clownsodaaaaa · 7 months
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normalize drawing shit in da real then coloring it in on da art app.
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You have the opportunity to pet any animal without the possibility of that animal harming you in any way. Every animal will be happily pet and even enjoys that attention. What animal would you go for first and why?
I don't like cuddling and tend to prefer animals with a distinctive personality (as opposed to "generic cuddliness") so my first choice would probably be a weirdly behaved cat. Not necessarily a big one, but one that was so strange that I could just stare at it and be amazed, as if it were some kind of alien plant.
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acidicpenumbra · 11 months
Hi. Im a bit inactive here… u can reach me better on toyhouse (username handy)
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any/all pronouns but if you dont remember to use several sets people tend to use they. do what you want
pronoun page
#scraparts : my art tag
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18 year old autist. adhd. dersite witch of void. currently fixated on sonic & sonic alone. would call myself a fanartist. other things i enjoy include splatoon, lps, and sometimes homestuck. on several spectrums. butch grayaroace. ficto auto & objectum. otherkin/fictionkin. this account is for fellow freaks and goobers.
if you like sonic & want to be mutuals/friends, my dms on here are always open & i will happily chat.
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before you follow/try to become mutuals or anything of the sort, here's some things to note
• gender/sexuality/romanticism are everchanging to me and labels are too. if you're down to clown (destroy hard gender barriers) you have to be down to jest also. (destroy sexuality/romanticism barriers.) obviously if you like hard labels for yourself i'm cool with that, but i support people using whatever the fuck labels they like. also kinksters (nonsexual or sexual) are cool and i support you guys. • i block liberally. usually isn't a personal attack on you as a person, i just curate my internet experience (as should you.).
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last update: december 29th, 2023. previous usernames: scrapsmetal, solbot, prospitan, autorespawnder, stridersplinter. (if you follow me and i forgot any, i'll love you for letting me know, lol.)
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youabandonedthem · 5 months
Your name is Karkat Vantas, and you’re really not sure why you bother taking your dad’s calls anymore.
There’s a thousand things you could be doing right now, none of them exceptionally desirable, all of them more pleasant than sitting in near-silence on a concrete floor next to a surly Dersite. Even if the Dersite in question did take you in when you were a dumpy little grub.
Now you’re a troll. A dumpy troll. No longer little.
Spades Slick is sitting across from you on the cold floor of the hideout, fiddling with a baggy and some utensils. You keep glancing up at him, and then away; you know he doesn’t like it when you stare for too long. He’s grumbling something to himself as he sorts through his things.
It’s a beautiful day out. You could be anywhere.
He sits up a little straighter and squints at you, his gaze searing through you. Leaning forward, he sets a candle between the two of you and looks away before tossing you a little box of matches.
“Go ahead and light that,” he says casually.
You go ahead and light it. The hideout is already pretty well lit, so the atmosphere of the place doesn’t really change. If you were younger, or feeling bolder, maybe you’d have sighed in exasperation as you shake the lit match into extinction. You look around for a place to throw it out, but the garbage can is a few feet away and you’re pretty sure Slick will have words for you if you get up and start gallivanting about right now.
You stay put with your sad little burnt out match, and when you turn back around to face your adoptive father, he’s holding the spoon over the candle flame. It would be a shocking enough sight if you hadn’t seen it before. You know Slick – know him well enough to know that whoever this is for, it’s not for him.
He’s a professional, best in the business. You can practically hear his voice ringing in your ears. He’d bring it up at random when you were little, taking a walk through the neighborhood or heading back to your car through Wal-mart parking lots. At street lights, gas stations, sometimes even at home, if Deuce was so inclined as to offer him ibuprofen for any of his recurring ailments.
He’s no junkie, kid, he’s no layabout ex-vet or pregnant teenage girl hobbling around with no cardboard sign. He’s a businessman.
And he doesn’t get unprofessional with his goods.
For all you can say about your dad, you’ve never seen him waver on that.
He also won’t sell anything he hasn’t tested. He’s got a reputation to uphold, of course. Normally he’ll select a customer at random for this – they never protest. If he’s feeling thorough he’ll test the same batch out on a human, a troll, and a carapacian, to make sure a batch is good to retail to any species.
Earlier this week you recall him leaving you a voice message on Whatsapp, complaining about some particularly whiny disenfranchised Prospitan roaming about the place. You had kind of written it off since it had, due to the age and deteriorating quality of Slick’s phone and to the closeness of his mouth to the microphone, been largely incoherent. You suppose that must have been his first lucky customer.
Probably he’s going to ask you if you have any friends you can call and ask to come over. Your eyes glaze a little as you stare at the now steadily bubbling liquid in the spoon.
You’re not sure what you’re going to say to that, really.
“Sorry, Dad, I don’t have any friends to call. I don’t leave the apartment that you help me pay for except for to go to work, which I do at night, because I have issues with emotional regulation that make it difficult for me to do work involving frequent or long-term social interaction. There’s no one I can think of to invite over to shoot up for you. Not even for free.”
Without realizing it, your gaze slips off the spoon and towards the bottle sitting on the floor by Slick’s elbow.
The yellow label beams up at you, uncannily bright in the gray hues of the hideout. Mr. and Mrs. Bragg also beam up at you, proud as always to bring you organic apple cider vinegar in the raw.
You’re pretty sure you’ve never seen anyone on the street with a bottle of this stuff next to them. But then again, a 946 mL bottle of Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar was a clear $9.99 when purchased at a regular Healthy Planet location. Just the other night you were stocking some truly monstrous 128 oz bottles of regular Great Value brand white vinegar for a mere $4.67. So there’s that mystery solved.
The Walmart you work at carries Bragg’s too, you’re pretty sure. But it’s pretty nice stuff. Maybe they’ve got cameras in the Bragg’s aisle? Cameras in the organic fermented goods aisle? You make a mental note to check. Maybe they’ve been giving out Bragg’s at the needle exchange this whole time. You’ve never been – you’d be none the wiser.
Slick’s voice cuts through your idle thoughts, and you sit up a little straighter reflexively.
“Sorry, Dad, I don’t have any friends to call. I don’t leave the apartment that you help me pay for except for to go to work, which I do at night, because I have issues with emotional regulation that make it difficult for me to do work involving frequent or long-term social interaction. There’s no one I can think of to invite over to shoot up for you. Not even for free.”
If something changes in Slick’s expression, you can’t quite perceive it. He keeps staring at you. He’s holding a needle, already drawn up.
“Kid,” he says, “You’re good enough.”
You stare back.
He makes a face, dissatisfied with the way he’d phrased his previous sentiment, and wiggles the needle a little.
“You’re good enough to test this out for me. I don’t need any of your stupid friends.”
You don’t pull your arm away when he reaches out and grabs it, pulling it out towards him. But when you see reaching with his other hand for a strip of cloth sitting by the Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, you start leaning away from him, almost involuntarily.
“No, no, I mean, I can find someone,” you wheeze, already feeling yourself flush with panic. “I’ll – the signal is shit down here, let me go upstairs and I can call -”
“It’s ready now, kid,” Slick hisses, narrowing his eyes at you. “It’s a low dose, you’re going to be fine. Not like I’m going to sell it to you after this.”
He laughs shortly at his own joke. You don’t think it’s very funny. He yanks you forward firmly and leans in to tie you off.
You’re trying to think of something to say. You can’t run, and you’re certainly incapable of fighting – not while you’re in this kind of shape, not when you’re at this point in your life, not Slick.
He stretches the cloth around your upper arm and wraps it tight. Then he looks down at your lower forearm and frowns before readjusting the cloth, squeezing it even more firmly around your bicep before he ties it. He looks down and frowns again.
Hunched over, he looks up at you. You turn your head to the side, mostly unconsciously, avoiding eye contact. He’s staring at you.
After a long moment, he attempts again to tie you off. When he’s done, he pulls your arm directly in front of his face, staring intently. No luck.
Slick reaches up again to adjust the cloth, and this time, when he tugs at it, it rips clean in two.
The two of you sit in silence.
“Karkat,” he rasps. “If you do this for me, I’ll pay for three months of membership down at the Planet Fitness by your apartment. Whatever that place is called.”
“Okay,” you mumble.
“This is bad, Karkat. Droog’s been talking to me about this,” Slick continues. “It’s, it’s calories, and it’s in everything you eat. You have to pay attention. That junk food, it’s terrible for you. You’ll get sick.”
He looks up at you beadily. You meet his gaze.
“I know.”
He reaches up and claps you gently on the shoulder, the look on his face difficult to read. You’re reminded, as you occasionally are, that this is the Dersite that raised you. This, all of this, stems from a maladjusted desire to care for you, to keep you safe, and to eventually enable you to keep yourself safe, something you are aware is becoming less and less likely to ever come to fruition. He’s not shooting you up with Great Value white vinegar. He got you Bragg’s, from Healthy Planet. Because he loves you.
His clamps around your upper arm, metal fingers squeezing far tighter than the cloth had been able to, and this time, when he looks down, he sees something he likes.
The needle plunges down. To Slick’s credit, you hardly feel it.
You’re already feeling something by the time he’s standing up; makes sense, you’ve never shot anything before. When you look up at him, you’re cognizant of an unusual taste stinging at the back of your mouth.
It’s apple cider vinegar.
cool story by @myskyperevenge​  but not that well researched…
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tavtiers · 4 months
I'm just gonna put a first in here, and if you replied I might put more asks if that's ok.
The leader of 10 players playing a modded SBURB (it still functions the same, only with more OP and separated stuff) is a Rogue of Heart, and a Prospitan. He is someone cheerful and inventive, although he wants safety for everyone and making sure they don't die. He likes inventing, wishing to fly as an aspiring pilot, and Bill Nye, but he is clumsy and prone to too much emotion.
I want to figure out what planet will he get, its quest and denizen, and how will he die in his quest bed (me thinks he's one of the last to die there)
The Rogue of Heart would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Cubes [Rogue] and Heart [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Black Boxes and Elixirs. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
For this character, Black Boxes could be the black box flight recorders found in airplanes. Perhaps there are the wreckages of downed planes littering his planet, and the black boxes they contain must be deciphered. Elixirs could pertain to buildings shaped like beakers. The buildings are filled with various chemicals that must be combined to create potions that can influence emotion.
For a quest, the consorts of his planet should be negatively affected by his inverse classpect, the Knight of Mind. Perhaps the consorts were once embroiled in aerial warfare. Now that the battle is over, their civilization remains that of hardened warriors. They are beings of pure logic who obsess over perfecting battle tactics in preparation for the next conflict, with no time for love or play. As the Rogue of Heart, your character must decipher the black boxes to find where the chemical buildings are located. Then, he must sneak into the buildings to steal vials of the chemicals that can be used to mix emotion potions. Once he has created potions of happiness and love, he will need to distribute them amongst the consorts in order to bring passion back to their civilization and keep them from starting another war.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over his planet would be Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) or Yaldabaoth (Trapper of Souls). Other Heart aspect denizens can be found here.
For your character, Euphrosyne (Goddess of Good Cheer) might be a good option.
When the Rogue of Heart completes his planet quests and dies on his quest bed, he would rise to ascension on the wings of ladybugs (symbols of love). A list of soul animals can be found here.
As for how he would die on his quest bed, that is dependent on the plot you develop. That being said, I don't have much I can suggest for you. Keep in mind who he is influenced by. Has a troll pushed him into dying on his quest bed? Has he followed all his quests to the letter and been guided there naturally? Or has he explored his planet aimlessly and stumbled across it? Think about if he is the type of character who would be comfortable taking his own life, without knowing the full consequences. Or does he have an enemy who will take it for him?
Hope this helps!
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umbralundertaker · 1 month
yeah the writers don't really do a good job here, but thats for later when the soul thing reaches its meta twist, to spoil whats coming.
but yeah, the alphas are the worst when it comes to them interacting with the carapacians. part of this, to be fair to them, is due to the story not giving a shit about their session and the time up until the two groups meet. and to be completely fair to dirk, while he may be a social luddite with an obsession of controlling people like pawns, you know its understandable why the man who spent his entire life isolated and hunted in the apocalypse would tunnel vision )(ic instead of dealing with any of the other agents out to kill them.
and then we get to roxy. you know, for someone who's entire story in the post canon works is about understanding one's self, so much so that she tries to spread this idea to pretty much everyone he/she/they meet, including a minor bonus story character: holy fuck, roxy is the most reductive bitch alive.
IM GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP THE ROXY THING BC IT DIDNT MAKE ANY SENSE!!!!! Like the only, only reason she would ever act like that is because hussie didn't think she'd care about them. She certainly would, but since Hussie didn't care, she didn't care. It's infuriating...
And I know you didn't mention it, but Jade was weird too. Reading the parts of homestuck where it was emphasized how lonely she is confused me because like. She had the prospitans.
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hippoinspector · 4 months
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mossolantern · 1 year
Listen i dunno what the reader is but theres no way its fuckin human so maybe faygo is alcoholic or somethin
What is that little freak anyway like love them but damn - BB
see like, originally i was like "did they like... just retcon the fact that faygo is literally said BY other trolls IN-COMIC to be 'just soda'???"
but then my brain went "does it just.. solely effect purples and whatever MSPAR is???"
then i assumed MSPAR was just a crudely drawn human, but also, it would make sense if they weren't, and were instead just like.. one of the Prospitan Carapacians???
but then the roxy route made me question that-- and i'm all in all just sorta like "huh"
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absylphe · 5 months
hc + space
Kanaya is very proud of putting the stars in the sky for her new universe. She has gigantic skylights above her bedroom that can be shuttered, but she just lays there some nights with all of the lights off admiring her handiwork.
She aligns heavily with a lot of the affinities that come with the territory, when it comes to her assigned aspect: art, creation, horticulture, patience, destiny, motherhood. These are mostly things that come naturally to her, and they're not required, just parts of a whole. Even so, she often measures herself against others who live in that same section of the Venn diagram labeled "space player". Am I patient enough? Is my art good enough? Am I trusting enough that the process will lead me to the end that I want? She pushes herself too hard on these things, judges herself too harshly. It makes it difficult to be happy -- even while waiting patiently for things, she is berating herself for not being patient enough.
She is mildly religious, having adopted modified Prospitan beliefs -- she takes a more animist view on the concept of the Speaker, but because the genesis frog is such a vital part of a Space player's duties, she feels so much more tied to it; a need to uphold the values associated with her title, a need to be worth that title in the first place. It's an ever-distant finish line, it's doubtful she'll ever cross it. She is still very fond of frogs. She's not squeamish about killing or eating most things, but she will never intentionally kill or eat a frog.
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ghastrolls · 6 months
Commanding Intendant / Clovers Iconoclast
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Art by Me
CI: Please- think about the paperwork!
Gender/Pronouns: Trans Woman, She/Her Age: 58 Years (carapacian equivalent) Type: Prospitan Handle: certainInfluence / crucialIdeals Specibus: Tridentkind Modus: Prospitan Standard Modus
Employed by the White Queen to keep operations running smoothly, CI mainly oversees the organization and permissions associated with Prospitan public affairs. She rules this job with an iron fist and a commanding hold on what is and isn't meant for the public, which means a great deal of paperwork. Even more so when a sleeping hero dies on Prospit's watch and her girlfriends want to go after Derse for the murder. Thankfully for them, her complaints about paperwork are almost entirely surface level - and a good cover for why she totally isn't the one defacing government property in the meantime.
Start of Story Romances: ♡ EE, ML, TS
End of Story Romances: ♡ EE, ML, TS
Fun Facts:
Got mistaken for the administrator of a local theater and actually did a pretty good job while people searched for the actual administrator. She now volunteers there as a hobby
Has a resting bitch face, but it can be a very useful cover
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i-am-why · 6 months
Day 12
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Are any of you tumongrels actually readng this? like i've been doing for way more than 2 weeks outside of tumblr and I feel like i've been singing to rats for awhile (terrible analogy).
Anyway Equirate
Equirate is the secret third moon of Sburb, which most frequently appears in sessions with odd numbers of players- though, all things considered, is quite rare. Equirate rotates in an elliptical orbit, meaning it tends to show up later in an average session due to being outside the regular incipisphere for most of the session. (The “positioning” of the session relative to Equirates’ “current” position also plays a role in whether it will be encountered.) It is also a 4th dimensional object,- depending on the “rotation” of a given session, a different “slice” of Equirate will be made accessible. When appearing in a session, it will settle into an orbit at the same semi-axis as the player’s lands, but also “from the linking of prospitan and Dersite chains,” akin to “a lake that forms between 2 rivers.” Its architecture is akin House of Stairs ( to this painting )by MC Escher, and is implied to be infinitely large, or at the very least, incomprehensibly so.
Unlike Derse and Prospit, which are generated every time a new session is started, every instance of Equirate is the exact same moon. If a Carapacian manages to get a hold of either the Equiration ring or scepter from the “dead” version of the moon, said Carapacian would gain an incomprehensible amount of power- as upon entering a session, the orb towers on Derse and Prospit send out a copy of their “data” to the corresponding towers on Equirate. Should a Carapacian get the ring or scepter from the “live” version of the moon, the amount of power they gain will be functionally random- they may get lucky and get it from when Equirate has entered a large quantity of sessions, or may get unlucky and get it from when the moon has entered relatively few sessions- if any.
The Equitarians aim to bring the war between Derse and Prospit- as well as Paradox Space itself- into a complete standstill. In other words, a perfect stasis, where nothing changes whatsoever. On smaller timescales, this manifests as prolonging sessions and the war between the two moons for as long as possible. On larger timescales, the exact manifestation of this aim is variable. One such attempt was through aligning with Professor Mayonaka, as they believed The Tear which Mayonaka’s universe hopping device helped create could eliminate all of existence- which would bring about a form of stasis. Mayonaka had slightly different aims however, merely intended to use The Tear, as well as the Equitarian ring and scepter to destroy English- both through attempts in preventing his existence in the first place, and in destroying him at various points during his lifespan.
Professor Mayonaka had a hideout on the dead version of the moon.
Equirate was eventually made to implode as a result of the two universe hoppind devices exploding, collapsing the central support structure which was resisting the immense gravitational forces of the moon. The implosion of the 4th dimensional moon was powerful enough to create the Pink Sun, the Horrorterrors answer to English’s Green Sun. Unlike English, the Horrorterrors did not draw power from the sun, rather, they helped to strengthen and fuel it.  This implosion occurred within the Gamma Kid’s session. Some of the effects of the Tear echoed backwards in time- some of the trolls became aware of it and believed that the Kids were going to cause it to implode, putting them at odds with the kids.
The dangerously unstable and powerful energies of __sprite’s Kernel, wide open to outside influences due to the cracks on the spire orbs, collided with a shard of Equirate that temporarily “phased-in” to their medium before vanishing again. It emerged in an unknown location in Paradox Space, where the shard of the moon began to “grow” into living Equirate. As such, the entire moon is actually a JuJu that creates itself, one which belongs to Professor Mayonaka.
Before the events of the Masterpiece, Equirate appeared in Caliborn’s session. (Due to Calliope dying pre-entry, and thus playing no role in the session, she was not granted an Equirate dreamself.) Mayonaka had gathered the Midnight Crew (the beforan variant he was leading at the time) and went on an escapade to destroy English before he was created. This, obviously, failed, but Mayonaka managed to flee back to Equirate and made his way to post meteors Alternia, wherein he rebuilt the Midnight Crew.
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morphimus · 1 year
I see how you have become a prospitan.
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Wrong. Prospitians are stupid and lame because they are from Homestuck, which I am not from.
Such wretchedity is a stain against my psyche. Begone with all things Homestuck.
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Do not homestuckpost in my ask box please. As of today, I am vehemently against Homestuck in all its forms.
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attackradish · 11 months
Ok this is probably 12:55 brain speaking here but I read a Vriscourse post and and now I’m strongly relating to Vriska??? First I reclasspect myself again and end up on Rogue of Light. Adding my Prospitan lunar sway and my cerulean sign class to that makes me a True Scorpio. Like a Serket. I did some bad stuff growing up as a result of my parent’s demands. Like Vriska. AND ROGUE IS THE PASSIVE COUNTERPART TO THIEF. WHICH VRISKA IS. Am I insane? Most of these words are made up so perhaps I’m not like her in any concrete way. Still. Much to think about.
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//caps, silliness
I saved the reblog in the drafts for now bc I got insecure about my tags and decided to leave them for later anyway I think I'll now send an ask too
I love your ref and your headcanons so much
YOUR SCOFF HAS A BAD KNEE AND USES A CANE. MY SCOUT HAS BAD KNEES AND USES A CANE (bc I've got bad knees and use a cane and SS is my blorbo).
Your Scoff. My Scout. CANE FIGHT. Deadeye and Innovator are facepalming x4 combo in the background. Demo is asking Brawler if there's a fourth cane user around because he wants to canefight too. Scout probably loses, not because Scoff has shadow magic but because Scoff's got one bad knee and Scout's got both.
3. Am I taking it correctly that in your mobswitch TS are "still" Prospitians and MC are still Dersites? Yay!!!!!!!!!! (If I'm being mistaken please don't think I'm fuck I can't pick a good word let's say judging for now you for it)
Thank you!!!!!
That would be great and accurate, Delinquent might simply try to remove a cane-shaped object from the ground and use that instead, making the fight much higher stakes if one is bludgeoned with half a lamppost lmaoo. Scoff walks with and without his cane often but usually carries it as an accessory when he isn't, it would be better for his overall health if he used it all the time, but he obviously can't walk on it when he's currently hitting people with it, and sometimes goes without for appearances sake or convenience- he's very worried about appearances and sometimes worries he'll be seen as weaker for walking with the cane, but the concern is kinda misplaced considering he can just like. beat someone to death with it if they don't take him seriously. But hes so anxious about it that even that logic doesn't help
Yes!!!! I think some people make them switch planets, which seems.... weird to me. Lik it feels kind of unnecessary and arbitrary to me, and I think it's a lot more interesting to figure out how slight changes of events would have drastically changed their personal trajectories than to just. Make a change like that. I also personally think its a bit flattening, like Prospitan good guys and Dersite bad guys. That's just not the case, definitely if you consider WV, AR, and PM, who are all of similar alignment and come from different planets. I also just like exploring how Prospit isn't all that great after all- for example, I don't think they take prisoners of war- it's usually interrogations followed by executions. Which makes sense to me from a gameplay standpoint- If your comrade as a player is captured by the enemy, it would feel unfair if they just killed them immediately- you should get a chance to rescue them. But the bad guys don't need to be afforded such a luxury- you get the information out of the spies you catch, and then get rid of them. It may seem to players that this means prison, but behind the scenes I think Prospitans can be fairly ruthless as a war force, because they're so serious about helping the players and ensuring the frog's creation, while i think Derse kind of knows the field of play is unequal, and has a slightly looser strictness in terms of allowing silly bullshit all the way up the chain. They play the villains, and definitely know it, so they have a bit of fun with it. Prospitans play to *win*, which is one reason why they'd take horrorterrors so seriously as a risk that cannot be allowed to propagate on their planet, y'know? I really like exploring Derse and Prospit in general, mobswitch is a fun way to do that, my Innovator and Scoff especially have some stuff from there that haunts them. tldr i think the Prospit/Derse switch is arbitrary and misplaced, maybe theres a way to do it well but its just not my style to make decisions like that for no substantial reason this response is a little long and im sorry for that but i really appreciate the chance to talk more about these guys! I made another post with more fun facts about Scoff here also in case you wanted to peep the horror, i super appreciate your ask and hope this isnt too long to read
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controversialcoven · 1 year
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Welcome to the [controversial coven]
This is a shared system account!
Commission us <3 comms open!!
Identity basics:
Name: Apples/Toby
Pronouns: he/him
Viet // queer // disabled
Maid of void // prospitan
➜ 🌟🪰🫀🎪 ‹𝟹
I won’t stop anyone from interacting but here’s a list of people I personally don’t like. If that icks you, you decide if you want to interact or not
endos/ endo supporters, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, terfs, dd/lg, anyone who sexualizes little space, people who baby Mituna, people who overly sexualize Damara, asiaboos/koreaboos, anti Jane Crocker, people who genuinely enjoy canon cronus
More info (tag system, other linked accounts, etc) under cut!
#[name]posting // used for each alter, their name will be used
#fuck you au // personal homestuck au with self inserts and more!
#mama mia au // homestuck mama mia au
#i rant about homestuck // exactly what the tin says
#my art [year] // art tag, will be changed depending on year (currently 24)
#fav ever // my favorites tag for when I want to go back to a good post
Linked accounts:
@traverse-au // an au with friends! Also holds the flatlinked au
@autie-stuck // homestuck request account!
@shitty-straight-davekat // corvid’s art account, doesn’t update often
@bestofwives-bestofwomen // side account for all our Hamilton fictives (if we did this for our homestuck ones it would be way too many lol)
@controversial-artist // our art archive
@babycurtis // Ponyboy’s account
(These are the only accounts I have, depending on if other alters make sideblogs this may be added to)
Fandoms/ interests:
Homestuck (definitely the one I talk the most about)
Hamilton/ amrev
SIX/ Tudor household
Ava’s demon
Metal family
Henry stickmin
The outsiders
Past URLs:
tobeeboy -> amnesiacCollector -> chinkerTwinker -> controversialCoven
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sntechsupport · 1 year
Look, pal, I just work here.
I think you've got the address wrong or maybe you've overestimated your speed, because so far I don't see any ship out there.
SN Tech Support (Gear)
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