#protective carlos
f1-stuff · 11 days
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cVB8qoZr5/?igsh=MXFsNW8wNm9qbWVpYg== the video of the hug! 🥹
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honehonn3honey · 5 months
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sainzifies · 5 months
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millleti · 6 months
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ferrari boys with rookie carlos 🙌
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star | TK Strand in 2.11
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sunny-sainz · 3 months
carlando getting breakfast together, playing carrot in a box together, and carlos saying they’ll be true friends after they retire…
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daggery · 11 months
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for @itsalwaysforyou: jay + i've got your back
+bonus: because i love all of the tags on this post about protective and watchful jay
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anonymergremlin · 8 months
Y/N: You know, there are only two things, that you did right during your life. *Plays with the blade in their hand*
Geppetto: *looks at them angry* And that would be?
Y/N: Carlo and P. Your sons. *Focuses their gaze on the old man* But I am sure you would rather hear about the biggest mistake you made during your life. *Points their blade at him* Not killing me when you had the chance. Not killing the one person, who knows all... all of your goddamn mistakes.
Geppetto: Threatening me? What do you think your doing? Actions have consequences child, do you really believe he would still feel any kindness or love towards you if you kill me?
Y/N: ... *Sighs* It's a small price to pay if it means I can save his life. Trust me, when Carlo died and Romeo disappeared... I was already gone. Nothing was left but... *Laughs while holding back their tears* then he appeared, and I... felt Iike I found myself again. For a short time... I was happy again. That Geppetto, that is all that matters. I am not afraid of dying. Of losing everything again, as long my love can live on.
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
This is the prompt @tarlosweeklyprompts give us for this week
After answering a call where the 126 and APD are both called, the victim develops a crush on TK and won't leave him alone (suggestions: the person could show up at TKs work, places he goes etc) and this leads to Carlos feeling more possessive than usual and he makes a point to show everyone that TK is his.
Title: The saviour
The stranger exhaled sharply and began to breathe as soon as TK separated his face from his. The mouth-to-mouth had taken effect and there would be no need to intubate him. The man looked at him and smiled.
"You saved my life, I owe you my life."
"Don't worry, it's my job" TK replied and sat up to separate from him.
But the man grabbed his arm and pulled him. "I mean it, you saved my life, I owe you whatever you ask."
"And I tell you that's not necessary, thank you. I'm a paramedic, I get to do this every day."
TK patted his hand and released his arm and then pulled himself up. He watched as Nancy and Tommy lifted the stretcher up and into the ambulance and thought he noticed, at the last moment, that the man was staring at him and giving him a smile.
"Shall we go?" asked Judd putting a hand on his shoulder and TK gasped. "It's going all right."
"Yeah, it's just...that guy, the hit-and-run guy...I don't know, he was confused and...I don't know, but he seemed to be looking at me funny."
"He wasn't looking at you funny, he probably didn't even know where they were. Come on, let's go to the barracks, the shift is almost over and we can all go home."
That night, TK had a stupid nightmare. He was again getting mouth-to-mouth from the same man, but this time, when he tried to pull away from him, he found himself handcuffed to him. The man would get to his feet, pull him up and drag him away without TK being able to do anything to stop him.
He woke up sweating, sitting up in bed with Carlos' arms around him.
"Tee, mi amor, is everything all right, what's wrong?"
"It's silly, just silly."
"It won't be when you're shaking."
He told him what happened and Carlos agreed with him that it was silly. But he knew him well and knew that TK didn't take that familiarity with acquaintances well, although he had never told him why.
"Tomorrow will be another day and you will have forgotten. Let's go to sleep, come on." Carlos held out his arms for TK to settle on his chest and then closed his arms, finally kissing his boyfriend's head.
TK soon fell asleep.
Two days later, while they were tidying up the ambulance, TK received a visitor that Mateo alerted him to.
"It's a guy, his face rings a bell and he says he wants to talk to you."
"With me?"
Mateo shrugged and TK followed him until he recognized the other man's figure between the two barracks trucks.
"TK, hello." The man walked over to him and took both of his hands. "Sorry for the intrusion, but I needed to see you and thank you again for saving my life the other day." He shook TK's hands so hard it almost made TK's whole body shake. "You saved my life and I need... I need to do something for you."
TK released his hands and took a step back.
Few knew that he had problems with physical contact with strangers, because he didn't want to talk about it. So no one except his father, who wasn't in the barracks at the time, knew he felt like running away.
"I saved your life..." He paused because he didn't even know the man's name.
"Peter, I saved your life because it's my job and my duty to save people. I would have saved anyone in your situation. It's not personal."
"Yeah, well, but for me it was. I opened my eyes and saw you there. My goodness, with those green eyes and that smile. You were happy to see me, you showed me that I was worth coming back and living for."
"Ehm... I'm glad I got that, but you can rest easy and rest, you came close to dying and you need to rest."
"I brought you something," the man said and handed him a box which TK took a moment to take. "It's silly and I don't know if you like sweets, but if you prefer something else, tell me what it is and I'll change it."
"Look, Peter." TK's discomfort became a little more pressing as the man rested the box on his chest, opened it and showed him the pastries inside. "I like the sweet, yes, thank you."
The figure of Charles entering the barracks, made TK's heart relax a little, he took the box, closed it and rested it on a table next to him. He walked past Peter and dropped into Carlos' arms.
"That's him. It's the guy I saved," she whispered to him.
Carlos circled his waist and gave him a long kiss on the cheek.
Peter walked past him and left, under the watchful eye of the cop and who was now rubbing TK's back.
"That's it. He's gone."
"I'm an idiot, I know. The guy I save comes to thank me and brings me pies, and I run away thinking he's a fucking stalker."
Keep reading in AO3
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f1-stuff · 28 days
what did Carlos report to Charles' gf...?
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lonestardust · 1 year
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they fit like puzzle pieces!!!!!!!
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ava-danmei · 7 months
Proof of humanity doesn't want to leave P’s hand😂. Carlo definitely trying to protect him from his dad.
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justc2world · 1 year
Subbing them out one after the other
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janesurlife · 3 days
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 2.12 The Big Heat
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