometimes I ramble a lot about the science behind ADHD and ADHD meds. Generally, people appreciate it at best, or ignore it at worst – but apparently not on reddit! So, I'm coming home – forgive me for straying, Tumblr, please give me back my belief in people's ability to understand nuance.
The comment below was in response to a post asking about ADHD medication, including concerns about stimulants and addiction, and the question of "will I quit these meds or is this a life-long thing". They also mentioned "rejection sensitive dysphoria" (which is not a medical term!) and asked for other people's insights on any of these things. I tried to give that. The original post is now suddenly deleted, and the comment was invisible even before then for whatever reason (I won't speculate whether it was censored by the mods or not, it doesn't matter.)
But since those are all pretty general topics and this was a lot of effort to write, I'm re-posting it here in the hopes someone will benefit from it – it may just read a bit odd at times because it addresses the OP of that post. So if ADHD medication, treatment approaches, stigma, or emotional dysregulation are at all relevant or interesting to you, give it a glance. There's a TL:DR at the bottom as well. If Tumblr could stop bitching at me about the formatting that'd be great. Please ignore potential oddities with the list levels.
OKAY SO, buckle in my friend because you have activated my ADHD research deep dive mode. For the record and some context as to where I got all this; I have a BSc in Psychology, and did a research masters in cognitive and clinical neuroscience. Throughout both degree programs, I've written every single paper I could choose the topic for about some aspect of ADHD. (I do not have a license for psychotherapy yet, but I am getting one.) I also just have ADHD myself. What I’m trying to say is: I know way too much about ADHD and now I must tell you about it because what else am I supposed to do with it — ANYWAY … I should probably structure this somehow so it’s less overwhelming. We’ll try this:
Strattera/Atomoxetine (ATX); how it works, why it may or may not be working for you
Stimulants; how it works, evidence regarding the risk of dependency and abuse, connections to other substance use (since you mentioned nicotine)
Long-term treatment plans; factors to consider / questions for you to evaluate for yourself
RSD — probably a rant, first; why buzzwords are counterproductive even if the experience is 100% valid
Emotional dysregulation; research again, also potentially about meds
rejection sensitivity slkjdsjfs it escalated, help
Community and peer support
Yes? Yes. Feel free to skip any parts that are too sciency, if that doesn’t interest you!
First of all, congratulations on your diagnosis! You’ve already made one of the hardest steps. But let’s get into it, shall we?
ADHD Medication
Non-stimulants / Atomoxetine (ATX)
I must say, I am quite surprised that you were prescribed ATX as your first option, given that stimulants are very firmly established as first-line treatment.
Regardless, a couple of facts about it: ATX is a selective noradrenaline (NA) reuptake inhibitor, which also affects dopamine (DA) levels, specifically in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) because— well because brain chemistry. (I’m trying very hard to keep this simple, can you tell?) Basically, the idea is to regulate DA levels through an indirect mechanism via NA. And that works pretty well, generally. ATX is effective for approximately 50-60% of people, and the effects reach moderate strength.
Now you said that you don’t really notice any effect; that can have several possible reasons:
It just doesn’t work for you; 50-60% of people show a response, sure — but the other 40-50% do not! Unfortunately it is possible that you simply are part of those 40-50% non-responders.
The exact mechanisms of that are still unclear, but there are many factors that might influence someone’s drug response, including individual differences in metabolism, genetic factors etc. --- we’re still researching that
ATX, unlike stimulants, doesn’t necessarily have immediate effects. Full therapeutic effects are generally not evaluated until at least 2-3 weeks after starting it. That also means that the effects can develop slowly, which can make them harder to notice because it’s a somewhat gradual change.
On top of that, if your doctor is even the slightest shred of competent (which I hope), they’ll probably have started at a fairly low dose, meaning that;
you might just not feel it yet, but the effect may still emerge
you might need a higher dose; if that’s the case, this increase is generally done step-wise and quite slowly, to monitor the effects (and side-effects) properly. I suggest asking your doctors about what kind of trajectory they have in mind, so you can decide whether that suits you.
You mentioned mood swings; definitely mention that to your doctor! Psychological side-effects of ATX should be closely monitored
Note that this is especially important if someone has (potentially undiagnosed) comorbid disorders. I don’t know whether that’s the case for you, but better to be aware either way.
All that said, I also take ATX and I must say that on its own its effects are barely noticeable for me. It’s only because I know that my symptoms can be worse that I even consider it effective. I am an unusual case, though, regarding med-response etc. and I take ATX in combination with Elvanse (Lisdexamfetamine; LDX).
Which I guess brings us to stimulants. You say you’re reluctant out of fear to form a dependency, if I understand correctly. Well, the research is quite interesting in that regard — but let’s cover the basics first.
Stimulants, i.e., various types of amphetamines (AMP) and methylphenidates (MPH), are the standard first-line treatment for ADHD. Both AMP- and MPH-class drugs essentially increase the efficiency of the PFC —same as ATX — but where ATX only directly targets NA, AMP and MPH inhibit the reuptake of DA itself as well as NA reuptake. This direct effect on DA levels is basically (very basic; oversimplified even) what makes them stimulants. It is also likely the root for your concerns about dependence risks, because DA is involved in our reward-system in the brain — i.e. the thing that tells you “i want more of this”.
So, yeah, these concerns are not unfounded, HOWEVER
It is important to remember/note that a lot of the public narrative around ADHD and ADHD medication is heavily distorted by stigma. The number of people who worry about stimulants being addictive is leagues away from the actual prevalence of stimulant abuse/dependence.
This also kinda ties into your question about whether you will stop taking meds at some point or not; the idea that treatment must be temporary roots in the stigmatisation of mental health treatment.
I’m not saying that life-long medication treatment is a delight and a joy, but I also don’t think that it is the ultimate evil it’s sometimes made out to be. –– EXAMPLE: Think of a diabetic; they will need insulin for the rest of their life, but in their case nobody would ever suggest that them taking it is somehow a bad thing.
Mental health in general is unfortunately still heavily stigmatised, and that also impacts the narrative around treatment options, including medication. And more often than not, public beliefs about psychiatric conditions are downright and blatantly wrong.
In this particular case, actual research indicates that stimulant treatment actually decreases the risk for substance abuse in ADHDers. (Generally, adequate ADHD treatment reduces risks for all sorts of unpleasant things, like comorbid disorders, social isolation, divorce, accidents — I could go on. Not the point.)
The point is that overall, from a research perspective, the risk of drug dependence due to stimulant medication is quite low. Hell, literally everyone I know who takes ADHD meds will go “shit I forgot my meds” at least every other month or so.
Of course that doesn’t mean that we can all just pop stims however we like without a care in the world. As with any other medication, monitoring effects and side-effects together with a doctor is key.
With all that said, there is good reason why stimulants are first-line treatment for ADHD: 65-80% of people show a treatment response, and for a lot of people who don’t initially experience an effect, switching to another type of stimulant will often do the trick (total response rates of ~90%). Besides the fact that they work for more people, they also generally work better than non-stimulants, meaning that the symptom improvements are stronger for stimulants. Does this mean you should just get over yourself and go for stimulants because they’re clearly superior? Of course not.
Medication response is ultimately a very individual thing; it is basically impossible to know how you’ll react to any given medication before you try it. So in the end, it really comes down to what you want. It’s your decision, based on your priorities and values.
The same goes for your question of “will I take these meds forever” — that’s up to you!
Generally speaking, ADHD doesn’t go away. It is not something you grow out of any more than you can grow a second brain to replace the one you have. And our brains have ADHD. So, symptom-wise, we will always experience ADHD to some degree at least.
Of course, there are plenty of other treatment approaches such as CBT and literal mountains of helpful strategies to learn about and use. And that’s wonderful! Still, therapy alone is generally considered less effective than meds, but it does help. The best treatment approaches are multimodal, i.e. a combination of pharmacological treatment and behavioural interventions. Aka we take meds and go to therapy. Amazing.
So let’s say you’ve taken meds for a while, you’ve gone to therapy, you’ve learnt all the strategies — you decide to quit the meds. What happens?
Well first of all, nobody can know that beforehand, so keep in mind that these are hypothetical assumptions based on scenarios that research described as likely
Anyway, you quit whatever meds that ended up working for you. Ideally, you do that slowly so you don’t have any withdrawal issues, but eventually you’re off the meds. As a result, your brain isn’t getting that neurotransmitter boost anymore that the meds created (though some research shows that some benefits might persist, yay!), meaning that cognitive impairments are stronger again.
Does this mean all your symptoms come back? Well, yes and no. On a basic brain level, impairments return at least in part, but the strategies you learnt in therapy might still help you cope with those impairments better than you used to before.
So you might be overall more functional, thanks to those strategies, yes.
But strategies will not fix your brain chemistry, and if there’s no dopamine there’s no dopamine, and suddenly you spent all day in bed. Or you’re staring at your work open in front of you feeling like there’s a thick panel of glass between you and your screen/keyboard and you just cannot make yourself type. These things won’t go away, and strategies will not always do the trick
Personally, I dread the idea of living my life entirely off meds. My main hobby is writing, which is nearly impossible without my meds — and even if I had a less challenging hobby; I want to do things in life, not waste my time trying to get myself to brush my teeth. But, again, that is a very personal decision that you ultimately have to make for yourself.
Still, here are a few things to consider that might help you evaluate your options:
Need — what are your primary needs? Which symptoms are impacting you most? (Yes I’m getting to the RSD sfksjhgj)
Want — what are things you want beyond the most important needs? Where do your priorities lie?
Benefit — what benefit are you getting from [medication X]? How much positive effect does it have on your symptoms? On your life as a whole?
Need-benefit — do the benefits fulfil your essential needs? —> if not, that’s probably not the right med for you
Want-benefit — do the benefits fulfil your wants beyond the essentials?
Cost — what costs is [medication X] causing you? Do you have side-effects, if so what are they, how bad, how frequent?
Cost-benefit — do the benefits outweigh the costs, on a somewhat objective level? (effects vs side-effects)
Cost-benefit-want — Are the benefits worth the costs, also taking your individual values, concerns and goals into account?
This last one can get quite complicated, I’ll admit, but in the end I feel like this one is what tips the scale for a lot of people.
You could have the most amazing improvements, if you suffer side effects that keep you from something that is important to you, it’s probably not worth it in the end.
Vice versa, in my case, if it means I can write, I will accept that I’ll feel incredibly nauseated on some days for like 1-3 hours. It all comes down to individual choices in the end.
-deep breath- So, that was a lot, whops. So much, that I should actually go and work, so I’ll try to keep the RSD thing short. Conveniently, the AutoMod already summed up the most important bits:
RSD is not a recognised medical term
Instead of RSD, it is better to use concepts and terminology with solidly established definitions such as emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity to talk about the experiences people tend to label RSD
This is particularly important when consulting mental health professionals; well established concepts enable them to assess your symptoms and needs better than vague, ill-defined buzzwords. I have had people tell me they were going to switch to another doctor because theirs wasn’t familiar with RSD --- that is an issue!
Buzzwords like that tend to hinder treatment progress, because they are too vague to be properly informative. Most people have a very specific conceptual definition of RSD --- namely the one that describes their own symptoms best.
That renders it basically useless as a communicative device. Doctors cannot mind-read; you are doing yourself a favour if your communication (including terminology) is as clear as possible.
Obviously nobody expects you to know specialised medical terms --- just try to avoid buzzwords; of any kind! RSD is just a very very popular one and therefore warrants repeated clarification.
Now, just cause it’s not A Thing(tm), doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. And yes, the experience of rejection sensitivity in ADHD is valid and should not be dismissed!
Emotional dysregulation is actually one of the most prevalent and most impacting symptoms of ADHD, but because it isn’t part of the diagnostic criteria, a lot of people aren’t even aware of how much ADHD impacts emotions — and how much that impacts life for ADHDers. Emotional dysregulation leads to all sorts of other problems, like social isolation or comborbid mood disorders like depression or bipolar. So, clearly, it’s something should be addressed when it comes to treatment.
And would you look at that, they did! Yay!
Research shows that stimulants are effective for reducing symptoms of emotional dysregulation; as mentioned earlier, ideally you combine that with therapy.
Especially for emotional dysregulation, therapy — not just strategies, therapy — can be very beneficial, because emotions are hard. A lot of ADHDers, especially those that only get their diagnosis in adulthood, develop suboptimal coping mechanisms throughout their life that are very hard to dismantle without help. But resolving those patterns often makes an immense impact on the general quality of life.
Conclusion: Get a good therapist. It’s worth it. (Good = someone you trust and click with, you have to be comfortable.)
Now, one last thing (almost done I promise), because you said you don’t really have anyone to talk to about this:
I strongly encourage you to actively seek out ADHD communities in a format that lends itself to connecting with people on a personal level.
So, quick story time: Back in 2018, I (by complete coincidence) stumbled over a video of a TEDxTalk about ADHD on Patreon – who even browses Patreon?! Anyway, I watched it. Cried. A lot. Backed that Patreon immediately, before even looking at the actual YouTube channel it was for. The Patreon came with Discord rewards — I had never heard of Discord but there’s nothing like ADHD impulsivity, so I made a Discord account and joined that server.
Literally my whole life has changed since then. My perspective on ADHD has changed so so much simply through seeing other people having the same struggles, and yet they were still unique. And it was a wild ride. I look at some of the beliefs I used to have and am baffled at myself. But that’s not the main point, though knowledge always does help. No, the main point isn’t another strategy or lifehack. The main point are friends. True, actual friends who accept you, but also understand you.
When I joined that server, I very quickly met a lot of people. It was wonderful to suddenly be in a space where people related to my experiences that had previously always singled me out as weird or rude or incompetent or whatever. And all those people were lovely, but they’re not the friends I mean; most of them I am not in touch with anymore. I mean the select few. They are what made the biggest difference for me. I met one of my top two best friends like 2 months after joining the server, when we both became moderators. We later did community management together for over a year, until I moved on to other things — they are still Community Manager there! I flew to the other side of the planet for their wedding. We spend hours on video chat sometimes, both just working and hanging out because we like each other’s company (and it helps us focus). I can tell them anything, even if I hate what I did or didn’t do or say or think.
Those friends.
And I don’t know you, obviously, so maybe you already have that friend, in which case I’m very happy for you. But judging by your statement that you have nobody to talk to—
I’m not saying that joining an ADHD community will magically drop a best friend for you out of the sky, but it’s honestly not a bad start. Simply gaining the peer support of people who understand and relate to your experiences is worth it.
Okay, phew. Now I’m done. For your convenience;
non-stimulants might still take effect or you might need a different dose
stimulants are heavily stigmatised and the actual risk for substance dependence is quite low if the treatment is properly monitored by a medical professional
ADHD doesn’t go away; we will always have ADHD brains and there will always be issues that cannot be solved with strategies
It’s up to you to decide whether you want to take medication for it, and whether you want to take them long-term or not. I personally am fairly certain that I will continue to take these meds as long as I can. Even though there are downsides, the benefits are more than worth it for me.
Emotions are hard, everyone should go to therapy.
Make ADHD friends! (I personally really like Discord communities; I can recommend the HowToADHD community — that’s the server I mentioned earlier — but it’s unfortunately behind a (very low) paywall. If you don’t know that YouTube channel, I’d also recommend checking out Jess’s videos.)
But back to the point: Friends. Whichever platform you are comfortable with – try connecting with people beyond surface level conversations in public comments/threads/channels. Slide into those DMs!
And that’s all. That was way too long and I apologise. I hope any of it was helpful and understandable, I know I can get a bit sciency sometimes. If anything is unclear just ask. Good luck with your journey! It might be hard in the beginning, but it gets easier with time, I promise.
I hope anyone finds this useful, if only for validation. Shit's hard, but we'll all be fine, together.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months
one of my favorite garak mannerisms is whenever someone says something to him he clearly finds completely wild and his eyes briefly widen like
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before he reacts properly. when someone tells you something SO fucking stupid that you momentarily turn into a muppet
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Trying to make this general tasks, rather than specific skills ala carpentry
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felixfeliccis · 4 months
When you hear the phrase "mental health" what's the first thing you think of?
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etrevil · 6 months
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It's funny knowing that,
This is a regular occurrence
Dazai's name for Chuuya is set as "Slug"
Dazai still keeps his old phone around
And that Chuuya still has Dazai's number
Hirotsu has probably faced this scenario several times over their four years apart 🤣
Imagine it'll be a common warning whenever the PM goes out drinking: "Beware, there's a high chance Executive Nakahara gets wasted and, 9.9 times out of 10, he calls his old partner. Bring earplugs. You don't wanna hear what the executive curses him with."
Also like this is giving me I'll be here for you even if I'm gone vibes like, Dazai still has his old phone. Why? Maybe cause he actually accepts those drunk calls from Chuuya, and pays him visit after quietly listening to him ramble to make sure he's alright.
But that's just me 😭✌️
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lilacthebooklover · 1 month
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they're posing together :D
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petals-and-ink · 2 months
Oh Vanilla Orchid, your eyes betray your very smile
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What are you if not a serene being?
Are you truthly who you appear to be?
Or are you just a being sinking into it's own regret and shame, unknowingly dooming itself to a constant pain lurking just around the corner?
Do I you shield my your soul away, wishing for it all to leave my your mind someday?
Or is it a self inflicted punishment against what I you abandoned?
Is this truthly how I you wish to live?
Should I you speak up and tell the truth I you claim to be oh so important?
How could I risk loosing and hurting the ones I care for the most again?
After my failure, what would it do? How would it even turn out?
I can't live another tragedy, I can't fail everyone all over again, what would the two even feel if they were here?
Gods, they would be so devastated..
I must keep this to myself, it would be only fair wouldn't it? No one will get hurt if I keep quiet for now, after all.
I'm guilty of not reaching them in time, and this is my price to pay.
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butch-reidentified · 2 months
prove you were there when the shooting occurred. who's to say you're not just lying for attention? show some evidence you were there. oh wait, you can't. terf.
then why did the Department of Justice personally pay for my therapy for years and why do I have photos from private survivor events and you can just ask Barbara whose club it was who's like a 3rd mom to me or you could read The Trauma Beat which contains my interview or or or
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mixelation · 5 months
re: the hbomberguy plagiarism video again. i keep seeing people being like "this is a reminder to always check your sources" and it leaves me wondering. does anyone on this website even understand what that means
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gideonthefirst · 2 years
i’m not going to pretend to be certain one way or another about what level of agency muir intends to give gideon in becoming kiriona/in aligning with john, because i think the level of uncertainty we’ve been given is both important and intentional, but i do think it’s specifically interesting how every other character we see be resurrected in some way and renamed by john it’s heavily implied that he also altered their memories and/or personalities; we see the renaming of titania and ulysses when he turns them into literal zombies entirely under his control and we see that the other lyctors, at some point, had different names and that their resurrection involves john altering them, and we see in some ways that kiriona falls right in the middle of those two - renamed like both of them, and still dead like titania and ulysses were and with her body having been altered by john and able to be “turned off” by ianthe at will, but also moving to some extent under her own power and retaining aspects of her personality (or her entire personality, depending on the reading - and i do think there are multiple legitimate, supported readings here)
and i think what’s specifically interesting here is that the set up of the original lyctors forces us to see them as complicit with john even though he does change and alter them - it is impossible to ignore the fact that m—- and a—- and g—- and c—- (and p—- and n—- and the nun and a—-‘s little brother!) stood with john through acquiring the first nuke, through killing hundreds of people, through necromantically piloting a world leader, etc. they’re fully complicit in the nuclear death of earth’s population even though most of them turned on him last minute, which translates over to being complicit in his empire, where we see the exact same pattern of them standing with him until eventually, later, individually deciding to betray him for whatever personal reasons they individually have. they are inarguably complicit, regardless of what alterations john made to them!
in contrast, titania and ulysses, at least prior to the resurrection, had no control, no ability to go against john at all, and so without knowing more about their resurrection and function as lyctors, it becomes almost impossible to say whether or not they had agency, ability to go against him, etc, and so all we know is that john used their bodies after their deaths in a way in which they could not resist against or do anything about
so by placing kiriona in this middle ground between the two, where we don’t know if she’s working with him entirely by gideon’s choice or if john altered her mind in some way, she’s in between total death and true resurrection, her wounds are still there but she isn’t rotting, the question becomes a question not of “is this her choice” but a question of “regardless of if this is her choice, how complicit is she?”
even if kiriona is mentally altered in some way, she’s only in this situation because she learned and embraced the cavalier role to such an extent that she died so that harrow could go lyctor. even if kiriona is mentally altered in some way, gideon was only in canaan house in the first place in order to earn the ability to “go free” and join the cohort. and, in contrast, even if she hasn’t been altered in some way mentally, she literally does not have physical control of her own body. kiriona isn’t a portrait of how people choose to align themselves with empire, but rather she’s the centerpoint of three books’ worth of themes about complicity, imperial corruption, death as something which the empire owns and corrupts, family, and memory. to say definitively that kiriona is only aligned with john because of trauma and her behavior is exactly how gideon always behaves in this situation or to say definitively that gideon would never act like this and so kiriona must have had her memory fucked with or her soul altered in some way i genuinely think is to miss the point - regardless of how much quote unquote agency gideon has in the way kiriona’s behaving and who she’s expressing loyalty to, she both has no power over herself (ianthe can and does shut her off!!! she spent her entire life obsessing over her body as a method of escape and now her body has been physically altered by john!!!) and is complicit, has been absorbed into the imperial seat of power and is being used as a weapon by that seat of power, etc.
additionally, this is a series heavily interested in themes of agency around death and how death is constantly being exploited by john and necromancers. it is important that gideon died on purpose (although obviously under. external pressures lol) and has been brought back in a manner which robs her of control over her own body, and i think being willing to engage with that and with what we’re told about the original lyctors and how john used them is important to a reading of kiriona
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
The ages of Tuvok's children (and Tuvok himself) are nebulous and change depending on the episode (Ex: Janeway says he's almost one hundred[1] but later Tuvok implies he's over one hundred[2].)
Sek is Tuvok's oldest child, described as "a mature teenager" and seems to be in college during 'Repression'. He speaks about changing his major from exo-linguistics to musical composition. However in 'Hunters' Tuvok is given a letter which says Sek has both undergone the pon farr and become a father. This episode takes place in season 4 - yet in season 7 when we see him, Sek is a college aged teenager. Asil is Tuvok's youngest and while in 'Once Upon a Time' he seems to portray her as a small child still in need of guidance (akin to Naomi) - Janeway says in 'Fury' that she was present at Asil's kolinahr ceremony which would imply to me that she's been an adult for a long while. This would match up with the fact that in 'Lineage' Tuvok tells Tom Paris that his parenting skills are "somewhat dormant" since it's been "many years since [his] children were young." (Notably he does not say 'since I've seen them' implying to me that even before canon they were all adults) However it contradicts Sek's apparent age in 'Repression'. If Sek is a college aged teenager (17 at the youngest, 19 at the most) he would have been 10 or 12 years old when Tuvok left as 'Lineage' takes place in season 7 and he is Tuvok's OLDEST. Though I guess it depends on what Tuvok considers 'young children' and how close in age his children are. [1] Fury: "So, not long until you hit the big three digits huh?" <- It's possible that Janeway got the date correct but his exact age wrong (ex: right month and day but incorrect year)
[2] Meld: "I have studied violence for over one hundred years" <- It's likely Tuvok is speaking more theoretically. To be born Vulcan is to 'study' violence but he still places his age at 100+. [3] In 'Flashback' Tuvok and Janeway are brought back to an approximately 80-year-old memory in which he was around 30 (I think he says 29) and Janeway says he left Starfleet for 'over fifty years'. He himself states that he studied the Kolinahr for six years then married T'Pel. So: At 30 he was an ensign then he left Starfleet. He married T'Pel at 36. As of season 1 he considers himself married to T'Pel for 67 years meaning he's around 103 at the time of 'Ex Post Facto' However, Asil is established to have been conceived during Tuvok's 11th pon farr. ('Alice' - this information is dubious since it comes from Tom Paris in a sequence where he and Harry incorrectly guess Tuvok's age) If he had his first at 36 that would mean she was born when he was 113. Tuvok states in Unimatrix Zero that he was born on the Stardate 38774. I don't know enough about Stardates to do anything with this information. I googled around and it seems Voyager begins at stardate 48315.6 which other sources say is 2371. There's no point to this post - I just like Tuvok and so I gather information about him to show my devotion. At some point in his past he fucked up his elbow so bad that they had to replace the joint with a prosthetic. Did you know that? It's established in 'Blood Fever'.
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g-perks · 4 months
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vague crops of the pencils from a three pager I put together almost exactly a year ago, I'm overdue to make another one (maybe next time I'll actually show what I think they'd be saying)
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pherre · 6 months
i really like how much we find out about the captain's regiment in the book, and specifically that they seem to be all very fun people and almost all as unfit for active duty as the captain himself
they suck ass at cricket, they do drag and sing poorly and do very bad magic tricks, they think up undrinkable cocktails, they only have one guard for the entire premises, and they seem to (?) secretly have a lot of sex
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markantonys · 21 days
one of my earliest WOT book-related memories is reading the brief wikipedia summaries for each book and getting to one of the slog books that mentioned "perrin continues searching for his wife" and i thought "damn, he still hasn't found her yet?" little did i know
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kasumingo · 7 months
the funniest current debate I see is how selfcest is problematic but people struggling to come up with a single valid reason as to why
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fisheito · 3 months
If you tracked my eye activity on that bliss promo pic with the tops it would be something like this
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Making a major stop at topper
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Before crashing into a ditch (yakuya corner)
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#i'm having a moment. the only time i'll ever see these two standing next to each other is in a promotional pic for the sfw game version#FOR SERIOUS i was weirded out by this combination of characters in one pic when i first saw it#i was like oh?? they doing a random assortment now? i mean sure! yeah! i guess! spice it up they look great!!#then someone pointed out that this was Tops Only#then showed me the corresponding picture of Bottoms Only#and i felt my eyebrow raise sharply#OOOH.... i didn't even consider... right.... top bottom segregation#(reality does not occur to me. i see them all through switch-coloured lenses and thus ignore information inconvenient to my preference)#then i started thinking more about the . idea of it. that the tops are in a bar's hidden back room with mafia boss dante#and the bottoms are hanging out in the airy beautiful atrium of pure white snow and lilting piano music#tops are like WELCOME TO THE LIONS DEN and bottoms are like HEY COME INTO THE AVIARY AND SIT WITH US 🥰#i dwelt on the fact that i was weirded out by yakumo in this group#and it made me think about how..... yakumo would be scared of all the other tops#all of them are INTIMIDATION 100 to hiim#so i imagine after you get him to pose for this shot with everyone. and the business is done#yakumo will quickly retreat to the room with the bottoms (where all his friends are)#blade being the adaptable little creature he is will be like OH COOL ARE YOU GOING TO SEE THE OTHERS??#I WANT TO SEE THE OTHERS TOO!! MORE FRIENDS!! LET'S GO TOGETHER n_n *links arms* *DRAGS everyone else out of the room*#imagining yaku being first ushered into this dark room with kuya dante and quincy#and he's just nervously glancing at topper for reassurance that there's no danger#just trembling and thinking about how he wants his emotional support wolf/vice captain/priest/earring twin senpai#no yakumo. i wanted you to mingle. and you shall mingle#wear matching outfits with your fellow Tops and (topp) until you build trust and reduce their Intimidation Factors#quincy#blade#dante#yakumo#kuya
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